MANY BRANDS OF BAKING POWDER CONTAIN ALUM WHICH JS AN INJURIOUS ACID. TNE IN- GREDIENTS OF ALUM BAKING POWDER ARE SC.DOM PRINTED | ON. THE LABEL. IF THEY ARE, THE ALUM IS USUALLY REFERRED TO AS SULPHATE OF ALUMINA OR SODIC ALUMINIC SULPHATE: 4 MAGIC BAKING POWDER ' CONTAINS NO ALUM Cg TT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO. ONT. MONTREAL, E. W. GILLE WINNIPEG TENTS FOR SALE 2 HIRE The Caille Dewgshable Motor for Rowboats . C. KNAPP Boat Builder : - Boat Livery » 7 » : Poisonous Matches In less than two years it will be unlawful to buy or to use poisonous white phosphorus matches ; Everybody should begintouse | \ r > EDDY'S NON-POISONOUS _}: 1 "Sesquin Matches" . And thus ensure safety in the home. me Last Call + to Breakfast My! How everybody scampers when moth- \ er says "Last call to | breakfast." And you can't blame ) them either, because they know they're ) CORN | } ' FLAKES] «+ Look for the 4 ji 4 ence iis for\ YOU! J the difficulties presented by your an increasing business, which tis suffering "from "growing pains," and finding its pre- If you wonder why you are staring an intreasing pay "roll in the eye every week in you will find answer in thie gem the + | Jersey. he J June 5th LaF : Patrick, Robert Irvin, eq- Moore, Si Boneham, Vera Woods, James H hy bert McQuay, Lois Valleau, Hunter, Melville Borland, 'M. well,' Lawrence T y Healey, Dorothy Currell, Reginald McAllister, John _ Beddows, George y, Vera Smith, Vers Phillips, Albert Millard, Vers Hemsley, Nor. man Gage, Edward White, Doris Stradling, George Storms, Muriel Hyland, Frank Chinnery, Bdward Bailey, George | Wilkins, Clarence FEdna erson, Willie Honor certificates--~Fdward White, James Hallam, Reginald McAllister, "gar Henry, Vera Woods, Fred. Bonny, Myrtle LaFrance, Mary Pa- trick, Ernest Lower, Sidney = Bone- ham. Junior First to Semior "First--Ro- hert Beddows. David Harrie, Tom Wilson, Walter King, Pearl North- more; Edward Tanner, Fva Smith, equal; Hannah Robbs, Audry Storms, reorge Tugwood, Jean Healey, Clar «Knowlton, Willis Campbell, Sarsh Brewster, Edward Aidern, leo Kemp, George Davy, Susan Davy, Richard Caverlv, Honor certificates--Robert dows, Alma LaFrance, Sarah ster Junior First (junior division) to Junior First (senior division)--Bertha Acton, James Burnett, Lillian Ben- nett, Grace Crozier, George Clark, Wil lie Easton, Fdward Freeman, Fred Grundy, William Godwin, Donald Hurd, Amelia Lower, Lillian Potts, Lazarus Sugel. onor certificates--(irace Lazarus Sugel, Junior First to Senior First--Ar thur Wehman, Laurence L.amb, Horace Tidman, Logan Gallagher, Hilda Bot ting, Bruce Holder, Dorothy Copley, Evelyn Saunders, Cecil Plumridge, Alice Warburton, Flsie Glasspool, Lor- enzo Denna, Martha Taite, Thomas Tugwood, Francis Ellerton,, Charles Wright, Adelaide Campion, Loretta Campbell, Will Purdy, Charlotte Campbell, Harry Burtch, Arthur Tay- lor, Hubert Mellroy, Willie Norman, Vera Babcock. Honor certilicates--Dorothy Copley, Loretta Campbell, Hilda Francis Pollitt, Harry Burtch, Junior division of Junior I to Sen- ior division Junior 1--Ada Turner, Charlie Hood, Margaret Hunt, Mar jorie Colwell, Fdward Rayner, Geor- gina McQuay, Charles Harvey, ; Jem- ima Cook, Mabel McMahon, Edith Conley, Willie: Gilmour, Stanley Millard, : Charlie Janeway, Fred le France, Margaret Tweedley. Honor certificate--Ada Turner. « Junior division of ' Junior I to Sen- ior division of Junior I-Iris Mec Caig, Stella Alton, Norma Fergu- son, Lilian Lamb, Robina Patrick, John Pople, Emiline Henry, Janet Hambry, Lorne Stone. Kindergarten to Junior: Part First --Horace Austin, Richard Beddows, Gratton . Botting, Harry Babcock; Doris Burtoh, Esford Borland, Al- bert Chapman, Charles Crozier, Ken- neth Davy, Theodore Frizzell, George Glasspool, Richard Hunt, Isabel Har- ris, Cuthbert Knowlton, Gladys Me- Mahon, Phyllis Mounteer, Lawrence Moore, Earl Phillips, Carrie Shuffle- botham, - Melville Smith, Rlsie Tur- ner, Fred. Thornton, William Tait, Herbert Walsh, William Watts. Bed- Brew Crozier, Jotting, RAISED TO RANK OF EARL. i Albert Stanley, Formerly: of Detroit, Among Baronets. London, June 23---The King's bir- thday