W. H. Godwin & Son 89 Brock Si. - Over Crown The nervous strain of : Modern ile veninfsiazations, soon brings on oid age, an its attending fils. Nervozone A food for the nerves {Miss MARGARET E. mOOT Was ypast has been engaged in civil service THE BRIDE. And Johu word Gillerpin, the Happy Groom--The Bride Trained Nurse and the Groom a Civil Ser- vant. Gananogue,. June 25. The home of Me. amd Mra. Gilbert Root, Charles strats wie the sene of i pretty house wedding at eleven o'clock yesterday forenoon, when their daughter, Miss Margaret Elizabeth Root, was united in matrisge to John Ford Gitldspie,. sou of Me. and Mrs. Edward Gillespie, Charles strent, who for sowie time work al Ottawa. "Kev. Melvin Taylor, pastor oi Grace church, performed 'the ceremony belore immediate. relatives of the contracting parties" Both bride and groom were unattelided, the bride being given in marriage by her brother, James Root, of Montreal. Miss Sadye Meggs played the wed. ding march. The little Misses Doris and Ray Hawke, nieces" of the groom, neted ar ring and flower bearers. | he ceremony was' performed in the parlor which was beautifully deeorated with marguerites. 'The bride was attired in a handsome 'tailored travelling suit of navy blue, with hat .to match. Many: valuable and beautiful testimonials of esteem Jroved the great popularity of the bride, who is one of Gananoque's highly ' esteemed residents and has spent about all 'her life in this town. She is n trained nurse, a graduateof Brockville general hospital. The groom 18 alsS-a native of this section, and well and widely known. After the ceremony the bridal purty repaired to the dining-room, where a damty din: ner was served, the table decorations being also -of marguerites. Mr. and Mes. Gillespie Toft by auto at 1.10 o'clock for Gananoque Junction, where they took the 6.35 train for their new home in Ottawa. Among the out-oi- town guests were Edward Root, of the government printing bureau, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. ..James Root, 'of Mont- real, and Miss [iva Ranger, of Pie ton. The merchants, professional printers and 'others celebrated men, the IN WHICH BB SWINDLED GRO- CER OUT OF $15. 7 Young Min Claimed Relationship With Local Minister, Ordefed Gro- ceries Sent to His House, and Had Store Cash Bogus Cheque for $15. Ry working a smooth game, & young man, whom the Kington pelice ure looking for, succeeded in swindling James Redden & Uo., Princess street, grocers,' out of ¥15. This is how he worked his little game : On Tuesday, he called at the home of Rev. U. K. Bourne, éurate of St. Gporge's cathédral, "living on Brock street. He stated that he represented a corn flake industry, and desired to kuow,the name of 'the grocer the fam- ily did business with, in order that he comld see to it that the grocer ias supplied with his goods. After bei told that the family dealt "with 'Redden & Co., the young man then made his way to that store. He stated that he was a relative of the mudister, and that the latter had asked him Lo drop into the store, or- der: sbme "groceries, and have them sent up to his house. Everything looked OI. to the clerk, and af note was made of the different articley ask- ed for by the young man, and in due time, they 'were sent to Mr. Bourne's residence. After he had given the or der, the roung man told the clerk that he had a cheque for $15 he would like very much to have cashed, and in order to accommodate him, the clerk gave him the money. Later on in the day, the people in the store were given quite a shock when Mr. Bourne reported that he had sent no person to order gincerios and expressetl surprise that goods should be sent to his home: in this way. dt was then suspected that some person had been working a "fake" game. The cheque was = then investigated. The young wan drew the chequé on the Bank of Toronto and signed the name "Chapman" to it. * When it was pre- sented mt the bank, it was found that the person of that name had no se- count at the hank; It. was then quite evident that the young man had "stung" the store. Mr. Bourrie then recalled the fact that about the size