German advance through Luxémburg the AUTOMOBILES AND CARBIAGESR ; n ) FOR HIRE J tu French territory. . i g i One reason for this belief was Phone 1177 : ! | report, earlier in the day, and not | confirmed, that the Germans had 'been | . operating near Givet on the extreme | northern f{rontier 'of the department » of Ardennes. Tires for Carriages and | Automobiles. George W. Boyd, | Rubber Two German Regiments Annibilated | SSRN Vo Ja Spices All kindi--purest and strong- est CORKS» © For Catsup or Pickle Botiles WAX In tins or sticks, SkALER RINGS Pints and Quarts, Grey and Hed Se to 15¢ a doz. It will pay you to shop At Best's BY evident that: the 14roo 1 that Been Located. BIG LOSS INFLICTED ; FRENCH AND DELCIANS THE CERMAXS. A Horde Germans to Lirge to of Peasants Dedug Open Routes Cavalry Brigade Cat To Pieces, The Britich wz London, Aug 13 press bureau oo {11 offic German army been located, and mass of i concentrated lege and Luxemburg I'he number of nown to be on the west proves that theatre of war country tern the Germans Have ON «edd hy From | Luxemburg -- Austrian | nian official | fighting has been corps | that the attack. of German between | © troops ern side of in the eas- so far as Germany | usir ve victory. "s claim made by war office in an official statement it is declared that e French are driving the Germans k= with . The statement ke: no mention of the location of t agement, but announces that se German guns: have been The announcement con- The German retirement is becoming more profounced... offica states thatthe gen- eral i on "the Belgian-French entre failed The Germans declared to have. retrefited all line, with the ¢ aption of at one point where the.fighting ontinues, ! : The winning a deci 1 the los captured. cindes The along the announcement d by the statement was accom- that serious and na the the heavy office also the war announces Germans on had renewed with he exehange . be- 3 and the Germans The declared 14 German transports al the River Meuse ! It is stated that horde of forts eavy fire 10 be the Germans are the' | { but London, Aug. tos the Central News says the Messag- gero publishes a message from Basel, Switzerland, stating that two man infantry Ler troops at Mulhausen. Ihe (verman regiments, mentioned are the Sth Baden lafantry regiment No 169, which were stationed at Lahr in Jaden, 'and the 4th Prince Baden Infantry regiment Nc stationed at Mulbausen. The commander of the 20th ion attached to the 14th army whose headquarters were at Frei burg, is said- to have been killed divis corps, Austrians Exterminated London, Aug. 13 from Rome to the the Corriere Italia publishes grang from frontier an Austrian eavalry the Another Central N the stating that brigade exterminated on frontier - Austrian ittacked I he cavalry men are saul to have the were accompanied by artiller | hey Wer hold their own and tried to wet back across the i had fallen and unable to ier rain and 13.--A Rome despatch | regiments were annihil- | ated during the battle with the French | William's | 112 has been | Austro Russian Cossack ho | serious shortage of IMPORTANT 4 ANNOUNNEMENT The European war will cause a very foreign goods in this market. We are pleased to announce THAT ALL of our fall importations from England, France, Belgium and Switzerland are al- ! Russo- ° { ready in bond and gradually being cleared The Satisfactory Drug Store, German frontier, i cerned, is comparatively rded unless by reservists, peasants. to den » routes southward from Liege to lLaixemburg. The a : in gkeat strength before them German Forces Repulsed fund the war that Brussels, Aug 13. -- That sitack in fo of the French troops who are now fighting® mans upon main Belgian « in Belgian territory are horses were caught the marshy > gronn d sho Ow until not Fren ire grOun I and shot down \ 1 t man remained alive Bothered By Activity of | London, Aug. 13.