Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1914, p. 2

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Repair »nd and well one. LF 3 Carpet and rug buyers are bound to patronize the store where reliability of quality is not questioned, where styles areoefrect and prices right. Buyers at the Kinston Carpet Warehouse are sure of getting I honest value for their money. IR MefAUL Kingston Carpet Ware. 0 $5800 vs a double ach, hot water heating, elect, fats fi : gas, sit- ed in the west end; d location, near $1400, frame dwelling y new, 7 rooms, B. ,.one block from railway. ; $3300, brick dwelling, rooms, furnace, B. and in j to street railway. ALE aa 8 promptly PHONE % Ef Ey ; on Saturday morning "at 11.25 o'clock via Cana- dian Pacific railroad for Petawa- w!{ Wa to prepare for the arrival of the w Inspection at Armouries Friday Even Eetawawa on Sunday Morning. Addressing: the 14th regiment, after his inspection of the rif: corps on Friday might, Colonel T. D. R. Hemming, officer 'ommanding the third division, stat-A that Re was exceedingly pleased wita the ad- vatcement it hdd made during the last three or four years, and he [signified his satisfaction of his in- spection for 1914 by declaring that the 4th was second to: 5a regiment he inspec year. 8 ne By ai has always taken a marked interest in the local ment, quilified this at some a which was very gratifying to Major H. J. Dawson, commanding the offi- cers, N. C. O's, and men on par- ade. This so far has been a banner tractive events are yet to come, namely, the camp at Petawawa and the trip to Watertown, N. Y., on July 4th, the latter being depend- ent upon the number which turn out for Petawawa, now promising to exceed 200. Col. Hemming was assisted in the inspection of the companies by Col. G. H. Ogilvie, A. A. G. The bearer section was inspected, somewhat | minutely, by Lieut.-Col. H. R. Duff, A.D.M.S. and the inspections were followed by the muster by Major Lambert, paymaster of the diviel-, on. On account of the rain"in the af- ternoon, the cricket field being wet, the regiment was confined te the armouries for the inspection, with the result -that no battalion work was dong and the companies were somewhat handicapped. Particular attention was given by Cols. Hem- ming and Ogilvie to the N. C. O's., and the former commented upon the state of efficiency of which they had given evidence. He laid a great deal of stress upon the im- portance of good N. C. O's in the general efficiency of a wnit. . Col. Hemming comcluded his remarks with advising as many of the N. C. O's and men as possible to attend Petawawa for several rea- sons, two. of which were that fit was for, the credit of the old regf- | nt that it should be well repres- ented there, as well as that tte third division, of which it is a unit would exceed all others. Lient. George . Bawden, quarter master of the 14th, the advance party composed thirty-five men left acting and of regiment on Sunday evening. The regiment will parade at the armouries on Sunday moming at 9.30 and proceed to the Grand Trunk station where it will entrain at 10.30 o'clock. At the outer -sta- tion the riflemen will be joined by the 15th regiment of Belleville, The two corps will proceed to Brockville whera they will pick up the 41st regiment of that' town. (At Brockville the three regiments will entrain for Petawawa over the Canadian Pacific railroad. x Late Mrs. W. A. Smith, Westbrook. The death occurred, at 2 a.m., Sat urday, at her home at Westbrook, of Mrs. W. A. Smith, who a week ago was stricken with paralysis. The de ceased wag the daughter of the William Jackson, of Elginburg, where she was bbrn forty-three years ago. She was married fourteen vears ago to her husband, who, with three daughters, survives. The late Mrs. Smith was a member of the West- brook Methodist church, and the fun- oral will take place on Monday, at 2 : from the church to Cataraqui cemetery. Boy's First Communion Suits. Prevost, Brock street, ha§ an extra large stock of them in blue and black serges and cheviots, beautifully made. Price extremely low; variety large. "A 25¢. Tooth Paste for 15c." Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. : John Conley, 'plumber, Renfrew at is visiting friends in the city, Mr. Conley reported to the Whig that the crops in the vicinity of Renfrew are not as gooa as those of the county, Lack of rain bas been the cause. Renfrew district last year from the same reason and had a small crop. McConkey"s week-end two pound boxes .sweets.. . Only at Gibson's Red Cross " On Mondaysmorning a farmer from the township of Kingston will be called upon to answer to the charge of assailting his wife and threatening to kill her with an axe. "Ice cream. bricks" Cross Drug Store. at Gibson's Red | ing --The Regiment Will Leave for Season for the 14th, and two at tate suffered | 3 NT FOR ITS AT BATESCOURT, A POPULAR MEMBERS PRIVATE SCHOOL. There Was a Good Attendance of In. terestéd Spectators--Songs and Recitations Given.