Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jun 1914, p. 9

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Outing Suits How are you fixed for your outing? Don't neglect your cool outfitting if you expect to have a good time. We deal in summer conifort. Just come and see. Come, see our new two and three piece suits, lined and half lined, single breast and Norfolk styles, swell and handsome, £12.00 to $18.00. . Then you want one of our smart straw hats, cool underwear, soft shirt, smart hosiery, ties, ete., ete. Let us outfit you and vou'll get all there's to be had out of the "Good Old Summer Time," LIVINGSTON"S BROCK STREET A Little Out of the Way, But it Will Pay You - Walk | | | | AND FELL ACROSS WALK ON BARRACK STREET. i Horse Was Buried In Timbers, But Released -- A Lisle Girl Had =a Narrow Escape. g There street, below = Wellington the front of the big coal owned by R. Crawiord, fell out the street with a large crash at a.m. Joseph Byron's bay had been tied to a post under hed while Mr. Byron was in the trimining the A street, BRE Ten TE i i F i the the strain and The horse i 3 i= iE ¥ i at fifteen minutes la- as shovelled from a- and by the use of long as levers the animal was re- The little daughter of John Ponoghue, Barrack street, had a nar- 'row escape. She passed not a se cond too soon. THERE 18 MUCH GLOOM, - 5 Fiat § I ; i 3 ------ { The Conservative Party Really on the Run. Toronto Globe, Gloom is the only word that ean aptly describe the attitude of the conservative candidates in the pro- vince at the present time. Those who predicted before the dissolution of the legislature that Mr. Rowell would come back to the mew house with but a bare remnant of his old fol lowing, have revised their opinions, and now the current gossip in tory camps is that the liberal leader "may have a following of thirty-five or for- ty." This, of course, is based on tory information, which is not likely to give the liberals more than bare justice on_the reports that are com- ing in. It is easy emough to hazard a guess, but the guess 1s worth a good deal more when it comes to a matter of betting, and thas 1s where the present situation. is perplexing the tory peliticiana. | Notwithstanding the '"'preponder- ance of conservatives in the old leg- islature, conservative money is not offering any odds, and for that mat- ter, little is offered at any price. "Oi course we are going .to win," is the current comment at tory headquar- ters, but where and how is not pos- sible of explanation. 1 He Knew It. { Teddy was saying bis prayers at {bedtime one night not long ago.Kneet {ing down at his mother's knee, the | sleepy little fellow began, "Now I {lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep"---he paused' "If""~--his mother prompted, "If he hollers' lot him go; enle, minie, mo." + | 98c Sale | Saturday at 8.30 O'clock --_-- 8 Without beating around the bush we don't mind telling you very candidly and very plainly there has never been values like it at a sale here bfore. We are not alone in this offer. It is a combined effort of a manufacturer and ourselves acting on the same thought, small profit and a quick turnover. We could ask considerably more for these goods and you would be pleased to pay a higher price for the values are certainly exceptional. Val- ues up to $4.50. Saturday, the Price 98¢ FANCY MUSLIN DRESSES, Saturday WHITE VOILE BLOUSES, Saturday MIDDY BLOUSES, Saturday ... FANCY J, FOLK OLE SHADES," 98¢c. BLOUSES, Saturday.. 98c Saturday : menie, | was much excitement on Bar Br alk. Soo falling timbers but |Lehigh Device One Time Part of Watches Now on Automobiles The possibilities: of the silent chain, now being used on a great may of the higher priced cars, have only been full realized within the last few years.» It is not a mechani- cal device, but in fact a very old one, as it is now known to have been used seven hundred years ago. Its first use, according to any de- finite information, was in the manu- facture of Swiss watches, as a com- pensating feature, the idea being ~o compensate for the change of ten- sion, as the spring" retarded and gradually became weaker. This was done with, the aid of a conical con- structed wheel to retain the same initial temsio and tortion in the watch, thereby asuring perfect re- gulation, It nas also