Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Aug 1914, p. 2

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1° KAY i August Furniture & ~~ Carpet Sale Great reductions, if you will need anything in these lines in the near future it will pay you to BUY NOW. asgian Walnut Dresser, 3; Mahogany Buffett, $100, Aug. price Brass Bed, 850; Aug. price . £38 Parlor Suité, Mahogany, $1335; Aug. Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, all reduced tn sympathy with furniture, 25 slightly damaged bed springs, ||! ull sizes; reg. prices $3.00 to $5.00, to clear out at $1.00, $1.50, $2.0¢ and $3.00. ¥ Sale terms 1 .F. HARRISON CO. -- Phone 90 cash, Yours Reliability of Quality is Not Questioned Carpet and rag buyers are bound to patronize the store where reliability of quality is not questioned, where styles Are correct and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting honest value for their money. R. McFAUL! Kingston Carpet Ware- il Results of the Contests Which In- | cluded Motor. Boat, Canoe and Quick Sale I am instructed to of- fer the Double Stone Dwelling, 7 rooms with Ww. ¢, 4 and 6, Rideau Street, and the Frame 5 Room Dwelling, 115 Barrack Street, with fine Building Lot, the whole for the sum of $4,300. Present rent $354, J. 5. R. McCANN 3 firock St Phones 526 or #31 Bring width of your bed. | of Kingston, is visiting thiends and relatives in town. Pr. T. McGregor, Mr. Parkinson} and Mr. J. Leslie Tedford, of Mon- | treal were in town ths week, hav-| ing come up from Stanley Island in their motor launch. Mrs. Finkle and Mrs. panee, have gone to Sharbot visit their brother, Mr. F. W Aspinwall {sland . 4 Gibson, of Na Lake Shibley | | to ? at A very successiul dance was held © lust night at the yacht club The | verandahs and whari were decorated with many Japanese lanterns and | during the evening there was an in- | teresting display of rang \un- long the large number of guests were | noticed : Mr. and Mrs. Hansord | {Hora, Mrs. R. C. Carter, Mr. and [| Mrs. Halloway Waddell, Mrs. How {ard Folger; Mrs. Hugh Maepherson, | | fondon, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Mitehell, Mrs. yi, (oorge {R. 8 Waldron, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, { Mrs. Francis e-- John MeGillivray, Mr. and Mrs. | down the 1Sanford Calvin, Mrs. J. Suthe; a week with Miss land, Mrs. R. Haston Burns, Miss | taragui Lodge. i i d Bessie Smythe, Miss Mabel Brown Miss Olive returned to Otta- an field, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Misa (wa, on Fri . or .spending a week | Choice {Jean Imfi, Miss Sibbald Hamilton. all and ean- "Orchard two chil | mother, Mrs Barrie of with her st of her INSPEC TION Mark's COMPARI SONS rectors field. Mrs. J. | Dr Wellington street. Miss Herne Starr, Toronto, is the guest of and Mrs, J. F. Sparks, Beatrice MacDou iting their aunt 79 Arch street will go to spend 'Ca and are v Nobes, Hill Macnee on Monday, Nan Skinner at * river, 8. termelons, jes Oranges, California Peaches line of j with Miss y, Sydenham street {Miss Doris Kent, Miss Svivia Coch Mr. Michael Sullivan, Mr. Alexander, rane, Miss Pearle Oldriove, Miss Rita fi¥ullivan Mr. Noble { Sutherland (St, Louis), Miss Susie Steacy re | on Wednes-! Gold | Eating and prices; Plums; dies turned from la George Anglin, Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss Lil | day where they lian Mundell, Miss Jean MeErcher }{ (Paisley), Miss Florrie Stewart, Miss feabelle Waldron, Miss Helen Uglow, | Mrs. J Wiss Aileen Rogers, Miss May Rogers, | street, Miss Anne Minnes, Miss Marjorie Min- | her joes, Miss Gwendolin' Folger, Miss Dor | 01 it Folger, Miss Fthel Kent, Miss Mary | W¥ Stewart, Miss Marjorie Campbell, | 10 take Miss Isobel Walker (Perth), Miss Fi nor Phelan, Miss Lillian Murray, Miss | In Browne, Miss D. Mitchell (London) | | Mise Olivia Bute ( Houston), Miss Dorothy Chown, Miss Freda Burns, Miss Margaret Cunningham, Miss Veta | Minnes, Miss Violet Britton and Miss | Zitu Sheppard {(fiananogue), Mesars Smythe, ¥. Van leslie, Stan- N. Browne, W Ww kent Macnee, Kenneth { of age, { Mundell, = Arnott Minnes, Frank | posted. He occupied the position of | Smythe, on Hasosiond, Shean | assessor for the village, dod Wee: to iil, Richarc mer, en Short, | .x.councillor , [George Driver, Stanley Driver, W. {| oy as a het Srey youre. ho | Minnes, Ross Livingstone, Ayerst Mae y hoing rannunted xh Pet | Ligon in, Robert Richardson, Hendry. Lecee was born at Bush Mills | | Connell, Herbert Steacy, Walter sntriny, Ireland He aa Pa | Steaey, Harold Browsfield, ¥aie Coch. | ta Veteran, | rane (Torontd), Frederick Rogers, W {on holorary vieopresidont -- | Nickle, Douglas Carruthers, Howard | Kingston, liberal-tonservative Folger, Edward Walter {ciation and - chairman of the | pion and Wendling | mouth association. He James. and John, Ke also full attended the up races. 