Jhig ~The Daily British 186 s KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914 YEAR 81 NO, 186 ALL EUROPE TO BE SOON ENGAGED IN WA s UTTERED GRAVE WARNING. eo] TIME FOR VOLUNTEERING . iSkr H. Rider Haggard Mildly Res WILL GERMANY For Active Service Abroad Is Not B H Yet Closed. ! bukes St, John, N. B. a M-------- IT NEEDS THEM ALRIGHT. Brussels, Aug. 13.--The German army is the only one engaged in the European war having a special corps of grave diggers accompany+« ing the troops in the field. The grave-digging corps was formed during the Franco. Prussian war of 1870. All German soldiers wear around their necks a label bearing their name, rank and regi- ment. St fobn, N.B., Aug. 13.-A most | | Ottawa, Aug. 13~The adjutant gen- eral in a message to commanders in at a dinner given members of the Do ing need not be closed until orders - mlinion Royal Commission by Mayor | ye for mobilization at Valeartier are Vast Preparations Have Been| % The great - novelist referred to such | semble all volunteers for overseas ex- . ee . preparation for war as he bad casu SHE IS peditionary force at local corps head- the French and Bel ian Armies SO the aly observed here and said it seemed juarters for instructional = purposes. ' to be carried on in a sort of holida as . spirit. He then asked afl present in | : : via reese | allowance will be allowed at autho- British Press Re orts Sa they understood where we were stand | BY ENEMIES AND MUST STRIKE | rized militia rate. ARE ALL SPREAD . ing. If Germany and Austria won | A BLOW, | | ee me i the empire, of Canada, of civilization . | - EW - I « ada, ol CIVINZALIOR | gp on the Hour to Strike Comes-- | Samuel Montgomery, brother of Ww Fort BATTLE, AND WILL, MOVE dicate + magnitude t uel , py - : + 6 L F 0 b h Th j 3cated Whe Smagvitads if ory ial to Lure German Invaders West-1 40.0 1050" a traveller with a big | 2 : : erman 0SSes ar i num Br 0se | 4 ] J ot het, An anada's | ward. dry goods house, that prices in the The Germans "Claim That Alsace< 10 PIERCE LINES th shan hi he ik 2 trike at bitin by. Land re Es ARE MASSED IN BELGIUM last night by Sir H. Rider Haggard | and Sea? amination in many places volunteer Pe---- : Frink for the city at the Union Clun issued, Commanding officers will as . Made by Allies from this date Pay and subsistence T that would be the end of England, of | Conditions In" U. 8. German Field Artillery Inferior to That of the French] som.' "iain (animes le' | Brussels May be Used as a ha |! Montgomery, of the inland ro] QUICRRY vital interest in it «of defeat | | United States are rising very rapid- Lorraine is Clear of French and FRESE PEER VHP EL POPPE POOR OS : | could be justified no matter what dhe- | London, Aug 13 Pepington | A? A of the Belgians---Have Germans Plan- o | rifices Were necessary, was the lesson | A'Court the Times' military expert ly He instances gum rubber, which Belgians--Will Turkey Buy Two | 3 | z : . " : | to be emphasized 'sayé: "We are on the eve of a great | has risen irom $1.30 to $2.10 Aer" Interned German Warships 7 ned Attack on Antwerp 7 | ? ) [ str le on the Meuse. Surrounded | pound; crude rubber from 70c. to $1.25 : : ) : | Taken By Admiralty. | a8 8 y powerful enemies, a|a pound; auto tires, fifteen to thir- Jrussels, via Paris, Aug. 13.-On a -------------- Montreal. Aug. 15.--f ' (. (great victory very necessary for |tv-five per cent.; black velvet, from the report that opekgtions on an ee | o: 3 ya our. Joon 3 { Germ: wny at this moment. Will she! 5324 to 85¢ a vard. Mr. Montgom- | extensive scale were imminent, a cor- (Two Observers Permitted to Accom . r . 1 v Kk Vv sea | strikes a savs ¢ pty- 2 per ce respondent, by permission of the war ' : Foordon Aug. 13 I'he 3ritish official OSS bur eal. | ain, Mount Temple and Lake Mani- | trike b a when she strike by | ery says that ninety-nine per cent. of : ¥ YE im 1 pany Troops to Belgium. y 4 = . al | T laid? This is the r blow ven | the people of the United States are | control, made a circuit along twenty : . a | toba, of the Canadian Pacific railway {2 al only blow open | the people : ] i { th 1 fr ? Washington, Aug. 13.