4 aitaia % THE PROBLEM REMAINS. Lhut it did not provide The British Whig % 5 ¥ E 1 ished Dally and Semi Weekly by BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING CO. LIMITED, 1 @ BUOtt .......uc0..... President - A. Gullé ....Managing Director 2 and Sec.-Treas. * Telephones: & cssesans ie ss Office .. . 3 torial Rooms . . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally Edition) ne year, delivered in clty',.....56.00 year, If pald In advance .. 5.00 2. three months pro rata. | Attached 6ne of the best b printing ofl in Canada.. at Jo B. © Amaiheice <: cine J Che ireh 8 HB i i Or BRP RES ENTATIV ES © «Mew York Office ...... Tov Fifth Ave. § Frank R. Northrup, Manag er. IAQREND: + vs 5 sx puss snsesn ey 'Blag. rank R. Northrup, LA George Hamilton, as if he has,made Lynch-Staunton, writes to the pres: a discovery Members of parliament $2,500 a he would be less time could for says, ; on, the job, if Hansard were abolished and the hbuse were greatly reduced Hansard does encourage talk, wastes serve year, because they in size, a lot of it, uselessly, money, the waste salaries and printers' could go without any serious loss to the country. But the cuffing down ol membership in the commons is a different proposition. It is as big a problem, and as trying, and it of ink in time and Hansard as the'reform | incensed over the ig! publicity under the circumstan- I°1 The Lipton company has just had {its annual. i and the president {of it offered no justification. for its |conpection with the canteen "But," said Sir Thomas, "your rectors have taken steps to that nothing of the kind can possibly scandal. di- ensure happen again in any department of the business." Some under-official bad become amenable to the graft. ing propensities of a canteen repre- sentative, and thé government was so exposure _ that = it decided not to do any more trading with the Liptons. The loss is about £4,000 a and it is a small item in the £160, 286 of profits accruing to the com- pany in 1913: All the same the com- pany was very willing to get and keep the canteen trade, is loath enough to have £5.100 of costs charg- ed against it, to say nothing of the costs of the offending representative, who must meet these himself. The Lipton company eventually felt good enough to forget about the canteen trouble, to cheer Sir Thomas. and wish him good luck for himself in America. vear, and and his yacht ------------ POLITICS AND JUSTICE. The Cailliaux trial will go down to of the most extraor- taken place in there history as one dinary that has ever France, and procedure sometimes looks like a travesty justice. As this case developed, bhe- ginning with "the speech of Mme. Cail- and cul court of liaux in her own defence, to show that the of see the hopelessness of a culated provocation for Calmette, murder of M editor Figaro, one could sane con clusion. The evidence of Mme. Gueydan bear directly on the case. of the domestic public his did not It was a vivid pourtrayal troubles of by a of one of France's the breaking up that is common The speeches of M. Cailliaux were designed to save his wife by interjecting into the controversy political matter, closing with a recital of M. Calmette's will of men, home liaison quite in' his country. of the senate, upon which govern- ments have pondered for out 'result. vears with- A WORLD-WIDE MONOPOLY. The Hamilton Herald finds that aotwithstanding the lower tani 1 the United States living is not cheap} The charge of the Argentine b 'men is probably true. It is tha 'the meat packers, for obvious rea #0ns, are operating against the im- porters through the railway compan- "ies. These companies have business alliances with the packers, and the Argentine agents have, because of lack of accommodation, complained to the Interstate Commission and should be given some redress. Living is not cheaper because the trusts are trying to control the meat market at home and sbroad. It remains to be seen how far these rich momopolists can regulate the meat supply of the world, Like the New Haven Rail- way company, which wasted $85,000, 000 in the ysin attempt to manipu- late the transportation facilities of New England, the American packets may outreach themselves and land in difficulty in the end. The aim of the Underwood Act was all right. It | of the story Jdeclamations opened (the way for cheaper foods. for moval of barriers such as the Am- erican meat packers have been erect ing to the serious logs and inconven- | : v For trie 4hunner in which the masses are y ! affected ance .of . the people. a OTR RL STaNbING PAT. The Peterboro i, M is a genuinely independent conservative paper. It has reached the point of being candid in its criticism of the party leaders, and of standing courageously by what it says. It objects to the retention of Dr. Reaume