honors are announced. The list includes a number of barons and ba- ronets, but there. are few notable names in it. Lord Kitchner of Khar- toum, his majesty's agent and consul- general in Egypt, is made an earl. Sir Herbert Cozens-Hardy, Sir Bd- gar Vincent, Major-General John Fielden Brocklehurst and Sir Leon- ard Lyell are raised to'baron. Among the baronets is Albert Stanley, ma- nager of London underground rail- ways, who is English born but was raised in the United Stater. Mr. Stanley came to London from Detroit and assumed his British citi- zenship last year. For a number of years he was connected with the De- troit United railways and the public service railway commission of New yor of Lohdon, also received a baro- net. Among the Knights Bachelor Sir T. i Sittart Bowat, lord ma- s Douglas Mawson, the ex- named- plorer. TAKEN TO TORONTO, Convict William Huckle to Appear , at Osgoode Hall. Detective Newton, of Toronto, was in the city on Monday and left on the noon train for Toronto with William Huckle, a convict in the penitentiary. Justice Brition some few days ago granted a wgjt of habeas corpus di- recting the warden at the peniten- tiary to produce Huckle in court on June 23rd. Counsel .for Huckle se- ©ured bis release on the claim that the convict was deprived of marks by penitentiary officials and should have been released on Thi he Judes will endeavor ascertain if o a shown towards Huckle, license, on e ; », imprisonment. For a limited coast station license the annual charge is $10; for a public commercial license, $60; for a commercial li- cense, $10; for an experimental ' li- . jcense, $5; and for an amateur licen- se, $1. < Provision is made in each lcpnse for the character of the wave-lengths to be used and the range allowed. All amateur yetadss fe required when operating to en for sig- nal "Stop," which will indicate that they are interfering with commercial business. If that signal is heard the operator must sdp uit} it is cancel- led by a duly authorized government station. A distinctive call for each station is allotted with the license, and no station must be worked by anyone not holding at least an ama. teur experimental certificate of pro- ficiency secured from the Naval Ser- vice department. For ocean-going vessels, it is pro- vided, that there must be an emer- gency source of power for operating instantly available, 'and hours are specified during which the operators must be constantly "on watch." 1 --_-- RUSSIAN LAWYERS JAILED. 25 Were Too Outspoken Over Trial of Beiliss. St. Petersburg, June 23--The trial of twenty-five lawyers on a charge of insulting the ministry of justice during the trial of Mendel Beiliss ended today in the conviction of all the defendants. Two of them, M. Sokoloff and M. Kereuski, were sentenced to eight months imprison- ment, and the others to terms of six months each. At the time of the trial of Beiliss the lawyers drew up a strong protest, in which it was al- leged that the ministry of justice and the court at Kiev, before which Beil- iss was tried, were inspired by ra- cial and national enmity. The sen- tences imposed on' the lawyers de- prive them of their pelitical rights, but do not interfere with their civil rights, Shot a Philanthropist. Paris, June 23--Henri de Roths- child was shot and wounded in the leg in front of a boulevard cafe. His assailant was the former owner of a creamery, who, when arrested, declar ed that he had been ruined by the establishment by M. de: Rothschild of a creamery designed for philan thropic purposes. Five shots were fired by the man, but only one togk effect.- Henri de Rothschild is a doctor of medicine, an author of note and a large contributor to charity. It has not been determined as yet if the reason given by his assailant for the attack is the real one. Br. de Rothschild has recently established a number of creameries for the use of the poor. St. Mark's, Barriefield. Confirmation was administered in St. Mark's church, Barriefield, on Sunday evening, by . the bishop of Kingston. Seventeen candidates were presented by the rector, Rev. A. 0. Cooke. The parish church was appro- priately decorated and was filled to the "doors. His lordship, in" the course of his sermon, pointed out very clearly and foreibly he necessity of professing Christ in this world by their daily life. 