ty] aA i 4 "l well ae 'FHONE 9 2 60. St. Mary's cadets--0C. pho Hierthig oily | BROCKVILLE COMPOT'NY FRACTURE OF LEG. Wr Mises My Rupert in Runaway at Lans- "downe, 'Where She Was Visiting-- Brought to Hotel Dieu. A huftied rush wad made to the Ho: tel Dieu, on Wednesday night, with Mise M. Rupert, whose howe is 'at uncle, C. 'Ralph, at Lansdowne. The young lady met with a serious ace deat by. jumping out of a buggy deiv- en by a horse that was running away, and received a compound fracture 'yof the leg. In this »ig there were two girls, "who were going affer some sows to bring 'them home. from pas- ture. The reins broke, leaving the Rirls so that they could not manage the horse. At the timegthe horse was going at a pretty good pace. Then it started off at a still faster rate and Miss Rupert jumped out. \ "For a 'while no assistance came her way until a farmer, who was coming along the road noticed her prediep- {ment. He lost fo time in getting the unfortunate girl back to her uncle's home, where medical aid was admin- istered. ' However, the girl's suffering was so severe that it was decided to have heb sent Kingston. There was no train about this time, and Dr. to to the Hotel Dieu in-his automobile, arciving here, about midnight, " + CHILDREN OF ST. MARY'S Enjoyed Annual Picnic at Long 1s- © Tana Park. On Wednedday afternoon the joved their plente --at Long Tsland park. The races resulted as fol- lows: oY Boye race 7 yearrs and under J. Galltvan and Wi Ross. Desrosiers and ¥™ Pelow. Boge' race, 9 years and under-- A. 'Quinn, N. Cook; Girls' 'Rae, 9 years and umder-- |'T. Smead. and M. Burke. y Boys! rage, 12 years and under-- Doyle and C. Quinn. Girls' race, 12 years and under-- . L'Oisean-and C. Desrosiers. ' ° Boys' race, 15 years and: under-- JH. McNeill and O. Lambert, - | Girls' race, 15 years and under-- {M. L'Oiseau and C. Desrosiers. | Sanctuary boys, 10 years and un- der---0. Ahearn and J, Mitchell, Sanecutary boys, 14 yéars and un- deft "MeNeil 'and' E. Qourdier.' Thre legged race--J. Flandgan, W. Anson. Wheelbarrow WW. Aweon: Sack race liven. M. race--J. . Flanagan, O. Lambert and T. Gal- Quinn and | MMe Neill. r Carpet and rug buyers are bound to patronize' the store where reliability of quality is not questioned, wherd styles are correct and prices right. Buyers St' the Kingston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting i! honest value for their money. Plate Glass is extremely brittle" | and the following are some of the, causes of breakage: -- apeiend satti of frames Rottld of buildings arping of frames Vibration caused by passing o8TS Tenants installing gas jets to window om frosting Stones shot by the feét of pass- 4 SES al Vehicles, herses and automo- Windaw cleaners slipbin Drunken men' falling against 8 slipping on the pave- P , dynamite or gas ex- J 5 Tos ob sriow faMing from build- Sepairs to adjoining buildings Col a of bulldings wi ots ind sterms 'doors. . oF £0 instde window yg 3 R neroliy other causes. - NOTE---Plai nn does cover loss in case of fire Then is covered by the fire pol- | First class companies represented : y 1¢ Girls' consolation race--M. Collins {and D. L'Oisean: . i ein Worth Noting. it Weekly Sun It is worth noting in the pending | ll election the course which the op- Iponents of reciprocity in 1911 are gg. Arthur Hawkes, who deliv- "ered to Mr. Borden the vote of the i British born for the salvation of the | 'empire, is stamping for the Nber: als. Of the noble eighteen, Hugh Blain and BE. R, Woods; are back in the 'party fold. J! "W. PFlavelle, guide, philosopher and friend of the farmer has gone over from the com- servatives: with: a large - contribu: tion, conditioned, doubtless, on its finot being sad for the benefit of Laurier. © Strangers 5# all, we hear that Hon. OMfférd Siften has been j converted to social reform, and {8 (Straining at the leash to be off! with the hunt. ' His keepers, it is said, are holding him back because they iTear that his: escape may stampede the Laurier liberals. \ ' © Had a Party. George Shortt entertained a din- jj ner pasty at the Rivermead Golf elnb, Ottawa, on Tuesday evening H when among his guests were: Miss Phyllis Lloyd, of Westmount. Miks folidith Street, Miss Mary McLean, jj Miss Winnifreéd O'Conner ana Messrs. Ayton Léggo, Paul Scammel} (Kingston), and Harry Plaskett.. ---- ---- Made