TSA To Intelligently Follow the War ~ News ~ nd Every Home Should Have a- Good Atlas, Map or Globe All Prices From 25c¢ to $1.00 3 R. UGLOW & CO. - 141 Princess w Street THOS. LAMBERT, MERCHANT TAILOR We want to draw your attention to our splendid values in Blue Berges at $24.00, $26.00 and $28.00 a suit. ~ Thesd goods are all wool and fast colors, In Tweeds we have the new patterns in greys and browns, which we will sell cheap. We give pergonal attention to the trimming and making of all garments, and guarantee the fit send workmanship. We alep have a large asosrtment of samples for gi'ts from which we take made-to-measure orders. The prices are $156, $18 and $22. Sult or overcoat. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street For Cooking and Drinking, also for Cake Icing and making Fudge. . BARGAINS In Electric Fixtures During *--" August Halliday's Electric Shop 845 KING ST. »>»--> REMEMBER <<< That We Carry the Tatest and Most Up-to-date Stock of Motor-Supplies at PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. 210-14 Wellington St. Phone 454 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE § " _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY {ARE EAGER TO ENLIST MORE MEN WAIT UPON POST- MASTER JAMES STEWART. Former Member of Essex Regiment Anxious to Go to the Front-->Men Out of Employment Willing to Go. Kingston has the war fever. There are many mn, in all walks of life, who are very anxious to go to the front,if they are needed, and they have expressed themselves on the matter during the past few days. On Thursday three men walked into the office of Postmaster James Stew- art and offered themselves for duty. Since Britain declared war on Ger- many the postmaster has had ap- plications from a dozen men who have asked the postmaster to try and have them placed. The three men who made application on Thurs day are Richard Coulson, Charles Bryant and A. W. Mann. The latter was formerly a member of the Essex regiment and mow that the war is on he is very anxious to go to the front. The postmaster will submit their names to the military depart iment. Quite a large number of men who are out of employment are very anx ious to enlist and if a company is formed in Kingston there will be a rush of applications. A member of the 14th regiment stafed vesterday that he was mar- ried and had a family but that if he was wanted he would take up arms at any moment and engage in' the fight : Several of the men who have call od upon Postmaster Stewart are far mer members of the naval forces and men who are on the reserve list. E IN MARINE CIRCLES, Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The steamer Sowards arrived from Oswego With a cargo of coal for Robert Crawford The steamer Windsor passed up light from Montreal, on her way to Port Colborne, to load grain for Montreal. The steamer Northmount passed up light on Friday from Montreni on her way to Port Colborne to load grain. The steamers Rosemount Simla passed up on Saturday their way to Port Colborne The steamer Toronto down on Friday morning The steamer Aletha passed down from Picton on Friday. The steamer Alexandria is dune fo pass up on Friday from Montreal io Charlotte, The steamer Olcott is due Oswego on Friday. The steamer Caspian passed down the river on Friday. The steamer Rideau Queen is due from Ottawa and.will clear for Clayton on Friday. Steamer Midland Queen clear2a at 7.00 a.m. Friday for Fort Wil- liam with canned goods loaded at LSwift's. " The steamer I. W. Nicholas passed up to the Welland canal from Mon- treal at 1.00 a.m. Friday. The steamer Fordonian passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 2.00 a.m. Friday. The steamer Meaford passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 9.00 p.m. Thursday. The steamer Port Colborne pas- sell down to Montreal from the Wel- land canal at 2.00 a.m. Friday. The steamer A. - KH. NMcKenstrey passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at 8.00 p.m. Thursday " be steamer Natironco is expec- tel to pass down to Montreal fro. the Welland -canal Friday. and on passed from R. C. H. Rand Concert. Jv kind permission of lieut.-Col H. A. Panet, D.5.0., and oflicers, the band of the Royal Canadian Artillery will play at Macdonald Park to-night (Friday) from 8 to 10 o clock (weather permitting) the follow mg programme : March--Call to Arms Grand Patriotic Overtive on Nation- al airs of the British empire, in DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30, 40, 50, 60c. BLENDS \ For Sale At All Grocers Be Women's | Patents and Gun Metal | Pumps and Oxfords Regular $4.