--Addresses dre livered. - The annual ing exercises of Bates court, which is ably conducted by Miss Ada Bates, were held in the room of the school en Friday mn. Despite the threatening weather many parents and interested friends of the pupils were present and were well entertained by the splendid programme of citations provided. One number en- titled "Advertising for a Servant," in which Misses Barbara Bidwell, Jessie and Kitty Torrance, Gwendo- lin Dawson and Fleanor Mundell took part, was most enthusiastically ro ceived, and special praise must be given Miss "Jessie Torrance for her inimitable representation of the Irish servant. After the programme Archdeacon 0. G. Dobbs complimented the children on their excellent work Yor the year and presented 'the prizes. Proficiency prizes were won by Misses Barbara Bidwell, Jessie Torrance, Eleanor Mundell, Marjorie Evans and Helen Ireland. Good conduct and regular attendance prize which was competed for by all the pupils was won by Misa Jessie Torrance. The prizes for sewing were donated by Mrs. E. F. Torrance and Mrs. 1. Dawson and were won, in senior class by Miss Kitty Torrance: second class by Misses Cecil + Macnee and Gwendolin Dawson, and junior by Miss Virginia Fair. The drawing was judged br Miss Ella Fraser. the senior: prize, being won by Miss Kitty Torrance and the jonior prize by Miss Tor. rance. |" The prizes for arithmetic and' spell ing, which were offered by Miss Jor- dan, were won by) Misses Barbara Bidwell and Jessie Torrance Jessie IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor. The schooner Bertie Calking arrived at the Grove Inn, from Oswego, with coal. The schooner J. BB. Kitchen, dis- charging coal at Booth & Co's wharf, cleaved, Saturday, for Oswego. I'he steambarge John Randall was in port, last night, from the Rideau canal, on the way to Oswego. The steamer Missisquoi was in port, Mrom (Gananoque, on Saturday. M.T. Co's oat | Tug Emerson, from Montreal, with three light barges, will clear, with barge Quebec, for Charlotte, to load coal for Mont- real; tug Bartlett, from Welland canal, with two grain-laden barges, cleared, with barge Augustas, to load grain at Port Colborne; tug 'Thomson, from Prescott, light, cleared for Montreal, with two grain barges; steamer Dorie, grain laden, from Fort William, due to arrive to discharge during Satur- day afternoon; steamer Northmount, grain-laden, from Fort William, will pass, on her way to Montreal, to- night. The steamer Meaford from the Welland canal, on her way to Montreal, to-day The steering gear broke on Monday and the steam- er has been tied up since. The steamer Quierida, a Norwegian boat, with pulpwood from Anticosti Island, is expected to pass up Satur- day. She may go to Thorold, Oswego or Erie. The steamer Haddington, with cargo of coal from Erie, passed down, on her way to Quebec, at 11 p.m., Fri- day. The steamer Canadian passed up to the Welland cabal, at 4 p.m. Friday, from Montreal. Ihe steamer Tagona passed up to the Welland canal, at 3 pm. Friday, from Montreal. The steamer Iroquois passed down to Montreal, at 2 am. Saturday, from Port Colborne. The steamer Natironco is expected from Montreal. Orders are not yet received as to her destination. tae steamer Alexandria passed up Friday night, from Montreal, on her way to Hamilton. The steamer Britannic arrived from and cleared for Montreal, Friday af- ternoon. The steamer Toronto passed down, Saturday morning. The steamer Brockville, down, from Picton. he government survey steamer Lambton is still waiting, at the King- ston Shipbuilding company's wharf, for orders to enter the dry dock. The barge Augustus was released from ihe dock at 3 pam. Friday, and the steamer Sowards towed the barge to the Montreal Iramsportation com- pany's elevator, Reported is expected MOST OF THE YOUNG MEN Are Expected to Mark For Harriso Kingston, June 20.-4{To" the Fdi- tor) : Seme hot politicians say, "Give us prohibition, stop the manuiuctore, we will support Rowell. There Their Ballots {will be more whiskey used if vou abol: ish the bars," etc. {1H Prohibition and stop the manufac ture-is the remedy, byt it is not with- in our reach. We have a jew niore | rungs to lay hold on ere we regeh the I i i fi fit fi Some arg t the right i made ¢ 1S Assit 0.05 | 343 King St. JAD, Brat. tefurm vote. which 1 top. I} Abotish the bar and you save the young man, and the. old toper will 1800u get ashamed of carrving a flask around. 