Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1914, p. 8

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> 23, 1014. DISTRICT DASHES News Clipped from Our Many Exchanges. Only Three Candidates Elect: d » By Acclamation On Monday Rev. C. W. ley, Brockville, united in iar Ada Kathleen, daughter of Mrs, A. +Rabb, and Arthur James Trussell, Syracuse, N. Y. On Friday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tackaberry, Mallorytown, oe- curred the margage of their daught- er, Migs Vera, fo George Burnham, Brockville. ) The death occurred Sunday at Prescots, ef that town's best known and most highly esteemed resident when James Buckly answered the inevitable call. He died of paraly- sis after a few days' Illness. Rev. Dr. Kellock, well known in Prescott and Ottawa, died at Wey- burn, Sask., aged seventy-nine years. His remains were interred at - cerville. He 'was a pdpular Pres- byterian worker. = A widow and five children survive, 3 iss Irene Palmer, Westport, takes first place nung those successful in securing clerksh in the inside ser vice. . Miss Eva M. Adams, Merrick- ville; Roy Walker Knapp, Westport: Robert P. Drummond, Roebuck; and Miss Blla M. Elliott, Kemptville, also secure clerkships, _ | COURT OF APPEAL. Members Heard Several More Cases oor on Tuesday Morning. 96} | The members of the court | sittin . v itting on appeals in regard to the registra. 1263 ition 'for the election held an wd- 1245 'journed 'session in the police court | 1248- toom on Tuesday morning. The erals under a writ of wmindamus, | Be 1248 ty ourd is composed of Judge H. A. which is returnable to-morrow | . | Lavell '(chairman), Magistrate J, M. morning at Osgoode Hali, and in Farrell and J. B. Walkem. In all the meantime the organization is fourteen appeals were heard at' the zoing ahead to carry he viding 11} two sessions. the 7)peal to the court should ve | An appeal was made againdt / Fd- meces ful, ward Radwell, soldier, 172 Ontario Tha members of the new deuse treet; Herbert «Gillies, commercial a re rain, Toning "foe Saul &h J « Gl arry, "al (hotel; M, J, Nally, omas, Con- coon an gure, South R.mfrew, 'lan and Thomas Sullivan. all Puing, N . at Beafsteak Jack's restaurant, but Dr. Forbes Godfrey, West York, they ,were allowed to stay on the vo- conservative, ters' lists, satisfying the court that i i | + STOOK MARKETS CA ---- F.B. M & Co., 86 and 88 Brock St.---H. W. Nelles, Manager. 2A5 pm., June 23rd. 90 TORIES NOT UNITED. THERE ARE FIVE LABOR MEN IN I. THE FIELD. Independent Conservatives Are Run- | ning Against Whitney Candidates in Five Ridings--Some Lively In- eidents. Toronto, June 23.--In the provin- cial elections of 1911 seventeen con- servatives were elected by acclama- tion and no liberals. This time the strenuous nature of the contest will . best be understood by the fact that there were only three aeclamations i yesterday, two conservatives and one liberal. In the case of one con- 'servative, Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Wesi York, the acclamation was due 'o the action of the returning offics: in declaring that the mnomiastion papers of the liberal candidate were filed one minute too late. This da cision is being contested by the iih- Union Pacific . United States Steel | Erie <..... i Atchison ... Northern Pacific Brookiyn Rapid Transit . Rubber ........ 5060 Lehigh Valley American Can . |. ae Southern, Pacifie. ......... ........ ... i. 58; 1393 0. For years we have specialized on black silk and this summer have done more business in black and colored silks than ever before. This is only natural as we have the most wanted makes and our prices are reasonable. We mention just a few here, ° Black Duchesse Silks Black Duchesse Silks Black Duchesse Silks Just see what these prices really represent and. compare with anything shown in Kingston for same money. BLACK TAFFETA SILK $1.25 BLACK TAFFETA SILK .... $1.49 These two specials are extra good value % e White Silks WHITE SHANTUNG SILKS for ; Dresses Wa WHITE HABUTAI SILKS for Waists and Dresses WHITE JAPAN TAFFETA WHITE MIRROR SILK WHITE DUCHESSE SILKS WHITE SILKS ~~ From 25¢,-35¢, 49¢, 75¢c, $1.00 And others The Best $1.00 Long White Silk Gloves at $1.00 All wanted sizes, double finger tips, properly eut and a perfect fit. LONG SILK GLOVES, extra fine silk $1.25. Made by Kayser of New York, and the best of its kind in the glove trade 79% | 69} 301 WHERE NO ACTOR NEED STARVE IN OLD LONDON. At Your Service ,Two-piedh suits or 'three-piece in cool dressy serges, homespuns and cheviots, single breast and i Norfolk, $12.00, $15.00, £18.00. : Thin coats, $2.50 to %3.50 Outing Trousers, $1.25 to £0 Straw hats, $1.50 to $2.50 : Negligee Shirts, $1.00 to $2.25 Cool underwear, 50¢ to $1.00 Combination underwear, $1.00 to %2.50 Thin hosiery, summer ties, and all sorts of cool toggery, Two Retired Actresses Keey a Res- taurant, Where the Profession May Eat Free. In a little street just off St, Mar- . ™ ,ltn's Lave, in London, there is a | Neockier, Allan 8, Williams and JW. | modest 'restaurant kept by two la- J. O'Neil appealed against the dofie- dies----an unpretentious place that ion'of the registrar in not: allowing you might pass every day for a year their names to go down on the ori- without noticing the = sign-board, ginal list. The court ruled: that he | which tells that food and refresh. they had been properly rejected and . JM ment may be had within. they will not be able to vote. farce 9 the liberal program, in- | If you knew the history of the lit- Angus McGillis; a laborer of tha Ko ng 2 abolition of the har, | tle place you would want to pass in- Prince George botel, William J. Me- o Ee are von candidates running | side its eéver-open doors and raise calfe, of the Windsor hotel, Frank n le temperance plank alone, your hat to the two ladles, for they jyoCarthy, of Beefsteak .Jack's res- namely: In Addington, Brockville |are Samaritans whose timely help taurant, Arthur Storev and Patrick Dufferin, East Durham Manitoulin, | aas saved many who ar v i R J 1 . v . 1 2a8 8g e NOW to 3 ; p k West Simcoe, North Waterloo, Wel. help others, y Dy ae HoglieRty, 31 wailory, Were "SON " land, South Wellington and in two Prosperity and poverty walk hand Torontos. { r - o jin hand through the doors of the lit 9 ------ {ile restaurant. One man eats and | Some Lively Incidents. {passes out without payment for what | Socialists have heen nominated in fle has had. but the answering glan- A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Walk they were entitled to vote. Dissension in Tory Ranks. H. W. Simmons, .a soldier, F. T. The great dissension i. the con- servative ranks all over the province is shown by the number of three cornered contests as well as the number of straight temperance can- didates in the field. Apart from the men who have openly declared 00 A look and you're our enstomer. the ist. W. B. Mudie and T. J. Rigney were present as counsel in the appeals. | SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Cochrane, North Norfolk, Norih Ces from the eyes of the ladies tells Perth, Timiskaming, South Victoria {im that he is welcome. He may ne- and Brockville, Iver come back again, but they are. In one way and another the dissai. | lad to have helped. A _ supplementary list of successful istuction has found further expressiou |, Another man ven pieces of gold candidates at the general competitive by the nomination of independent con- | Payment for a meal that Would not examinations for clerkships, of the servatives in such ridings as Grenville |"05t bim half se mueh in' a big ho- civil service of Canada has just been Againgt (G. Howsrd Ferguson, Fron- |'el, He, too, receives his answer from announced. The list includes Irie tenac against A. M.' Rankin, in| De kindly eyes of his hostesses. Palmer, of Westport; Anna W. Leahy, Brockville against A. F. Donovan. in Years ago these two women