Having represented ie County for the plat, | 1' | hree yedrs ig the : 'having served Your in- | terests + faithfully and | Well, as my record and my work prove, I re-| spectfully solicit your vote and influence to return me again as your representative at oronto. [}] Mr. Haight ought to begvery careful jn making such a char gainst the C.P.R. . / Meetings will be.ad- 'dressed by the candi- date, Mr| Anthony p kin, Dr. Edwards } and others, in the fol- lowing places: ---------------------------------- Soda gs MEETINGS ! k. That | Conservative 3 ) : Come and FL how hand why he is a candi- | date. : J be on hand at Jsurgeon-general of the Unit 2 EH , - THAT EMPRESS' STEERING GEAR would not steer, lo the colli- the Fmpr g Samp- just sai t there had been no aints of her steeri when Mr. | , le od his bomb. 1t-was a soon Lokd Mersey was t. VE ike stoi Mr. Haig t gave the court t the C. B, dicate had tigmpt the quarter- wade_an 4 0 Wis P Re whieh of the Empress between ten and twelve © clock the night previous to the acei- tent, out of the country, as be de clared that for Hive minutes the night before she was lost, the ship would not steer and that whe almost ran down the Alden in that time. Mr. Haight) said : "Last night' a man i okious and id thal he was a quar fer of (the Empress and Wanfed to see mo. I asked him if he was a ithess, and he said he a. he hesitat little, | § im to come a to thea 1 sent for my partner in the ease and we heard the story. He said that, on the night previous to the accident, he had been at the wheel, and that the ship had refused to apswer 'her wheel for five minutes, «nd that she had almost run down, another ship. He said that the C.PR. wantéd to send him Howe to England on the C.P.R. ship dntreal. He showed a letter to the caplaih ol the ship signed by Capt. Wa sh, ma- vine superintendent of the company, asking that he be signed on and tak- én Home as he was a survivor of the Empress crew." Mr. Haight said that the statements were so grave that he summoned Mr. Newcombe snd Alexander Jélinston, .doputy minister of marine, and they heard the story. Then the mau was stbpoensed to give his evidence. Lord Mersey--"Who is the man ?" His name is Golwhy ® Neptune Inn, { "I advise that you get him out "of that place at once," said Lord Mersey promptly. ' : Kersey added that he thought called me on the Lord | My. Haight said bed r gretted that he had tb say that it looked as if the C.P.R. was trying to get Golway out of the country. |= The mun Will: be heard this alter- noon and Mr, HRight said that he had "served notice on the pilot of the Al- den and two of that ship's officers to the afternoon's hear- {wis alsp sigifested that a trith: ner named Fournier, who had stated that the Empress was mbving rapidly, at the time of the accident, was miss ihg, having left Quebeo with a CP.R. official. ; Lord Mersey jumped on Mr. Haight for holding this information up his sleeve and immediately called ap. Walsh, marine superintendent of - t C.P.R., who denied that there was any desire to get Tid of either man. Capt. Kendall also-denied that Gol- way's story was {rue as he did the stories that the Empress cade up the {river 'and sheered badly. Capt. Walsh, marine superintendent of the U.P.R., gave an emphatic de: nial, when called, to the story that his company had attempted to send Quartermaster Golivay out of the cotintry, so that = he could not give damaging evidence at the inquiry. da TO MAKE MEXICO HEALTHY. Surgeon-General of U. 8. Arniy Res- ponsible for Solaters. Df. William Crawford Gorgas States army, and in that capacity Is respon- sible for the health not only of the men of the army of invasion--Iif there is an any of invasion--but also for the héalth of the invaded. That is a job that is thoroughly to Gorgls' Sk Hg. There n such a tHorough-going, sadiarian RY He ors with Colonel Goe is Jon fi - | ately iguored this fact. be is at