5 a rR A Si a d Mrs. Stearns Knowiton Cele- : : brate Fiftietli Anniversary. Five and conipagdiively ithens Reporter . : = he Monday Inst was the fiftieth anni versary of the marriage of oud es tpemed citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Stearns Knowlton, Church street. They had not thought of speciglly marking the event, but their children had, planned that it should be otherwise. In re- Spouse to a telegianm, H. R.' Knowl- tony motored" to" 'Brockville as the day was breaking on ouday amd met his two brothers, L. S.. of Lea thington, ~ "and C. H., of" Wingsor. Their arrival at the home of their Jarents was a complete and delight ul surprise--the first great pleasire of FOR DR. SINCLAIR Ci SE TT ae, 8 Who is Won Hard to Defegt J R. Dargavel--All Sunday School » Workers Ont for Rowell. Policy. : Gananoque; June 26.A4 the river ront, last evenipg, the Ciuigeny' band, under 4 leadership of Bonimaster Sweigard, another 'of the series o weekly oui-ddor concerts was giver and' much enjoyed by a large gather Mr. Rowell is meeting with . some dishonest criticism because his policy | ages not demand the abolition of the - shop licensés. in u speech' 'Which fe Bowe nia véred in the Jegisiature on Apnl ney k dn Fowey. Britan {FiK, "1914," When moving the resolu {Does Not Rule in . tion ot the abolition ot the bar, be Kingston, June 25.(To the Edi- 'said, among other things : tor).-- The issues involved in the | Now iv 1s said by sole of one election contest Me pany .. chiefly, friends on the government side of tha nowever is Shall Britdin's rule pre- thotise, why do you not mnclune shops vail, or that of an extravagant, sel- 'iy your policy ¥ The answer is we do fish, tyranhy faléély ' calling itself [include snops in our pohey, put We conservative, who by dismissing the lereat them in a dibeérent mannbe magistrates upon assuming the pow- TO SUPPORT ROWELL. day and on Saturday. mal x Ak 3 The Churches on, Teisl--+While Whil- ing.' : ¥. J. Wilson has returned from the rear of the riding, from a tr from the bars and the clubs. Many Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout. One of Kingston's Best. - Specials Othine~=Donhie strength Parm| Dauble strength Mercolized Wax Saxolite Canthrox Snurmnx Almazoin Croxone Onloelde Farnotis ° Sarno) \ Cadomense \)( 'ompound specialties for making up any recipe seen in the Api Papers. Have ft put up ht. . to be insulted by gaidin | ting the disniissal of county justices, well studied 'in Yours with success. -- M. TON, X Dismissed J. PJ er, denied the king's majesty, op- position fo contrary notwithstand- ing - Ala¥ the change! On4he 14th of October 1868, us the Allan lin- er Belgian was gpteaming into Que- bee, the writer, a youth, stood upon the deck enraptured by the loyal strains of a company of truly loyal {Canadians who bad volunteered to return home from Malta to repel they invader from the'. south. "Rule Britannia," and Ser Patriotic airs had a deep meanipg in those days; but alas the change! For an Or- ange lodge party to permit the-king and abet- is the most intolerable' outrage of modern political warfare with the last bulwark 'of British liberty gone, the waved of despotism and anarchy may now engulf us all! Let all hon- est and. loyal men; of * whatever creed, resent the insult by voting for Rowell, or never agaln sing "Rule Britannia," for those who vole to return the Whitney party, do not intend that Britain shall rule, and the good book 'says that a hot place has been reserved: for ithe. lar. "England expects every many this day to do his dut®# and the undersigned will lead, even in the face of the satanic forees eo election contests. H. COMP- honorable members on the ~govern- iment. side of the nouse refuse 10 Sup- port ys'in entirely abolishing the bay because they say we are going = too iar we were going ahead of public opinion--and. then in the Same breath they attack us for not gomg fur- ther and 'including the snops." One argument of my honorable friends is an effective answer to the other. But I wish to discuss this phase' of policy quite irrespective of any such: criti- cism, Our policy goes as far as the organized temperance fordes of this province asked us" to go when they pesented their request to us. the same request that they presented to the government. During the session of 1912 'as already stated 1 was se in waited upon by a deputation of re presentative men of the Church of England, the Roman Catholic, Metho- dist, Presbyterian and Baptist churehes--men chosen by the organized temperance forces of this province to present their requests