'I'he service was one which will be long remembered. The organist and choir did well in mak- ing the musical part of the seryice such a success. The anthem, "Send Out Thy Light," was sung, Joseph. Ii. Gravelle, Renivew, won his degree of bachelor of philosophy and three medals at Ottawa Univer sity. Peter Dougall, formerly of Renfrew, died in Winnipeg, on Saturday, aged ninety years, : ». Baby Eczema Causing Great 3 ~Prompt 1 lief Chase's Olutment. ~ This is one 'reason why every mother should know .abeut Dr. 'Chase's Ointment, since it is an un- failing cure for 'all itching #kin dis eases. a Mrs./¥. Clarke, Belmont, Man. writes: --"My 'baby had etzema on her ear. The sore was ve bad, and notliing seemed to do er Hearing of the remarkable cires Dr. Chase's Oimtment' was making, we sent for some, and & 'the third application the sere to heal. I am glad to say that it is quite well now, and we give the credit to Dr. Chase's Ointmjent. ' We canfiot re- commend this preparation too high- iy." - NE Here is another letter, which tells of the cure of a five-weeks-old baby: . Mrs! Wallace Cole! and Anxiety | Eure by Dr. discrimination was rer much good. been Mingon, River John | 'County 8. | friends of the marriage near- fof Donald S. Stewart, son of the late Gananoque, June 22.--0ananoque Lodge, No. 114, 1. 0. O. F., 'cele brated its memorial day yesterday. moming of their deceased i the afternoon was | a g at Gananoque cemetery, when £8 were given by D. D. G. Walter Town Clerk Samuel M has given out his official count a bonus of $2,500 ana Oque Arnprior R. R Total for 251; ow Bank 3 ! | 'brethren there The formal service | N. G. Th quite 'a large at. ~N, OG, ere was qu a S tendance ¥ a La .-p against 72, The total freehold Vote in Gananoque is 781 and it w! be seen that the vote polled was less than fifty per cent. of the total, Rev. Melvin Taylor, pastor of Grace Church, who has ing the annual session treal conference, to his pastorate here for a third year, evening yesterday. Leeds Lodge, No. 201 A. F. and A. divine worship in Christ church at 11 a. m., yesterday, and were given Rev. Walter Cox. At the athletic grounds on Satur- day afternoon the local Garnoeks Ji baseball team took their revenge on the Victorias for their drubbing of recent date by a score of 12 to 7. The steamer Britannic took out an excursion party on Saturday evening (0 Clayton under the auspices ofy Young People's club of Christ bute. A fair crowd enjoyed the trip. At the meeting of the Board of Education it 'was decided that it would be necessary to ask the town council for a grant of $14,000 for this year's needs. This is $1,000 fn excess of last year. Frederick Mullins, who was oper- Kingston General hospital, has re turned here to recuperate with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mullins, Brock street. THE SPORT REVIEW. Johnson the Favorite in the Paris Contest. E. B. Butler, the Toronto sculler, lenies the report that he is going to meet Eddie Durnan this week in a race off the Exhibition grounds. But- ier is leaving this week for Nelson, B.C., where he will take part in the international regatta from July 13 to July 1. The Rochester club owners state that they have no intention of being 'rozen out of the third major base- fall league, and declare that the per- jonnel of the league should be de- termined by the attendance.that each lub have had in its city since the 'eason opened. The Rochester mag- hates declare that Rochester has played to more people than any other club in the International. The Royal Military College cricket team had a successful trip, winning all their games, defeating in turn U C.C., Highfield, Ridley and an eleven of the Toronto club. At Hamilton on matting A. G. Dobbie, hit up 228, not out. This is only ten short of the Ca- nadian record, held by G. S. Lyon. The R.M.C;;- total was 357 runs against Highfield's 206. They beat Ridley 160 to 65, and Toronto 205 to 152. ced in Paris his intention