143 Collingwoou the engagement of i Emma Blanche, Mir. Robert J! Alta., marriage! Powell, announces third daughter, Regina, Sask., lie, Edmouton, place soon. (Continued on page 9) James Paul, 48 Princess St, Phone 904 Goods delivered to all parts of the city. 1o of DEATH OF JOHN SCALLY. | Had. Been a Resident of Portsmouth | Forty Years. . KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) { John Seal mouth forty yes night, after iv, a resident Ports- | died on Friday | an illness extending over | | a month He was seventy-nine years and was widely known and re- | ot George {ley Cunningham, A Jenton, Head of Queen Street short- service ard and Information Keeping, civil the Agso Ports ol Ryan, Cain Anglin : of Ports Miss Mag two Sons, : | of the Montreal { mouth, and four daughters, | Migs Nora Tedford, | general hospital staff, | the guest of her sister, { McKay, for past leave on Monday for Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell," of Brockville, | with D ee a few days A week with r li and Mrs Ernes t Yo g, at Rockwood 1 * | J Notice From to-day all shines 5c, i Eleven years in Kingston! i | We're here to stay. Will give | 10¢ worth shine for 5c. | { i | Pappas Bros. Two parlors, 90 and 200 Prin- cess Street? who has been Mrs. ten days, will the Adirondac n of Roches gie, at home; Miss lizzie, Mrs. John ter, N.Y; Miss 'Edith and { Priestiy, of Calgar George the Great Clearing Sale, Prevost, Brock street, has a {assortment of coat and vest great | | The Yacht "Club tea was held at the clu house yesterday aiternoon, i}! || and the large number of guests thor | loughly enjoyed the races and swim | ming. events which took place during {the afternoon. Among those present were : Mrs. BE. H. Pensd, Mis. R. ( Carter, Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, Mr Herbert Robinson, Mrs. Bernard of clerical Special low assortment { weight in black, | for clergymen. Syracuse And Oswego Service, Olcott - leaves Swift's { wharf at 3 p. m. 1 days, Thursdays and Fridays. For |Browne, Mrs. R. D. Sutherland, Mrs. { information apply C. S. Kirkpatrick, | 'R.. W. Brigstocke, Mrs. FP. E. Pri- | 42 Clarence street, phone 568. deaux, Mrs. J. Rigney, Mrs. Buxtan Smith, Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Mrs. T. | | Russell Stewart, Mrs. Halloway Wad- dell, Mrs. Hansord Hora, Mrs. San i {ford Calvin, Mrs Frederic Brown- ais field, Mrs. R. 3S. Waldron, Mes. R aston Burne, Wer," CW. Salton, Pull for the | Shore Steamer STEAMER BRITANNI( Leaves Canal Basin, foot of Dal- hounie St, Moutreal, every Wednes- day at 5 pan, arrives at Kingston Friday 2.15 p.m, retorning Jeaves Folger's Wharf, Kingston, at 5 pan. taking passengers for Gananoque and Brockville and freight for Mon treal. A. N. SMITH, Gen, Mgr. Hend Office = Cornwall, Ont, | If you will give each day to the problem of how to buy a home as much time and thought as you give to your pet subject'--say baseball-- Ji will soon become a home owner. Figupé tut with McCann. Oats will be the best crop in the 'ounty 18 the opinion of a num Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. | por of farmers on the Yaris on Hubert Ryan, Mrs. Otis (Watertown) {gat dav. The weather has been =o Mrs. Heubner, Mrs. D. Phelan, Miss ; dry that the hay will suffer in quan Martha Smith, Mis Mary Smith, | tity although the quality will 'be ill Miss Helen Fraser, Miss | Norton good. {lsTaylor, Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Ask your dealer for Oro Creamery | Miss Isabelle Waldron, Miss Doris | putter ('anada's best make. | kent, Mise Ethel Kent, Miss Millie *50c. Beef, Iron and Wine." || Ferris, Miss Jean Duff, Miss Ms: Hinckley, Miss Marian Redden, Mi Rita Sutherland, « (St. 