to the gov- ernment and to my colleagues' and myself. Let me read to you agnig the resolution and request submitted to us: : "Th# 'abolition of -the bar and - the treating system and the drinking in clubs and the imposition of such fe- ther restrictions upon the liquor traffic as will most effectively cur tail its operations and remedy its fo will manifest tion day. time, downe Gananogue high school, wl school fof turped to spend tion at their respective homes. ear. and Charles days this week in Ottawa. Hirough that section with the libers candi work is being done in that section anc. strongly on elec outlook wa: never brighter than it is along libera lines in South 'Leeds as the presen: the session of the Sunda, the townships o Kseott and Bansdowne a motion wa passed endorsing ' N.. W. Rowell's ei forts to abolish the drink evil. ate, Dr. J. P. Sinclair. itself So far the At haool workers of The Misses * Edith MoCammon, this town; Marian: MacNeil and Ger trude Clilie, Front of Leéds and lane radnates « Have beer norma' 'year, have ne their summer vaca townships, all attendance at Oftawa the past Miss Hazel Van Alstyne, of ra few days. Rev. and Mrs. Mr. in Macdonald spent The Prices Paid at the Union Yards Hare Ales andria. Bay, was the guest of Mr. anc Nrs. William Davidson, Brock street William Hendlerson Garden street, have left to spend th summer at Saltcoats, Sask. Mes. M. S. Harding, accompanied Mi and Mrs. George A. Sniith, yesterday for a run to Picton Mr. and Mrs. W. 8S. Macdopal a im Mr. an Smith' a gerve to brighten the days of, Mr. and Mrs. Knowlton during the remainder 4 the peaceful pathway of life down which they are passing. Miss Addie being at home mer coming from Chantry, event brought all their family to- ether, excepting Roy, who is at Athabasca Landing. A wedding din: wr had been prepared at the home df Mr. and Maps. H. R. Knowlton nd, needless to say, it was thoraugh- v epjoyed by all. : Married--At Portion: Ont., on June ' 22nd, 1864, Stearns Knowlton to Miss Saphronia Byingten, by the Rev. L. A. Betts. ; Following their marriage they set- led on a farm at Chantry and there esided until a few years ago when they rvetived to a home in Athens. Here their ons, at diffefent periods, have qualified for lives of ufefulhess ind hére on their return they are ilways welcomed 'by friends who have learned to appreciate their sterling 'ntegrity. ' nd he 0 GOVERNMENT ON TRIAL. hose of Thirty Years Ago Have Had Their Day. 'tratford -Beaepn. v What was done thirty years ago is day, the remembrance of which will : 338 _ pairs tille Corsets, est corset of beautifully made French brocade conu- guarasiised the newest fall model and « made by America's greats » manufacturer. Heretofore never sold less than $1.50 and £1.75. Our speeial purchase priee not vital in regard to the matter oi abolition of the bar or of any of the minor issues in the present campaign. What has been done by' the Whitney rovernment is what should be discuss: «l as having a vital relation to the contest. "I'he government . has not mly failed to give progressive temper- ance legislation, but has heen neglect. fill of the interests of agriculture and slow to do anything to improve the social' conditions of the workingman it has refused éven to give permis- sive legislation in regard to tax mp- form. -1t has failed to grasp the pro- blem of the settlement and develop- ment of Northern Ontario and it has heen prodigal in its expeéndigure. I'ro- gress and economy in the public ex. penditure 'would result from a change of government. Toronto. Union Stock = Yards, July 25.--Receipts were light. cars, 246 cattle, 1530 hogs, sheep and lambs, 14 calves. Cattle----Receipts were lMght and - few good to choice cattle were offer- 'fed. .Prices were steady with Tues- day's quotations. Chioice butch- er's steers, $8.26 to ¢8.50; good butcher's steers, $8.00 to $8.25; medium - butcher's steers, $7.80 to $8.10; "éommon butcher's steers, $7.20 'to. $7.40; choice butcher's heifers, $8.00 to $8.25; - common 'butcher's heifers, $7.60 to $7.75; choice cows, $7.00 to $7.25; good cows, 6.50 to $7.00; canuers, $3.20 to $8.75. tenia Feeders and stockers -- Market steady. Choice "mteérs, $6.75 to $7.10; medium _sters, $6.50 to $6.75; Canners, $5.75 to $6.40, Milkers and springers '-- Market slow, no outside demand at $45.00 to $85.00 'each, bulk sold at $60 tq $70 each. Calves Receipts were not equal to the demand, and prices were very firm. .. Choice veals, $10.00 to JLo common to good $7.00 to Sheep and. Tambs -- Market for = evils. The Churches on Triak Mr. Rowell has gone as far as the Fort Robinson, June 25.