rs om rs "Men's Tweed Suits in grey Saturday' Men's Blue Serge Shits, made up in the latest styles worth $20.00. Saturday special an Boys' Suits in tweeds, grexe and i latest cut, worth $7.00; 8 y Ly $3 Boys' 2 piece Blue va Men's Underwe TOU Saturday ........... +o vie» O0C 8 SUIL Men's Negligee Shirts, worth #1:50, Special 'for Nat urday NERY RI Ladies' Whitey Tam ur Ladie®" A A large IY ci of iicren s White Boots 1 hoes; Reg. ems; Special for Saturday ... pou for Sat The Store is A Styles Come From 2° With a flavor-=a verysmood ness -- and a wholesomeness KESIATEAES". -. 7 a @, BOOTS AND, anid browns, rh 42 L¥ ioe, 'Special for $128 1a x Sbasitar lock sixteen feet long d five.1 in widow from. $0. Rimouski, advil 168ting ont of 11 be: revived friohel Tho the: real: wi un Sng wi middle of next weak y. 'about. the the St. Lwrence, the wor der the Aréction' of" plates. and. air leeks being; Sevused:| metallic hatch . covers.-, t air compressors and the holds. davs. the compressors started working, 'ie forward: cirgo space was Tt was.necessary to provide against: injured water that the compressed air was overlying. the compartment was not magnitude. To meet this difficulty Mn. Wotherspoon made. the decks airtight, strengthened stores, and' converted - the cargo, spaces into calssons. 3 fasion" of' the compressed a ~compartments, and' the ° vessel: olted. Should" it be deemed expedient: taken by the Canadian Salvage com pay. GIRLS! DON'T BE '@ETTES'. Faced Grads. Halifax, June 18.--~"Girls, oh, do not be suffragettes," pleaded Rev. Dr do not, earnestly Halifax Ladies' College. patience for them," declared the ex- president of Dalhousie. worst be like some hatchet." women who use Dr. Forrest's strong de militant suffragettes. was received with a long round of applause not only from the scholars hut majority were} ep c------------ Temperance on Trial. Windsor Record. The big issue; however, that is loom~ whether the people the bar, as" pr by the op It must. be admitted want to abolish Mr. Rowell, sideration it deserves. election: flirt Thé politicians We now have the ping long enough. clear-cut issue, and going: to do. 1f there be mot a deci- or entirely disappear in political dis: | cussion for some. years to come. "We're going to decide it this time one way ar the other," is the attitude "lof the people on both sides of poli- ties. ! There remains practically nothing 4 new that can be said on the subject. .{ Gentlemen, are you ready for the ques tion ¥: corner and: had. lost hi 5 pat do you meen by ut?" he qu of Flaherty. "Docter's " was the prompt reply. Alte me some pills, and say : three days runnin' i pr % {tending Sydenham high air In the hospital. 1oek, they: miore: easily . andi, repose of hi, soul an +The' Canhdian il asrociation ] ET Hi W. partments bets tated: Ix airing to the circular passageway in: the bwgrger, Kingston, Connections were them made by pipes between This work occupied three Sutton, Newburghy Morris Pifteon minutes = after the fof Pembroke; ary: the pressure of twenty-three fet of: insufficient to offset, and the deck: equal to a bursting strain of thie ain? led" the 'water froin: the: flood: Nore being ei Appeal of College President to Fair- Dr. John Forrest yes- terday at the closing exercises of the "lI have: mo "They are the {women who have chosen the vi examples that man can give them. \ {Don't The masculine women, and don't i Smedly the nuncigtion of the tactics employed by also from the audience; of whom the large ing up in this contest idvthe question this question has taken deeper root' than ordinarily I ple: have d | their thinking caps on their heads.and |; are giving. this, issue the serious.con- Temperance. is really on trial in this have heen with it, dodging and. sidestep Happiness ol are called upon to decide what they. are)ness?" sive: mandate to wholish the: bar it may be assumed that the temperance question will take winor importance = the motorise, ** S 1 your mouth shut. ope: went through fushée o of -skipping to the. Mulligan 'was! } ri i ~s Her FEN ¥ oF £ = t. consolmtion of their he jand TR Reve Lewis Staley, of: over the I. C.K [Barish riot, his being for tin par-1SroR the A dor the dying. ix hus- Healy mas, at- school. The [funeral to Railton' church was largely attended, where. a high ue mass was sung by Rev. Father Staley for. © 'There were ft to mourn & nt ad lovin sand 'and. iather : Ella. Yay and at home, and floral tributes, one 4 n, tual "34% Wester: states: that the: saly: fing eit wreath. from. the ing wilt alle Sha abouttwo monthe: Afdy, and students of Sydenham URTV RRSRFRLIONS Ate: willi be ben}: high school. Reports From Yarker. Yarker; June 18:--Dal Silver had the misfortune to. get his arm broken 'While at his work cutting hubs. Miss Laura Smith, of Newburgh, nt a few days at her sister's, Mrs. ge Curl's. Miss Delaige, of Baty? Ize, , Sent a few days at D. The campérs have making 'the village rather quiet. Among: some of the eople being