Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1914, p. 10

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to June 2rd 1914, ' RAIL "Service has been Inaugurated be- i Eastern and Western Canada, ns leaving « Toronto via Grand Trunk, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11.15 a.m., to conneet at Sarnia with the high-class steamers of the Northern Navigation Co., for Fort William, thence Grand Trunk ¥_Pacinc to points in Western Canada. Ra: can make all arrangements to ro your family and friends from Br toll SE ly. to : or ars a) : 3. P. HANLEY, x Railroad and Agent, Cor. Johnson taric Sts. ignntic Steel or and Detroit : ng Montrea 'am,; Toronto Detroit 12.35 a. .m., arrivin m, oni Chicago 7.45 a.m. daily, Baually good service returning. Through Electric Lighted BEquip- = ~ VANCOUVER Toronto- Vancouver Express No. 3 leaves Toronto 6.56 p.m. dally. Van: er-Toronto Express No. 4 ar- rf Toronto 11,46 am. dally. Man- No. 7 leaevs Toronto nd Say 0. aves Innipes p.m. and arrives Toronto 6.15 p. m. daily except Tuesday, ----------------_-- A AS Ratl Oe- go eka feu CONWAY: OF. " cry Office, cor. Princess And Wellington Sts. Phone 1197. . CANADA - STEAMSHIP LINES, LIMITED '#8, KINGSTON--SS, TORONT leave 0 daily , at § a.m, for Clayton, ria Bay, Brockville, Prescott ontreal. At 5 p.m. for Rochester and Toronto. 4 88, CASPIAN A Ju ith an: a at b calling at leaves Sun- fridays at C Lm. for ar, " ay of 3 MN, Tt po pL BELLEVILLE < t 7 am, Wednesdays, for nH nd on Baturdays at mid- i 'onto, AWA--CITY OF HAMIL TON ; 9 at § am. on Bundays and s_for Montreal, and on Sun- : 'and Wednesdays at midnight for to and Hamilton. S85, AMER hv ICA Commenci June 1st, except Sundays, for Ca o 7.30 am, and 1 m. ves 11,45 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. Lind at 330 hE t ves A e P, ally excep Sunday, 4 Picton of Quinte ports, es dally lea Vincent at intermediate eturning "ar- | Wei i. Always Attracte--Use Parisian Sage. Faded Hair Becomes Girls and women of all ages want be cimarming, beautiful and attrac: Mve--it's their Dbirthright---but un- slightly, thin and characterless hair destroys half the beauty of a pretty face. » rr 3 if your hair Is not attractive, is falling out, streaky, full of dandruff too dry, or If the scalp Itches and burns, don't delay---use Parisian Sage. Apply with a sponge of cloth, taking a small strand of hair at a time. Rub it well into the scalp. It will go right to the hair roots, nour- ish them and stimulate the hair go grow Tong and luxuriant, Parisian Sage removes. dandruff with one ap- | plicati and cleanses the hair of 'dirt, dust-and excessive ofl. It will nool and invigorate the sealp and 'make the hair doubly beautiful, i Parisian * Sage is a geientifically made preparation that gives the hair Just what is needed to make it soft, flufty, thick, and gloriously radiant. It is delicately perfumed--not stick (or greasy. Sold In fifty cent bottles ,only at the drug and tollét counters. Look for the trade mark--""The Girl {with the Auburn Hair." Accept no | substitute, Delighted users pronounce Farisian 'Sage the best hair tonic. Get a bot- tle from J. B. Mcleod to-day---he will return the money if you are not satisfied. FLCUR Our Robin Hood Brand of flow has a guarantee In every bag for good quality, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. mA < inlet is a curable disease, which requires treatment. The ORRINE treatment can be used with absolute confi dence. It destroys all desire for whiskey beer, or other intoxicants. Can be given in the home. No sani- tarium expense. No loss of time from work. Can be given secretly. If after a trial you fail to get any benefit from its use your money will be refunded. ORRINE is prepared In 4go forms: No, 1, secret treatment, a powder; ORRINE No, 2, in pill Yorm for those who desire to take volun- tary treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and talk over the matter with us, Ask for booklet. G. W. Mahood, cor, Princess and Bagot streets. ' A A NA AA How To Cure Stomach Troubles Excessive acid in the stomach or hy- eracidity, as it is called, is primarily wspondible for nearly 'all cases of in- Wgestion, dyspepsia, gastritis ond flaw tulence which quite