Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1914, p. 11

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Trip $25.90 Going dates, June 21st td June 23rd Return limit July 14th, 1914, Service has been inaugurated be- tween Eastern and Western Canada, trains leaving Toronto via Grand Trunk, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11.15 a.m., to copnect at Sarnia with the high-class mers . of the Northern Navigation Co., for Fort Willlam, thence Grand Trunk to points in Western Canada. Pattie ® can make all arrangements to Railroad and Stoumship "Agent, _ Cor. Johmson and Ontario Sts. = © ED a TRAIN SERVICE Mon - Vin Lt 1-Totonto Tivol - Chteage eM Mie eit het) igan fe Steel hen between Yo indgor and Detroit Peavy Montreal 8.45 a.m.; Toronto 310 pan arrivin Detroit 12.35 a. "iaduany Bool service i Te. ahrough Electric Lighted Equip- nto-Vancouver Express Ro. 3 leaves Toronto 5.65 p.m, daily. Van- couver-Toronto Express No. 4 ar- rives Toronto 11 46 am. daily. Man- Itoba Express No. 7 leaevs Toronto daily except Sunday 10.50 p.n., ar- rivd 4 Winnipeg 3 gecoiid day. Ontar- lo Express NO. leaves Winni og 9.25 pm. and rev a atonte 5.1 m. daily except Tuepday Pardculars regarding Rall or Oc~ ean' tickets from ¥, CONWAY, C.P, A ty Tieket Office, ¢or. Princess Wellington Sts, Phone 11 CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES, LIMITED $8, KINGSTON--SS. TORONTO Commencing June 2nd, leave dally except Monday, at 6 a'm., for Clayton, Alexandria Bay, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. At 5 p.m, for Rochester and Toronto. SS, CASPIAN Commencing June 7th, days, Wednesdays and 10.16. am., for 1000 Tglands, and Gananoque; and at pn 2 - ay Rochester, N.Y, calling SS. DELLEVILLE Quinte ports. Leaves at 7 a.m, Wednesdays, for Montreal, and on Saturdays at mid. night for Toronte. _ Ory oF OTTAWA CITY OF HAMIL. Leave at 8 am. . on Sundays Thursdays for Montreal, and on days and Wsdnesdays at midnight for Toronto and Hamil Lon. SS, ERICA Commencing AATEC leayes dally except Sundays, for Cape Vincent at 7.30 am, and 1.230 pm. Returning ar- rives RAG nm and 3.30 § BROCK VIL ny Leaves at 3.30 pm, dally except Sunday, for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. ight reserved to change /steamers' time with or without notice. J. P. HANLEY, BE. BE, HORSEY, City Cicket Agent. General Azsnt. Jeaves Bun- of PIR me INNIS Ocean Steamship Agency. O. 8. Kirkpatrick, B82 Clarence ' treet. *T"hone BGS BATHS,DRAINS.ETC. 1S OF VITAL IMPORTANCE TO HEALTH. | ie very effective in the treat. ment of Colds, By helping the organs of excretion to eliminate the moxious sub. stances fromthe blood, Eno's "Fruit Salt" assists Nature to" bring sbout a speedy cure. Itis most refreshing as a cools ing beverage and is unsur. passed for quenching this oe TODAY _ [ITE CANADIAN SERVICER From Southampton From Montreal June 11 ASCANTA June 27 July 9 ANDANILA July 25 July 16 ASCANIA Aug. 1 Steamers oall Plymouth eastbound. te: abin (11) $46.25] 3rd class, ritish eastbound, $30.38 up, West- und $30 up, Apply Loenl Ticket Agent, or THE + ROBERT REFORD Ci Ba LIMITED, Gen- eral Agents, 30 King Si. Kast, Toronto om Bristoi July 15 July 29 July 2% Royal "George Aug. 12 FERCEEENERRERNERES "COBRA" BOOT POLISH MEANS A Long and a Lasting Shine and besides being beautifully polished, your boots will be soft and waterproof. Sold in Tins, Yi or Brown, 10¢c. Ask Your Dealer. J Always (insist on the "Coben" IR | mark Remember! » little "Cabra" Polish gives i s great big shiue. SAMPLES--For 2c we will send you a sample of "Cobra" Boot, Furniture Four Polishes. - - BLYTH & PLATT, Limited WATFORD =~ ENGLAND . Agests--MACLAREN IMPERIAL CHEESE €0.. Limited, TORONTO HER EERE EREARPEANIVE TABS GREE WW) ERASE SANE SEE AE SEERA EHEN BEBPIRBBREE HUTTON'S LIMITED. 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont | Insurance and Real Estate Telephone 703 "One cents wor th 'of gad in Khree hours. Keep cool hen iron, - Try oue. Money back not satisfied. 