Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jun 1914, p. 10

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PAGE TEN OUR TOBACCO WHE the "Rooster" ob ft. ng louder. as he lon per pound. For chewing an AT A, MAGLEANS, Bott fide Copley Tele 987 : on Pe in Ee Arar Gt Wa sa al of all. romp '9v00m house, new; all improvements, $3,000.00 Easy terms. Apply 1. Godwin & Son 101 Queen Street, : ~ Notice We desire to inform our friends and po pns that after July lst the cost of all shines will be advanced to 1c.' "Shoes will be dried by electricity be- being polished, which will pre- the life leather gthen the usefulness of shoes. "t throw away your Panama or ts. Have us mpke them new, We clean them by elec: gricity. * Have You Tried {| GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Baves Time. DO NOT RENT. "WHY NOT BUY? - We have some. great bar- ins. Two bungalows ivith © rooms, good -loeality, at 1500. Two houses, $1600, ood locality. Apply to iE KINGSTON BUILD 'ERS' SUPPLY CO. Ind Floor, Room 4, King Edward Buil LJ a IE] 1 1 bangquet-table, Herbert J. S. Dennison REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 King Btreet West, Toronto, Pag- ents, Trade-Marks, Designs, Copyright, . protected eveery- i eighteen years exper- Wiite for booklet. lence, v Don't Put Off Sesking relief from the illnesses caused by defective action of the or- gang of tation, Most serious sick- . Nes get their start in troubles of he stomach, liver, bowels-- troubles ickly, safely, surely relieved by BEECHAM'S PILLS | Bold everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. nnn pom, "For Sale | Motor boat, 24 ft. long, 16 horse power, full auto control, 12 miles an hour; ln best condition, Hoat Louse can be supplied, H. 8. CRUMLEY 116 BROCK ST PHONE 1442 ™ mn mn po mS |SELERRIIE IIIA IE sess bit ens se tet ta rsb es Pleasant Fields of Holy Writ. THE TNPERNATIONAL SUNDAY sOobL iESSon : 'A weekly column of abiding interest to both teachers and ' scholars, Motto for this Week: "In the Bible there is inore that fds Sie than 4 haye experience in all other books pat toget op, a, eo! ¥e ence gether," --s P 3 : Wy -- 9 I amuel Taylor € Second Quarter, Tesson. XIII, June' 28 1914 REVIEW. THE SEEKING SAVioR (1) In Mis effort to make converts to his tru 1 Huialug the avenues of approach whieh their ol os Rue_far_teoit Hen Cem to accept invitations of every kind and from ever: a, h ay een Willing to take the criticism which his conrse incurred. But Single Instance did Jesus compromise Himself or His m Th Was no dpeetral Suure marring by 'His presence Sant ie ut bafore the hour ended the words which, once Heal, could neva some deed, which was in itself an acted parable, | perfect and sweet hu as app His resurrection, elge He Shuld not Haye Deen tani ua - rdener. Alter disciples on the way to Efumaus thought Him JS 3: tony for busts ness or plédasure. There is here a possible suggestion olytte' nature of the body with which the spirit | er death pirit ig to he recloth tally here may also be seen the gain of i ar Inclden- while the disciples taMced of tLe Master that apd made their hearts burn within them. -Jesus probably Mentity to the last give some Ingtructions which recognition, undid with his pro- was sd ...of the meshed ribaldi a mod- fon. in the With them!" He ole Was. sure 16. have spoken ni GLE) There posed Yollowers than Jesus, Martyr-stuff S$. § them. He shook the as. iat motley crowd of His p slave of His startling deta lior Cian houets in ern analogy. CIV) Jesus' high erime finds oxy phrase, "He receiveth (welcometh) siumers and eateth wi did not simply tolerate the outcast; He fairly put his arms. : them 2 this 'the Phatigees raised d din and ery. Jesus dete Ti ar them, 3 rect argumient, which would hsve given te him dignity to the crigicism In two parables "The, Lips Shonportance aud Coin," He set forth Ils message and mission in_the en and, Lost persuasive manner possible. : (V) "The Prqtligal Bod hat ad Silla Se yan Parables." Its primary object, Mike the parables ast Sheep and "Lost Coin." was to justify. Jesus' attitude publicans afid sinffers. Its seco : obj v Te ards revalt against a beneficen fer So taniset Wa (if A Rg bility ag well ds t Tatler and to show the 13 - the methogl of return HT VD Tir ahd desira- Just Steward," from an instance of criminal cleverness in materigl thin Jasis points the lesson of spiritual wisdom in things of the