they $e N 4 as 3 ] FRANC) rH. ON The Toronto Globe deals efiectively with the charge that the Ross gov- ernment geve no effective ANCE ion. . hi i . . Bearing in mind that the P the Crooks act, under which the number, of fiquor Prov: has been reduced from 6,000 to less thah 3,000, and the Local Uption act, as well as enacted most of the license legislation ow on the sta books, what fol- dows te uwinating 5 3 Em. . by 3 he lil icy to revise the License act periodically, and dat- ing his "no amendments" period: from 1208 to 1904, Mr. Ha has deliber- Had he gone back another year he would have ne dong Ys vi N been as distinguished from hi forced to admit that io 1897 salon» the ki s had been passed than FEE to population from four for ath Among them were Fob. to three o.: 1 ch > £1) to (one for ea additional 600 instead of 400; all hotels in i. } and utior- ized territory to close at én o'clock and at sleven in | and towns. ore 1897 there were no fix urs for closing hotels in y-deven out of ninety-seven license districts in the province, and in cases hotels were often open all night. 'The prohibition of sales of 'liquor to all per- srms under twenty-one: No nse could be granted to Pn gs within 300 yards bi a chirch, stliool, university or other educational | i vision was made ar, préveuting. the insue of ET Licenses were forfeited for Tiiree separate convictions on different days within two years, and jthe liteisee disqualified from Molding a license for three years. the Whitney government passed some legislation to amend and im- prove the License and Local ion legislation; hut it also enacted the three- fifths handicap, which has pi ted more than 1,000 licenses being cut oft contrary to the will of a m tg of tlie PEOPITT En tne nbn nr THE -WHIG'S JUMBLE S-------- sisi Notes About Baseball -- Toronto|A Lot of Short Items Run in To- _. Playing Better. | _ gether. © | 'Joe Jackson, the Clevelind at The* quality of - White Rose flour O- never Vv 4 biaki. £°4 , | Xi b he for 15c. THE SPORT REVIEW. } gor, will be ofit of the game proba ly a month, Dr. Castle, the Na 1 A He a. pred the plavey x L say it : ug Store ng he had water on tho knee. Jaek-| John Black, sged eighty hs son had not played for four days. fa resident jr 4 Paes eb he, years, -- day. TH6 safe of Jack Dunn's Baltimore | guia Staples, Wo : International league team. to Rich- op Wondstosk hag Come mond is practically settled, Dun ad- J cy pen mer mits an offer, and Has referréd the! deal to the National Cothmissfon. It! s Red Cross Drug Store } {s edid his best players will gold | Mii. HL. Dix: Ubon strest, 3 e os He " , 18 Vise to the big leagues, and all is in readi- |. : : mess to extend the International cir- | 108 her danghter at Britannia Bay, {Otte tuit to the Virginia capital, tawa, ia a ; as y 1 1t is understdod that Maitland S. Georges Carpentier, the heavy: | McCarthy, former' M.. . for Calgary, weight champion pugilist of Europe, i8 soon to De. spin oa judge of fias been asked tp act as refarce of | the supreisie art. of Alberta. the Johnson-Moran fight, which is to! 'Marshmallow for damipers" at Gib- be held in Paris on June 21,. Numer- son's 'Red Cross Drug Store. ous others, Americans and Frenmch-| U7. 8. Secret of Labor Wilson men, have been proposed as referee savs that more , 100,000 men are of the Johnson-Moran fight, ceptable nJw en. route to the west for work to both sides. It is sald that the jy the United States harvest fields. French boxer will accept. "pone Kidney Pill for 150." Gib- "Eddie" Collins, the great second Be eit aha a8 Hebd Wednes- baseman of the Philadelphia ;Athle- | guy sveniing, under the patronage of tics, is reported to have been offered pj' snd Mrs. EB. J Williams, at the a $25,000 salary to jump to the Fed- | + h y RE os erals., Collins admits to havin roy re About fifty ceived an offer, but says he will stick' ying Yoni | At PHoolit 3 t to the