Were i ingston; Paul F. Scammell, King: { Prescott where there is a field of four, |iCtresses. They made a little money ston; Dorothy A. Hooper, King- In Prescott there are four land decided that hy setting up this y Walte : K p, Westport: dates, F. Senecal horaly George restaurant they would be able to tom: Wali oy Ruapp, Wes Clive d (conservative), (Gustdv Evan aelp themselves and others, agahaln. ta Ns . * » br t Schofield, Kingston. » f 0 ® [Be , / | A Li nen ~ liberal, Dr. Sheahn, in North Norfolk, | © help others, but taere is no com- Ser and wife attended the funeral of who is opposing Lieut.-Col. Atkinson ! liberal nominee and late member for issue of the contest--*'abwlish-the-har." th dependent) and W, JJ. Derby No genuine actor or actress out of * the riding. c 2 z At"Newmarket the proceedings termin- (independent conservative). work need lack a meal while this The labor candidates are Allan {rouse 18 open. Haying at Kepler. Studholme (East Hamilton), J. Me | ney jnay pass in, eat, and go a-| Kepler, June 22.--Haying has com- Ilvenne (Nipissing), €. Crate (South | FAY: e bill is charged against them ' . h. nt. on 2 ate $ th ut Hoy wi menced. T. J. Garrett has o e Lanark), id. A. Wiley (St. Cathar ul tiey will never be pressed for field and is drawing in this after- ines), I. Conningham (South Welling- | Payment. They may ol the exact a- ; i ated in a set-to between opposing fac tions. In West York there was some disorder over the action of the return- ing officer in 'refusing to accept Mr. I'he day was terribly hot and he was | Miss Lawson, visited at A . Hain's nomination papers, and in sev-tiired, Smith's. Latimer, recently; Henry eral of the Toronto ridings the discus. | Av he was om his hoveward way | Lindsay and family spent Sunday at ton) lnount years afterwards, or they may hoon. The Loughboro Stone crusher sion of public questions gave way to through one of the ment districts | Robert Lyons', 'Latimer; Jason Or- in Civil Service. candi- pulsion. ithe late Mrs, William Snook, Desert Men and women who a few years 'l.ake. Ross Wartman and his wie 480 would have thought themselves spent Sunday at Harrowsmith visit- rich had they been able 10 get as ing iriends. James Lindsay has re many nickels a week as they got turned home after spending some dollars a night now have enjoyed the ! (ime in the city... Miss A. G. Law- hospitality of the Samaritan Sisters. 'son has returned to her home in the Now that they are rich they deen city, accompanied hy her cousin, E. |®a a privilege to repay their debts Maud Townsend. The church people with interest. (are very glad to have the Rev. BF, -------------- A = 3b y Codling dor another year. Mans on Sie What he Saja; | Visitors : Mrs. Henry M. Javon It had been a hard day for the rag- nd daughter, + Mise Bulle, Kingston, man. Many and: varied had heen #t A. Townsend's; Mr. and i Dean, his wanderings, but no ome had seem. | /vanhoe, at Henry Lindaoy's; T. 4A {1 to have anything to dispose of. Townsend, wife and daughter, and WHITE COTTON STOCKINGS, 15c, 20¢, 25c. WHITE LISLE THREAD STOCK- INGS, 25c, vir gl WHITE LISLE THREAD STOCK: INGS, 35c. WHITE SILK STOCKINGS, many makes from 49¢, 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 7 | Some Lively Incidents. Although the official nominations are formal Hairs, ind little, if any, bit- terness is shown, a number of inci- dents occurred yesterday which indi cates the intense feeling that exists throughout the province on the main A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF USEFUL ARTICLES IN FANCY LINENS, INCLUD- " . ' n ' : a : . ii 4 vener's. Ambrose Or- There is only ane anti-temperance dd a little to just démand in order 'is at Alired Kavene acrimonious exchanges, Road, ING MANY NOVELTIES Plain Linen Hemstitched Tray Cloths, Run- ners, Lunch Cloths and Napkins, suit- able for embroidering, from 25¢ to $1.50 each. 5 - - Damask Linens with hemstitched and scal- loped edges, in