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $2.50 troducing God Save the King, The Harp that Once, Three Cheers For the Red, White and Blue, Advance Australia, 0 Canada, Scots Wha Hae and Auld Lang Syne (Land of My Fathers, Wales), finale, Rule Britannia. Intermezzo--Princess Caprice Fall Selection--Merrie | England ... German | Humoresque--Three Blind Mice.Cotter Fantasia--National anthems of all nations, introducing, 1, Great Tri- tain, 2, France; 3, Japan; 4, Rus- sia; 5, Italy: 6, Serwia; 7, Rel- gium; 8, 'America; 9, Canada; _10, "Rule Britannia." Morcean--"The Bells of St. Martin... ... ... .. .. ..LaRondele Grand Militar; Tattoo ... ... ..Rogan 0 Canada. (id Save the King. Light, Lieut., Bandmaster Alired R.C.H,A. MILKMAN COMPLAINS. ' | Milk Supply Cut Down by the Hot Weather. Stiil more complaints are being prada about dry weather seriously affecting the pastures. A local miikman stated on Friday that his supply of milk was in the neighbor- hood of two hundred and fifty pounds daily but that during the yast few days he had only secured ninety pounds. Poor pasture was given as the cause of the falling off in the supply. ------------ Called For Grass Fire, At four o'clock on Thursday after- noon the firemen were called for a grass fire on Concession street. Quite a large stretch of grass was ablazé when the firemen arrived on the scene, but they soon had it in hand. The weather had been burn- Hi! ing up the grass in all parts of the | " | f I i Arranging To Go. intention of Archbishop e for Rome about the ber, to pay his first the holy see, if hos ¢ that time. Horse } Yidgood | # NEW STORE FRONTS] ADD IMPROVEMENT TO PRINCESS STREET. Half a Dozen Business Places Have The Most Modern Fronts--The Places Described. Kingston is ever growing more and more progressive as is shown by the marked improvement that has been made in the stores and store-fronts on Princess street during the last year. Of course the new pavement is the most striking change on this main street. The first store that one meets walking up Princess street that has installed a new front is that of Kin- near and D'Esterre, jewellers, The owners lately tore out the old front and replaced it with the very latest in store-windows. From the level of the walk to the base, of the window a design in marble has been worked. The windows are joined at the cor- mers by a neat strip of steel, a great contrast withthe old-fashioned pil- lar at the corners of the windows, as in some stores. A tile floor was laid into the door. Across the road is the shoe store of J. H. Sutherland & Bro., who ai- S0 deserve great praise for their pro- gressive spirit. The same firm who worked the transformation in the jewellery store installed Sutherland's new front. The old front of the store was the square window type, but 'now a large V shaped door way takes its' place. The windows, which are higher, are not so deep but present a longer display than formerly. The base below the window is finished in brown marble and above a scheme of leaded glass adds a great deal to the amount of light in the store. The name J. H. Sutherland and Bro. has been skillfully worked into the glass design above the deor-way Mahood's Juuey goods store is the next on the list of new fronts At first there were two doors leading into this store, The whole front was taken out and replaced. Previous to the alterations, theré was a stone supporting pillar up to the first floor, and this was just half way between the doors. Large steel girders were put in and the stone pillar taken out. Then one door was built to replace the former, two béautiful high-show windows replaced the old ones. The glass art design above the door-way was installed as in the other siores W. J. Baker's store above Montreal reet is rew being altered, vro will when finished,* present -a much-im- proved appearance. Prism glass forms the design over the door-way adding much more light to the in- AUGUST UGUST 7, 1914. 3 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS $1.25 One small lot women's patent strap slippers, low heels, sizes 21-2 to 51-2. This was a regu- lar $2.00 line. Now clearing at $1.25 $1.69 Day a few pairs now "of women's tan pumps, tan Oxfords, tan Colon- ials, regular $4.00. Must go quickly at $1.69 59c One lot Infants' white canvas button sizes 4 to 7; 1¥ for Abernethy's Shoe Store STRAW HATS UST 60 | All $3,-$2.50, $2 Straw | 11 $1.60, $1, 75¢c, 50c traw and Crash Hats now 1 2 | | | | terior of the store. Mr. Baker is also completely remodeling his store in- side, installing new cases, a tile floor | and everything that is up-to-date. .| At 217 Princess street, the Univer- sity shoe shine parlor is being finish-| ed up so as to be opened in the near future, It is all finished in white tile and will present a big improvement to that side of the street. A restan- rant was in this'store before this par- for was 'Installed. Sackell's ice oream parlor across the street has been lately improved with the installation of a new front. Big glass windows with an artistic tile scheme worked in under the win- dow adds a lot to the appearance of this popular store. Masoud's Marble: Hall is pure white and certainly deserves its name. This store was opened a short while ago after the premises occup- ied by H. Wood had been eompletely changed into the white store of Ma- soud's. There are four new stores above Masoud's and they are all fruit stores. At No. 280 Princess street is Zbar's, at No. 286 the "Fruit House" at No. 316 the "New York Fruit Store" and next to the Royal Hotel is "Fruitland." THE WHIG'S JUMBLE A Lot of Short Items Run in To-| gether. A fellow doesn't mind being clum- sy if it enables him to tumwlie into luck. "Week-end sweets." Gibson's | When a young man gets wise 1o| the fact that he has loved and lost that's his cue to change skirts. Even the flatterer cant always stave off the bill collector by paying compliments. Order your.flour now. stock.. Anderson Bros. "High class sweets." Gibson's. The politician may be a wire pul- ler but Hé 'should be eareful not to get hold of a live wire, The man: who buys a 'watch on tick can't kiek if his wife has her soda water charged. ""Giood sponges" at Gibson's. The average woman can do any- thing with a hairpin exeept sharpen a pencil---and she can do that with her teeth. - There is always ah easier and bet- ter way, but the average man sel- dom stumblés into it until he is near the finish, "Sc. Beel, lron son's. Order your tea and coffee. Now| value in the city. Anderson Bros. | A few days ago J. H. Wood, Del ta, marketed a particularly fine qua- 4 Lot in and Wine." (Gib has still about 300 bushels of y ill at his home in Vaudreuil, Que. dawgh er, Mra. A. Fairbairn, Denver, en route 6 visit him, is a guest of her sister," Mya. A. R. Drown, Ath- ens. es © "50c. Beei, Iron and Wine." Gib- SON 8. 