-- (To the | Christian temperance feeling of the Editor): 1 see in your paper that |Province desired him to go, and og mothers and even fathers are plead- [soon as public opinion is ripe for ° ing with the church people to vote abolition of the shop licenses, they " [the bar out and save thelr. boys. | will go. They have a chance to show their colors now. They will be tried in the balance on the 29th. 'I wonder how many will be found wanting. If Mr. Harrison is not elected we will know that it is only = "members" we have in our churches, not "Chris- tians." . We will know that {Ney are running with the hounds and hold- ing with the hare. They go to pray- jer meeting and pray for the 'curse of intemperance to' be taKen away from the boys and young men and then go to the polls and vote to keep it in their way" Every membér of every church should vote against the bar--BRUCE KIBLL. ] Toronto, 40 231 | At Best's iia Sunday hours, 1,30 10 5; 0.30 to 9 Saturday 4) True Valdes are the keynote of thé suecess of our great sales. Everything advertised is cavefully! weighed in the balance and must be true value be- fore it finds a place in dur announcement. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Sm Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town A CLEAN CUT ISSUE. Fighting for Homes and Women apd 'Children. W. Rowell at Woodstock. "The issue is clearly before the peo- ple. If we are returned tg power, we will work out every club and bar license in Ontario. If we are defeated those licenses will continue, and it is for you, the electors, to say which it shall be. "If you prefer party alliances to voting on a clear-cut issue, you must earry op your gonsciences to your dy- ing day the responsibility of allowing the bars with all their attendant evile to continue... You have the power to wipe out the evil, and if you decline to exercise that power, yoa are ré- sponsible. for the continuanee of that which, I am sure, most bf you believe ta be wrong." Mr. Rowell said, he had been told) recently by a man awho'f always had N Courage of Our Convictions, "The fear of man bringeth a spare." It isn't easy, is it, tq he uUways the thing you feel and know you ought to be out where men are ooking at you and talking about you? We did hear 'the other day of a man who thought he ought to /ote a certain way when he was talk- ing to his wife on his own batk porch, buf who changed his front sntively whén® some of "the boys" I Our custonrers are our best ad- vertisement. Every, pair of BOOTS AND SHOES sold by us wells nthe, very day someone Saxe Mra. »o De with her shoes thought I would come 3 We are humab---never 8 We want to add you to our chain Te fit you is to ft your frie in the future, We have all makes and styles of men's, wo 's and Answers to 'Excuse. Brighton, June 25.--(To the Editor): Many conservatives say: "BH 1 had any confidence in Rowell I would sup- port his party, but how am I to know whether he is in earnest in his utter- ances about closing the har." They have to hide behind some ex- children's boots and shoes nt the lowest price in the elty. cuse, and the on every side. issue is : ahove excuse is heard I'he real point in this Shall I put my ballot in the been a conservative, that he was go- ing. to vote liberal at the election on Junie 29th for the reason that he was sheep was steady while lambs sold higher. Sheep, $5.50 to $8.25; culls and rams, $3.00 to $5.50: spring talked it over with street corner. age of one's him "on the To have the cour- convictions is a fine thing and, even with all the changes that have come to the world, to aave such still makes big demands apon men. There isn't a man of us but has been tempted, sometimes when someone's finger was pointed at us, to get around' behind the duty which we saw to be ours. That pointed finger was a snare that we found it hard to escape from. But what a fine sense of freedom we had when we dared it and came out and did what we believed to be our duty in the face of all the world. To have the courage of our convictions is not always easy, but it is a splen- ---- 1 did and worth while achievement all Resentment Over the Opposition Giv-{in "the tragie air catastrophé a few |the same and worth paying some- en to Studholme. miles from "Vienna on Saturday. The [thing for. % Labor men in Hamillon are aroused [Presence of their aerial fleet crefited -- a vivid i ssion. 