Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1914, p. 5

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Library Globes Our LIBRARY GLOBES are very strong accurate, and the maps on them do not fade. onzed and All mounted on heavy metal stands, | very ornamental. 'GLOBES, full mounted, with meridian, and: mounted with full meridian, sizes 8 in. and 12 inch diameter, all in stock at FLA Half Price | Now is the time to buy a GLOBE at a great bi" I gain. Every one in the home will follow the war news on one of our large globes. R. UGLOW & CO. and 141 Princess Street CANADIAN NORTHERN TORONTO EXHIBITION Aug. 28th to Sgt. 1th OM KINGSTON Ap oe Single I Round Trip train Joave Kingaton 5.15. SCP. 151,°3rd, 8th, 10th "parce, toronto 138 st" Fare and a Third for a anion t.%0 van. Service Round Trip (Minimum 25¢.) August 31-to Sept. 11 Return Limit until 15th 1914 Regular dally (except Sumday) service hetween Kingston and Tor- particulars see Intest lew, Cafe Parlor Cars and Eleetrie- Ughted first clans coaches, or Rall and Steamnhin "Tickets. Parlor ¢ Car "Renervations, and, i. fare ther or aall and apply to. M. ©. DUNN, Station Agent. [A SEROUS SETBACK Ane need to GIVEN 'TO GERMAN MANUFAC. TURING INTERESTS. Principal Gordon Home From Eng- land, Speaks Of the Conditions There Is But One End, and That Is Victory For Great Britain. "We must expect some reverses, but keep up our courage. There is only one end to it all, and that is victory for Great Britain. The British people are thoroughly confi- dent of victory. The declaration of war created great excitement, but the people are now settling down and pay- ing all the attention they can to busi ness. Everything appears to be go- ing along fairly well with the excep- tion of husiness on the stock changes," Thus did Principal + Gordon, of Queen's University, who on Tuesday | alternoon returned from a trip to ling- land and Scotland, express himself, when asked about the war sitnation b a Wheg representative. Principal Gordon was accompanied on his holi day {rip by his daughter, Miss Minnie Gordon, and they had a most de- lightful stay in the old country and a most plaasant trip across the Atlantic and back. The journey home was made on the SS. Grampian. "We had a crowded ship on the re- turn voyage," remarked Principal Gor don, "as there 'were so many people ANXIOUS 'to return home. At first 1t fwas thought that the Grampian would be required by the government, but she was not taken over, al though it is altogether likely that the steamship will be utilized for the tak ing over of Canadian troops to kng- Iand on her next trip "England is managing to keen her import and export trade open usual," said Principal Gordon. ready many have suffered a very sotbeek. Ppople in outside tries have placed business Great: Britain which would otherwise have been given to~Germanv." Asked about Queen's Principal Gordon stated that the col lege would open "as usual on Oct Ist. Alghough he had been out of the city and was not acquainted with all #he conditiony, he did not think that the war would have a rious effect on the attendance at the university 'this term. A number of the students had volunteered ior ser vice with the engineering corps and were now at Valcartier awaiting or- ders to go to'the front, ex- as "Al serious coun- orders in se One Quality Only--The Best - Nothng short of that can satisfy us or yoo You don't know a GOOD tire unless you have tried a MICHELIN Bold by THE PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. All sizes kept in stock and prices right. Phone 454. 