Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1914, p. 7

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A safe plice for your insurance policies, deeds," 'Securities, and other valuable articles. Rentals from $2.00 per annum up. A private room for the operation of the boxes. B » INCORPORATED | or TORONTO | GEORGE B. M:KAY : . Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER : 'and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks : ou District Manager. of The ' EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY 44 Clarence Street Phone 995 Real Estate Sand for sale in any quantity CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. : LIMIT R 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. Yards, Sowards' Dock fea al ---- How About That New House ? On Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. The owner says he has the best house in Kingston. Well, it is just as good, anyway. We have plenty more such brick. Why. not build your new Louse of them and boost home industries. -------- TR ------------, Phone 1396 Divsiol St. Albert Neal FOR SALE Solid brick dwelling, nine rooms, hat water heating, electric grate, decp lot; one block from Victoria Park, Price . . . . 1 Double frame dwelling, Division St., six rooms each. Price How about your fire insurance? We companies, J. K. Carroll A 46 BROCK ST. ---- A ---------------- Fresh Seeds are aP ime Necessity If you are looking for results, why not sow 'seeds that will grow, You ¢sn procure thew represent nothing but the best gency, PHONE os. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. We are sow hooking ene spel anlen Come early nnd secure choice dntes We are also handling Reas) Estals on a commission basis. Our reputatien fur the last fifteen years assures you of the u st satisfaction, prompt re- est and efficient service i buy the contents of house for cush. Allen's IR Reoek we CLIFF CHATEAU Butternut Bay Six miles west of Brockville, Ont. from Ops: TY. sions oo Phone 388 - On "the St. Lawrence. reached by moter beat or automobile. Now open e fur the season For terms apply to OVED PURE BY TEST nv) Phone 352, i HH. HI. LANE, Prop, and Masnger, CHE Chatean, R.R. 3, Brockville, Out. a RS ---------- Rodger's | 20% Discount Sale Laboratories of the lee Cieam To = PROVED ure COSTS NO MORE Proved Our Tents LL. local dealers was BUY THE BEST-IT 204 Princess St, Prompt Delivery rooms, modern, hot water fur- nace. Rent $15.00 per month, 'Also 118 Victoria St., be- tween Earl and Johnson, seven rooms, brick house, fully mod- ern. Immediate possession. Now on. Another Page 847 King Street * Wig i}lic speaker who has defended the op- | | Store. { ton's [ler, to the friendss who drop in, is 3! 82 Victords St, brick six I Ses large | Advertisemen | i k HIBR'S, AT YOUR DRUGGIST'S, TALL SODA FOUNTAINS, "pa more than ask for Grape Juice. Temperance will win! $1.50 corset, $1.. Dutton's. For bread and pastry, Whife Rose vadfellows going to Ogdensburg June th. "Come along." Private sale, picture frames, wallpa- per at a sacrihce, Weese's sale. For jewellery, good and cheap, call t _Dutton's store. The Civic Finance committee did not have a quorum on Friday ev- ening. Col. T. D. R. Hemming will inspect the 57th regiment of Peterboro on Friday, June 26th. wens 35 patent colt boots, $3.50. Dutton's. 'Ihe avalanche of votes for tem- perance will sweep down om June 28th. Principle before party is the watchword. > Boys' bathing suits, 25c. Dutton's. Hurrah for The Burg. steamer Thousand Islander. Cooke's church Sunday school picnic at brophy's Point, Monday, June 29. Boat leaves Swift's wharf "at one clock sharp. Tickets, 15¢. and 28e. Bargains ! Corset covers, 25¢.; | ots. 2 for 25¢.; drawers, 2 pairs for Ad. J Not in all Ontario is there. one pub- en bar. What does that signify ? The electors can discover the rea- son. Salt Petre, Buchu and Juniper Kid: ney Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Do you want a bargain ! Wallpaper, picture frames, Weese company. y L. I./Walker, of Queen's univer sity, was visiting at Mrs. A. Jamies lon, 63 William street. en-route for Ottawa, where he will take a ®gv- ernment position. Sanitary towels, aprons, ete. Dut- Wolfe Island seems to be very strongly \in favor of Dr.' William Spankie for the Ontario legislature. There was only a handful of island- ers present at the Rankin meeting held in Marysville en Friday even- ing. "A 25¢c. Kidney Pill for 15¢." son's Red Cross Drug