& A safe place for your insurance securities, and other valuable Stigfes $2.00 per annum up. +A private room for the licies, deeds, Plies, from operation of the boxes. INCORPORATED 3 5a Howard S. Folger INVESTMENT BROKER" Fire and Life Insurance High Grade Bonds and Stocks Distriet Manager of The oma LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY | Phone 995 44 Clarence Street Real Estate Builders & Contractors Attention Sand for sale in CEMENT BRIC any quantity K FOR SALE Cheapest Brick on the Market THE EKINGSTON A TAUCTION COMPANY, 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. Yards, Sowards' Dock TTT How About That New House On Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. The owner says he has the "best it is just as good, anyway. such brick. Why not build and boost home industries. house in Kingston. Well, 'We have plenty more your new Louse of them Phone 1396 Division St Albert Neal A | » 40he kind you are looking is the hind we sell 1} |i. same o Scranton AL combined curb g ry v fi of i feet Is good coal pomp |} 1° Pooley anf ue rate Booth & Co. Fresh Seeds are a Prime Necessity If you are looking for results, why seeds 'that will grow. You can procure them from Hoag's Drug Store, Phone 36+ o tande X r the pave proposes the diffe of years ment der the right portion, Tenders addressed to the une and endorsed "Tenders for Towill be received up to » 18th, 1014, for the con- f approximately 50.000 y is of sheet pavement on a neh concrete hase; also price for on six Inch macadam base: 25 00 lineal feet straight concrete 1,250 lineal combined lineal feet i a gutter, 100 Standapd Curb and Guiter comple te, 16 Kingston Standard Inlgts complete 500 lineal feet N jn ow fas set. in i cuble yard for trie tion quare circ ar. te and traight urh gutt ve works, may be r Information obtain- of the undersigned. will submit with of the specifications he pavement or wearing surface to lay, also unit prices for rent works, and the number he will Jusrantes the pave uffice Tenderer a copy The his of. he A marked ' heqne pavable to the or- er ofthe City Treasurer for five pey ent. (6%) of the amount of the ten- must accompany each bid The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted and the City reseryes to award the whole Gur any. R. J. McCLELLAND, City Engineer 12th, 1914 Kingston, Ont, June not sow | J For Sale ne tor hoat, full i lo control, 18 horse 12 millen 0 in best condition. Boat Rune cnn be supplied. H. 8 CRUMLEY 116 BROCK 8T ~ PHONE 1442 ng o our Ang - 8. for the commision years asiuren you other of pearl vest Lapel coat chains Decollete pins, etc. #2 Victorfa St, brick six rdoms, modern, hot water fur- nace. ent $15.00 per nfenth. Also 118 = Vietoria St., be- tween Far! and Johnson, seven reoms, brick house, fully mod- Immediate possession Apply ! i excitement on Friday The Hemders of the Whig. White Rose flour tor all "3 Health Salt, 25¢."" Gi Cross Store, - rge Killins and wife, of Parkam, were in the city Saturday. At buttons music store you can ge thie latest popular music, 2 sheets 2; Thé hay erop is the county of Frontenac promises to be a record one. Clover is doing exceptionally well. "50c. boat sponges, 25¢."" Gibson's ited Cross Drug Store. rireman Talbot snyder bas return- ed from his holidays. Fireman "Jack™ Burns is now enjoying his holidays. at Gibgon's Red "Kodak films" Cross Drug Store. J. ldamsten, shoemaker, Brock street, left Saturday for Hartington where he will spend a week's vaca- tion with Reeve J \Freeman. "Boat sponges," regular 30c., 25¢. Gibson's Red (ros Drug Corpl. Perrin was given a send-off by the W. J. Crothers company on | Friday might. He leaves for Pefs- iwawa camp Monday with the 4th Hussars. . "3 Kkovah Heal "Saki, son's Red Cross Drug Stare. Seven Weeks from to-day and Weese i & Co. will be storeless. © learing out "sale all next week. | Street ear No. 22 on § for Store. 