Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1914, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN rs -- Your Best Interests wei Eg re screed whew vei vc. von Banking alfaite FiHooM: xo an MVivs "oF TONIGH And Every Are served wheu you place your Banking affairs GENERAL INTEREST Night 8.30 with The Bank of Toronto. Ip Sa its ample : u ick i t 8.30 facilities, widespread, well-chosen conptetions, and [§|Happeniogs in the City and Vicinity -- x FHKE DRT PA (fesse | ! --What the Merchants Offer to EE SHOW the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you the Readers of the Whig. VAUDEVILLE ow PIC- dob dd re will find eareful and interested attefition given to hs o : Po CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES . j \iolet Talewm Powder." Gibson's TURES - your account, and an accuracy in handling the William Swaine, piavo tuner. Urders {ONLY THRE MORE CHILDRENS 1-| 1 pmertion 1c a werd. Each con- . WITH PEARLS |p FECTIVE ADVTS, COMP : 3 , rl ; sant received at McAuley's. P'bone 564. ENT DAYS, THE SEXT THREE cutive; insertion thereafter, half. between his © Aunts sal Hite Once, 25c; three times, SOc; smallest details that you will appreciate Seivell lat Maduley'y. Phoue B62, WEDNESDAY 8 Neeutivey Innerite imum. churge for : Hinder © plea one week, $1.00 i 5 rr Beal pn om bie 3 i . de § 309 B ek t -- Pait-up Capital $2,900,000 Pury ARbur, ate visiting friends In pre Fane a tein aie or | GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY 10 Mis, : ? - -- F : Fold 7 Division $ Reserved Funds .. $6,307,272 the city. FOX 1 EE oH Goldman, 387 Division St Jini Totty, Sowis Gimon's, Drink FS WANTED, Hieron Stat BC UT | PAC MoNsgs EXCOLLEST DRE 4 an ife, o - eer retmee yy > Ma} TR» or sale cheap, Apply cverly INCORPORATED Memphis, Penn., were visiting in the AN ADVE, OF 35 WORDS OR LESS, street, City. o 1888 city va T hursday. under his head, costs 206c¢ for ene / FOR CHARTER, SECON DH A AND ORG \ , - HE nt, or d0c foxy. three. DS APE . lH. Cupningham, piano tuner, 21 p ' HE i Cheap, J piano: s > . J AUNCH MAYBEE, WITH FULL GOV: Victo re tangs 4 ¢ Ring stgeot. leave orders. at Me b. TWO MAIDS, APPLY GENERAL LADNEq | nt equipment and licensed ictor Victrolas, 244 Princess St. Auley's book _ store. Hospital pilot. will handle fishing and picnic | yg RANGES AND REFRIGERAT- \ . "The canning of. tomatoes 'will bei - - - id parties search-light river trips and ah . PHOS WY hile they AS & degin | > SERVANT, APPL Y OAT week-end Island rambles. Yor s z 's Phone 705. : a) reet. --- ------ tat once at the Wellington factory. I! apply W. J. Driver, Phone 612 : will provide work for many. im mienn 3 W. Allen, Phone 127 m-------- Market Bquare, Kingston. Laaies up-to-aate are smaking SECONDHAND ; | The finest the world's largest . ' sto furniture for sale, call on GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, 43 producer ean grow. my y at on i: - TO LET. ' 313 Princess Siiges. 3 Thomp- Colborne street. E BOY pra A GROCERY Mr. and Mrs. W. .J. Parker motored 'W Prices from 2 Sc to $1 per 1b, og De Maclean's xa arin St 1 " THESE SMALL ADYTS ? 'N MATTRESS FACTORY, up from Montreal, this week, and. a ------ = : R31 165 DA ad paying husiness, i sell 'the : i rm------ : > . 