110-114 Wellington St. HIGHEST GUARANTEED Electric Iron, $350 For a short time only nF Halliday' s Electric Shop 345 King St. s Carin's Pure Scotch Jams Strawberry Raspberry Black Currant 'Green Gage MERLE EN Bramble Jelly Put up in 12 oz. jars and 5-1b. pails For Sale At All Grocers ~ SCHOOL SHOES For Boys and Boys' Box Calf Bluchers, ogular $2.00, Tov. S150 Misses' Box Calf Bluchers, regular $1.50, now . $1.25 1 The HH on its way bere i li ronto, the Canadian representative jl} of Wincarnils states i has not heen advanced. The principal had no changes to announce in regard to the teaching staff at the university. but intimated that some' appointments would likely be announced later The Temple Dancer. The already considerable step dan- cers, bare legged, sleep and dream dancers will be augmented by a new feature of the Grand Opera House Friday night, Aug. 28. The iatest phase in the domain of symbolic dances is the Hindoo and Japanese dances, the creator of which is Miss | Ruth St. Denis, For her coming tour Miss St. Denis will present the same elabor- ate program as produced in New York and will carry her entire com- pany and production, which includes all special scenery, gorgeous co03-« tumes and lighting effects. Unusual interest has been aroused here through the announcement of this famous dancer's appearance and the event promises to be one of the manufacturing interests in Ger- | university, | Bargains for Men One special lot men's working boots Special lot men's $4.00 fine boots .... Another lot men's $5.00 button and lace boots $3.49 .. $1.98 $2.98 Varden Sale of Women's Dolly Boots Regular $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 values, in button and lace, tan and black, kid and calf, now . . $1.98 Pumps Now $2.69 Women's $4 Women's $4.30 | Pumps and | Colonials $2.98 in Barefoot | P Bargains Sandals | All 10c Shoe Polishes Now ac. ABERNETHY'S Shoe Store ORDER" CAME FROM 'THE TIA DEPARTMENT. MiLI- Berger Was An Ex-German Officer-- He Was Paroled and Must Report ~Friends Likely Interceded. On Tuesday afternoon Col. T. D. R. Hemming, officer in command of the division acting under the advice of the militia department at Otta- wa paid a visit to Fort Henry and had J. H. Berger, who was being held as a German spy released on | most prominent of the season from a social point of view. Dr. Robinson Reported Hereahouts. Rumors that Dr. C. K. Robinson, of Tamworth, Ont., is in this section are still heard at regular intervals, the Watertown, \.Y., Standard favs Some woman in Sacket's Harbor telephoned | sping murder the Watertown police recently, that the man wanted for the lof Blanche Detective A Wood hurried to the depot, al though placing little credence in th woman's story No person who hove poy close resemblance to the physic jan left the train and Capt. Wood re turned to headquarters Capt N. Special Session For Drunk. A, special session of the was required Tuesday afternoon deal with the case of John Mark, arrested for being drunk. When he was arraigned at the regular session of the court in the morning be pleaded not guilty and as a. result his case was allowed to stand © over until the afterhoon. He was found guilty on the evidence of Copstables McCarey and Millinger, who round- ed him up, 'and the magistrate im- posed: a fine of $2 and costs, . with the option of twenty days. Married In The West. Dr. Wilmot FE. Patterson, rie, Minn., and Miss Ruth I. don, of Mankato, Man., were mar- ried on™ Angust 14th, by Rev. Clark W. Comstock, at the bride's home. Dr. Patterson and bride took an auto trip through southern Min- nesota and northern Towa. They will veside in Currie, Minn, where Dr. Patterson has been the "popular phy- sician for the past two years, Dr. Patterson is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Patterson, New. burgh, Ont. police « to of Cur- Brag- Suing For Damages. As a result of injuries sustained when Ite was placed under arrest and dragged off a boat at Alexandria N.Y. on July 15th, William EK. Bog- anchetz, Clayton, has begun an ac- tion for $1,000 for assault against orke was aboard a train | . { Will report at certain times and that ourt | parole. It will be remembered that A ror was arrested in the city of Windsor last week as he acknow- ledged that he Was an ex-German {officer and was at the present time | on the reserve list He w brought the e¢ity on Saturday and since time he "has dccupied a very comfortable apartment at Fort Hen- ry Since his confinement it is thought {that some of his friends have been | instrumental in getting his release. | Before released he was compelled jto sign papers to the effect that he the will It is sta commercial confinement financially keep the peace | ted that Berger is a {traveller and while in { has suffered very, much