Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1914, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE a nAy wmo iv © mave a al Events, and ments of the People. = i Frankville Notes, ankle, 22. Robert Gray ra to Addison. Mrs, i Nanton and her son' are visiting His week in Brookville. . Han- on took a load to Brockville in his car last night. They were James .J. Smith, Fred. Pattemore, Lieorge Moti and the two Hart boys. A large crowd is ¥oing to the Roman Catho- lic pienic at Toledo today. A. R. Hanton and John KE. Loucks started out with their machine. _E. Howitt has his parcel post up. Fo Se J box At Oso Station. Oso Station, Aug. farmers are through harvesting. . Grain ie a fair crop. The held (in Alexander England's grove on Wednesday last was a grand suc- cess. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Robin- gon, of Sudbury are visiting friends here. Miss Mary McArton and Miss Elliott, of Carleton Place, few days with Mrs. 8S, C. Burk. Mr. and Mrs. J. Munro of Maberly spent Sunday at Alexander England's. Mrs. Chapman and little son, of Perth, spent a few days with Mrs. Joseph Warren. Donaldson Doings. Donaldeom, Aug.: M.--The farmers are cutting grain, which! is rather light crop. r. and Mx. D. C. Me Dougall called on friends in this vi ginity recently, Services were con ducted here Sunday last by Rev. A. J MeMullen, of McDonald's Corners. Messrs. Melville Paul and James Mor ron made a business trip to Perth re cently. A little boy has come to hrighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. F Bartraw. Mr. and Mrs. George I'aul spent Sunday at Andrew Paul's, Mc Vonald « Corners. Mr. and Mrs. J Sargeant spent Sunday at T. Sar geant's. Holleford Happenings. Holleford, Aug. 24. The Circuit pie vie, which interests quite @ number at this appointment, has been arranged for Friday of this week, at Harting: * ton. he Bauder threshing mill is making its rounds. Mrs. James Wal ker has returned from Guelph, where she attended the funeral of her aunt Mer little granddaughter, Ruth Coul ter, | of Rothe, accompanied her home. J. Medeoi and sister were recent a a Mr. Dowker's, Hart ington, Mre. + O'Reilly spent last week in the Ce Mr. and Mrs. Free man and granddaughter, Evelyn, Wil mer, spent Sunday at J. D. Medeof's Rev. Mr. Humphery, at R. Babcook's wd Westport News, Westport, Aug. 24.-John J Cann, who has been a patient St. Vincent de Paul hospital, ville, died on Wednesday evening Ella Ruthven, of Elgin, is the. of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bradley Mr and Mrs. Walter Whitmarsh are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whit marsh. E. Garvin, of Montreal, is spending his holidays at his home here. John H. Stoness and family have moved to town. Mr. Stoness will take over the management of the electric light system. = Miss Mary Black, who has been seriously ill for the past month, is slowly recovering. NS. Riply is building a new veran- arounchis residence. Messrs. Me "ative and Speagle, gustsuctors, have 4he contract of building A. Charbon nédw's mew residence, The work is progressing favorably. * Building A New Bridge. Mukvale, Aug. 24.---Portland ship is putting in a fine new con erate and steel bridge over Mud Creek. The Methodist Sunday school held its annual picnic Wg VanLuven's grove on Tuesday, Aug. 18th, which was largely attended. A fine time was spent by all: Harrowsmith jun iors defeated Murvale in a game of baseball on Saturday by the of 8.to 4. The threshing machine in this locality. Bruce Henderson has Me- at tha Broek: Mion guest town score 1s have 24--Most of the pienic spent a returtied from the west on account of I ---------------- The Monarch, a North Sea unit, was built in 1912 and is of the Orion class, She carries ten 13.5 in. guns, four 3 prs, sixteen 4 in three torpedo tubes, The