Stove, Everywhere it is being demonstra- ted that the great body of church menvhers will be true to principle in the fight against the bar. The antis have sneered long emough at them. Few nrunella gaiters left 35c.: few 'white kid pumns. $1.25. Duttons. Kingston's Only Fair is booming, R. J. Bushell, manager, who is Jut soliciting subscriptions Mad twen- tv new names on the list Saturday morning Mr. Bushell makes the invitation to get enlisted and kelp along this biz event. Long Hunger Strike. The longest hunger strike on re- cord Was carried ou some years ago by a Frenchman, called Granie, whe was arrested for murder in circum stances which left no doubt as to his guilt. He determined to starve him self to death in order to escape the guillotine, and from the day of hi: arrest refused to eat in spite of every effort on the part of the prison au- thorities, who first tempted him by placing the most dainty meals in his gell, and when that failed, attemp ed forcible feeding. Granie held ou! for sixty-three days, at the end o which time he died.-- London Chron icle. Gib- Codflish makes good gravy ana good balls, but when it comes to $0 ciety--well Somehow I never had much fait! in the eleventh hour fellow who ex pects full pay. In feathering not your pin feathers, Struck a Burg? No! But the "Oddfellows" are going to Ogdensburg per Steamer Thousand Islander FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH Tickets Tie; Seo larie nest be careful) to use Everybody welcome. posters, June 26th, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First lasertion le a word. insertion cent ® 38, Seaton, Bo HELP WANTED con 7, half or lusertions, AN 25 WORDS OR. LESS, . OF vas his he costs 26c for one 'a t - 500 for three. -------------------------------- A CHAMHBERMAID, APPLY AT RAN. dolph hotel. . A COOK: ALSO TWO MAIDS. APPL) Kingston General Hospital RLS FOR THE WORK-ROOM. pleasant work. N. C. Polson JGHT Co. A GENERAL SERVANT, WELL RE. commended. Avply in the evening to Mrs. Kilborn, 244 King St. SILVER LONG HANDLE UMBRELLA. Initials M, Lo on ¥L Reward for return to British Whig office. A GOLD CUFF _ BUTTON W IN. itials Gu J. H. yesterday aftermoon. Finder p ret to Whig office CARTING. ALBERT SAUNDERS, ALL KINDS OF carting done. Satisfaction guaran- teed. 657 Princess street. TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once, 2c; three times, dc. FURNISI ROOMS TO RENT. Abe: n St ne b---- FROM IST MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED Thomas itis, 78 Clarence St. Ory TTF Samy ar -------------- Goon SUMMER TENT » St, Hingston " . ERER PIANO, MISS10 w cash, $6 Fon month, Nos Tete St. Phone 1544. J] : BAY COLT, 4 YEARS OLD, crx brokén. Apply Kingston Mat Company, 5668 Princess Street. 3 A GIRL TO DO GENERAL MOUSE. work. Apply 152 Barrie St SECOND COOK; WITH EXPERIENCE or 88. Caspian." Apply office Canada 8.8, Lines, foot Brock St BOYS TO START WORK JUNE 28ND. Call at the office of the Dom X- tile Co, Cataraqui St, for further information. TO COMMENCE WORK JUNE wd. Call at the office of the Dom y, araqui St, fer fur. [A MAID FOR i one who is mont Park ply Mrs. IA GOOD MAID FOR GENERAL housework in a summer cottag till Sept. 1st Apply between I m. and 7.30 p.m. at 152 Sydenham St BOYS AND GIRLS, SELL "ABOLISH the Bar" buttons Send 25 cents for sample lot of 10 ful particulars. The Queen Art Co., Toronto. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no _ canvassing Send for particulars. Press Syndi cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. City LIVE MAN FOR A LUCR iness pry t small inv tomaobile MN Yours for service to the City and Province, hacked by your support. Yours, a going industrial confpany in Tor onto. Stock appeals to the general publi Apply in person or by mail, Room 11, 2 Toronto Street Torop* . - 3 2 21 CAPABL SALES. LOCAL SALESMAN WITH "FIRST- class o« actions to sell stock Ir el for Canadian branch aiished house Line tically all merchants High commissions, with advances to right man. D. rows, Detroit, Mich ---------------------------------- Bddedoddedddniddrtrddolr ddd ddd ddd REAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED We have an exceptional oppor- tunity for you in yveur own, city or town if you are a worker. Our agents are all making big money and we have a good vacancy in your neighborhood. Send for full particulras to Pert Weller Secufitien Corporation Ltd, 413 1-2 Yonge St, Toronto, weekly W. Bar- SCHUHLE'S PURE GRAPE JUICE A healthful harmless beverage, and one of the best blood builders known to medical science. ,.. and debt bbs ob i | 3 ; I AT ALL GOOD GROC« : TEACHER WANTED. ERS AND Ving | TEACHER WITH A NORMAL SCHOOL GISTS i certificate, Protestant, fon school LAUNCH EVA duties to commence September 1s Will leave Crawford's Dock Apply ( stating salary to J. O. El- lerbeck, R. M. D. I. Westbrook. 