er? ay THE SCHOOLS OF Tas CITY ARE ANNOUNCED Zr : ci List of the Scholars Who Go Up a Grade ~-- Those Who Won Homor Certificates, g MacDonald School. Kipderghrten. to Half-time--Nona Aylesworth, Jeffrie Armstrong, Mar- = ian Allen, Nerval Birmingham, Eldon Boyd, Jean Bailey, Kenneth Bews, Frances (onger, Miriam Cotter, Elsie Fedwards, -~ Gertrude Gatchell, Mabel Girling, Tillie' Heyman, Gladys Hill, Ruby Hutchins, Dorothy Lowes, Edith Lawrénce, Doris Mercer, Aubry Miller, (ladys Potter, Phyllis Rufiell, Cecil Reynolds, Eriand Sharpe, Ruth Skin ner, Arthur "Tidman, Willie Wenborn. Hali-time to All-day Class--Delta Rodway, Willie Burke, Alberta Raw- ley, Angus Monk, Millie Ferris, Sarah Connor, Kenneth Pickering, Grace, Ma loney, Letitia Saunders, Georgina Horne, Hilda McCammon, Hewitt Smith, Ronald Way, Leona Wilkinson, . John Hughes, Helen Christmas, Ri ard Hunter, Frank Fraser, John Wil- Kinson, Charlie . Moulton, Kathleen Gould, «Archie McGill; - Ernest Rd- "wurde, Lottie Amey, Willie Cornish, Vera D > Ralph Conley, Bertie Girl ing, lsabel Gaskin, Gladys Rufiell, Harold Walton; Della {'alback, Evelyn Gillespie, Stanley Richard, Dorothy Veale, Joy ~ Suddard, Amos Bright man, Junjor Pirst to Senior First -- Lawrence Hrown, Edna Chapman, Daisy * Hunter, Rdmihd Jenkins, Florence Rowley, Joe Fox, Edward Harte, Willie Stevens, Ithel Bright- man, Laura Hanson, Mary White Joseph Gatchell, Harvey Heyman, Harold McCutcheon, Albert McCal- - lan, Pansy PoWlitt, Ethel Clarke, Olena Aglsworth, Gertrude Ayls- worth, Grace Aplsworth Hazel Brightman, Stirling Noris,, Winnie Ruffel, Mary Morton Robert Hammond, Olive Farmer, Norman Ferris, George Conor, Oli- via Babcock, Fred Heyman, Grace FLIEUT. 100 H.P.DEPER. Ty Clements Craig, Grace Forster. George Thompson, Thomas Fowler, Dorothy ,Dyde, Ross. Turper, Willie Patterson, Maurice Russell Gardiner, Harry Kay, James Sands: ' Honor cartificates---Thomas Fow- ler. : : Seeend 'to Junior Third :-- Norman Way, William Banks,, Gladys Mar- riott, Blain Phillipe," Bessie Driver, Thelma, Bogart, Hilda Hughes, Gor- don Mylks, Ruth Gamble, Howard Rees, Lauretta Veale, Neelon MeMa- hon, Joseph Denison, Isobel Wells, Reta McKane, 'Donald Thompson, Flossie Knox, William Clarke, Dou- glas Campbell, Sylvia Brunke, Hor: ace Smithy (Albert Wegener, Wil- liam Anderson, George McMahon, Cortland Jamieson, Hilda Layzell, equal); Anna Mahood, Isobel Min- nes, Ethel Hudson, Arthur Potter Nathan Belmore. Honor Certificates: --- Ethel Hudsen, Howard bert Wegener. Junior Fourth to Senior Fourth:- (Marion Kirkpatrick, Fred Miller, Robert - Mills, Donald Nickle equal), Wilhelmina Nobes; (F k Buell, Herbert Holder, Mary Jaufle= gon, Willie. McLaughlin, equal); Jack Emery; Daisy. Campbell; (Mabel Dow, son, May Sharpe, Harry Orr, equal); Alex Ada, Dorothy Murrly; (Edna Davy, May Shepherd, May Thonipsen, Lola Wafren, Harold Gowsell, Jean Hendry, equal;) - Kathleen Bibby, {Catherine Minnes, Howard Scrub ton; efjual;) Jack Wood, Louise Jamieson, 'Beatrice McRory, Phyllis Roughton, Ir. ' Senior First to Second -- Helen