small views show two of her formidabk looking guns. at Nt tt ttt ttt ttl i tai st. Fdith Shil Inst week Newman William Sto Trish, Yarker, Ver- at who have cottages at spent the Brule erg Irom Ottawa, holidays "at their have returned home Russel \ and lington spent' a few days at Fish .Crebk. Visitors Babeock, Kingston, at vet's; Mr. and Mrs. M. at DD. Murton's; Mrs. Botting, ona, and Mrs. William Botting, D. Taggart's sickness. lake, Repairing A Bridge, Aug. 24 he Work is now ing done on the river bridge Curl"s Crossing, the bridge been pronounced as unfit for trafic. Harry Robinson has been on the sick Jist but is mow better. Mr. and Mrs Methodist church was | F. Freeborn took in an' exenrsion to 19th inst., in | Ottawa 'Cxscently. Miss Daniord About $132 was | spent last" week with her friend, Wiss buying cattle | Olive Salsbury, of this place. Robert ; y Publow. inspec | Ashley. had the misfortune to lose n or Yi ited this factory the us horse hy breaking its leg by stepping anc eft gooc reports. r wchols |; " s 1 8 sek M . has his new blacksmith shop in work in 2 hole os ook, Aad es ing order and is doing a good busi | yr John Javne and sons; wghn and ness. Miss Wood, of Flinton, has| Gagege, of this place, visited friends buen engaged jo teach Ye Beech tor at Harlowe last week. Though rain TSO <, ¢ rOHE 3 hing Nn we sons, Henry and Ralpe, are spending again Hn ng ad pr he week-end at Pinehurst cottage, '. =" . ; Brule lake apm J Kring and danch png x BMGBE the _Soen aud to Li the. guests of Mrs. t. | mumpkin and cucumber vines. Vin cont Manion arrived home on Friday Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of > : Siveacuse: N.V... who have after absencer of some months guests of Mrs J. F. Card for weeks, have returned home H. Card of Smith's Falls, is spending his holi days at home. A number of camp Bethel, News From Plevna. 22 ~The annual picnic Aug the Wednesday, 's grove Ylevna, in aid of heid on Armstrong resized. GA Ostler" in this viemily Mr. has havoe are an Toronto been the wes of two! est ' Long Point Locals, Miss Pont, . Aug. 23 1 funy NO SOILED HANDS OR POCKETS When you chew PACIFIC BRIGHT CHEWING because each plug is separately wrapped .in foil, which not only ensures your getting it. in perfect condition, but keeps it from becoming dry in your. pocket. Cleanliness all the way through, from the time it is manufactured until you take your last bite, is the great feature with this "DELICIOUSLY GOOD" CHEWING PLUG a satin insert highly prized by collectors because of the many beautiful things that can be made from them, is packed. with each plug. See' window displays Having | Lena THZ DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 101, H.M.S. MONARCH BRITISH SUPER-DREADNOUGH1 granfison, i a Webster, left their island home om Friday to return to Smith's Falls. Mrs. Edward Van- derburg, after nursing for two weeks at Portamouthy spent last' week very I y with friends at Kingsto and © dail. Miss H. Green, Lausdowne, crossed the lake on Sa- turday to visit friends at Charles- ton. Pine Hill and other places. Johm Reid is now convalescent after an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. Mrs. John: Slack aud da and Mr. and Mrs. W. Kid ton, spent Sunday with fri Lansdowne. Rev. Mr. Wilson is at tending the camp meeting this week at Lake Elodia. Cushendale Notes. Cushendall, Aug. 24¢.