Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1914, p. 7

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5 q 3 Your Best Interests Are served wheu you place your' Banking affairs with The Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample facilities, widespread, well-chosen connections, and the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you will find eareful and interested attention given te your account, and an accuracy in handling the smallest details that you will appreciate : Paia-up Capital . $5,000,000 Reserved Funds $6,307,272 INCORPORATED 1858 BANK or TORONTO GEORS! Kingston. McKAY Manager, IMPORTANT Under the Equitable Life Assurance Society policies there are no restrictions on travel, residence, occupation or Military or Naval Service Apply to Howard 8. Folger, Agency Manager, 44 Clarence Street. Builders & Contractors Attention Sand for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : LIMITED. 168 Princess Street. Yards, Sowards' Dock ' Phone 286. a -- FARMERS '! The time is drawing near when the up-to-date farmer d.oains his land but now is the time to place your order with the Kingston Brick Yard for tile required. Let us book your orders now and they will receive prompt attention. You may also order any you may desire to draw dur- ing the winter. We will also be pleased to book Your order for the brick for that new house You are going to build next summer. You will want to draw the bricks this winter. Get your order in early and avoid the rush. A Neal Kingston Brick Yard "Phone 1396 our Division Street. A sold brick house, hot water heating, electric light, gas for cooking, hardwood floors, grate, and verandah. We are only asking $3,000 for this property, and. it is a bargain at the price. This pro- position is only good until August 1st. We sell Life, Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance. J. K. Carroll A #8 BROUK ST. gency, PHONE 68. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. For Sale Gramophoues, Phonographs, Graf- onolws, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re- cords. Big discounts for July and August. Allen's us Broek, La PRESERVING AND PICKLING TIME IS HERE. Rubber Rings, sizes, Freed's Bottling Wax, Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- fin Wax, in fact we can supply anything you may require in the preserving or pickling line Hoag's Drug Store Owe. Y.M.C.A, Phone 358 Corks of all Our cream vholesome. is pure and customers have to order by phone. We Riv in time for meals. Give us a trial order. George Masoud, a PRINCEES sr." - Prompt Delivery MADE FROM REAL FLOWERS 'Priced From $1.50 to $5.00 FI CARNATIONS ORG "FOR SALE OR TO | ~ LET | 'Brick house, No. 118 | | i Imported direct rom of flowers, Califor R. J. RUDGER, Jeweler 7 King St. "Where the Clock Is On the Walk." the land Victoria St., between Johnson Sts. Seven rooms, modern; immediate possession. Apply : i Earl and INCIDENTS OF THE DAY]LAKE ONTARIO PARK LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Week-end sweets." Gibson's. Allover aprons, 50¢. Dutton 's. A. Simpson purchased a avtemobdile on Friday. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received. at McAuley' a. Phone 564. ne for big Work Horse par a nm Saturday next. wet entry blanks, 41 Clarence street. The Civie Finance Committee has been called by Mayor Shaw to meet 'his evening to discuss financial matters, In view of the war condi- aew TONIGHT 3.5% VAUDEVILLE AND PIC. TURES WEDNESDAY CHILDREN'S 1 CENT DAY ON CARS ' CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Minimum charge for one Insertion, 35e¢; three insertions, Hoe: mix, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED. AN ADVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 26c for one night, or 0c for three. LIPTON'S tions. Hose, black and tan, two pairs 25e. Dutton's, Sydenham street. Two children irom Stratheona vil lage, Howard and Amy O'Neill, were brought to the general hospital on Thursday, ver. *50¢c. Beef, and Wine." Gib son's. A story that two German spies, supposed to have been caught at Petawawa were taken to Ottawa jail is denied by the Ottawa jail] officials. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. leave orders at Auley's book store, Men's $1.50 overalls, "Week -end sweets." Postmaster James Stewart was Ro: tified, on Friday morning, that the | mouey order serv ice w ith Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium and Egypt has been entirely suspended. "Double strength fly paper." son =, 2 About twenty-two ,members of Army Service corps came to the city on a special train over the C.P.R., arriving in the city at* 3 pm. on Thureday. Few white men or women, ubam street, J. ¥air motored from Perth io a city and arrived at tem o'clock Friday morning. Near Kingston Mills his car broke down and he was tuwed fn by a farmer's team. Iron 21 Me- $1. Dutton's. Gibson's. Gib- for Syd- boots left Dutton's, canvas $1. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE | A Lot of Short Items gether. Comiort shoes. Dutton's "A 2c. tooth paste, 15¢."" Gibson's James C. Laing, of Troy, N. Y., was in the city on Friday "Migh class sweets." Gibson's A. L Miller, of Hanover, arrived in the city on "Thursday afternoon Vests, two for 25¢.* black sateen un derskirts, 50c Dutton's Not a pound of cheese Brockville cheese market on day. "Double Run in Perfect sold Thurs strength fly paper Gib son 8. Mr. and Mrs New York were Thursday. Ladies' Terms moderate. Colborne street. "Double strength |0on = Willlam E. Summers and Mrytle Jordan, Mallorytown, married on Tuesday "Regent tooth paste," for 15 Print ton s. One woman at a leading London store, after waiting one hour and a half, ordered $1,350 worth of food, including 144 pots of jam. "Good sponges" at Gibson's Sele agents for Standard Patterns Dutton's William Marron, Brockville, died on Thursday. He had had several strokes of paralysis since April and was sixty-two years of age. "Regent Liver Pills," 2 for 25¢ son s. M. J. Haney, Toronto, the well known - capitalist, and daughter, visiting with Mrs. C. Godfrey at God- frey, returned home on Thursday. "Fresh seidlitz powders." Gibson's, Children's shoes cheap. Dutton's, Sydenham street. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cumbers, Brockville, celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary on Wednesday evening. They entertained many friends. Seven children are living. "Nasagra," 25¢c. and 50c. bottles. Gibson's. George I. Horton, trainmaster of the Brockville and Westport railway, and Miss Martha Brooker, Brotk- ville, were married in Rochester on Monday last. George W. Dunn, of in Kingston up-to-date Miss A. Keys, fiy papeg." Gib Miss were regular 25¢., Gibson's, blouses, all colors, Se Dut (iib- RECLAIMING EGYPT'S SOIL. Surprising Results in Cotton Shown by Lord Kitchener. Lord Kitchener lectured before the International Congress on Tro- pieal Agriculture at the Pmperial In- stitute, London recently, and show- ed how SUDO acres of absolute waste land at Biala on the Nile Delta had been niade to produce comparatively large crops of ¢otton by a new Sys- tem of irrigation He said that the modern cultiva- tion of cotton in Egypt dated only from 1821, but for years it did not make much progress on account of the deterioration of the land thereby produced and the constant care that che erops demanded. Science] he said had at length come to the rescue, of Egyptian cotton by develoying thé industry along the followed lines: (1) The renewal by purer strains of the cotton seed in the coun- try, which was. liable to deteriora- tion every seven years. (2) The regulation and improve- ment of irrigation and drainage. (3) The proper cultivation and manuring of the land and the rota- tion of crops. (4) The incessant war that has to be waged against insect pests. In a country illke Egypt, Lord Kit- chener, said, scientific agrickitural methods, must, in order to he accep table to the fellaheen, be suggested in simple form for assimilation by them. It was gratifying to note that suffering' from typhoid fe- | | the | 1 TEA The finest the world's largest producer can grow. Prices from 23¢ to $1 per 1b. NOTICE. terested will please wo- land Mur ose | ake of Part close tice that the Township will on Monday, Aug. 10th, building The road a period of th vale road, owing to the {new bridge at Murvale. rer main closed for {four weeks FREEMAN Tp. of Portland GENERAL GOOD RELIABLE MAN FOR GROC- ery wagon. Apply, giving refer- ences, to Box A, Whig office MUST HAVE the evening University SERVANT, references. Apply in to Jers Brigstock, 152 GOOD SITUATION READY wirl about 16. Must be well re- commended, Any Rev. A. E Smart, 56 Brock PORTRAIT AGENTS WANTED, SEND for catalogue. Solar and bromide prints, portraits, flat and convex frames and sheet piotures. Mer- chants Portrait Co., Toronto, INTELLIGENT X earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no _cauvas Send for particulars. Press 8) cate, 3,968 Lockport. N.Y MAY ae | | FOR {THE OLD BOYS' PICNIC | oR YACHTING TRIP { TREAT THEM TO A HUNTLEY & PALMERS BISCUITS (40 varieties) AND A GLASS OF WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE Your family grocer cun Ruphily you Feawick, Hendry & (Dikribuiors) { | i To- | | | at | on | | dressmaking. | 33! | {All oMcers, N.O©.'s and men of the [5th Field company and telegraph sec- ! | (Queen's | Canadian Engineers | tion, wishing to volunteer for | University), service abroad wilt personally ister their names to Major Hughes, RCE, 3rd Division. Room | 7, the Armouries, Kingston, the arrival of Major MacPhail: also and 15 of the following trades: -- Bricklayers, Telegraph Op- Wheelwrights, Electricians Saddlers and Harmess Makers, Blacksmiths, Engine Drivers, Sail- makers, Tinsmiths, men. Masons, erators, Volunteers For 47th Reg ment": OVERSEAS SERVICE F. 8. Ferguson, FOR Apply to Lieut-Col. Inverary. e Majae S. Kaight, Eiglu- 66 Nelwon St. Ty King St, Kingston; raesdale, yde! m: Lieut, ia ort: L « W. Mew Koewn, RR... Napawnce: C Samuhell, Lote Les Capt. J. H nah, R.M.D. No. 1, Enterprise; Lieut. 1 x, Odessa; Capt. Geo. Pringle, And all the Teutenanis of the regl- ment are requested (0 yee the applica- tions 2 olnitests, All applications must be n te the O. C, of the regiment mt Too am, Wed ¥, the 12th, at the Froutennc Hotel, Kinsnton, Te PS USON Thewt. Cot, of 4Tth Regiment. done by treating Egyptian soils in a scientific manner; Lord Kitchener then described the experiment at Biata: The system of irrigation and drainage laid out on the land cost, he said, $50 an acre, and the land was then handed over to the fellaheen in five-acre plots for cultivation. They had to clean and level their plots, which were made over to them on a special tenure. Last year the land 'was washed and a crop of rice was grown, with the resulting purifica- tion of the land above deseribed. In this case, said Lord Kitchener, to the great astonishment of the fellaheen cultivators, a permanent result had been a hieved in one year which, under the ordinary system the means at present being adopted were having the desired effect. Pre- judice and apathy in these matters were gradually being replaced by a more intelligent interest in the bene prevaling in the country, would have taken at least three or four years to accomplish, and even then, without adequate drainage, the land 'wonld have been liable t¢ °° back to ite Signal state. Co was now be- fits attached to rhe observance of titie ng satisfactorily in a large 3 sm 5 what can be Fos i rw, hd sod bed {PARIS PATE SANDWICH reg- | MH. 1. | until | any mechanics between the age of 18 | Telegraph Line- ! GRO Xperien Ap 'smirre IR FOR WHOLES 3 © | r Wal ellovse, m t y | 3 rig mai. | 7 le i Gr Craig | rr m------ fevomn ns ® Lig EIVE #15 TO #865 WEEK- | ly Why not vou? Write immed- | tel f il particulars; sample, | et 3 ] ec. Experience unnecessary. kanclose 10e to cover Clifford C. Mitchell, P. O, Box Edmonton, Alberta. Canada HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A salesman? We have a proposition to make which will enable you to earn more money than you are arning at the present time. Cor- respondence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. gost WANTED GENERAL. FROM OCT. lB RNISHED DWELLING 8. R. MCann, 1st tor the winter. J §2 Brock street. RENT THREE or four FROM SEPT. 18ST, rooms and bath, well heat- ed; lighted, bright and airy. Furn- ished preferred. Highest referenc- es. Address Box 714, Whig office. JAMES SELRWY, for prices on work jonor A CARD TO nversity Ave. all k ds of carpentering Estimates given on all classes of work, hardwood floors laid and finished. Satisfaction guaranteed BRING THEIR it made up into up- ice and workman- ranteed jo please Press- repatrin done on the shortest notice Filomas Galloway, 1 Brock street, near Bibby's GENTLEMEN TO cloth and have I "TEACHER WANTED. I NORMAL IRMYED TEACHER FOR CO Simp. ) TEACHERS, PRO. Portland public schoo salary wante and J. Dowsett, Port QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST- ant, for Union School Section § Oso and 9 Olden, for coming year Duties to commence after holl- days. Salary $335 Apply to D. Attewell, Sec.