+ LOOSEN ~~~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST?, 1914. CANNOT BRITAIN'S GRIP There Are no Weak Links in Empire's Chain --- All Dominions and Possessions Are Secure Now that BrMain has been drawn into the vortex of Euro- pean war it is safe to assume that, with one possible exception, no por- tion of her overseas dominions or other possessions throughout the world is in danger of seizure by Ger- many or any other hostile power. It any attempt were made to invade or menace any outlying British soil it could only come from a foreign pow- er holding possessions of superior {military or naval strength in immedi- ate proximity. So far as can be seen at the present time no outlying patch of red is at all in dapger of being expunged from the map. The situation in British East Africa is prebably the most ac- ute. Lying directly north of German East Africa it covers an area of 240,- 000 square miles, as against 364,000 square miles in the German protec- torate. There is absolutely nothing fn the nature of frontier defences on the border between the two coun- tries, The respective military and po- Hee forces are: German East Africa, « fourteen companies of native troops, comprising 2,472 natives and 262 Germans; force of German police, 2,- 140; in all 4,874 men fighting stren- gth, British East Africa, six compan- jes of native troops, made up of 1,- 500 natives and thirty-two British officers, British police force 1,704; a total fighting strength of 3,232, In German East Africa most of the white population are Germans, the total number being ! ish East Africa's whites are of a more heterogeneous nature. There are some 3,000 Europeans, including British, German, French, Italian and other races, and an Indian popula- tion of 25,000. In addition there are geveral hundred Boer families, most of whom are at least a week's jour- ney from the railway. Two Avenues Of Invasion. Should Germany decide to attempt! to seize the British Protectora.e, two avenues of invasion would be open to her. She could send her for- ees by the newly opened Usambara railway to its terminus at Kilima Nj- are, on the border. From that point one day's march would enable her to reach and seize the Uganda railway. Once in possession of that she could send her troops where she liked from Mombasa, on the coast, to Victoria Nyanza, capturing Nairobi; the capi- tal and the seat of government on the inland journey. Again she could send her troops from the port of Tanga, the coastal terminus of the Usam- bara railway, to Mombasa, which has no fortifications. From Mombasa she could carry her arms right into the interior without much opposition, for British East Africa possesses but one railway. Swift mobilization of British set- tlers would be an absolute impossi- bility. Calls to arms would in 'mos. cases have to be sent by runner. and the majority of settlers live from one day to ten days from the rail- way: Possession of the Uganda rail- way would mean possession of the country. If Germany had sufficient forces and were to seize the Uganda rail- way, the way to the Uganda Protect- orate would lie open to her across Victoria Nyanza. The seizing of Uganda would be a mere matter of occupation, for only a few white peo- ple are settled there. Where Britain Would Score, On the other hand German East Africa might be menaced from Rho- desia, to the south, if she sent her forces north to British East Africa, and if Germany succeeded in seizing Uganda a British force might pos- "8ibly march south from the Sudan "to Uganda, through that would be a long and tedious undertaking. It is Cool Food even in hot weather. 1 The '* never, varies. East ' Africa. however, fairly certain that should the German protectorate invade the British territory, her operations would be confined to seizing and holding British East Africa. Outside of a possible elash bé- tween British and Getman East Af- ricas indications are that any meet- ing of the British and German troops on that continent would result in the practical wiping out of the kaiser's foothold. The whole of British South Africa is well garrifoned and strong- ly protected against invasion. No hos- tile troops could -land at Capetown, and any expedition: north through the old Transvaal district would be subjected to all the difficulties--and more ---- which beset the British when Kruger forced war. -- Might Seize German Possession. On the other hand, Britain would probably take German Southwest Africa, which adjoins the British ter- ritory on the west, and {is very scantily garrisoned. German East Af- rica dare not, of course, attempt to send