Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Jun 1914, p. 5

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"Unto Caesar" BY BARONESS ORCZY With Frontispiece lor 2° Picture Jacket, et This novel of Imperial Rome at the time of the world conflict between Caesar and Christianity is ranked second only to 'The Last Days of Pompeii" and is the most. notable work of Baroness Orezy, not - gael ig Mirose remarkable world successes, "The Pimpernel" and "El Dorado." UNTO CAESAR ; Now Ready. Price $1.25 § R. UGLOW & C0. 14, Frees Ji | Frincess eee MERCHANT TAILOR Every man likes good clothes and likes getting 200d Vanie for his money. We believe thoroughly that the goods we sell aré the best that money can buy. We give special attention to details in making up and a customer can depend on having the inside of a garment as good as the outside, and the workmanship all that can be desired. We have also a special assortment of samples from a wholesale tailoring firm at $15.00 and $18.00 a suit, These are made to measure and guarantsed to fit. » THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor. 157 Princess Street fthe 19th makes at Petawawa. Accord- The ngine er in relf-starting cars, GE co., LTD. e on Request hone 454 The most envied car at the price in the world. that don't give trouble, The | PORRITT G. Catalo Taxi Service Taxi Service USE "WHEAT VIGOR The Warm Weather Breakfast Cereal / : At All Grocers . GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. Book your order now to have yourselectric ser- vice changed. Unless you have the necessary chang" es made before JULY 1st, you will be without elec- trie current. | Remember i We are prepared to give you entire Satisfaction and exceptionally prompt service Largest display of electrical goods in the ith W. J. MOORE & SON THE ELECTRIC SHOP MACHINE SHOP IN CONNECTION \ Let Your F eet. Breathe The pores in your feet are the bens and most active in y-- But if you wear im Topcr 'shoes the sii covered with dead skin and callous places and cannot breathe as nature intended. This condition is impossible id pe Saget ea | in improving her ener] health. She __fHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, _ TUESDAY, JUNE ¢ 1014. ON THE 218T OF JUNE, OVER 200 STRONG. 14th Regiment Prepares for Three Days' Camp Training--Trip Watertown, N. Y,, Depends Upon Camp Turnout. According to the intention of the N.C.O's and men, when they were "sounded" on Monday night, the ldth Regiment will go to Petawawa ior training over 200 strong. They were given to understand by Major H. J). Dawson, commanding, that the ac- » of the invitation for the Kingston rifle corps to visit Water tow, N.Y%, on July 4th, rested en- tirely;, with the representation which to} 1 60 TO PETAWAWAIWARM IN CITY COUNCIL BUT HE ATMOSPHERE WAS Not AT FAULT. o Mayor Shaw Had to Call a Halt When Alds. Graham and Litton Started a Wordy Tilt. Some of "boys" night, Mayor - Shaw's council Were very unruly on Monday and 'his worship had to repri- mand them. When lds. Graham and Litton got inte a squabble, without addressing 'the chair, the mayor de- clared that <i this kind of thing went on there would have to be a change in the procedure, for he could not allow: such cross-firing to continue, He want- ed the aldermen all to he gentlemen at the council hoard When Ald. Graham made a remark ingly, about 200 signed their names | declaring their intention to go to the big camp and take part in the ma- noenvres. At a meeting of the officers after parade, the 'matter was discussed and details were arranged. 'The regiment, according to present plans; will arrive in Petawawa on Sunday, June 2lst, and will be back in time for the men to be at their work or business on Thursday morning, Jane 25th. Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the "big days" at the camp, when troops of all branches of the service from this part of the country will en gage in manoeuvres. An-advance par tv of an officer and two men from | each company will precede the regi ment to Petawawa. Lhe entire brass band is going. "U'"" and "G" com | panies will likely top the list numeri | cally. The signal and bearer sections | will be there "intact." ! the men are keen over the trip to Petawawa, the first time that the 14th | has attended a training period there. fwo years ago the regiment was at Rarriefield for four days, and last vear it was well represented at the "trek." As well as the training at Petawawa, baseball and amusements will he planned. A committee was ap- | pointed on Monday night to arrange a smoker or entertainment of that na- ture for either Monday or Tuesday | might, lhe entire regiment is anxious to go to Watertown, but," vet, nothing has been announced as to the accept- | ance of the invitation from across the border. ! On Monday night the regiment marched to Barrielield and worked out an outpost scheme. The supposition was that the outpost mounted troops were in touch with the enemy at Gan- anoque, the mobile column being vouacked at Barviefield village. The outposts were to hold the general line 'from Fort Henry to the ordnance | buildings, on the north side of the Gananoque road, inclusive. Major GG. | V. Hordern inspected the dispositions. The work' was very interesting. The inspection