place for your insurance 5 policies, deeds, © securities, and other valuable articles. Rentals from $2.00 per annum Jp. A private Youm for the operation of the hoxes. Distrjet Manager of The . EQUITABLE arence Street ASSURANCE SOCIETY Builders & Contractors Attention : "Band for sale in any quantity TREAT CEMENT BRICK FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE KINGSTON CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY, * LIMITED. 4 AN 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. 'Yards, Sowards' Dock ! t------ ---------- On Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. 'The owner says he has the best house in Kingston. Well, it is just as ood, anyway. We have plenty more such brick. Why not 'build your new Louse of them and boost home industries. = Phone. 1396 Division St. Albert Neal ~~ FOR SALE Solid brick dwelling, nine rooms. grate, deep Tot; one block fram New: frame. house, nine rooms, Double, frame dwelling, Division St, How about your fire insurance? companies, hot water heating, furnsgce, We represent electric Victoria Park. Price Tight, $3800 first electric lights, $2500 six rooms each. Price ......%2030 nothing. but 'the best J. K. Carroll Agency, 46 BROCK ST. OHN. DRIVER. Fresh Seeds are a Prime Necessity If you are looking for results, why not sow seeds that will grow. Xon can procure, thew Tents wm ATT vi FR No Fn " ut, Telephone 380 t Delivery I~ s St, brits six. rooms, modern, hot wafer far nace. Rent $15.00 per month, Also 118 Victoria She os tween Earl and Johnson, brick. house, fully mod: Immedia! possession. yin M = PHONE 68. Representative. Auction We are now booking our wp Cuts soul early so Estate on & commis utatien tor the last eon yedrs assures yon of the utmost satisfaction, prompt 're turns, honest and efficlent service. We wil il hy the contents of ar, Soune for Allen's. 118 Rreck ¥ Notice We desire to inform our friends and patrons that after July lst the cast of atl shines Will be advanced to lic. Shoes will be dried by eleggricity be- fore being polished, which will pre serve the life the leather and lemgthen the of shoes. sales dates Phone 252. Don't thrbw away vour Panama or Straw Hats. Have us make them look "We clean them by elec tricity. Pappas Bros. 14th regiment parades Friday at 40 p. m. for Inspection at muster t cricket fale, 5 The Old Collegiate Institute ball team~jg scheduled to play Central school at the ericket field this afters noon. 'No more mosquitoes" in the camp (or in your home. Jap Sticks. Sold 'at Gibgon's Red Cross Drug Store: Russell Cousins, of Adelphustown, spent Thursday afternoon and 'even ing visiting old actqlaintances in up-to-date Terms moderate. Mis Drive mosquitods out of your camp or your home. Mosquito Foe will do it. Sold at Gibson's. Red Cross Prag 3 Store. ere were no bowling games 2 Queen's green Thursday nig the schedule are two game night: Turecott vs. Wormwith McKelvey vs. Montgomery. LAKE ONTARIO PARK MONDAY, JUNE 22ND| FREE SHOW VAUDEVILLE AND PIC- | TURES Admission to Park Free by street Car rida and gas class Ro 8 rr pepe pa Yours for service to the City and Province, backed by your sapport. Yours, cate, 3,960 Loskport, N. ' 5 AGENTS! RIG MONEY -MAKRR! OUR Be . dolar book, et ae, Empress ~ vo MAMMAAALALLALASLALALLASL Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout. § Due of Kingston's Best. It has been mutually arranged between the par- ties, in order to give the workingmen an opportun- ity to hear the issues of «the: dav. disenssed, that Mass