2 . t comple o arey are with Mrs. W. =. Parker, Colborne AC ENT WOMAN FOR GEN- g t ¢ ur o'clock good running reer BC a gL street re a: 5 3 ework; wages lay : a TR T7s oo me FE G tory, 566 Princess street. "Woodbury Soap." Gibson's i STORAGE YoRL st K V 3 ' : 8. : " la an. y McCann, 82 Brock | OFFICE os . SE Miss Luella Parrott, of the King STEAMER BIRT ANN IC ENERAL SERVANT, MUST HAVE clean and Gry. MeCann TE DERN, JX FHuEY aaa ston public school staff, is holidaying senves Canal Basin, foot of Dal- Apply in the evening |. eee eer at back. Three dr awers and one housie Si, Montreal, every Wedues- ; . rstocke, 152 University 2» ISHE nD HO TO RENT FROM top shelf, . SHeht} IMPORTANT ! i ni Ee Hh SEE SE EE | LLM Bil, BY nok Hane me * belleville. ars - ne - r 1 & Mudie > * . take # 108 . A 1, Ki J. ARRInGS : Ne wp Wa Under the 'Too cream bricks," 2c. Gibmon's. | [oaiiers Whaet, Kingstown 8 wine || coin rove lo Non TCR. | * MARGE NUwieR "or BrcYcuRS Bal \ Mrs. James F. Brown returned and Pe orkvitle nad frelght tor Mon- assist ? Ven general Sr : hors t ingham & Mu 's prompily 'attended to for y home to-day, after spending a short al. A. N. SMITH, Gen. Mgr. BY Rte ; r pet cleaning and laying. George Equitable Life Assurance Society vacation with her daughter In Syra- | fiend ome Cormwmity Gut tt : TE TY Muller, 373 King St "r ¢ ROOMS cuse, N. Y | | : | foe remem : . and C., free . + BME POR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR policies there are no restrictions on travel, residence, occupation or High-class sweets," Gibson's. lee : FARE POR oR '2 B a new 19 foot motor Many Germans and Austrians are | gw i 300." Hone » » y OF ' iE FOR FeRy % 3 . 2 ¥ ord < Pe 5 - crossing the border from Canada into | S ecial Notice . tary of af Hv h , A n an Jord ll fot $200." Toate Military or Naval Service : the United States by way of Alexan- p to dnesda Frost's | ity Storage, g Wr a oD dria Bay, N.Y PORTR ANE Gy Is W AY en, ic 4 w-- TIER, FL pre RNISHE D G Aso, INE LAL NCH as rT. "The H » of Good Sweets." G ' e Home of Good Sweet ib Men enrolled for duty ov- Tol Jatatess See ond Cone FOR , oh electric beam: mahogany top; son's. . . rr ' | a 1 i ephone : centrally > with St. Lawrence & : Nise Mue Zuk, X W dod ( ity, who !orsea in the CLA.S.( os will ha AR an Ae. ' iress Box L, Whig office o gine. For N: le ; he ap ar pre. n | has been visiting rs elan, 5 Aber . y a - a _ eg - o 5 lea B city Apply a = ldeen avenue, leit, on Wednesday, for or Asse able at armouries J I'1- ELI. : ERSON ~ \ jo SE ROOMED HOU SEL Alfre a street : -- { Sugar Island, to attend the A.( dav morning at 10 am., fo or neWS oe VASE Ing Vfred St. Apply J. D.Bovd, | sec OND. HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS; j meet : . :r Eastview Park are 1 pianc-cased of oa Builders & Contractors Attention Ji ir 0c sop: cvs Jinstructions and sign pay-| fie Helos 3 : eas Atel pied and musts . On Wednesday afternoon several « of | roll. WANTE Dt wo TO . ey mn ya 3 THINS Yoon Seg | il ink . i : 4 , New and subsistence al- od pol) od fo : s ont Apply to Howard S. Folger, Agency Manager, 44 Clarence Street. j the 1th volunteers who have register Pay Sand for sale in any quantity jod for foreign suvice, went to Ports ! rts 1 ADDY ee BA XNA hr Cnr yi : mouth to practice shooting at the |loived from date of signing. pentily to hustle a 4 . : "R -- BEV CEMENT BR1CK FOR SALE | penitentiary ranges : rei . \ o ©, HOt erly W. A. MITCHELL, THE CANADIAN Jose, | non | 0 FRAME HOUSE DUR. a "Violet Tale 'owder." Gibson's LX. " : 4 Ta clectr] Cheapest Brick on the Market dc. J ETA Wey i rn Y " | Major. ¢ oo apply lette a gas; t minu wall 1 nw ements > . ' * > | ynials { v SS 88 N 3 NRICK, | Weaver, of Syracuse, N. Y., and Mis ' . copies of ' tx ' 1 Vieto re THE KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, Hi rirud. wm Farrell ana Sirs. B. 1 | No. 3 Co., C.AS.C. re ia reas ai ' Ste seasons ALL IM LIMITED. jSsvel), ne i Se a -- - - ' 1 THE ST I ON MARKET STREUT 3 [87 CLARENCE ST, . [to the « » as evening re ' ent occu » : - seer stereo ---- 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. i "lee eréam bricks," 25c. Gibson's. i » 2 : \ 5 BOIL R iw GOOD RE. : on 1 Why v Write in ason : : \ "MAR Yards, Sowards' Dock A louie, vane goUpuised . of