Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1914, p. 2

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Ty NENTS FERTIAZER WHICH iT Great Music Sale for One W. " Only : 10c Per Copy (A SYDRMMAN BO) The steamer Turret Cape, grain -| agony. , Oarpets, Rugs, g in these lines. * Repalr + nd Upholstering promptly and well done. FRONE 9 Quality is No Carpet and rug buyers are Pound to patronize the - store Where reliability of quality is not questioned, are correct and prices right. Buyers at the Kingston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting honest value for thelr money. R. MeFAUL Kingston Carpet Ware- where styles : {no need for that. {| commencing ff { Islands, and at 5 p.m. jor Rochester. R ance Plate Glass is extremely brittle some of passing gas jets to tal li An rove ot frosting A the Jeet i pase. icles. Bad on throwing ron 5 _ Good Boys playing ball AWRY. horses and automo- cleanérs slippin Wes. men io EB iinst R De llping on | r. dynamite or gas ex- ons . or snow falling from bwiid- the pave I rs to adjoining buildings of bulldings INIURED #N OSION. lid Face and Seok A ~--Found Tory wud Took it | . i" = Op Tuesday af oon William Johnston, son of enry, Johmston, Sydenham, narrowly escaped being killed. The lad. who is #welve years ot age, was walking along the rail- road track near Sydepham, and picked up one the torpedoes which are paced there for giving sigoals. 'Thinking that he had ob- tained a fine thing to amuse him- self with he placed it in his pocket and returned home, Going into the barp at the rear he placed this tor- and Buwmed on Railway the conténts of it far struck young Johnston] under the chin, cutting his throat badly as well as giving him some nasty gash- és upon the face. The powder al- so played an imporiant part in for- cing pieces of the torpedo into his 1 ' Hpon hearing the report the boys parents rushed out to the barn to see what had happened but the smoke created by the explosion was 20 thick it was hard to, ascertain the real result until some of it had es- caped from the building. Before they had gone far they found their son lying upen the floor in great A doctor was immediately summotied and dresged the wounds which required Siveral stitches to close. The boy will recover but the chances are that he will carry a bad scar Tyr the remainder of his days. Suber P iPr eRe bbb bibl a % # ANGLICANS APPEALED TO. #* ' -- > Are you a member of the Church of England! Read. tis: The general synod of the Church of England in Can- ada, meeting in the year 1908, declared far the aholi- tion of the bar as follows: In glancing over the sev- eral provinces of the domin- fon, it is manifest that there is a great consensus of epin- ion concerning the bar un- der our present licensing sys- 'tem, namely, that it is the duty of every man te en- deavor to further the efforts to abolish the bar. 4 v PEASE RE SEP ETN PWR GE P EIST ERE rR rPE ddd ibid Sh dhe bd Scarcity of Cheap Bibles. Reeve J. A. Kennedy held a coun- el} of war on Wednesday in - the Court House to decide at would be done to relieve the Bible famine in the city. For the coming elec- tions, forty-oné new testaments are needed, and after taking over the entire stock of the local stores, nineteen more are required. Thére are great numbers of the higher priced bibles in the city, but the family size is not necessary for this purpose. An order has been sent to Toronto to meet. the require- (ments, i ---------- Matriculation Examinations. The physics paper in the matricula- tion. examinations, "on Wednesday morning, had eight questions with a total of eighteen "parts. Eighteen parts is considered to be a record number. Jritish and Canadian his tory is being tried this afternoon (Geometry in "the mornifg and litera ture in the afternoon Hill Thursday's programme. - Latin comes on Friday and the set is finished bi the French papers on Tuesday. ' Garden Party. Loder - the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Copke's church, will be held on Jhursday afternoon and evening, .on phe combined lawns of William Jack- son and J. A. Nettman, William street west. Ice cream, homemade cake and candy will be .on sale. Orchestonl music in the evening. Admission to grounds, lc. Proceeds to go townrds.! re-decorating of the church. Ald. Bateison's Statement. Ald. Harrison told the Whig, to- day, in answer to statements that there would. be neo legislation to |close the bars if Rowell wins, that if legislation is not passed, if Rowell wing, be will resign his seat for Kingstod. There however, will be 1000 