'ORK WANTED. SATURDAY AFTERNOONS 1.30 | WORK WANTEIL and | =m - - . 5 { ED AY OR BY THE HOUR On SUNDAYS 9, 11 am, and 1.30 p.m. will take in A bY map for KINGSTON MILLS. woman. Apply 235 Colbor: ROUND TRIP 25 CR AR ; Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout. | One of Kingston's Best, | See. UPHOLATERER | W, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, ano mattress renovating. Drop a caré or call 216 Bagot street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $10,000 STARTS BUSINESS AT TOR. onto or 'other Canadian eity to make $10,000 or more per annum. lank reference iret: U7 tak- 3t., Co- LAUNDERING DONE | WITHOUT ACID. If you want your clothes to last, you must have t washed without aehl. We use ap ucid whatever, A posteard will bring our boy to the door. We nppreciate the opportunity " "CHONG ®ROS., LAUNDRY. | Cor. Barrie, 354 Princess Street. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. ---- NEWLAN ects, etc. Fhone & -------------------------------------------- eet t CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters' and solicitors. .. Law office, 70 Clarence streat. Kingston. ARCHITECT DS _& SON, ARCH. Offices, 258 Bagot /Bt ' THE GUEST BEVERAGE It is good tasie and serve Welch's "Che National Drink" tastes good tol i 3 i i : f : : Serving Welch' Grape Juice to the | unexpected guest, fo the chance cal | one of the cheerful touches which go! to make up perfect hospitality. | Welch's is always ready--always pure--tempting, delicious and sai fying. Welch's Grape Juice is not adul- | (terated in any way. It is pure, and is | Hut sweetened with sugar, as some brands sare, tv cover a defect in the favor of the grape. ! ¥ WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE mas be obtained AT YOUR FAMILY GROC. AT b uo HW i; HH "" wii jo | POWER & SOS, ARCRITEOTS, 3 nts' Bank ocorne i Brocka Wellington TEs Dro; » It has been mutually arranged between the par- ties, in order to give the workiigmen an opportun- ity to hear the issues of the day discussed, that Mass Mee will be held in the City Hall on" | i iia .o Sa Lo 456 | Monday Evening, June 22 CU at Be'elbek ; Nominition addressess will then be made by Messrs. Ross and Harrison. oT : The police magistrate will preside. 3 ae oR Ate a HAIR, MOLES, DWELLINGS AT $0, $12, $15, #18, AxD $25. J. 8. R. McCann, 82 Brock St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC, Slean ang dry. McCann, 32 Brock 7 1328 EARL ST. DETACHED BRICK, 3 rooms, hot air furnace. J McCann, 82 Brock St. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM 1st May, No. 115 Bagot St. Cun- ningham & Mudie. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM- bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- die, 79 Clarence St SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, 198 STUART St, B. and C, and gas; newly pap- ered and painted Apply to J. R. Laidlaw, 248 Division St. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen St. Phone 526b. AN EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, JULY 187, B, C, gas and furnace, in first- 369 Alfred St. Apply class repair. 4 t R. Laidlaw, 248 Division St, o J. FOR THE Summ FURNISHED house, all ocanvenlences, electric light, gas and telephone: centrally located. Address Box L, Whig office. ee ------------------------ LOUSE, 165 STUART ST. THIRD DOOR from University Ave, north side; 6 rooms, deep lot; immediate posses- slon. ARRLY 321 University Ave. Phone 1484. REMINGTON PLAYER PIANO 88 NOTE 495315 cash and $10 per month. 94 Princess St. Phone 1544. i SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SHA) Cheap. via J. Dawson, pianos 3 C Victor rolas, 244 ncess v eh pric 's. Phone GAS RANGES AND ors at reasonable they last, At Tur! ILL YOU A FIRE INSURANCE ¥ on rine an "have to nsure in a first class British come pany. R. Chas. Bell, 239 Bagot Bt. ANYONE HAVING SECON stoves or furniture for sale, me for first class Jrices. J. « Phone son. 338 Princess $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNA T. $600 c on ries 1 Soe atty, .B- and 83 a hk ; © po 500, = briek, re at $8. 