heen used to great ad- vantage in power transmission work, { This application of the chain as | first patended by a clerk in the Bank of England in 1865, it having the arched link. Prof. John R. Allen of the Univer- sity of Michigan is also using an ad- aption of this chain advantageously in a large power plant in the west to transmit 5,000 horsepower from wa- ter turbines to eletric gemerators. There are eight chains, twenty-four feet long, twenty-two inches wide and weighing 22,000 pounds and re- volving at 226 pevolutions per minute. "* --------. Naon Is Persuasive, Dr. Romulo 8. Nuon, the Minister of Argentine, which is the "A" of the so-called "A.B.C'% republics, which figure in the Mexican plan at Niagara Falls, is a persuasive per son. It is sald to have heen he who talked T. Roovevelt into making his recent trip to South America. One person after another interes- ted in South America went to Roosevelt and tried to show him what a great thing it would be for science, humanity, and himself, if he would make a trip over the contin- ent and get acquainted with the peo- ple." But T. R. seemed reluctant .o make the journey, . Then Naon got hold of Roosevelt and told him that he, T. R. had a message for the South American people that, what- ever it was, they panted to hear. He stated the thing with such suavity, and exhibited such an engaging per. sonality, that almost immediately af- ter the interview, Roosevelt deter- mined to make the trip. Naon is really the Roosevelt of Argentina-- that is, he represents the extreme progressive thought of that country. Plays and Players. Lawrenes D'Orsay is presenting a new monologues in vaudeville, Miss Marie Tempest will make ' a farewell American 'tour next season. Frank Melntyre is to head the Western company' of "A Pdir of Sixes." Eugenie Blair has a new playlet entitled "The House of Mystery." Mrs. Patrick Campbell is to be seen next season in Shaw's Pygmalion." Cyril Scott heads the company now playing "Seven Keys ta Baldpate" iv New York. ¥ = Thomas E. Shea contemplates be- coming a producing manager in his own house in Phil ia. Peggy O'Neill has been selected | to create .the leading role in Richard THE CIRCUS PARADE Watch, Ring and Gold Pins Taken Home of John Greeni- 2er Living at Tuttle's Hill. John Greenizer, living near Tuttle's Hill, came into the city, on Thursday the circus parade, and during squs secured an entrance to kis home and made off with a va73 watch, a diamond ri ring, several pins and a quantity of tobacco. thief or thieves also destro; some pa longing to Mr. Gress izér a tur! things general around the house. X This has led to the belief that the work was that of some returned home again at 1 pm. 1 looks as if some person had been i for a good chance to get pinto. the house. THE DEMAND MADE. Thousand Islands Hotels Must Have Fire 3 Thousand Island hotels will not be permitted to open for business this month unless they are fully equipped with fire escapes. Such was the state ment made by Fdward Henneberry, of the United tates state fire mar shal's office, who leit for the islands, where ho will spend the next two days in making an examination of the ho- tels.. Pioprietors were notified a year ago that they must comply with the fire regulations. In pearly every case the buildings have been properly equip- I'he hotels at Alexandria Bay open this week, while those at Thousand Island Park, Clayton, St. Lawrence Park and the other resorts along the rivet will open within a few days. Mr. Henneberry said that while he had not visited the region in the last six weeks that he had received word that the hotel proprietors were busily en- gaged in getting the fire escapes on their places and that he expected no trouble on his present trip. ¢ "There have been so many lires at the islands that summer guests will be apt to look first to ses that the build- ing housing them has "all the neces- sary fire escapes," said Mr. Henne berry, "and 1 think the proprietors recognize that any further delay means a loss of business that they cannot afiord to stand." Day By Day. Let me be a little kinder, Let me be a little blinder To the faults of those about me; Let me praise a little more, Let me be, when I am weary, Just a little bit more cheery, Let me serve a little better Those that I am striving for. Let me be a