Your Best Interests OFTHE OAY|LA LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF Are served when You place your Banking affairs GENERAL INTEREST with The Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample _ ferns Liar facilities, widespread, well-chosen eonnections, and Bapyeuiugs i the City and Viclnity : 3 ~What the Merchants Offer to the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you the Readers of the Whig. will find careful and interested attention "$1 Emulsion for 50c." Gibson's. " |cONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. : ' FOR SALE. sh our aceo nt, d an accuracy i handlin he Mis. John Herlehy, Westport, is : J eat pe 2 An! an a as y Be at ing t spending a few days in Kingston. ox] x Fo wows June En FTREE First insertion ic a Thereatier, © ol lg Onin BAR PIN SET WITH FRARLS THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST smallest details that yon will appreciate A fancy dress ball will be an event WEDNESDAYS ord, Minimum charge. for 309 Brock street. Fifder please I egiiCay 200; thies timen 500; $5 000 000 to-night at the Thousand Island Park. ome insertion, 33c} To insertions, ave at 309 Broek St. trite oem ont se Ew | $6,307,272 gute siresgth Sy yads." ; Gib 55 oi ng Senin T WRITE FOX TERRIER DOG WITH | Goldman. 187 Division Bt 0 Mt Fer eee "en . 4 2 4 i : n : y ! son's. + 8 : HELP WANTED. brown head and MErkinEs, Sunday J om esrems-- The handicap motor hoat race, afternoon Reward of $3.00 if re: BLACK HORSE, EXCELLENT DRIVER NCORPORATIS seed for Friday evening. "was Brrr 2 WORDS GR own | meio io May Rhoetpagn hE | er, sae chia ADDIS 101 Beveriy Y A . mtiiiied to Major Toampatn, RN 1 postponed to a later date. under this head, costs 25c for one FOR CHARTER. nh Parkin and . Parkin, Brandon X _ y > night, or 50c for three. SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SHAPE an., are visiting their brother, T. M. y CRE x . ». dawson, pianos es ' : GENERAL SERVANT. NO WASHING | LAUNCH MAYBEE, WITH FULL GOV. Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess St Parkin, 93 Clergy street west, ii 1 : NE ironing Family of two 160 ernment equipment i e------ mr DOSY BT. OF | & John and Robert McLaughlin and . i Stuart' street. pilot ey i handle SBing 400 Dine GA3 Rixcbs vig REFRIGERAT. reasonable es, whil . Ars. Smith, Kingston, are visiting TEA 4 GIRLS WANTED FOR THE WORK- week-end Island rambles. For st, AT Turks Troon Wille they Ly yr W. eit Alexander Mel, aughlin' in Prescott. room. Apply Monday morning te: OS A i, Driver, Phone Kingston. 1 Buy a lot from us and pay for it in ¥ next. N.C. Polson & Co ANYONE HAVING SHCONDHAND a stoves or furniture for sale, call on y i . installments. When it is paid for The finest the world's largest Sete ati SE 4 'McEAY er. vowll have a fine § 4 + GENERAL SERVANT, MUST HAVE : 'me for first class prices. J. Thomps= GEORGE ' Manag Dome Si : Met hein lowiavion fof H producer tan. grow, a "references. Apply ns hs i piri ole gon Ya) Erinvons bt. Piette Sam. : A o : 10 Mrs. Brigstocke, 152 University SSE 8 Three marine captains, J. B. Foote ff] Frices from 23¢: to $1 per Ib. Tas i TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. | KINGSTON MATTRESS FACTORY, A and 1G, D. Secord, Toronte. ami Bal i or------tr-- Once 26¢, three times be. good, paying business, will sell "the I er scc Te ies no, aml Neg FAMETARER . 