to take out on Frank Moran; ample satisfaction upon me by the Americans." The big black is doing a tremendous amount of earnest training, doing twelve miles on the road each day and spar- is losing his embonpoint and is ac- tually approaching fine physical shape. Frank Moran has been com- pelled to eliminate boxing, owing to a gash over his eye suffered in collis- lon with his sparring partner's head, but otherwise is in fine shape. His be all on Johnson. Ontario Must be English. of an address Saturday night, Rowell said: "This is an English-speaking pro- vince, and an English-speaking pro- vince it will remain. The regulations of the Education department shquld be framed, and the department ad- ministered in full recognition of this fact. That has been our stand from the start. That is our stand today. It was in view of this the very first address I gave, as leader of the liberal party, I stated our policy as follows: "To insure under proper regulations that the pupils in every school in the province receive = thorough . English education." Is there any wobbling, any equivoea- tion in that-declaration?' 3 Wins Red Cross Prige. Washington, June 23---Miss Doras Lippmann, a girl scout of Savannah, Ga., has been awarded by the Na- Mr. and filled the pulpit morning and} M., turned out in a body to attend } and excellent address by the rector fill ated on for appendicitis recently at' Jack Johnson has publicly announ- for ""all the slurs and insults heaped | I= ring with half a dozen partners. Hel' tamp is hopeful, but the betting will! Drumbo, June 23--In the course | |i BLOOD, KIDNEY, iX been atteiid-}: of the Mon-| | has been returned] AD A isan, 1" 'King Street West, Toronto, Pat- ts, _Trade/Marks, Designs, : sugnlean yeare "exper- fence, Write for booklet. nnn, FLOUR Our Robin Hood Brand of floor bas a guarantee in every bag for good quality. ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. e, reliable ne. Sold in three Sin gEists, or sent id on receipt of price, ree pamphlet, Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. 4 TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) arta tis never sticky, never dust-collect- ing. With "Cobra" it is a case of Minimnan Rub--Maximum Shine In tine, 15¢, 25, 50 4 Ib tins 38¢ Ib, fue use in large institutions Whether it is a polish for floor, furniture, boots, grate or metal, "Cobra" does its work quickly snd economically. Ask Your Dealer For 2 in stamps to cover postage and packing we will send a large sample of Cebea™ Floor, Furniture and Boot - Polishes. , i ~e AGERTS | BLYTH MAGLAREN YT IMPERIAL uses ' WATFORD TORONTO ENGLAND If she tin bears this mark jt's o (Limited) Head of Queen Street Courses in bookkeeping, short. hand, typ writing, vil servic general mprovement, and al commercial subjects. Rates moderate. Information Tee. Bi Lain H. F. Metcalf, Principal t Why Pay High Prices? CLASS GOODS The Style and Fitting will be Fanicless will be perfect. - The price will be from $2.00 te $7.00 LOWER than you have been paying WAP SPER $20 Princess Btreey Opposite Bt. Andrew's Church Furniture Speci al HINTS ON LIVING ROOM PIECES s 1 2 ; r i HEH | OR ORION tt ae aa ETE SPECIALITIES » HOURS: FITS, NERVE, SKIN, io to SENITO- URINARY, ~~ Chronic and Complicated Diseases Phone Mala 2084 onssltation Personally or by Letter 3d NCD C5) ROCKERS, EASY CHAIRS, COUCH- ES, DAVENPORTS, CARD, LIBRARY AND OENTER TABLES, ANY FINISH Leading Undertaker. RJ RED tional Red Cross Soclety a prize of $60 for heroic conduct. A man had én overcome by gas while digging a well and Miss Lippmann, through the prompt taught her by the organization, re- vived him. This is the first award made to the girl scouts by the Na- tional Red Cross Society. ----et---- "At a meeting of the Mitchell high school board, the r tion of W. Foucsr, as panna ived Mr, Foucar has heen i i cipal of Morri Collegian tute at a salary of $1,800. Announcement reached Renfrew i on May Zind John R. Stewart, to Miss Amy Har- application of the rulesif] "Come in and look over | #wivels, scales, disgargers, catchers, fishing poles, rods, lines, fish hooks, sinkers, our stock. We have ete. +