--To date in reviewing the operations on the continent, insists that jue und the Saturia. of the Donald. | 10 Germany which can do us mortal | against Germany in this war. He will Tiles Of Lhe Belgian Font, ine ait® | Great Britain is the only country re Ne i o ee Jn ed » extreme advance and talking with " the extreme. a g which has responded to the United y (Iori: nt : nets y | rane alors Yiae-hove - bo it Vie -|hurt if it succeeds. The chances. visit 'Kingston next week. the Ge rman attempts to Pe netrate the French-Be Igian son Gno-fave been requisitioned bY | re against success and with every the officers and men. States government's inquiries 'ad- dressed to all of the powers involved ¢ British ad i" ta 4 ' the Fir gish a Dah 2 or The Belgians are on the alert, as in the European war as to whether | U. S. OFFICERS WITH BRITISH. | nadian steamers--the Empress of Brit and Pratinb) line has uniformly failed. The statement follows: nounced to-day nha {day the wer hams the shencos be {YOUR SON HAS FALLEN y come less because our land frreces important bodies of German cavalry "An engagement has oceurred northwest of Hasselt]osed a= grain and troop carrier (are daily growing in numbers and FIELD OF HONOR" are making their way through the [0 oC TIT deers would be. al- between Belgian cavalry. supported bv infantry. and the 1H KAISER SEEKS solidity." We must regard the prot) ON | country above Liege, proceeding in |) 0 to be present during their com-~ : xo dt » : lem through German eyes & - o directi i 7) 2g St. i Vi R German second cavalry 'division. supported by a battal- A I aN Ne ond. of Towres "snd. 2t.!paigny ag military observers. Kng- . ro. p : mm ; y y ! a 5 . : 2 land has replied that two American ion of infantry and twelve guns. The fourth cavalry AID OF THE BALKANS | Germ solution we. must be vre-| Oly Information French Public| 'ihe impression of the correspondent [HAnd Bas FOPLOd at toe Cermitted are ( 1 Ke wou 1 « jet} ) 1 r is ly i p : division is reported to be moving towards Todoitthe . biif oa hes ed ' Receives of Operations ji that So Leavy Bght ng 3 fikely in to go to the front with the British } : tare ri Jelgin arg, are e Gel i no German infantry is known to be on the left bank ot He May Bet Turkey But Greece | theories of war mn the Frontier have little or no infantry Through troop . ------ i x , » Beles the Meuse except those above mentioned. ' | What The Germnag. Cini. .« ~ | the opposition offered by the elgian | - ' 3 (3 : Will Fight on the Side ; | London, Aug. 13.--The Daily Mail's | troops at Liege, the Germans lost | PLACATES A battalion of Germans is reported to be entrench- ii New York Aug. 13 German | paris correspondent comments on the | precious time, which was profitably ed near Vis »; The Germans are planting heavy batter of Britain. ¥ Tree a Noapany hin | tor of the censorship prevailing in employed by the French and ritish HER A ALLY iv ) a sate ar on- | i . P z asses d M 108 north of Liege, and have constructed a temporary Rome, Aug. 13.<The kaiser 1s {10 the effect that all Alsace-Lorraine | Frghite: witich, he her BE emLaLg PANSOeR 8 Som 1 y * 1 ¢ a supreme effor e co 4 land & i 3 pe g abt le ve; a) t } railroad between Vise and Hambure, parallel to the i, ip > Bugoria ting Jr and } other NE ations on the French frontier, With he allied fore have ews n ", dis Has Agreed Pe the frontier of Limburg in the Netherlands, The Germans [mania to have these n side | troops. Tt declares that one hund- {the result that the French pu » 4 ! { NS, Han: : . | : Al one hun t of what is only fied »osition at many points; but lit y wt . : Vas s with Germany and Austria in the | red French officers and three (hous- mcke ignorant of what 1 PE g I - £: are throwing up entrenchments all the way to Liege. present war. That the Balkans must |and men were. captured in the fight- than it was when Napoleon was fight- te or Noting fib how plone: atoumd Puglia Company For the "The German savalry is moving cast ward through inevitably be drawn into the war is [ing in Luxemburg to-day and their ing a bemtury ago. Tusseis, od a it tract Curthe V. 4 considered certain here. Dut it ia | casnalities in Killed and wound When the soldiers now depart for {sels is being uged fs a bait to attract LLwithe Valley. The French retreat from Mulbausen in{gnlikely that they will Tue "tp en' | Was very heavy. No mention is] Uhe FORT, suys the co We Genmne on" Le | oo Home, AVE i hy "sr + 1 mrs i . a i 1 y Belgial pOple are XC "1 gra rapara Isage Was well carried out in face