I very man wants coud clothes. Some men get them don't. There more than do's. nien who do not get good clothes bv at Buy were and avoid disaphonut- dale others are don'ts The the wrong store, mient, For inst Our Rion Our Our Qur Men's and $18.00 Suits 3 Men's 210.0 and $1 2.00 Raincoats Men's $3.00 a Trousers Boys" $3.50 and $6.00 Suits LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A Lite Ot of te Way, Bit It Wal Pay You To Wak Saturday, 8.30 0'clock mmm mn Aron White Muslin: Underwear AA We have decided to clean up the remainder of this season's Whitewear at a price on Saturday. 28 Doz. White Muslin and Crepe Nightgowns, regu- lar Toc and $1.00. Saturday 17 Doz: White Muslin Underskirts, regular 80¢, 90¢ and $1.00. Saturday 15 Doz. White Muslin and Black Sateen) Blouses, regular $1.00 and $1.25. Saturday 12 Doz. Summer Corsets, made with patent hose sup- porters, a regular #1.00 corset. Saturday ..48c . 9 Dog. Checked Gingham Underskirts, sun and tub. Regular $1.00 skirt. {urday GN. fast colors Sat- Drawers ou Ladies' and Children's White Cotton Draw- ers, girls' sizes 2 to 12 ears ; ; all sizes in ladies made both ways. Regular 2 25, ae, 40. Satur- ay... «vv. 912 c pair THEM IN THE WINDOW Ri Officers, |p have POC TEWYTewY For Canadian Vo Volunteers to Cross the Ocean. ENLISTMENT BEGINS } THE ARMOURIES UNDER COL. | T. D, R. HEMMING. [Te Canadian Contingent Will Like- ly Go To Belgium to Fight--The Rules of Service Are Given. On Friday mdrning, Col. T. D. R. ; Hemming received a message from {the militia department at Ottawa {ordering him to post lists for the enlistment of the Canadian volunteers to be sent to help the mother coun- try in the present war. a | The volunteers will be sent to Que- bec where they will likely drill be fore being sent across the ocean. I'he Canadian contingent, which will aumber 21,000,. will be composed of {13,000 infantry and the rest will be ! artillery. {| The force will be imperial and have !the same status as the British regu lars. Enlistment will be tary for all ranks. The standard physical qualifications will be required. Military shooting qualifications must also be high. 1 Term of service will be for the war Other considerations being equal, of- ficers, non-commissioned officers and men will be selected in the following order : Unmarried men. | Married men without Db | Married men with families I The age limit will be I8 to 43 years as a rule. | absolutely volun families. NAO and men who with the and experience comply requirements but who may not be atwiched to the defence ate gible Officers of the reserve wise qualified are also eligible The enlistment is to he carvied out with all the expedition that is sible a fortnight it lieved if not whole ready sail. now eli- other- and inside the first section. contingent, will he British warships will pany the transports across the At lantic. I'he landing vel determined, but {will be in Belgium accom- place is not very probably it 14th Regiment Ready. In case the 4th Regiment iz called upon to do Canadian duty, the men of the regiment are ready to respond at a few hours' notice On Thursday evening six oi the com- panies paraded at the armouries for the purpose of taking out uniforms. EE 48c Sale Although the regiment has received no words fromf headquarters it is thought wise to-have the regiment in readiness in case a call might come. A large number of young men were on the job Thursday evening for the purpose of enlisting in the companies. It is the intention of the captains of the difierent companies to have their companies up to strength \ recruit class was commenced Thursday evening for those who have never drilled before When the call is given for for foreign service, it is expected that about fifty per cent. of thé riflemen will signify their desire to enlist The addresses of all the men were taken so that in case of a sudden call they dauid be the job in a very short time on recruits { | 1 | on | R. MC. } Col. Carleton, commandant of the | Royal Military College, when asked | about cadets taking out commissions, replied : '"ihere are a number of ca- |dets who have offered their services to | the militia department, but no word has been received yet about where they will be placed Of course, the senior cadets, those who have had training, will be taken first." Cadets For Service. some Nurses Volunteer. here recinl meeting of the | Nurses' we: of the Kingston gen | eral hospital held on Thursday after- find out how many of the would volunteer their ser necessary There were ten the meeting and four of their names in a volun- Misses R. Cornett, E. Mc Yorke and H. Brydon. a number of nurses taking who have volun | | j noon, to alumnae | vices, if ! nurses at them: sent teers, viz. Connell, 1 There are the "short | teered course' Inspected The Batteries, | Lieut.