Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1914, p. 3

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GOD. OF BATTLES. ear t 's : 3 5 LE : : [en A ay it prayer: Light to'moderate winds, fine and warm to-day and on Saturday. 3 Ever in thy holy care. i a Guide our sailors on the ocean, ET TT Tra BREAKS KAISER S HEART Jag one Shidiers un the Hus: . : C : Je defend them, Christ befriend A Remarkable Sale To-mor- row--Prices Are Less Than The Wholesale Cost ! Wash Dresses | Men's Cambric $1.00 . | Underwear 25c. Smart Summer Dresses made with the coatee effect and which sold at Reg. 50c quality, sized from 34 to 42, from $2.00 to $3.50. Ladies SummerParasols es' Vests Half Price 3c. 25 doz. fine cotton vests, well made and Sod at 18c. Short sieqves only Shield and save them evermore. ------ Micon : Everybody's Hand Is Raised Guard them in the silent watches 2 piece Suits . Against Germany. 2 4 On their lonely ships afar; > 1 3 piece Suits . : hy En | Sentinel the scattered outposts ; 1 On the tented fields of war. ; f Give them calmness in all danger, 4 THE KAISER THOUGRT wf Hope through all that lies before; NeCer * ~ God . defend them, Christ befriend H " them, THE TAILOR THER WAS NO. Ww AR IN BRITISH Shield and save them evernrGre. 520 Princess Street COVERNMENT. ; ah When the trumpet call, resounding, Opposité St. Andrew's. Leads them forward to the fight, Great Bravery of the Belgians at For the shot and strain of conflict Li : on hei 1 Gird them with thy constant might. dege-=Number of German Ships : In the fateful hour of battle, on the High Seas, In the awful cannon's roar, ondon, Aug. 7.--With the war God defend them, Christ befriend L 252s / eas there has come to I'ngland a great ¥ them, ia Are feeling of relief that the worst is La " | Shield and save them evermore. known and decisive steps have {jen | : taken. i Ey | Lord Almighty, God of battles, In France the firm stand taken by 2 Hear the cry we lift to thee; Engldnd, leading to, the declaration _ GEN. B IAN HAMILTON | Homeward bring our valiant Kins- of war, has been hailed as an actual Wile wil Fins lead the British hom: men, : . opportunity of salvation. ; so. He visited '} 3 ear Crowned with lasting victory. In Russia gloom has been swept : Be their Captain, Guide and Savior, away by the fact that the British . Till the world's last wat is o'er, g empire has found its true place in | God defend them, Chiist befriend the 'alignment of nations. * BIG NAVAL ACTIO them, In Berlin the fact that Jritain a N. Shield and save them evermore. The British Admiralty . -- mits the loss of the ce 2 The author of the above hymn phion, which ran on to a Ger. «| Written and sung in many British churches at the time of the South man mine and sank with 130 + men. African war, is unknown. The admiralty admits a big naval action has been fought in the North Sea, and' adds: "All the news may not be favorable." # | jpRROR'S HOROSCOPE SHOWS DISASTER TO BE AT HAND. A At te ca ste During the past year this vast num. f people have had their ims de- ed at Hest's, Thin makes It t a . . lire Meni peuple hls has cast har lof with the other mem anishing done and the result obtained bers of the Tr Entente undoubt shown that it makes uo difference w edly had = artbreaking eliect on "tm in need. We get good prints fr ot Emperor Willi aiiy Silm providing nny enre has heen | PETOr am. : tuken in exposing (he roll. We our- The fact 'that Germany declared war selves nell no less © six different img) sf. % le o brands of fine fim--the hest on the | O° England before England : ins d market. Do not forget thin when jon | WAr OD Germany does 'not indicate need supplies or finishing. that war was any more welcome at . Berlin, but in the preliminaries to this unparalleled trouble there has been a sigular miscalculation of the underlying forces. ' William. Il could not possibly have dreamed that Austria-Hungary's at tempt to chastise Servia would bring . #ussia"into -the field as an open an tagonist.. He could not have dream ed France would show the stifi back has characterized her every coasting steamer cteen German ships were destroyed, t | German Cruisers Menace Shipping in Bulleti Iv Frid Pacific--Forwarding of Mail 10 julletin early Friday mom. « . ing declared that the entire + the French Atmy, / German fleet has been driven Paris, August 6.