Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1914, p. 1

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ONTARIO. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1918 HIT THE Watertown, y which broke out in the old . o der ice house, in' Iliver street, ves terday afternoon, swept that section TO MEET AN ATTACK AT VERA CRUZ. At Present He Has Orders to Act intively on Defensive -- Has, However, Prepared to Advance as Flylng Column Towards Mexico City, Niagsra Falls, Juné 19.-- Hope- lessly ut odds on évery point as to the conditiens in Mexico entering into the discussions incident to the selec: tion of a provisional president, the United States and Mexican delegates were prepared to resume their con- ferences in the mediation proceeding to-day. As the mater stands now the only prospect ahead ig failure. The conference is scheduled for eleven o'clock to-day but may be postponed owing to the absence of Ambdssader Naon. General Funston Preparing Vera Cruz, Mexico, June 19. Alive to the fact that the expected breaking off of negotiations for peace at Niagara Falls may be the signal for an attack on the defences of this town by Mexican troops, Genéral Funston is to-day throwing up ad- ditional earth-works to meet such a contingency. At present he has or- b 8 troops have been spending th time during the occupation here In preparing to advance as a fly- ing column towards Mexico City. OF THE NEWS family held a reunion Doing reson. and the Canadian gov- sonferring on the Hindu The Canadian Sufirage Association have issued a manifesto in favor of the liberal poliay. Orillie ratepayers carried an $35, 000 debenture by-law for water works purposes by 315 to 219. Dancing was condemned at the an nual meeting of the Toronto Asso. vintion of Baptist churches. The Anglican synod again has denied the request of women to be admitted £0 vote in vesteries The Ministerial Association of Wood- stock has ismied a manifesto sub- weribing to the Rowell temperance pol: icy. Mrs. Ward. of the W.CT.U.. ad dressing a liberal meeting, complain- ed that ningténths of the bar room evils {all on the women. Four sets of twins in four hours | was a night's record at the Jewish Maternity hospital in New York, In each instance the mother was but a little 'more nn twenty years old. Suing for 0,000, Charles Faust of Jersey City got a six cents dam- age award against Jobn Doscher, who is alleged to have alienated Mra: Faust's affections. RING of $2 Hails. The Waverley. George Mille & See special window display. Co. ------ re Now potatoes, Sc. 1b, at Carnov- vky's. i ' -- DAILY MEMORANDA Civte finance committee, § p.m. TLCILAL band concert, Macdonald park, 8 p.m. 1. 0. F, service, Cooke's church Supe day, 10.30 am, : }6 3, right hand corver, et fleld, 8 pm, Batur- Pondes. day. "Athiction $600,000,000 Automobiles The trade estimates that the sales of Sutomobiles for 1914 will SSgregnte a total of $690. 000,000, some pessimists talk 'times, : a * It is interesting to note that this 1 i8¢ volume of busi- ness has been largely built up through 'persistent advertising linked with consistent sales ders to &ct entirely on the defensive, i | CHANCELLOR BOWLES LINE UP W)TH ROWELL Ontario Christian Endeavors With Liberal Leader | Owen Sound,: June 19.-*We do {hereby place ourself on record as be- ling in hearty accord with the {em- {perance policy of N. W. Rowell andi we. urge all our societies, in all ern stituencies in Ontario, to give him and his representatives their loval support." Amid a scene of tremendous en thusiasm the foregoing resolution, moved by H. D. Tresidder, of To- ironto, and seconded by Mr. Keifer, jof Berlin. was'unanimously carried at ithe session of the Ontario (lris- tian Endeavor Union yesterday. There were 750 delegates preseht. at the convention, which was presided over by the fev. W. A. MacTaggart. The president 'paid - a magnificent tributes ito the unselfishness of the hberal { leader. i i ------------_ 1 BREATHING SPACE GIVEN To Canadian Authorvities--~Japanese «Cruisers Not Arrived. Ottawa, June 19._News received here this morning, to the effect that the two Japanese cruisers due at the coast, will not arrive till to- ! morrow, has given the government 'a further breathing space. "The less we say at present the | better," said one prominent official this morning. | "The situation is a nasty | here. We have a Japanese ship {| with British sujects aboard lying lin a British port: and a British do- | minion in no position to receive | them. Wis a real complication." | one |, Honor for Sir Charles Fitzpatrick. Cambridge," Mass., June 19. At the { Harvard conimencetiient exerdises the (honorary degree of doctor of Jaws «was conferred. upon Sir Charles Fits: patrick, member of the" British privy | council, and chief justice of Canatha. | ---------------- ROOSEVELT TO MAKE RUN FOR PRESIDENT Does Not Care To Be Governor Or Southampton, Eng., June 19.