50_cash will buy. ha 239 Bagot Street. a OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LON in. high lu front and 66 1-2 in. n top shelt. "Sights" need. "M4008 Op shelf. used. British Whig ee i 5 A LARGE NUMBER OF BICY also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. Geo: Muller, 373 ng oy 4 ie. EASTVIEW Lawrence, ston, five PARK, ON THE five miles from King- and seven roomed furn- ished bungalows. Apply ton J. D Boyd, 106 Pine St, Kingston. ST. rn -------------- i -- APARTMENTS, PRETTILY AND CON- veniently furnished for light house- keeping; as for cloking light. Apply Pioneer Apartments, 212-214 Division St., head of Queen St. Phone 1434, FURNTSI'YeD HOUSE UNIVERSITY avenue, 1 : ovuiD BRICK HOUSE, 1 roums, all improvements, large lot. Alfred St EMENT HOUSE, NEW, ALL modern. MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD, oney to loan. BATEMAN & GARDINER, PHONE 396, 67 Clarence St., Kingston. PERSUNAL INTERESTED Send for IN THE FUTURE? birthdate and 5 2¢ stamps trial reading. Mrs. Henker, 1958 Bonsallo Ave, Los Angéies, Calif. You may ask two import- ant question MANY MEN FOR FIREMEN AND brakeme on nearby railroads Wages $100 to $120 monthly. Ex- perience unnecessary. Permanent positions; promotions Send age, postage. Railway, care British Whig. WARTS, BIRTH- marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanen'ly, without scar; 27 years' experience. r. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat Bagot Street. SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING hair, dandruff, ete, treated by el- ectricity (new method). Latest treatment massag up-to- . JH in shampooing. face manicuring, chiropody, styles In bair work e, ate er masseuse, CATERING tes ------------ en is ESTIMATES GIVEY FOR BALL SUP- pers, banquets, dinners, parties, etc. Silverware and cutlery to ent. For particulars apply to IL 1 Toye's King St. store. ¥ rivilege of r nting store _j Swelling A Bot ng a 8 t Try ness. 0d reason for se! . ply F. X. Bazeau, on the SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS square pianos, plano-cased or gans, Angelus player and rolls, organs and nop Cash or time yments, ew Scale Willams Plano Agency, 38 Montreal St, Kingston. FOR SALE OR T0 LET. The confectionery, fruit and ice cream stand, cor. Johnson and Ontario Ste. Possession July ist. Apply J. B. Cooke. ROOMS AND BOAR. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROG also table board. Apply 138 lington St, opposite post office, ol= FINANCIAL and Skin Specialist, 258: FRONTENAC LOAN AND xX ment Soclety: incorporal resident, Colonel Henry Rr. | oney issued on ity a RE Paik atl de e ; m leposits received and le lowed. 8. C. McGill, Clarence Street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire insurance Company, Avaliable assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyhaiders have fot security the unlimited lability city property, Insured 1 possible rates. Before Kiving new rates from trange & Agents. Phone 325. at BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: be your own Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. CWE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, ete. also rent dishes, table linens and silverware, Reid and Hombrook M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. F, C Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street. Phones 843 or 303. EXCAVATIONS ROG CReTING OF OR CLAN, CON lars, levelling and laying lawns. Estimates = H. Beardselt 102 Earl St. -- MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INS tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norma ao mann. Alida Telgmann, B.E.: , . 'elgmann, teachers ol cu - tion, HL violin and all stringed instruments. WANTED--GENERAL UC NTLEMEN TO RING THEIR cloth anfi have it made up into up- .o-date suits. ¥ id workman. ship Buaranteed to p ing and repairin shortest notice, Tn -- PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS abi chickens pay cents; small ca needed; small space required; ways penned up: ready marl send for May issue of our Jou fully explained there: rice cents. Reliable Squad Journal Versailles, Mo, 7. BUSINESS NOTICES x. wi id JOSEPH RUSE, s CuniTN dt opened u A Qua b in and 4 E Sup od promptly at prices. SRE % DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE moved to 358 Princess Street. . SPARKS AND SPARKS, i589 Phon "EEE 1 St. (over Carn Phone 348, oO

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