Mahogany | Buffett, $100, gust Furiture 8 Carpet Sale Walnut Dresser, Aug. price Brass Bed, $50; Aung. price Parlor Suite, Mahogany, $1 Rugs, Carpets, Curtains, all reduced in sympathy with furniture. Sale term 1L HARRISON C0. £1.00, Phone 90 cash, Yours Reliability of (Quality is Not Questioned not questioned, bound to patronize the where reliability of quality is where styles Aug. Great reductions, if you will need : anything in these tines in the near future it will pay you to BUY NOW, Circassian ' .$38 Aug. $100 23 slightly damaged bed springs, || all sizes; reg. prices $3.00 to $5.00, | |i to clear out at and $3.00. Bring width of your bed. | $1.30, $2.00 Carpet and rug buyers are store 'are correct and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet Warebouse are sure of getting "honest value for their money. $85: RG price THE YACHT REGATTA! 'AT KINGSTON N ON FRIDAY | | { (open motor boat rade for every Kind | tot 'ming race to the buoy amd return. |ford, {open to any canoes {canoes Land Fresh Watermelons, Choice Eating Apples, Oranges, all 1 prices; California Peaches and Plums; also full line of can- dies. James Paul, {i Phone 9014 | Fruit 348 Princess St. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of Queen Street yvurses in bookkeeping, & r ser and bes moderate Information free. H. F. Metcalf, Principal | { % Bui i the Double Lan instructed to of- Stone ing, 7 rooms with w.c, 4 and 6, Ridean Street, and the Frame 5 Room Dwelling, vk Street, with ing Lot, the w for the sup) of | $4,300. + oe fine hole Present rent $334, Notice From to-day all shines de, Eleven years in Kingston! We're here to stay. Will give i 10¢ worth shine for Sc. || Pappas Bros. Hi | Two parlors, 90 and 200 Prin- cess Street. STEAMER BRITANNIC enves Canal Basin, foot of Dal- housie St., Montreal, every Wednes- day nt 5 pam, arrives at Kiagston Friday 13 pom, returning leaves Folger's Wharf, Kiogston, at 5 p.m, taking - passengers for nanogue n Rrockville nnd fre for Mon- treal. A. N. SMITH, uw. Mgr. Hed Office - wall, Ont. A Pull for the Shore When your eyes begin to give you trouble, = don't get into deep water by buying over the counter glasses. Consult us, for we are properly qualified to remedy your trouble and make glasses that will relieve your eyes from strain. I ).3.Asselstine,D.0. 5 No charge for Examination Eyesight Specialist, Phone 1019 H IN BASEBALL CIRCLES. Athletics and Viorias Play on Sat- urday Afternoon. | baseball the game on Saturday will | Vietorias and the Ath- vt and as they lead the league the present time, a good fast game is expected Both of the teams were out on Thursday night, and had a good stafi it in preparation. The line up of either of the teams is not ex- pected to ltered very much, ex- between at workoy be cept. that "D for the Athletics, decided who will hurl for as * Mathis will pitch It has not yet been the Victor Baseball Record. National league--Chicago, 4; New | York, 3. Boston, §; Pittsburgh, 4.! Clucinnati, 4; Philadelphia, 2. St. Louis, 7;.Brooklyn, 2. Federal league--Buffalo, 4-4; In-| dianapolis, 1-3. Baltimore, 5: Chi-| cago, 2. Pittsburgh, 6; St. Louis, 5. Brooklyn, 2; Kansas City, 5 | Inte rnational league----Jersey City 4; Montreal, 3. Newark, 7; Ruch- ester, 1. Buffalo, 4; Baltimore, 3. Syracuse And Oswego Service. i Steamer Olcott leaves Swift's] wharf at 3 p. m. on Mondays, Tues- days, Thursdays and Fridays. For information apply C. 8. Kirkpatrick, 42 Clarence street, phone 568. Child Fractured Arm. Alderdice, 526 Alfred street, fell cf | a fence near his home on Thursday | and fractured bis arm. Dr. 8. Key:s | sot the fracture. com everything in music. alse *New- be" pianos. Dutton's, Sydenham | . Beef, Iron and Wine." Gib son's {for toe rmence. mences at {from H. S. iE. XY. dhe run off. 'of cruisers. {for these !Cape Vincent and other places. { Vincent of owned by L. 