Amneof Green Gables 1 3% B Miss Montgomery Now Published at 80 Cents "Anne of Green Gables' has been the biggest selling book in years, and greatly énjoyed by-old + nd Young. Now ready. foe ; IMPORTANT BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT, SEE HERE! YOU NEED A'NEW SUIT! : Come and let us talk the matter over. We have some splendid values in blue serge, the best you can get in the city, and we also have the latest tweeds in grey and brown color tones,: We give you the very best lining, pockets, etc., and tHe prices are from $24.00 to $28.00 a suit. If you want something lower priced we have the samples of a Toronto talloring firm, a very large assortment fo select from and these are $15.00, $18.00 and $22.00 suit made to order. ¥ : THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street FOR SALE A 5Passenger McLaughlin-Buick Automobile * In good condition, fully equipped, with top and windshield, 5 lamps, and tives slightly used. Must be sold and will sell cheap. Price $750. PORRITT GARAGE CO., LTD. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WELLINGTON ST. PHONE 454. - i ES ------ -- TRY THE BEST. CAIRN'S PURE SCOTCH JAM Strawberry, Raspberry , Black Currant Green Gage. 'Bramble Jelly. Foiysale at all grocers. GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. Put up n 12-0z jars. and 5-1b pails. DON'T WAIT ORDER YOUR ELECTRIC FANS NOW And Be Ready For The | -¥ Hot Weather W. J. MOORE & SON, The Electric Shop' 206.8 Wellington St. AF v i Let Your Feet Breathe The pores in your feet are the largest and most active in your body-- But if you wear imprope i sh hey become covered with dead skin anc callous places and cannot breathe as ° i nature mtended. This condition is impossible if you wear a . ; Deh. oo chio? drawing and hugging of the ppers-- and the friction that forms callouse 7 z ATHLETICS AND VICTORIAS - MEET ON SATURDAY. Duffy, of Hamilton, no Longer an Amateur---Boston Canoe Club Ac- cepts Gananoque Challenge. The baseball game on Saturday be tween Athletics and Victorias pro mises to be mighty interesting. Since Athletics have defeated the Ponies and the Victorias have defeated the Athletics and the Ponies defeated both teams, the league' standing at the present time is anybody's. Both teams will' fight for their baseball life on Saturday, and the result can- not be foretold. The Ponies wall likely play in Gananoque, if conven- ient to the players. Gananoque Challenge Accepted. Announcement was 'made at Bos- fron that the Union Boat club had ccepted the challenge of the Ganan- oque -Canoe and Motorboat club of Gananoque, Ont., to race for the in- ter-city cup for sailing 'cancés. The races will be held on the Charles River basin July 3ré and 4th. If a third contest is necessary, it will be sailed July 6th. Z Duffy Disqualified. Jimmy Duffy, who ran in Kingston on June 3rd with Edward Fabre, of amatetir byethe registration commit- tee of the Ontario Amateur union. At the time of the race in Kingston Fabre was under suspension for com- peting under two clubs. The union was also informed that Duffy did not run in Kingston for fun or for pleas- ure. Bowling Mateh. There was an interesting schedule bowling match at Queen's, Wednes- day night. Skip Newman defeated skip Wormwith, 13 to 11. The teams were: Dr. A. E. Knapp, J. Jamieson, H.D. Bibby and H. W. Newman--13 N. 'Munsie, J. P.. Fleming, C. Sinith and, W CWormwith---11, ARD TO SUIT. tf Man Who Really Does Not Believe in \ Restriction. Toronto Star Have you met him? Have you met the man that he is just as|good a temperance nian as anybody els, but that he does not believe in half measures ? He does not. believe in abolishing the bars and the club licenses, if the shop licenses are not to pe abolished al the same time. . He did not believe in the Scott act, and he did pot believe in local option, because these were arbitrary local acts. He probably did not vote in favor of license reduction in the city of 'Toronto, giving as his reason at the time that unless all the bars were to be cut off he did not believe in creating g monopoly in the hands of a few men. The fact ig, this kind gf man does not believe in anything \ outright prohibition of the importation, manu- facture, and salé of intoxicants. f he cannot get that he will have no- thing, And if Canada were about to get that this kind of man would con- sider. it useless because it would lead to the smuggline of liquor from the United States. He would then argue that nothing short of continental pro- hibition could-be a success. This kind of man wants no change at all. But he not like to ad- mit at. who says does Goes to Ottawa. A happy function was held at the residence of William Carroll, Albert street; on Wednefday evening, where the young men of St. Luke's church were 'entertained. This event tou'x the form of a farewell, send-off for Clive Schofield, who for'a number of years, has been an energetic worker in the Sundaygechool. He held the office of librarian. A presentation was made to him of a valuable suit- case Mr. Schofield has recently passed his civil service examinations, and has received an appointment at Ottawa in the government employ. At the Thousand Islands. Horsewomen at the