It You're well dressed in one of our clean cut, well bred, pro. gressive Suits, you're a herald of prosperity; you're worth more to your business than yon are if noorly or carelessly clad. You'll eel your worth if you're dressed in our worthy clothing. We've the making of much prosperity here in this Men's Good Clothes Shop; we'll be glad to help you to your share. There's No Sting To Onr Prices---Suils at $12.00, $15 00, $18.00, $22.00 B 5 y Livingston's, BROCK STREET A Littie Out of the Way, Bat it Wil Pay You To Walk = JIN aldron's To-Night _ At this season of the year we have a number of articles, the assortment of which has been broken. To-night we will sell some of these at prices which should clear the lot. Ladies' Vests Cotton and Lisle Thread, with and without sleeves, some with lace yokes; regular 25c, 30c and 35c. To-Night 19¢ Ladies' Stockings Lisle and Cotton, in black with embroidered and lace ankles; solid colors in pink, navy, Helio and other shades, 25¢ and 35¢ qualities, To-Night for 19c¢c Silk Hose Black, white and tans, pure silk with deep top, double soles and heels, $1.00 and $ ues. ey A i, garter 25 val- To-Night for 69¢ Pair Men's Kid Gloves Dent's best English make in tan shades, sizes 71-2, 73-4 and 8 only. Regular $1.00 and $1.25. To-Night for 69¢ 'ALDRON ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SPORTING CIRCLES ST. LUKE'S DEFEATED BETHEL BY FOUR RUNS TO ONE. James H. Macnee Won Bang-and-Go- Back Motor Boat Race--Baseball Notes and Scores. In one of the fastest and most in- teresting games played in the seni- or S.S.A.A.A. baseball series, St. Luke's won from Bethel on Friday evening by a score of 4 to 1. The game which lasted for five innings was pulled off in thirty-one minutes which is record tome. The pitchers for both teams play- ed an excellent game, striking out a number of the best batters. The- sensation of the match was pulled off in the fourth innings, when Timms, who plays centre field for St. .Luke's, hit the ball for a home run, with orfe man on base. The teams: oo St. Luke's---Joyner, 2b; Barry, ¢; Carroll, ss Murray, 1b; Ashworth, rf: Sharpe, 3b; Timms, cf; Graves, If; Polk, p. Bethel Metcalfe, 1f; Thompson, 3h; G. Veale, 1b; Holland, p; Mershon, rf; Worth, ss; Hunter ef; Veale c. Umpire--Joseph Daly. Score by innings: St. Luke's .. Bethel .. League Baseball On Friday. International--Toronto, §; Jersey City, 4. Providence, 7: Buffalo, - 3. I Baltimore, 7: Rochester, 1 Mont- 'real, 10; Newark 3. |, Canadian--Brantford, 4: Toronto, ia (ten innings). Ottawa, 6; Lon- don, 3. Hamilton, 5; Peterboro, 8. St. Thomas, 14; Erie. 8. American-- Boston, 5: Washington, 3; Detroit, York, 7; Cleveland, 2. Philadelphia, 9: St. Louis, 7, (ten innings.) National--Cincinati, 4: 2. Philadelphia, 8; Chicago, 1. Boston, 2: St. Louis, 0. Brooklyn, 9; Pitisburgh 3. Federal- jaltimore { City, 7. Pittsburgh, 2: Chicago, 1, (ten innings.) Buffalo, §; St. j.onis 2 Indianapolis, 4; Brooklyn, 0 9; Kansas Motor Boat Race. The motor boat races<= the hang and go back kind--were run off at the Yaeht club on Friday evening. Ther were seven boats entered, but four were disqualified for returning In faster time than it took to do the first half. FE. C. Gildersleeve's hoat came second but it was merely en- teren, for trial. James H. Macnee's boat, "Beryl," came back in exactly the same time as the first period took. This is an unusual result. Second to the Beryl was J. H. Suth- erland's Chairman, and A. Macdon- ell third Gun Club Shoot. cessful shoot on Friday The results were: G. F tained 115 out of possible 125; F. G. Todd, 42 out of 50; W. A. Mit- chell, 27 out of 50; A. B. Sherman, 22 out of 40; of 50. evening. Walker ob- S. 8S. A. A. A. Game On Monday evening at 6.20 o'clock St. George's and St. Lukes' will meet in a senior 8. 