in the cabinet. He was "rejected in a constituency of bis own jormation and hy the party eaucus; "he split his party by forcing himself into the fight; he is largely responsible for the monumental folly of a lieuten- . ant-governor's residence " which only a very rich man can _eupy; he was selected in the first place ; . because oi his ability to juggle with . the French vote, and the Ontario gov ernment, has now no use for it; and She is not even entitled to a senator C#hip. ALL this the Review says with- out any mincing of matters. More over, it is not in favour of the dicta- tion to the Ontario government of Hon. Frank Uochrane, or any other man. It is opposed to all interlock- ing methods "'because the principles of congervatism make such methods un- necessary, and because they are not in the best interests of the people of On- tario and the dominion." And to our local contemporary, who undertook to chide the Review, it remarks : "Our Ningston friend may stand pat in the matter, (of praising and lauding and magnifying Hon, Frank Cochrane), but iF M of THE CANTEEN SCANDAL. $ Linon company was involved British. canteen scandal, snd a OC: in the re 1 | nRented it in Toronto, i which revealed the fact that his wealth was the result of political in- trigues of an infamous kind. The rest was made up of noisy from persons who knew little about the murder. The erime was never questioned Mme. Cailliaux confessed that she had drawn a revolver on M. Calmette, and, having set it in motion, it kept up the fusilade, without her control, until the man she attacked fell mor- tally het feet. Medical witnesses said hie life might heen spaned had he heen operated on at once in placcampf several hours af terwards. And :the jury returned a verdict of not guilty The announcement was attended hy scenes a parallel, by the greatest disorder, by shouting, cheer- ing, fighting, fainting--just such furies and follies as one would expect when politice became the dominating factor and carried tha day. wounded at have without EDITORIAL NOTES. Ihe beer got into the camp at Pe tawawa, but how ? I'hat is the thing that the Hon. Sam Hughes can- find trou not out. and it is greatly bling his soul. three ~~ in of Just thirty- gand men found employmer the ew 3 A n wn. Aon station. ny hogpt™™ : idea of Vf dullness of the times, ive out the wt STO F'oron An and to on ------ I'he loyalty oi all these Europeans is to be admired All. over America they are worrying lest they will not be able to return home in time to tight for their countries theirs is a spirit worth emulating ) Amid the tumult which prevailed how could the jury the Caillaux case reach a calm or It acquitted the woman, political Amazing exhibit ! in just conclusion. who pleaded emergencies guilty, because Fhe German kaiser is credited with heing the big man in the present po: litical crisis in Furope. He ig the only one,.of all the monarchs, who admits that he is ready for war. has Lount Von Molke, like his father, completed his plans. Servia was willing to do all that Austria demanded--save and excepting l, the right of the larger power to di rect how the alleged conspiracy und murder cases should be conducted. What was Servia afraid of ? Exposure of the royal family ? The thought. of of a European staggers one. The natiogg that would be involved have armif "Thiago gate 15,000,000 men, and the cost of a campaign with these in the field would be $I0,000000 a day. How long could it Jast at this rate ? war A Briush company, on behali of the British government, is acquiring a controlling interest in the oil supply of Uslifornia. And it costs $30,000, 000. wuen it comes 4 #harp finane- ing and farseeing, politically and com- license in she had great DAILY sKITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1914. re of That. London Advertiser Workmen's eompensation is likely t be displaced by manufacturers' pensation, com- Let Them Hamilton Tiies James bas 80 far no word Sip of censure for Mr. Gamey. Some of the demagogic clergymen should prod the Premier to action. Business Suffering. Prince Arthur Chronicle Business in Ulster has gone to the bad. Perhaps economic pressure will sottle the trouble before or after a few heads have heen cracked. Great Money In It. Montreal Mail A New York woman has amassed a fortune selling love powders and telling fortunes. Certainly there is a gold mine in this field if one can tap it. + Agitation In Ireland. Montreal 1 There is just one way in which good may come from the situation his last bad business has created. It will show people what recent political agitation has meant ahd to what it Gazette naturally leads. and the effect may sober everybody. Closing The Saloons. Toron® Mail Milwaukee has closed up 212 saloons, but there remains a saloon for every 250 of population It would appear that to lose a liquor license in Milwaukee is about rious a matter as to lose a peddler's Toronto. Price Of Special Privilege. Ottawa Citizen To place the cost of protection $30 annually, taken from dent in Canada, would be a moderate estimate; it is probably nearer $60 {hus the Canadian citizen with a wife as se at every resi British and Canadian gov- ernmemts 'are in oconsulta- tion, and the Borden cabinet ministers may, be summoned to Otiawa. 