Salsbury, John Quirt, Kate Twed- dell, Clark Monk, Arthur - Plumb; Meldrum Maxwell, Reginald Ruffell, equal; Grace Coffey, Willie Graves, equal; Florénce Cornelius, James Bews, Mabe! Oakes, John Girling, ladys' Richardson; Blanche Lyon Arthnr. Christmas, equal; Willie England; Aunié Redmond, Dora Bd- wards, equal: Gordon Bearance, Dorothy Hilton, Clifford Henry, Jack Lawrence, Vera McCammon, Flor- ence Pringle, Agnes Trotter, Olga 48 y "Hill, Edgar Batten,. lorris, Charlie Bartles, Ma val Hutchin, Ethel Hida Jarvis, Bruce Gordon, Whitty, . Norman Veale, Herrick. Roche, Ross Moulton, Nor- ris Tuttle, Roy Lake. Junior to Senior Third, Grade A- Emma Brown, Robert . Gaskin; Evan Parker, Fred Nancarrow, equal; Lil- lian Davidson, Winnifred Potter, Ray Martin, Sidnev Montgomery, Brian Carr-Hatris, Phyllis Potter, Willie Lloyd, Howard McKoen, Edith Allard, , Lloyd Lemmon, Hubert { ha McKinley, Annie Wath- Porter, Kenneth Douglas, , Helen Caild, Dorothy Rawley, Mildred Davis; Redford Carr- Harris, Gerald Roney, equal; Charlie Martin, Albert Kelso, Nathan Leronge; Amie B ateson, Mabel Smith, equal. Honor certificates--Frances Porter, Willie Hopd, Howard. McKeon, Parker, Nath Fvan an leronge, Lloyd Lem- mon. Junio? Third to. Senior Third, Grade R--Willie Bartels, Charlie Turner, {rene Roddy, Sarah Moncriefi, lsaac Yampolsky, . Lloyd = Patterson, Ro- berta Vince, %Teonard Thompson, Harold Davie; Richard Dumbleton, Harold Stewart, equal; Harold Mussel- white, Emma Gough, Marjorie Gorrie, Vincent McCullough, Leslie Gorrie, Lil- lian Arni Victor Tidman, Mariam Edwards: Willis - Cruse, Bennie Karl, equal; Willie Sears, Myrton Berry, Ar- thur Eddie King, Thelma Chown, Prettie, Bert McCam- Inman, Tom Diamond, Gordon Carroll, Tommy Taylor: « ficates--Isaac Yampolsky, ' . + Jack « Prettie, Bernard McCammon," Willie Myrton Berry, St. Mary's School. Following ave the names, in order of merit, of the pupils promoted. Pro motions were based upon the result of the pupils' work during the term and @ final test at the ena of the term? Pupils who were unavoidably tabdent at the end of the term will be promoted according to fitness when school re-opens after the vacation. To Senior Fourth Class:--Gordon Graham, Reginald Ralph, Stroud, Bernard Turcotte, Clare Devlin, Martin livan, Fred. Martin, Francis Willtams, James McAuley, equal): Garret Ennis, Antonio Cote; Murphy, Russel Serutton, Wilfred Linaugh, James McDonald, Edward Lawless, Leo. Cleary, » To Senior Third.--F. Naylon, Lanos, J. Hopkins, R. Boyce, Quinn, M. Frapecis, C. Nolan, Givens, E, Lambert, C. Devine, - C. Franeis, F. Cook, L. Bedore, T. Ia; A. to Junior Fourth -- Lillian A 1 -- ed Louis Wattel), Vers dred McAdoo, ur br J DE . Archie Mil- Vigan, Salisbury, Helen Bews, a n, Walter Compton, ar- W. Kehoe, A. Davis, E. Brown, Tannon. Howard Madden, Je Louis DeLaroche, John John Mitchell, Dennis Pelow, Lemmon, Earl Murphy, Willie Dris- coll, Edward Lambert, George Kelly, 1 O'Driscoll; rd, Ruby , Herbert Rees, Al (Norman Doyle, | Berpard {Plening, O'Reilly, Edward James, Brice Mar- glee, Leonard