2FOR VICTORIA | meer erate on Completes MI sachinerey in ba » ' y school building, Union str A FURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 165 BA. tory 856 Pot, order. Apply at face on Saturday. plications will be received by got street West after four o'clock jory, 556 Princess street, iss Mande Bina pat ar of the Boar AO» | emma tee cect meee. | ete ei Miss Mamie Blackburn, of Vernon : Ser i Te C1} STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC. OFFIC K DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 41 ville, returned to her home on Sa- ¥ : - . clean and dry. McCann, 83 Brock n gh in front and 561-2 in. high : A street. at back. Three drawers and one Apply turday, after , visiting Mrs. J Ss. , IXPE « QUIR- « > MrCalln: Jokiecs ato. : AGENTS, NO EXPER EXCE mEaU) IR={ EERE sti top shelf Slightly used. ; e('ulla, Johnson street. to hand! our special g ~N IG TODA RE DE NC £ FOR British Whig office. 'Worm lozengers."" (ij § rner of Barc and and Clergy sets profits to hustlers. Write ® oy | ' wo, thr » five years. For par 1 I -------------------------------------------- tibson's. (DV ist, 1014 BE particitars. Hillcrest Specfalt three or \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES $2.00. Al Under the William Shales, - M.A, of Queen's, [an wp-to-date school for. the training Yonge St. Toronto, ticular Phone 684 also Dunlop tires, at and Mrs. Shales, have leit the city Girls and Children, morals, physi | mmo 1S Shh; orders, promptly attended 'to 1 3 ? Iya stually 4 of Suis 3 r 30), SHND i CRNISHE D HOUSE TO RENT FROM or for Ingersoll, where he has secured cally and intellec tually. dE PORTRAIY aur NE, sy 0 May, No. 115 Bagot street carpet cleaning and laying, George Languages, Literature and ¢ for catalogue 1 Muller, 373 King St. the 'position of science master in the [1sh branches thoraughly taus also prints, portraits, fat and ¢ ningham & Mudie Collegiate. Drawing, sical Culture and frames 'and sheet pictures ' TICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. | FOR SALE OR WILL EXC ¥ Camphor ice" Gibson's Whe oourue A anences with Ar) chants Portrah: Ca. Terunto, i ox wie Xs Api ARNE in aA. £hy property, a new a Age Fon > . gs York, and continues throu 1 gr BE | TRE EFS \ 7 a 3 oat" 1§ h, p : ot . Alr, and Mr b V. Perry, Marble { Advanced claves in Col Le ¥ 2 P00 mon: PF ERSON y ni | -- He, 78 Clare Shretive ronal order engine. $500. Boat Military or Naval Service Form esi ow oar ol 5 cy |) Bor newpaprni no" Caniainin | NEW WHACK DWELLING, ® ROoMN. | Jou Cipnished. Adres Hox 108, turned home, aiter speoding the week Ra) or tra) n Send for part) 1 Pre vit- 3. r 10. J.8.R. ) e. { ¥ Matriculation £ : . : end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kel- {7 J r cate, 3,869 Lc i, .. ¢ - ck x > y v 3 a v5 18 or fur her information apply to A J SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PI Apply to Howard S. Folger, Agency Manager, 44 Clarence Street, sey, Fairfield. East | \DA J. BATES, Prin 1 co" wo wiv wo AmAVEL | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN square pianos, gnr. caANGS, -------- | 253 Albert TWO : Al dry, airy rooms: vour own ldeck and gans, Angelus player and musfo 1 4 . -- in g $ e key Frost's Cit Storage, 29% rolls, organs and gramophones, i 1 , Posten 22 : Queen St. 1 ne b Cash "or time payments. New | ol y. | s Co. N Falls ' a ------------------ Scale Willlams Piano Agency, 38 FOR THE SUMMER, FU RNISHED Montreal St, Kingston i -- - EE house, all cor 1veniences, E1eCUr IC | emt wom AN FOR GENERAL light, gas and telephone; centrally $1300 DOUBLE FRAME HOU SE, BEV. B id $ C t Att ti : 5d ; Jee housework, small family; must b iocated. Address Box L, Whig office erly Street. 