'There is ® law prohibiting | "one carrying firearms. ! | These arguments put forth by some men subposed to have brains stagger «@ourse I know their ohject. v has to be used when 5 at stake, but the rank and file will not swallow their mixture. Civilization is on a mighty wave in direction, and Mr. Rowell that movement, and a more donscientious man is hard to find, A gentleman said: "I went into his meeliti a red-hot tory, but after hear- ing + I feel: convinced that heis fervent in his appeal, and I will cast help save somebody's boy.' hohe ey method is too slow for this J tion. I firmly be SATURI 9, <8 Great Music Sale a Will Attend Service at Number of the Churches Sunday Morning--On Their Way Home From Trip Down River. Upwards of two hundred and fif- ty members of the Rochester Cham- ber of Commerce will spend about three hours in the city on Sunday,' on their way home from a trip down the river on the steamer UG sr. | onia which was chartered for th: outing, which included a trip to To- ronto and Ogdensburg. The party is expected to arsive in Kingston about 10 o'clock on' Sunday morning, and they will be welcomed by Robert Meek, the pre-| sident. and other mentbers of the Kingston Board of Trade. The visi- tors made the request that arrange- ments be made for their attendance' at a number of the city churches. and committees will be on hand to escort the visitors to the churches, The churches to be visited for the morning service are St. George's, First Congregational, First Bptist, Chalmers, Sydenham Street ,Mctho- dist and St. Mary's Cathedral. There is no special programme for the visit of the delegation, apart from attending the churches. The party will leave at 1 p.m., on their way home. The Rochester delegation was fn! Toronto on Friday where they wee tendered a motor drive and banquet by the Board of Trade of that city. i Saturday night they will be enter- tained by the Board of Trade at Ogdensburg. Among the officers with the excursion are: George W. Thayer, president; vice-president, Beautiful Doll Good Bye. All I can Say is 1 Love You. The Concert in the Sky. Castillane, Daddy Has a Sweetheart. Dear Old Rose. Gee, I Wish That it Was Me. Good Bye, Rose. Good Bye All Garden of Roses. The Garden of Dreams. Than Under Any Old Tree. Alpine Hut, Angel's Serena Forest Carmen. Pestle. Spring Song: Charge of the Uhlans. ins Waltzes, The Flower Song 160 Princess St. Down in Dear Old New Orleans. In Sending a Message to Mama, The I'd Rather be Kissed Neath the Missletoe I Wish That You Belonged to Me. 1 Falling Waters. Traumerie, Concert Polonaise. The Flatterer. Humorestre. 2 The Co for One or 3 for 25¢. Ve A ---------- ek Only : 10c Per Copy 1 Want to be Loved All Over. In the Heart of the Kentucky Hills, Just Send for Me. My Heart Shall find Your Heart. The Night You Told Me no. Oh so Sweet. Roses Bring Dreams of You. Somebody's Coming to Town. Sweetie Sweet. Dream Kisses. On the Old Fall River Line. When You Hay'nt a Beautiful Girl. Oh You Million Dollar Doll. Gone. CLASSICAL. Anvil Chorus. Beautful Lily of the Valley. Wedding March. de, . ldillo. Simple Confession. ~ SATURDAY NIGHT George W., Tadd: George W. Robes- on, Harper, Sibley, R. M: Searle, bast president; Roland B. Wood. ward, secretary. The following gentlemen will he guesis at the Rochester Chamber: Judge William E. Werner, of the court of appeals; Hon. James G. Cutler chairman ot the executive committee of the chamber of commerce of the U.S.A ; Judge John D. Lyon, Mayor Bdger- appeal to dressy Finds us ready with many articles that will ladies. Lisle Gloves, elbow length, white or black, all sizes, per pair 25 ton, Edwin A, Fisher, city angincer; George Roth, collector of %ustoms. | ---- | Looked Over Plans. | There was a meetin on Friday night of the special committee re- cently appointed by the Board of Education to consider the question of industrial training, having" in view the improvement of the system. Lisle Gloves, extra long length, white or blaék, all sizes, per pair Silk Gloves, long lengths, grey, champagne, white, black, all sizes, 50c, 75¢, $1 a pr. The committee looked over the plans for the addition. to the collegiate in- stitute, but decided that at the pres-' ent time there were no suggestions to make, ! Children's Long White Lisle or Silk Gloves 25¢ and 50c a pair --n i 1000 Islands-Rochester SS. Caspian leaves at 10.15 a.m. on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, | commencing June 7th, for Thousand | Special