a Big Blunder Sir James Whitney made a } blunder when he accused Mr. Rowell ofl trying to get a Snap verdict on abolish the bar. It was Sir James '| Whitney who sprang the election a Jear and a half before the pro jes ji time. Time is on Mr, Rowell's side. Errr---- oireat Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock Street, hay a assortment of "cont. and vest weight for summer wear, dlso a if assortment of clergical coat i waight in black. Special low for clergymen, --- Save your boy. prices GIRL RECEIVED! Brockville, but who was visiting her | children of St. Mary's cathedral efi- Girls" race, T/years and under -- | i . bad ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of die Whig. -- "I'his is Rowell"s home run. a Phe shops will also go i you sav 80, . W.F. Fair has left for Montreul and Ottawa. ; "Reserve Friday, June 26th, to goto Ogdensburg. o R. R. "Smith, of Sawbridge, Mass, was visiting in the' ¢ity on Thurs- day. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders ceived at MecAuley's. Phone 564. Migs Iudith Haugh, of Syracuse, N.Y, is visiting Mrs. J. H. Jarvis, | Amie 'street, | Harrison has been the friend and of' the "workingnien.: They can now reciprocate, Hs | Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, 3: Colborne street. ya J. BE."Madd@en and party, of Napa- nee motored to Kingston on. Wed- [nesday afternoon amd spent' a few hours in the city, Ho Cunningham, plano tuner 2 {King street. Leave orders at Mec- Auley's Book store. The cake of a wage dispute in the Campbell, 'of Lansdowne, brought hee Frownship of Kingston hat 'came 'up | before Justice of the Peace Huiiter, Iwas adjourned until July 3rd. | Best excursion of the season, June | 20th. Oddfellows going to Ogdens- | burg per steamer Thousand Islander. | Miss Ida Hughson, . University avenue, left on Tuesday for a three month's trip through British Colum- bia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Some 'Say there is going to be a landslide. Others say it is to be i waterspout. The general impression seems to be that something is to hap pen ' Uddiellows going to Ogdensburg June | 26th. "Come along." { 'This eleetion will be won by 'the moderate niett--by the silent vote. - It cannot swrély go against the man hood and © womanhood of the pro 'vince. : Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, of Lyn, who -attended the Ontario synod | mission board meeting heré on Wed- {nesddy, lef for Toronto on Thiirs- day morning. Letter-carrier George J. Compton, returned from Ompah Wednesday after spending a week's holidays in that place. He brought back with him a big hex of fish. Mrs. E. IL. Goodwill, of Peterboro, daughter of S. J. Kilpatrick, King iston, was in the city on Wednesday, having motored here from that place fo. attend "the closing exercises at the Royal Military College. ! Chere was a good-sized market { Thursday morning with a large num- { ber-of island 'people. Strawberries | were the leading article for sale, and | were selling freely at 11¢ fo 12% e¢ | wholesale, and 12¢.46 15¢ retail. The json of otlier produee was unchang- (ed. : FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Sales by on the Board at Thurs. 7 day's Meeting. Cheese sold" at 12ffc. 'at the regular meeting of the Frontenac cheese {bourd "on 'Thursday afternoon. The opening price was '12¢.. The ifollow- ing' sales were made : i At 12%. Mr. Xiexander secured the offering of Gilt Edge, Howe Island, Bay View, Ontario, St. Lawrence, Sii ver Springs, Thousand lslands znd Wolfe Island. At 128e. Mr. Smith bought the offering of Elin Grove, (lenvale, I} ginburg, Frontenac, Collins Bay and Arigan. The following factories boarded : White--Elginburg; 70; Collins Bay, 46. | Colored--Arigan, 30; Elm Glenburnie, 60; Glenvale, 50; Gils Ldge, 50; Howe Island, 30; Bay View, 36; Ontario, 40; St. Lawrence, 4); Silver Springs, 58; Thousana Ts- lands, 50; Frontemac, 40; Wolfe Ts- land, 71. t Tn last week's report of the board it waar stated that Richard Moore sold hia cheese to Mr. 