le due to loss of business S---- { Making Alterations On Tuesday morn'ng the work of | niaking the necessary alterations to the quarters at Fort Henry, where the suspected Germans are to be con- fined was commenced and will be rushed. along as fast as possible. It is altogether likely that ig the tourse ofa couple of ks. Uva population at the fort will be graat- ly increaséd. It was léarned, on Tuesday morn- ing, that since the ex-German officaz arrived at the fort the other four Germans are not mearly as quiz: as they were, In many cases thuse Germans have been very insuic'ug to the guards who are on duty. The German officer is particularly so and is continually complaining. Although this man is served wita the same kind of food as the guard he grumbles. The food is the best that cam be purchased and is cook% ed in the home of the caretaker af the fort. y There appears to be no fear of the men breaking out of their rooms at the fort as they are closely waliii- ed. A man is on duty all the whiia marching up and down in front of the place where they are locked ap. Theatrical Case Settled. Magistrate Farrell rendered judg- ment on Tuesday afternoon in tha case of Thompson and wife, against the manager of the Orpheum' Harry Powell, police officer, of -Alex- andria Bay. Wincarnis Frank 8S. Ball, P.O., Box 577, To- that he has stocks in various parts of the do- minion, and anyone unable to pro- cure supplies will Kindly note to write him. The price of Wincarnis German press jn hegiining n_ for og retention of Sntlon Fiore theatre, for non payment of wages. Plaintiffs were awarded $33.25. plaintiffs to pay the costs of the court. Insurance Not Raised. The Oddfellows' Relief = Association has issued a circalar stating that al- though soldiers. on active duty eame under the double hazardous risk, that the assessment of volunteers who are insured in the T.OOF. doviety, will not be raised. op nina Sie of the Three-fourths ¢tour to Great Britain GERMAN SPY LET G0 of after A Sign of the Best Hats that you can. always depend on is the satisfaction that men who wear ours find in them. Ask the man who habitually wears Our Hats if he likes them; if he finds them comfortable in shaping, smart in} tyle,-of desirable material. ! THEN PRICE. OME IN ON YOUR ASK THE AND TRY SIZE. - Campbell Bros., 84 Princess St. WANT TO CARRY REVOLVERS. Frontenae Residents Permiss During the past few days seven residents from Frontenac have ap- plied to Justice of the Peace George Hunter for permission to carry re- volvers, The men 'claim there are 30 many dangerous looking rharac- ters 'roaming around that it'is not safe for one to travel over the yoaas after dark The men who are causinjg the trouble visit the farmers' gardens ind take anything they desire to éat. The men who have applied fo Jus- tice of the Peace Hunter are mostly stage-drivers «lah that § Applying For One butcher clahms that one even- 'ng last week some Wnknown rnan at- tempted to rob him on the rosd. The ramp. grabbed the horse by the Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House All Builder's Material wBest. Quality--Lowest Price "orbetts Ofl Cloths and Linoieums and Carpet ares. We have a large stock of Refrl tors and Gas Stoves; also all kinds sew and second-hand furniture; al 5 1 se sold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains. ©, SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. hone 1580 Opposite Craig's Wholesale bridle and attempted to bring the horse to a standstill. The wmriver, '00 quick for the man, whipped the horse and was able to get away be- for he was touched up for his jjocket- dook which contained about $500. Mr. and Mrs. x W. Stafford, Seel- ev's Bay, announce tht engagement eva, to I. Edgar Lockwood, New! of their eldest daughter, Ry ; .. the er 0d, Nelehliss: William Farr, a prom resident. Brackyille, b pasted -- aiunday, 't bu; buy White euths heap Bowes INSPECTION Come in and inspect our fall stock The latest and best in every departs LER sna: ment 2 Fancy Divans, Armchairs and Rocks' ers upholstered any material yon i may select as our upholsterers and cabi ki are at your. ¢

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