25¢." Gib- little at created a afternoon the corner of Princess and - King strests. The car, when being. backed lup to let the other car pass, "split the switch" but with the help of the 'twork car soon on the track again. "3 Health Salt, Cross Drug Store. Weese photo studio closes. re-oeders from old was 25e."" Gibson's Red Send in negatives at once. When fire visits yon it usually atrikes hard. That's why you shouldn't neglect taking out that in surance policy. McCann agent. On Friday night High Constable J. I. Smith, of Sandwich," and Deputy R. E. Stoneberry, of the same place, brought down a prisoner, Ma sonville, to spend two vears in the Portsmouth penitentiary for an at tempt of criminal assault upon a young girl. Noti otice We desire to inform our friends and i patrons that after July lst the cost of all shines will he advanced to Ue Shoes will be dried by electricity be fore being polished, which will & lile of the leather serve the lengthen the usefulness of shoes Jesa Don't throw Straw Hats, look like new. tricity. " Pappas Bros For Sale 9 room house, new; all improvements, $3,000.00 Easy terms. Apply W. H. Godwin & Son 29 Brock St. *° Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance, away Panama or Have make them We clean them by ele your us Soiee tastily spi fot any occasion, Ever thing to cooke--p we take Yours for service to the City and Province, backed by your support. Yours, I. F. HARRISON YACHT crus § LJ DRESSING SALAD Unequalled for lobstér, stivimp, f chicken and all ffs salads. 15¢ and 4Cc per bottle At Your Grocers Card of Thanks We hage found it impossible to thank ur friends and nelghbors individually for wheir kindness apd sympathy shown in our hours of berpavemient therefore this opportunity to thank You one and all or your kindness shown (Signed) Mrs Emma Scott and family Auction Sale TUESDAY, JUNE 16TH 10 A, WM, NO.» LOW BR CIPARLES ST, Extension table, dinigg chairs, book and writing desk, couch, drop-jeaf rlass-top cupboard, hanging and 2, OSbBOT i , hall rac fame 8 Active range, art ete. ATCTION EER. 3 Brock st ES ! Simply turn the key, and--Presto ! You have a , cooked-meat paste That's-- Paris PTE ys handy--no- perfectly pure. we say! 'socliTE 3 yf P.A Ng DELICIOUS FOR SANDWICHES Or Ete. 2 A Tasty and Handy Treat For the W. #kman's Lunch, FENWICK, HENDRY & C ------------------------. S---------------- ¥ GENERAL RE APPLY MRS, R. Gardiner, 150 Bagot St. GOOD GENERAL MAID. APPLY MRS. 4 W, Belton, 153 Alfred #t. ANU REE HOLSEMAID TO TAKE CARI £ motiths old. References required. Box 18, Whig office ---- a et i A GENERAL SERVANT--NO WASH. ing Apply, 53 King street. roniired Box 1% A GOOD LIVE AGENT FOR QUICK- selling arvtiele for city. Apply between six and eight, 306 Queen A MAN WANTED the fouist, Apply a: greanhouse head of Johnson St - A GENERAL SERVANT, WELL RE. commended, Apply in the even ing to Mrs. Kilthorn, 244 King street, GIL OR WOMAN TO housework and help whe can sleep Apply at once ASSIST IN oooki@ One home preferred } Division street. OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG AG- gressive salesmun to handle line of advertising specialties. Write Ad vertising, 126 Garden Ave, Tor onto. - AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY esarn $100 monthly Sor7esponding for newspapers; no vd nd for particulars. Peon by, Ann cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. er ---------- BOYS AND GIRLS EARN A PREMIUM by selling novelties for us. Send your name and address to-day Broadway Specialty Co. 117 Broadway W., Vancouver, BC SMART GIRL TO ASSIST work Excellent gain experience and cost work, vndwriting Anglin & Co, ton Sts. AT OFFICE opportunity Tt in bookkeeping Address in owr Wing references. 