--Even sooner than was anticipated, Col. Roosevelt "boiled over" esterday end in an exclusive interview with the correspondent of the International News Service, just before sailing for New York aboard the Imperator, announced some of the most impor: tant things be will and will not do. Summarized, here ave his views and his reasons therefor : : He will not + 1. Run for governor of New Yerk because he has not time to be side tracked in Albany. 2. Accept nomination for Umited States senator, because the sugges- fion is * 14 3. Make any for anvhody, himself i He will by Accept progressive party nomin- ation for the presidency vecaunse he ia convineed the country is in unhealthy state. The colonel indicated that he is going to show up what he charac: terizes as the "frightful errors" t only of Wilson, bui of the Taft ad- ministration. -------------- _ May Aid Technical Education. Ottawa, June 19.--There is a pos sibility 'of legislation at the next session of parliament by way of implementing the dations of {the Comission on ni educa tion. + provincial governments will be consulted. ee " Hr ------------ i lof the d BIG FIRE AT WATERTOWN, N. Y. Fifty Thousand Dollars Loss on 5 Thursday Afternoon X.Y. 19.-~Fire ( Ww June of the city on both sides of the riv er, and caused a loss of at $50,000. The principal buildings burned are the conl sheds of the Riggs, Burdick & Carey Co., better known as the Rurdick Coal Co., the largest carriage warehouse owned by Lincoln E. Brown, two houses on River strect, a double house on the north side oi the river owned hy Mr. Brown, which was practically des- i troyed. No lives were t. Shortly ag } nder con- before three the fire w trol, The burned buildings ' include the old C. W. Ryder ice house, Bardick'« coal sheds and T.. FE. Brown carriage | warehouse. Several dwellings on hoth sides of the river were also burned BILLS IE DECREASING ON $300,000. Ottawa, June 1Y.--Canadians, with one eye on the high cost of living, are drinking and smoking less this vear than last. ihis is indicated by the fact that inland revenue receipts in May show a falling off from the fig- ures for the corresponding month last Year. 'The total for May, 1914, £1,641,375, as compared with $18. 300 for May, 1913, CHANCELLOR BOWLES SPEAKS FOR ROWEL The Head Of Victoria University Appears On The Platform At Bowmanville Bowmanvile, June 13.--itev. <han- cellor Bowles, of Victoria university, l'orouto, speaking at Mr Rowelt = meeting here yesterday, declared it was the first time he Lad stood in a political meeting and said a word in favor of any candidate for the legislature or for the » parliament lominion. "It is ihe first time," suid the speaker, "and | am not very young. 1 am four years older thun Rowell. There is only one thing which could possibly make me tule the action | am taking this afte noon. If that plank were not' ir this platform, much as I respect him, intimate #s8-is our friendship, | would decline. to rise at this meeting. | know what party feeling is, becanse 1 have felt the same. I am not one of those gentlemen who says he is an absolute independent, who follows his reason in all things. 1 know 1 have certain. party feelings, and 1 confess to that. 1 am not going to break with them on this occasion, but 1 have broken with them in for- mer times, and I know how severe ly it tries a man." He was there because he supported Mr. Rowell's temperance policy, He had never felt angry in a political eontest until the statement was made that Rowell was insincere. He knew that was not the case. Pe -- Sir F. Powell Weds Servant London, June 19, Sir Francis Powell, the distinguished painter, aged eighty-one was married at Glas gow yesterday. His bride is twenty- three, and was a servant in his household. She is the daughter of a gardener. " May be No Band Concert Lieut. Light, bandmasted of the R.C.H.A,, states that if the Macdon- ald park grounds are wet this ev- ening, there will be no band concert, as advertised. The result of the collegnate year ox- aminations were posted in the build- ing Friday. A yearbook is being Jttlinhed by the students for the first ume. the eleven Friday afternoon's rain was first Kingston has had in days. iq in Effort to Now That Goal They | conservative party. support of Ontario. least | was | up J. W. Flavelle, Former Owner of Have the Bar Abolished--Is Their Intention of Toronto, June 17.