-Col. E. W. Rathbun, of Des eronto, commanding the 9th Artillery | Brigade, and Lieut.-Col. W J. Mor- 'gan, veterinary officer, of the same brigade, inspected the 05th and Sth Field Batteries, of Kingston and Gan- anoque, respectively, and found them both in good conditibn and in readi ness to respond to a call . Andrew's Chimes Rang. When the news arrived in the city on Thursday night, that Fogland had won a naval engagement in the North Sea, Greenwood played the chimes in the tower of St. Andrew's church. "Rule Britannia" sounded by the chimes disturbed a number of city zens who were in bed, and they got up and went down to the newspaper bulletins to read the news. Should Write Ottawa. The men who volunteered jor ser- vice in the war at the office of Post- master Stewart have been asked to send in their names and addresses ta the naval department at Ottawa and they will be provided with free trans- portation to Haliiax, where they will join the steamship Niobe. One _Hoidr at Cape ! 8S. American leaves at 2.30 p.m, Saturday. Fare 60ci An attempt a: made within the last forty-eight hours to wreck a Northern railway train by dyna hy 2° attempt occurred at aldi near Parry Sound, 3 ¥ a PE FPE PREP PFRRR RRR ERROR Rel errr Be {2 | KAISER EXHORTS G ERMANS + Berlin, via London, Aug. 7. : The emperor has issued an or- + der to the Gérman army and navy in which he says: After forty-three years of & peace, I call upon all Germans % capable of bearing arms. We have to defend our most sacred possessions in fatherland and home against the reckless as- sault of enemies on all sides of us. "That means hard fighting. 1 am confident of the ancient war-like spirit which attacks the "enemy wherever it finds him, regardless of cost, and + which in the dread and terror of our enemies. "i have confidence in you % German soldiers = in each and + all of you. An ardent, indo- + mitable will for victory is living in each and all of you. I know if needed each and all of you would die like heroes. "Remember our great and glorious past and that you are Germans. God bless you. ® (Signed) "WILLIAM." POPU * IN THE GRENADIERS. | Heir to The Throne Will See Active Service. wd PRINCE OF wares Aug. 7.~It is officially an- that the Prince of Wales, ir to the ig e, has received a commission in the Grenadier Guards. London, nounced company vice. It is recalled that the prince Tots of training with officers of corps at Oxford. ; His brother, Prince Albert, is aboard the Collingwood with the battle fleet in the North Sea. It is believed that the Grenadier Guards will be sent to the east coast of Emgland. . ' deeded bbpddubdibd ddd ibid ddd CANADA TO FEED BRITISH PEOPLE. "had the Ottawa, Aug. 7. -- The food supply for the people of Great Britain and their army is one of the great problems of the sit- uation, and this is receiving the particular@ttention of the gov- + ernment here in conjunction +» with the imperial authorities. 1 may be anticipated that + steps will be taken to conserve 4 to Great Britain the great bulk % of Canada's exports of wheat s# and animal products. oe » Per eP Pr eP bb eR bib eb eRe bd REV. THOMAS M'KEE DEAD. rp = For Years Public School Inspector in West Simcoe, North Bay. Aug. 7.--Rev. Thomjas Mchsee, formerly public school inspect or for South-West. Simcoe, died, Wed- nesday evening, after a lingering 'li-| neas, Deceased was horn in Mousghau, Ireland. He was a graduate of Knox College and Queen's University, Kings- ton. He was for many vears a minis- ter of the Presbyterian church in Can- ada. and was appointed inspector of public schaols for South-West Simcoe in ISS, last year when he was retired. Saturday Sale of Peaches And plums, first of the season from the Niagara district, at. Car- rovsky's. i PEDO PEP PLP SPE PR Tt + ROYAL FAMILY ANXIOUS. - -- " London, Aug. 7.--The royal family shares with the homes of its many subjects the su- % spense of ari for news of the fate of the different units of the fleet. Frince Albert, the second son ¢f the king, aboard the battleship Collingwood, is one of the many boy midship- men afloat sharing the perils of their elders. Freed pty LEY, class Many a wo hn' wl * Watching to See if James Bocking | Would Throw Stone at Him and past has been the *| # | cases he disturbed EEE LRIILE and it is understood that he will ac- | the regiment for active ser-' PREF EEE E EN h bs rhe which position he held until WT BY STREET CAR THOMAS LYONS HAI HAD A NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH. Drove in Front of Car--Bocking Arrested, But Case Was Dismissed. lhomas Edward Lyons, about thir ty years of age, employed as a driv- er tor the Canadian Pacific railway, game within an ace of being killed on Thursday afternoon about 3.20 ¢o'- clock. * t1¢ had been delivering some 'empty by anana cases al the rear of RR. MH. In putting off the James | avout sixty years of age, and tne