1 Pr. 85, compete St; Pliones 335, 856 Sha drew a chair up to the table and rat dewn by the side of the boy. "I am just going to give it to him strong," said Wilfred. "That's the way to give it to him," said Caroline, "He's a soldier and he's accustomed to such things." . " "Yon can't fool much with father 'He means business," sald Wilfred; "but he will find that I mean business, too." "That's right, " assented Caroline sapiently, "everybody has got tc mean business now, What did you say to him?" 4 - "1 said this," annired the young- ster, reading slowly and with great "1.Am Not Running Away From Her." pride: " 'General Ransom Varney, commanding division, army of North- ern Virginia, Dear Papa--'" "I wouldn't say, 'dear papa' to a gen- eral," interrupted Caroline decisively. "No? What would you say?" "1 would say 'Sir,' of course; that is much more businesslike and soldiers are always so awfully abrupt." "You are right," said the boy, be- ginning again, " 'General Ransom Var ney, .commanding division, Army of Northern Virginia, Sir'--that sounds fine, doesn't it?" "Splendid," said the girl, "go on." " "This is to notify you that T want 'you to let me join the army right now. If you don't, I will enlist anyway, that's all. The seventeen call is out and I am not going to walt for the six- teen. Do you think I am a damned coward="" Wilfred paused and looked heénsively at Caroline, who with eyes sparkling brightly. "That's fine," she said. "1 thought it sounded like a soldier." "It does; yon.ought to have heard the Third Virginia swear--" "Oh," said Wilfred, who did pot quite relish that experienge; but he went on after a little pause. " "Tom Kitt ridge has gone; he was killed yester day at Cold Harbor. Billte Fisher has gone apd so has Cousin Stephen. He is not sixteen, he lied about his age, but 1 don't want to do that unless you make. me. [I will, though, if you do. Answer this right now or not at all." "I. think that is the finest letier | have ever haard," said Careline proud ly, 23 Wilfred stopped, laid the paper dewn, and stared at her. "Do you really think go?" "It is the best letter §--" "l am glad you are pleaséd with it Now the next thing i$ how to end it." "Why, just end it." "Rut how? "Sign your name, of course." "Nothing else?" "What else is thera?" "Just Wilfred?" "No, Wilfred Varney." "That's (he fhlig" He took up & pen from the table and scrawled his name at the bottom of this interesting and Ristorical document, "And you think the rest of it will do?" "I should think it would," she as- sented heartily. "I wish your father had it now." "So do 1," said Wilfred. "Maybe it 'will take two or three days to get it to him and I just can't wait that long." Caroline rose to her feet suddenly under the stimulus of a bright idea that came into her mind. > "Fl tell 'you what we can do: "What?" "We can telegraph him," bhe ex- appre nodded "Good 1déa," ered Wilfred, more and more impressed with Caroline's -} wonderful resourcefulness, but a dis quieting thought immedhately struck him. "Where am I going to get the money?" he asked dubiously. "Jt won't take very, much." "It won't? Do you know what th are charging now? Over seven dol: iars a word only to Petersburg." "Well, let them charge it," Caroling calmly, "we can eut it down to only a few words and the address Fwon't cot anything." . "Won't it? . "No, they never charge for that" continued the girl. "That's a heap of money saved, and then we can use what we save on the address for the . rest." said | Wilfred stared at hor as if this prob k USTRATIONS: BY EDGAR BERT SMITH - Gopymiomt 1912 By Dood, Mean ane Comeany son to his youthful brain. Bue she gave him no time to question Ror Inari L calculations. "What comes after the address? she asked fn her most businesslike manner. - "Sip." "Leave that out." Wilfred swept his pen through it. "He knows it already," said Caro- line. "What's next?" " "This is to nétify you that I want you tof let mrome right now.' " "We could leave out that last 'to,' ™ said Caroline Wilfred checked it off, and then read, "7 want you---let me come right now.' That doesn't sound right, and anyway it is such a It ' word." Yen, but it costs even dollars just the same ag a big word," observed Caroline. : "But it doesn't sound right without 4," argued the boy; "we have got to leave it in. What comes after that?" Caroline jn turn took up the note and read: "If you don't, I'll 'come anyhow, that's all." " "You might leave out 'that's all," said Wilfred. ~ "No, don't leave that out. It's very important. It doesn't seem to be so important, but it #8. It shows--wel --it shows that that's afl there is about it. That one thing might con- vince him." "Yes, but we've got to "leave out. something." "Not that, though. Perhaps there is something else. 