8 Bay and Welling AGENTS! dolar Ired RIG MONEY-MAKER! OUR hook, truection Empress ind st book published for free outfit at once. Bes freight paid; €redit given Limited, Publishers, To 1IENCED CAPABLE JES. man to travel for Canadian bran of old es ablishad house. Line sell: to practically all merchants, Higl commissio with weekly advanc- es to right man D. W. Barrows Detroit, Mich. RBBB IPEELLPE PEPE EPSP b bbe MEN WANTED. to attend camp for days, commencing Mon- da une 15th. For all particu- 8 ppiyv te Capt. F. Partridge, 62 King St. West. Phones 380 and 1195 Bed dedededodedodidede doe de dod dod dood ib db Men desir Ing t FP sinsising WORK WANTED, BY YOUNG attend w ORK ENG references. Whig office Apply by letter er -------------------------------------- tenet CUSTOMERS TO RIVG UP 982 WHEN haying hair or cotton mattresses renovated or recovered. King- ni Mattress Company, $56 Prin- t. (SMALL) furnished, oR SUMMER wanted for July boarding house supplying Joating desired. d- dress 'with fall particulars at once Manager" P. (% box 3070, Mon- treal, Que. y ee ete ee ---------- COTTAGE sh M ARRIED COUPLE, UNDER MIDDLE esire, for about ten months, nice cool ffon{ recom (on hashroom floor preferable), in refinad private home, where no. children sr other roomers. Address Box 612, Whig Sr eee GENTLEMEN Te BRING cloth and have it made up inte up- to-date suiis. Price and workman- ship guaranteed ing and repairing done on shortest notice." Thomas Galloway 13 Brock street, near Bibby's Gar- POSITION WANTED. EXPERIENCED COOK WOULD LIKE a position with a private family going 10 a summer resort. Ameri- can family preferred. Apply Box 12, Whig office. - Musto, MUSIC AND DRAMATIC tion, 216 Fronitms St. Miss Norma Tel; n, Alida Telgmann, BE; 0. elgmann, teachers of elocu- tion, plano, violin and all stringed instruments. ARCHITEOY Nn, M3, LOT INSTRUC- FOR JOHNSTON, THEIR | 10 please--Prosuc] the THREE DOLLARS oN naGor OR Princess streets on Friday afier- noon, June 13th. Finder Wioaly return to 68 Charles a MONDAY, THE aw 2 ca gh, Rhos Toren nd A. tana alg Le ALBERT SAUND ng done. Feed, 681 pd oa 4 REDNE OF Als. JINDS oF Hy ; Karey: THES a | Sums Roous TO RENT. 19 Aberdeen St. A SIRS "wo FURNISHED BEDROOMS AND sitting room. Apply, HH William street. "ROM 1ST MA rT. Thomas A, Ne MRED nA St. IWELLINGS AT $1 20, ANE $60. J 5. B Melony: $30.50 ANT, *TORAGE FOR FURNITUR ETO. clean and dry. McCann, $i Brock street. te ete teeter 126 EARL ST. BETACHED BRICK, a {loms, hot air fiirgace. Jo 8 «Cann, §2 Brock 8 = "URNISHED Rouse TO RENT FROM 1st May, No. Ba - Jat Mak; ud got St. Cun OFFICES IN CLARENC E ST bers. dle, APDIY to Cunningham & My: 4 y 19 unnin am - 79 Clarencé St. E » SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, 198 STU ART St, B. and C, and gas: newly pa ered and Jininiad, Arnly to f k Laidlaw, 248 vision St. YTORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms; your own lock "and key, Frost's City 52 299 Queen Bt. Phone Shorage, 6b. TIGHT ROOM HOUSE, C., gas and class repair to J. R. JULY 187, furnace, in first- 369 Alfred St. Apply Laidlaw _ Division 8. OR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED house, all conveniences, electric ight, gas and phone, Sontratly aoa Address Box L, W big 0 office TOUSE, 165 STUART ST; THIRD D DOOR from-University Ave, «» north side; 6 rooms, deep lot; immediate posses. sion. Apply. . 2321 University Ave Phone 1484 ete ------------------y er ------ ~ROOMED HOUSE, 288 DIVISION ret--summer Kite hen, fire place new plumbing, r Rent $11.00 Tel. 403 Qs good y Apply 428 Princess street AT EASTVIEW PARK, ON THE ST. Lawrence, five miles from King- ston, five and seven roomed furn- ished bungalows. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine St, Kingston. FURNISHE D DWELLING, 224 KING We re active location, cen- ght large bright airy rooms tollet. electric light, piano, moderate price Apply on premises. APARTMENTS, PRETTILY AND CON- veniently furnished for ght house- keeping: gas for cooking and light. Apply Ploneer Apartments, 212-214 Division St, head of Queen St. Phone 1424, FURNISHED HOUSE 'avenue. W,000--SOLID NRICK room Alfr od UNIVERSITY all Impenenhes. 