Notice, Volunteers ! I a ry 5 : 070 aan 160 10a col "wake Howard H. Smith, Mrs. C. R. Smith, p atlur : ] a ed 10 8 and 160 1bs. cold wate . : , 1 One marine bo --- | Miss Eleanor Smith, of White | i e 3 Corel | A FURNISHED COTTAGE AT LOUGH. about 80 horse power, geod a -- - | Plains, N. Y., and Miss S. Moores, of { ing : Xb " 3 boro Lake, one mil ind a | plate but needs some repairs. One - -- - -- ht rroy. N.Y ' R 4 nverary : ' stationary boiler, 45 horse power, , came to Kingston on! "y . m-------------------- 1 ames Shepherd shaking T 1 & grates all in good repalr, Thursday to spend a few days. | I he Sun Life Assu- HAVE You ' i' ary P Adams & Duford Co, chaumont. N. i salesmal > > « t po | "Palm Olive Soap." Gibson's. | « » which wil t u ) he . : ! {This afternoon Rev. Dr. M. Muc-| rance Co., of » 2 mone 3 Are i Har sn mn nm ~ ® | gillivray will give in the German] arn at 3 am ne ! ha r ox' walk from Pri { room at Queen's the last of the Canada tdress to Manager, Box 47, Kir ges Sire Nol wale I res--m-------- rr -------------- . . | rories of fectures t 8 " 5 hid : E an All Fo The time is drawing near when the up-to-date farmer deainsg his land or Rade Ts, sillier Tet | == . - odern i ement 3. and (HAIR, Mol J Wan =, ania but now is the time to place your order with the ningston Brick Yard for e is: "Beas oy de Acquaintance 4 biti isbe SITION J iD. blemishes ro et Eat tile required. Let us book your orders now and they will receive our | Lo St Mins. ie Jeg 835-91 Wist th liev-hold : . TWO NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOpSkS vithout s experience. prompt attention. You fhay also order any you may desire to draw dur Hon [q } Sweets." Gib | th A W as SRS Br pe he yono oF vith A iar, Nose » ie of Good Sweets iib- | that contracts now in force are abso- ing the winter.. We will also be pleased to book your order for the brick ; Skin Specialist, 368 for that new Mouse you are going to build next summer. You will want [S08 S- {lutely unconditional, as to residence, to draw the bricks this winter. Get your order in carly and avoid le The wholesale grocers are very busy !travel or occupation. No perniit is y y supplying goods to people who are |[necéssary for those engaging in mili : King o ; laying in quantities before the price tary or maval service; also that new |. nies ---- fren i Ry - - ar ------ Ca ------ A N 1 Ki B . k Y d advances. Sugar i= being bought by | policies will be issued without extra D : A BRASS, REED AND STRING IN- ingston ric ar the hundredweight by a great num | charge for those enlisting for the Je -- ree struments; musi opying and are Division Street. "Phone 1396. ber of housekeepers who fear that the | fence of Canada. v : NG ¥ Pi OCT. | -- A a VET rang A plainer arty Military price will go still higher | In view of the uncertainty of the { incorporated ne 64 University Ave. "The Home of Good Sweets." Gib- | magnitude of the present war, every rrr tn Sr pu - -- -- ---- iin an . -- ts ! man liable to service should be in FUNG PLE - WHO woul Aw . r ; ! wDRA) ATIC Sug Lili Richard Harding Davis will write of | sured. Consult with x months. Apply to x $12, Wi | ure » 1 sed Te "Alda emi : BE f ann, 53 the war in Europe in Series s Maga- | » fic posit a interest Telgmann, teachers of elocus , Manager, 87 on, piano, olin and all stringed tever the Ar correspond i | - -- were | lc ton, rmitted to see Mr. Davis | BG: d eman h INT | SE REE | Se ir uments ted upon to describe with . " y od ted. bright and airy. J i - LONDON AND i _----- | | | h eS of long experience, and ompany { ng I % | | { i 101 NG FRE NC H th A solid brick house, hot water heating, electric light, gas for cooking, hardwood floors, grate, and verandah. We are only asking | $3,000 for this property, and it is a