Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1914, p. 7

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| Having represented | | the a tor the (i Jaro Lon | having served your in- | terests faithfu ithfully and It Well, as my record and | my "work prove, I: re- | spectfully solicit your vote and influence to sbturn me agiin as your representative at oronto, -- *'|down. another ghip. . Meetings will be .ad- dressed by the candi- I date, Mr| Anthony | "Rankin, Dr. Edwards and others; in the fol- lowing places: Bellrock, Tues. 16th sammowanith, od 17th mlaEes 'inot steer and that dormaster of bein har EMPRESS' STEERING GEAR Haight, the 3 Storstad, informed the court that Rone lr not steer, Fie ie iy Sl ex. The Es he i ai that t ze Bid Toon complaints ol her steeri when a lsunchel his bomb. Tt was Mersey was {i davk the court . Gliiala had mi tempt to the quarter de in Atty was at the wheel of the Empress between ten and twelve o clock the night previous to the acci- dent, out of the country, as he de befove she was lost, he ship would she almost ran down the'Alden in that time. Mr. Haight said : "Last man called me on the "phone a fui that he i the 1 asked i yo was witness, and he said he was hesitated a little, _ then told him 4 come up to the hotel. I sent for in the cmnse and we beard the story. He said that, on the tight previous to the accident, he had been at the wheel, and that the Pp, had refused to apswer 'her wheel for five mindtes, and that she had almos{ run He said that She CPR. wanted to send Rim Howe Eagland on the C.P.R. ship Cinroat. He showed a letter to the captain of ihe ship signed by Capt. Walsh, ma- rine superintendent of the company, asking: that he be signed on and tak- én Home as he was a survivor of the { Empress crew." Mr. Haight said that the statemsents were so grave that he summoned Mr. 'Newcombe and Alexander Johnston, deputy minister of maritie, and they § heard the story, Then the man was ce. he man?' he is at the *sttbpoended to give his Jprd Mersey--"Who is is mame is Golwhy an 'Neptune Inn. "I advise that, you get him out of that place at once, said Lord Mersey promptly. Lord Mersey added that he thought HT Haight ought to be very careful t was Aap Sggte mer named Fournier, | | . Come and hear how | and why he is a candi | 'table world. jecleaned up two or mn making such a charge against the CPR. | Mr. Haight said he regretted that he had to say that it looked as if the C.P.R. was trying to get Golvay out of the country. |: The man Will}! be heard this after noon and Mr, HRight said that he had Aerved notice on the pilot of the Al- den and two of that ship's officers to fd on hand at the afternoon's hear- siggosted that a tris): OL who had stated that the Empress was mbving rapidly at the time of the accident, was miss: ing, having left Quebee with a C.P.R. official. Lord Mersey Jumped on Mr. Hai i for holdmmg this information up sleeve and immediately called Capt Walsh, marine superintendent of t C.P.R., who denied thai theré was any desire to get ¥id of either man. Capt. Kendall also~denied that Gol- way's story-was true as he did the stories that the Empress oatie up the Fives 2 sheered badly. . Walsh, anarine superintendent of A Au .P.R., gave an emphatic de- + when called, to the story that his compauy had _attempted {to send | Quartermaster Goltvay . out of the cotintry, do that he could not give damaging evidence at the inquiry. 1 TO MAKE MEXICO Fars, Surgeon-General of U. 8. Arniy Res. © ponsible for Soldiers. Dr. William Crawford ov is surgeon-general of the United States army, and in that capacity Is respon- {sible for the health not only of the men of the army of invasion--If there +18 an army of invasion--but also for the health of the invaded. | . That is a job that is thoroughly to {Gorgas likitig. There never was going, en oo tistigtic sanitarian sols . tiono shares rs with Colonel ol uld not have béen dug wi Brant fhe Efeet sanitary] he fs I Raat while they were at dig- GOrgiE 46 wostirals 'were h other, two oo oo an did not get along éy- en a little bit on that can otk. ombiation toon expense, = The | rhaps & more suc- Combine oné th could have plan ge = will hive to clean up the Cen- near the -capal a for the mots ful 3 ging of 'the Panama was # Gently the : French, who ght, bat died too n sounterbalances f the iarrelled. It has hey, Tot for years that 'the Goethals was all for efficiency and is costs. was all for effi- + inspired genius aed. these days the Uhited American ports uths. Guayaquil, for he hi thd © plague Joadquatters of of. has itor the protection of the Eas x undoubtedly be mpany are holaing 1 RE eo after- | been forced to admit that to elared that for 'live minutes the night }s A ly The Toronto Globe Bearing in mind that the act, under which the number ot reduced from 6,000 to less tl enacted most of the license lows will be illuminating : ing his "no amendments" pe ately iguored this fact. in 1i term of the Whither go' aa distinguished from hotel lation from four for 1 Before 1897 there were no fixed of