---The Intransi-g towards the Holland coast. geant, is- an article headed The haiser's Kvil Destiny," cites passag Belgian forts at Liege still es from Kmperor William's horos holding ont against great odds, + cope, as drawn by Larmier, puibhizh ed in the "Echo of the Marvel I'he emperor appears to have heen for 1811. On the emperor 8 birth Iragged along by an irresistible des - on January 17th, 1859, there was a dragge g X 3 r Q u 3 1 his present position Hav conjunction of Saturn and Mars in HE i od : Tgurus, denoting the loss of pro ig got started, he could. not help is perty, the ruin of the House of Hoh {3 $ y ! hiroself . ' f hi enzolien, and the destruction of the } With Russia on one side of lim : German empire for 1913 or 1914. { i Ld ; ] The presence of Jupiter presages | $i { and France on the other, he appears to be determined that France must Emperor William as the last German be attacked oud deianted quickly or § t emperor of the Hohenzolleyns. Al { he is gone, horse, foot and guns. Ln es is 'also i horoscope, means . . Thus nresintiple destiny drove. him it Jes 2 al ® he Be ey is most | ¢| : The Busiest Store In Town striking hae agg i EYES TESTED WITH { into Belgium in order that he might oa 4 Ee > P : y A y all . g "If there is a war in 1914 between : = A rm-- get into France in a hurry, and France and Germany, the former eww oo Just fifteen of this season's novelties left marked for a quick clearance. Folded rr d ddd rp We Beg To A hounce Our first showing of suits and coats for the fall and winter season--now on display. - en amber A. seas +> The Satisfactory Drug Store. Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 (0 9, hone that move, - A AA Ea Emperor's Destiny, 4 odode fod ouT CHARGE the while Germany's ambassador in pr 4 i i d BS t will be victorious." 1t is a remark London, Prince Lichnowsky, with gh A able circumstance that prediction | honeyed words, was seeking to per 4 " NO DRUGS USED suade the liberal government to re dv > f that the German empire would end . this year were made as long as 1871 0 ow ail Nn main neutral : A famous French clairvoyant wa ASE d | Those who have looked on believe ; c 8 REQUIRING now that the German emperor must asked what the future had in store, . (® | he the greatest gambler in the world. and reached her conclusions, not by ead | MEDICAL ATTEN. lle staked his empire, his army, his $ 0" i astrology, but by a strange method y of numbers of her own, adding up ers en S BY A SPECIALIST wavy, ' his crown upon the neutrality { 4. I ages and dates, and reaching re r TI f Great Britain, and that same ir ; ON WILL BE 80 A resistiple di the ot Fad dragged his i 4 sults that w We present, time Tnousands of people suffer INFORMED ' have 'been ver . baldness and falling hair who, Jominativg. trong willy! 0 harbster Mme. E. de Phebes, the best | tried ne arly every advertised h: . {onward has decree a 4 i. oy a Ro . known of the present day Parisian tunic and hair Erover rr Riout r eS it a wing to U8 clairvoyants, is said to have ) nd Its ALIONAnT Itt YO es ozen government should be whereas William divined there was no 2d to make any prediction for the | (ase is not hopeless; the following ple home prescription has made fight in it. at all Dresd ar ow tas ¢ \ present year when she was asked to Lrow after years of Keele Ir M 0 D 0 1 So, at the lad moment, fo save |, ander uf an painte 10 so last autumn, saying that what | aiso unequalled for resto 4 ") Vela his face, he mac ar upon Great | ---- ems st-- - he saw was "too dreadful!" o its original Nor st g hai | Britain, knowing wo Poyud gone 20 Jit respects and esteems strength a hl pes ng ' Bsa > . . 1e could not re- | these p a) . ' Contraband of War hair greasy. and b it ng . i : Hay Rum, ¢ ounces: Lavona ager uyers pPporiuni oPTOMEIRIST AND OFPTICIAN | far in Belgium that Rupreme moments 1ggist: Bay Rum, 6 ounces; Lav Princess Street 1 siral Id ' {p | treat and "that England surely would 4 Seeing its independencd threaten Washington, Aug. 6.-- Carrying dn gg | ) 3 doors above the Opera Houe | declare war upon him ed, the nation trembled, and its child. | Out President Wilson's "neutrality | {51 Ont-naif arachm. If vou wish Fverybody's hand is now against fren sprang to the frontier, valiant | Proclamation the following instruc- perfumed, add 1 drachm of your faver ry . . Germany soldiers in a sacred cau 1} tions have bee nsent to all collec- | 'te perfume. This preparation is high | d \ | } ] iy ¢ se ve a, r WwW tors of customs at ports in-the Uni- sheciah igh = By physic Harmless ut mn a g00 supp y nue Cierman policy is being execrate nlide; n .y r tenacious, cou > « » - 1 ed States as it contain e of I they are «( 1eap. wherever the English tongue is spok greet vou in the name of "Notify all steamsnip companies ood aleohol so frequently foun d Te -- proud of vou." immediately that no vessels will be | 227 tonics wl permitted to clear from your port = hy a I 2 through all stages until they have filled their full mani Eg \ The home secretary announce that Slaughter of Germans. WAITING FOR THEM. a fests, and also that out going . i Brussels, Aug. S.