bargain at the price. This pro- position is only good until August 1st. General Agent. : Addre picturesque style 67 Clarence St. . Kingston. | -- im-- -- GENTLEMEN TO We sell Life, Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance. | i "i een re cloth and have ; I ? " a 98 | rinces: CK EXPRESS a-date SUNS Ba B-4 X ne PARKS AND SPARKS, WE ---- ii . ng a evatring OF y © r 3 1 on St, (over Carnoveky's Two Different Attempts Made on _e : : n " J. K. Carroll Agency, Wabash. } : Se in Sires 3 Bibby's { ; , DENTISY; 1 n. T. B #8 BROCK ST. PHONE 68. Windsor, Aug. 13.--Two different at y ; ---- - - | 5 Ex 133 Princess JOHN DRIVER, Represcatative. tempts to wreck a fast Wabash pas a LEGAL = " oa pe PREY are seins sengéc train near Jarvis, Ont., were es ~-- ii 5 hr : Ladies or ah . : yo PENT. Ry early yesterda) The Chicago- ! ' : CUNNING "Bn ARRIS. San free Re rge pre wire nr on Bagot street. New York flyer, No. 4, in charge of, » Tne ors office, Chipchase, % LP18 Kh E ngiand For Sale fe onduc op Michael Nester, going : ' p p---- m---- -------------------------------- through . Jary is at fifty miles an hour, L pe J PRESERVING AND I a me a 55. THOUSAND SR ---- i : wept { placed on "the track. The i : ---------- ) iu : on Sepiien St, PICKLING T I M E I8 . {left the tails but the coaches remain ¥ v A ren ATE: ¥. * he oY Re Jeug 3 Stun as . os, li~. Graf- > Gramophones, Phonograp araf | ed on the track. The passengers wero HERE. Juries, Coruna and Veto beds, badly shaken up, but escaped injur . | . C : ] deon and Jumbo records, i n Wrecking erews were summoned and 2 3 Ww ater arriva Rubber Rings, Corks of all [minute records, Blue Amberal fie engine put on the track sizes, Freed's Bottling Wax, cords. | wo hours later, at daylight, and Ordinary Sealing Wax, Parafl- Big discounts for July and August. | ? urs ye a fin Wax, in fact we can supply | . anything you may require In| Allen Ss |#, Conductor Alex. McMullen, hit an (For the present) the preserving or pickling line ther obstruction placed on the WE CATER 1 1 Phone 382 re wk, but the train did not leave (the CHIVERS weve SDAY., AUG. 12--Leave nt | Wedding bre Ean ' u 8, ote. . nv oc. - s n also rent dishes, 21 AEN | U NGLISH AM 2.15 p.m. for Tour of 1000 Inland, h ) also T es, ] S Dru Store = ¥ Railway officials and the police were P RE E G he J 8 ¢ wh Tl af principal poluts. Fare 50c. x iT - cr a - TW a 2 L 4 Hambrook, i | AL i R, ST. M. . 3 i § A be and they in turn notified the and [FRIDAY, AUG, 14--Leave for Oxdens- wat, To ion 8 1 Seciton m oI Alfred Street. Opp. TM.CA Phone 568 Cook's Cotton Real Comnauad, | avlitary authorities An investiga Burg nt S30 nm, enibingz Alexandrine Osa and - 8 : , 00 < s ar MY « DS ' T Wat Carniva Are The Juties t com ce after ho ; W.CA. A core. politic. om ix beim conducted and stops will ORANGE MARMALADES| Iwi fur Water Garaitar Fae foe | Duties' too ASSLEE Dot i medicine, Sold a 3 be taken to protect the line days." Salary §is5 © Anply to | ROOMS AND-BOARD. rees strength-- No. £ No. 2 83; No. 3. $5 per bor Sold all druggists, or t prepaid ep of 2 « 'ree pamphlet. - Address: re AL HERS, PRO- Por t AR | . ) st 18 ry A ALL & SUP. n ol distance further along the | ns v waett, Port ola nM it parties. | truck, Wabash Flyer No. 6, in charge. NO HIGHER PRICE | Excursio | . rem a " Fan bh: Pl Ey jo i La a Toy tore | | = 't 2.15 pt eisai Your Family Grocer can supply you [SATURDAY AUG, 5--Leave at 2.13 ». . 2 ppi | m., for 1000 Islands and Alexandrin on™ og . 6, 050, A TEACHER [FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, YACHT CANADIAN SANK. ! 11h. and 2 1b. Giasses. | Bay. Three hours at the Bay for with sary qualifications. also table board, Apply 138 Wel. i betas } 4 . 