tray cloths, lunch cloths and napkins, from 25c¢ to $4.50 each. Hand Embroidered Initialed Towels and . Pillow Cases, from 60c to $3.00. Centre Pieces, hand embroidered and with ~, Cluny lace and insertion, a large var- iety of sizes and styles, from 50c to $5.00 each. Beautifu! Hand Embroidered Maderia Lunch Cloths with serviettes to match, at special prices. | The conservatives have abandoned the contest in the riding of North Norfolk, and two liberals, Col. 1. R. Atkinson and Dr. Sheahn, of Delhi, will go to the polls. Both are oppon- ents of the conservative administra tion. ) / Her Social Blunder. Mrs. Riverside and Mrs. Morn- ingsidg were sisters. Both had marr! well, but when it came to supreme rustle in New York, Mr. Riverside bad outstripped his bro- ther-in-law, Soctal lines diverged a trifle with the increase of the Riverside fortune. When Mrs. Riv- erside decided to assall the social barriers (hat rose between her and the Blue Book, the Riviera was de- cided on as the spot from which to make the assault. Before sailing she #ent out cards for her final vre- cetion. and in le corr was en- graved the customary "P. ¥, CO." (pour prendre Cange.} One was sent to the less prosperous sister, Mrs. Morningside, It was in the morning mail, and was opened at the Morningsides' breakfast table, "What do you think of this, Jo- siah?"' asked the voluminous part- ner of his joys, his sorrows, and his breakfasts." "Seems to me Almira is 'making a social blunder. Here she has printed on her cards, 'P. P. C.' and that, it seems to me, is carrying her family pretensions. a little too far." x "Ahem," grunted Josiah, glane- ing up from~his paper. "What's this P. P. C. business mean? Too much for me." : "Why, President Polk's cousin, of cousin. It's all well enough to talk about our relationship to that &reat man, but it's a social bund- | der for Almira to have the fact ibragsoned on her reception ecards. " She's too high, and this : be her att I'm afraid, poor wh } Ces a he suddenly heard & cry from above. Looking up he saw a woman at a seventh storey window violently beck- oning to him. ragman's heart filled with hope as Ne stumbled bp the hroken stairs. When he had finally reached the top, breathless and wet with perspiration, he was met by a woman holding a small child by the hand. The child was screaming with might and main. "Say. mister," said the woman, giv- ing the ragman the wink at the same time, "don't you take bad little boys away in your hig " They Are All Frightened. What is the matter with the Tories in the various provinces? They seem {0 be all very anxious to head off the dominion general elections, which are probable next 'year. Premier Whitney, in Ontario, does not ter the dominion general elections. There is an obvious reason for that, and hence he helds. the general elec- ions on June 29th, although these elections are not.degally due for nearly two years yet. Premier Rob- lin, of Manitoba, is also on the anxi- ous seat, and he fs trying to get ahead of the dominion general elee- tions, and will hold his provincial general elections on August 3rd. Premier MeBride, of British 'Colum- bia, is also thinking it over. They all want to take what little advan- tage there may he in the dominion in the doniinion government's sup: foverninent's support, feeling that the dominion government in a year or 80 from now will be hostile. wish the provincial elections to be held af: ser, wife and daughter, Bath at Ambrose Orser's; John Donnell and wife, Toronto, at his father's. Cadet Carruthers Passed. In the list of examination results of the Royal Military college given on Monday the name of Erie Car- ruthers was omitted by mistake. | Cadet Carruthers name uld have appeared in the third class pass list. He is a son of J. B. Carruthers, Syd- énham street. » ~ A Han dy Sho or Ladies Light, Strong, Serviceable Choice for 48c. See Window pping Bag

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