of the fact that the [trey Tor the kaiser. Greece and made of the situation in Belgium. Ro Fe is oF he yy thi ave | Karding (hassel, 0s the Gorman eav- | Gon for oe device of ue build, i oy ips 3 : : . {urke: st inevitably fight yo SE - ave No. mpans of kNOWME LY vo . carrvin ir rai aver opposing German forces were in proportion to four Ger Bus key Fiy A Saey Habis "hg, butivhi Turkey May Buy German Ships | in the fighting line and are obliged to alvy are wariying their, Fide wearer ings of the Puglia ] The Te . ise! ile Greece wi sig " 4 : trust letters for them to the min: | 8nd nearer to we capital, £ at Antivari onten nays i whi Frene SAL. h fe Nam fle id ar ! lary She Raiser, Wile Tress wil. id ¥og Al tSndos; AVE. '13. The Daily List re of Hg and pevhaps receive considerations are Hot likely to have structures were wrecked when the proved far inferior to French and their shrapnel seothed ane. a fo it dnderstands that Turf 0" i \tement from the minister of | a0 client Poh the decisions of | Austrian fleet bombarded Afitivari, y , tem rr key s assured the British govern- : general stafi despite t C only indifferently well aimed. The German artillery i AETH OF THE NEWS went that the German cruisers Goe- | *3% kag Latin" an. thie. Bo] Se oeFtain, that vast preparations | 3EPite the fact (ik, di Italian flag not prov ing as effective as had been expected. = be n and Breaslau which are now in! } ur . son ha A s been made by the allies now 's despatch from Vienna says that ithe Dardenelles will he disarmed, | ©f honor pread out for battle, and they are chpuks : Te -- Condensed Items of Telegraphic | but that there is reas t believe | mEq tents -- | Likely ve quickly when the hour Austria will reimburse the .Puglia ; a ) ® nt siat. i ason {o be lieve | Likely to move" quickly : company. This action is taken to | # Germans May Attack Antwerp. News of the World. - Turkey has purchase d and inte nds | Ball 18 000 ) to strike comes lessen: considerably the tension be- 'TIT ah . : . Pol Plancon, the Paris opera sing- | to put the two cruisers into com- | y ' ! tween Italy and Austria and avert Paris, Aug. 13.--That fighting Belgium has been fer, died on Wednesday. He had been | ISSO Ts. ii the opinion of the k d T i Belgium' Is Resolute. for the present all danger of war be= -renewed is admitted at the war office. The German loss- |" since June ily Mail would ve a grave breach | Have Aske O | Loudon Sup. 18-Vs Daily Mui sween tie Suto vountrion ph on onday, aller oh far outthamber the Be lai on it is { ited i The atialia foul i pe oficial neutrality. S Ab dl saves it Journe that : ane) --- HElAans, S Stated. ¥v opene the traffic of the worl ---- -- a o ws assault the Germans : The advancing troo oo f the Ge i on nan : Soran Distributing War Maps. erve roa jn I : go i vy ar pom Picknickers Should Be Careful. . " S i \ g 21 ate y. A § to e Liege forts, the Germ ; e Lape : t < g ps o 1¢ x€ rman arms ave The Toronto harbor board will I. B. Cooke of the Imperial Life - - ernment again approached Belgium, | Picnic parties who visit islands moved in such a way that there is a growing belief" that {spent $1,400,000 this year on har- Assurance company, is distributing Ottawa Aug. 13. --From any ons lL through Holland as intermediary, {and groves should be very eareful in the Germans 3 bor improvement work among his patrons a very - handy | of three out of the nine mililary [ pointing out. that Germany had no |this dry weather about lighting fires. ans have planne od an attack upon Antwe rp. { The British government has. War map, put out by his enterpris-| divisions of Canada enough men | juarrel with Belgium and no desire to | On Wednesday afternoon Cartwright's | - This would give them a port on the North Sea much near-! agreed to guarantee the Bank of | company. It not only shows a] have enrolled for active service to |p. at war with her, and asked the l(irove was in ddnger of being wiped "we ' Engle gainst a: $8 i 3 lea ' Europe but also one! form the required aggregate of 21, Yel ul sent to recobsider its oy Fp . er theb FIs England against any loss in. di FP nap of : 2. J Belgian governmen out by some picnicers who had lit € Engli h channel, than anv on the™ German coast, Counting bills of home or foreign the world and gives information; 000 men for the Canadian army di- refusal to allow the German army to}, g..