Islands-Rochester +88. Caspian leaves at 10.18 #4. on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, June ith, for Thousand tiny on account of and | barricade the Paris post office See the big berries ak morn- | ing at Carnovsky's. lt i {11At the request of counsel in the mat- fiji ter the hearing~of i jwas adjourned until Friday next. -_ {laden from ¥Fort William, will ar- {rive at 'Richardson's elevator to- morow. The steamer Toller, load- led with corn, from Port Colborne, lightered her cargo at this eleva The steamer Sowards arrived from Oswego, with coal for Robert Craw- ford." The schooner Bertie Calkins clear- ed from the Grove lan for Oswego. The $loop Atiadne,: loaded, Wii wood from the Rideau canal, ajriv- ed at Crawford's wharf. / The schooner J. B. Kitchen, arriv~ ed from Oswego with coal for Booth & company. There is a strike on at the gov- ernment grain elevator at Port ( ol borne, and if a quick settlement is not reached, it will mean a tie-uv ot the grain traffic. a The steamer Renvoile passed down to Montreal at 7 p.m. Tues- day from the Welland canal. The steamer Hamiltonian passed down to Montreal at 4 a.m. Wednes- dav from the Welland canal. The steamer Beaverton passed up light to the candl from Montreal at 5 a.m. Wednesday. The steamer Thiera Menier pas-.| sed up at 4.30 a.m. Wednesday with pulp-wood from Rugeosti island for Tonawonda, NY The steamer Robert Rhodes pas- sed down to Montreal from the Wel- land canal at 6.00 a.m, Wednesday. The. steamer Lambton which has been at the Kingston Shipbuilding company's wharf since Thursday night went ant' ary-dock this morn- ing. The, onmer Kiagrton passed down to Prescott Wednesday morn- ing The steadier Belleville down to. Montreal from Wednesday .morning. The steamer Aletha is now on the Picton-Kingston route and the stea- mer Brockville is running ~ excursi- ons on the Bay of Quinte. The steamer Geronia passed - up on her way up to Charlotte at 9.30 p.m., Tuesday. The steamers City of Ottawa and City of Hamilton are due Thursday: The steamer Olcott will reach Os- wego on Saturday will carry an ex- cursion to Alexandria Bay on Sun- day and will bring another to King- ston on July 1st. M. T. Company's elevator-- Tug Emergon arrived from <Charlotte, with the barge Quebec, coal-laden, cleared with one grain and one coal barge for Montreal; tug Thomp- son arrived with one light barge from Prescott. Steamer, Stormount passed on her way with grain from Fort William to Montreal, 14TH DID NOT REFUSE TO MOVE FOR- MANOEUVRES the passed Toronto A special from Petawawa to Whig says: There 1s no foundation for the ru- mor at Petawawa, and alleged Ottawa report, that the 14th Regiment refus ed to move from camp to participate in the manoeuvres. On Monday the Kingston Rifles proceeded to bivounae eleven miles distant in much less time than same columns bivouacked at Corry Lake Monday night The 14th formed an advance guard {on the Sth infantry brigade, under 1 ient.-C'ol. Kent, marching southerly, took. part in the fighting and went into bivouac with the men almost fam- ished for water and the different regi- ments strenuously disputed around the | water waggons, limited in number Tuesday was cooler and the ma { noeuvres were continued after the ter mination of which the 14th marched past in brigade befdre the Duke Connaught, - Lord Brooke Sam Hughes. The 1th will entrain for Kingston at 1} pm. The Kingston regiment was highly complimented on its work {in camp and in manoeuvres of . Street Railway Man Injured. | On Tuesday afternoon an acei- dent befell Frank Ault, one of the men employed by the Street Railway company when he was assisting oth- er men to raise one of the rails near the cormer of Princess and 'Wellington streets, By some misfor- tune the huge piece of steel toppled ovey and pinned Mr. Ault's right foot between it and the hard con- rete bed. . The hig toe and the next two smaller toes were badly jammed and a couple of stitches Were needed to pull the flesh to- gether on the former. The unfor- funate wan was first taken home but the doctor advised him to go to the Hotel Diel for a few-days for fear complications would set in. Convict Wants Freedom. The application under habeas cor- pus proceedings of William Huckle, a convict serving a sentence of seven ears in penitentiary, for an order ifor his immediate discharge, came before. Justice Middleton, at Toronto. the application Boy's First Communion Suits. y ------_-- Bronk ok street, has an extra in blue and black slosh 37 them. beautifully made, Price Sirealy low; variety large. Whig's Second 