'Alexander. This was an error. Mr. Moore sold his cheese to George Smith at 12%ec. - < Grove, 70: National League--St. Louis, 3; Pitts burgh, 0. Philadelphia, 2-6; Brook tlyn, 8-1. Boston, 7-0; New York, 5-4 | Chicago, 11; €ieinnati, 5. | American - League--Boston, Wi 3-2; New ington, 4-3; Philadel- Chicago, 5: Detroit, 2. St Cleveland, 4-1. League--Indianapolis, 5; St, 1.ou York, (0-3. phia, 3:1. Louis, 5-3; {. Federal | Kansas City, 2. Chicago, 5 ig, 1 "International league Newark, 6-1; { Montreal, 2-3 Jersey City, 5-10; Ro | chester, 4-0. Providence, 7: Bufialo, 4." Toronto, 4-2; Baltimore, 2-6. Positions for Two Germans. [ VPwo Géfinans in an endeavor to se- bore work walked to fhe city from { Montreal, Wednesday. 'I'hey were di- rected, 4s they" conld not understand Phiglish, to a' resident who spoke their Tangvage, and Hirigration Sgent 1 1 | 1 Hanter was 'suceesafttl in' securing work ili for Both: They are Hoth big husky I men, ad one was placed with a far il mer near Métcow, and the other, who | had a threé vears' medical éxperience, wad given A position us attendant at 'Rookwood: hospital. : i t Announced Mrs. James McLeod, 233 Grenadier | | road, Toronto, formerly of Xing- ston, Ont." 'announces the engage- | ment of her daughter; Frances Laura, to Robert!J. Senior, Toronto. The marriage will take place quiet- ly early ir July" ' Bebtit-- New Lake Shore Line, if Commencing Monday, Jume 20th ih, New Rake Shore Tine will be apen {} for passenger traffic. Express leaving ingston at 11.25 alm. will rood connections at Parham Junction Epfor all pointe east and west. ii We have the t and: best | assortment if the city from 15¢ Up Sma ef ee Gor your gougles. sight. make | YWANT SYNGD 70 MEET The Change May be Made--Meeting - .of the Executivé Committee of the Synod on Thursday. "That in the opinion of the execu- tive: "committee; ft 'would con- duce to the convenience of the thurch people of 'the diocese, were the meetings of synod held in the summer instead of in the win- Jter, and that their lordships the bishop and co-adintor bishep be and are pespecifully requested to take into consideration the change of time mientigneéd and te cause to be enact ed. gny legislation as to the time of meetings of the standing commitiees or otherwise, which may be rendered necessary by thé* change of date -of thie meeting of synod." "Thhe above resolution was passed on 'Thursday morning, at a nweet- ing of the executive committee of the syned of the diocese of Ontario, on motion of Judge H. S. McDonald, the chancellor, seconded by F. I. Miller. 1 Rev. F. L.. Barber wrote asking the execulive to" confirm a recent sale lof land made by the parish of St, Mary Magdalene church at Picton. On motion of the chancellor, secon ded by R. J. Carson, the scale was confirmed. The sale smounted to $150. 5 Archdeacon Dobbs was appointed as a representative to attend the fun eral of the late 8. H. Blake, K. C of Toronto. Permaission was ish of Trenton for the sale of a lof A resolution was passed on juotion of Rev. H. H. Bedford-Jonés, secon ded by Rural Dean ¥. D. Woodcock expressing the great loss the synod had 'suffered as a result of the | death of Allan Purner, of Brockville, who rendered valuable service on synod egmmittees, and who was at all> times diligent in the dis charge of his duties. A copy of the resolution will be sent to the wife and family of the deceased. Jishop Mills announced that 'fie had appointed J. W. Dawson, of Brock ville, to fill the place on the commit tess made vacant by the death of Mr. Turner. The committee hefore| adjourning ex tended best Wishes ~to Rev, W. | FitzGerald and wife, who Aresleaving next week on: a (rip to the lsle i Man, England and Ireland, for a safe and happy voyage. Bishop Mills presided at the meeting and aldo present were Bishop. Bidwell and Reve, Woodcock, FitzGerald, Har ris, Armstrong, MeTear, Toueks, Grout, Bedford-dones, Archdeacon €ar oy Leach, Spencer, Patton, and Megara RR J Carson; FF Miller, Col. S. « MeGill, Judge MeDonald, Francis King and J. B. Walkem granted the par Naronic Proves Fine Sea Boat. The Northern Navigation com- pany's steamship Neoronie the appear ante of which on the great lakes has attracted attention all over the con- tinent,' has met with her first bad weather and has proven herself a magnificent' sea boat. Sailing be- tween Sarnia, Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur, "Port William and Duluth and Timking up the Grand Trunk's eastern system with the rand Trunk Pacific in the west, the Nor- oui¢ had 500 passengers * aboard when she ran inte heavy weather So well did she behave that not a person on board missed a meal. a witli Move Big Strawberries and green peas Carnovsky's. A Also expected gooseberries Friday 'at Launch Sea Gull for Hive. Apply to JJ. J street. 