RinBaon = God. A set of dlamond-pointed applications follow, ' (VID) "Rich Man and Lazarus" is an incomparable pargble. Longuage could NOL be more pictaresque, transposition 'more complete or astonishing Dives is the incarnation of worldly good, Lazarus of poverty. When £ Pn lifts the curtain of futurity and shows Dives in hell and Lazarus in heav- en. He is portraying in the most ednvineing and efféstive way the relative outcome of a godless and a godly life (VI) In o progressive training of 'the Twelve" a new duty Is taught--one superlatively diffenlt tof performance. It is a forgiveness which fairly throws. the multiplica- FLion-table away in repeating iiself seventy times seven, if necessary. The Yery suggestion of a thing so Unprecedented leads thg apostles to "ery for increased faith. Jesus, on His pari, assures them that they are on the right track. To illustrate the power of faith, He uses hyperbole Its growth is like that of a tiny mustard-seed into.a tree, Faith is 50 strong that it could uproot a giant tree or transfer & mountain into the sea. (1X) A striking and parabolic scene is witnessed as Jesus staris on His last journey to Jerusalem. Ft allggorizes itself. It is Jesus' life. .in min- iature. Here, in the forlorn troop of lepers one sees a type of the malady He came to cure, the means of healing, the ungratefulness of the human race in general and of the Hebrew in particular, and finally, the. spirit and character of true discipleship. . . (X) The Pberisees pirt an ironical question to Jesus, which He answered with consummate skill. Is as If 'He had sald, "The very faci that you. can ask with incredulity about my 'kingdom' as if it had no exlstence, shows its nature. For al- though being already come, "it is stili unobserved and unrecognized. The Kingdom is subjective, and hence .invisible. The substance of it is a new ethical condition, a bigher moral order. It is Righteousness, Peace and Joy." WMingled with this messsage to ihe Pharisees 'Was an esoteric one, to It Thefe are many imita- tions of this best of all fly killers. a © Ask for Wilsons, be sure and you get them, avoid |disappointment. "li the disciples, in which the fall 'of Jerusalem ana the necessity ad n- ner of fight all were indicated. Jt is by means of this warning that it is commonly believed the Christians in the doomed city escaped to Pella, x , (XI) Jesus threw Himsell gounter to current ethics and fixed social cystoms. He did not do this capriciously. His course in this was fundamental to His character, message and migsfon. His attitude toward publicanis and harlots is in illustration. He dined. with {ax-collaetors and talked with "women of the town," and even allowed them.to touch him. It was this that sealed His doom. The parable of "Two Men Praying in the Temple," awd His lodging with Zaechaeus are drastic and effective arraignments of the inverted ethics and soclal customs of His day. The one forged 'the natls:for His erogs, the otfier furnished the thorns for His crown, . (XH) An ingenuous Youth of high local position and gngat wealth in his sarnestness came to Jesus in guife an 'unconventional way. He had.no conviction 'of any personal need except an assurance of reward in the immortal life; So, far from feeling any compunetion -or vonfessing any sin, he declared himself as always having been obedient to {the whole Decalogu®e. But Jesus threw a dynomite-cartridge at his Teet in that 'single' word "Good!" (He showed him his moral iikeness in the mirror of Infinite Goodness. He revealed him to himself as a violator of the very Decalogue which he had boasted he had always kept, in this: that he had loved his wealthinore than his God or hig neighbor. The evidence of it was that he was now unwilling to part with his fortune in honor of God and in relief of the destitute. Jesus turned the incident into a spir- rs 4 Why | do you coddle Corns 2 Why soak them and i pare them? Jt brings only brief relief. Blue-jaj-will stop the pain instantly. It will end the corn | completely, and in 48 hours. It is doing that to a million corns a month. Aa The chemist who invented Blues Jay solved the whole corn problem. Ju andthe corn is "for- It 'pain -again. RY (hex Tousen the twa days the corn comes | H ~Yitual clinic in which He Showed His disciples the science and art of spir- tual vivisection. Something in which: they themselves must so soon en- gage. In this instance the