'go back race is on the programme. ~ lthe St !secretary, land iriver, ents are contemplated also. Edward Bradley, the loeal police rescue {i lignor wander down 'sleep and but for the work of the po ! court on Friday morning charged with , the | burial. (one sister and four | British Columbia. | pleaded i Peace George Hunter -on a charge of accused a chance. i | weight in' black. for clergymen. The four year old son of Janes THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1914. All New York, Syracuse, Toronto and Montreal Papers, Containing Complete Report Of European War. . PERSONAL MENTION. ! Movements of t he People --- What » ( They Are Doing and Saying. i R. J. Quirk was in the city on Fri | da Al SATURDAY AFTERNOON. PR, TR op The E, X A. Boats Will be Heie --The Programme Peepared Foi | the Two Days. At 3.50 pam regatta of the Kingston | will commence with a local club beats. next race is at 4.00 pw Roy, of Quebec, was in the city on Friday i Dr. Geddes, of Verona, was in. the ity on Thursday | John MeNesley, Medicine Hat, is wwiting. friends here. Yacht ciuv 8S. H. Kirby and family, of New diugty race ; York, are visiting in the city. { Charles Kincaid, Ningston, spent'! lust week with friends in Athens | Mrs. B. LL. Patterson, of Strathelair, | i Man., was in the aty on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. E. Stillwell, of Mea- were in the city on Thursday Poles and family, of San Fran except racing cisco, in the city on Thurs- | The start is at 4.45 p.m. a | At 5 o'clock an open bang aud go DeShaw and party, irom South | back motor boat race will cowm- > Ind, Aina, the city on Thurs- i The canoe race single com- | das | 5.30 o'clock. Max Shangraw and wife, of Alexan-| 5.45 o'clock a swimming race |dria Bay, visitors to the city on Folger's wharf, Emily | lhursday . i is schedn Nive Capt.) William Liddell and the after- {children have leit to visit her aunt in| Buffalo, N.} | George N\ Falls, was hursday. Mrs, J. J. Rogers, Pa., and Miss A. E. the city on F Miss Frances of Friday, the annual The an boat except hydropianes. 4.30 pm. is a swim- motor The next at The canve race doubles will be n arrived were Atl were street, to the club wharf, led. This is the last of jnoon sports, At 7 o'clock the third and final race of the Dr. J. J. Harty trophy will be pylled off This is one of the most interesting It ¥5 for any two-cylinder motor boat owned in Kingston or Portsmouth. On Saturday afternoon the (. sdiling yacht races will who has There are three division [in Toronto ior the last week, There will be boats | home on Thursday. , races from the Creseent| J. B. McMerrick, wife and H. Wam- Watertown, Oswego, | pole, of Chicago and F. C. Harring- The | ton, Woodstock, motored to the Crescent Yacht club are sending ov- | city on Thursday. er the "Ruth," owned by H. L. Mrs. H. M. Ruttap, hingston, is in Chaumont, "Tris Il', | Winnipeg on a visit to her sons and is WwW. Herrick, of Chau- [at present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. mon{, the Neagha, Watertown On A. tuttan, 28 Dundurn Place. tario and Crescent. My. and Mrs. C. A. Howe, of To-| At 7.30 p.m. another bang and |ronto, and Mrs. E. "Hutchings and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Jones, oi Boston, | motored to hingston on Thursday. Smith's | city on | I'hornton, of a visitor- to the of Philadelphia, { Henrik were. in | raay Leadiord Rideau been vis Ran returned street, R. Yacht club, At 8.30 p.m. the programme calls for a dance and illumination. es - At Lake Ontario Park. I'here was an immense crowd {Lake Ontario Park, last evening. garet Marlow, the cabaret girl, ed a success by her singing "The Garden of My Heart," Paid the Remt For Mrs. Vanwinkle," and while singing "Little Doll" she made a beautiful paper design behind .her back for which she was loudly applauded. The musi- cal Echards gave great pleasure by their sclections, especiaily "The Poet and Peasant Overture" the xlap hone. They were artistically. accom- panied by Charles B. Harrison, a clever ' pianist. The pictures "Fanny's Melodrama," 'As Have Been" and 'Monto Cris at Mar DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Takes Over Dock and Hotel at