3 % + good plain ook Appl Phe t------------------------------------------ N y , u ers on ractors ention £0 vaning to Mrs. Bowie. $20 iarl|A NEW, SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE Ing a OUSE, OURe y k t with Darn Jana large strip of lang 500-8 =) "DETACHED BRICK, ' : 3 i erm ees Al t y to J. D. Boy fete Band for sale in any quantity A : : : ils Ping st,' ir' Eastview Fark I | #4000--SOLID BRICK, NEW. ALL IMs : pe --- . provements. CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE 3 : T's & seller and easily des | GRO. A. BATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE # ry : : a i 4 City of Kinrtonr to is offering deben.) __ ¢ Le Stanle y , PWELLINGS FROM $30 { i ------ HOB Cheapest Brick on the Market ' BY "§ [tures of $100.00 and upwards. Rate of | 0 1 Ave, Re nn « ' 50; also unfurnished from $0 | on 2 pa 3 interest 5 per cent. per an a payable a lo $3 Re Met ann, $2 Brod) pa TARINE hry 0900 RE. y 3 x - A : p 0 " - THE KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, + a gar FETT TA St Powe sian BL | ERAN Gl fever eat: y FoR » v o ove stimu ™ : : 0 MARKET ¥ i. 1 arin LIMITED. . s ¢ a n en B Los ai n - ME ( prosen ON by D THE h about 80 horse power, pS g joa I ' ' r and feed store. Pos plate but needs some repairs. Une 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. 3 | Saturday, 22nd August, ape arge . oe } st t Appl Stationary boiler, 45 horse power, © ' hy 3 % A. SHAW, Mayor. , i 3 XM Sullivan, tract shaking grates all in good repa"r, Yards, Sowards' Dock oe - Adams & Duford Co, Chaumont, N, policies there are no restrictions on travel, residence, occupation or MEN FOR FIREMEN AND |A FURNISH . - brakemen on nearby rallroads boro L " 3 wl a half Wages $100 to $120 monthly Ex- from rar Rent 25 per 3 iNnecessary Permanent month. Apply to James Shepherd PERSONAL. ¢ ns; promotions. Send inverary I" 3 Rallwa r NN | comms ee L CUP BHES OUT FOR 10 Age | ih . ar ' A r - 4 UCK: SEND le |W ll ; - ' . op ; - |oPHERS RECE : right bedrooms Raphae xington Ave, ; he Men enrolled for duty ov-| ERE RECEIVE 3 305 WERK arge b ight t ! iro om ay as 4 Lexington Ave, New : X : 1 (! 1 | fately for full partieulars; sample ric lig 148% Ww hig fie ---- ett plet ersea in the C.AS.C., willl Box "TURR? re, literatur ste. Experience Xt : ienc = -- mmr RE 0 ™ If ri-| unnecessary. Ineclose 10c to cover VEN ROOMED HOUSES Send birthdate and stamps for ip of and trial reading M enker, 1958 The time is drawing near when the up-to-date farmer dsains his land, Kod, assemble at armouries but now is the time to place your order with the ningston Brick Yard for bit : 3 tile required. plet us book your orders now and they will receive our ! morning at 10 a.m., for | Ly EE ae near he fon streets Bon ' Yo . ngolen Calif. Sa - 3 WH \ 30 YOU ANY ABILITY AS A = FOO d ti 1 nu K 1 nportant>gues- prompt attention. y You may Bis order ahy You may Jf ire te draw SUE : : ; 2 Te instruc tions and sign pay- H AY oY, ANY a ind e . te 4 Sou Ee ing the winter. We will also be pleased to book your order for the bric vito 18 noe a ah rance roll to make which will enable you to "bec stre A SO summer - i ao for that new house you are going to build next summer." You will want the "ye x | . earn more money than you are » at astvie Park Apply to MARRY -- THE REL ABLE BE, CONFI. i ar Ge g 3 N 4 D Dinnr = . > oy > earning at the present time. Cor- g e N sto) dential Suce ub ¥ 4 to draw the bricka this winter. Get your order infmnly and avoid the ns I ay and subsistence al- hoe ee HL nt - me - rm dential i Sunes ith hae Jarge " 9 '6 ye, Pak * . Address to Manager, Box , King- " hers, both «sex vs, 'Wishi Battersea Budget. - lowed from date of signing.