4 Belgrade has been bom- barded by Austrian warships, de ode de of oF oe ee de oh de lB bo Fede debledetod dtodd debbie tod, oo INFLAMMABLES IN MAE ) prosecute . Department Will Prosecute AP ¢. .. Rigorously, -- Ottawa, July 30. Nofwf : ing the urgent and repeatf om ings of the post office df against the mailing of inf and explosive articles ir partment ammables was brought before th trate and fined $50 y closing < police magi nd costs for en- cartridges in a post packet "ie 'department is determined prosecute every such case as come to notice, because the danger sive articles in the mails cannot he exaggerated. The dreadful-pessibiii ties of fire on board ship do notte quire to be stated and there is ul most equal danger in the case of a fire occurring in the mails when on the postal *arSe CO-OPERATION IS NEEDED. Interests of Overseas Dominions Dis. cussed in Commons. London, July 30.--The necessit for more serious co-operation be tween Britian and the overseas do minions for the development of empire, with some sort of supervi ion with regard to emigration, was urged by Donald MacMaster in the debate on a colonial vote in the com mons. The member for Chertsey alo pointed out the need for improved means of communication with the dominions and a better news' ¥e: vice. »The latter suggestion was develop- ed by Mr. Alden, member for Totteu- ham, who thought the colonial off ce might do worse than institute a service of cablegrams to the domin- ions, giving the important news from Great Britain. May Hang Old Woman. London, July 30.- of her husband, Eliza Reeves, 2 years of age, of Knowsley Far a, near Macclesfield, has been sertere- ed to death at Chester. Reeves was found in the farm- yard. He had apparently been ut- tacked by his wife with an axe and a knife as he sat in his chair. When charged with the murder Mrs. Reev- es said: "He has met a bad end to a bh: d life. It is all through that old Robi: kept on saying it, and I lost control over myself. He has given her hun- let me have sixpence shoes." Medical «evidence showed that t+ ~ prisoner was suffering from senile dementia. Pos, lo pay for iti » task is - imposs- Te believe that foie 1s to to make it son. He said he loved her, and le! dreds of pounds, and be never wouv.d | PUBLIC OPIN Wise and and two children has to pay, on an Milly---- "That's a sign you were average, fully $200 a year extra be |dreaming' New York Times cause of the protective tarifi; a gen Sv-- erous donation to special privilege, She--Yqur friend is a bit of an costing rather too much for the aver- |@gOtIst, isn't he? : : age bread-winner. { He--"A bit; Why, if he hadn't RIO: been born he would have expected PEP |e ie to ask why mnot."--London 2 o | Mail a, » LATEST WAR NEWS. rn oe ns : Sometimes the religiously awaken- " Rusegia is mobilizing force ed appear to go to sleep again #% of million and a quarter men |New York American # The reservists are called out AR ih *) First Traveller-- Why is that * The London Times says pompous fellow strutting about so % Austria and Russia have su- | absurdly 2" spended diplomatic inter * Second Traveller -- "He found course "| some ham in his railway sandwich o * { time when women will be baldheaded * | Equality, wo! | 2) | and is reported occupied by Austrians A oe Declaration of war by Rus- | sia is expected to-day, and a! the hope of averting a gener: - eral #iropean conflict js als wl most abandoned ol * - i the mails cases are still found to, oC Ma only the other day.a wo oh and, g 1 aya Wap at Regina | | | to!vacation aint't patented; may lgelf ! + of enclpsing inflammable and explo-' 1 | | | the (lye? {Louisville | Kansas City Journal. For the murd o | don't dare" do created the usual havoc with your corn this year." "Gawsh, no! 1 put up er scare- :) Otherwise . naked Even in midsminmer the truth is apt to be a cold fact. ------ Even 'in driving a bargain it-is just as well to keep to the right Wonderful Woman. Courier Journal With hat tipped over, no eye free, "Tis very plain she cannot see. With hair combed over the ears, clear That she, of course, 'tis can hardly hear, With gown so tight it causes talk, that she can hardly walk. 'Tis plain And yet she dodges autos, teams, And gets along well, it seems jd Man never could survive, poor chap, Beneath one half that handicap Picked Up In Passing. In Ohio, officers, in an auto pur- sue bandits in an auto, but the trou- ble is that the bandits generally have the best machine.