of the Whitney ma- EARNESTNESS, LOGIC, FERVOR. And Appeal, Says Conservative Writ er of Rowell's Campaign. : To ir n Toronto World, ® Trent. down to : Peterboro © the other day to hear Mr. Rowell, and to see one off the Rowell Tmebtings, being anprepitd to accept--without further « fice - the estimates of our liberal friends respecting théir leader and hi. wark. A month ago the liberal prespects for a provin- cial victory seemed almost as hope- ess and remote as 'they appcared to be, in Decemben, 1911, If to- day they. seem brighter--if to-day no one speaks too dogmatically jority=-it is largely because of the reports that have come to us of the Rowell meetings. LU ti This picture illustrates the not Uvities of the notable Taw yer vial apd Ccaurcnusan, wa i Yay in Torohito, aged 79 Years, AITH] able poli- Passed westerly to and eooler' Moderate to fresh northerly winds, fair to-day and on Friday. We have §just received the smartest 1 dresses that has ever been our privilege to show, di picting the very latest American "novelties--th should prove a delight to the discriminating moth who. cares about the up-to-dateness of her kiddie dress. Sizes 4 to 16. ) Priced From $1.00 to $8.0 WE WOULD SUGGEST AN EARLY INSP TION | PECIAL SAT a We beg to annonnee for Saturday's selling increases your ability for successful effort In all emer- FOR SALE BY BEST'S _ ater Mr. Binke who fought te)tne attempt to mtroduce Angucan church in suggestion - or higher "a special sale article" that will be without pre- cedent in this locality. Watch to-morrow's pa- per for detail. eee Sem \ Wednesday hali-holiday yesterday ternoon by closing up their of business. Harold Bleakney, a pupil of Gan: anooue high school, 'whd has heen ywkiting on the MeGill examinations, |left. yesterday to join his parents at { Elmira. Miss \Eottie' Root, of the staff of the {Central Drug and Book. Store, leaves to-day for Ottawa te spend a short vacation with relatives and friends. {She was accompanied by Miss Fva | Ranger, of Picton, who will spend a { af- places The man spoke( with earnestness, logic, fervor, an appeal. There was no ranting, no exaggeration, no abuse, It was far removed from the stereotyped . "temperance speech," but it was a great speech in favor of temperance. No ene who heard that speech would re- peat the Mmsinuation-- almost the charge--béing made at some neet- Ee iy tr fs subsidised gotava, June 25~ The attion of The liberals have a great advam- pg Sov oy0Ment in teansierring the tage in keeping the one issue to the the Tepe Artment to the comtrol of front, and forcing the conservatives, ;o ce minister for naval atfairs however reluctantly, to assume a toward th ie the . government defensive attitude. Mr. Rowell is posed anc) a DHent of the pro. entitled to credit, but he does not his Lb ha ate Ee. . claim the credit. Speaking to the , oP ita, save this ff writer on the train the other day, . aved largely from among the fish. he sald: ing population of the two Canadian "I am only talking about temper- jLoagta on the 'great lakes. It hag ance now beause I find it is the on- | 7°" thought desirable 'to put the ly thing the people want to hear {man who is to organize the militia about. I tried to #iscuss other sub- [28 closely ossible into touch jects when I started out; but it was |¥ith the phfindr thousand Canadian of no use, they only Wanted to hear fishe as possible. Therefore it about the-ome.isswe." 4 ofed to give to Mr. Desbarats I asked someone in the leader's |theMaval deputy, the eontrol of all entourage whether the Peterboro |fishery matters. * Hereafter it is from meeting was typical, and he admit- [his offies that all regulations econ- ted that it was above the average. |Cerbing the taking of fish. will go. He said, however, that at Picton [He will send out the instructors to twenty-five hundred had assembled improve methods of fish packing. The to hear M¥ Rowell, and that fap- |inspectors will guard against fishing mers on the bay and lake shore [out of season and the taking of un- Wille had. Srive in by Biiudteds, Jersised lobsters will be sent out by every meeting conservatives