Athletips until his contract |, qu iii Fahictions, Dutton's. expires before GhsidoHng finy offer | DOO; 8 rom ctions, Dutton's. to jump into a new ledgue. Otiawa ad nd n i port in & 8 gable om - London THe British vi€tory In the Inter- that the king @nd queen fre coming national polo. contest, coming on top to Cana a alter ¥ siting Australia Bf the failare bf the Americib golfers and Africa next year. Hie to niake 4 showing in the Old Coun-| -Salt Petre, Buchu and' Juniper Kid- try, and Oxford's win. in {he relay ney Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug rice rather makes it Took ds if the Store. . United States is in for & bad year." W. G. Johnston, hardware merch- all the ant, ot Athens, met with a heavy loss, repo the speed! Thursday, when his was totall of the Stiumroph nH would be the | consumed by fire. The family oo erowping blow to Gur "American absent at the time, so racially none gousing' pride if Sir Thomas was to of the household effects could be sav- n the pacht rdce. | ed, 3 ; "Huyler's Saturday Sweets" at Toronto Globe. Gi 's Red a The Ledfs left hotie a Webk ago Cilevise oat Drug Store, The/British _ freight steamer Hind- today and haye since played nine oe et ) 4 4 jord, due at Manila on June 21st, is By en Hy aye oot reported ashore in Albay gulf, near J Legaspi. A typh in ohi four, and took four Eames in five Sensei syphoon is aphronching f from the south, and grave 'fears are fom Jers) LAUR expressed for the safety of the Hind- § i + | ford. even against Montreal and Jérsey| 4 City, is no mean achievement. Tor- Assured of 8 strong support from ; the republican voters, Frank D. Lowe, opto, is playing. vastly spperipr ball (9, yton; formerly in charge of the on the read to that which they play- custom "ho "at Cape Vincent, ¥ill ed at home. The team is hitting very gu a didat a rate fhe of Ss hard, while the pitchers are commen- >¢ * an a i oF e ole 9 ¥ 8ir- cing to show the form 'which was ex- ff, su ng Morris Gragg, the pre- x sent incumbent. 3 1. ation. ; "Huyles's .. siapshmallows" at Gib- The worst.is still to come ris dre eprrect as to pected of them earlier in the Seaton. | $1.50 black moire underskirts; Not Business. { Dutton's. . An ofd showman tells this one: | A 28c. baby cough syrup for ihc. > "I was connéeted with a weird im- At Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. {tation of a circus, with side-show at-| Dr. Everard Herrick; New York, tachment, that used to do the tatk held a $7,500 mortgage on the pro- towns of the Middlé West. Among perty of the Maidstone Golf: Club. the curiosities We had a lovely 'can-| When he died on April 1st he pro: nibal,' Who, lightly clad, used to toy vided in his will that the mort- with a Spear and glare at the audi-| gage nebd" - fever be paid if no in- énces ih the most frightful manner. | toxichting liquors were ever sold &t "One day there came to the tent the club. wherein was displayed this feature a| 'Muyler's Sdturddy gweels" clergyman, After gazing & while at! Gihson's Red Cross Drug Store. the fran of the platform, he turned | Wyster Lawrence. Snell, Lansdowne, and gsked an attendunt. {| met with a painful aceident, Wednes- 4 qt this really a cannibal?" | dav aiternoon. hen he was in J. P. 'Surest thin you know," said | Foliy's bakery he accidentally placed the atenaunt, you kiiow how hel hie hand on some cogs of the machin- fosi at h hat great living cur-| ory while in mation, sd Fad the so- coessful digging of the Canal. 