-treas, Oconto, Ont Carpenters, Steamfitters, Plumbers | FOR THE nstitut a ary $17 KINGSTON COLLEGIATE Moderns master: sal. to $1900. plus $200 for Bduecation work, an- 1 In rease $100 Apply to Sec- Board of Education, up S. NO. 6, 080, A necessary 1 to comme nee 'after holidays Apply end experience, Ser -Treas,, O=ario bt ACHER MNuties summer salary Crain tion QUALIFIED T junior de *partm rt mouth Public Se ho 1 wl experie 0 per annun intl the [E39 Kingston NM Address Por th y LANDS "0 =, . ..OfMcps, 2 ARCHITECTS, MER- Buliding, corner Bagot St s Rafik a card Tenders wilt be received up to Tues. day, the 11th inst, for the fixtures of James A. Scott, sive merchant, of 269 4 ess street, Kingston, undér a of mortgage, dated January 26t yeh The stock cousists of boots, shoes and rubbers of the value of about $3,000, and may be inspected at the store at any time. The lowest or any tender not necessar- fly accepted. August Jrd, 1814. WEBSTER, Kingston, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. Ont, R. Kingston, CHAS, LOST. FOR SALE. A WHITE ROW Island, near ( "Lottie RB, er report to A. and, Gananoque A YAWL OFF morning about Gananoque. Er Lechance, pilot, will hand parties search. 1 week-end Isla leriy apply WwW. r G. W. Allen, Once 25¢, three STORAGE FOR clean and dry. street. 1st May, No. Cunningham & experience | ARCHI- | Brock 5% Wellington streets, Prop | | would bring in from $75 to $100 per acre. The opening of a mew field for the production of eotton in the Su- dan was of the highest importance. The results of the experiments in growing cotton on the Gesira Plain bad proved that a fair yield of good quality Egyptian cotton could be pro- duced there at a time of year when there was no special demand for wa- ter in Egypt; for the harvest for cot- ton in the Sudan synchronized with the sowing of éotton in Egypt. Thus a great future was in store for the Sudan as soon as the iprigation wotks ow the Blue Nile, now being undertaken, were completed, enabl-! ing a vast area available for cotton cultivation to by fully developed, | ES IN CLARENCE Apply to 79 Clarence and on free N' TORAGE For Fu --ry, ai rooms Key. Frost's Queen St Pho FOR " B : house, all gas and ted. Addres A NEW SEVEN with barn and on Alfred St. 106 Pine St, R., No. 1. Rochester, N.Y." FOUND. A BOAT YESTERDAY Howe FOR CHARTER. LAUNCH MAYBEE, WITH FULL GOV. ernment equipment TO LET. TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, ectriod 500 FURNITURE, remember: FU RNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM Cann. #2 Brock St. SUMMER, nveniences, Apply :r Eastview Park R ADVTS. Cost three times, 50; HAY named Find- Kalaria Isl BOAT - OFF HnaRqoue, IFFECTIVE ittle. Once, 23c; Carl one week, $1.00 ; . DI A SEV EN YEAR OLD BAY PONY, 38 Bay st GEESE FEATHERS, PLY Goldman, 387 Division St. SECONDHAND ORG AN, GOOD SHAP Cheap. D. J. Dawson, pianos a Victor Vietrolas, 244 Princess St. RANGES AND REFRIGERAT- Ors at reasonable prices, while they last. At Turk's Phone 705, ANYONE HAVIRG SECONDHAND stoves or furniture for sale, call on me for first class, prices. J. Thomp= son, 333 Princess 'St. Phone 1600. KINGSTON MATTRESS FACTOR good paying business, will any; "wh plant complete; all machinerey in &00d running order. Apply at face tory, 556 Princess street. $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNACE, ElL- city, B. and C., $800 cash; $2,- solid brick, rents at $20.1 8: cash will buy. R. Charles Bey Bagot Street OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 41 in. high in front and 56 1-2 in. high oi back t Tee drawers and one op shel SHghtly used. Appl British Whig office poiy A LARGE NUMBER ' Dunlop tires, TO MRS, five miles from quire of Mr, J. E Island GAS and leensed le fishing and picnic ne river trips and n rambles. For Driver, Phone 612 dn 127. times 50c. ETC, McCann, 82 Brock 115 Bagot Mudie street ST. CHAM. Cungingham & Mu St OF BICYCL at $2.00. attended wo Al for Ww JCOND-HAND square piank Bans, Angelus rolls, organs Cash or time Scale Williams Montreal St. UPRIGHT PIANOS, piano-cased or "player and musie and gramophones, payments ow Mano Agency, 35 Kingston. RNITURE, CLEAN, your own lock and City. Storage 299 ne 526b foe INI ED | #1300 DOUBLE erly Stree FR AME FRAME HOUSE, BEV HOUSE DUR« its. BRICK, Victoria street $4300--SOLID BRICK, NEW, ALL IM. provements GRO, A. TATEMAN, 67 CLARENCE ST. telephon s Box L, W ig office ROOMED HOUSE large strip of land, to J. D. Boyd, 1OUSE, 163 from 1 rooms, sion Apply Phone 1454 STUAR DIVISION ST. tage, fireplac plumbing, gs: vard, barn a Rent $10.00 Phone 403 street: and single unfurnishedy for occupatio servation arrar it 10 | information Apply 8 to fversity Ave deep lot 321 niversity Ap BELV IDERE ATARTMENTS, 141 KING house -keeping ONE MARINE BOILER IN GOOD RE pair about'126 horse power, gaars= north side: ( anteed to stand 160 ibs. cold wat- immediate posses- "pressure. One marine boiler of Ave. t horse power, good heavy needs some repairs. One stationary boiler. 