Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1914, p. 5

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A COPY SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOME War Map of Europe); { " Y.. Size 21 x 28 in. 7 4 Acknowledged the finest and most complete map of the seat of war issued. Beautifully colored and folds to earry in the pocket, in a neat wrapper. This WAR MAP is absolutely complete understanding and of the war news, necessary for a, intelligent following PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS EACH. R. UGLOW & CO. 141 Princess Street THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR | What We Want You to Know That made te order clothing In thes best and cheapest. a good selection of fabrics for men's wear, making up of all garments. 'hat we solicit all kinds of tailoring, Repairing and pressing. That we have an agency ha careful attention te the your money back If not satisfied. own goods made up. That we That we give the mont That you can have for made to order sults nt $15.00, $15.00. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street HIGHEST GUARANTEED Electric Iron, $3.50 r For a short time only / Halliday" Ss Electric Shop Phone 94 - BUILDERS! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH Barrack Street. 315 Nine 2 For Sale 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3,- 000.00. Easy terms. W. H. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 421 Real Estate Fire Insurance Automobiles Repaired and Overhauled By Men Who Know How--Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices Are Right PORRITT GARAGE CO, LTD. Always At Your Service Phone 454 ---- DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS | For Sale At All Grocers Women's Patents and Gun Metal "Pumps "and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.60, $3.00-and $2.50 |Your Choice $1.99 | ALLAN M. REID 111 Princess-Su., Shimer J Fitzgerald, M. Pat THE MINISTERS WHO {WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY. Announcements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Ser- vices--Sermon Topics and Musical Selections. St. Andrew's chur¢h--Rev, oN Compton, B.D, minister. = Services at 11 a.m. and 7 pn. United agrvices for month of August in St. An- drew's. Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.D., will officiate. Queeri street Methodist church-- Rev G. I. Campbell, pastor. 10 a.m. Brotherhood and class meeting, 11 am and 7 p.m., pastor will preach. 2.45 p.m, Sunday school Bible classes. Strangers cordially welcome. St. Paul's--Vicar Rev. WwW. F. A., 371 Brock street. Morning prayer 11 o'clock, holy communion, preacher Rev. Cannon Grout. Evening ,preayer, seven Sloe, preacher Prof. Mickell, M S.J St. George's cathedral--Rev. Canon Grout, Rev. R. Crozier Magee, 25 Johnson street. Phone 413. 8 w.m., holy communion. 11° a.m. matins and holy communian. 4 p.m., bap tisms. 7 p.m. evensong. Preacher at both services, Rev. Robert Crozier Magee. Cooke's Presbyterian Brock street--Rev. J. M.A., pastor. Sunday am. and 7 pm. Rev. W. T. Prit- tie, B.A., Copper Cliff, Ont., will officiate at both. Adult Bible class, 10 a.o.; Sunday school, 12.15 p.m Strangers and visitors courteously welcomed to all the services First Church of Christ, Johnson street, between Bagot Wellington streets--Sutilay 11 a.m; subject, oul." day evening, testimonial Public reading-room, .same open every afternoon, except day, 3 to 6 o'clock All are cordi ally invited to the reading-room Union street People's Chyrch Home. lowes, minister. Residence, Heights,"" Mack street. 7 message op 'Armageddon church, services, .1 and address, G. A Rev. pm, A but the Almighty God is with "And beholding the man which healed standing with the ~m they could say nothing against it.' First Baptist church--Rev. Doug- las Laing, pastor. This church joins in worship with the First Congrega- tional church during July and Aug- ust, 11 a.m. united service in the First Congregational church. Bible school at 2.456 pm. 7 service in 'the First Baptist church. Rev, A. Beecroft will officiate at both services. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. First Congregational church--Rev. E. LeRoy Rica, B.A. pastor. This church joins in worship with the First Baptist church during July and August. 