--Most of the farmers are getting threshing done. Mr. Corkey's threshing machine is do- ing work in the Isle of Man. Several of our young en have gone to do home duty at Valcartier camp. Mr. Bauden and family , formerly of Col- line Bay, have moved into Mr. Duffy's en Bryan is visiting friends at Berry: ton. Miss Darlie Flood, Delta, visited at C. O'Connor's on Monday and Tuesday. Datid . Townsend and Clark, made a trip to Ganano- que on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bevens visited at T. Bevens' Ganano- que. Misses Myrtle and Hilda Kel- Je have returned from visiting friends at Short Point. Joseph Be- vens has returned from Charleston, where he was engaged at carpenter work. Mrs. Mary Desmond and dau- ghter, Miss Helen Desmond, of Can- ton, N.Y,, are visiting at (. and 'E. O'Connor's. Mr. and Mrs James lFownsend and family visited at G. Sly's, Berryton, on Sunday Wise Katie Rass, a former resident of this has been appointed superinten- of the Mowat Memorial Hospi- Kingston. Recent visitors: Mrs. Simes, Tyndhurst, at 1. CG. Tye's; Mr. and Mrs. William Moorehead, of Sweet's Corners, "at John Moore- head's; Miss Viola Slv and B. Sly, at Mrs. Susan Seabrook's' Miss Helen Desmond, Canton,' N.Y., at Arthur | D. Slack's; Miss Kathleen MacNamee { and Bernard. MacNamee, Lansdowne, | at Charles J. @'Connor's. 1 } Visitors..At. Kepler. ) Kepler, Aug. -24.--George Maloney and company are in our péighbor- hood threshing. They things hum, T. J." Garrett is draw- ing material for building a silo. Vrs Sunday school class - on Fridav after- nopn. Miss Redmond ( end her son, place, dent tal, | i niece, {to the Good Shepherd hospital | training. Mrs, Ambrose' Orser arrived home after spending | time at Sharbot Lake visiting her | daughter. Rev. W. K. Short, + King- ston, occupied 'our pulpit vesterdav very acceptably. © Anderson = Town- send and wife are visiting at Archie I'rousdale's. for has some Mrs. G. Snider and Vancouver, B.C,, and Mrs. Mrs. tors daughter, Sweet and daughter, Belleville, Traves and son, Tatimer, at Hiram Wartman's; Miss Hattie Buck, Miss Jenmie Clough and: the Misses Sigs- worth, at Ambrose Orser's; Miss Hel en Wood, Sydenham, at Stewart Guess'; William <A. Lawson, Roches- ter. and T. F. Lawrence and family, at CO. Lawson's: Noble Ellerbeck, wile and danghtee at T. A. Townsend's: Harry Lindsav and family visited at ?. Lyon's, Latimer, on Sunday; John Redmond is visiting friends Miss ¥. M. Townsend is I.atimer; Miss Em- Wolsev's. Mrs in the city; { at ber sister's in { ma Wolseley is at T. Morewood Messages. Morewood, Aug. 23.--Rev. D. D. El tliott is spending a few 7days with friends at Haley's Station and Ren- brew Mrs. J. Ault, Winchester, was { a guest on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Allison. Mrs. | John Bowes and grandson, Anson | Howes, Manion, are at present guests { at the. Methodist parsonage. Mr. and heays were guests on Friday at { the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allison. 1 Mrs MQuaig and her sister, Miss Hunter, left for the west on Tuesday, after spending some. time with their parents. here. Mr. Swirtferger, Meswrs: Galfap and Mr. Hunter left last week to attend model school in Cornwall, Rev. T.. P. Shaver preach- ed in the Methodist church on Sun day. Mrs. A. McConnell is, at pres- ent, in the Cornwall' hospital, having undergqpe an operation for appendi- citis or, Jarvis, who underwent an operation some time 0, for appen- dicitis, is improving and will soon be able to return home. Rev. D. D. and Mrs. Elliott attended the wedding of | Mr. Forbes and Miss Countryman, Rev. Mr. Elliott performed the cere fast Wendy, Dr. and Mrs. mony Earle, Avonmore, remewed old ac quaintances here last week and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dLoukes. Mr. and Mrs. A. Allison were recent visitors at Winchester, . ------ News From Outlet. Outlet. Ang. 21. --The farmers searly through their grain and report gbod Jietd, Mr. boii Mrs Athens, ware Wecent visitors in -- town. Mrs H H. Leacock, Lans- |so; downe, was the guest of Mrs = Ro- bert Stacey at' her island home last week. On Monday Mi Kizer and were { mrs are {R. | j week 10'Gorman, who was killed while dril- {ling a IX harleston, re ry, are making | Wellington Orser