| H5N"8n Ee Stina rs. She A Neal Kingston Brick Yard] roe ma. me rmmmte W. A MITCHELL, reson wae vo om 3 [rors steven | ¥ruvel, Box dom Oakiwod, Cal Bivisi $ , qq. | service was held in the Metho alor ear combination, 12 ment Society; orporated 1X63; | HAIR, wor. BS, WARTS, HIRTHMARKS Division Street. Phone 1396. dist church on Sunday, Aigust : . Bip Maj i > « tr wr 3, Culane 1 Henry R: Smith owths and skin blemish. do -------- 2nd, the pastor, Rev. A. W. Stewart, ¥ No. 3 « O., A threshers. ine } :! } "Coy proj 5 0 LY, ond fam eo "a0 el re manny, Without officiating Rex Melvin Taylor pounds, If 3 tons; Str s Wire > res: mortgages purchase ' J. Lake. Bve. ar. Nose Gananoque, chairman of 'the district, 4 "TTT ----= pulls posts, hoists. etc. Chance fo deposits received and interest "al. Throat 'an «cialist, 268 Ba. presided at the meeting of the quar- ing proposition. Harrah Manuf: Clarence street. i wn rm: terly official board on the following Notice, I turing Co. Box K, Bloomfield tts tetera ------ Tuesday. Arrangements are being r ~ WANTED GENER iil /ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE MUSIC. 7 Frontenac St, brick, all modern, good location. Price 54,000 {rade for the annual harvest din Fire Insurance ¢ ompar Ww. Available L niversity Ave, double brick, corner. Price F000 | or on Sept 'nl Mrs. V a ------ Sr A e------------------ assets (% addition to ov - ' on Sept. 2nd Irs. William Keel \ YOUNG COUPLE WHO WOULD ALL BR ASS, REED AND STRING " , rele 4 : : which « s have for IN Princess Nt, brick business block, two stores. Price $8008}. has returned home after spending v cost. Clifford C. Mitchell, P. O. Box EN W }, Ildmonven, Alberta. Canada and ls shal ead) » care for a child for one month, aged security the L i jability 1 BY ts; m isle copying and are Victoria St, double brick, sil modern. Price #0001 0 couple of weeks with her daughter The 3 Sun Li ife Assu-| Sik Sonths. 'ARPIF Yo Box S12, Whiz city property, ; west in ne. doi trates ag iiitaty ofhce rossible rates 340) £ : Be ira N We sell Life, Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance. | in Calgan : and Mrs. Hoga oo a a i A Ling rane Wbb, 264 University Ave. hoom, of W.lertown, N.Y., are visit- C f TO RENT FROM SEPT. 1ST, THREE rates from Strange & § Be } Tr m------ ing the latter's gistér, Mrs Isaac | rance 0., 0 or four rooms and bath, well heat- Agents. hone MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC lake { 'other rela og | M | ed, lighted, bright Gnd airy. Fur. | EE -- tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norma ake, and olher reatives here rs. | anada y ished preferred. Highest referenc Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B.F.: arro gency, Farle Lake entertained the members es. Address Box 714, Whig office BUSINESS CHANCES, O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocus v a of the Ladies' Aid last week. John ------------------------------ tion, piano, violin and all stringed $8 BROCK or. HONE 68 nstruments = . f 1 m " -- = inst 3 JOHN DRIVER, Representative. Sykes, of Lyndhurst, opened a bar [To RENT, WITH OPTION GF RUVING (ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STARI > ' An rs z | w " " A a mail order business at home; n ber shop in Mr. Holder's vacant | Wish to assure their policy-holders small farm suitable Ww gardening sing; be your 3 own "boss dwelling on Wellington street Mis. {that contracts now in force are ahso- and Try ban, 19 a for free booklet: tells how DENTAL. Matthews has returned from Brock- |lutely unconditional as to residence, rersh 1 iB 1 Whig rock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y For Sale ville hospital much improved ' in |travel or occupation. No permit is office. TTT TTT oR A ¥. RYAPP pian Lb. health necessary for those engaging in mili- rs - pl ACHE ' AN ents ete 3 © engaging nili TEACHER WANTED. SPARKS AND ® treet. apstemeasosomsm-------- PRESERVING AND : ou -- 3 itary or