'Lowis), Miss | °F Jessie Smith, Miss Flavence Cun ningham, Miss Amy McGill, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Sylvia Coch ll rane, Miss Dorothy Mitchell (Lon- | w lll don), Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Bessie | remedy your trouble i Smythe, Miss Emma Pense, Miss Ai and make glasses that itl leen Rogers, Miss May Rogers, Miss will relieve your eyes 0 Mabel Brow nfield, Miss Marjorie | from strain. fil Brownfield, Miss Margaret Cunning Ee {| ham, Miss Flizabeth Cunningham, | i son's. When your eyes begin to give you trouble, | don't get into deep il | water by buying over the counter glasses. i Consult us, for we are properly qualified to "The Hat Store" To-Night STRAW HATS Burns v4 Miss Aileen Rogers, Mits Olivia Bute, | 1.5.Asselstine,D.0.S . * Mrs. Blake, of New Jer sey and All New York, Syracuse, Toronto and Montreal Papers, Containing Complete Report Of European War. a life-long conservative, | | is survived by | on Mondays, Tues-! Gib 160 Princess St. To- Night 200 yards good quality Pailette Silk, 36 inches wide; rich lustrous black; beau- tiful finish, A Saturday night special 100 yards nice quality Shantung 8ilk, natur- al shade, 34 inches wide. Reg. 60c qual ity. On sal tonight 39¢c light | i weight for summer wear, also a great ! coat in light ' prices 150 yards Navy Dress Serge, pure Indigo dye, just the thing for bathing suits, 50 inches wide. A special price To-night Special value in-- | Ladies' Sleeveless Vests 2 for 25¢ Ladies' Corsets ..,...". .. 50c, 75¢c, and $1.00 Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose, Black, Tan, Ladies' Maruisette Waists at . . . . Pictorial Review for September Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store ote Srna ee BUTLDERS SUPPL Wey Order Now CANADIAN BANK BILLS Gold--Have Government Authorization. To prevent Good As ANY uneasiness or unpe The College Book Store Phone 919 Sterling Silver We have the daintiest pos sible THREADED pattern in Table Sterling Silver. It is called the FAIRFIELD and has more merit than any "Thread Pattern" we have ever bad. If contemplating purchasing any silver, be sure to see this pattern, as' we know it will be to your advantage. Smith Bros., Jewellers Opticians Issuers of Misviage Licenses Like the Perrot Every bargain we have to offer speaks for itself. Summer prices on a _ FURS Gourdier Furrier 1 Am Ready to Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent. Property A-splendid new sold brick dwell- ing, in a desirable location, with verandah, 7 rooms, furnace electric light, good cellar, right of way Al cessary trouble on the part of those Quicker-Attention,-- Hh ll Miss Mary Crookall and Miss Freda | Hi fl No charge for Examination Ul Miss. Wi Phe. Eyesight "Specialist. Il Quebee, are the g uests of Dr. and S42 King Se Phone 1018 il Mrs, A. P. €£hown, "Edgehill," King | street i J AGH CLUB RACES ic Rpday Baie street, Gordon returned to-day where She to Ottawa to-day after ni the | ANNUAL REGATTA HELD ON FRI- Miss Nan past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. G DAY AFTERNOON. Pi Teo Lodge," has been the guest of Skinner Mrs. Wardle, of Ottawa, ing her paremts, Mr. and Mrs, Roney, University avenue. Mr. Norman Macauley, borough is spending a with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. N.'G. Polson, Jr, came up from Gananoque for the | races at the Yacht Club yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. -D. G. Laidlaw, | Earl street, returned from Old or-{ chard, Maine, on Friday is visit- AF | | | | | Peter- | | of | days | | | | { Swimming Races, of the races in the gi Kingston yacht club regatta on Fri day afternoon were : Dinghy race (start lin finished first at cond at 4.1647; W, 449.45, Ihe results 3.30) 4.15; 8S Nickle W. Ang Hill ge- Out must go every i third ; man's hat in our store. nt I ) - Mrs. Jayne McCammon and Miss | You can have your ron's Kioto 11, time 16 mins. Mary McCammon were im town shoice f secs; N. . Steacy's Oroa [Il, second, from Brockville this week. {fl} chotee of all our good tm 17 mins. 40 sees. : : ae w | hats to- night for exact- Swimming race, in order of finish Mr. John Beaufort brought a par- a ing--li. | Ryan, A, Wilkinson, A. 'ty from Watertown for the regatta | ly half price. Remem- Shortt, W. Steacy on Friday afternoon. Those who | ber this store always Canoe race, doubles--First, I). Cum- | came were: Miss Estelle Dezengrem- | joe mings and H. Lloyd (A.A.C.A fel, Miss Marie Clarke, Miss Beau- | J] 40€s exactly as it says anoque); second; SN. Hilland and 1). fort, Messrs. James Potter, Frank | and thi§ sale means, Rodgers; third, H. Brownfield and A. |Poiter and Prunyn. Crothers; fourth, E. Steacy and ¥ ! Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb and fami- $2.50 Hats for... .$1.25 $2.00 Hats for ...$1.00 $1.50 Hats for $1.00 Hats for Ryan. The last two teams upset. lv and Miss Marian Payne sailed | Bang- and-go-back race were out 12 over from Cape Vincent to attend | in ier of nish]. Lhe regatta yesterday. Big Reductions on Pan- ainas d W. Bishop, of wey . . kinson and D. Rodgers. Quay, an Wate! i 3 A g Ww ae ate br xder of finishes {Sound are spending a few days " Wa cil indows! Bowen, W. Newlands | Miss Anna Macpherson who has | A. Shortt, A. Wilkinson'and D. Curm-! i Has Seels: and J." Mac ness the guest of Miss Hilda Hague, mings. "t+ Mr. and Mrs. A C Otis of wa- | Importers of ~S . Wald ot Upen motor boat race--R. » Gan- win, 22 sec. C. Lockett, Cc. V. Lesser, J. H. nee. Canoe race, single, ish--D. Cummings, H. {her home in Glen Allen. in order of fin: [""pe gets H, 8. Maunsell, f| Loyd, A. Wil-' "In "a { University avenue, left vesterday for Bang-and-go-back race, in order of tertown are the guests of Captain finish, time out, 9 mins. 38% sees--J. 'and Mrs. C. J. Hinckley, University | H. Seels, R. S. Waldron, J. Macnee avenue. and L. C. Lockett. Three were dis- i Miss Jennie. Shaw, Clergy street, | qualified. who was Miss Coe's guest at Thous- The Harty trophy was won by A. land Island Park for a few days, Sullivan, with 8 points; seeqnd, West jcame home yesterday. lake; third, 1, Rescola. : Mrs. Barnett, of Utica, formerly iamiliar with financial matters, and with the strength of our Canadi an banking system, the minister of finance has issued a timely and reas suring statement He outlines the effective steps which the government is taking to ensure an abundant supply of currency during the war, and authorizes payments in bauk notes instead of in Dominion notes or gold. Ihat is to say, not Better Service and you get the benefit of the lowest priee. Anglin's Anthracite Coal (Standards Hard to Equal) Free Burning -- White Ash ALL HEAT 8. ANGLIN & CO. COAL & WOOD YARDS Bay and Welllngton. Sts. . Phane 66. the familiar $5, $10 and $20 hills, and those of higher de- nominations, issued by our Canadian chartered banks have now exactly the same value as gold Railways, express companies, merch ants, everybody in Canada, will con tinue receive and make payments in bank notes, Our Canadian banks ate in splendid position to meet any to Jmarkably back; in. Al condition, -at-the low price of $3300. my mediate possession, €9 I can secure good locations and leases for tenants who wish to move, E. W. Mullin, Cor. Johnson and Division Strevts, Phones B39 demands which may be made upon them, as their reserves are exception- ally strong. Sm------ | Frontenac Matriculation Results Group 1 (pass)-- R. F. 8. Baird, M. Duguid, G. A. R. Emery, B. I. Eng- land, U. E. Forster; A. R. Garrett, N. K. Garvin, G. M. Graham, 1B Hawley, H. Horning, V. 'A. Lanos, R. C. Lyon, T. Masterson, L. B. Me- Rai ht, 6. 8: Pixley, H. S. Scott, C . Wood. ¥ has 3 Apartial passh---E. C. bell, V. Clark, R. Coyle, N. Denni- sone. N Ena a ain, From the H. L. Goodearle, J. R. Gordon, S Best Mak iW. Horne, M. E. James, G. ¥F. vaner, E. L. Keeler, I. Lake, E. N: We can give you the longest and best twine om the market, 650 ft, McMahon, W. A. Marrison, !. N=. Nill Y. A Minnes, H. B. Patterson, pure. 530 ft. for 11c. Think of it! 50 ft. for 1 cent. W. Simmons, R. Third, R. R. Wal No person in the country can touch Ee G. K. Waterhouse, 51 Wilson, it. Mit E. Ww. Vaughan. "Double strength fy paper." Hardwars - International rece LUNBER, ONAL &@ WOODeeey Camp- Gib- Charles Rodgers, J. D. Suther- land and G. A. Sutherland, who are here from Of City, Pa, caught in two hours fishing on Collin's lake on Friday, eighteen veby fine bass. A. MoArthur, of Perth, motored to the Feiih on Friday . tooth Paste, 15¢."" Gibson's. ell' Princess St. Agent for Mercury ninety -- humidity everywhere. Hard time for COLLARS, SHIRTWAISTS, when they are not laundered right. 'Try this laundry--dety humid days and avoid hurt to your pride and pocket. Kisigst | I

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