Thousand Is- Ignds will turn their attention this summer from the bordinary drives and canters toythe more dangerolis and exciting pastime of polo. Among the familiar characters, who will be missed at Thousand Is- land park this summer is "Old Pop' Loomis, who for so many years con- ducted a popcorn stand at the wharf. Failing 'health induced the old man to give up the business after thirty- seven years at the park. Meeting of Presbytery. A regular meeting of the presby- tery of Kingston will be held in St. Andrew's church, Gananoque, on Tuesday, June 30th at 10 a.m. Saturday Afternoon Special. The 'Thousand Islander's' after- noon 'island ramble includes ail points of interest in the Thousand Islands, Saturday at 2.15 p.m. ' a If you have been demandingl the abolition of the bar all your life, how can you honestly shirk the is- sue now, when you have the answer ing of your prayers in your own hands * : : Aunt Sally's Advice . . to Beauty Seekers K* C. F. says: "My skin becomes so greasy every summer, aud this go at- tracts dustyand dirt, T have an awful time keepi my face clean looking. tan you Suggest anything? he- method mentioned in reply to Eloise will overcome this condition, 3 DNA rites, "How can I get cid d wri »s about the 2 s¢ a wash lotion prepared by dissolving I oz. powdered saxoMte in 1-2 pt. witch hazel. This Ykhtene the skin, dispersing Ahe wrin- kies. avd its tonie, effect is more than tempor: i Eloise says: "My freckles are worse than ever this year, made doubly eon- splowous byt a pallid complexion. - 1 there any cure? ' Ask your druggis for an ou of mercolzed wax, apply nightly like cold cream. removing in the morning warm water. As thé Wax harmlessly avi gradually, ed 'cuticle, July Montreal, has been disqualified as an + the 'HUMANE SOCIETY ARRANGES For a Horse Parade on Labor Way, -September 7th, z At » meeting of the Humane Soci- ely, on 1 ay evening, arrdnge- ments were made for the holding of the second anpual horse 'parade com- petition on Labor day, September 7th. A committee, consisting of Lieut.-Col. G. HB. Ogilvie, Lieui=Col. James Mas sie, Prof. F. 0. Willhofit and J. S. R. Dobbs, the seeretary, was appointed to arrange the details. The society, with its experience of the competition held last Labor day, expects to be able to make better classifications, Band in the Park. By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. H. E, Panet, D. 8. O. and officers, the band of the Royal Canadi- an Horse Artillery will play in' Maec- donald Park, on Thursday, June 25th, 1914, (weather permitting), the following programme: March, When It's Apple Blossom Time in Normandy Overture, Tannhauser .. Gavotte, The Bells of St. + «Wigner Malo «+ saee Sev... Rimmer Fantasie, Merrie England ..German 'Valse. Fairest in the Land. .Ancliffe Selection, The Dollar Princess. . Fall Gipsy Serenade, .. « .Ancliffe Medley of Popular Songs, Havi- ""Tands Hits, (No. 4.) : 0, Canada --- God Save the King. Alfred Light, Lieut. Bandmaster, R.C.H.A. Rr LA TERETE TTT WT THE COST OF THE WORK. The = feniperance people, consérvative and liberal, re- auced the licenses by 1,200 in, Whitney's time; it cost them $607,000 to work against Mr. Whitney's three- fitths handicap. Rowell will do the pest without cost to temperance man. PhP RRP bb Pd bb bl E bbb bb An Echo of 1838. Just seventy-six years ago, June 21, 18358 the papers were printing first detuiled news of the burning of the steamer Sir Robert Peel, near Thousand Islan rk, during the troublous days of the Patriot war. Although the boat really burned on the night of May J0th, 1832, news of the world moved slower in those days than now, and it was not until three weeks later, that the -acconnt was published in Kingston. The hoat was destroyed at Wellesley Is- land -by a pirate band during the stirring days of the Patriot war. She was going down the St. Lawrence when she was attacked and burned The passengers were picked up and taken to Kingston. ete riennin > What About Playgrounds? Now: that the schools for | the holidays, ' the question of play- grounds for the children is again be fore the people. 'A.good manv of the "kids"' of the city have no place to play. It is suggested that the City {Council might devote an evening to discussing the matter, and providing the. necessary playgrounds. Ald. Har rison made) good start in the mat ter, but he( was not backed up sufi ciently. ---- Building Competition Keen. Competition at present among local building contractors is very keén, ow- ing to the faet that a very limited amount of building is going on this supimer, due to.the hard times. An instance is reported of a contractor who closed a deal to erect a brick residence A compefitor. "found out his price, offered a lower figure, and took the contract from the other man. | sdsfeiedelefeoiiededeododeddededodododedodopdododed + & LJ * TAKE IT NOW. Even if Rowell's the Bar". does not go far + epough 'to please you, "why + not take nine-tenths of a + loat? "Abolish- bd * FEEPRPPPRE PERE E RRR RE be | Minister Récovered His "Topper." An Anglican clergyman, who was staying at a local hotel yesterday, made a gallant rescue of his 'silk hat and box last night. The clerie's "topper" had been carried offyby