naval service; also that mew GENTLEMEN wil it SRING THEM mtg pean hua mu------ ind SPARKS, lon WH What Policeman Mullinger Says. | policies will be issued without extra to suits, Prie vork EAC NTE . . Phone 316 y ¥'e). date sulis, ea 'olice Constable Thomas Mullinger | charge " iati a ship guaranteed to please 'ress »ndon ary § PICKLING TIME IS Gramophones, Phonograp)«, Graf- ab lise | the Pei) of rik = lin te Shutge for to=e enlisting for he Je ing nd repairing or e on th 0 ! ' Bt +L: €. NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. B. HERE onolas,~Golumbia and Victor e cords, ing seen and heard over Kingston at In view of the uncertainty of the £ : ; it Pus 04 vay £3 howe oY ES. §. NO. . piasistant 13% Princess Odeon and Jumbo records, Fdison 2- | night He has as good ears as any- ( magnitude of the present war, every > 2 an Apply to Archie | eee eee Rubber Rings, Corks of all [minute records, Blue Amberal re- fone, he says, 'and although be has|man Jiable to service should be in- : : Me Dace] Tmagart, Walle it, ner Brame ad BENT. gizes, Freed"s Bottling Wax, cords ; for Jal 1A yon ull ove ihe, tom B on night duty, sured. Consult with a, > : . -- streets. Entrance on Bagot street Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- Big discounts for July and August. | and scanned the blue firmament, NAN To pron ion Lo AC MER vom st Hoo! es , > > supply has yet failed to see anything mys . rw . fin Wax, in fact we can supply % terious flying through the air "It's Christmas cards. ve Ladies or ge nts Sept. 1st. © State ; BUSINESS NOTICES. anything you may require in en Ss i En ol Wi 4 Sailibies book Rte. Large oh expected address Joh : a. 8 magination, he told o Mg re 'hipchase, rdex," Darlington, Rn A £ dp. REE Ty a ehh ---------------------- the preserving or pickling line © ibs pd ov Wel Folin, J - . y England are 8 Sec.- Treas, Box 42, / JOSEPH BUSE, 6 CHESTNUT ST. HAS 3 t, 8 ed up a quarry on Stephen St, Phone 352 ® Beats Sh 0 geribe and the peeler gazed heaven ) General 'Agent. CHITECT Wl ACHER WANTED FOR S§. 8. NO, it, building and rough stone are vard. "A hox kite may be flying |67 Clarence St. - Kingston. AR Oso, Protest Apply, stating v d promptly at reasonmble f hepatica alar ua lifica tions nq eXDe r tore somewhere, and, aided by the noise of sie pt ites | Wl, NEWEANDS . & SON, ARCHI. AY Bla colon i Te po those blamed motor boats, people tects, etc Offices, 268 Bagot St 5 'p rte mber J n A. Conboy, Sec Phone 158 Ahink a German airship is here to ooPhone 8). ooo, Lt 'reas., on CATERING. Opp. T.M.CA. A safe, relia Re leting blow up the tow n," was P.C. Mullin " , [POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- | -- - anon medicine, Bold In el 81: | ger's explanation ¢ " chants Bank Building, corner | TEAC > S. NO, 3, PALMER- MIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. Nea $5 per bor, (ih , Brock and Wellington au Drop s ; salary er ani Duties pers, banquets, dinners, parties, ll drug te oF sent ; ¢ a card me Sept Is Apply ete Silverware and cutlery to - rp of prices A gift of R10,000 to James M. - stating perience, to Jas. McKin rent. For particulars apply to R. prope pamphlet. Address: | Lynch, New York state commissioner « Sec.-Trea Station H. Toye's King St. store, v THE COOK MEDICINE CO. | of labor, was voted by the Interna Ra "i: Mh. a -- TORONTO, ONT. (Formetiy Windsor.) | tional Typographical Union, of which SHE ; \ 2 ALIFIED TEAC HER, PROTEST. WE CATER p70, PARTIES, BALLS, e S he was formerly president. { ' ft La 5 ant, for Union School - Section & Yedding reakfasts, banquets, ete, a -- : ! 