frequently lead to stomach ulcers. The successful treat- ment for the prevention of such cases depends entirely upon neutralizing the excess acid, stopping the food fermen- tation and healing the inflamed mu- cous membrane that lines the stomach For this purpose, specialists are now universally advising the use of pure bisurated magnesia which has recently been found to be unequaled in the treatment of even the severest cases. {One to two teaspoonfuls in a little wat- ler immediately after eating steps all | pains almost instantly, neutralizes the | acid and soothes the inflamed stomach and If regularly used, will quickly re- | move the cause of the trouble. Being | well known, bisurated magnesia can he druggist and will { obtained from any | Keep indefinitely if képt tightly corked. jght reserved to change steamers | time with or without, notice, J. P. HANLEY, EB HORSEY, City ficket Agent. : +» General Agent. Lh 4 CANADIAN 42 #eom Southampton = From Montres) une 4 ANDANIA June 20 une 11 . ASCANIA June 27 AUSONIA July 2 July 18 & s., Plymouth eastbound, + A § ROBBY REFORD co. aire, 46.25. 8rd. h $038 up West: THE eral Agents, 30 King St. East, T' Suma-- Fi 1. MeAULEY, 3! Furniture Dealer Undertaker + 281 Princess Strept Ambulance Phone 861 Sm, Clean and free from dandruff and possessing all the radiance of perfeet hair, This is just what Sageine means to those who suffer with ftch- ing scalp, dandruff, coarse, dry or common looking hair. Sageine is anew life to faded unattractive Rair. Sageine feeds the hair root with the necessary food for promoting a heal- thy growth. Sageine is the daint- fest tonic you could wish for. It is not a dye and is not sticky or greasy. A large shaker-top bottle costs only 50¢. and Mr. W. W. Gibson gives his personal guarantee to re- fund the money if you are not en- tirely satisfied. Be sure to go to W. W. Gibson's drug store xs other storés cannot: supply you. AMERS CANADIAN ROU' onl rom $ to Scandin'n i rian Heber 7 18 ones Poni 23 June uebee Alsatian 2 Ju ontreal Victorian 7 Glasgow June 11 J une 18 June 18 July EB July 4 Awg To London & Havre July Best. 1 June 38 July 1 Aug. Jonian 12 Jul Hi 16 Aug. h nd pas- pa hig Apply 1 Agents or use for GET IN THE CROWD AND JOIN " HIS FORCES. Conservatives Breaking Away From Their Party in Order to Vote for Abolition of the Bar. "Get in the crowd and join the Rowell forces." That is the sentiment sweeping Ontario and gv- ery day adding to the forces of the jimperasce tide. People realizing e moral responsibility of the situation to "save the boy," are gei- ting behind the temperance cause with the, rallying ery, "The bar must go." The rush is not confined to clergymen either, for when 81 kL men as J. J. Mason, a big manufac- turer, of Stratford, president of the Globe-Wernicke company, rear- ed in a conservative household, and hold to the tendencies even to the defence of the three-fifths clause instituted by .the Whitney government, forsakes party to fight for temperance, tifere is a mighty influence sweeping to the side of re- form. Mr. Mason is not an isola- ted case, but he is typical. Mr. Mason's reasons for ge'tinx bekind Rowell and reform are best given in his own words: "I follow- ed the conservative party as long as I cold, perhaps a little longer. 1 even defended the three-fifths clanse time after time in the Methodist conference. That was before the liberals came out definitely for tein- perance reform. Even at the pre- sent elections I am willing to stay with the "party if I could see that they were going to do something "I believe that if a man, when né is faced by a clear-cut moral issue, such as this, fails to act according to his conscience, because he' thins that leaving his party will hurt him, he is just as culpable as if he changed his party simply for his own private advantage, I'm going to see this fight through now, and if other temperance People through- out the province wake up we'll win. "I do not know of a conservative manufacturer in Stratford who is Bot going to vote for Rowell and the aolition of the bar at this election * gs of the other conservatives who come out in favor of aholis e bar talk as follows : lish th The Blight on Labor, "Uf the union men could only see how it is upping the best that life has them they would vote it out. It is a lawana- ble thing for the labor cause."