--Japan's | tion is highly unwelcome ling the intention to make considera tervitonal acquisitions in Ulhna the Pacific . general feeling v and put in stock, ready for sale at our usual office. believes the | ree. yesterday San moderate prices. the vas designed as a mask for a pmin --: a == (er . ntre inter the German here, reve wen a mn i - "= lsew here in : int \ ; Owing to the anticipated shortage of 3h | expresses the Te | elaring Japan acts i 3 : tive and hopes. she will, \ limit ber action Kio on her ow il she imported merchandise customers will find sea "Seizures of German it advantageous to make earlier selections might among in the Pacific misunderstanding and friends and migh elzew here i grave EYES TESTED WITH | OUT (CHARGE ; NO DRUGS USED | 3 8 3 i 3 ] S y * CASES REQUIRING | hd i} - eed WAR BULLETINS. MEDI AL ATTEN. 5, : or =n : At Rome it is reported hat the Montenegrin cap- TION ILL BE 80 tured Scutari. INFORMED Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Princess Street than usual. our cause A /! rea helping Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town PEPE E SREP RPE REPRE ES | | "PROGRESS & PROSPERITY ge ole The allied armies reptiised a large German force at Ton- gres with heavy German loss de The British admiralty sent out cruisers to protect the Atlantic trade routes, CUVEE OV ICO ETE WWY Russian eruisers, torpeédos and submarines are mining the harbor of Vladivostock. ERE Ee TET LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. GUARDING CANADA 'S'GRAIN ROUTES. | A erenadier guarding the canal along th» St. | vessel is seen in the lock in the background 8 doors above the Opera Houe The fight for Liege forts has recommenced, Ger- mans bridged the Meuse. Forts dominate the routes of tor) For the Germans, preventing the Kingston people have passage of artillery. pfore for the -- jreason is attack through | Sixty-five having failed, it~ manoeuvres foreshadow nn i attempt to force a way (0 = | |od the upper Meuse in France. S Lawrence. A grain The fee Problem of King«t« Kingston, A 12---(To weeks the majo mm tdi | of | suffered nev- | 9a JENKINS WORLD WIDE WAR SALE FOR 14 DAYS want of ice I'he i price is prohibitory. | s for a small block of | that d not 1 night has eompel the German Belgiam cer ice wel For $3.75 Try it. an ordinary ok bE hundred ther mear Is a Dandy. Home llumination a Specialty. NN * lars) who h bear te It is believed that Ger. many's fleet is moving out to Oui battle with the British in the North Sea. do so refrigerator emp in null mpassi gthout "ice in hat of the tance, wich 1 vimost + to. keep No news is forthcoming as veather as we have to the big land battle now in three progress, ES In endured | ' > ' Se weeks ! whee 1 live, Ther block, taking one -- say home is and Britain have announced a stalk Austria formally of war. bb dh h bb make: ask Austrian fleet may meet the British-French fleet in a decisive battle in the Medi terranean. Commencing Saturday, August 15th and Ending Saturday, August 29th. Goods from England, France, Germany and Austria. War prices on every article in the store. Hats and Caps, Clothing and Furnishings Fifteen Germans in the crew of the steamer Mount Royal were arrested at Mon- treal. y relieve and giv price and pr these questigns in the In Ver want eu ofit nterest | There are rumors at New York that a naval encounter has taken place off the New England coast, with one ves- sel sunk. housekeepers gener Half Price Sale of Hats "SEPFERER Hard Hats, Soft Hats, Panamas and Caps, all at exaetly half the price Men's Suits [Bveryone admits we carry the best hrands of clothing made in Canada. 20th Century and Fashion-Craft. If you want good clothes vou ean save from £5 to £10 per during the sale. Pant Sale $1.85 Tea pants wn Kingston Methodist District, The financial district meeting vill + held ir church, Wed August Ht commen ith excellent Straws, ood tweed and wor eoesfeddesdesfoeodesdodede de dededade dpi ded Bole! - 1 OD poek patterns, Ww hile then ots and belt Loaps, { nosday, Gfeat Clearing Sale. 10.30 a.m Brock street, || {assortment of coat and weight for summer wear. also a I assortment of clerical coat in il , weight in black. Special low Fm | for clergymen. } Rive 1 last for $1.85. A J. Abernethy, Alb'rt well-known raveller, w to his he fo around kitchen worrie great hight reat Prevost, has n Raincoats productions vest | | | | light reonfined prices | davs England's hest for fug | hest £10 coat in Canada, 3 1¢ Se) Are You Billious ? \X/en subject to