7 Ib. Tins, { 3 1b. and 7 1b. Tins i - - r ~~ the Water Carnival. Fare G0e, Dutie commence after mid- ington St, opposite post office summn "holtdays ply stating - -- Make Land i Many are taking advaniag of - Reta ep ee Crain. 8 'reas, Clarendon Sea BUSINESS CHANC { oe -- to-day 's price and buying these lin ot | A LAUNDERING DO N E ___tiom, Ontario. = B The Best TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) uy - - Hamulton, Aug. 13 re- : n ceived here from Olcott, N.Y., telling 4 Hat You Our cream 1s pure and |, of the thrilling experience of A. G.| Get in touch with your family Lost hve "them wamied without "weld, | vholesome. ' ij] Lees, George Daley, and Fd. B. Fra- grocer and take advantage of this [We use no eld whatever, mouth Pu School NM FE One S068 Ic nort. NX Yholesome ser, all of this city, on Lake Ontario gpportunity A posteard will hiring our hoy to the ieatan S00 Der an ADLHOR: ne en e-------- Many customers have ; ¥, e ! ) ldonr, We mppreciate the opportunity ' \ c at : fon Tuesday. night They left I'oron- a i fo Serve You. a : "oh a, an w Y . aham, Bec ARCHITECT, learned fo order by phone. io in the iets ett ann [Digirorsy, ae. | "CHORE pOR ATC | __ Sores Heep Bow 5 . MADE FROM REAL FLOWERS a former anadian up chgienger. Pe . ' rT : mm ---- - WM. NEWLANDS & SON ARCH We deliver in time for {| When twenty-five miles frop~the Am- . tects, Offices, 258 = Bagot St. meals. Priced From it ecican shore the boat struck some- mT UPHOLSTERING. Vhone 61 TE 2 Ce 0 h {thing antl sprang a bad leak The . aan ; i . Asnessnes = TE TERTRG, rr re TTT Mh Give a trial order. i |! three men bailed for hours and final > " We. bs A VINE 4 ni et Works chants' Bank Building, * corner: | $1 50 to $5 00 fits when the boat was 400 yards from | mattre =e re ating. Drop a Sue . Brock and Wellington streets. Drop, Georg e Masoud, . - {fh {shore it. sank The three exhausted or call 216 got ah 238 PRINCES 1. 1 i wen barely managed to make land Im rtant otice : S-- - ---- Telephone 980 Prompt Delivery 1 They were taken to an hotel at Ol PO . PINK CARNATIONS | cott to teceive medical attention. | AUGUST STARTS COAL MOVING FORGET-ME-NOTS More Money For q rrying Mail. I GERANIU i . TRY | WEL OTRO | 'ashington, Aug. 12 --A substantial ' ¢| fE 1 PS ; FOR SALE OR TO ne » i ta, the ABA pid the { CANADA u ASSURANCE COMPANY a y More than the usual number of OLD ROSE i railroads for carrying the malls is peop le are booking thei Pr order for LET Imported direct from (he tana [|| Suthorized 10 the Moon bill passed bY 4 Organized 65 Years Ago by Canadians for Canadians winter supply now. Let us fix on Brick house No. 118 Hl of flowers, California, {iit the house at the instance of the ad- ? ministration The bill increases rail- Ae Vietoria St., between i {way pay gnywhere from two to six {| 2 HH 3 { 5 @ a Gav with yon. : farl and Johnson Sts. fifi x {{ millions of dollars. } SSte ar | | We take special eare to avoid Seven rooms, modern; i R J RUDGER i Syracuse And Oswego Service, i 2 : . { mury to lawns Jie diate possession. i ede y [il Steamer Olcott leaves Swift's For full particulars apply to { wele {wharf at 3 p. m. on Mondays, Tues € Je r | days, Thursdays and Fridays. Ror § J. 0. HUTTON, Agent. / | 8347 King St. | informati ly C. S. Kirkpatrick, : 3 ings 's_ Drug Store "Where the Clock Is On the a street, phone to ae i i8 Market Street. - Ear Ki ton, 0 WITHOUT ACID. re ANTONE ANYWHERE CAN START 1 IFIED TEACHER FOR T > 2 mall order business at home: no Aq v AL partment of the C ssing: be your own [ey mouth Public School. Must be Pro- rig t for free booklet; tells how by the case i THE COOK MEDICINE CO. | Three Hamilton Men Managed to are MEALS ON BOARD. salary - and perience, Wm "Yiolet Tolows Powder." Gilssén's,

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