-- Buffalo News Huerta has had a bard time as President of Mexico, but if he has got away with $$6,000,000 from the national treasurer his labor can hard- ly be classified among the sweated industries Buffalo Couriér There's mighty soft spot in hea- ven for the girl who marries to please her family Detroit Journal. + Billy "Do you believe in signs?" © Milly "Yes," indeed.' Billy--" Well, last night 1&ream ed you were madly in love with me What is that a sign of?" Sacred Heart Heview A Chicago capitalist forcees a dearsy 'is what you seek, isn't it?--Buffalo News, Just The Thing. seaside your back yard try al Nopey !* This The July Crop. "See here, Wombat." "Yes. Pp "You promised me some stuff out of your garden." "All right, What Jimson weed, thistle or will you have, burdock?" The U sual Way. "My son, be careful to find" out the inward depths of & woman's char acter valu before you make a friend of her." "That's all right, 'ty why not take her at her Baltimore American face va- There's Many a True Word, Ete. "Pa, what do they put water in stocks for?" | To soak the son." investors with, my They Need The Money. It is no disgrace die poor--hut it's a mean trick to play on veur re- latives, His Excuse. Wife (after: callers' had gone)-- How dare you 'scold me before com- pany? Hub-- Well, you know, my dear, I it when we are by ourselves. Heard In A Divorce Court. Judge (to woman asking separa- tion)--How long have your relations been unpleasant? Woman---Your honor, my relations have always been pleasant; it's his relations that are the old grou- ches, . In A Hobble Skirt. "1 suppose, farmer, that the cows crow dressed in the kind er rig the women are wearin' nowadays, and it scared the daylights out of 'em." There are but two really great L but if she's pret- Try Our $4.00 Bench-Made Shoes | Bibby"s | triday & Saturday Doings New Collars, 2 For 25¢ Men's Nobhy Straws $2.00 and $2.50 Your choice for $1 Each All this season's Hats, 5 styles 'Men's Panama - Hats $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Genuine Panamas. Your choice for $2.95 Special, $1.50 Solid Domestic Tweeds, good style, neat patterns. to 406, \ Men's Pant Per Pair well made, Sizes 32 Men's Suit Specials Nobby Pin Dot eds, tweeds, brown See Our $8.50 Suit Special Patterns, striped tweeds, new three-button style : sizes in worst. 9) I id to 42 Two and Y browns, checks and See Our $10 Suit Special Three piece Suits, greys and bronzes, plaids : greys : new cut, good tailoring : rich hair lines, of plain home plenty tion in Kingston; owner forced to leave the city to look after other properties. This is a good chance for the right . man. A large list of farm proper tes for sale, Some good bargains in city properties. disappointments in life. One is wha rant 'the See Our $1 2.50 spuns, tweeds and worsteds, : Suit Special Spec The New Bromley Cut, very classy ee ur garments. Fabrics are fine all-wool worsteds, in beautiful colorings : dain- $ - ty patterns : sizes 34 to 42, 15 00 S t . ul Yonng Men's Hand S 1al a pecials The best-$1i-. Suits to be had any- Special $4 50 where, Fine West of England Worst. L ] . 1 \ ed, in blue or grey ; fine Scotch Che- These are goods you would have to || viotsin'brown, fawn and grey. Hand) pay the tailors $6.50 or $7.00 for. Ia- sailored by experts, Snits ready to try brics are nobby Grey Worsteds, cut in on finished to your order in two hours' medium peg, cuft' bottoms, belt loops, time : sizes to 46, Stout men's ete., sizes 30 to 36. suits same price. y - ® y - Boys' Knickers Bibb ' Ss Boys' Knickers 39¢ Per Pair y 39¢ Per Pair -- | RE ] OUR TOBACCO OUR FRESH GROUND (OF. 04 . With the "Rooster" om it. "EE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. BUSINESS COLLEGE Sill Louder se be wots, Meng, [[} AL Staaple order and :be nly Cc. per poun le or chew By an . (Limited) smoking. NOLAN'S GROCERY : ng AT A. MACLEAN'S, Phone Ml St Head of Queen Street Ontarle Street. . mpt Delivery... Courses in bookkeeping, shorts -- i -------------------- hand, typewriting, civil service, genera improvement, and atl commercial subjects Rates moderate Information f "It Is Not Necessary Tol H. F. Metcalf, Principal -- re | {i Have a Large Amount ™ > To make a profitable Real Fs- For Sale tate Investment. A very mod ' erate sum will start you. Easy monthly installments never OR missed from an income. Six roomed frame house on Redan street, improvements, $1800.00. We oud forma yon oi Solid brick house on Syden- in the future. We have all makes 0 e ham street, $3400.00, u's, women's and 3 Solid brick house on John lowest price in the elty.. rs street, improvements, $2850.00 : . mE » : pa | : gh rr an H. B. WARTELL dwelling attached, good loca- Z