latter became very augry and fol- lowed the driver up the street when ue arove away, and in addition to using threatening language, picked up sa stone as if he was about to hurl ww at Lyoms. In crossing the street vailway tracks ° on Ontario stree\, Lyons kept watch on Bocking to gee if he jwould throw the stone and ue did not notice street car. No. 16 'bound fur Lake, Ontario Park. The waggon was struck( by the ear in iront. of the Prince { Lyons was. thrown off but bravely | held on to}the lines so as to prevent the horses trom running away. The motorman of the car stopped as | quickly as possible, and Lyons was found under the steps of the cars. and it was indeed a miracle \he was not run over. Constable James Bateson, who hur- i ried to the scene after the smash, pla- ced Bocking under arrest on a charge (ui disorderly conduct. { Une mde of the C.P.R.| waggon was damaged aud a whitlletree was brok- en. . Yuite a large crowd was at- tracteu to the scene as a result of the accident. When charged in Ahe police court on Iriday morning, with disorderly onduct, Bocking said he was em- ployed at the cotton mill, but that on Thursday he had taken a day oli because his back was sore He sat down on some boxes at the rear of toye's wholesale in order to get a Loye s wholesale, rest "This young man threw some boxes off Ynis waggou on top of me," he tolu Mayor Shaw, who was on the bench, "and 1 picked up a stone, but I did not throw it. lt made me mad to think that a young man would do what we did." Lyons stated that, he did not Jocking when he threw offi the boxes and he did not think that any of i the boxes put oli the waggon struck him. | Questioned by the court, Bocking : admitted having used threatening lan- guage towards Lyons He said he pever intended to throw the stone , but merely wanted to frighten lyons Mayor Shaw reprimanded him for "his conduct and said that in vie of | the fact that he lhad never been" be fore the court before he would | miss the charge. However he inust {be carefull of his: language and ac {tions in the future. | Lyons was given a severe shaking 'up as a result; of his experience and jit was only with great difficulty that able to walk to the police the hearing of the .case. See he was court for Maberly Matters. Aug. 6.--The raspberries |" Maberly, been so plentiful are nearly have The Joseph Munto has moved into his new home. Charles Pattersap has purchased the Munro property and will shortly move in. St Alban's ! Sunday school is holding a picnic at Silver Lake to-day. Norman Buchan- jan and family leit for Parham to-day. !'A number from here will leave for | Winnipeg on luesday. { A suspicious looking man was in the | village on Wednesday, asking at a number of houses for food. He had long hair down on his shoulders and a long black beard, but a very young face. The people all think it was false wig and whiskers and are sorry now they did not investigate, He was rid- ing a bicycle. Dr. Fee, Sharbot Lake, village on Friday evening. and Thomas Briggs were Perth to-day. Mrs. Crowe returned home after visiting her parents at Parham for a week. The Orangemen will march to church on Sunday,where Rev. Mr. Crowe will deliver an ad dress. that over | cess was in the John Dufiy tussia has 464,500,000 acres of for- est That is to say, more than one- third of the whole country is covered by trees, and there are four acres of forest to every inhabitant. * | A Danish nerve specialist places his cofiyalescont patients on top of a pao that they may be benefited by the vibrations as it is played | 'Ihe thumb is stronger than all the fingers put together. 2 George gotel., dis §. Methodist special was a suc- visitors in |, SPECIAL SALE To-Morrow at 9 O'clock. rn Se ---- S------ or This sale to-morrow comprises all our remain- ing stock of Women's and Misses' Summer Dresses, They are made of Crepe, Ratine and Voile in the newest and most becoming styles of this season. There is a good assortment cf sizes and most of the popular colors. 15 Only Ratine, Crepe and Voile Dresses, in white, black and white check, tan, black, blue stripes. These dresses range in value from $4.50 to $6.50. To-Morrow Morning $2.49 ed 7 Only | | Ratine and Voile Dresses in white, black and white | | EC p------. veywew plaid and small flower. Regular $7.50 to $11.00. Your Choice ToMorrow $3.95 7 Only White Voile and Colored Ratine Dresses, $12.00 to $15.00. To-morrow $5.95 regular 35 Only Women's Wash Dresses Tub Frocks of Crepe and Gingham, in- the newest styles for the present season; colors black, blue, tan, pink, white stripes and checks. Regular $2.50, $2.75, $3.00. Tomorrow $1.25 John Laidlaw & Son Nice Soft Kid House Slippers We have just opened a case of Ladies' 3 Strap House Sli and light and a nice and soft, nice the right price, all sizes 2% to 7. $150 a Pair Also one with 2 straps at $2.00.