de- . clared their intemtion of supporting| The fishery protective crtiisers have Rowell on the temperance issue, and been. under the direction of the naval it is to the temperamece people that service department ever since that Mr. Rowell speaks, branch was created by the Lauriec He is evidently making a gredt lgovernment. The fact that the pro. campaign, the public appreciation) tection' was under the naval deputy ow igh Will dopend to £580 extent and the administration of the fish- about his gaining forty iy *1f he Stes under the marie and fisheries has forty eat all told or even Joputy han fed 1%o confusion an de: thirty-five, his position in provin- he how area otent. is. expected cial politics will be assured. not only to rt the ep -- tion of the naval militia, but te im- prove the efficiency of administration of the fisheries branch. The new ar- rangement = will' take effect next week. . @ lou dluess, ou dame 244. Was an ANgiican, last. ditch every into teacnings of Canuda any oriticigim a young fellow had called at his house representing himself as a traveller for a corn flake industry, and had also asked for the name of the family gro cer. Although the affair occurred ond Tuesday, it "was late Wednesday after- noon before the police were notified, giving the young man about twenty- four hours" start. Although search was made for him he. could not be lo- cated and it is believed that he left the city immediately after pulling oft the game. He is described as being about twenty-five years of age, smooth face, 'about five feet eight inches in height, and.wearing a brown suit of oi clothes, 'AKEN By Government Towards Developing Naval Militia Force. ANOTHER STEP. short time there with friends. { The funeral of the late John Sha, sr., took place vesterday morn ing to St. John's church where a solemn requiem mass was sung "and the remains laid to rest in the Rom- ,an Catholic burying ground, The fu- jneral was quite largely attended. i Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaSha, of | Watertown, N.Y, summoned hee by 1 H ne the death of the formers father. are are the gehwme "i. in town. Mr, TaSHa leaves for home * visible" The "near" [ini afternoon but' Mr. FLaSha wid "Far" Jenbes are one solid | main for a time to visit ® No ines; here. La- BOPIPPE DBAS PPD FPDP fod force WHERE DO YOU STAND. The liquor people have all gone .to one side; they know it is their place of safety. Po you agree with them? Merchants and We are prepared with the stock change your main service wires djoining streets. : : a ? Thos: who have alteady enttusted us with their work will be looked after so that no intertuption in wer and light will oceur. : We a gl solicit your orders whieh will have prompt and eareful attention. glasses b FP EPSS * " * oo * + -* will friends " a § > PRR ERPR Dd ddd 3" Do cement. = wre the "real thing" WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST FROM NEELEY Ir Optomelris , Wa Grind es Leases. 8 Doses Above the Dpera Neate THE POLLING SUBDIVISIONS For the Harrison-Ross Monday, 20ty, No. 1 Sydenham, t 88 Gore street; Thomas J, Loyitt, deputy re- turning officer. Sydenham, No. at 90° William street; William J. Towers. Ontario, No. 3, at Ontario Hall; A. M. Chisholm. Ontario, No. 4, at John i. Patterson. St. Lawrence, No. 5,'at 845 King street; A. BE. M. Loscombe. St. bawrence, No. 6, at 288 Princess street; ¥. E. Smith. Cataraqui, No. 7, street; Albert Horsfall. Cataraqui, Ne. 8, at 229 Wellington street; Allen Lemmon. Cataraqui, No. 9, at corner 'Bagot and Bay streets; Neil Dabie. < Cataraqui; No. 10, at 277 Montreal street; Albert B. Sherman. Fromtenac, No. 11, at 149 Syderihany street; Robert Mooney. Frontenac, No. 12, at corner Col horue and Barrie streets; W. King. Frontenac, No. 13, at 133 Ordnance street; John W. Oldfing Frontenac, "No. 14, street; Ernest Huphson. Frontenac, No. 15, street; Melville - Hyland. Rideau, No. .16, at street; William Saunders, 'Rideau, No. 17, at 623 street; L. N. Armstrong. Rideau, No. 18, at 140 Division street; Orville 0. Boyd. Lord Mersey's High Praise, Lord Mersey, chairman of the com- mission which is