11 a.m. united service in the First Congregational church. Sunday school at the close of the morning service. 7 p.m. united ser- vice in the First Baptist church. Rev. A. Beecroft will preach at both services. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. Prock street Methodist church. ner of Brock and Montreal Pastor, Rev John Webster; dence, 242 .Johnson street 10 Sunday school and Bible classes: a.m., preacher, the pastor Nolo, Miss Davies. 7 p.m., preachér the pastor Solo, "Just For To-day," Miss Davies. Wednesday, 8 p.m., mid summer service. All made welcome, Princess street Methodist church, corner Princess and Albert streets-- Rev. H. FE. Curry, pastor. Services, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Preacher, 11 a.m. the pastor, "Moving Forward." Pheacher, 7 pan., the pastor, The Seen or the Unseen--Which ?"' Sunday school and Bible class, 2.45 p.m.- Ep worth league, Monday, 8S. p.m. Pray er meeting, Wednesday, 8 pm. Fvery body welcome Bethel Congregutional church, cor ner Johnson and Baivie streets--Rev A. P. Mershon, pastor. Morning wor ship at 11 a.m.; evening worship. at 7 pm. Rev. W. K. Shortt will preach both services Sundav srhool at 12.15 pom The Christian Indeavor will unite with 'the regular church vrayver meeting on Wednesday even ing at 8 p.m. A central church. All welcome. Sydenham street us cor- streets resi am., 11 Methodist church At 1{ Club, Rev. Alired Brown, Creighton Cassidy, preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Music: Morning, dustt bv Miss Tweddell and Mr. Bankier. Evening: Solo by Mr Anglin. Bible school in bright, brief session at 2.45 p.m Class meeting, 9.45 a.m Epworth League on Momday at 8 p.m. Praver and praise seivice Wednesday, 8 p.m A cordial welcome to all. COREAN INJUSTICE. pastor Rev 7 of Montreal, will Until Recently Trials Were One-Sided and Unjust. 3 The Corean judge dispenses justice in the open air and by etiquette only the judge can sit. Every one else must stand, except the prisoner and his friends, who are forced to remain in a humble kneeling position with bowed heads. Until quite repently Most {| these trials were always very one-sid- ed and shockingly unjust. When a man was brought to a judg¥ it'. was taken for granted he was guilty, aud if he did not con fess he was tortured and made to do so. Witnesses, too, were openly bril» ed. In fact, giving evidence far or against an accu person meant a living to a portion of the commun- ity, and these witnesses naturally fa- vored those whe paid best. Hgin Talficors of the Opinicon Chaffey s Locks, were charged with selling liquor fo persons other than members. of the club, and with ing on the premises. judgment was re , "Youngstown, Ohio, and the Opinicon Clubl was ll} fined $100 for selling liquor without a Leense. It was claimed defendant W. Mcintosh, | Scientist, | service, | Wednes- | meeting. | Sun- | services and the | Baptist church--The | '"Nictory | " Ours is a | small church with a big programme, ' was | p.m. united | THE WAR PUTS THE KIBOSH ON SOCCER. The R.C.H.A. Was Likely to Have Met Toronto or Montreal For wae Interprovincial Championship. With the going away of the R.C. H.A. Kingston will have to abandon the playing olf for the domimon soc cer championship.® In fact soccer will be demoralized and many of those fans who delighted t0 go to the crick- et field und witness the stirring games such as the local artillery boys put | up, will be sadly disappointed. the R.UH.A. team was picked upon c Yaa the most likely to play oti with either 1oronto or Montreal. From reports there will be quite & smush-up of the teams. C.L.C. ay gregation has lost some players, in- { cing Vunn, the goalkeeper, who has | answered to the call of the naval re- serve men. Queen's team, which was thinking of entering the City Soccer ieague thus fall, is also likely to be broken up in ranks. Baseball Record. International league-- Providence, Montreal, 2. Canadian league--Peterboro, 5; To- ronto, 4. Peterbdro, 2; Toronto, 1. , Hamilton, 6; Brantford, 1. Qttawa, 8: London, 3. Krie, 6; St. Thomas, 6: si Sh Boston, 6. Washington, American league--Chicago, 6 | Louis, 4 New "York, 7; Detroit, 8; Cleveland, 4. 