Mathewson, chand, Daniel Kenny, Thomas Fau-Tetro, non, Charles Whitty, Arthur Eccles. Cook, (D. J. iWillie MeKim, Vernan Driscoll, equal) | Arthur Tureotté, iefs Gannon, Edward Clayton, | Robert Current, Leo [John Sullivan, Willie Clarke, Earl Maguire, Francis Flynn jAmodeo, Miiton Compeau, Jack Al- Vincent McQuaid, Jack La Marche. iderdicé, Francis Frederick, Aun, John "McKee, Marcel Albert W. [Francis Brophy, James Buras, Wil- \ aily 5 itish Whig PREPARED TO Fen- |. wick Henderson, Florence Newman, Lloyd, | adyenture. ex felon the Wier me pha. Pr. JLIEUT PORTE Fad' pe fe AVIATION HES Trans-Atlanti "men 1 it will be day trip, avoid all i : maters of prise do now desire any loss of Jife $s a Eros vavd] officer Lieut. Porte had a mool deal of having had log sifbima rine perience. He } : a long Hst of air ip % Atk 38° Wsciplined squEppegd as he edge and | no frievessirul the Atlan ~~ cn pr ~----. George ~ Anson, Wiliam Soloman; Charles Wéadhouse, Wilfred Murphy, Charles Scrutton, Laurence Driscoll, John Sullivan, Junior Secbnd to Senior Second: Alfred .Hutehings, . Vincent, hawless Leonard Reid, Hubert Manning Wil lie: Desrosiers, ;. John Naylor, -Wiliie Lynch, Frederick Erankbham, Hugo Doyle, Joseph O'Donnell, Pairick Ken- nedy, Vincent Jocob Part Second "to Second: Danny fred Grahsnm, } i Earl inard Edward | Laurence Doyle, Owen Ahearn, William WeodS |afanurice Purtell, Barliwillie McCarthy, Gourdier, John McDonald, Tim Gal' Rernard A * {dim Senior III. to Junior IV.--Josepli | nest; Geoghan, equal); Eddie Milo, Kent, Edward~Conroy, James Milne, {Danny W i 4 Joseph Woodhouse, Roy vis, W. Naylon, E. Steacy, A. O'Reilly Frank: Gallagher; 8.4 Davidson, .W. Driscoll, G. Downey, Ale M. Collins, J. Devine, J. Burns, C. Eadie Clark, Gordon Murphy, Fran- McManus, Thomas James, Leo Wil- iHams, Joseph O'Brien, Joseph Little, Victor, Callon, Wil- Bertram Frederick Michael James, Gerald Gallivan, Le- Frederick, Cecil Turcotte, Lefave, Sarto Jaéquith Biladean, George Ford, Vinnie Hammond, Martinelli, Gordon Bailey, (Wilfred Cote, Er- Danny Cross, Amodeeo, McGrath, Towler Briceland Senior Part Second:~~Willie John Burns, Howard Ain- Bernard Lloyd Marchand, Norman Philip Koen, R. Radanovish, To To Junior Class I, Part I[I--Fran- Denoville, ' DeLaroche, Philip Hayes, Eves, Frank Francis ( Lanos, Beare, ' Clinton ~ Langwith, liam Pelow, Roy Murphy, John Carr, O'Gorman, Fitzgerald, Allen Pilley, MeGrath, Roy. To Senior Primary: under Carr, Murray als Lynch, Howard Davidson, Char- Senior 'Second to Junior Third: -- [les Tournier, Eddie Stanford. Promo- ted at Christmas: -- Roland Lauren- Meredith. ea, Willie' Maddock, James Litchfield, John Willie: Litéhfield, Edgar Martin. di St. John's School. The follawing have been promoted Bernard Doyle, George McDonald, ur Sills, Louis Wartell 'Kelley, Heleu Bews, May "Evelyn Bruce, Archie Mul- of Third to Junior Fourth-- Plumb, Alex. Haueock, en, Elmer Robinson, Arn- , Harry Murray, Madel- , 'Ruth. Wallace, Nellie DD, McCammon, L. Sainders, Gertrude Jennings ~~ Row! F: Bajus, Honor certiteat or ana. Barc 