problem was /how to eut away a fortune from a human, heart. I #t failed, it was no fault of the hand that held the sealpel. It isnot ceptain--that it-did fail, far, although the ~young man went away, it is not gall that he did not peturn, PHE TEACHER'S LANTENN Lesson 1. Christ's Table-Talk. Lesson H. The Journéy to Emmaus (Easter). Lesson LI1. The Cost of Discipleship. Lesson IV. The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin Lu "SLesson V. "The Prodigal Sor, VI. The Unjust Steward. Ledagn VIL. The Rich Man and Lazarus BX. The Coming of the Kingdom. Lesson XIII. Review: The Seeking Savior. | Vill. Unprofitable Servants. i Lesson XI. The Friend of Simamers, t ANATYNIN AND KEY * 1 IX. The Grateful Samacitan. 1 Lesson XI. The Great Refusal. peach: ho Le Jesus, consummate saéker of men. Soeial nature ed. All invitations accepted. . Guest of both ruler,and tax-gatherer. Jegus' can dn inviting disciples. Martyr-stuff démanded. Parables: "Lost Sheep,.' "Lost Coin.) "'Lost Son," Justification of attitude toward "sinners." Dives and Lazarus, fate of Godless-and godly. Duty of forgiveness: seventy times seven! © Coming, af, kingdom? Here already! but unobserved. Substanee: sithje ethical state. Bxample, Jesus' dedling with a soul. Spiritual clipe, viviseetion. A fortuge from a heart, ii C5 ei i Ths Yodtg' Péople's Devotional Service June 28, 1014. : James 4: 10-20. i MAE 4 VIC REFORMS THAT YOUNG PROFLE CAN PROMOTE as Rae: Ee 4 W, 7 ¥ tious, which is unassociated with cle Sighieot i hy cial se; is an. offense to Lod, Evil must be abol | ished. give y _muet supplant a negative goedness.: 0 { pression Jnust cease. 'Those deprived 9! thelr meiural prov:etors must: be. prov tor. 'Only then will the "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!" lie p . i i Cn Ak ind PIS BIMNON CHANG ll besno ic age oo - - .. Ho pe {several of my neighbors of tiie spten- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1014. ¥ Source, the festive, joy of hall or. - {the widing of Addington, © Hada ~ 'REPORTS FROM YARKER. Raip Came in Time to Help Along 5.2 the Crops. - Yarker, June 24.-Owing to the. large amount of hubs being cut here for the wheel works a new shed had 10 be erected near the site of the old - wiigel factory. The 'kain came in time to belp out the crops and 'the country is now looking ' Rev. Mr. Cooke, returned mission: ary from India, who has been for yiwenty years in that counivy, gave a interesting talk uu the work ef the missionary in in. > Rev, Mr. Barnes. of Tamworth, will preagh here next Sunday the Methodist churen. late Wellington Babcock, commitied suicide at Odessa; man, but of late vears had i to the morphine Kathleen Kavanaugh, of 'Brownville, N.Y., in at William Dunn's: - Mr.end Mrs. Browning. of New 'York city. at J. V. Borne. - ie Walsh, of Toronto, is at J. Waits'. Mrs. Bur pee is at J. C. Connolly's. At the nomindtion of candidates for the legislature, held at Tamworth, Monday. 4. B. Anderson and W. ND, Black were mominated to contest Mr. Bldaek is the government nominee and Mr. nis 'the 'independent conser- vative, who is ia sympathy with the closing 'of (the bat-réams of Ontario. Let the electors of Addington rally to the support of Mr. Sanderson, and vid the province of Gatario for ever of the bar-rooms. = Mr. Sander ron comes late .in 'the fight but 'let all who are interestéd in the welfare of this province and the al of this source of all evil--the barroom --rally to his support. it A Demme sll : TORY TORONTO AT BAY. There will besa fight in each of the: Toronto ridings. and the atmosphere whieh prevailed -at practically all of the nomination' gatherings made it. manifest: that it woulds be ne sham fight. Crowds of 'electors gathered at the various eentrés and vigorously 'cheered the can- didates of their choice. So tar as the sentiments of the voters were displayed; at these proceedings, 'it 'would look as though "Tory Toron- 10," for the first tine in its history, is seriously te be challenged by the forces of temperartce reform. Aceredg ited government eandidates came in for considerable heckling, and disturbances broke up at least three of the meetings. dep dep dededotedeidroddedededube deeded dip ded HINDUS APPEAL TO COURTS. PEEEPLEPEL RF FR ERCP RPP CHT by Pr PEER RES E ELV L GER RTE SA bP a Habeas Corpus Proceedings Vancouver Contingent. Vancouver, B. C., June 24.