--Mr Uamidge, president of the Trades and Labor Council. "We stand in the way of the great est opportunity we have ever. i 8S. C. Senior, of Toronto. "I feel that 1 would be a traitor to the cause of temperance if T did not stand behind Mr. Rowell in the advocacy' of the abolition oi the bar."--Rev. H. W., Crews, president of Hamilton conference, at Wood- stock, "As I am a temperance man and a party man after, 1 am com- pelled to line up behind Rowell," Ag R. Fawcett. editor of the Burk's Falls Arrow and an independent con- servative, of Untario for Guelph wad." first A Toronto Alderman. #] want to state that I am a con servative, but Iam in favor of any advance that will cause the province to get 1id of the liquor traffic." Ald. W.. W. Hiltz, temperance candi- date in the Riverdale riding, To- ronto, tion policy and that he had been in- formed that the Whitney government wovld do more for advanced tem perance reform, was the statement made by J. T. Thompson, a conser vative, in speaking for C. A. Moss and Dr. Mackenzie in Northeast T. ronto, At a meeting at Deseronto on he half of Mr. Holgate, the liberal tem- perance candidate in Fast Hastings, there were four conservatives on the platiorm, all working for the abolish the bar policy. , ey were : George Denzer, Rev. F. S. Dowling, Rev. A. T.. Brown and Robert J. Graham, of Pelleville. The Call for Men. Jordan, in Northwestern Chris tian Advocate Clear above the roar and din of life. Urgent, persistent, comes the clar- ion eall ~ To wen of strength and wisdom men of power, Men of high purpose, men of pure desire; A call to service for their God and fellow men A Service which demands the Fred J life ood, And calls for all the good which men possess: Which does not promise crowns and diadems, But sacrifice and suffering pain and strife. A sarvice which: shall touch eternal things . And help to mold the destiny of man. A service which shall grasp the fal- len man nl all the horror of his sin and shame And by 3 Chyistiive brotherhood shall Him to a plane of right and truth, A service whose reward shall be the knowledge Of the joy another shall receive. And In anor er's blessing Shall find There is to find of rich reward. For this strong men are needed, Who shall ind their life in giving up The smite to teach a brother how to ve. For not in ancient creeds, or y.rinted page. Or in the long and oft repeated pra- yer Do men come nearest heaven, But when unselfishly they give them- selves To bless another ul They lift themse 1 and brothers al- To the very heart of God. The average business man has no a dead one. Hut then the un riwiay not be an average busi- an Honesty may be the best policy, but the policy sometimes expires, That he believed in the bar aboli 'i "tof In India Men Of at Most Une : Men Sir Moments The Londan Chronicle. Climate has something to do with the amount, of sleep required by a mah, a india, for Sastatie, sleep ertakes people at the most unex- peered 1 Ry Speaking at a diy ner given ig his honor at Simla when he gave up the post of finance member of council. Sir Guy Fleet- wood Wilson recalled his first bud- got statement before ag Winn e day was abnorm ot an close, even for Calcutta a in summer dame. Partly owing to the weark some effect of my first atiem™t 'at oratory, one by one, 'every single member present went to sleep: and I actually fell asleep myself in the (course of the delivery of my s.aic- ment, This surpasses the [+i of the Duke of Derohshire who paused a the middle of maiden speech 0 yawn. 2 a i. 4 'No Girl or Women Need be Con. { stantly Alling and U.h ppy | ------ | Nature intended every girl and every woman to be happy, attractive. active and healthy. Yet too many of them find their lives saddened by sui- feving--nearly always because their blood is to blame. All thuse unhap- py girls and women with colorless cheeks, dull skins and sunken, lugtre- less eyes, are in this condition be- cause they have not enough good red blood in their veins to keep them well and in the charm of health. They suffer from depressing weariness and periodical headaches. Dark lines form under 