troops south, in fact any at- tempt she might make to attack Bri- tish East Africa on the north would, as has been stdted, leave her open to inroads from Rhodesia. Egypt is seemingly absolutely safe, since no hostile force could approach by means of the Red Sea past Aden, which is a second British Gibraltar. British India, the island of Ceylon, the straits settlements and the Ma- lay Peninsula, British possessions in Asia are sufficiently isolated geogra- phically from the German possess- ions in the Pacific to insure no dan- ger from attack. Hong Kong, North Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak and the Jritish possessions on the east coast are, however, within striking dis- tance of Kaiser Wilhelm's land, the northern section of southwest New Guinea and Kia-Chau, on the east coast of the Chinese province of Shang-Tung. The latter was seized by Germany in 1897, and the district placed under the protectorate of the ficer acts as governor, and the admin- istration is entrusted to the German naval department. In event of Japan co-operating with Britain these German possess- ions and protectorates would be in a bad way, as much of the Japanese naval strength at the present time is reported to be in the waters adjoin- ing them. Control The Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean the British: islands of Malta and Gozo, acquired by treaty cession in 1814, and utiliz- ed as a military station, are appar- ently sufficently protected against any hostile attack by reason of their position, unless Italy becomes a fae- tor in the war. Gibraltar and the Suez canal control access to the Me- diterranean. On the American continent, in ad- dition to the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland in the north, Bri- tain possesses British Guiana in South; America and the West Indies Islands, The whole of Australasia is likewise under her flag. Menace from Germany or any other European pow- er in these quarters is an impossibil- ity outside of a huge invading army conveyed by a powerful fleet, No European power at war with Britain could afford either. Australia has a naval force of her own, which would be sufficient to repeal any force not convoyed by a powerful fleet. Interesting News, Straw hats are half price to-morrow "I'he Hat Store," George Mills & quality of White Rose flour for Hot Days Better health comes with less meat and greasy food durifig the warm weather. By proper and pleasant food one ean feel cooler than his over-fed neighbor, : Grape-Nuts and Cream . --some fruit and a soft boiled egg, or two, is sufficient for the hot weather breakfast. An ordinary portion of Grape-Nuts and eream contains nourishment # €ustain one until the noon- day meal; and being a partially pre-digested food, it does not over-tax the|stomach and heat the system as do heavy, greasy foods. These suggestions, if followed, should show that one can have a cool body, active brain and energy-- '"There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Canadian Postum Cereal Co, 14d. Windsor, Ont. RR I ETT German empire. A German naval of- | do what was expected of her. jand trustfully ANGRY MOB SURROUND, A German Club Building In Toronto at. Night. Toronto, Aug. 7.--Enrhged b; the refusal of the management of Lae German Liederkranz club to hoist a British flag above their pretentious building on Richmond street west, a mob of over five hundred men mad a violent demonstration in front of the club shortly after midnight and but for the intervention of a squat of about twenty police, the building might have been raided. The de: monstration was evidently a well- planned affair for the mob had wiih them numerous flags and were ac- companied by a make-up band. The Liederkranz club is the pre mier German institution in Toron to. It has 8 membership of over cleven hundred, the majority of whom are Germans. There are about four hundred English and Canadian members,including some of the most prominent sporting and business men in Toronto. | | +> * "TOM" LONGBOAT ENLISTS. oh -- + Toronto, Aug. 7. -- "Tom %* Longboat, the world-famous In- dian runner, wants to be with the first Canadian contingent that leaves for the front. He has joined a city company of the 36th regiment. . "I do not want any married men yet," said Capt. w. H. Hedges, to whom the mara- thoner applied to be sworn in. "That does not make any dif- ference, I want to serve my country," replied the Indian, who was detérmined. "Take him on," suggested Major Heron, whereat Long- boat looked immensely pleased. He took the oath and signed the service roll, remarking that he + was ready to start at any time. + Bl B EPR PRS NR EEE as | : PRESIDENT BEREAVED, Death of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson at Washington. Washington, Aug, T7.