--A contribution 0 10 the fund of the liberal party in the lionaire financier, former owner Mr. Flavelle thoroughly believes in the prove the social conditions of this province, for the election from party to policy, his great fortune at the disposal of the liberal pa the expenses of his present campaign against the eo Flavelle is only one of the ar shoul thou APOLOGY MADE To Lord Mersey By The Stor- | stad Lawyer CONPLETELY ABSOLVED ! HCP, BR. LAWYERS FROM TRYING TO SPIRIT AWAY {Certain Witnesses--Court of En quiry at Quebec Hears Evidence That Empress' Steering Gear Was in Good Order. Quebec, June 19.-- Rvidence on the construction and equipment of the Empress of Ireland practically monopolized this morning's proceed- ings of the special court of inquiry. Before the first witness was called into the box, Mr. Haight, chief coun- ¢il for the owners of the Storstad i rose to express regret. "In answer to certain definite STRATHCONA DIED A SCOT. By Will Declared He Was a Domicil- ed Scotsman Montreal, June point of - 19.--An interesting discussion has been settled by the will of Lord Strathcona, just filed here, as to whether Canada, England or Seotland can claim the late magnate, philanthropist and statesmen as a son. "And 1 declare that. I am and intend to remain a domiciled Scots man." is one short 'clause in the will. The Canadian succession duties of- fices will be only able to claim death duties on real estate held in this country, the shares held in the var ious Canadian companies coming wun- der the Fnglish law. CHALLENGE TO REAUME. Congetvative Convention ' Disputes His Claims Windsor, Ont., June 19.0. E Fleming, nominee of the conservative convention of the new riding of Windsor, has challenged the allegation of Hon. Dr. Reaume, Whitney's can- didate, that Sir James Whitney had insisted upon the candidature of the minister of public works, after he Nominee | questions by vour lordship," he said |to Lord Mersey, "I make answer { which I should not like to stand in | the record unexplained." "It may be" Lord Mersey replied, | , 'that in my conduct of the inquiry yesterday, I became a little heated, because I did not like one of your witnesses." Mr, Haight also completely absolved | the legal representatives of the C.P.R. { from any "manoeuvres to spirit away' | Quartermaster Galway. The oil hav-} | ing been poured on the waters, the { court proceeded with technical evi- dence. Engineer Ondonavan, | charge of the steering gear on Empress, said that he inspected it regularly and it was in good order on leaving Quebec. He explained the steering gear. There was no physical connection between the wheel worked by the quartermaster on the bridge, and -the ruddér which actually steered the ship. "It was a system of water and glycerine in evlinders and long Pipes. involving complicated 'chemistry and mechanies. _- The second officer of the Storstad cldimed, however, that when the Em- had the y who. press of Ireland was sighted, he notice éd that she was steering badly, be all in by noon to-morrow. ROWELL WILL FIGHT TILL LAST BAR CLOSES, | was pitiful. hpi al Declares at Peterboro' That He Will Never Give Up The Battle Peterboro, June 19. In * a speech here last night, N. W. Rowell, K.(',, declared that he would fight against the bars in Ontario until the last one was closed. Mr. Rowell made this announcement after vigorously denying the published statement alleged to have been made by Mrs. Rowell at a church meeting in London. He said Mrs. Rowell had never made any such statement, nor had she been in London on the she was said to have declared that he would give up his fight against the liguor trafic if defeated in the forth- Sues For Ocean Delay Montreal, June 19.