3 ud Burtcl, Daisy ' McCammon, Gertrude Jennings Melbs Hoag. Harry Murray. ' Old Collegiate. to Semior 1 -- Kenneth nson, Gertrude Harley, Norman Ross Welle. © a Ri | J EE --. -------------- POLITICAL ACTION, DEFY THE MIGHTY DEEP *LIEUT. PORTE RN. [aces] . | Milne, Mamie Downey apd will ne p 5 {Ambrose Ahearn, {iw tne strike, there has been no con- '| fore 400 INGSTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY JUNE 24, 1914 -------- | | | | | | | | 4 | AA A AAA AIA i in | Pupils who were unavoidably absent {at the end of the term will be pro-| {moted according to fitness when ! . {school re-opens after the holidays: -- | - Mass: --Beatric Celine Gau- their, Kathleen Flanagan, Florence {Doolan, Muriel! Burke, Jennie O Brien, | | Herman Leaden, Eileen Robertson, 'Howard "Flanagan, Alice Paquin, i Emily 'Coyle, Walter Downey, Fran cis Brick. | To Junior Third Class:- Margaret | Carey, Kenneth MeGall, Thomas Do- lin, Pearl Venoss, Mary Burns, Ed- ward Milne. To Senior Second Class: Loretta | | Purtell; Raymond McQuaid, Margar- | let. Zeigler, Carl Knott, James Mec-| | Cluskey, Veronica Dinnie, Francis Taugher, Wilfred O'Reilly, Gertrude { Corrigan, Robert Zeigler, Cecil Me- | | To . Senior Third Cabe, "Beatrice McKenna, Francis { MeKenna, Kathleen McCluskey. {To Junior Second Class: Edward | Connolly, John Carey, J. J. Whelan, | t | | Nellie Downey, Carmel Ashie, G. Pe- low, Fred Eves, E. Gollogly, HN. Dris- coll, Glady's Milne, W tobertson, R, Muchmore, M. Jarrell, Hagriet Jarrell, Leo. McGuire, J. i Ricarby, .K. Muehmore, F. Renand, | {Mary Donoghue, Edward. Woods, ! { Charlef Carey, R. Cosca, A. Cusino, /. Andrew, K Gertrude Coyle, Leo McShane, L.. Renard, I. Paguin, Kathleen Mann, Francis Cusino, Cora Knott, I'. Ashie, Emerald O'- Neill. ' To Senior Class I. Part 11; -- Irene { Ahearn, Lily Martin, Wilfred = Mec- iDonald, Robert Bordeau, Géorze Driscoll, Emerald O'Connor, Edward Laflamme, Olga Goemmer, Margaret Martin, Helen Nolan, Romeo Blaige;* Norman Donoghue, Kenneth Turcot- te, Willie Lawlor. Fo Junior Class I. Part 11: --Agnes Haines, Delia dLawassa, Earl Murphy, Thomas Hed, Patrick Corrigan, John Robertson, Francis O'Reilly, Bert O'Neill, Oscar Pelletier, 1d- ward ~ Corrigan, arthur: Hilditeh, James Hingey, William McKimm, Emily, Stephens, Pearl Hingey, Mur- iel Murphy, Harry Fields, Edward Caron, Mary Shert, Norman Mc- Quaid, Mary Donoghue, Agnes, Ahearn, To Senior Primary: -- Thomas Mc: Cabe, Kathleen MéParland, William | Taugher, Francis McKénna, George Stephens, Rose mary Melts, Lillian 'Bailey, Doris Me- Guire, Lawrence Joyce, Lawrence Muchmore, John Gallagher, Thomas Davis, Fred Hilditch, Harold Jarrels, Bennie Renand. = - MAY BE ENGINEERS STRIKE. ! Says Unconfirmed Rumor Published In Winnipeg. Winnipeg, June 24---An evening paper says: "Local members of the Locomotive Engineers' and Firemens | Unions are discussing the possibili- | ties of a general strike of their un | ions following the failure of the rail Way companies and unions to agree upon a schedule at the recent confer- ence in Chicago. 