% dq AT. it out. but militar Vv experts say that it would be an impossibil- | I banks up to Aug. 4 i cerning the strength of the vari- | vision which is to be sent abroad on. i... erse Belgium in order to save use -- -- y 'an > J e 1- } Ous ropes ations involve active service. Thi he an-i blood and trea prices W i v fo "a . { Canada will become a heavy im- | ropean nations involved in !active service. This was t less expenditure in OO We dower Prices When Possible. ty for any Ge rman army to ea 'pture Antwe Tp. | porter of gold as the result of the |the present struggle nouncement made by Col. Hughes; . .,.a The Belgian government, ac ---- {arrangement for the settlement of me minister of militia last night from | | rording to the newspaper, made reply a= - TTT United States and Canadian liabill- | Wives Take Husbands' Place information received from the com- | opin refusing the Gierman request F h Fl t | ties to Britain at Ottawa. | New Brunswick, N. J.. 'Aus. 13, | nanding officers rom all over Can-| ieee { renc ee The Ancient Order of Hibernians' | -- Wives of Fre y iv. ada who have been busy for the] F ood Reduced ; Frenchmen emuloyed in L a tn * a---- ! : | i y i ; : "Woodbury facial soap." Gibson's w---- | convention for Nova Scotia and Ne : g tire plant here are emulating |Past five days enrolling volunteers. 'S Adam Beck 3 p- G . At the Table - 3 Is i in Force, . | Brunswick passéd a resolution express: | their sisters in France. A large it is estimated that at least 18,-| ir No war time boast with us. A six quart size basket of tomatoes for 25¢., Friday and Saturday, at Carnovsky's, . | London, Aug. 13.--~In a recent issue | London, Aug "BT ~The oficial war of the official court circular it is an- |bureau issued a statement, last mght, | nounced : | dealing with the naval situation, | . | ro ing loyalty to King George and hope | number are taking their husbands | 000 men have handed in their nam- jy H ] G : o of King Geor e! £ Atl ti that victory would follow the British | places in the shop the men having | ©: although the definite figures | € ps to et 'THE DAIL : 8 | in an 1C i t ar i ' { will not be available for two or| WwW H reser pret i-- | Sr Lot Jing, (8S seers ar |12 CN SALE AT THE FoLLOW quarters. » - ; . 1 ; titel veilordav. 8 Hacknells N D . King "By order of the king, plain living {which foy the first time showed that { will be mobilized at Quebec ' next {arrived in the capital yes erday, and Care h a Dep rid Kise u is now the rule at the royal table." { Freuch warships ave present in the At 3 \ | week starts from to-morrow at' $1|was in conference with the minister . W, res : pred 3 4 > > oa - ulter's Grocery ........000 Princess vourt means that the cost of the roy- The statement says { allowances. | plans of the department for secur co Says > 3 1 Grocery, eincess A Alfsed al table has been reduced from (ex "A French feet is searching the At ! {ing a large number of horses for the | Cullen's Gro y Cor, P *® 8 PII In the Burpee janavered the eal 10 the Eviots {three days yet, pending the return; { The 'pay of the 25,000 men who; Ottawa, Aug, 13 - Sir Adam® Beck ING CITY BTORES It is announced that plain living at |lantic in force : per day with ten cents per day for of militia in connection with the College Book Store ......100 Princesy | Canadian army division, and also to Frontenac Hotel crsesse Ontarie Be pressed in American money) $2.30 per |lantic for the five German cruisers . i ¥ go | : "LOSIVES day to $1.35 per diem per capita. In the last reign the cost of hving for the royal family was reckoned at £2.88 per diem each. Dinner at Buckingham palace now consist of four courses--soup. fish, joint and sweets. It used to consist of six courses. All entrees have been abolished. Breakiast now consists of fruit and porridge. Fish is served two days a week and eggs and bacon opice, The cost of living in the servanis hall "has been reduced from ¥1.44 per diem per capita in times of peace to thirty-eight cents per diam in war times. Ji A ITALY STILL NEUTRAL. Rome; Aug. 3 13, -- Follow- ing the official announce ment that England had de- clared made, but it is considered certain there will be no im- mediate change in Italy's po- sition of neutrality. PEPE PLR ETI P OY » ol the international compli- known to be there. The