--Mrs.- Wood row Wilson, wile of the president of the United States, died at 5 p.m. yes- terday. The deceased was fifty ylars of age. She came to the White House robust and healthy, ready for the many duties that fall upon the shoulders of the wife of the president. She did not care so much for society as her predecessors in the role of first lady in the land, but made ready to She officiated at several functions of state, at musicales and many informal receptions and "'at homes." at Kaiser's Arrogance With Belgium. Buffalo Express The ultimatum served upon the lit tle nation was an example of arro- gance such.as hardly has been seen in Furope diplomacy since the days when Napoleon looked upon himself as arbiter of the destiny of Furope If Belgium allowed German troops free passage through her territory, Belgium should be assured continued independence at the end: of the war. No admission here of the possihility that the German government may not be able to dictate the terms on which the war shall end. No con- sideration of the fact that if German troops are allowed to enter Belgium, French troops or English troops must have the right to attack German troops in Belgium. Belgium was ex- pected to leave all that to Germany, to recognize 'in (Germany the great masterful | power, to submit humbly to Germany's wishes, and is promised as a reward the pri- vilege of keeping what already is hers her independence. So a peaceful state, having no terest in the quarrel and being sirous only [to keep out of it, dragged inté wpe and may even come a principal theatre of the war, not through = any fault of her own, but merely because her highways af ford a convenient route for an army seeking to ihvade - oneiof her neigh- bors. When one thinks of the devas- tation which war necessarily brings to the people who live upon and culti | vate the fields where battles are (fought, and through which armies | pass, of the burned villages and {towns and ruined crops, the wrecked industries, the forced flight of non- | combatants to safety zones, one can 'have only pity for the undeserved fate which has befallen or is about to befall Belgium. Front Road Personals. Front Road, Aug. 6.--Mrs. J Beaubien who has been spending few days at the home of Mrs. R | Baker, Front Road, has gone to her brother's home in Pittsburg, where she will spend a few days before re- turning to her home in Schenectady N.Y. H. Beaubien, accompanied by his wife, has been spending a few days at the home of his aunt, Mrs R. Baker, Front Road. Miss N. Bur leigh and Miss E. Cronkhite, of Am- herst Island, have returned home af- ter visiting at Mrs. R. Baker's in de- is be Uke White Rose flour to get best results, . The vital importance of Belgium in a war between France and Germany [lies in the fact that unless Germany may move across Belgian territory, neutralized by trealy, an invasion of France would bave to be through the heavily fortified French frontier pro- per. The enfire north-eastern frontier of France is, roughly, 4406 miles in length. For a distance of about 250 miles this frontier line separates France from Belgium and Luxemburg. {The remainder, about 190 miles, sep- 'arates France from Gerthan territory. With the neutrality of Belgium ob- served, the scene of action would be reduced to the splendidly fortified -Franco-German frontier proper. This line of ence runs, broadly speak- ing, from Vedun to Nancy, to Epina, to Belfort, and to Besgqneon, one of these cities ie the centre of a group of fortifications extending north-west and south-west, and all LAW OF NEUTRALITY HOW WILL IT AFFECT THE MOVEMENT -~ Of American Grain in British: Bot- toms ? =~ America, Incapable of Handling Her Own Grain Ship- ment. Montreal, Aug. 7.--How will the law of peutrality affect the movement of American grain from American ports in British bottoms ? The fact that the grain 'is war contraband and for thé consumpion of a belligerent power, places such traffic in American ports in the class of unfriendly and hostile acts, ps far ay Germany is concerned. Dabblers in international law are interested in the bill being introduced by Senator Underwood, whereby Brit- ish snips can secure American registra- tion with the same ease that American ships can secure British registration. With American registration the British vessels, which do all America's carry- | ing trade in the ordinary course of trade, can then run grain without in- volving the