Fi View. The dock and hotel property at Fine View has been purchased b) Lawrenc¢e River Development company, which was recently organi- {zed and will incorporate. The officers of this company have {been elected as follows: President {George ( North of Syracuse; vice- tpresident, T. H. Nunn, Fine View: Howard Gardner, Roches- treasurer, W. Otis, Fine The organization is the re- of a general desire of proper- {ly owners at this place to have a inew dock. The hotel property was purchased from Chester Pierce, Clayton. The dock being temporarily repaired within a week boats of any size to land. on G. View very sult . were Might so Up-to-Date." me will be repeated the week for the rest of is ee pe-- {will be able The company also expects to, = {eure a fire boat for the protection {of property along the St. La®rence and to secure a branch of the state road running to Clayton to be {extended to Fisher's Landing A new family hotel and ether amuse- "The Hat Store' Tomorrow STRAW HATS 1. PRICE The advent of the new company {was celebrated by fireworks on the {dock and a salute to all the | whic h passed boa's ASLEEP ON THE TRACK. of Brockville, cued by Constable, Res- Sound asleep and under fluence of liquor, Fdward middle-aged, who said his in Brockville, was found lving on the railway tracks near the foot of Prin cess street; at 12.40 o'clock, Fri day morning, by Constable Thomas Mullingr and taken to the police station It is the mn Bradley, home was on surprising the number of men from the rail tracks in the local yards. Every other night men under the influence of to the railway tracks way vards, fall on the and go to lice constables who patrol the tracks at all hours of the night many would meet death Dradley was arraigned, in polite being drunk. He admitted the charge. The magistrate let him go on con dition that he leave the qty befue night The Late Edgar A. Smith. After a lingering illness, Edgar \ Smith passed to rest at his late resi dence, 16° Rideau street, on Friday morning. at two o'clock... The late Mr. Smith, who was in Mid {land, was well known in this city For vears he had beén eniployéd by the Beli lelephone company as one of linemen. The remains will be taken tp his former home for The stock Hats must have had a balance of our Men's Straw We good season and now for exactly half born of gO Now. boss hikely scor- | She gave | "Who | Rag Baby | The same program- | His wiie survives. Deceased is survived by . his widow, trothers. His sis ter is Miss Sophia Smith, New York city, and the four brothets are Wa- verley and Leslie, in Midland; Har vey, in Saskatoon, and Ernest, in Deceased was a member of Cataraqui lodge,, and the Foresters. J price vou can buy any of our good hats. ..$1.25 .$1.00 T5¢ $2.50 Hats for . . $2.00 Hats for . .. $1.50 Hats for wera, $1.00 Hats for On Suspended Sentence. : On Friday morning George McAllis- ter, of the township of Pittsburg, "guilty" before Justice of the abusing a horse, and was let go on suspended sentence after paying ihe costs of the court. J. B. Walkem, ! representing the Humane Society, was present and agreed to allow the PANAMAS AT BIG REDUCTIONS $10.00 Hats for $7.50 Hats for .. $5.00 Hats for . $2.50 $4.00 Hats for . .. Watch Our Windows! GEORGE MILLS 850. | Direct Importers of . Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has a great assortment of coat and vest light weight for summer wear, also a great {assortment of clerical coat in light Special low prices Hats And The War. The Empress of Britain on her last drip brought a shipment of hats for. George Mills & Co., billed from Lomn- 'don, July 20th. Another bigger ship ship- iment followed, billed July 27th. (it is pow i » mh matter of der of comprture. Ho! For Cane Vin Vincent Saturday at 2.30 p.m. per America. Fary §0c, ¥ 8S. Fine Hats 'and were much interested, "away from Dr. ay 4 The College Book Store y 160 Princess 8t. Saturday Snaps. 