45 horse power, shaking grates all in good repa'r. Adams & Duford Co. Chaument, N. T ST.,, THIRD DOOR | CorT- new "kitcher -- - -- watering PERSONAL. ' r "428 Princess St WARTS, BIRTH. all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently, with scar; 23 years experience. Dr ner J. Lake, EY jar, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 368 Bagot stroet 5 ROOMED ba 8 er ------ 1 ply HAIR, MOLES, marks and apartments ~d and furmishe wed ) MUSIC. Society; pre wide rut, Colo Money issued properties mu debentures deposits r lowed 8. Clarence st efv reet FINANCIAL. mortgages purchased REED AND STRING IN. copying and are + of military orchestr ands. Bure 264 University Ave. ALL BRASS, strun and Webb, IT SIC AND DRAMATIC tion, 21% ontenec St. Miss Norma Telgman Alda Telgmacn, BRE; 0. Telgmann, teachers of elocu. tion, plano, violin and all stringed instr uments AL band incorpore ne nel Henry »" vity nicipal Rr Smith' and and INSTRUC ed and interest al McGill, Mamager, 87 LIVERPOO F in property possible rates, old or giving rates from 8 Agents CATE "IMATES GIVE pers, ete rent Te Silverwanr CATER TO Wedding break also rent dishe silverware Re M. P. Reid, 30 Hambrook, Phones 843 or SITUATIO | LEARN PARBER 3 ployment, Good required to com for 'particulars day. Moler Queen st, To NTS Christmas card sSamples book free ardex," Chipchase, 'C England, BUSINESS [ANYONE ANYWH a mail order canvassing: be Send for free Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, day, purpose of the war. LONDON Phone banquets, For particulars wy Ring Sts 176 Alfred Barber WANTED CHANCES. A meeting of the St. lance Association and the Red Cross Society will be held in the Biological Building, Queen's University, on Fri- August 8th, at 8 p.m., for rendering effective aid in the matter of medical supplies for the sick and wounded dir- n interested in this work are earn- estly requested to attend. AND npany In additton t« olers have for on Uimited lability A. FE. da t DENTAL. B.A, LDS, DDS, RE- KNAM moved to SPARKS (over SPARKS AND lington St Phone 348 I Ww Carnovsky's). . U. NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. B. Sr T n, wssistant 133 Princess IRENG. | Ph nt ". SIMPSON, 1S, D.B.S., dinners parties, | ist, corner Princess and cutlery to | streets Entrance on Bagot street. apply Ri --_-- -- ro o re N FOR BALL SUP. |S. e and PARTIES. BALL BUSINESS None ES. fasts, banquets, etc Fk able linens and id and Hambrook Union Street. | Street has ¥ . HA . ope ned up a quarry on Stephen St. ut, building and rough stone are wed promptly at reasonable 303 LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, ters and solicitors. Law Clarence street, Kingston N VACANT. URE EM. wages. Few weeks plete course. Write UPHOLSTERING. and catalogue to- |. t L et i ee ------ College, 221 |w, J. GAVINE, { PHOLSTERING, RE. pairing carpet wor and and . mattress renovating Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. BARRIS. office, 70 TRADE ronto PRIVATE 8. Ladies or gents r-- Large profits Darlington, FoR ROOMS AND BOARD. BOARD AND ROOMS, board. Apply 138 Wel- opposite post office. FIRST CLASS also abe lington St. por MONEY WANTED. ness &t home; no your own boss booklet; tells how XY. EIGHT PER CENT. iret mortgages. Apply Whig office, More than the usual number of people are booking their order for winter supply now. Let us fix on s day with you. We take special injury to lawns AND on 508, SEVEN ratd Tox care to avoid John Ambu- Notice is hereby given that the parts nerghip heretofore subsisting 2 the undersigned as holel-koepers in City of Kingston, bas day Wssolved BS nutuad Comet All owin yt said partne are be paid to Frask McCor, by pS claims against the wad partnership also be settled. . 1st day of Dated at Kingston = $his FRANK MoUUE JOHN MeCUE. the and surgical August, 1914. y-- Because Cartain County, father of triplets, nies boar 8. Ayres, a farmer of Me Oklaboma, decided paying Some women their instead of s ge" to REEL, is a the count, he shauld taxes,

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