~--Craphic stories of : -- x : BAL} entyv-one spies had been arrested in the great struggle between the Bel- | British and French Fleets Ready to | [°T®80 vessels will be subject to the fritish 1sl in the last twenty ' " inspection of-their papers and car- } | : f chiefly in the naval cen 9 en. gians Your fellow-citizens Seay gian troops and the German soldiery, Meet Them. ol 1 { ied in the vicinity of liege Missing, Tialv. "Ate m. goes by { nited States authorities | 0 tell of terrific slaughter among the |. - a, yn Aug i n the en » hin the territorial waters of the German forees. forcement of the neutrality procla { nited States. At about noon 'the German infantry Ration boiid government, tc dav, order 3 Dfiicials were proceeding Witn attempted to caryy by assault Fort A ie Garman cruisers, Goeben and greal care to avoid jnterpational London, Aug. 6.--Every important wi, which have heen taking, re- | complications. Every possible |, spaper in England has announced = Barchon to the north-east of Liege. y I'he Dakin infantry crept up un Tuge here, to leave port or be intern means will be taken to prevent ship- its wholehearted support of the gov der the cover of a heavy artillery fire ed till the war is over They chose ents hi articles contraband of war | ornment Even the Irish press has but the Belgian deienders reserved the former course and are, to-day, trom the 'nited States. joined in the concord | « their fire until the Germans had come [Steaming out into the Mediterranean Je a IiRistration Jas not yet Ihe Prince of Wales is about to is . to close quarters when at a given sig with their decks cleared for action determine Epa cally What articles sue an appeal for funds to relieve the ' : to certain capture or deft as the | 0'iSide munitions of war shall be gistress. A committes composed of IC ouse 0 on , i ; % nal the Belgiums dpened with a per J oy : . Athi c fect hail of bullets from rifles and ma- | British and French Heets are waiting rh ih ag Sontrsband n this na- members of the House of Commons op e policy of the United Sta-|j.s heen formed for purpose It ne ick reaked havoc for them : ' 1 n F [ Thursda Sine guns anh ¥ The ners ------------------------ 1 in that regard will be framed as includes the Rt*~rie. 4. [.. Samuel, soon lay in heaps of dead and wound Ida Hill Reports. oeeasion 'arises, John Burns, Augugtine Birrell and . Ida Hill, Aug tev hn . = Walte g 1 da Hi Aus A --Rev. ln German Vessels Menace. her Long | or . ed around the fort. Ja H > 94 % > Fort Che fon- | Webb, Newmarket, will the coming the a oy 1 hangion Sabbath, conduct anniver hry sel Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 6.--1wo Ger I ) * : man cruisers are operating off the Tidings From Tamworth. i Flney || Isa Dandy. Try it, . taine 3 hot fire on another: body of jViCes in » Friend's church in the h A doz. Shirts, 63¢ Each an who had seized a neighbor-|village. Joseph Vannest, wife and |)" t ol the United Dtates and Can Iamworth, Aug. 5.---Miss ing castle. The Belgian artillery re- daughter, of Gladwin, Mich. 20a aoro oe 33 advies received to- | Adams, of West Don, is visiting at . duced the building to a mass of smok- spent a few days last week visiting | S4¥ DY + CIamticer s ohnson, Lloyd's | the home of William Johnson. Saul . - y : her brother, L. J. Maklin, near the | gent here, and British shipping has | Russager and daughter, Smith's Falls, me Lumina on a i y Rev. Mr. Ballen- . ing ruins. : a el arne 8 Worthfrom$ | to | 50 The Germans finally retired all along | village.. Two machine companies are been warned to keep a lookout to | visited friends here A * . preparing their thrashers and will be | S02P¢ capture. I'wo eablegrams con- | tyne, wife and family, of Montreal, at veyving this information came from | William Brown's Robert Brown, wife A i. the line. ad 4 . ; Ms o newspaper save the German |DUSLY engaged in a few days. Miss J y ne awapape . ' Lioyd"s company and are as follows and two children, Winnipeg, at Wil losses amovnted to between 4,000 and {Mabel Curtis, of Detroit, Mich., is Ru Fa . 