Laited States in an inter- national breach. Buj the law pro- esses are «slow, and Ahe need for the grain, which America has this year in| abundance, is urgent. | The fine point -in transhipment through Buffalo to Canada, is raised, now that Canada has been placed her self in the status of a nation at war | with Germany; and. local grain men, who have plenty of grain on hand as it is, are passing up the knotty legal problem which is presented. The trade in grain this month, apart from the war contingency, would have been mostly in American. winter wheat, which reaches Montreal at this time every year and is being sent through here-from Bufialo as before. There are over five million bushels | of grain in the local elevators, and all | of it is for export. Whether America will share in the profitable grain busi ness that is soon to be done with Eur { opean belligerents, or will have to han fle it through Montreal dealers, is still in doubt. The trouble arises out of America's inability to supply a merchant marine capable of handling™ her own grain | shipments: | Fifty Million | To Be Voted _ By Parliament | ses- Aug- i long, | the | Ottawa, Aug, 7..---The extra sion of parliament called for ust 18th js not likely to last assuming the co-operation of | OPposition. No business will be brought down | save that which relates to the exist- | ing emergency and this should wo | prove controversial. There will be | an appropriation -- placed roughly | at $50,000,000 to defray the ex-| penses of the Canadian contingents | and probably the government will] seek more extensive powers in deal-| ing with the emergencies that may arise, Members of parliament will like- ly get a special indemnity. When a session. lasts less than 30 days their pay is $10 a day; over 30 days they get the full indemnity of $2,- 500. For the brief session which is anticipated---unless it be prolong- ed by adjournments--a gpecial vote will likely be made, the amount of it to be determined. SHER RRR bbb esfeafesfesdeds oe MEXICO WAR OVER. Mexico City, Mexico, Aug 7 Provisional President Car- vajal and General Venustiano Carranza, head of the constitu- tionalist movement, have reached an" agreement concern- ing the turning over of the gov- ernment to the constitutional- ists. It is expected that a gen- eral amnesty will be declared at an early date. - Hostilities have been suspended. * a -* * BE www ww eh Rd o* &* * * * + wsledededebododdosdededesdesdonfiofeods deo desdesde donde Desert Lake Ripftes. Desert Lake, Aug. 5.--Farmers are busy harvesting their grain and eport a fair crop. Corn and potatoes are suffering severely as a result of the extreme dry weather, The lakes in this vicinity have been well visit- *d by campers and pleasure seekers, his season. C. Morrill and F. Comes- ty, Nyack, N.Y, have returned home ifter their annual fish here. The nany friends of Mrs. Charles Orser ire sorry to learn that she has gone to Kingston to obtain medical treat- ment. Mrs. F. Orser, who has been on the sick list, is much improved. Miss Sybil Garner, the guest of Mies Annie Snook, has returned home. Mrs. S. Cordie, and masters, Leonard and Lysle, Perth, at Charles Orger's. Mrs. John O. Allen, Perth, at William Snooks. Choicé new potatoes, peck of bush- el. Anderson Bros. F. G. Hughes, M.A., Renfrew, has been appointed to a position in the high school, Montreal, | fall {if such exists, it is declared. CROPS SHOW UP WELL Ont¢ in Excellent Condition Heading up Nicely, Watertown, N.Y. Standard All grain crops in Jefferson. coun- ty are showing up well these days, oats especially. The cool weather during the month of May did not have any ill effects on the grains, in fact aiding their growth while now the grain has reached a sufficient height so that the ground is well shaded and the moisture is being held about the roots. Oats are head- ing out nicely. . The showers during the summer have been well distributed. While taere have not been many, yet at #arvious times all sections of the county have. been visited with rain one section frequently being benefitted by a shower that was purely local, but within a day or two, the adjoining section would have its shower. It is estimated that there is the usual acreage of grain. Corn has been picking up the last few weeks and is now doing fine. the crop showed symptoms of being backward in June and fear was felt that there would not be a crop suf- ficient to fill the silos. The prevail- FORMALLY OPENED ON THURSDAY EVENING. WAS By a Patriofic Concert and Addresses --Death of Mrs. Frederick Wilson, Gananoque, (iananoque, Aug. '7.