--Guy Dorgane, Paris, France, is suing the Allan Line Steamship company for $9500 because the company failed to bring his horse, Hyminde, from Havre to St. John N.B., in time to allow Hyminde to Jun at the races at Dorval track last week, Collector Arrested Vancouver, B.C. June 19. H. Walker is alleged to have stolen Y. ap- the Dominion Express company while acting as ety collector. He was for mally charged with theft WELL-KNOWN CONSERVATIVE GIVES PART OF HIS LARGE FORTUNE TO AID ROWELL IN REFORM CAMPAIGN Have So Long the It is expectedfibat the evidence will | | | | {tanks are forty feet too low. {men must be in bad shape. {not allowed {a chaser if they did have it." 1 1 | { day ' i P proximately $8000 from the funds oi! The Toronto News, Places Principle But One of the Many Standing True to Their Tem Sought is Within { many thousands of dollars has been made province of Ontario, by J. W. Flavelle, the mil- of the Toronto News, aud pronounced member of the temperance platform of Mr. Mr. Flavelle has, therefore, ¢ and has placed a substantial p party managers to be used in tin ntinuance of bars in the provinee Stale had been turned down at thé conven- tion. "It would practically mean that they are claiming that Sir James Whitney, as leader of the liberal-con- servatives of Ontario, is leading a rehellion,"' he said, POOR WATER SUPPL AT NEW THISTLE CAMP Some Miles From Petawawa Where A Dozen Cavalry Divisions Are In Training Petawawa Military Camp, June 19. --Owing, it is alleged, to faulty en- gineering, much difficulty is being experienced at the new Thistle camp where nearly a dozen divisions of cavalry and twe e¢avalry ambulance corps are in training «in getting en- ough . water for horses and men. There are about 3,000 men and 2,- 700 horses in HIS seétion. of the camp, which is slightly. over seven miles from Petawawa. The cavalry moveddn Monday and on Tuesday great difficulty was ex- perienced in keeping water in the tanks, even before the men were up in the morning. By night it was im- possible to get enough water for the horses to drink. Only a dribble was coming through the taps used by the men Horses were lapping at the troughs in a manner that at times Petawawa is a tract of sand and stunted shrubbery and it is hard to estimate the suffering that would ensue on a blazing hot day from lack of water. The horses, however, were driven to a nearby creek to drink while enough water was pumped for the men. "It is my belief that the eleva- tions are faulty," said one workman, employed at the camp. "I think the The They are to have booze and couldn't get enough water to use as Another Case of Siamese Twins Paris, June 19.--~Two sisters who were born in May of last year, who | are united back to back, are about to : : i be coming election. { i operated on by surgeons in order to separate them. been thriving splendidly, and it is ex- pected that they will survive the oper- i ation, 1 Laval Has No Medical Graduates Quebec, June 19.-- For the first time in the history of Laval univer- { 8ity not one medical doctor graduated i this year, the new provincial law re- {quiring a four and five year course, in force for last four years has caus- ed this hiatus in the roation of the annual award of diplomas. At a meeting of St. Andrew's Pres- bvterian congregation, Toledo, it was decided to sell the manse in that vil- lage. Before Party Have Ex- ce Convictions: eir Reach. Rowell to im- his n of ght, who, for this The babies have | "iter TRADES AND LABOR MEN =~ THANK For Efforts He Made In Behalf LABORNG MEN SORE AT CONSERVATIVES FOR OPPOS. ING ALLAN STUDHOLME And Will Assist Financially In His Election --Trades Council Against Merchants Who Work Their Fm- | ployees Behind Closed Doors. | I Their At the regular meeting of the | Trades and Labor council held on Thursday evening, the following re- | solution was passed: "That the Trades and Labor coun- | eil make a public announcement of | our appreciation to Ald. T. F. Har- rison for his action last Monday in endeavoring to get justice. done to the workmen of this city in regard to conditions on the paving work on { Princess street." The resolution was 'carried unanimously, A ¢ircular was received from t independent laber party of Hamilt making an appeal for moral and fin- ancial support in connection with the eléetion of Allan Studholipe, the labor candidate in Hamilton for the Ontario legislature, The local council passed a resolu- tion to assist the labor men in Hamil- tox financially, and an appeal will be made to every labor organization in the city for support in the matter. There is a great deal of hard feel- ing among the laboring men in King- ston and all over the province in connection with the situation in Hamilton. After labormen in Hamil- ton were assured that Mr. Studholme would be unopposed, the conservative party broke its promise a result of this action, the labor men will vote in large numbers against the conservative candidates, A committee was appointed to wait upon the members of the Board of Works at its meeting Friday af- ternoon in connection with future paving contracts. A committee will wait on the Board of Education with regard to the foreign labor being employed on the addition to