re USIVE DESIGNS NOW READY for INSPECTION WE INVITE YOUR COMPARISONS. TIT NGSTO Watermelons, Choice Apples, Oranges, all fornla Peaches and can- Fresh Eating prices; Ca Iso full Carpet Sale ' f ------ line of dies. James Paul, HS Princess St. Phone 9014 Goods delivered to all parts of the city, Gedat reductions, if you will need anything in these lines in the near future it will pay you to BUY NOW. Circassian Walnut Dresser, $85: Aug: price KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Brass Bed, $50; Aug. pric Parlor Suite, Mahogany, price Shh Ang. $100 Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, all reduced in sympathy with furniture, | Hend of Queen Street In bookkeeping, short. vil vice, aid i Information free . _H. F. Metcalf, Principal fn livery 25 slightly damaged bed springs, all sizes; reg. prices $3.00 to $5.00, |||! to clear out at 00, $1.50, $2.00 | and $3.00. Bring width of your bed. Phone 90 Sale terms cash. Yours When your eyes begin to give you troubles don't get into water by buying over | | | I. F. HARRISON Where Reliability of Quality is Not Questioned Carpet and rug buyers are Sa . RU deep 1] | the counter glasses. . Consult us, for we are properly qualified to r-- remedy your trouble Ra and make glasses that will relieve your eyes from strain. J.S.Asselsting, 0.0. No charge | for Examination | Eyesight Specialisg, 342 Kiang St. Phone 1019 MUST SPOON IN THE LIGHT. | Benches in Clayton Park Are etl Down, ers of th Clay te N.Y. the publi chased benches will around the plot where styles On aecount of a large are light in the centre of the park, there 0 be a tendency for the young Buyers at the Kingston Carpet ple the benches to the turthermost corners, but now they will be obliged to sit in the light The members of the I gue have also placed a number of s 15 at different places in the vill requesting the proper disposal of papers and rub bish \llowed To Join Regiment. ° : \ cotsman, who canie to King enlisting in the Royal Ca: bench or bound to patronize the store and have and chair not be where reliability of quality is s0 that the moved all not questioned, are correct and prices right. peo LO remove Warehouse are sure of getting Honest value for their money. on for the Kingston Carpet Ware J dian en purpose of detachment of neers, which will leave for foreig service in drunk, and, as a re police court on He asked Mayor the hench, to 0. that he could and the the course of request War Will Affect Queen's, John Dawson, athletic. association, to the Whig, stated if a rink Queen's Secretary ol Queen's when that he would 'he erveted at the university tall on ac count of the scarcity of mone: My Dawson stated that he believed that the war would have a on the attendance at the university this fall speaking doubt ad this telling effect To Fly Till Germans Lic ked. There was a lively time in the Sons of England hall on Monday ev- ening over the war. A resolution was moved and heartily adopted py . all present that the union jac Street, and the I ame 5 Which is now to be seen fluttering the Room Dwelling 115 in breeze, above' the lodge 5 3 . fooms,. remain there until the Ger - Barrack Street, with fine mans are defeated or is torn down Building Lot,» the whole [f{!» remnants by the tempests for the sum of $4,300. SS. Caspian leaves at 10.13 am Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, for $381, I am instructed to of- fer the Double Stone s Dwelling, 7 rooms with w.C, 4 and 6, Rideau Thousand islands, and at 5 pam. for hester, P----------" The opinton munong the men of the R.C.HAL sti]l seems to that they will be called to Esquimalt as there is at present only one garris- on there. "Tee cream bricks." Gibson's. A. R. Walker, Belleville, received a telegram from Riverdale, Cal, an. nouncite the death, on Sunday, of his brother, Dr. Aréhie Walker, of Belleville. Present rent wird plica i "Fim packs," at Gibson's. 'One Waughter survives, Widuriug the { {told ii{ got the name of the driver and al o | Chain- 3 oe Nl or must seems ! for- } THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY IS LAST DAY|QUIET AT CITY HALL | os VOLUNTEERS ron SERVICE ABROAD, sibel | Many Will be Refused, Owing to | And Enquiries Physical Defects--The 14th Regi- Them--<The ment Will Have Parade | This Evening. ACTIVE fhEBENTY RES OF $100 OFFERED FOR SALE. About Stop Being Made War Not | Kingston Building Operations, rb ee------------------------ 1: At the hal ese war days, things are jiet as « 1 Sunday, Does Street is the last Vacation, concerned, IBN up "lor overs' ar On Monday evening ti re- | so {ax ic business js cruiting officers of the different regi rand t for the committees ments were Kept very busy as a te- j to de he Bind of paving sult of; a large number of men | scheme i bees Hog I on the Walling 4e the last minute to sign y The recruiting officers of the 47th | ! ng los borrowing regiment appeared to be the busiest until the banks 'loos men in the armouries. Although the | cn up men nave signed as willing 1 go | The inserted in the #broad, they must pass the medical jmewspapers bv Mavor Shaw, examination before they leave the | for sale city deben city. It is feared that a number of | over, bearing