in. the village: Sunday ¢ Mr. ang Mrs: Jahderwater, Napanee, N. Manican, Sydenham, A Mrs. L. Furrs, Hingston, Mrs. J. Shibléy and two children, Harrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodhouse, Wilton, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, is spending a time with bis wife and daughter. Mr. eGorge + Woedhouse. bad. to: go to Kingston tahave an operation on his eye: Miss Fern. Bryon,.of Kingston, with her cousin, Miss Nellie Lee. Russell Smith spent Sanday hight at M. Lee's, Mrs. Bryant, of Kingston, with her brother, A. Holland. Mrs. Gaskin and son Jacki" of New York, at' Dr. Galbraith's. Quite a: few at: Wilton. Tn The pupils of the Yar- ublie: school, left this morning on their e * them er [fiom here: attended the. lawn. social Th minations at in number. James Freeman gave a quilting party. Tuesday afternoon; ell attended. - Mra: Quite: a number frony hepe spent the day. in Kingston, taking in the circus. ps. Ross aingkiga, Roy. Freeman and Archie Snider left to spend the summnier months working on the Steamer Syra- cusej Miss L. Babcock spent Sun- day at D. Stewart's; Miss Given Love and Miss Marion Sutton, of New- burgh, and Courtland Love, of Lap- um, spent Sunday; the guests of Miss Lena Crabtree. cotk: is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Williamson, at Laupm; Miss Grace and Ralph Huffman, of Moséow, visited Miss Margaret Ed- gar; Miss Olive Salisbury and Mrs. visited their aunt, Mrs. C. Edgar. Unneighborly Neighbors. The conversation at a recent soeci- al session turning. . to néighborly npighbors. Congressnian Robert Mi Bwitzser of Ohio was reminded of ai little pleasantry between Smith amd | Joues. Sniith was. rambling. down , the smile floating over his. whed he met a friend, "Why that beauteous smile, old man! ** asked the friends, pausing to clutch Smith's band. features, "Yes," merrily: answered 'Smith, My: next-door box of patent nice lictl eka on my 1 trioad oad wonderin med you an a sarcaatie stuntiifke thst happi- "Yes," was. the, grinful respense of Smith. "I, sent. the. axle: grease back to him withya. suggestion that her might use it on od janghrer's voice." --Philadelphia. Thodtin Was GivenToo-Quickly: métor was tearing: along a coun- try road the ether day, - when a po- liceman suddenly: appeared and held up his hand. The driver, feeling himself guilty ' of exceéding the limit, slowed up with a | ph of vexation, while A po and re Rent pr ha wir id he irvitably, ns the machine throbbed- slowly past the man. - I, sir, 1 must--"" . "Libok here, comstahle," int ted this u rar "+ And four or five quarters clinked upon the: road. he. policeman quickly = stooped Blin! Jack, ad du in a twinkling the appointed: to io lov whether Plabiertsy bio ony the diver lg ir 'lee Py ving. encapad -- ty {inate Tater the same "Sure, An didati he. recovering: Gi J to wakeii that policeman Sony wanted to A boa me that a tree had fallen across : a ere at his bedside te a ] had the great Y RN | J ag The Padencic" \ --a sweet, juicy, luscious fruit, ripened on the tree. RS ivy to peel, and practically seedless. | pearance, some lighter in color.' Some are dark in exterior ap- i But all' are'a deep red inside and sparkling' with healthful jnice. Qranges are picked in California evefy day jn the yéar, and thie Late Valencia is one of the very finest ever grown. Glove-picked, stissuc-wrapped, Sunkist! is the Cals iforniaSummerOrange -9 room So new; alk T improvements, 3,000:00 § Hasy: terms. Apply % Sana a shipped right from the tree -- you get them fresh with the real tree ripened flavor. Don't buy merely " oranges." Buy the Sunkist Valencias. 8ée what. you are missing in not getting this brand. Beautiful Rogers Silver in ment for Wrappers Go buy a dozen of Sunkist Or- anges and save the wrappers bear. ing the Sunkist trademarié' Then send in. the coupon below: and find out how to exchange $ the wrappers for beauti- P ful' Rogers 'Silver- oF Fruit xs this covpon and 'w ware for i California. Fruit Growers your ta Pa Exchange 105 King St, East, Comer Church Taranto, Oat, (257) ble. on our complimentary to a of 1 using Sumer € Rn ou will also receive our illustrated fum book which 18d you how te trade Sunkist wrappers fo hat ital table sits yer. Send this coupon er cal IVE wddress. returned hone after' spending some. «| and practicable to float the Empress: & parents, Mrs. C. Wood of Ireland, similar measures: will be fhe Win Gute & ue Miss Lizzie Bab-} sfveét one aflterfigon with a large} "Have you | ad up against great huppi- SI TORT RGR Buster Brown stockings are a real first aid to busy" mothers. Buster Brown defies the boys to rub holes into these stockings, by making' them of the strongest, long fibre' cotton, specially bwistéd and tested: for durability, with a three-ply heel and toe, afd double leg. Buy BusterBrown Stockings for your boys and save hbiirs and Hours of darn- ing: Your dealer can: supply St for Shade Ton 'Cost no more rig ifito Holes." your boys.