3 "Ae¢cording to présent information received by the men, a general strike on all lines west of Chicago, including the United States and Can- ada, will be ordered on July 15 next. This covers ninety-five different rail- ways, and hundreds of thousands of men. In Western Canada all systenrs | are mvolved, and 3,000 men, roughly | estimated will go gut. "While the general statement is that Canadian lines will be involved + firmation of this received from the Winnipeg: headquarters of the orga- nizations. In the past all dlsputes between the company and. the men have been submitted to a court of ar- bitration provided under the Lemieux Act. Whether the Canadian unions wil appeal to "this court before a general strike is called is ndt known * CANADA TO HELP, STATES Dr. Ji A. Macdonald Sass Two Coun. "tries Must Stand Together fowa City, lowa, June 24.--That Canada will 'be 'found ready to aid the United States in case of war with Japan, even to participating in the conflitt, was the message of Dr. J. A. Macdonald, of Toronto, in giv- ing the commencement address be- of Iowa' Jast 'week, - Ml De. Tons tts de by | wi : . fig 'side by side | with the nig States," said the | McQuaid, Archie | A A AA AAA A Ar A tA ans ae graduates of the University | oe] ® TO 12 TT ------ Foot Sufferers--Attention! For the benefit of all who have foot troubles, whose feet ache or pain, who tire easily----we 'have obtained the services of '6. GREENWOOD, the Foot Specialist, who will be at our store. Three Days June 25-26-27 ° Consult him--his services are FREE and you will not be obliged to purchase your shoes here. PAGES . e p- So We Ii: gurated as a' permanent part of our store an ORTHO- PEDIC DEPARTMENT for the relictand cure of all foot troubles * and Where we will carry the entire line of comfort-giving "Foot ! Specialties and Appliances made by the Scholl Mfg, Co., Limited, of Toronto, Chicago, New York, London. There's a Scholl Appliance or Remedy ; * For Every Foot Ache or Pain | Scholl's Bunion Reducer for the buns: ton orenlarged joints. Reduces aud We have inai Scholl's Foot-Eazer--A Foot Rest eases the feet, gives absolute rest | to muscles and nerves--light and protects the bunion 'or enlarged SpPringy--equalizes the body's weight | joint. : and gives a buoyant and graceful { Scholls 'Toe-Right--for- overlapping' step. small toes and soft corns between Scholl's Tri-Spring Arch Support for the toes--a sure cure. . severe cases of flat foot and for Scholl's Fixo Corn Plaster--guaran= persons of heavy weight--gives an teed to remove corns. A hardy Jprngy pressure to the key- Seholf's Fixo Foot Powder--antiseptic Schoo Ber: = realing and pleasant to the feet.. olf s union-Right for Bunion Scholl's Footdok cures perspiring, rlapping toe, : sweaty feet, --° ? Scholl's Absorbo Corn Pads remove corns « and callouses by the process of absorption; also prevents shoe pressure. Abernethy's Shoe Store 123-125 Princess: St. or ----- vib | TENTS FOR SALE AND HIRE The Caille Detachable Motor for Rowboats A. C. KNAPP | Boat Builder - ee . + Boat Livery