Meeting will be held in the City Hall on Monday. Evening, June 22 at 8 o'clock Nomination addressess will then Messrs. Ross and Harrison. be made by The police magistrate: will preside. iy, \ RJ A tasty nutritious meal in a moment : \ | YS ! Simply turn the key, and--Presto | You have a choice, tastily spiced, cooked-meat paste fit for say occasion. That's-- Ns a COMES ALSO TWO. MAIDS, APPLY {GIRLS To coMMENCE : BLP WA xt : AN ADVT, OF 25 WORDS LESS, ME DOES re ont CH SHuGRAD, APPLY Ar RAN. ho lph ot Rn po |p A GIRL TO work. Kingston Generel Hesplial. [SIBCOND COOK, WITH RXTRRIENC B §7 dor. 8K. 0 aspion.' office Canada S48 Lines. font Banck ot Seana b0. ines Joni Brock = BOYS TO AR ne JUNE 22ND, Call at & Dom, Tex- 0. mn 8t., for further mtormatian, ---- of WORK JUNE TF T22nd. Call ai the ce of the Dom Textile Co, Cataraqui St, for fur- they information, p-------------------- ten an GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST ™ hougewbrk and help cook; One who can sleep at home preferred Apply at once 33 Division street. HIRLS FOR THE WORK-ROOM, 14GHT Pleasant work. N. C. Pplsgn Co A GENERAL SERVANT, WELL RE. commended. "Apply in the evening to Mrs. Kilborn, 244 King St. A GOOR NAP FOR GENERAL * 'hougework in a till Sept. 1st. Apply betwee m. and 7.30 pm, at 152 By St. n 6 ydenham INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY sara: $100. monthly. o SERESRORAIne ng. naw; pd for er TT Fis yndi- of Ireland' Best beok published Write for free antfit at\ once terms; freight paid; credit Nichols Limited, Publishers, ronto. Bes! given To- ---------- i -------------------------------- LOCAL SALESMAN WITH FIRST. class copnections to sell stock in a going industrial compesay in Tor- onto. Nreck Appe als te! the general public. Apply in pérsen or by mail, Room 11.2 Foronto Street, Toronto. TEAOHER WANTED. TEACHER WITH A NORMAL SCHOOL certificate, Protestant, for school , 16, township of Kingston, on to commence September 1st Apply ( stating salary to J. O. Fl- lerbeck, R. M. D, 1 Westbrook. WORK WANTED. BY THE DAY OR BY THE HOUR oR will take in washing, by married Apply 235 Colborne St. a ---- SCHUHLE'S PURE GRAPE JUICE A healthful and harm- less beverage, and one of the best blood build- ers known to medical' science. AT ALL GOOD GROC- ERS AND DRUG- GISTS. woman. Auction Sale Heavy cart or brood mare to be sold by awetion at 11 o'clock Satur- day, weight 1700 -1lbs.; also Hght spring wagon. Murray, Auctioneer SATURDAY AFTERNOONS 1.30 and SUNDAYS 9, 11 am, and 1.30 p.m for KINGSTON MILLS. ROUND TRIP 25 -0, ters] Tenders are invited for the re- decoration of Cooke's Church, King- ston, Ont. Information as to work required may be obtained by apply- ing to secretary. - J. W. BRADSHAW, Court Houge, Kingston, Ont. LAUNCH Tn Phones 8431 or '203. , Wilk leave Crawford's Dock Ed TERS TE Ee rs ARE ST. rooms, not ary rr ou ye FURNISHED Hou May, McCann, 138 oy ig Rage" OFFICES IN a bers. Abply to die, 79 larenc SE, CHAM- arming' s Mu- ------ K. 108 STUART ainted: "Apoyo kK 248 Divisi on Rt. R SEVEN ROOM HO St, B. and C, ai ered and pa Laidlaw, STORAGE FOR FURNIFORE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; Sur own lock and key. Frost's Rion Storage, 299 Queen St. Phong ANE TGHT ROOM Hou SE, JULY 18T, B., , Eas and furnace, in Arst- 369 Alfred St c Tans repair. Laidlaw, Appl to J. R rh 24% Division St FOR THE « house, light, __locata SUMMER, FU nirsuen al Ie iancen. RatHe As and telephone; centr Hy & Address Box L, Whig office 10USE, 165 STUART ST, THIRD DOOR from University Ave, north side; 6 rooms, deep lot; immediate Dosses- sion. Apply 32 University Ave. Phone 1484. AT EASTVIEW PARK, ON THE ST, Lawrence, five miles from King- ston, five and seven roomed furn- ished bungalows. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine St, Kingston. ---- et -------------------------- APARTMENTS, PRETTIHLY AND CON- veniently furnished for light house- Keeping: as_ for seoking and light. Apply Ploneer Apariments, 212-214 Division St, head of Queen St. Phone 1434. FURNISHED HOUSE UNIVERSITY avenue. $5,000-~-SO0LID BRICK HOUSE, 1 roums, all improvements, large lot Alfred St. BME HOUSK, NRW, ALL moder MOR! GAGES JBOuGHT, AND SOLD, ey to lean BATEMAN & GARDINER, PHONE 306, 67 Clarence St, Kinston. PERSUNAL HA he FT £3 a _-- akin Mrgiahes scar; Far youre ex Graig Dr. Elmer J. Lake, e, Ear, Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, 268 Bagot Street, scare' MASSAGE halr, dandruff, ete, ectricity treatment FOR FALLING treated by el- od), (new meth alent fmpooing, massage, chiropo! in shampoo! manlcuring, phy. up-to-date styles in bhair wor Mrs, | lb masseuse, 169 Wellington + Phone 1495. Heurs 10 to 12 am, and 2 to § p. m, and by appointment. CATERING ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- pers, banquets, dinners, parties, ete. Silverware and cutlery to . For. articulars apply to R ti " Toye ing St. store. St ---- WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, atc, also rent dishes, table linens and silverware, teid and Homprook. P. Reid, 30 jon Street. F. Hambrook, 116 fre Street EXCA VATION? ROCK OR CLA OR: a oF cellars, her BR, and laying lawns Estimates given. H B 102 Earl Bt Mus10. MuUsIO AXD NRAMATIO tion, 318 Frontenac St, » Nopmia Telgmann, Alida Te CIEMADR. O. F. Telgmann, teachers of eloct: tion, plane, violin and all stringed inwtr ments. GENTLEMEN T9 NG THEIR on Toi ed oop tae Nd 1& SO AY an = ghp Ra repair ta and please. ng a id on est Hote Om ar rock Street; near Biv CONNER 8 URE, Clarence street, Kingston. "} IS, AND NR 0 BAY COLT, 4 YEARS ol oe broken Kinase V Company, 556 Princess Street WENRITON Car ang 4 § cash an 4 Princess St. smcoinHAND ORGAN, Guu Chea) D. J. Dawson Victor Victrolas, 244 raam ne GAS RANGES AND. REI ors at they last, ona ed I CAN SELL YOU A Frin policy on anything nsure In a first class B pany, R, Chas. Bell, 239 ANYONE HAVING stoves or furniture me for first class Fle son. 333 Princesa oFFicn CE X FEET 6 He Lan 56 1 Ek hiah nt and 561 in, | 8,20 they A LARGE a, ar Hees. rn ghepet Fite iain GROC, TE a oF Sucirio oh fe" 2 oy FX 4 roach SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT ROOMS AND BOAR. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND alsd table board. lington Bt, aoesite par on 3 FINANGIAL FRONTENAC LOAN INV ment toty; 4 Properties, municipal 0 lebentures; pi Jeposits fe 4 . B.C. McGHl Siarence Street. h i LIVERPOOL, LONDON. AND insurance a ae volt security the un Phone | ANYONE ANYWHERE €AN a mail order Ddsiness at th canvassing Send for y boortat: Se Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, rt, NY PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS chickens pay. cents; sm needed; small hace req ways penned up; re ay Issue of our 3 fully explained thers; lable Squab | 4 Versun les, Mo. JOSEPH BUSE, § CHESTNUY a auarey on up Sad rough p lind primtly at RE =a (over it on atom, passin 3 oe 5 SIMPSON, LD.3y DDS corner ncesy ht ts. Jnttance on: Bay slephone 626. 3 # C AND aoa 346, For reports of steamers Tormation regatdi