2; Philadelphia, 1. National league--Pittsburg, 8; Cin- cinnati, 7. Philadelphia, 8; Brook- Boston, 7; New York, 3: Federal league--Brooklyn, 5; Louis, 3. Kansas City, 5. Pittsburg, 5; lym, 7 St. 6; Baltimore, Chicago, 3. IN MARINE CIRCLES ! Movements of Vessels In and Around | Kingston Harbor I'he steamer Jeska arrived | Sodus with soft coal. I'be schooner Kitchen Oswego to load coal. Ihe schooner i coal for .J. from cleared fon Fecles arrived with Sowards. I'he . steamer Missisquoi (Gananogue to-day. At the M. T. Co.'s elevator : cor lonic discharged her cargo cleared up; steamer Glenmount, 'light from Montreal, to Port borne; tug Bartlett sleared for treal with the steamer Egan, of the Canada steamship line; steamer nin- mount is due to pass down to-day 'from Port Colborne to. Montreal; , steamer Nctthmount is due to phases | up light from Montreal to Port Col borne. | The steamer Toronto passed on Saturday morning. t The steamer Aletha down from ton on Saturday. | The steamer Belleville is due to pass up to Toronto from Montreal Saturday midnight. The steamer City of Ottawa is due to pass downgito Montreal Sunday morning and the steamer City of Hamilton to pass up to Toronto Sa- Sunday midnight. The steamer Britannia passed to Montreal on Friday. The steamer Turret 122,000 bushels of oats, has orders to unload the oats at the M. T Co., where they will be put in bags and shipped to Montreal on the steamer onic The steamer will lay up, is expected, at Garden Island steamer Jonnie will discharge her car go of 81,000 bushels of oats, which will be put into bags for trans-Atlan- tic shipment. The steamer Midland Queen pected to pass up to the canal from Montreal The steamers Mapleton and Cadillac expected to pass down to Man from the Welland canal Fhe following steamers are laid up in Montreal harbor: Calgarian Strathcona, Donnaconna, A © Ames, J. H. Plummer, Rosedale, Neeépawah, Arabian, A. F. McKen Natironco, Bickerdike, Tacone ( and Kenora Some of these will be put into commission again, the causs of them being laving up being the tie-up in ocean shipping is due from Steam- and up, Col- Mon down Pic- down Crown, with i" The ia ex: Welland are treal | strey, MAYOR OF GANANOQUE Wants Suspicious Characters ported to the Police 'rananoque, Aug. 15.--Major sell H. Britton, C.0. Sth Field tery, has received instructions thorizing the purchase of forty ing horses and 118 draught- for the use of the battery, I'he railway bridges adjacent to the town have all been placarded with instructions not 'fo trespass under penalty of arrest Mayor Gibson has issued a, pro clamation requesting that the pre sence of suspicious persons inside the town bt reported to the local police at once Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bird and fam ily, of Chicago, are in town for a visit with Mrs. T. 0. Middleton, King street. Mrs Re Rus Bat au rid horses Moore, of Parry Sound /dis trict, who has.been visiting her mo- ther, Mrs. William Carpenter, Charles street, leit on Thursday to spend » few days with: friends in Lansdowne and Brockville, »." shit - holiday season jn Brockville, guest of her cousin, Mrs. Cecil 'N Palmer, Ormond street, has returned. E. H. Hurd, of Kingston. spending the past week in this vicinity, has returned to the city. Lake Ontario Park Programme The msmagement of Lake Ontarig Park" has secured for Monday night and, all next week three up-to-date performers, Fox and Dall, novelty sharpshooters, dancing, etc, in an act entitled "Western . Pastimes." Blanche Irwin, a singing comedienne, who was highly spoken of by the western papers, will appear. There will. also be shown some 3.000 feet of new moving pictures. Rev. W. H. Emsley, Pembroke may be Chosen as one of the chap Miss Jessie © Gould, spending a 3. SPECIAL BARGAINS $1.25 One small lot women's patent strap slippers, low heels, sizes 21-2 to 51-2 This was a regu- lar $2.00 line. Now clearing at $1.25 $1.69 Only a few pairs now of women's tan pumps, tan Oxfords, tan Colon- ials, regular $4.00. Must go quickly at $1.69 One lot infants' white canvas button boots, sizes 4 to 7; regular 90c for ' ad 59c All our $3, $2.50, $2.00 Straw Hats Now $1.00 See our showing of $2 and $250 Soft Felt Hats now selling at $1.00 CampbeliBros PIE ERAPION ES Bas LETTERS TO THE EDITOR some Good War . Time Advice to Kingston People. Kingston, Aug. -14.