entertained her | Miss Lena Redmond, have gone | { were house. A little girl visitor has come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greenlee, also one to Mr. and Mra. |W. Hunter. Mrs. W. Henderson and { daughter have returned to Deseromto, {after visiting ber mother, Mrs. Ward. | Miss Calvert, Delta, and little Miss | Maitland, Brewer's Mills, visited aot Mee. Trotter's last week. Miss Ger- main, Portsmouth, at her uncle's, A. Germain. William S. Ward and son, Montreal, visited his mother last The funerat of the late Mr. well through here Mills' cemetery, near Cataraqui, passed en route to Brewer's on Saturday. Charleston Walts., Aug. 24.--Miss E. Ber- Gananoque, has been holidaying with her wunt, Mrs. E. Webster.- L. McConnell 'and A. J. Love, Lynd- hurst, were visitors at Mrs. Mul. vauna"s over Sunday. I. - Foster, Brockville, spent Saturday even- ing and Sunday with his brother, RR. Foster, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Ack- land, Atheus, are occupying Mrs Johnston's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kavanagh attended the picnie at Toledo on Saturday. Mrs. H. J. Shaw, Miss Yerry and Miss Delia Kenney came over from Camp on Wednesday and spent the day with Mrs. M. J. Kavanagh. B. Slack at- tended the picmic at Toledo on. BSa- turday. Miss C. Halliday, Totonto, ia holidaying here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Halliday. Dr. and Mrs. C. Johnson and Miss Gertie Johnson are visiting at Mr.. John son's, Oak Teaf. Mr. and Mys. Johnson entertained a few friends at their pottage on Tuesday even- ing Mrs. H. T. Smith and child- | ren, Ottawa, were recent wasitors at | 1. Hefiernan's. Miss E. Curtis left | to-day for Port Arthur aiter holi- | daving at her uncle's, A Botsford's. The hum of the thresher is again to be heard in this vicinity. The har- vest is progressing very slowly, ow- ing to the wet weather. Phillipsville News Budget Phillipsville, Aug. 24.-- The fre- quent showers since July 23rd have done a world of good to the pastur- , root crops, corn and late sown | grain. Corn is getting a wonderful growth. Some of the farmers are nnished harvesting. Others are done cutting grain in the stock. Mrs. WW. {Trotui is. able to be out driving again. The horse she was driving be- came frightened at an auto, throw- ing her out. George Burt fell from a scaffold and got badly shaken up. He had to lay up for a few days. Acheson Bros. paid $8.50 per cent. for hogs on Saturday and shipped them to Montreal. One local but- cher says that beef cattle is very scarce. Apples in this sectiom will be scarce this fall. Many orchards have not an apple in them. The trees were stripped of every leaf by the ex lapple tree worm, and are as bare will be in November. The Phillipsville baseball nine wtni to Lyndhurst on Saturday. J. W. Sum- mers and family are enjoying their holidays near Cardinal. They drove down there in their auto. Mrs. 'E. Whitmore who was a visitor at her father's, L. N. Phelps, in Delta two weeks has returned home. Mrs. (Dr.) Lillie, of Westport, and a lady friend from New York city, week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. Seed and daughter, Nora, of Toronto, are at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Chisholme. Miss Anna Murphy, Brewer's Mills, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Kennedy. Mies Cielia Kennedy is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dennis Mur- phy, Brewer's Mills. as they Death Of A Lad. Stella, Aug. 25.--~The death took place on Sunday, at noon, of a you resident, in the person of Harold P. Howard, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Howard. 'Lhe deceased has been ailing since the spring. He was only seven years of age. His aunt, Mrs. (Capt.) I. Sanders, Cleveland. and cousin, Miss (3. Preston, Clifton Springs, N.Y., arrived last week and remained with him. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Glenwood ceme- tory. and was conducted by Rev. J. Dixon. Thanksgiving service was bed in St. Alban's church on Sunday evening, Arc Carey, Kings- ton, gave a very interesting sermon. A missionary meeting was held in the Methodist church on Monday evening. Rev. M. Taylor, Gananoque was the speaker. Quite a number attended the concert and lecture held under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the English church in Victoria hall, on Thursday evening. Rev. J. KE. Lindsay, Ottawa, gave a sixty-minute lectdre on "Ireland." Tt was much Spteciated. Samuel Cronk is serjous- Iy ill. >. Patterson lost a year- ling lt last week. Mrs. P. Shiw- mick 'and, daughters returned home to Fri gu aw a erowlfig louder as be Jolly | =TTORTIRED BY CONSTIPATION oFrult-3-ives" Cured Paraly- 20d Bowels and Digestion $7. BONIFACK DE SHAWINIGAN, QUE, Feb, 3rd, 1914. 'It is a pleasure tome to inform you that after suffering from Chronic Constipation for 233 years, I have been ured by' "Fruit-a-fives'". While I was a student at Berthier College, I became so ill I was forced to leave the the college. Severe pains across the intestines continually tortured me and it came to a point when I could not stoop down at all, and my Digestion became paralyzed. Some one advised me to take "Frait-a-tives" and at once 1 felt a great improvement. After I had taken four or five boxes, I realized that T was completely cured and what made me glad,. also, was that they were acting gently, causing no pain whatevertothe bowels, All those who suffer with Chronic Constipation should follow my example and take "'Pruit-a-tives"' for they are the medicine that cures". MAGLOIRE PAQUIN "Pruita-tives" are sold by ail dealers at sec. 4 box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a tives Limited, Ottawa. RS OUR TOBACCO With the "Rooster" on ft. Jose along pe Abe, per pound. For ¢ T A MACLEAN'S, spy A a i AA Toronto physicians decided to give professional services free to depen dents of Canadians who go to serve in the war. ewing aac From now on all shines Se. Eleven years ' in Kingston. We're here to star. We'll give you a 10c¢ shine for Sc, Pappas Bros. Two parlors, 90 and 200 Prin. cess Street. er ---- New York Fruit Stor e. Arriving daily Plums, Peaches, Pears, Green Gages, by | the has basket. ] Phone 1405. ®. Prost Delivery. Ladies' Suits We are now showing the iat. est fall styles and costumes. Now is the time to leave your order and have your suit wade before the fall rush, 76 Brock St. Phone 1518 THE MAN THAT SUITS YOU A and Beecham' to which all iow Tetr ig oF plano impure - os "Bills Worth a G The Best Remedy For All Ages proven so by thousands upon thousands of tests the whole world over, is the f: family medicine, -- 3 Pills. The Fe Bong gr . are subject, --from which many serious _sicknesses, are corrected or prevented by and you will KNOW what it means sounder sleep, Aor System system has Prepared oaly by Thomas Beecham, Se. Helens, clens, Lancashire, Boglead. Sold everywhere in Canada asd U. S. America.' pr coe The digections with every box are very valusble--~espesially to women. the di come 80 PILLS brighter ler eyes and been cleared parents, d- are Sk as a ry uinea a Box INDIA PALE ALE Not a Useless WHOLESOME with dietetical -- MADE AS GOOD Intoxicant, but a BEVERAGE medicinal and uses AS WE t AN MAKE IT If not sold by nearest wi ne and spirit merchant, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED CANADA Extra Granulated Sugar is put up at the Refinery in 2 Pound When you buy, Extra Granulated Sugar in any of these original packages you are sure of getting the genuine It's worth while to insist on the Original Package.

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