'their eyes, their heart palpi- tates violently after the slightest ex- ertion, and they are often attacked with fainting spells. These are only a few -of 'the miseries of bloodlessness. Nothing can rescue girls and women from the inevitable decline that fol- lows anaemia except a generous sup ply of new, rich, red blood, and no thing has ever proved so successful in creating red, good blood as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People Thousands and thousands of girls and women owe their good health and charming complexion to the use of this medicine. Here is one example of its power to cure. Mrs. Rose Ralli, Toronto, Ont., says "For a long time 1 sufiered with anaemia, nervousness and general debility, in fact 1 was begimming to feel a ' posi tive wreck. 1, tried several medicines and emulsions.! For a time I would feel better for taking them and then the effect' would wear off, leaving me worse than before. The continued drain on my health altered by ap pearance, my friends telling me 1 had a haggard and worn appearance, This naturally did not help to improve me, as vou know no woman likes to be told she looks "worn out." Finally Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were sug- gested and mv husband got me a sup- plv. 1 used them and found the re- sult good--mnot only good, but the ben- efit lasting, and I am now enjoying {perfect health, have a good color and have regained my natural bubyancy. 1 !trust this letter of gratitude may be the means of helping others who are suffering as 1 was." New health, new strength, new vi- tality, follow the fair use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills You can get them from your medicine dealer or by mail 'at 506. a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - { Child Suicides in Germany. A remarkable impression has been produced here by the publication of a chapter on suicides in the new is- sue of the annual statistical register the Prussian state. f In the year 1912 there were no fewer than 112 suicides of children fof 15 years and younger. The (number of suicides between the age 'of 15 and 20 is not given, but must he very much higher, since occasi- 'onlly within the past few months {there have been as many as five cas- es registered in the course of a Isingle day in Berlin alone. The | total number of male suicides in the female suicides 2119, O¢.these there were 96 boys of 15 and 'younger and 16 girls. Of these, two boys and one girl were not even ten years old. An examination of the individual cases shows that youthful suicides are far more frequent in industrial districts, espegially in Silesia, in the Rhine district, and in Berlin. The cause in the majorty of cas- es is said to be fear before punish- ment either on account of some childish crank in thé house, or of- ten enough because of bad marks at school. jput was 6.604, Good clothes are not considered eco- lateral at any well-established and safe bank, Willingness to buy with weluctance to pay is not a redeeming trait of character. The wrecked life in your pathwav may have been put there for your sal- vation. VALUE OF RHEUMA Judge Barhorst was Relieved of Rheumatism After Doctors 2 Failed If you have tried many other reme- dies and doctors' treatments for Rheumatism and found they failed, do not be skeptical about ng RHEUMA. Read the testimony of Judge John Barhorst, of Fort Lora- mie, O.: "After treaifnent hy three doctors without result, | have been cured of a very bad case of Rheumatism by uging two bottles of RHEUMA. It is now two yeas since | uséd'the rem | edy, and I am still as well as ever. Previously, I was a cripple, walking with crutches." ve Such testimony should be convine- Tg. S0¢. J. B. McLeod gudrantees t ; Wise and - Otherwise Patience may be the lazy man's only virtue. i i Mogt men are industrious from ne- cessily, mis 4 Spoiled children and foolish par- ents are often found in the same house. Anyway, a wan never ails down on the floor when he puts on his hosiery. A sound discretion is not so much indicated by never making a mistake as by never repeating it,-- Bovee. I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his seed begging bread.