interest the men may be turned down. The |i inquiries medical officers are very particular. ] Applicants' feet are very closely ex- | brought amined | ability NO wore money somewh local offering tures of ¥100 and at five per cent Ameri- has notice In some can #, thi sale 1 and th it on Kingston ) Iving than put it in mayor People money | idle do no better 14th Guard Of 120 Men. At the present time the guard which is doing duty at the Cataraqui bridge, wireless station, water- Works tower and the Shipbuildiy company's dock is composed of 120 | men of the 14th regiment. i On Monday the guard was in this {creased by twenty men In the | Milding permits have been t out ek's time a number x ) ront in on duty will leave for V-acquired Property on foreign $0 their places will | et, above Wellington; | have to be taken by others The officers who are selecting the {men for guard duty, are trying not {10 inconvenience business mea by {taking théir employees, unless "the {men aré anxious to se H may be | that in the course of a few number of the regi be called to give up their and do guard duty fop | two batterie the eity | the de i of their home vhich are ns safe s the land earl city, Bank of Fng payable half Despite the war firme building op have not been three week mdsay & will put a ne or" a we now service, tv brick hon on the of - Collingwood treet, be Thomas brick | i those | | Union and Davidsor tween King, and til build a cement 1st side of Pembroke sion and King days the members of ~ ART i ment may IN SPORTING CIRCLES, | positions . month providing the he Local Baseball Season Should fof the RI. C. H. A. leave be Lengthened William Palmer eball aggregation, league baseball sea extended till late mber here are many fans who with him that the baseball | Manager | Athletic | that the « ! should be Halt, or There'll be Trouble. | When the guard on {bridge says "Halt!" do so or {there will be trouble. This is the ad- | Lf vice of the officers of the regiment |: 3 . |to people who pass over the bridge instead of finishing the latter ! evening During the | I August past few days the guard has been | [or another month. much troubled with citizens who refuse to halt when ney On Monday evening a w | There v Known citizen attempted to cross the | bowling matches played hi dge [in his autothobile.. When the | on he told him to stop he refused | Were de some insulting remarks to > riflenran and drove on | | When the guard saw that the man {{intended to make trouble, ha follow i ed the carder a short distance and Cataraqui elso | | Bowling Games. ere two very Queen's Monday evening teams Sleeth, C Corbet 22, A. Zufelt, BE ce and wW. M. F. Crozier, 1 Smith and Williamson, IT. Campbell--4 W. Baillie, M. Manahan, R. J. Me- matter | a Graham---12, | Kelvey and R. 8. Dr. A. E. Knapp, J. Jamieson, 1 D. Bibby and H. W. Newman 19 Baseball Record. { the number of the car The reported to headquarters Even Reporters Are Help Up. \ Whig while making his | | rounds was Kingston | | Shipbuilding company's gate. He wns | challenged with the sentence "Where going ? lhe reporter an swered 'Reporter.' He was informed " : : {that this magic word had at present American league--~Philadelphia, 5; {no charm on military and that y Cleveland, 1. S{. Louis, 4: he would have to get a pass from | 1 "the major" before he could enter the | gate City, 2 St. eae | Baltimore, 1; 14th Parade This Evening. | he 14th Regiment ha this evening at reporter, stopped "at the p . Phe 2 ; National league--<Boston, 3: Cincin nati, I Brooklyn, 6; Chicago, 0 Pittsburgh, 4; Philadelphia, 2 York, 8; St. Louis, 2. men, Federal league--Buffalo, 7: Louis, 7: Pittsburgh, 6 Indianapohis, 1 Great. Clearing Sale. Broek street, of coat and light summer wear. alsg-a great of clerical coat in Purpose | weight in black. Special low | for cle rgymen. 7.45 | Prevost, has a | assortment parade with | weight for ttendance. The parad | assortment armouries. The regi vos 1 street price enthusiasm ot the loyal Reserve Men Leave, : eN aval Tuesday morning, on | Montreal England on Luesday Reserve mer in | sess-------- ---- Kingston left' on the 1.40 tran, for They "The Hat Store" ore to ul for the sx"! Royal Edward g noon and | I transfer to stations hose | {leaving the ei ere Messis. Ireland a Adams, Cudlin the two Dunn | 3 3 brother ' No Order For Re C. H. A. Col. H. A. Panet, officer in | command of the RH. C. H A., when asked by the Whig on Tuesday morn ing if he had received orders from readquarters for the brigade to re port of Quebec aet stated that | he had not heard of orders for the batteries to move Lieut once, any Left For.Cartier Plains. Seven members of 'th BA. 80 left at Tuesday tor Cartier | Plains, to help prepare for the mobilization of the Canadian tingent The officers were and Lieut. Atchision noon Que, con Capt Green Many Were Exgnined. n of the | of the, in Sep- | should be continued | interesting | New | New York, | Kansas | great light : "New Tooth Brushes," at Gibson's' TUESDAY, AUGUST 11,1914. All New York, Syracuse, Toronto | and Montreal Papers, Containing Complete Report Of a 164 Princess St. = | WHITEGOODS | We are having a big run on White Goods and stocks will soon be broken. Bet- ter anticipate your wants and buy at once. Fine quality Indian Head, 36 inches wide. Special at 15¢ a yard and up Fine quality Vietoria Lawn, 40 inches wide, ranging in price from 10 to 25c a yard India Linen, special value at 10 to-25¢ a yd. White sprays, ete., Mereerized Vestings, spots, stripes, in a wide range of de: 15¢ and up SIONS White PPK. in various width cords, priced at .......... 