'The seventeen call is out'--that's got to stay." "Yes," said Wilfred " "The sixteen comes next.' just got to stay." "Of course. Now, what follows?" "I'm not going to walt for it, read Caroline "We can't cut that out," said Wil fred; "we don't seem to be making much progress, do we?" "Well, we will find something in a momeént. 'Do you think I am'--" she hesitated a moment, " 'a damned cow- ard,' " she read with a delicious thrill at her rash, vicarious wickedness Wilfred regarded her dubiously. He felt as dn author does when he sees his pet periods 'marked out by the 'bluegfencil of the ruthless editor, "You might leave that out." he be- gan, cutting valiantly at his most cherished and admired phrase. "No," protested Careline vehement- ty, "certainly not! That is the best thing in the whole letter." "That 'damn' is going te cost us seven dollars, you know." "It. is worth it," sald Caroline, "it is the best thing you have written. Your father. is a general in the army, he'll understand that kind of language. (What's next? I know there's some thing pow." ? (To be continued) That's Citizens Our City's Debt. Excited and fired by success, St. Paul has thrown off its hobbles and is earnestly endeavoring to kick holes in the established horizon. With each new bond-issue, . ent up into nice, inviting little $10 slices, absor- ped by local purchase, what's to pre- vent the gradual acquisition of all outstanding securities, so that even- tually the entire bonded indebtedness of the city will be owned by the ci- tizens? For St, Paul to-day is pay- ing almost $600,000 annual interest How to Keep Your Face Free From Ugly Hairs {Modes of To-day) A smail, original package of pow- dered delatone 8 a mecessary toilet requisite, for with its aid the skin can be kept free from haif or fuzz. A thick paste is made with some of the powder and water, and spread on the hairy. surface; them in about two minutes it is rubbed off and with it comes every trace of hair. Washing the skin 'Will remove the, vest of thé delatone. While this is simple, effec- tive method and quite harmless, you should be careful to get real dela- fem 3. Sosnemien was not gute gps {zed for next season it will include ¥ | Over } DUFFY GET MONEY FOR KINGSTON EBACE? The A. 'A. U. of C. Officials Hear He Pid, and the Hamilton Runner is on the Defence. A Hamilton dispatch says: It ap- pears as if Jimmy Duffy's amateur running days are at an end. Some person .down Kingston 27 informed the A, A. U. of [8 ci als that the champion long distance runner is out after the Wo and unless he cam clear I it it means his finish. . "Tommy + Thoinpsen, = Duffy's manager, has not much to say in the matter, other than that if Duffy is expelled from the amateur ranks, he will challenge the crack Protes- sionals immediately. | Duffy is now under i for running against Ed. Fabre of Mon} treal, on June 3. New Internptiousl. The International Baseball lcague will remain in existence minus Buf- falo, Baltimore and Toromto. M is believed that Jersey City will throw up ihe sponge in the mear future, *so that when the circut'is reorgani- these cities -- 'Newark, Rochester, Providence, Albany, Binghampton and Wilkesbarre. if promoters in Richmond, Wor- cester or Springfield can show strong enough backing, one of these cities may be selected instead of Al- bany or Wilkesbarre. ' To Fight In London. It is announced that "Young" Ahearn, of Brooklyn 4nd Georges Carpentier, heavyweight champion of Europe, had been matched fo fight in London on August 2nd for a purse of $30,000. The money was put up by Horatio Bottomley, the English published and financier and former liberal member of parliament. Played Baseball at Midnight. At Fairbanks, Alaska, more than a thousand perseng attended a mid- night baseball game played Tuesday night bejween two local teams. The game was the opening event "of the festival of the Midn'ght Sun, fea- tutes of which will be a carnival, parade and general merrymaking. Boxing in Europe. Beginning next Saturday, the world's pugilistic stage wil be shif- ted to Europe. Three battles are scheduled to be waged in two weeks which are sure to make ring history. Frank Moran of Pittsburg will en- deavor to wrest from Jack Johnson the world's heavyweight title in Paris on Grand Prix night. On July 16th in the Olympia