--(To tor) : Will the good people stop worrying and the Edi of Kings on horrowing ronble As a member of the white squadron vas cleaning up the other day, when he thermometer was nigety degrees in he shade, said he moved Clonly : 'I'm taking it vou know, By as cool, Jove ! Last he night in_the western part of a noise as of an aeroplane vas heard and litg were numerous, No me could see anything It turned out o be a nog motor boat named 'Bumble 1 Bee." (juess he. was hasing "ChatWNger the Squirrel" to rive him exercise. Should a thunder at such high tension i'm be a stampede their nervous German airship city torm occur raid there Chey. would surely in state feel that the aas dropping bombs Don't get bilious over this war. Keep! in shape and be plucky and die like Norsemen and would your liver ive, fight romen ' Of course, it is wise to be prepared very housekeeper should draw savings and fill the pantry and cella: wind buv a shot gun and learn to han- ile it, for with our disciplined battery way and depending on our noble 14th alone not satéguard against those vho have been soldiers since they were able to walk The scout rest, rom a [ know ol, tainly make defenders worthy name of Britons. Silence is golden. Prdigé up your otal regiment and encourage the boye who are going to face death itself. I am surprised at some men and sven women making unkind remarks about our local iment. 'This as treason and they should be tried a gged and sat ou. Cheer our boy and stop your groans. We have a vegiment to be proud of, and Can ada's offer in goods, cash and sous will go down in history and create yride in the breasts of ai et unborn.--~HOME GUAR on is movement is one of the military point of view, for these boys will cer of the a -------------------- Nir. Jones, Bufiglo, a guest at Hotel Alexandra, Wellington, caught a mas- yne-quarter pounds. The fish 'measur: «d four feet one inch. = Ihe archbishop of Uttawa has ap- winted Rev. Robert Jefierson, of Al wrta, to the charge of the parish of Montague. James Casey, a C.N.R. trainman a} was Killed on Wi tinonge which weighed twenty-five and § Abernethy's Shoe Store VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? ys it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy! VARNISH IT WITH AL Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. It wears ~= SOLD BY ~~ | Corbett's GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- ators und Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. Dn ario Street. ne 1350 Opposite Craig's Wholesale What © to Do to Get Fat and Increase Weight The Real Cause ause of Thinness A Physician's Advice jis Th oats 10 live at Tweed. Wi ednesday | Pin mother and other relatives Most thin peoy 11 pounds of good sol oT chunky a an gi ee p gaining h to say that ndi vidual It folks all this fen't bos Nature's way Thin folks powers of a They just absornt igh they eat to mal life and a sem- bance of health ar trength. Stuffing won't heip them zen meals a day won't make them gain a single "stay there" pound fat-producing elements of th intestines until they pass fr as waste What such penple something that will a ty food elements so th can absorb them and deposit them all about the body--something. too, that will multiply their red blood corpuscles apd increase their blood's carrying power. For such a condition 1 always recofis mend eating a Sargol tablet with eve ery meal. Sargol is not, as some bes eve, a patented drug, but is a scientific combination of six of the mn effec tive and powerful flesh-butlding Se ments known to chemistry, It is lutely harmless, yet wonderfully pt fective 'and = single tablet eaten with cach meal often has the effect of in- creasing the weight of a thin man er woman from three to five ounds a week. Sargol is sold by good druggists everywhere on a positive guarantee of weight increase or money back ause their are defective of the food he CHAIRS, TABLES {AND BUFFETS CHINA CLOSETS AND DINNER WAGGONS REID QUALITY REID LOW PRICE" JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Phone 147. Summer Sale Cholee of anything in stock, all new this spring. Values =p » $32.50, while they last. 2 piece Suits. ...$20.00 8 piece Suits ...$22.60 Ralph THE TAILOR 520 Princess Street Opposite St. Andrew's. are Plumbers who hare red our profession, who 86 superior work, snd a ut fair, equitable e work we do. ~ You Can Trust Us Implicitly! Try DAVID ~~ 66 Brock "Phone 335.

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