10 dozen Ladies" Summer Vests, sleeveless, neatly trimmed, extra value at 15¢ and 18¢. Saturday 2 for 25¢c Crepe and Marguisetts Ladies White Waists, dainty designs, sizes 34, 36, 38. Saturday, $1.50 each; worth up to . $1.00 Ladies' Fancy Colored Drosbes, cizes 34 and 36 only, beautifully made, latest styles, priced up to $5.00 each. Saturday . Our price on $1.95 Ladies' and Misses Lace Hose, white, black tan, sky, pink, Helio, broken sizes, pric- clearance "20 dozen Ladies' Ankle Hose, 812 to 10 price orings. ies use Newman Lisle Thread, "also Silk black, white, tan, sizes 'inches. Steamer Rugs in a big variety of pretty col- Pictorial Review Magazine for Septem- Pictorial | Quarterly for fall Pictorial Patterns, the kind that , dressy lad- The Always Busy Store ed up to 45c a pair. For a Saturday 15¢ A Aner at our . 2bc § Shaw Ww HIG'S BULLE TINS Avidity--Outside Places Call For It. bulletins are groat interest. Crowds are the boards all day and at until the telegraph companies sending announcements. The bulletins are promptly posted. lest night the service was kept going un til 8.45 p.m., when the sdrvice ceas ed. The readers were highly gratified at the news which showed that Bri tain had had a good day. There wera gome disasters but these are inevit able but were minor in view of the heavy slaughter done by the armies of the Triple Entente. 4° ladies were about the board 1 evening \ They ap- plauded . the announcement Yof British victories and the clearing | of the east coast of Britain. THe bulletin service will be continued day and night. The Whig has been compli- mented on its service and the splen- did news it afiorded. The Whig gave the exclusive news at' 8 a.m. of the reported sinking of nineteen German warships and the news travelled fast all over the city. For an how the Whig's telephones were busy telling the news, and outside places ' asked for bulletin reports. Read With Ihe scanned with about night cease Whig's The Lost Art. Hamilton Herald now they are trying to take Montague his precious ewe-lamb, his dear: Hite majority of How callous these politicians And Caspian leaves at 10.15 a.m. Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, for Thousand Telande, and at 5 p.m. for Rochester. S88. "America" For Cape Saturday at 2.30 p.m., giving one bour ashore. Fare 50c. Cancellation of the pilots' sical and suspension of the master's ticket fer one month for the ground ng o® the SS. Saskatoon at Portneuf on June 24th was th sentence meted | roeeeBUILDERS SUPPLIES eeu | Order Now Quicker Attention, Better Service and you get the benefit of the lowest price. Anglin's Anthracite aS 08 I Equal) Fh Burning -- White Ash ALL HEAT 8. ANGLIN & CO. COAL & WOOD YARDS Bay and Wellington Sts. Phone 66. reeeLUNBER, ONAL & WOODewey host [0aKare and best twine on - the market, 650 ft. pure. ' 350 f1. for 11e. Think of it! 50 ft. for 1 cemt. 2 yetvon \n the country ean wud Mitchell's Hardware : Princess St International Agent for out by the Dominion Wreck Com- missioner Demers. Sr iiten | i speaks for itself. now. THe Phone 919 Sterling Silver We have the daintiest pos. sible THREADED pattern in Table Sterling Silver. It is called the FAIRFIELD and has more merit than any "Thread Pattern" we have ever had. If contemplating any silver, be sure to see this pattern, as we know it will be to your advantage. Smith Bros., Jewellers : Opticians Issuers of Mavsiage Licenses Like the Parrot Every. bargain we have to offer Summer prices on FURS Gourdier Furrier 1 Am Ready to Buy, Sell, Exchange or Rent Property A splendid new solid brick dwell ing, in a desirable location, with verandah, 7 rooms, furnace electric ight, good cellar, right of way at back; in Al condition, at the re- markably low price of $3300, Ime mediate possession. 1 can secure good locations and leases for tenants who wish to move, E. W. Mullin, Cor, Johnson and Division Streets, Phones 539 and 14586, Mercury ninety -- humidity everywhere. Hard time for - COLLARS, CUFFS, « SHIRTS, SHIRTWAISTS, when they are not laundered right. . Try this laundry--defy bumid days and aveld hurt to your pride and pocket. Cor, Princess & Sydenham Sts. Phone 22, y