--The battleground of the -Hindus was transferred to the courts yesterday when motion was made for a man- damus, to compel the "immigration authorities to bring down the ruling in the case of Wazir Singh. As Inspector Reid has not yet been ser- ved 'with papers in connection with the case, and as sufficient time had not been given council to prepare affidavits, it was agreed that the motion should stand over until to- morrow for argument. In the mean- time, efforts will be made to serve notice on Inspector Reid 'and - to prepare the affidavits. The mayor has called a public meeting when it is said an appeal may be made to get popular sub- scription to charter tugs to tow the Marou out of the harbér.' NO GUARD FOR CARDINAL. Militia Minister Away but Precedent Forbids It. 5 Ottawa, June 24.-=The minister of militia and most of the headquar- ters staff being out of town, a state- ment was not obtainable in regard to a report that the minister of militia had refused to allow a Que- bec regiment to turn out at the re- ception to Cardinal Begin.s It is stated, however, that the Same situation arose once before and it was then demonstrated that princes .of the church or wother ecclesiastifal dignitaries are not in the list of those entitled to military honors or guards of honor. The king, loyalty, governor-gemeral or governors and eertain high military officers are alone eligible to recive Had No Power Oe the | ' and Nervous Spells Yielded to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food it would 'be easy to tell you how Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood caves loco~ motor ataxia and gements ~of heart and rierves, but it may 'be more satisfactory to youifo Joos this letter. 'MYs. Thos. i x, RFD. 8, Som- bra, Ont., 'writes:--*Five I suffered & complete breakdown, and frequently had palpitation of the. Heart, Since that tHness*1 have on a blacksmith shop here for some 5 time. He was known as a very quiet |. become Hi Over | Locomotor: Ataxia, Heart Trouble | years ago | laddicted habit, | which likely accounted d for his strange $5) fbrgotten, or /teshavesdone Bitha vious h the taking of his" owni{{f Ladies'. White: Canvas Lagies', White Colonial Pumps. Girls' White Canvas Pumps The Sawyer OUR FRESH GROUND COP- | FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Princess 3 i lf Phome 720. Prompt Delivery. |} | | | ton Boots, $2.00, $3, Ladies? White: w-buck But: | : 5 ton Boots, $3.50, $4, $5.00 - Nu-buek NN : ROCKERS, EASY CHAIRS, COUCH- RTS, Pumps. hata CARD, LIBRARY AND CENTER . TABLES, ANY FINISH Shoe Store four new motorcycles sold this year in k nited States will be Goodyear-equipped. that has won first place for Good- year No-Rim-Cut automobile tives is offered in Goodyear motorcycle tires, Made in Canada And these tires are made in Can- 'Canada and the Consider tHe significance of that fact, It meaps that in four short years Goodyear motorcycle tires have won their way to the front by sheer force of super-quality. And tire leadership is not lightly won and held. Before such over whelming preference sus? come ada--at the same great factory and ~ by thesame mas- What workmen die | ¢ famous 'No-Rien- § Men Want YEAR Cut automobile | In motorcycle tires. tires, mien seek ' p C torcycle I ires quality and dead- vice=- Mo ershipofieredyou Remember that ¥ at no greater Goodyears hipld every world's rec. J price than other standard makes, ord for speed and durability. why not buy Goodyears first? leadership-- / . thick anti-skid tread. Made to hold Remember that the same value the leadership they have wod. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Head Office: Toronto, Ont. Factory: Bowmaaville, Ont. . 'FORSALE BY ALL DEALERS utmost efficiency. = ter methods and i TORONTO So, withall this action and ser- » They want tires that represent § They are male with a double: , | & | , do Jos of Br, Chase's Nerve Food, | an ter nuing the treatment, can dow walk, eat and sleep n ous spells and do not heart medicine. I have tol ars © $1.50:40 83. x ed : 5 "Wiha Buck Pups Colonials and Oxfords, $4. 'from Toe up. ne 1 # All Kinds of stylish street and outing shoes, rea- sonable in priee and just the thing for coolness and: comfort. : : . White Ganvas Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords, Buck Boots, $4.00, $4.50, White Shoes of all kinds, § Canvas a1 Yachting and Outing 3 » 4 Boils D I CTR vp 3 EE a

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