2 Ee Ask ybur dealer for Oro Creamery Butter. Canada's best make. Mrs. J. Schofield, Toronto, announ- ces the engagement of her eldest daughter, Miss Mazel, to S, M. Dun- ning, man 'of the Bellamy Fur- niture Co., Moose Jaw, Sask. the marriage to take place early in Nap. t \ "50c. Beef, Iron Gib- son's. and Wine," Recruiting For 5th Battery. Recruits for the. 5th Field Rattery, CFA, will at 7.30 p.m. evi ies. E, & Barrett, 'day at the Major, ; | thirty cents per 'barrel; rolled oats, lity of new potatoes in Athens. He jgreghtional, 1 Presbyterian. these were no deaths. PRICE | Panama Hats at great- | ly reduced prices { Campbell Bros. The Big Dealers in Men's Hats a sa WAR PLAYING HAVOC THE PRICE: OF STUFFS IN CANADA. WITH FOOD Advances Made in Canadian Whole- sale Market as Direct Result of European War--Outlook for Fu- ture, War is playing havoc with the prices of foods according to this week's issue of the Canadian Grocer which deals with the efiect of tune European war on all foodstuffs. Sugar, flour, beans, rice, nuts, prunes, cream of tartar and canned goods will take a jump in price. It is stated that two weeks ago, one could look ahead with some de- gree of assurance that certain things would happen under certain eventu- lities but the war has completely nanged the situation. As a direct result of the war the following advances have occurred on the Canadian wholesale market. Sugar, ten cents per 'cwt; flour twenty cents per cwt,; oatmeal, about twenty-five cents per ecwt.; rice, fifty cents per cwt.; beans, forty 'cents per bushel, Advances' have also occurred in canned meats, prunes, nuts, cream of tartar, English goods = generally are up twenty per cent. and French goods practically doubled. If safe transportation is guaran- : Phone 1177 WILLIAM WILSON & SONS, Pure Ice Cream : Best in Kingston Test By Government SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger. ators and Gas Stoves; also all kinds of new and second-hand furniture; all to be gold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargalus. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1350 Opposite Craig's Wholesale AUTOMOBILES AND CARBIAGES FOR HIRE Tires for Carriages and Automobiles. George W. Boyd, 20% Discount Off All suits, blue serge, brown and grey worsted, all latest designs and best workman- ship. Sizes for 34 to 42. Big reduction in all Oxford shoes of all kinds and this year's styles, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. Rubber Wholesale Indents promptly execut- ed at lowest cash prices for all Brit- ish and Continental goods, including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chmicals and Druggists' Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glass- ware. Cydles, fes. Motor Cars and Accessor- EUROPEAN AGENCY OFFICE OR HOME FURNITURE Roll of Flat Top Desks Vertical letter fyling devices Saves labor and time in the office SECTIONAL BOOKCASES Increase your library by adding any size section JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, | Phone 147. Drapery Millinery and Piece Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewelleery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, etc., etc. Commission 235 % to 5%, Trade discounts allowed. Special Quotations on Demand. Sample Cases from 830 upwards. Consignments of Produce Seld on Account, (Established 1814), teed vessels bound for Canada, pro- ducts of countries not actually en- gaged in the war may recede. | Cable Address: "Annuaire London." 25, Abchurcy, lane, London, E.C. Victorian Order of Nurses. | The report for7July shows a fairly | active 'period of work, the total num- | ber visits being pinetyctix. Of | the patients there a 11 Anglicans, | 5 Methodists, 2 Salvation Army, 9! Hebrew, 1 Roman Catholic, 1 Con- Rare of In case of the V.0.N. being sent to war duty the loeal work will be con- | tinued in the usual manner and the | services of a visiting trained nurse | provided for the asking. Phone 609, Miss Leeder, 302 Queen street. "High class sweets." Gibson's. 1 BRITISH WH EE | KINGSTO! led DN eS The dignity of -labor demonstra- tes that no man is so low that he isn't worthy of his hire. Mighty few men are so honest as to téll their wives exactly what they think of themselves. " i tellers know more than they ells 9 room house, new; all improvements, - $3, 000.00. Easy terms. * Real Estate Fire Insurance BUILDERS ! Have You Tried 3 GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time, rg HRS Busy men are usually so happy that they have no time to realize it.