--Ps. 37: Of all the evil spirits abroad at this hour in the world, insincerity is the most dangerous.---Froude. All Sorts. Some people think; and there some Who gravely blink. Beneath another head they come; They think they think ~~Kansas City Journal. are Let it Stand. "Do you approve of taking the word 'obey' out of the marriage cere- mony?" No," replied Misg Cayenne it remain. Nobedy is going to keep bringing up a marriage ceremony and guoting from it as if it were a party platform."-- Washington Star "Let I had a friend I loaned him ten I haven't seen My friend since then In the Yellowstone. Young Husband---You catch a trout in that pool, toss him into the next pool and boil him! Young Wife--But I don't like boiled trout--isn't there a volcano one could toss him in and fry him? New York Globe. Consolation. Millie--So you loved and lost, did you? Willie--Oh, no, indeed! She re- turned all my presents! --Town Talk Right Up-to-the-Minute Anyhow. "Jane had her fortune told yes- terday." "That so? What did she learn?" "That a stylish woman in a purple wig is going tc make trouble for her." Lucky Grace. "Grace has found her ideal." "That so?" "Yes, and he mobile, also owns an auto- Revised to Kit the Day. Bring up a girl in the way she should go and when she is oldbr she'll discard her petticoats, just as all the other women do. The Ruling Passion is Strong, Even, Ete. Notice--This store will be closed all day Thursday on account of death. New Orleans Fruit House. Get your supplies in.--Adv.--Flint Journal. . A Modern Divorce, "He's applied for modern di- vorce." "A modéra divorce?' What's that? "Well, he's begun prodeedings against his wife, but before doing so he notified all her people that he had absolutely mno quarrel with them." a Hasn't Learned That One. "Do you dance all the new steps?" "Evemything but this new one they've just brought over from Bra- zil called the mediation." Gives it a Mexican Name. "She's right up on the Mexican situation." "That so?" "Yes, She's even named her sum- mer cottage Wild Villa." Wise. \ #1 don't want to brag about my- self. I've done many foolish things in my time, but I've been wise one way." "What's that?" "I never had the idea that I could paper a bedroom myself." Largest in World. The Ph North-American. It is that the Island of Mindanao produces the largest flow- er 8 the world. Its habifat I high up the Parag mountain, eet above the level of the sea. The na- [tives it the name of Bolo. It's full-blown blossom, five-pétaled, is more than three feet in diameter and weighs 22 pounds. The fiower in I was first found in Sumatra and was called Rafffesia Scadenburgia, |i honor of its discovered. 2 » At hour do You rise © Do you say to yourself in the morning "1 ve got to get up 1 Or do you just 'get up"-- spring out of bed like a giant refreshed and tackle your day's work and worries joyfully ? A Hercules' Bed Spring 'will make you sleep better because the "Hercules' is a better Spring-- more buoyant, more ul. Don't out yournights ona bed thitaage. 8 on a spring thats scientifi- cally constructed so that it cannot sag. The ""Hercu/ les' withits 'Five Timea' weave rests every muscle and nerve because it dis- tributes the weight of your body evenly. We also make the Famous * Gold Medal Felt Mattress best 'for use in com- binatien with the "Hercules" Bed Spring. BED SPI VERMIN PROOF GS Please wote the Patented Basket Edge which keeps the Mattress from Spreading and & thd clothes from slipping off. At all Responsible Dealers or Write Direct to-- (2) The Gold Medal Furniture Mfg. Co., Ltd. TORONTO - alsoat Montreal and Winnipeg R. J. REID Dn rd = HE thinker knows that a light, easily digested and assimilated food is conducive to hard mental work. His knowledge of what is good for him leads straight to 0 what 6) | 'Burning The Midnight 4 White Shoes All kinds of stylish street and outing shoes, rea- sonable in price and just the thing for coolness and comfort. White Canvas Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords, $1.50 to $3.00. i x White Buck Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords, $4. White Canvas and Buck Boots, $4.00, $4.50. Tennis, Yachting and Outing Shoes of all kinds, "from 75¢ up. ir a

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