little braver When temptation bids me waver, Let me strive a little harder To be all that I should be, Let me be au little meeker With the brother that is weaker, Let me think more of my neighbor And a little less of me. Let me be a' little sweeter, Viake my life a bit completer, By doing what I should do Every minute of the day; Let me toil without complaining, Not '4 humble task disdaining: Let me face the summons calmly When Death beckons me away. Where the Weakness Was, Portland Spectator. her started his third helping of pudding with delight. "Once upon a time, James," ad- monighed his mother, "there was a tittle boy who ate too much pud- ding, and he burst!" James considered. "There ain't such a thing as too much pudding," he declared. "There must be," contended his mother, "else why did the little boy burst?" James passed his fourth time, saying: boy." plate for the "Not enough Had That Kind. Little Harry, who was spending a summer in the mountains, stood one day caressing a Scotch collie. The young man who owned the dog, see- ing the boy's admiration for the col- tie, asked: "Have you any animals at home, Harry?" At this the little lad replied, after pondering a moment: "Yes, we have flies." for The laboring men are strong labor Harrison, who represents a policy that appeals to them. When one tries to -pull you out of the rut it is but fair that you should help him in the work. It isnt every fellow who can t ing delusi tin | - : FROM 9 TO10 0'CLOCK A number of small balances from special purchases bave been gathering since June 1st, and as each lotis too small to advertise separately, we will sell them together to-morrow morning, commencing at 9 o'clock. Any one of these are well worth com- ing for, as they will be offered at a fraec- tion of their value. : . ' 59 Only Children's » ® ¥ White Pique and * ho Grass Linen Dresses All made and with pretty designs stamped on yoke, sleeves and bottom of skirt, ready to embroider, or this can be left off. These are worth $1.00 or more. Yours to-morrow morning 39¢, 83 Yds Only White Shadow Lace Flouncing Prom 22 inches to 24 inches wide and worth from 65 to 80¢ yd. Yours to-mor- row morning, 10c yd. 42 Pairs Sample Silk Stockings Thenéw accordian wove make. These: are the famous RADIUM MAKE and the colors are helio and black, tan and black; gold and black, very pretty and quite new. The real value of these is $1 pair. Only 42 pairs to sell. Yours to- morrow morning 50¢ pair. 200 Yds Good Qual * ® - ity English Prints Mostly navy with small white figures and butcher blues; also _some light makes. These are worth 121-2¢ yd. Yours to-morrow morning 9c. 132 Silk Crepe de Chene Ties The wide end make suitable to wear with summer blouses, middies and sail- are worth regularly 50c. Yours to-mor- or collars. All the best shades. These row. 25¢. L HOSIERY FOR ALL THE FAMILY HERE TO-MORROW hug a |% OUTSIDE SKIRTS, Saturday . 98¢c GINGHAM "ANDERSON'S" HOUSE DRESSES, Satur Loday .... 98¢ WHITE ""HORROCKSES" REP WALKING SKIRTS, FANCY 1a coro Sx LIGHT COLOR SATEEN - LONG COLORED CREPE KIMON - LOW AND HIGH BUST QORSETS, WHITE da Rarry's new comedy, "Brenda of the Woods," : Otis Skinner has abandoned plans for the production in Fnited States next season of Galsworthy's "The Mob." Miss Laura. Hope Crews, recently with Sohn Drow, is to appear in a new play under the management of David next' season: A Portable Boundary. A negro trooper of the 10th Caval- ry, spick-and-span in his uniform, was walking on one side of a street in No- gales, the Arizona town that partly 98¢ n in this country and partly in Mexico. | ATITOT TN . NES A Mexican, walking on the Mecican side, called to the trooper : {You going to invade Mexico 7" 'No, sh," the ) a "You going to: "No, sub," suid "What : to do "Well, sub, said the trooper, push- | ang out his chest, "as soon as them foes up in Washington gives us or- ders we is jist naturally' goin' to take this vere border ight up in our hands and never stop with it until we has laid 1 down on the other side of the Panama canal-~Washington Ntar. John | Men's $4.50 Oxford Shoes Tan, Calf, Patent Calf Black Calf. Choice of Any Style i $2.9 White Canvas Pumps A Great Bargain. All sizes, 2 1-2 to 6. Sat $1.50. Satur- 98¢ RAY HO E DRESSES "with roober. "ow

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