5.000 men, while they abandoned 17 [§Pending a few weeks with her aunt, Warn British shipping. that two | liam Paul &. Mrs. Teskery and son ' » Mrs. William Webb. Farme rs are (serman cruisers are operating on the | algary, leit for her home on Mondav H. . vest coast of North America and Can- | Jaa 'Miss Edith Moore, of Picton, |} e W man echr 1C machine guns i ' A squadron of Belgian lancers, ac engaged in harvesting their grain 1a." iM FP k Ot fT ¢ " 3 ada ne r= rank onmor, oO oron a Mr Phoga wl. Bowe 1578, great our hours, China . . Cut Hass, Bte. Prince of Wales Opens Fund. crops and will be through cutting and . . sording ar report, was oc . : All kinds of Shirts cording to another Topo it Yar Killed in a few days. Miss I. Scholes, of 1 he other er to, are visitors at L. Way's. : . ¢ "Notify British shipping that the | Ms. Clayton Taylor, of Lynn, visited pletely wiped out Kin saton. en3oved t 1 ; 50 German Uhlans. Ingston, enjoyed a few days vaca- + : . , 15 ar ny . tion visiting her sister, Mrs. .L. J. | admiralty advises abandoning regular | her brother on Sunday last Mrs Inform other British ships." Vardey and children, of Actounlite, are Negligee Shirts, with 3 noi eg gee rts, wi Makin. Barton Jackson, who has | tracks ? = rm : A Sui Shite On High Seas. been. quite unwell for some months, i he Rainbow is _at present cruising | visiting her sister, Mrs. James W heel y ' ? left on Sunday for the Kingston | ©lLUape Flattery to give warming (0 fer. 4 2 and without collars, Bie Prodand i timated general hospital to undergo treat- | vessels that may be coming to or| Sightseers and tourists are still a el £ ment. The road job on the Wash- | from the ports of Victoria and Van® | viewing the house where the remains couver of the late Miss Yorke were found x 1 . > Germany there wére 2,000 German ' x A rusiin White. ships on the high seas. Kaglishmen burn road, which wag finished a . feel that a good inroad on these ves short time ago, has improved that Em John Wagar and Bruce Richardson, ' ' ' paft of the driving road wonder- Mail For French Army. with their families, are camping = al K eep cool, wear our Oxford Shoes. Price from s mi p first day of war : sels was made on the firs Y O08 Itully. william Haffner has raised Paris, Aug. 6.--All the mail for sol- | Gull Lake. Miss Blanch Hunter gave her Sunday school class a picnic in $0... ....4 : : by England. In addition to the Ger | © J 0 ann | Shi C I ' : t . {his barn and put a fine cement wall | diers in the French army is to be for A rts, O man steamer Belgia, more than twen underneath, and will put stables | warded free by the government. The Milligatés grove, Wednesday. <The , Sunday ¥chools' unien picnic will bx ro ty German vessels were seized wn or h o t These | therein for stock. letters are to be sent'to certain cen- | ° 3 3 lars attached. Be EE Shir po mmm: |e Sn Tey CE" semt n "o |nld at Rellar's grove on Wednesias | Wee carry a stock of Sond made French Kip, long . dv ble 8. cath of Mrs. James Campbel the soldiers as it is thought wnwise | next. k Will be on sale which had valuable cargor The death occurred at her home | to disclose the location of the various and short boots, the KINGS of working boots. . Belgian King's Statement. {in Portsincuth on Thursday, of Mrs. | regitnents. Ladies' Hats. de . A {Cdmpoeli, wife of James Campbel:, Lhe minister of the. interior tele- . % % rer offerad until all 18 sold. Brussels, Aug. 7.--On Anking Salt §¢ aretaker of St. John's church, Di | graphs numerous bulletins to the pre- The biggest hniaine We ever anor: Bring your old boots for repairs. We lead in that mand of the army yesterday King {ceased, whose maiden mame was | fects throughout France informing R branch. bert of Belgium issued the following | Margaret McClure, was sixty-six | them of the latest news and giving or ders for its distribution. proslamation to et oe tic years cf age, and her illness extend- . - : "Without t est provoestion ind over a year. She had been a es BPP es . from.us, a neighbor, haughty in bis lpesident of Portsmouth about nine Spies Will Be Removed. onstipation w : Phone 1248. strength, has torn up the treaty bear [voars. A family survives. Tas ro | [ondon, Aug. 6.--K bill introduced » ing its signaiute; it bas violated the remains will be interred in Cataraqui |; the House of Commons vr the hy Pa. | on Saturday afternoon. home secretary, Reginald Ee to y " HNST Hi 181d TY territory of opr. fathers hecause we | remelary refused to forfeit our honor. It has " ; . - in the movements. of atdbrrrable attacked us, but the whole ward $ lions 'with. the object of iadilitati marvels at our loyal attitude, which Low prices. George Mills & Co, the removal of spies, was Yared

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