---Fdith M, Hampton, wife ,of Frederick Nelson, Charles street, passed to rest on Wed- nesday evening, after a short illness. Deceased was a daughter of the late William Hampton, Georgiana street, and was well known and held in high esteem. About a year ago she mar- ried Mr. Nelson, and they have since resided on Charles street north. She was only about twenty-four years of age. The funeral takes place this ai- teruoon. The formal 'function of opening the Gahanoque public park to the popu- lace was held last evening and attract- ed a large crowd. The Citizens' band volunteered its services and made it the occasion for a programate of patri- otic selections \dn keeping with the martial ardor of the time. Their ren- derings of "God Save the King" and "Rule Britannia" bringing forth ing hot weather has brought about a change, however, and the crop will be fully up to normal. So far no prices are being quoted for this year's hay. It is expected that. the first quotations will be in the neighborhood of $15, about the same as last year. Some of the hay rrowers expected to dispose of their crop before September. Buckwheat, is making a good appearance. -------- TO PROTECT MARRIED MEN. To Investigate Alleged Discrimina- tion Against Employees, Albany, N.Y., Aug. 7.~The Work- men's Compensation Commission has nstructed all deputy throughout the state to conduct vestigations, and fact-getting paigns to determine the extent ployers' married ployees, commissioners mn- cam- of em- alleged discrimination against and | physically unfit ' em- } A business-getting campaign for the state insurance fund has also been started, the first step in the cam- paign being the appointment of ex perienced and competent underwriters act mm conjunction with the deputy ommissioners of the state. : I'he commission's, committee has de ided to put a stop to discrimination h I'he re solution which directs the deputy com- missioners to conduct an investigation into the matter orders them to report their findings to the commission in New York, "in order . that the com- mission may be in a position to re. consider its action in granting to em- who have abused it, permis- to garry their own insurance. ployers, sion NEW MINI 'R TO GREECE Droppers, Williams Succeeds Williams Washington, Aug. 7. Prof. «( Droppers, of Williams Colleg nominated by President' Wilson minister to Greece, to succeed (ieorge Frederick Williams, of Boston. Boston, Aug. 7.--"I will accept the position when it is offered me," said Prof. Droppers when informed of ms nommation "I am only too glad to he of ser vice to my country, the partment, and to the administration The appointment to a foreign: post at this crucial time is important and 1 shall go with a true realization of the import of my duties," Prof. College arrett , was to be to state de- Duke of Wellington's Brevity London Chronicle Lhe Duke of Wellington wrote all his correspondence with hand, and reduced brevity to a fine art When a philanthropist begged him to present some petitions the louse of Lords on behalf of the chimney the duke wrote back: "My. Stevens has thought fit to leave some petitions at Apsley House. He will lind them with the porter." \ Miss Jenkins, who tried to flirt with him, received the following note 'n response to a gushing epistle : "The Duke of Wellington presents his com pliments to Miss J. She is quite mis- | taken. He has no lock of hair of hers. He never had one." ~Big stock of groceries and provisi- ons, flour and feed. Order now and Save money. Anderson Bros. his own to SW eeps ner, rounds of applause. The committee in charge of the improvements to the park building and grounds has prac- tically completed the work set it, and took this opportunity of handing over its completed work to the general pub- lic for approval. During the evening addresses were given by Mayor Gibson, Charles Mae donald, C.E., and Frederick J. Skin chairman of the improvement committee, and others. The festive occasion was continued until a late hour. Refreshments were also served on the grounds, while a dance plat- form and the Citizens' band orchertra furnished amusement for those so in clined. The many friends of BR. G. John street, are delighted to see him once more able to be about the streets after undergoing treatment for several weeks past in Kingston general hospi- tai, and undergoing a critical opera- tion, Master Carman English, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Anthony English, Pittsburg township, is holidaying in town with his grandfather, William Salter, James street. His sister, Miss Alza English, who had spent. the past two weeks here with