an- other~ man, who was proceeding to the train, when the minister inform- have closed | \grain-laden, "ges. $2.0 Any pair of wc ials in-our store, re out at orice at $2.00. up-to-date. 0 Special Offer men's tan Oxfords, tan pumps or tan Colon- gular $4.00, $4.50, must be sacrificed to clear Nowold goods in this lot, everything new and * Abernethy's a Sweltering { Weather Ahead & MEET IT WITH A} NEW STRAW | | STRAW SAILORS | | PANAMAS SOFT STRAWS Our store is full of | hats for hot weather | comfort. Get your's to- | day. : {CAMPBELL BROS The largest importers | of Men's Hats in this | | part of Ontario. | 9 Cook's Cotton Root Compound, -- 7 A safe, reliable requiating medicine. Sold in three dee rees of strength--No. 1, $1; Koa 83: No. 3, $5 per bor. on Sold ists, proved Add ory ron, pamphle : THE COOK MED H IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. lhe steamer Wes 3 tmount passed down from' Port Colborne to Montreal, 1 he tug Thompson, of the ' treal Transportation company, ed for Montrea] with two Mon- clear-, grain bar The schooner "Ford River at the penitentiary, with coal airhaven, I'he steamer Sowards cleared nesday night for Oswego: The « steamer - Wathe arrived at Swift's wharf from Oswego with coal arrived from Wed ed him that he was carrying off something that did not belong to | him. The hat Box was handed over to its rightful owner. ) mp eg ee - Weather Notes. { The depression, which passed over the great lakes, yesterday, now covers | bthe Lower St. Lawrence valley, while a moderate cool wave is situated in Manitoba. Showers and 'local thun der stornis have beep experienced from ! Ontario to. the "maritime provinces, | and rain is reported from Southern Alberta. * i AW er 1 Are You Sincere, Mr. Voter ? Are the hotel men convinced that Mr. Rowell is sintere? Watch pro- ceedings the next few days if you | have any doubts, gs to their opini-| ons. Are you convinced Mr. Voter, that Rowell is sincere? Or are you trying to find excuses for your own insincerity im the cause of temper- ance? Be honest with yourself. Lf ------ Grand Trunk Railway System. * ~ Change of time effective Jue 28th: Two local trains now leaving, Kingston city station for Belleville and Brockville at 7.08 p. m. daily except Sunday, will leave at 6.58 p. | ' mi. and the two fast trains leaving for the east and west at 2.48 a. m. will leave at 2.58 a. m. Second Section of the Whig,' To-day's second section is ¢rowd- ed with local litical; and telegra- phic news and read by body. - The vertisements are decided lat 9 a.m. Thursday. ly interest-| ting and Ni should : or | fully re J ough: ; The schooner Julia B. Merrill arviv ed at Swift's on Wednedday ' after- noon, with coal from Oswego. The schooner "Katie Eccles, bound here for twenty-four cleared for Oswego Wednesday ternoon. Capt. Frank Barnhart, of the schr. Horace Taber, made his thirteenth return trip this season to Ganano que Wednesday... This is an excellent record. * The steamer St. Lawtence cleared from Folger's wharf for Alexandria Bay, from which' point she will run this season. The steamer City of Ottawa passed up from Montreal to Hamilton on Wednesday. . The Steamer City of Hamilton pass- ed down to Montreal from Hamilton wind- bours, ai Kingston and Cas- down and up Wednes- The steamers pian passed day. : : The steamer Toronto passed down to Prescott Thursday. The steamer" Aletha down from Pic | ton- Thursday. Rhy : The sfeamer Belleville passed down to Montreal from Toronto Wednes- « Le and GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS Government Test of Ice Cream Government Bulletin No. 276 Shows Our Ice Cream To Be The BEST and PUR- EST In Kingston \ ~ Motor Boat Owners, Attention! : COLUMBIA IGNITORS And' M ULTIPLE BATTERIES o Fresh Stock . . Halliday's Electric Shop 845 KING ST.' LAUNDERING DONE WITHOUT ACID. If yom want your clothes t must have them We use no acid whatever, A postenrd will bring our boy to the door. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. CHONG RROS., LAUNDRY. Cor. Barrie, 354 Princess Street. Parlor Furniture Some very matty pieces of parlor : forniture Er He f Lriry IY YY oN We haves a large stock of Refriger. ators .nd Gas Stover; also all kinds of new and second-hand Turniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580. Opposite Oraig's Wholesale Classy Suits AT-SPECIAL LOW PRICES A smart line of blue suits worth $20.00 for $15.00." : ! Brown Suits, $12.00, $15.00, $18 | and $20.00. 1 Summer Hats kinds. Balbriggan Underwear. Boots and Shoes at $3.50 and $4. Regular $3.00, ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. 3 piece silk plush loose cushions, and 1 Taborette for $32.50 all! . Fancy Mahogany Parlor Tables, Jardinere Stands and Pedestals Reid's. Quality~Reid's Low Prices. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTANES. | : Phone 14 and Caps of NOTICE OF Th = MEETINGS 4 To The Electors of Frontenac A | | | { | AUF { Gentlemen : - Having represented the County for the past three years in the On-. tario Legislature. and having served your in- terests - faithfully 'and t well, as my record and my work prove, I re- spectfully solicit your vote and influence to return me again as our, representative at Te