inquiring inte the recent St. Lawrence disaster, in an interview states that he was delight- ed with his vigit to the capital city of the dominion. He said he could see nothing beautiful about New York. "Surely the people do pot think those skyserapers are beautiful," said the distinguished jurist. "Why Ottawa +i a much more attractive and beau- tiful place. ~ Mr. Hazen took me for a drive all over the city and I was charmed with everything I saw. The Chateau, Laurier is the very best hotel I have been in. It is both a credit to the city and to the Grand Trunk Railway." lection on a 214 Bagot street; » . He H. W. Newman Electric Co Phone 441, Home 1978. 79 Princess Street. Appearance The Distinguish- ing F eature at 72 Queen a si Cottic Eatly ha Loses Second Child by Tragedy. MADE HIM LOOK LIKE MAN. Welland, ' Ont., - June 25.--Archille, {the four-year-old son of Peter tig {fiano, is dead as a ¥éSUll Gf" being run over by.a waggon. Tliree months ago a five-year-old daughter was fa- tally burned. IN LINEN CHEST THREE DAYS. But Reeeived no Salary, Says ex-Va- let When Sued. Ottawa, June 26--Mr. Ernest E. Berube, formerly a messenger in the House of Commons, and at one tine valet to the late Senator William Mil- ler, made the statement in the high court, that the -greater part of his]. time while in attendance upon ed late Senator Miller had been oceupt ed In personal services to the decess- ed Pullman Stowaway Risked Suffoca- tion to Reach Sick Baby. Kansas City, Jume 25. After spending two hot nights and three hotter days doubled up in the linen ehest of & Pullman sleeping car com- ing from Los Angeles, a man who said he was Thomas Joanides, of 3 LONDON INDIANS KICK v At Canada's Barring the Hindus From Entering. Princeton, Ky., was taken from the london, June 25. At a meetin, traim here in a state of colapse. Indians in Caxton Hall, Sir an- Joanides said he had nothing to |Cherjee Bhownaggree presiding, © the eat but a sandwich since he left Los [following resolution was carried Angeles. = He said he had received | "That this meeting of people of In- word that his 18-year-old wife and !dia records its profound indignation his sick baby, the last of (wins, were at theusttitude adopted in the dom- dying, and having fio monéy he gave inion of Canada to prohibit the free his wateh to a porter to tet him trav- entry of their countrymen into that el as a stowaway, colony and views with alarm thisand 1000 Island Tour. Steamer "Thousand Islander' Sat- urday, tour of American and Cana- dian Islands, leave 2.15; homie 8 p.m. - J of at 28 Pine 4 Kliminate kitchen worries, use White at 21 John Rowe flour. The planing shop of the James Smart Manufacturing company, Brockville, was the scene of a $20,- L000 fire on Tuesday when they were totally destroyed. Hurrah for the Burg, June eamer Thousand Islander. "F did my best to make him look as much like a man as posgible when he attended the senate," said Mr. Berube. "Each day I bathed him, rubbed him, dressed him, polished his boets for him and did one hun- dred and one things for him, but he 270 27 Division Princess similar action in British colo wally, denying the ordinary 26th, nies gen- rights is Clothes ! - BETWEEN WHO? A cannibal and Every mah owes it to him: self, Ws family, and his city to tobk and do his best. We help men look their best, : po fr accomplishing that they do their best, so we help men both to look and do their best. Where isthe wo- man or man: that does not féel better, look better and (20th "Century and Fash ion Clothes do the a man. work for the mien and they | are found only at The death occurred at the resi- dence of her daughter in Westport, on Tuesday last, of Mrs. Marry Rideau," No. 19, at 28 Upper = Wil- liam street; Eugene Sleeth. ] Rideau, No." 20, at 352 University avenue; 0. F. Telgmann. Rideau, No, 21, at 672 = Princess O'Regan, ~at the age of seventy-five years. ° CURED AT SEVENTY-FOUR Little Digest: Great H to Mr. John I. Becker op The weight of years veryolten brings ith it a still heavier burden, that of In or some Form of Stomach T Fire Then ** Digesters" come lo the ; . gam. a chance, as did