7 Oso and 9 Olden, for coming year also rent dishes, table linens and Turkey's cruiser Hamidieh has been . silverware. Reid and Hay 3 ? p O. ¢ r i dei Mmbrook, Duties to commence after hell M. P. Red, 50: Unfon Street. P. designated by that country to take 3 a oh 8 D . ' > | ays. Salary § Apply to" D Sec.-treas., Oconto, Ont Hambrook, 76 Alfred Stre : Our cream is pure and : " part in the naval pageant of all na- Attewell, $ 8 ; Phos 343 or X18 \ " tions at the San Francisco exposition, | f aN Municipality f of the T hip m-- - ~holesome. Vvaporated cranberries have been | ; 0 OWISIIP | =o. =. 0%0, A TEACHER Many customers have a h Bde Bh \ put on the Amerjcan market. The crop : Rl ; of Wolfe Island, County Bi Jecessary qualifications ROOMS AND BOARD. : fast seas was estimated at 1,200, summer holida Apply statin etree tae learned to order by phone. SS ali faut season ws estimated a 8 Ayre f Frontera Er a at "Wit | Fier crass mown No Roam, N " v i } x 4 Cr Se. - ha AH St also table Mar Apply 118 - We deliver in time for Thomas Millar, jr., Kitley town- ; 0 I C A Se reas Clarendon a: Yington ST. oslie. boat oY w¢ ship, died in Smith's Falls hospital | p, -- -- meals. ill on Thursday. He suffered from pneu- | Notice is hereby given that .l have UPHOLSTERI [NS 1 i * . 0 CR transmitted or delivered to the persons LEGAL Give us a trial order. What Your | mania. Cs THOT D mentioned in section § of the Ontario I\g J GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. Because copper is an important me ' . Voters List Act the copi Jequired by pairing and carpet work, and [CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, BA 2 ils mining sald sectiol 8 ¥ mitted OF r sa repovating. Drop a card ters and Fre Law office, : 10) ston. M i f CY ( ' \ | hi 7 George asoud, Eye S Need | iv orn Ben ni bs the gov- For present) ge is t, ; : ns Ta i 6 Bagot Stree Clare street, . 2S PRINCESS ST. or ' . Pin Aphearing " ? nment. eo ast revised Assessment Roll of th Telephona 950 - Prompt Delivery In Glasses 1 -- CHIVERS ald municipality, to be entitled to vote { i the said mundoipalfty @ ~ctions for i PURE ENGLISH JAMS members of the" Legislative 3 Assembly. g TS COALMI Can be determined to an abs and at Municipal Elections; . al i en 3 Seng an the said list. was first posted & at my optiea! coriainty b vit BYE { { 3 d office at Wolfe Ishand, on the 12th day FOR SALE OR TO RIGHT SPECIALIST ! 3 : Er A | ORANGE MARMALADES ingpectin day. ae remains there for z More than the usual number of BROWN, OPH. D, after a careful oe | Vou Fame a Ra daherahy ll non a ¥oters. to \ people are booking their order for i ly Grocer can supply you qn error or umisston corrected £ccosd- w CF - . Ing to law winter supply now, Let us fix on LENSES GROUND PROMPTLY > { 11h. and 2 1b. Glasses. od JSON. PD. 4. DAWSON, \ | a day with you. i A scientific eye examination LET Brick house, No. 118 Victoria St., between i PR | R. ). RUDGER CITY OF KINGSTON | Many are taking advantage of ] _-- = We take special care to i \ 7b. . Tah Mlerk. 5 1b. and 7 Ib. Tins Dated August 12th, 1914 Seven rooms, . modern; immediate possession. | Jeweler comps Detug Taade of feronianes a Vi ove ou City « n t ¥ Apply 847 King St. nah TE nerehy ve ih the Get In touch with your family Feillay 2.15 wy the Clock Is Op the guards placed tn charge of bulldings, 8rocer and take advantage of this | |Fefwer's Wharf, at Mdeod's Store | here a have received orders from both oppobtunity. tnking passengers for Gananoaue | . N tary and Clvie : Authorities 10 use wood Brockville and freight for Mon- : ai 3 : planes down. der ta bring the were. Fenwick, Hendry & Co. 1 | Hend : hy A. SHAW, Mayor, (Distributors) : to-day"s price and buying these lines y ) ury to lawns by the case BY 1 3 injury i