1t toyld not have béen dug vithout the perfect sahitarian he ved. was sufficiently smonstraled by . the = French, who cotild dig | Asht, bit died too rapidly while they were at GOrgas An Gostimls were 0. tot h other. q rie! It has or years that the not get along &y- that canal work. Goethals was all for efficiency amd low costs. Gorgas was all for efli- cy hang the expense, The rhaps am suc- Seastul ) I an inspired genius could have plan . Ea Qne of these dags thé, United 4 will hive to clean up the Cen- two great men did en a little bit on | 4 k bo 2 } dig-{ him. 1| Philadelphia Jaw yor is to mike | was vas taken, sir; im the act of d fi of right hand cat off boiling &n ued Methodist minster | or the frat Joint, y "Toe creaby bricks' over a slow fire.' ro Si rs sds ah Prof. A rit, civil dervice com: "The ¢lergyman was horrified. ! "Phen convert him!' he cried. 'Oh, | 8 | missioners BH Oftawa, oO ursday, {for England, to study conditfons re- my friend, why don't Fou convert y garding. the outside civil service in Great Britain, with a view to adviging Hon. W. T. White in cotectioh with the civil Servies bill which as intro- diced OH thé 148 day of the session, Bilt which sas held over until next desdion. S at Gibsons Red "The attendant made a gedgture of disgust. '""'Conyert him!' hé repeated. 'Do you think that the public would pay 10 vents a head to see a Christian?' Young Men: Like the smart dushing styles | Campbell Bros, summer hats, | A fi Si EE | Bieetric Cha Procession €heek. | 'Muwechimery has now invaded the Moptrenl Gazetie. {field of thé charwoman for an electric of of - a Mr. George Wentworth €arr, 4 [scrubbing wrachine has just come in- with Ayes Brough test in court of the right of the pd-P power Ite to suspend trafic on the st¥bers cable ohgee od witha lan when a procession is.being held. He rator, p a8 hufrying to the Broad st sta- Tr tion to cateh & train and attempted 10 cross anh open spaca in a suffrage parade, with the result, that he was on his are to § Ey . t or- at BU dle. A set of brush ,. while a little a AL Ha dh Thon io d i feast be pos-|is ganization .. ¥ eh it 8 il the police to make way for going about his legitimate x y Sir Henry ken an in- | "At a meeting of the Cambridge | of | Phitosophiical Society, Dr. B. Hindle dvscribed : %* RODGE UR String Sale which brought hundreds \J to our store on ['hursday will be con: tinued until Saturday night 10 o'clock, in order to accommodate those who did not have the opportunity to visit our store and reap the benefit of buying Jewelry, Watch- es etc at ore tenth of their cost. © : : Jeweler RODGER 1 1 King . "Where The Clock Is On The Walk" | 10% shot OF Watohes Sverre Cut ls ot Few Bays . RSS tte m a ---- - Se ---------------------- LL nn a bw ed TE WW PAY LESS Here |MENDELS | ™ gd The Lads Specials For Saturday Only 50 Only New York Dresses 50 : Excusive sjudels fF panies dressers. High: class imported materials in Bouten's figured répes slug yarns, rice cloths, floral -mousselines, "brocsded ratines, &c., &c. No two alike, Individual style posi- tively guaranteed. All sizes, 16 years to 44 bust, in the lot. We will place them on sale Saturday only - 43 Bed AT 25% DISCOUNT . |: 200 HOUSE DRESSES TO OLEAR AT 8% BACH 150--FINE AMERICAN GINGHAM DRESSES--150 Every ake, several styles, sold regular to $3.50. ATURDAY $1.89 TO CLEAR . CHILDREN'S BPECIALS 10 Doz. American Dresses, fitting ages 2 to 6 yrs. Val- . ues to $1.50. Saturday 89c each. 8 doz. American dresses, fitting ages 8 years to 14 years Valuds to $2.75. Saturday $1.39 each, 6 doz. Boy?' New York Wash Suits, all styles, for ages 3 yrs. to 10 yrs. Saturday 69c each. ; 39¢c WHITEWEAR CLEARANCE 39 50. doz Corset Covers," Drawers and Gowns, lacey erh- hyoidery and insertion trimmed. Reg. Toe. Satur- day 39c per garment. : 49c BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS 49¢ 90 doz. fine black Sateen Underskivts, made with deep knife pleated flounce, all lengths, good value at Toe oun Shi Saray SEASON 18 PAST DRAWING 'TO A CLOBE. Our palicy is to make a clean sweep every sesason. No carrying over here. This means you can save money Saturday by visiting our millinery parlors. Hats and shapes at less than manufacturers' prices. "SHOP HERE SATURDAY IF YOU WISH YOUR DOLLARS TO 3 ~. DOUBLE DUTY. YO ¥ Do in 3 HOME ; which | with G. | the a