Mr. A fetter tell- og a ew Dundee, Nov. 10, 1000. To Tar COLEMAN MEDICINE Cox ew Dear - 2 : i I rE a long time troubled with h Jwvenls, and wy tongue : . A street; Charles' Higgins. ; Victoria, No. 22, at corner lergy and Barrie streets; C. Litton. : Victorie® No. 23, at corner Union and Division streets; William P. TY. " Victoria, No. 24, at corner ing and O'Kill streets; John Driver. Vietowa. No. 25, at corer King and Beverly streets: H.C. Bates. Portsmouth, at village hall; John Scally, sr. ns seri Wedding at Gananoque." Gananoque, June 24. -- A protty wedding took 'place at St John's ry Fiizabéth, -eldest-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Lappin, Lans- "Little |downe, was united in marriage lo ox | Allen B. M , son of Jamas | McDonald, Lansdowne. The cere- be ny was performed by Rev. Father Nehoe, To the strains of Mendels- Jshon's march, played by Miss O'Neil, the bride entered the church on the Jarm of her brother. John, who 'ed 'as Best man, while Miss Vera Mc- Donald assisted- the bride. ine i ~ At 'New York, Mayor M {ind the DUE shtared. the ha A bu ) ator, Reyn church, Gananoque, Jung 23rd, when § Ger members of the New York White ote TO MOON BY RADIUM POWER. | « -- Scientist' Says Man May Get There | Anside Projectile. Paris, Jume 25. According to M. |, Charles Nordmann, of the Paris ob-, setvatory, man may yet travel to the' moon; inside "a projectile, although, hardly in so vielent a manner as 8 be four hundred times more intense ;t than nitroglycerine. And an apph- ance to slow down the projectile when it remches the moon will be necessary: y New York Men Wear White. | New York, June 25.4 movement to make tie wearing-of white clothes a summer fashion for New York men; was inawygurated by a score of char- Clothes Tor 'Men league recently. They appeared in the new costumes at theatres, restaurants, hotels and or lias, at ny thousand . dollar, fire at Ww a onal bulld- wie An A Lp olds. of citizenship to the king's Indian ubjects' are caleulated to strive ire. at the very root of unity. of the British never gave nje any salary for my ser- vices." Mr. Berube is. the defendant in ah action brought agwinst him by the Bastorn Trust company, and Joseph 0 "This meeting is of opinion that if the colonies persist in this. attitude the government of India should adopt : 4 ' _ retaliatery measures by prohibiting Jeuid Yodule frond 'an re the admission of "people of these col Radium, says M. Nordmann, will onies'linto India and her sérvice, and afford the ntotive power, which must by opposing: effective westrictions on heir: trade with India." Tt wag decided to send copies the resolution to the secretary state for India and ernment. being held pire, je Protest ings are na st Died At 'Westport. % . Westport, June 25. ~The death: oe- curred here Tuesday of Mrs. O'Regan, formerly of Oftawa. "Regan was wtaying with her daugh- ter at the time of her. death. She . was seventy-five O'Regan Ss James. of Indian gov- throughout the Indian em- Harty A. Chisholm, executors of the late Senator Miller, who are suing for the payment of principal and interest of i a mortgage on a property on Bolton street. On the Sth of January, 1909, Mr. Berube executed a mortgage for $1,000 in fakor oO Behal0! oy on the property £t : € ] plaintiffs claim that me money has riment. been paid on account eof the princi. fh ok os pal, and they are suing for $1,663, «A London board of, ed which they Slain fs the amount due a J a ; . for principal an . e sala ' Sel fat in 1900 he borrowed $1,006 | objects of natural story.' from Senator "Miller; and gave u|, White Rose: 4 opin mortgage, but Jeon the: distinct un® 49, 98 Ib, derstanding andl agreement between The thom~thut he was to pay the interest 'thereon only during sych time as mgt, afterwards be agreed upen, and that as a remuneration for his services the principal was to be can- celled and discharged the late Senator Miller. During the TS, of of also Mra. Sar: {its to her susband's house had pro- ig mised to leave him the $2,000 In money; and Ne was Ivins Wa lpave Mr. Berube a Judge Lennox should receive something for his ser- th