in summer weight corsets, sizes 18 50c, 75¢, $1 a pair Islands, and at 5 p.m. for Rochester. It often happens that just Ladies' Lisle Thread soon as a desirable piece of proyer- | ty is sold, everybody sgems to want it. We have a number of such properties listed now. Better get in first MeCann. T. R. Balley and T. R. Bailey, Jr., of Hlizabeth, N. J., were visiting in Kingston on Saturday. ' ' special price per ity, white, tan, black, all sizes. Hose, excellent qual- Our pair Pleated Frillings in a wide range of dainty designs, ecru or white, 15¢ a yd. and up Council 20; C. 0. C. ¥. will hold a special meeting to-night. { White Rose flour for all purposes. | See the nobby white each. "The Hat Store" by Marquisette Waist in Ladies' sizes that we are selling at $1.00 Hats For Everybody Buy To-night Newman INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Our Busy Reporters Only six weeks to clear out our im So mense stock. Weese company. pe Look ! Print blouses, \30c.; Men's Hats |ing underskirts, 49c. Dutiows. r , : a | Weese photo closes. Send in re-or- Of every deseription, ba er Bt tives. at Gaee, biggest stock, best val- A. B. MacKintosh Gow, of Van- Re Pan: Stas couver, is in the city and will spend ues. anama Straws, a few days here. Felts, Linens, Caps, ete. "Insect powder gems' at . Red Cross Drug Store. ' A Misses Hattie, Jennie and Kath- leen Henzy, Brock street, leave {shortly for a two months' visit in British Columbia. "A 25c. Tooth Paste for 15¢." Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | Money has earning power. The ymoney that goes for rent is earn- ing money for others. Buy a home from MeCann on deferred payments, and collect your own interest. The firemen were given a call Friday night to the corner of Prin- cess and Sydenham street. The re- flection from a gas log fire gave a citizen the impression that was a fire in the moving picture theatre close by and the firemen were summoned, Baby's Name. It was an eventful day for Rose the day her little sistér was born. She' was delighted aid took no pains to conceal her great joy. At the same time she felt a great is se of age and dignity, and agnoumced to her wash- Gibson's Ladies' Hats Visit our millinery department to-night. Special sale of all straw shapes and i hate. there | & Shaw The Always Busy Store rooeeBUILDERS SUPPLIES eweoy FOR REAL ECON- OMY Buy Anglin's* made to fit Sereen Doors and Windows, Rustproof Copper or Galvanized Wire Netting. Lasts for years. . Anglin & Co. +oeeLUMBER, COAL & WOODewes mother, at the first opportunity that she no longer wished to bo ¢ 11 "Rose," but her own name----Franefs. "We called you Rose, dear, whén with an indulgent smile, You were so fair and sweet that you reminded us of & rose. Can you not think of some flower that your little sister resembles?" Rose curled herself up at the foot of her mother's bed and meditated deeply for a few moments, then she went over and took a peep at baby sleeping peacefully in her crib. "I think we might call her cur- rant," said the little tot.--National Monthly. - ZA Children's Hats Tams; Straws, Felts, Linens, Ratines, Silks, a big variety of real new shapes from 25¢ up. you were a baby," said her mother, ju "because | | always . You 'may therefore of Aiding the vi 'latest in HERE ARE A FEW § Seren. Doors, all sizes, $1.00, $2.25. Complete. 'Living for self 'alone is not even M : i Blis Danube Walls, Melody in F. The Palms. Heart Bowed Down. . Toreador. Autumn. The 'Searf Dance. Invitation to the Dance. llege Book Store Who's Going to Love You When--I'm Le Gigot (Led 0' Mutton. ! Chapel in the Salute a' Les Sylphes. Dance Alice. Phone 919 ess Beads | For Late Spring and ! Summer Wear Something worth the having and yet far from expensive. ; he patterns aye not extreme, are desirable and dainty, Smith Bros. Jewelers and Wicians Issuers of Licenses Lenses Ground nes GRAY, BROWN, WHITE AND BLACK OSTRICH AND MARABEAU W. F. Gourdier's 78-80 Brock Strat LOOK AHEAD SEE YOUR WAY HAVE A PLAN And let that plan be to ar- range to buy a nice home. $5000--On Aberdeen-Ave. (New) $3500--On Alwington Ave. (New) $5000--O0n Frontenac St. $5000--m William St. $4600--On 3 x3 $3400--O0n Coldingwdad. St. oe $3300--On Albert St. --; "« Houses to rent, Fire Insurance, Rents Collected, Money to Loan. E.W. MULLIN ' Cor. Johuson and Division Streets, Phones 539 and 1456, stock for cleanliness, whiteness, spotlessness and sanitary treatment of your wash- ables, 'and >a 3 Laundry will answer the call and give you just 'what you want, just when you want it, and at a price that will please you.

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