'Fhone 1185. NEW SUMMER DRESSES Cool and Light "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" | x 5 _ Have vou seen the new house dresses we are showing in. our ready-to-wear depant- ment? kt is the pret- tiest vavietd we've ever i had. The materials are of Chambrays and [§ Prints and 'the prices [§ ange from $1.50 to $2.25 : A few mull dresses left. worth up to $13.50. Clearing at £2.39. We "are showing a i splendid assorfaent of nowest supper negli- f 2ee hats for ladies. See # them, liv ™ INSTEAD OF IN/§ : sen. = Mosher, No. 2 North | | > | THE LAT i Saturday afternoon from his father's ! residence, Forest; Malcolm David Graham, | ive hat To rd fA trees A dre - ' i Week's Sale Leather Hand Bags at Half Price Newest Designs 25 Per cent off Collar Boxes so necessary for tourists and travellers. Music rolls and - articles too numerous to tention, .in all souvenir lines of the city and river points. The College Book Store '160 Princess St. Phone 919, A Sale To Talk Abou We got hold of 1500 yards of this season's newest inane oe Wash Dress Goods that we intend selling - at a great big snap. Read . 1500 yards of the very newest in Marguis- eites, Muslins, etc., etc, princi ally white, with a small sprinkling of colors. The regular prices range from 25¢ to 50 a yard. Bought a snap. Will' sell assnap. Friday morning at 9 o'clock on the bargain counter Your Choice Per Yard 15¢. (No phone orders taken) J Newman & Shaw GEORGE M, HEPBURN Died in the Hotel Dieu on Thursday Pe Morning. | The sad death occurred at 12.30 Thursday morning of George Melvin Hepburn, at the age of forty-one years and ten months. The cause of death was obstruction of {he bowels. The deceased was very well-known in the city, having been a telegraph operator until a few years-ago, at which time he moved to Amberst Is and The supvivors of the late Mr. Hep: burn are his wife and little boy Harold, his father, R. W. Hepburn, his mother, . six brothers and two sisters. The brothers ' are William and Charles, of Rochester, N.Y., Her- bert, of Montreal; Harvey and Leon: ard, of Toronto, and Frank, at home. The two sisters are Mrs. Koster Don nelly and Mrs. Stanley Knapp. The funeral will be at two o'clock SCREENS SCREENS SCREENS Made to fit your doors and windows, full or [half length. Galvanized or . copper rustproof wire netting. They last for vears. tS. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay ¥nd Wellington _-- AT w 10 Pine street, to Catara- L Voodworking Factory qui_cemetery. The service will be con- ducted by Rev. J. D. Boyd. | Sess LUMBER. coAL a opie] The following graduates of Queen's university appear im 'the list of successful candidates in the 'final examinations of the College of. | Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: ! William Kerr Bell, Meaford; Har- |! old Edward Connolly, Ottawa; William Lawrence Caboury, Lafaiv- re; William John Gardiner, Mount | { rm Graduates of Queen's, Hubbell, 3 "3 Joseph Hrrley, fa Laframboise, 3 ur, Elgin Lidstone, | - Harold Sanderson Mar- 1 iton; Morley _- "Thomas Smith, Greenbush; Roy Stanley] Smith, Hamilton, <1 At Take Ontario Park. Uvery eveulig brings larger crow to Lake Onfallo Pack and. Weddor: | ks cool | The show, at the Platinum Prices Are growing within the reach of all. We have beautiful cluster , rings paved with diamonds at $50.00, and beauties even at $10.00, This platinim treatment is by far the mos: effective way | of using the emallér brillidnt diamonds. Smith Bros. Opticians, Marriage Licenses. Lenses Ground Jowelrs, \ GRAY, BROWN, WHITE AND BLACK OSTRICH AND MARABEAU STOLES bh W. F. Gourdier's 78-80 Brock Street LOOK AHEAD SEE YOUR WAY HAVE A PLAN | m-------- { {And let that plan be to ar {range to buy a nice home. $5000--On Aberdeen Ave, (New) 8$5500---0On Alwington Ave, (New) $3000---O0n Frontenac St, $B000--0On William St. $3000---On Colborne St, $1200--0On York St. $4600--On Centre St. ¢ $3400--On Collingwood St. af $3300--O0n Albert St. : Houses to rent, Fire Insurance, Rents Collected, Money to Loan. x E. W. MULLIN Cor, Johnson and Division Bireets. Pliones 539 and 1486, na Ht Will be your clothes ly permit as Don't take our | just' put 65 to 'the