'Section. Read the pelitical news on the and Col IR REFUSES $250,0( wr, it is Made From By-products That Were Formerly Revolutionize Agriculture. After four years of work upon & mew nitrogenous fertilizer that, it is said 'will fevolutionize the in- dustry of stitute of Industrial Research, Pitts- burg, Pa. offer of $250,000 and process, by a Pittsburg capitalist, refused outright. Mr. Bishop is a young man, and | has been at the Mellen Institute for his formila but 1st, 1913. He sévured his degrée as a doctor of science in 1912 at His home is at Lincoln, Neb. The value of the new fertil says, lies in the fact that it can be produced at much less cost than any other nitrogenous ferfilizer now om the market. It is made from by- products that were formerly wasted, and can be obtiined much cheaper | than any other fertilizer: formed at a low temperature, while the otheps are formed at a high tem- perature at much greater cosf LEPELIE SEE I IIE EBS E ES * WOMEN! HELP ROWELL. Thanks to Sir James Whit- ney, the women have no other means of helping in this fight than: the use of their. jmfu- ence and efforts for Rowell's snecess. Should Mr. Rewell ucceed in this fight, and we believe that he will, the wo- wen will . have something more than their infinence to use in the next provincial elections. "fley=Will be able to vote, and to vote as hey ; = dededodedededibode RESOLUTION PASSID Ge pr BBR RE ese oe Coe oR dee ee i Late Hon. 5. H. Blake. The following resohition was ed at noon Wednesday at a of the mission board ces : "The mission board of the of Ontario in session assembled hay ing learned with the deepest regret of the decease of Hon. "S. H. Blake, K.C., desires to express its sense of the loss thereby sustained by Church of England in Canada, pass meeting of Outario dio evideaced by cheerful, ungrudging cde- votion of his valuable time to deal- ing with the many problems and questions arising from the the church .both at home and the mission field, by his charitable objects, and by his and practical eouncil in synod committee, "has esrned 'the' and members of the mission board offer to Mrs. Blake and the other viving relatives their personal sympa- thy in their bereavement." Signed on behalli of the hoard of the diocese of Ontario, ward J. Kingsten, co-adjutor of Optario, ATarbert McDonald, cellor of the diocese. mission chan- New potatoes 5c Ib. at Carnovsky's Pest excursion of the season, June 26th. Oddfellows 'going to' Ogdens- burg per steamer Thousand Islander. ® "The Hat Store" Hot Weather Hats For all Occasions | WE HAT EVERY- BODY We have hats for men, ladies -and chil dren for all purposes, for fishing, boating, motoring, driving, or for wherever vou go, we have just the hat that's: suitable. ' THREE NEW LINES OF OUTING HATS White Ducle- Hats for men and ladies, the under brims are Wasted -- will, atric iture, Barl S. Bfsh- | op, an investigator at the Mellen or | on Saturday refused an "Phe offer, was made | 'was | Queen's University, Kingston, Ont, ! Ger. 'he | Also it Is' oe By Ontario Synod Board Regarding Diocese | the His long and faithiuf service to the church work of in unfailing liberality in support of 'religious and wise lasting gratitude of the church 'at large. The sur- Id- Jishop | uel Reid, Agnes Thompso: A Beautiful Doll Good Bye. All 1 can Say is 1 Love You. The Concert in the Sky. Castillane. { » Paddy Has a Sweetheart. "Dear Old Rose. Gee, I Wish That it Was Me. Good Bye, Rose. Good Bye All I'in Sending a Message, to Mama. The Gatden of Roses. The Garden of Dreams. I'd Rather he Kissed Neath wan Under Any Old Tree. I Wish 2'hat Youn Belonged to Me. conducting research since January | Alpine Hut. } Forest Carmen. : Pestle. Spring Charge of the in's: Waltzes Humorestre. Song: i'hlans. The Conce | | 1 { Down in Dear Old New Orleans. Angel's Serenade. | Falling W aters. Traumerie. Flower Song. e or 3 for 25c. { J 1 Want to be Loved All Over. ;In the Heart of the Kentucky Hills. Jusg Send for Me. : My Heart Shall find Your Heart. The Night You Told Me no. Oh so Sweet. . Roses Bring Dreams of You, Somebody's Coming to Town. Sweetie Sweet. Dreani Kisses. On the Old Fall River Line.," When You Hav'nt a Besutiful Girl. Oh You Million Dollar Doll the Missletoe Gone, CLASSICAL. - Anvil Chorus. Beautful Lily of the Valley. Wedding March. aise. The Flatterer. rt ; 1dilio. Simple Confession. Blue Danube Waltz. Melody in FP. Heart Bowed Down. Autumn. Invitation Who's Going to Love You When--Ii'm Le Gigot (Leg 0 Matton. Chapel <in' the The Palms. Salute a' Toreador. . Les Sylphes The Seari Dance, Dance to the Dance. Allce, 3 The College Book Store 160 Princess 8t. ee nN © Wash dn Crepe, Rice Cloth, F lin, Linen, etc., ete. larly attractive Summer edition. Boo » Newman Hnstead of Being Rescned--Had Ted- fous Job. circulated that KE. the - city, Tuesday, Holder and G.