10 po ENT HOUSE, NEW, ALL MORT ons S Jorear AND SOLD. Mo BATEM! v a GARDINER, PHONE 896, 67 Clarence St. Kingston. PERSONAL "ED IN THE FUTURE? end birthdate and 5-2¢ stamps for bins reading. Mrs, Henkey, 95 Bonsallo Av You may as tions, . Los Angeles, r two important ques- MARRY -- THE RELIABLE, CONFI. dential Suecess Club has large numbers of wealthy, eligible mem- hers, both sexes, wishing early marriage; descriptions free. Mrs. Wirubel, Box 26m, Oakland, Cal HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanen'ly, without Scar 27 years ex erighce. r. Elmer J. Lake, Ey Nos: Throat and Skin Specialist, 28 Bagot Street. SCALP MASSAGE FOR FALLING hair, dandruff, etc, treated by el ectrieity (new, method). Lates! treatment In rin. oH face massage, manicuring, ropo up-to-date styles in rs. H m., and by appointment "", CATERING = EN ab Pp Re oy yl Ln he el PONY, JARNESS A RU) VEO Boo river, or will se ate ADDIY After 6 1. mW. to 3, ONAGRINK Portsmouth, i cece emma -- [CAN SELL YOU A FIRE INSUR Hoy on anvibag x nsire in a class "Bria pany. R. Hy Bell, 239 i ANYONE HAVIN 9 fr TY rst cl son. 3133 Pri ans 3 EASY ROWING SKIFF, y PRNHRD cedar, ood condition, also new sprit salé complete, togethen. or separate, Apply Box 331, Ye office, Xe at hi $2100 Cn Yi VEN EER, Charles Bi 500, solid. ae." $850 Sash will buy, 139 Bagot Street. ---- SIX FEET LON ront and 56 1-2 In. Three drawers and top Sughtly used, A British Whig office. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYU Also Dunlop tires, at §2.00. OFFICE DES in. hi orders promp attended to carpet cleaning and laying. Ge Muller, 373 King St, - ANTIQUE SOLID MAHOGANY B® value, §70; changes compel sale, Will sacrifice Yor, $40, pding inceln best Banner Jvrings, ApBiY Oste mattress, por fectly new. Box 612, Whig office. GROCERY STORE AND 163 Ontario street. oh Hip 5 nents priv eke © n dwelling. Doing a ness. ply F. rat class ood reason for gelling. *. orem X. Bazeau, on the 'SECOND-HAND UPRI pg square pianos, od - Angelus player and Jousie organs and Erdmoniion time nts. w Plane Agenty, 36 Cash or Scale Williams Montreal St, Kingston. J FURNISHED ROOM va men pera AD. WORK, VORi able. 102 Earl ROOMS AND BOAR. FIRST CLASS also table boa Bo in AND, lington St. Boa post o if FINANCIAL FRONTEN. AC, «Fk Were oan oney issued ng sity properties, cd of Si lebentures; mortg: agte » an intere Jeposits received af » owed . c anager, Qarence Street. % he [Venroor. LONDON AND { ire instirance Som . the' 33 levi ey the unlimited Habi city property, insured at ossible rates Before re 1d or giving new businéss rates from trange & Stra Agents. Phone 325. £ LEGAY CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BA ters and solicitors, Law Clarence street, Kingston. BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN mail order business at hom Gantasing; 2. bookie: Fe ™ or Tree et: els Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y, PIGEONS PAY DOLLARS WwW chickens pay cents; small heeded; aman space requir Nays pe Pp; ready end for y Yasue of out taity explained Vernaiive Mo. JSTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP- pers, banquets, dinners, parties, . Silverware and cutlery to rent. For particulars apply to R. H. Toye's King St. store. ---------------------------------------------- WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, bangunets, ete, also rent dishes, table linens and Silverware. Phones 843 or 303. EXCAVATIONS noc, OR CLAY, INCR"TING OF Ning and ing I Ec lag, ted Jig lng mate ven. Fa: et UPROTSTERER SPARKS AND t B SPARKS, on Phone 346, (over Cali y DR. Denes NASH, a f on to assis . Bate? yg Phone 735. . GAVIN UPHOLSTERING, RE. wi a Brn carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 218 Bagot street. Vv LDS, D, s, Bras, 1a. x sor aad, reets. For reports of Steamers formation regarding phone Canadian Steamships L Nuniber 296. freigh