London, Gunboat Smith will endeavor to prove in a twehty- -round bout against Georges Carpentier, the French idol and champion of Eur- ope,. that he is a serious contender for the heavyweight crown. On July 7th, Freddie Welsh, champion of Breat Britain, holder of the Lord Lonsdale belt, will make a supreme affoft after two years wrangling to beat Willle Ritchie, the American lightweight titleholder, for the world's honors. Pélkey is Through. Arthur Pelkey,the Canadian heavy- weight whom Tommy Burns brought out as a whit hope over a year ago, has been put out of the running completely. After Pelkey's unfortunate battle with Luther Mc Carty in Alberta, he was heralded as the white champion of the world. However, he ran against a snag on the Pacific coast when he met Gun- boat Smith. But he was not diccour- aged and went to Australia with] Tommy to retain his lost laurels. Last week Pelkey met Sam McVey, | the negro heavyweight of California | {and later of France), in a twenty-| round battle at Melbourne, but the, finish came In thé fourth round | when Pelkey was knocked out. Me-| 'ey is mo spring chicken at the game himself, and the fact that he deat Pelkey so decisively and in such . short time, removes the latter ns white hope. LETTER CARRIERS' WAGES. Inc rease Contemplated by the Postal Authorities. Ottawa, June 25.--An increase in the salaries paid to letter carriers | and rural couriers as a result of the | inauguration of the parcel post, is un- | der consideration by: the post office | department. - So also is an increase | in the amount paid ou mail con- | tracts. The figures in this latter | connection have, in fact, already ris en somewhat as a vesult of the in, creased cost of living and other such causes. { Manv requests have bofa rdeceived | for salary increases from letter riers in different parts of Canada, and it was stated atethe department upon inquiry, that the matter was be ing cousidered and that in all pro-- bability there would be increases ! such as have been asked for. | SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Four Thousand Delegates Gather in Chicago. Chicago, June 25.--"Add a million | a year.to the Sunday school rolls," is| the slogan. of the four thousand four hundred delegates to the Internatioh- al Stinday School association conven- tion here. The formal opening of the convention took place last night. Sunday 'school téacher' training {and the organizing of Sunday schools on a basis of real efficiency in deliver- ing instruction oun the and building up Christian character will be the most important gubjecis of the session. All evangelical denom- inations are répresented. Vicar Official at London, June 25 Re 'Digby, vicar of St. ditch, has lo ac of . geraminies at the noxing match ic next Tussar On this pm bardier Bout. Everard a's, Shore- car- ¢ MODERN Has + every pn merit also.exclusive McClary improvements Farnace "Soka x3 J. equals it. See the write for boaklet. B. BUNT & co. TENTS FOR SALE AND HIRE The Caille Detachable Motor for BBE ota A C ENAPP : Boat Builder . Tot Rc | Nesetabie «Preparation forks. fing he sh Marl | Promotes Digestion Cheetfy " ness and Rest Contains neither Epium Morphine nor Miteral. Nort Narc aTIC. PSE: Apériect Re lion, Sour Stom ms Convilsionsd! ness and LOSS OF SLEEP facSmie Signature of He Conrau Cameany. MONTRIALARY YORK a oF evorish Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria For Over Thirty Years Try our Paroid Roofing, Blue Rosin, Sized and Black Building Paper, and Sound Deading Felt for Walls and Ceilings. THE FRONTENAC LUMBER AND COAL CO PHONE 67. A. CHADWIOK, Manager. EY Collis Browne's Su [1/4 piv THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENBINE. Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA .....o. sarc s CHOLERA DYSENTERY. . Checks and ame. is those too | FEVER, Croup, ACE, The best Remedy known for COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectunily cots short wi sitacha of SPASMS, a the only sallibtive is NEUI TISM, TOOTHACHE. Rind : id taken in drops, evaduated according to malady. whatever : ond sleep Cllorodyne is a ovis: imitation of the no is : and can bg INSIST ON HAVING Pr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S | CHLORODYNE. The J-- Success of this Remedy us even tise fo many imitations. ©

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