2 in the present campaign as never be-(# ¥ivid Impression Asked to Help Suppress Traffic. ROBER I SON S, LIMITED : 3 % i ; "w og : An enormous concourse of people | Igre, 1 he lac Ag In nomination ol n ¥ Gre placing A pastoral letter issued by the | 5 weil. Se determined that his son, when he grew up, should not be able to say, if he should have gone wrong, 'it is your fault, father, you preferred your par- ty to my welfare and allowed the bars, which have brought me to ruin, to stay.' "1 would rather go down to defeat fighting for the homes and the women and children of this province,"' con- cluded Mr. Rowell, "than win through the support oi the organized liquor in terests. hox for temperance or shall my ballot be for whiskey ? Whether Mr. Rowell will, if in pow- er, fullil his promise to élose the bars in thiss province, can not extuse me from doing what my conscience dic- {| tates, Deep-rooted in the minds of the peo people is the firm conviction that Mr, Rowell will do what he has promised to do and & is this conviction that is causing the whiskey party to keep out known 'advocates of temperance from the dontest. The public. are aware of the tactics of the liquor in- terests and the quiet vote next 'Mon day will show that no interests or party can fool all the people all the Lume. ; Now is the time for' the temperance party to reap their harvest, and it they prefer party to principle how ean they expect the isste ever to be for | temperance ? hE You have been definitely and abrupt turned down. by the present gov- ernment "and you fave nothing more 0 expect from them. Rowell's platiorm is straight, clean- cut and positive, and if Mr. Rowell is chosén as leader of the government and does not fullill the promises he has made, turn him out just as the reformers--turned down the Ross gov: ernment.~1.0.P, lambs, $1100 to $12.50 per cwt. Hogs -- Receipts moderate and prices firm. Selected, fed and wa- tered, $8.25 to $7.65, f. 0. b. cars, and' $8.50 weighed off cajs. FIRST AIR FUNERAL HELD. For suitable gifts for brides, you must not fall ; | to see our FINE CHINAWARE. ys | You can't find anything prettier, nor cheaper, a 1 Escort. of Twenty Aeroplanes Foi Dead Austrian. Vienna, June' 26.--An escort of twenty aeroplanes, flying mourning. flags, and manned by aviators from several nations, formed a flying guard of Hohor' 'at the burial of the tine Austrian officers and men killed Mel great variety for your inspection, LIQUOR AGAINST LABOR. capa 0 id - The Distinguish- ing Feature is Clothes ! WN BETWEEN WHO? ¥ : : so ingluding several archdukes, mem- ORServ » candidat HOST t » + gopservative sandida S upp ou bers of the Austrian cabinet, and for- [bishops of the Roman Catholic church Rast Hamilton. 'is sesantod $0 stch a eign military attaches, was present|in Canada following the meeting of oh ' their first great council in the city at the graveside to testify the gen- eral sorrow felt for the aviators who [of Quebec, in November, 1909, in cluded the following: had died doing their duty during the army manoeuvres. "Almost everywhere the civil au- While . the funeral service was in thorities haye given their{ weighty progress the small aircraft circled {co-operation, and have devoted them- rotind dnd round the cemetery, und |selves in a truly Christian spirit to then flew off in company. the checking of this trade. It has been, above all, realized that the svils should be attacked at their source, namely, that the traffic in in- toxicating liquors should be sup- pressed." » They went on to deal with the most effective. way for suppressing the eyils of the trafic aud called upon the members of their ¢hurch to as- sist in the work. China degree by labor men generally that it is likely to result in a determined op- position to conservative-liquor candi- dates in many constituencies on Mon- day next. The feeling shown in "the passed at a meeling dependent labor party evening": "Whereas, the liquor interests have invariably opposed lahor representa- tion_in parhamentary, legislative and municipal elections in this city and elsewhere; and, whereas, it is univer- sally conceded that the influence ol the liquor traflic, wherever exerted, has been against . good "gevernment and "progressive legislation; the Ham- ilton independent labor 'party recog- nizes in the hostility of the Allied Liquor Tradés Association toward the re-elettion of Allan Studholme, a high 'woagpliment to his integrity and fair dealing, 'and recommends the electors of the city of Hamilton to appraise thix hostility at ts' true value." iy Hamilton 'is clearly following resolution there of the in- 2 on Saturday Stand ror Principle. Tarewta Star, 3 Mr. Plewman has resigned his po- sition as 'editor of the Orange Senti- nel because he cannpt support its position 'fn regard to the abolition of the bar. While the paper was veutral .he did not feel called upon to resign, bunt when it advocated the election of government candi- dates, *'thereby opposing the suc- cess of a great moral {ssue. 1 de- cided to get my freedom, and do all in my power during the short time that is left before voting cay to turn the tide in favor of temper. ance." : Mr. 