Germans will he hunted continually and kept too busy to do any mischief. Eventually they will be run down and sunk or captured. rast marchant vessels for equipment as auxiliary cruisers, to keep the sea rou¥s clear of German warships." -- Frontenac Cheese Board. Ai the Frontenac cheese board meet- ing on Thursday there was 103 white and 485 colored boarded. L. Alex- ander, of Napanee, bought 9 white band. 245 colored at 12§c. The buyers present were L. Alexander and George Thompson, of Napanee, 1. W. Mur phy and John Gibson, of Kingston, and George A. Smith, of Parham. The bidding was started at -1lde. by G. A. Smith. The following factories sold : Awi- gany 45 colored, E. G. White, and 61 colored, Omtario, 28, colored. St. Lawrence, 37, coloved; 1000 Islands, 35, colored, and Wolfe Island, 44 colored. oF Doweger Empress of Russia IL Berne, Switzerland (via Paris), Aug. 13..-The Dowager Empress Maria Feo- doravna of Russia has arrived here seriously ill and, it is stated, will un. dergo a surgical operation. Ihe dowager empress, who is a sis pe i 3 : t he admiralty Is commissioning | Was Picked Up on Perth Road Near i Glenburnie. ! While A. C. Amey, a local bag- | gageman was driving along | Perth Road-in the vicinity -of Glen- | burnie on Wednesday afternoon, he | ran over Wu small box on the road ! Mr. Amey stopped his rig and | went back to pick up the box, think- {ing that it might hive béen some parcel that dropped off another wag- gon or stage. Upon opening it he was horrified to see how flarrow an { escape he had from being blown to atoms, The box contained detonators used one is capable of discharging with a great concussion. The box was full of these missels and if Mr. Amey had had a heavy wagon to cause the box to collapse and set the caps off, there is no saying what might have Jone exploding dynamite, and each happened. | The box was lying directly in the| {wagon tracks, and it was just luck f that Mr. Amey happened to come along before the Perth Road stage i had made its appearance. The { weight, which is always on this lat- ter vehicle, would have been suf- ficient to explode the detonators, and probably horses, passengers and all would have been blown to Places, } provide for the large orders for re- mounts for the British army which are coming in. Major-General Fred- erick Benson of the imperial army, who was in Canada some time ago in connection with securing re- mounts from Canada, is now on his way back again from London. Sir Adam Beck will co-operate with him in endeavoring to solve the problem of remounts, Safely In Port. Vancouver, Aug. 13.--The Cana- dian cruiser Rainbow, with the Brit fsh gunboat Shearwater, arrived safely at Esquimalt this morning. The sigop of war Algerine will arrive this afternoon. Has Refugees From Berlin For America Amsterdam, Aug. TY --United States Ambassador Gerard, with a trainload of four hundred United States and Ca- nadian refugees from Berlin, bound for Rotterdam to take ship there, passed through here this mornin There is some comment here on the fact that Ambassador Gerard, who is also act- ing British representative in Berlin, Gibgon's Drug Store , Market Square MecAuley's Rook Store ' MeGalls Cigar Store Ue MeLeod's Grocery ....51 Union Bt W. Viedley's Drug Store 360 Uniyersity Ave Paul's Cigar Store ........TQ Prouse's Drug Store Vallean's Grecery .. Lowe's Grocery ,...,.,....Porismouth ROBERT 3. ISHII 230 Frisco stent The Old Firm of gpa, Ol Undertakers "Phone 147 for Ambulanos, : A ---- Iabogasy, the oldest kind for Phone 705. 3 Hot The market was very sood on | left that city to go to a foreign port. Thursday morning. The prices|It is supposed he wished to communi. THE PRIDE OF THE "IRON DUKE" One of the twelve pounder guns on the flagship o were: Onfons bc a bunch; cucum-|cate more effectively with the. United broad, twenty German ships, |... of Queen Mother Alexandra, was and ppecated I the North |, sugust 3rd, stopped in Berlin on N Lioyd Hamburg-Am- | 4. way to St. Petersburg. Eventual- : ines, are tied up in the port of {1 he was permitted to proceed New York. Siockhok She. has, ducked +0. To main in Switzerland during ---------- bets three for 20s; blueberries 18¢ States. Ja ERTL volun! " ed for over-seas He is moun tin the first battle squadron of the British navy. It is angle vd is ased against 4