Vietoria school in- stead of giving the local men a chance. Joseph Abramsky wrote asking the council to endorse a scheme whereby the stores would be allow- ed to be opend in the evenings. As the labor men are in favor of early closing, no action was taken. The men expressed themselves against the marchants who work their em- ployees behind closed doors. The council expressed itgelf in fav- or of the stand taken by the Mon- treal Trades and Labor council which is asking the Borden govern- ment not to bring any more immi- grants into the province, when so many of the men who have been re- sidents for years are out of work. BOUNTIFUL RAINS HAVE BEEN FALLING in The West And Has Just Reacded This Good City Toronto, June 19.-- "This is a million dollar rain," remarked observatory official, this in discussing the weather, me showdrs fell this: morning in all parts of old Ontario. . Prom Windsor to Belleville. , from , Niagara Falls to Muskoka. came reports of bountiful rains delighting the farm- ers and gardeners and all interested in them. "Prospects are for cool weather al today's showers," said the {weatherman. then a genbral warming up; "just what Ontario! will need \for its hay crop." Local grain men report that the prospects for. good harvests of wheat and oats through: out: Ontario, generally, are bright. two an morning, VOLCANIC ACTIVITY IN ALASKA. Shores of Prince William Sound Cov- ered With Sulphur Valdez, Alaska, June 19.---Addi- tional evidence of voleanie distur- bance in south-western Alaska was brought here in reports which sta- ted that areas of the surface of Prince William Sound and the shor- es of the sound are covered with powdered pumice or sulphur. The powder is colored yellow, and is un- like the ash from the voleano of Mount Katmai, the only known large crater in the district. It is believed the fall of sulphur was brought down by the recent heavy rains. During the temporary absence of Hon. W. T. White the og ALD. | #2000 PPP PPPPR ETT PRI Quebec, June 19, -- Local coroners have given orders | that forty bodies of the Em-| press victims, still unidenti- fied here, must be buried without delay. One body of a womap found on the shore near Rimeuski, yesterday, was impossible of identifica- tion or embalming being so badly eaten by fishes and acti« + on of water. + | FERRET SEIS IEEE pt -- 2 ASQUITH TO PROMISE Some Measure 'of Women's Suffrage on Saturday. | London, Jume . 19.~That | Asquith will, when ho riots oat { Pankhurst's delegation of working vomen to-moitow, promise some mea- sur of woman's suffrage legislation as {soon as the home rule bill contro- | versy i) is cleared away, is regarded | here to-day as almost certain. 8 Just how far the premier will go without the approbation of his cabis {pet is problematical. It is thought {for a start he will merely propose {votes for unmarried women and wi- {dows, self-supporting or of : ent, income whose households ave' not | otherwise represented in the present | enfranchisement. sie | "This will not be a very wide econ« (cession, and probably not altogether {acceptable to the militants, but it 'would be a fair start tows full | womanhood franchise. ! It is realized here that all the an- | thorities, from royalty down, 'w welcome -any move that would render their lives less uncomfortable as the result of continued harrassing of the militants. and trotted a man into.the field. As | The In the face laration thes i a. every child 'that it | good education in he Balin | Suage, and consistent with that {might study its mother ton s0 desired. Dr. Forbes frey, in Toronto, shys that the | liberal leader has dodged the ques- jtion. 'For himself he would lke to see French a | This is the attitude: of the vative party, altho Dr. is one of the few has stated it concisely. In the meantime Mp, | Rowell's clear enunciations are bes |ing contrasted with & policy of -shif« |ting and vacillation. -------------- | Panama Hats, | For men and ladies--best | | 33.50 up. George Mills @ Co, « | Lieut.-Col. James Massie. has sold his Earl street to Mrs, Constantine. Col. Massie and fame ily will likely remove to Toronto, in October. ' #7 Boys' bathing suits, 25¢. Dutton's. 'THEDAILY BRITISH 12 CN SALE AT THE FOLLOW ING OITY STORES ity Nay Cori, 200 Pra College Book Store Y .® lan- it | if "God values, Teen Paul's Cigar Store saessen tO Prouse's Drug Store .,, 513 alin Grocery serve 008 Mei Lowe's Grocery .... vires p ------ti JellO and Jell-O Cream Powder will {onstrated in this week. 'this s PASO

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