'Plewman also holds the gv ernnient responsible' for the prezem: state of bilingual schools. The regulations of 1912, be said, were tario Club. license; what are the thaustd, not ou Vr. Bowell, But by fucts ? Mr. Rowell, if he wins pn a and a handfdl of French June 20th, will wige that ' license, on * hd i along with eviky other clyb license, | "Mr. Plowman is a man of high out of aaseute, . Under local option 'chatdeter and strong Titan there is no provision for dqing away aq his action is 'of the utmost im- with club licenses. Dr. "Ross ig portance. en he places principle one of the men who voted against | before position, it is surely "imo for bringing club licenses under * the | electors to place pringipia . befeie working of local option. Mr. Rowell | party. ' will abolish the Ontario Club licegse : | ti. ; Sir James will pot. It wit not | Geand Trunk Railway System. take a temperance man long = tof Change' of time effective June choose between these courses. 28th: Two local rains now leaving x v on city stati r Belleville At Salem. Mass. ten thousand are land Brockeille at 7.08 p. m. daily homeless and a nineteen million dol- [except Sunday, will leave at 6.58 p. m. and the two fast trains leaving pla loss in a fire on Thursday ni ; 5 for the and west gt '2.48 a. m. will leave at 2.58 a. my, gat ull nf fund for alt bishops of W c : ! : ous, Sup-| with pleasure that | Sradually be m | Merchants and Citizen with the stock iebos e your main service wires on Pr adjoining streets. : 3 ~ Those who have already entrusted us with IN LINE WITH ROWELL. J. A, Pinard Will Support Abolish- the-Bar. @ttawa, June 26.--J. A. Pinard, liberal candidate in East Ottawa, an- nounced yesterday he would follow Leader Rowell. on the abolish-the- bar. policy. Previously Mr. Pinard reserved his opinion on this policy, and was classed by the Pttavwa Fi Press as an independent liber- al. We are prepared with the work will be looked after so that no in power and light will occur. pe We: respectfully solicit your orders' which have prompt and careful attention. Some at of those who have been ig the na' 5 of agitating the air with their dé snciations of the open bar are now! fgnificantly dumb. Or they are seeking to change the sub- ject. They are more concerned about the encroachments of the French ian. guage or the possibility of another guthrenk of the Balkan war. Con. sistency, thy name is party polities, Saturday Afternoon Special. The '"Thousand Islander's" after- noon island ramble includes ail points of interest inthe Thousand Islands. Saturday at 2.15 p.m. Beware of Roorbachs. A statement; sel in circulation when it Ts too late for a correction or ex- planation to be made is an obvious falsehood, and should be treated as such. ? > wow A cannibal and .& man. Every 'man owes it to him-§ self, his family, and his city to look and do his best. We help en © look their best, and in accomplishing that thiéy do their best, so we help men both to look and do their best. Where is the wo- man.or man that does not feel better, look better and do better well dressed? © 20th Century and Fash- don. Craft Clothes do ther of Sheri work for the men and they [ine Useless Admonition. Walking from Hope to Hayfield by a path over the moors, writes a cor- respondent' of the Manchester Guar- dian, 1 found the bills covered with snow. TE fT . A freezing east wind ma things anything birt pleasant. At ohe point I had to aamit that I had lest my way, and it was with relief that to, The inser Club License To Go. After 'all this talk about the « On- ow : Wehave the natt | Goodyear Welt Oxford in fans, blacks and FROM $4.00 TO $500 Come here for Pagkard's Dressings, Foot Foot Eazers, and all shoe sundries, Le SSO the city. 1 § Sih difficulty and personal dibeomfort thawed the snow off with my al- ready half-frozen hana, and fio It ed in deciphering the inscription. It Sa" Ree the an : > Age) : A Doyle, the crea- of, who is tak- t once us that he ook at the age of six. @ been a story The quality of White Rose flour ne- ver varies, 5 Pr. R. D. Jangh. 3 leading con- servative at Car , Man., is sup- porting Joha Graham, the liberal and candida temperance idate. Sonstipation