- Fannon, two 'well- known in Kingston . men, who are camp at Petawawa, had be lost in the: woods, and when. reset 'were in | an exhausted condition. A later com- | munication states that thé men who | were lost were of a different regiment {and it wds ihé two Kingston men who {did the rescuing. The two men had 'been located ds, sentries in the ma- |noeuvres and had heen ordered to go by a roundabout way to the camp. The men, however, lost their bearings | aud could not retutn. The two local men were of the party sent to search, and. had to carry the: sentries on their backs over three miles before they met help. The men are now in the mili tary hospital and are doing well, con- 1 sidering their "experience. There | around was a report Orphans Home - School Promotions. | Junior First to Semior First--Ar- thur Noble, John Reid, Gerald Moore, Maggie . Murphy, = Richard Hynds, Lois Hamilton, Doris Burns, Emily Steers; Janet Wiskin, Peter Spratt, Axthue Kane, John Thomp- son, Frank C Junior Part A to Junior First-- Robert Noble, Florence O'Dell, Carrie | Wilson, Goldie Convery, Willie Dar- (bison, Helen Page, Grace Chery. | Senior. Firbt to Second Class-Helen Likely, Maggie Grier, 'Beatrice Noble, Dorothy Love, Gladys Hynde, Char- lie Convery, Geofirey Radclifi, Rus; George i Our piles of Wash Dress Goods are melting away véry rapidly. The goods be- ing this season's best designs and correct weavgps, have caught the popular eye, hence the big selling that is taking place. Here are a few of the many weaves to be had mostly in white and colors, Ratine, Muslins, Bedford Cord, Indian Head, Pop- The prices are particu- "PICTORIAL REVIEW QUARTERLY, The Always Busy Store Dress oulard, Dimity, P-K, 1 k and pattern for 25¢c. & Shaw [ Fe eBUILUERS SUPPLIES eas THE TIME To order Sereen Doors ~ and Sash IS NOW We make perfeet fit- ting doors and sash with . rustless galvanized or copper wire © netting. Outlasts three of the or- dinary kind, S. & Co. Cor. Bay dnd Welliagten Sta. Woodworking Factory Phone 919 Platinum Prices Are growing within the reach of all. We have beautiful cluster rings paved with diamonds at $50 00, and beauties even at $19.00; This platinum tréatment is by far the mos. elective way of using the smdller brilliant diamonds." Smith Bros. Jewelrs, Opticians, - Marriage Licenses, Lenses Gronnd GRAY, BROWN, WHITE AND BLACK OSTRICH AND MARABEAU STOLES At W. F. Gourdier's 18-80 Brock Street LOOK AHEAD SEE YOUR WAY HAVE A PLAN And let that plan be to ar range to buy a nice home. $3000--O0n Aberdeen Ave. (New) $5500--On Alwington Ave, (New) $3000--~On Frontenac St. $5000--O0n William St. )0--Om Colhorne St. 1 200--0On York St. $4600--On Centre St. $3400--On ColMngwood St. $5300--On Albert St. Houses to rent, Fire Insurance, Renta ! Collected, Money to Loan. E. W. MULLIN ° Cor. Johnson and-Division Streets, Phones 539 and 1456, green, very light in weight; all sizes, for 50c Grey linen and White Duck Hats with adjusiable brims, a grea: sun hat for men or lading #izes 5c i : Grey Linen Ais Specs; add iines bought job to clear at 26¢ Watch Our 'Windows! | Whig's second section. he poetry | is decidedly appealing. Shut the bars and save tlié heartbreaks! ~ his ©. Jones, 6. T. R. fireman, i Ballas, died suddenly on Mon- morning. He leaves a wife and | two children in England. He was age. Canadian Liner Gothland was an' the ruclls in he Eng; rs clase Wiad we' hiop ourstives up-to-date in everything concerning the newest ideas in screen and door fittings. You may therefore be sure of finding the very latest in stock always in' this hardware store... . HERE ARE A FEW. Screen Doors, all" sizes, $1.00; AE Nuttall. ad storms i Fal ing o goods¥nside window ; und numerous other caus NOTE--Fiate Glass" rasan does not cover joss in WE a this is covered by the pol- fetes. Second to Junior Third--Rauy Smith George ht, Fred Purdy Junior Senick Third-- Richard Candpbell, to. Junior Fourth - Myrtle Tuner. ? Junior Fourth fo Senior Fourth-- Nora Wright, Marion. _ Portsmonth ath P. S. _S. Promotions, Part Second to Jupior Second-- Sarah Gallon, Carl Forsythe, Ar- leen Powell. "fhese- were. omitted from a vre- 4 le worry - because they ¢ else to worry about. New dislike details; but women want the full partieuiues, ®

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