15¢ and up to 40c a yard Japanese Crepe, very popular this season 15¢ a yar dand up A big range of Fine White Muslins in all the daintiest designs and at prices to please all sized purses. Buy Pictorial Review Patterns, the pattern that all fashionable ladies usc. Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store European War." _ The College Book Store Sterling Silver oe sa We have the daintiest pos. sible THREADED pattern in Table Sterling Silver. It is called the FAIRFIELD and has more merit than any "Thread Pattern" we have ever had. If contemplating purchasing any silver, be sure to see this pattern, as we know it will be to your advantage. _-- Smith Bros., Jewellers : Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses Like the Parrot Every bargain we have to offer speaks for itself. Summer prices on now, Gourdier Furrier 1 Am Ready to Buy, "ENGLAND." | eeeeBUILD ERA | I'he following verses were written | many years ago by the late Rev. A. J { O'Loughlin, of Kingston } [. Anglin's Anthracite (Standards Hard to of Constantine, earth's Where are thy banner and thy | | ! | queen Equal) Sits in thy gate the Saracen O fallen, the lowest of the low! Hath not the one sword To save thee horde? Free Burning = White Ash . Coal IS ALL HEAT earth generou from the Tartar Let us serve you now w hile prices and conditions are mokt favorable. Where are thy pomps Persepolis? The traveller trembles on his way To hear thy sullen serpent' hiss A large number of Wen who have volunteered from the Army Service | land engineer corps for overseas fervice went through the medical ex- | aminations at the armouries on Tuesday. morning. Some of them were turned down on account of de- fective feet and legs. Sugar Goes Cp Again, i At © nine . o'clock on Tuesday | morning, sugar advanced 50¢ a cwt., the price being $5.15. A local whole- saler in explaining the raise ai | there were two reasoms. The first | est lightest and most was that Germans controls the beet- | Riva ; sugar market of the world. The sac- | Servieeable hat you ean {ond was that house-wives ave buying [J 1. WW. import them sugar by the hundrad-pound hag and | Bar Fo sesh aha 33 (Where there is plenty there is (Jf II! large quantities di- waste (ff tect trom the makes, if} and during our mid- simmer sale we are of- fering them at big c.- ductions. A Panama is the cool- i Saat Oddfellows Grand Lodge. Representatives to the Grand Lodge | of Oddfellows lenve to-might for To ronto to attend the Jintal conference. | The delegates who will 20 from Kings- ton are: Cstaraqui lodge, W. J. i {niel, W. A, Twigg, A. Lemmion: Kings- iton lodge. W. Patterson, R. Sloane, W. McCune; Granite lodge, C. Hig- ging, Mr; Caughey. Asin tildes |: Syracuse And Oswego Servige, } ig Olcott lgtves Swift's | wi At.8 pe Wm. ob Mondays, Tues- |} rmmrtne mest Srl, Ff information 4: trick, i} {42 Clarence street, phone 568, 0 i Good Panamas for s ler as 32.50, -------------- Mrs. Henry Hall, Clayton, N.Y., is {dead from a com tion of diseases. ; | }) the best quarter gers of onioms, celery Ig the tarvia stroets in Clean and careful delivery Special terms of payment arranged, if requested 8. ANGLIN & CO. COAL & WOOD YARDS Hay and, Welliuston Sts. one ma - seesLUMBRR. ONAL 8 WOODesee Thou mighty daughter of decay! Thou thing of wonder and of scorn | Thy night come without " morn! | has i { Where are thy glories Carthage? dead Death lords it o'er thy pallid shore re stir thy sands? The robbers | tread. What stirs thy wave,? ber's oar, The arm that smote Rome Here wastes in the eternal tomb. The rob- the crest of And Britain, shalt thou have thine hour Where rolls the wheel of destiny" !No! Holiness shall he thy tower: - The free, the slave shall plead fot { Thy friend, the fortress of them all. No Britain thou shalt mever I. Frank Reeves, of Toronto, whq is judge for the government in the Fron- tenac vegetable co ition, is com- ing down on T ¥ next to judge J ' "5 i We can give you the longest and best twine on the market, 650 fe. pure, 350 ft. for 11c. Think of it! 50 ft. for 1 cent, ne person in the country ean touch and tomatoes in the county. This competition is arousing great interest among the farmers. "Film packs," at Gibson's. $ | The township and county couneil- make an inspection o a seck to have the oil put upon the main thor i in Frontenac. It would add greatly to the comfort of travellers. In the New England sta- ~ Sell, Exchange or Rent Property A splendid new solid brick dwell- ng, in a desirable location, with verandah, 7 rooms, furnace electrie light, good cellar, right of way at back; in Al condition, at the re- markably low price of $3300 Im- mediate possession I can secure good locations and leases for tenants who wish tu move, E. W. Mullin, Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, Phones 530 and 1456,