ninety-seven license districf 'were often open all ent sons under twenty-one. yards of a chiréh lool, a vision was made for | réventi Licen: were forfeited" for within three years. ihe Whitney ei prove the License and Local fifths handicap, which has p contrary to the will of a oh 4 Sours THE SPORT } REVIEW. Notes . About Baseball Le Toronto Playing Better. Joe Jackson, the Clevélind ln Fer, will Bb out of the game p hE month, Dr. Castle, the Na sielan, or ered the player to ing he had water on tho knee, ay son had not Played for four days, 5 kite Of Jack Dunn's Baltimore International league team. tb Rich. mond fs practically settled, Dufin ad- mits an offer, and has referred thei deal to the National Commission. It | fs aid his best players will be sold to the big leagues, and all is in readi-! ness to extend the International ¢ir-! cuit to the Virginia capital. Georges Carpentier, the heavy-| weight champion pugilist of Europe, has been asked tp act as referee of | "| the Johnson-Moran fight, which {8 to | be held in Paris on June 21,. Numer- | men, have been proposed as ereé of the Johnson-Moran fight, céptable to both sides. It is said that the French boxer will accept. JS'Eddie" Collins, the greal second baseman of the Philadelphia / Athle- tics, is reported to have been Offered a $25,000 salary to jump to the Fed- | erals., Collins admits' to having req; to the Athletics uitil his contract expires to jump into a new league. TH British victory in i Inter- national polp contest, coming on top of the failure of the Americad golfers to make 4 showing in the Old Coun- try, and Oxford's win in thé relay race rather makes it look as if the The worst is still to come os 1 nl the e oh Ix as to peed Iv. a WO! a be th the | crowping Broek to Our "American | cousins" pride if Sir Thomas was to Win the pachy Face, Toréntt Globe. The Lédfs left hohe a Week ago today and haye since played nine ® | games ¥8VEn of Which they have won, They beal Montreal thrée out of four, and took four games in five from Jersey City. The winning of feven' es in nine on ihe, oad, even aginst al and Jersey City, 0 wl omen Tor- apt is playing vastly ghverint bill the road to that which they play- ed at hone. The team is hitting very hard, while the pitchers are commen- ¢ing to show the form 'which was ex- Not Business. An. old showman tells this oné: "I was connécted with a weird in tation of a circus, with side-show tachment, that used to do the t towns of the Middle West. Amolig the curiosities we had a lovely [can- nibal,' who, lightly clad, used to toy! with a spear dnd glaré at the audi- énces in the most frightful rhanier. "One day there came to the tent Wherein was displayed this fehture a | clergy, After gazing a while at] man oft the platform, he turned and asked an attendant. 'Mt this really a candidal?" 'Surest thing you know," said] the attendant. 'Do you khiow how he | wits captured? That gredt living cur- fosity Was taken, sir, in the act of bofling an aged Methodist minister over a slow fire.' "The clergyman was horrified. 'Then convert him!' he cried. 'Oh, rd friend, why don't Fou convert Ra "The attendant made a gesture of disgust. "'Conyert him!' he repeated. 'Do you think that the public would pay 10 cents a head to see. a Christian?' " Young Men Like the smart Qhsling styles Campbell Bros. summer hats, Procession €heek. Montregl Gametle. © Mr. George Wentworth Tak a Philadelphia lawjor is to miki 4 a test in court of the right of thi - ice to suspend raf, on the when a procession jubeing b fe fis Bip § to the Broa t Sta 1 tio & train and attempted to_cross by open pin he suffrage para t he was witht ) 'a hts of ie =. to that or- rte nou a wi yp ice to make way for about his 8 Jegitinaie "MPERANCE deals tively with the vgs that the ome ernment gave no effective So . = gov: os i, i Jo ohthe Matute The liberal policy was to. Fevise the Li from 1398 to 1 "Ha he gone back another year he would have alone and " 000 dditional 600 instead of 400; all hotels in tow territory to close at tin 9 eloek dat at 1 Prob drion ol sales Saud np e granted to prer i igor oh licenses int R natitul districts, ree separate convictions on different days two years, and; the Hettisen disqualified irom: Holding a license passed some legislation ta amend and im- ion legislation; but it also enacted the three- a, ft more than ous others, Americans and French- | ceived an offer, but says he will stick béfore cohsidering any offer, United States is in for a bad year. ! pected of them earlier in the season. A ----------_----. | | Dutton' s. i day 'altérnoon, on his |U LEGISI'A pakied the Crooks , and the Local og Fie as as books, what fol- act petiodically, and dat- Mr, Hanna has Aelita. more give for: eleven closing hotels tha. province, and oh, for . Law Aioenses béing. cut ott Of thE peoples i is- WIGS EERE A Lot of Shore Ttom items Run in To- © gether, The quality of White Rose nile V : Hawtin ma flour i Dn tor for 15e. x Store. to n Black, eighty 6 ohe years, : ident, of Prescott, died, Wedun. oi Staples Woodstock Sas come to Kingston to spend the summer | "Hi iarsh "Huylér's . miarshmallows" sons. Red Cross Drug Store. H. Dix, Union street, is vis iting her danghter at Britannia Bay, |Ottawa, | Jt is dnderstéod 'that Maitland S. (MoCarthy, oy 'M, blag Calgary, is ' a judge of bly Ape e Shiojn Iberta.. Marshmallow br Jaspers' i: 8 itore, U8 Setrotn of Lébor Wilson fays that mote , 100,000 men are now. en. ronte fo. the west for work in the United States harvest fields. "A 25¢. for 15¢." Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. \ pleasant dance wal held, Wednes- { diy evening, under the patronage of Df. And Mrs. B.J Williams, at the Brockville Rowing Club. About fifty coiple werk Must clear | at Gib- at Gib- All "Macolhte and tan boots; sw tions, Dutton's. Ottawa pla #6 credefice in a re port in 4 special eable f¥om. london Ahat the king and queen dre coming to Canada after Visitihg Australia and Africa next year. Salt Petre, Buchu and' Juniper Kid- ney Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. W. G. Johnston, = hardware merch- ant, of Athens, met with a heavy loss, { Thursday, when his home was totally | consumed by fire. The family was absent at the time, so practically none of the housebold effects could be sav- ed. "Huyler's Satiiday Baad' Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The British freight steamer Hind- ford, due at Manila on June 21st, is reported ashdre in Albay gull, near Legaspi. A typhoon is approaching from the south, and grave fears are expressed for the safety of the Hind: ford. Assured of a strong support the republican voters, Frank D. lowe, Clayton, formerly. ih charge of the customs house at Cape Vincent, will he a gandidate for the office of sher- iff, Sudoeding Morris Gragg, the pre rt incumbent. £1.50 black moire underskirts, $1. at from A 23c.' baby cough syrup for 10c. dt Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. - Dr. Bverard Herrick, New York, {held a $7,600 mortgage on the pio- perty of the Maidstone Golf: Club. | When he died on April lst he pro- {vided in his will that the mort | rage neéd" fiever be paid if po ih- (toxichting liquors: were ever sold at the club. "Huyler's Sdturday Gibson's Red Cross Store. Muster Lawrence nell Lansdowne, aceident, Wednes- . mn. he was in J. P. ackidantally placed he machin- ad the se- gweels" at | met. with a pain! | Foley's bakery his hand on some. cogs 3 ery while in motion, an | cond finger of at the first jomt. Jo ream bricks" at Gibson's fed ot me; Prag. Sho missioner, | for Knglondy ho onaitions yi yearding the outside ? ivil service in Great rita with : view to adviding Hon. T. rhite ih connection with the i ny win which tas intro- fio] on thé THe fay of the session, t which ®ad Held over until fext me Bh gil Say vice So is Blectric Charwoman: Machinery has now invaded the fleld of the charwbman for an electric scrubbing machine has just come in- to use. It is a hue ah gart, sup- led wi ough a brush vé on tle = stream of water || ches down "through them from a ad y at y # little 6 floor. i unbroken Ie gid LR at OR String Sls which brought hundreds to our store on [hursday will be con- tinued until Saturday night "10 o'clock, er to accommodate those who did Hoos the opportunity to visit our stote an reap the benefit of buying Jewelry, Watch. es etc at one tenth of their cost. : Jeweles RODG ER | 47 King $1. "Where The Clock Is On The Walk" the right hand cut off 3 gh vatoe iN tells how, |P pa ruptre, - 20% Disbdunt OF Watches Silverware-Cut Gass for a Few Das PAY LESS Here |MENDELS | ™ gids: Specials For Saturday Only 50 Only New York Dresses 50 Exclusive models 'for particulif dressers. he class imported materials in Bouton's figured aren, , slug: yarns, rice cloths, floral *mousselines, brocaded ratines, &c., &c. No two alike, Individual style posi- tively guaranteed. All siges, 16 years to 44 bust, in the lot will place them on sale Saturday only j AT 25% DISCOUNT 200 HOUSE DRESSES TO OLBAR AT So BACH A50--FINE AMERICAN GINGHAM DRESSES--150 Every pe, several styles, sold Jag to $3.50. ATURDAY $1.89 TO C . CHILDREN'S hadi 10 Doz. American Ses, fitting ages 2 to 6 yrs. Val- + ues to $1.50. Saturday 89c each. 8 doz. American dresses fitting ages 8 years fo 14 years Values to $2.75. Saturday $1.99 each, 6 don Boys' New York Wash Suits, all styles, for ages 3 yrs. to 10 yrs. Saturday 69c each. 39c WHITEWEAR CLEARANCE 39c 20. doz. Corset Covers, Drawers and Gowns, lae * broidety and insertion trimmed. Reg. T5e. day 39c per garment. 49; BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS 49c 20 doz. fine black Retest Underskirts, made with deep knife pleated flounce, all lengths, good value at Toc em- tur- Oi palicy is to make a clean sweep every sesason. No OUR MILLINERY § 18 FAST DRAWING CLOSE. 'money Saturday visiting Shrine Sve ors. Hats and shape at lass than Yay va oe " hoon 'TO A SHOP HERE SATURDAY you Wis YOUR DOLLARS to Do 3 wn Cy the Cambridge |18 Philosophical Sbeiety, Dr. B. Hindle | © iaecribed somé experiments which wit

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