biliousness, the liver is | | | mm-- | FOUR GERMANS ARRESTED "BY GANANOQUE POLICE n and fallv guaranteed. n \ all seams se employed in getting rid of excessive quantities of certain ingredients, and when unable to do so, sick headache is produced by the retention of bile in the blood. Enc's "Fruit Salt" exercises a simple but definite action on the liver, by which the secretion. of hile is regulated. It rids the body of the excess bile and carries off all the impurities, cleansing and purifying the system. Eno's may be safely taken af any time by young or oid. Order a bottle TO-DAY from your dealer, Prepared only by J. C. ENO, Led., *'Fruit Salt" Works, Losden, England F'~ Agents for Canada: Harold F Ritchie & + Limited ¥ 10 McCasl St. TORONTO } a in bl A suit | Boy's Suits | all double i Just The" Libn Brand!" have { | | fil Children's Suits Russian and Blouse Suits, all latest styles. $2 per from $4.50 to $6.50, All Lines of Furnishings Cut to Pieces for This Sale Includine underwear, shirts,.belts, braces, ties, sox; * handkerchiefs, jewelry, sweaters, knfted coats. ete. French underwear, ; Gierman sox and British shirts, made for our world-wide sale. Do not miss it Make your dollar bring large returns. We need them and them with ev- ery attractioua in price and coods, elbows and double seats. the "They Ha Rifles, Revolvers and Fuse--A Detachment of the 8th Field Battery is Guarding 7 1 hinge for strenuous bovs, the tng ors suit, worth 20% discount on any halt price suit and some collars, ointment and poi nd a Aug. 13. --Four Ger- some fuee, drugs, mans were arrested at the uptown G fon. 4 5 ' smal IRB 3.80 o'clock : « { pers in their posse day were from Phila to have paddled over from The men gave their names as Oscar N.}:., and landed first east of Haussler, Charles . Wagner, William town and then walked in along lLehmark Osear Speiber and admitted main road. They made enquiry at ithat they were Germans, There are . y % the ticket office the time of the next | supposed to be four more in the par § train leaving for Brockville und the | ty, for whom search parties are look- +R A 2 . distance there, Only one could | ing. 1 : = 4 : speak English. | At ten o'clock last evening n de- . 5 Eg v i u i Mayor Gibson aud Councillor Jones | tachment of No. 8 field battery was i ¥ = i questioned' them and Constable | musterad and stmed with rifles for Kingsts fiananoque, lso some cooking utensils amount of money Some pa sion showed hia At Lake Ontario Park was large atténdance at Lake Oniario Park last evening. fhe vaudeville entertainment was up- | to-date in every particular. Trixy lay- lor gave much pleasure by her rendi- tidn of "Across the Mason and Dixon Line' and her acrobatic dancing was well received. Mall and Hassen sang some pretty duets, and their tango und novelty dancing was watched with interest. Mall's whistling feat was : . something novel. They were ably as- [every trace of hair will have sisted by Roy Harrison. Tonight 4 (ed. No pain or discomiort | new programnie will be presented, also | the use ,of the delatone paste, new pictures will be' placed om view. [caution should be exercised to bel y that you get real delatone. = a very Just Try This When Hairy Growths Appear Modes of To-day) | A smooth, hairless skin ' lows the use of a paste made; by | ing some water with plain po delatone. © This paste is applied the hairy surface 2 or 3 minutes, rubbed off and the skin washed, wh are aiter office about vester they There afternoon. They are supposed Clayton, the the oo & a i " § on mE 9! t 4 ] ® $ 3 Neil placed them under arrest. They [patrol daty and protection of town rincass treet are still held in the town cells. John | property. Major I. If. Britton ~~ he a searched | tor . i They wall JR Jee, of the custom house, searched | mustered the squac 3 : their baggage and found one rifle, | guard the approaches to the C il 'two shot guns, two revolvers, a ban- {as well as the brigades in Chis Vien dolier, & box of anbiseptic gotton,' jy, ecient also A ------ Rev. Willismr Flemming y{rawiord " n "and Mrs. Urawford, Otikwa, | H., Oram, Mance street, _weok-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. real, town Le Libs os iin { . r