8. A. A. A. baseball game. The game should be a hum mer on account of the two teams {leading the league Keep Back Of Ropes. If the baseball fans who attend the games in the city baseball lea- gue at the cricket field would keep back of the ropes it would help 'the players considerably. On many oc- casions when a foul ball goes into the crowd, it is impossible for the players to get their hands on it ) --- | A. Bowling Game. { There was only one howling 'at Queen's on Friday, W. H. with's team defeating W. H. gomery's team : i CO. Smith, 1. Sleeth, II. Williamson, {W. H. Montgomery, skip--10. | N. Munsie, J. P. Flaming, Dr. Nachanan, W. I. Wormwith, skip | Nw IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements . of Vessels Along the Harbor. The steamer Missisquoi came from Gavamogue on her regular on Saturday. The steamer '|Northmount down on her way from Chicago Montreal with grain. & M. 1. ¥o.'s elevator : Tug Bartlett cleared for Montreal with two grain barges; tug Hall cleared light for Cornwall. The steamer Simla will pass to-night with grain from Port borne for Montreal. i The schooner Katie Egcles arrived from Oswego. with coal * for the Mon- treal Transportation Co. ' The steamer Windsor cleared from Montreal to load coal at Oswego. p steamer - Advance and Fair- mo cleared from - Montreal to-day to load grain at Fort William. The steamers Toronto and Caspian sed down on Saturday morning The steamer City of Hamilton is dhd to pass down to Montreal Sunday midnight. : The steamer City of Ottawa is due to pass up to Toronto irom Montreal Sunday 8 a.m. : The yachts Aida and Julieo cleared for Alexandria Bay on Friday after noon. : The steamer Aletha down from Pic ton on Saturday. . . The steamer Ridean King is due ap from Ottawa Saturday night and will clear for Clayton. ! The steamer Alexandria is dwe to pass up to Charlotte from Quebec at £30 p.m. Satordav. The steamer Belleville is due to pass up to Darou from Brockville Saturday midnioht. The steamer Doric passed down to Montreal from the Welland canal at game Worm- Mont- D. 13 Reported | up trp passed to down Col- McWilliams, 2b; ! New York! The Kingstén Gun club had a sne- E..S. Webster, 38 out | A MAY BE NEAR KINGSTON AND PROVINCIAL POLICE HAVE! | A LINE ON HIM. This is the Latest Report Concern ing Dr. 0, K. Robinson--FExtradi- tion Papers Will Have to Be Tak. en Out If He Does Not Return to , Canada. ' While Provincial Inspector of Po- lice Miller was in the city he made a search of the home of Mrs. Robin- son, mother of Dr. C. K. Robinson, the young doctor who is wanted in connection with the death of Miss Blanche Yorke. The young doctor was not in his home, so this set at rest the minds of a great many peo- ple who have been asking if the house had been rearched, keeping up criticism which was lined against the police since they commenced to work on the case. Inspector Miller was accompanied to the home by} Constable Samuel Arniel, of the lo- cal police force. The doctor's aged mother is almost prostrated over the case. That Dr. Robinson is on the American side not far from Kings- ton and that the provincial police ! have a good clue is the latest report here. Extradition papers will have to be taken out to bring him back to Canada. | ! FHEPEMER EERE Rb OFFER £500 REWARD. LX & Toronto, Aug. 1.--The pro- vincial police have offered a reward of $5600 for the ap- prehension of Dr. C. K. Rob- inson, wanted for the killing of Miss Blanche Yorke at Tamworth, * "| | SPEAPER PAE Sb bb bd | [22 2 8 2-83 In the funeral of of the late Miss | Blanche Yorke, which took place on] Friday afternoon, another sad chap- | ter in Tamworth's sensation was end- | ed. The remains were interred in | lamworth cemetery. A service was | held at the Methodist church, which | was well filled for the service, and | which was conducted by Rev. James Barnes, who spoke on '""The Deceitful- | ness of Sin." The father and mo- | ther of the dead girl and her two brothers, also Daniel McGregor, her liance, were present, The pall-bearers were Stanley Clitheroe, William Wa- car, Frank McLaughlin, James Wa- ters, Edward Huffman and Stanley tiaggarty. Among those who atfended the fun- eral was Melville Robinson, of King- ston, brother of Dr. C. K. Robinson. Mr. Robinson went to Tamworth on Ihursday to siraighten up-a number of accounts and to look after other { business of the migsing doctor ! PERSONAL MENTION. | Movements of t he People -- What { They Are Doing ard Saying. J Gillapip , of Montreal, was in the city on Friday. | 1. L. Henderson, of Montreal, was in the city on Friday. I'homas IL. Waldron, of was in the city on Saturday. Bernard 'lierpey returned city from Hamilton on Friday Ww. H. Scott, of Kingston, is the , guest of Mrs. W. O. Knight, Tweed. + W. [unter, of New York, is visit mg with W." Franklin, Pittsburg Jr. Charles O'Reilly, of Toronto, was in the city on Friday morn ing Mrs. James was a visitor day. J. A. Kennedy and E. Bertrim, of Parham, were in the city on Satur day. Ww. S. and M. LL. Vincent, ark, N.J., motored to the Friday. Miss Daisy F. Neb., came to the city morning. Mrs, #7 Brown, side with her daughter, Charles, Cobourg. George H. Hasshall and H. T. ham; of Keokuk, Iowa, motored the city on Friday. W.cA. Logmer, J.D. Smith and A. 1. Smith, of Montreal, passed throught the city on' Saturday. Mrs. Frederick Gethoefer and Mrs. Alexander Sills, of Buffalo, N.Y., were in the city on Friday. 7. F. Kenny, wile and child, Urs. FF. Ramsay, motored to the city from Montreal on Friday. W. Covlepsof Laidlaw s ary goods house, is spending his vacation in New York, the guest of Dr. Power. E. F. Nugent, foreman of the lo- comotive works left to-day for Brit- ish Columbia on a business trip. Mrs. Herbert Walker, Milford, is in Kingston , for treatment, her sister, Miss Ella McCaw, accompanying her. Miss Lavina Ashley has returned home aftera month's visit in Belleville and at Crow Lake camp, Marmora. \. E. Cleaton and R. Bower, De- troit, passed through the city on Friday afternoon in their automobile on-their way to Moptreal. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mills of De troit, passed through the city on Friday on their way to Ottawa in their autoomobile. C. S. Bowerbank of the Canadian Bank of Commerce has been trans- ferred to Sarnia and will leave for there early next week. Mrs. Charles N. Loucks, Napanee, was in Kingston on Wednesday to visit her father, Thomas Pybus, who is ill in the general hospital. Rev. Mr. Lewis. Kingston, with Mr. and Mre. Frank Leurin, Saska- tacn, are spending a few days with Mrs. Thomas Stanton, Napanee. F. XN. Smith, BA, mathematical master in Sydenham high school, is spending part of his vacation with his brother, "0. J. Senith, Colling- wood. Misses Anastasia Mohan and Mar- garet MeKepwn, Kingston and Glen- vale, rerpectively, returned to their. homes after visiting at - Edmund Manion's, Selby. Winnipeg, the to Buffalo, Saunders, of to the city on New- on of city Bonnell, of Lincoln, on Saturday 18 to re G. WwW. Kingston, Mrs (ira- to and now. Safest ng War scare. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1,1914, ~ \ rut yowr fioner in mortgages uri . Drtton's store for ine. Remov- <ed to Sydenham St, "ins BRE a Women's Black Cotton Hose, seamless feet, special ToNight, 7.30 to 9.30 WE WILL HAVE TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS TO OFFER. COME EAR- LY AS THE LOTS ARE NOT LARGE. sh The Biggest Values Ever Offered In Summer Dresses Values Up to $15.00 15 only Ladies' Summer Dresses, white and sky, handsomely made and trim- med, sizes 34 to 40. Dresses worth $5.00, $6.50, $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15. Your Choice To-Night, $2.48 130 Boys' Jerseys Boys' Cotton Jerseys, navy trimmed with white, navy red, white sky, white cardinal, cardinal white; short sleeves; all sizes. : Special To-Night 13¢ Ladies' Black and White Lisle Hos® A sheer make, spliced heel and toe, with a strong welted garter top. J Pairs for $1.00 or 35¢ Pair Stockings For All the Family Women's Black Lisle Hose, Special Women's White Lisle Hose Girls' White Cotton Hose Girls' Black Cotton Hose .. Boys' Leather Knit Stoekings . . .. ny "er 2 pairs for 26¢ Summer Light and cool new models We are also showing American Brassieres in new makes . . JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. We have just opened a case of Ladies' 3 Strap House Slip nice and soft, nice and light and the right price, sizes 2); to 7, . | $150 a Pair Also one with 2 straps at $2.00. as ee , ('Nice Soft Kid House Sippers