relatives, has returned home. Cook, m------------------ Fresh Eggs, fresh butter, Ander- son, Bros. -- ThinMenand Women Here's a Safe, Easy Way to Gain 10 §o 30 ibs. of Solid, Healthy, : Permanent Flesh. Thin, nervous, undeveloped men and women everywhere dare heard to say, Jl can't understand why I do not get fat I" eat plenty of good, nourishing food." The reason is just this: You cannot get fat, no matter how much you eat, unless vour digestive organs assimilate the fat-making elements of your food instead of passing them out through the body as waste. What is needed is a means of gently urging the assimilative functions of the stomach and intestines to absorb the oils and fats and hand them over to the blood, where they may reach the starved, shrunken, run-down tissues and bulld them up. The thin person's body is like a dry sponge--eager and hungry for the fatty matérdaly of which it is being deprived Ly the failure of the dlimentary canal 10 take them from' the food. The best way to overcome vhig sinful waste of flash building ele ments and to stop the leakage of fats is to ure Sargol, the rec ently discovegs ed regenerative force that is recoms mended so highs by physicians here and abroad, ake a litle gol tabs let with every meal and notice how quickly your cheeks fill out and rolls of firm, healthy flesh are deposited over your body, covering each Bony angle and projecting point. Good druggists have Sargol, or can get it {rom thejr wholesaler, and will refund your mon- ev If you are not satisfied with the Kain in weight it produces as stated on the guarantee in each package. It is inex- pensive, easy to take and highly effic- lent. Caution :--\While SBurgol has produced remarkable results in Lvercoming ner vous dyspepsia and general stomach troubles, 1t should not be taken unless you are willing to gain ten pounds or more, for it Is a wonderful flesh-build er. OUR TOBACCO « With the on 8 erowing louder as; ay along. Only 46c. per pound. chewing ana moking. AT A. MACLRAN'S, Ontario Street. Clearing Sale Trimmed hats and shapes reduced to almost half price. Mounts, flowers and feathers on sale at special prices. MISS HAMILTON Opposite Y.M.C.A. Phone 1207 Saturday in the Stores for Men, High Class Suits $9.50 suits." To those we s tal of forty suits in bro BOYS' 50 Boys' 2-piece Suits, Men's Soft' Lounging S $3.50. Saturday Children's White ( lusist on White Rose flour, bloomer tweeds and worsteds, made up in the very latest style. Worth $6.00. Saturday... . MEN'S STRAW HATS All men's Straw Hats, worth hirts, with detachable collars, worth $1.75. Saturday BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' Pumps, patent leather and gun metal, reg, Ladies" White Canvas Boot: Ladies' White Canvas Pum Men's Oxfords, worth $3.50 and $4.00. Saturday $2.25 'anvas Boots) reg. $1.50. Sat. $1.00 We have quite recently bought a small lot of 11 add 25 others, making a to- and grey mixtures. We are satisfied that these are extraordinary value, and we can satisfy you on the same point. Satur- day morning, the price Frveas evn enne rn 35.90 SUITS pants style, in vue nx nue S000 $2 Pa. 00, Saturday ..$1.00 revive $1.00 , worth $2.50. Sat. $1.65 ps, worth $1.75. Sat. $1.25 Louis Abramson 336 Princess Street. rr ~ To Clear Saturdayand Monday BELGIUM'S STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE German border. Fach "has its ont- posts and ifs flanking protection, and the line is said to be virtually contin- uous for the greater part of tne en- tire distance ey Luxemburg and Swiss bordex. : Behind this France has a second line of defence, broadly speaking, running parallel from Rheims to halon and to Ver- Dijonn and to Besancon. This second line of protection is from 0 to 120 miles from Paris, and the first frontier ing, from 140 to 220 miles from the French capital. The Fremch frontier from the Strait of Dover to German territory, the line which separates France from Belgium and Luxemburg, also is well protected. : Thus a German advance thro Belgiom is in effect 'going around t line 8% fortifications: dun, and from Chalons to Langres, to! line of fortifications is, roughly speak- | ar lar $12.00 and $1 28 Men's Two-Piece Light Tweed and Homespun All sizes, 33 to 42, in the lot. Regu- 3.50. Will be sold Saturday & Monday at $7.50 Suits must go." Your choice of any Short Pant Suit for $7.50.4 £10.00 Boys' day & 36 Men's Fine Quali ty 2 Worst Tweed Suits i3 Hand tailored and every suit guar- anteed to give Regular prices were $16.50, $18.00 and $20.00. They are odd lines Worsteds & perfect satisfaction. and Your Choice Satur- » Monday $12 % G0. 127