of the regiment will be held on Friday night, June 17th. The next parade is called for Monday night next. as QUITE AN EPISODE. Janes Barry's Encounter With Rattlesnake, Mercury. James Barry, when he came in from Mud Lake marsh, ia North ('n nonto, Frontenac county, last week, had an experience out of the common in this country to 'tell about. Camp- ed at the head of the marsh--the lake being three miles long, and the marsh three miles more! he. was the habit of carrying his 2.03 with him, in cdse he cane geross bears or other game. Snakes often came across, and thought no- thing of them. But one morning last | week he came across one that did ! arrest his attention. Unlike the | others, it didn't run away. It staved, and Mr. Barry heard a noise. Then | be took a closer passing look. It | was about three feet long, of a grey i body, spotted, amd had its head lifi- ad about six inches from the ground and as Mr. Barry stopped short it raised a blunt tail and shook it. There was a rattle like" of large peas being shaken about; and as there was no debris ahout the snake on the ground to make such a noise it suddenly occurred to Mr. Barry that he was facing a rattlesnake. Having his rifle he felt quite safe. He knew he could hlow it to pieces before it could strike or bite him. So be thought he would trv to get it with a stick. The nearest was some feet away, and at he reached for it the smake turned and made its way into a Hole in the ground. Mr. Barry sought to 'locate it. but auld mot, but as it rattled a dozen times between his first' sighting of it ang its disappearance he is satis- Ged that it was a Runuine rattle anake. Renfrew mn rifle he Every boy in Kingston is worth saving. Parents know this. Had Nervous Dyspepsia With Frequent Sick Headaches and Much Pain After Eating -- br. Chase's Nerve Food Cured. This letter is 'from a lady whe ained 14 pounds by wing the great oe cure. It did wonders for her in enthusiastic im its with Pleasure that I write {0 you in prawe . Chase's Nerve Food. 1 'was Did with dyspepdia, and could not eal without suffering much pun; wlio had sick headache frequently, and my merves were in had condition. Abbut ten years ago-I toov a. thor ough treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve altogether 2 boats and since ond so re jad, i MT. Co.'s plevator : ret Crown asl Dunelm, William, are {the 20th of this month. about the "methods" of Ald. Litton as chairman of the Board of Works, the latter responded with "one bet- ter, and Ald. Graham instantly arose to protest and at the same time to even "better" the retort of the works chairman. Thea the mayor interpos- and after a little advice, the at- mosphere cleared. Later on, Ald. Graham took occa- sion to call 'the mavor to order, claiming that he was inclined to talk too much from the chair. The mavor laughed at this, and remarked that he did not mind Ald. Graham's little criticism. * IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The steamer Sowards arrived irom Oswego with coal for R. +'rawfond {and will clear again to-nig ght ior Og- wego. The steamer John Rolph arrived from Frie with 5 fv the harge Bobbin, bath coal laden. The Rolph will dischargé at the Montreal Trans portation company's elevator and the barge Dobbin will unload gt the water works wharf. The steambgrge Jeska cleared for Oswego, after discharging at the cot- ton mill. The steamer Fairmount passed down on the way to Montreal, grain-laden from Fort William. Steamers Tur- from Fort oading grain; tug Emerson, from Port' Colborne, with the barges 'Hamilton and Burma, grain-laden, for Montreal; tug Thomp- son oleared for Montreal with two grain and one coal barge; tug Bart- lett cleared to-day from the Polson Iron Works, with the last of the three new barges for Montreal. The schooner St. Louis is loading feldspar at Richardson's wharf. The schoomer Ford River will rive from Erie to-night with for H. W. Richardson. The schooner Abbie I. cleared for Oswego. The steamer John Randall - passed down 'the: vRidean: eanal coal laden {rom Oswero. At Swift's wharf: Steamers To- ronto and Caspian, down and up, Tuesday; - steamer - Brockville cleared Tuesday for Picton; steamer [Loreito cleared jor, Rideau canal points; steamer T. J. Waflles arrived 4 a.m. Tuesday Eo Oswego with coal for Swift's. The vacht Corona has arrived the Shipbuilding company's deck. Monday~Arabian, passed down at 3. p.m.: Thyra Menier down at 11 p.m.: the steamer Hamiltonian pass ed up at 3 pm The steamer Arabian stopped af SWift's wharf vesterday to unload freight. The new yacht Phoebe II., being bhnilt by the Davis Drydock company for J. A. Brasher, of Pittsburgh {Pa., is just ahout finished and the Messrs, Davis expect 0 have it ready for shipment to Muskoka by The yacht iis one of the nicest that has been turned out by this firm, both in equipment and finish. It is all lined inside with mahogany. Instead of gasoline engines the yacht will be propelled by steam. In the Davis drydock at present there is the)schooner Julia B Merrill which has to have minor repairs and painting made to its hull. ar- coal Andrews at dry- To Raise Boat at Montreal. On Monday night two divers of the Donnelly Wrecking and Salvage com- pany went to Montreal to start op- erations upon raising the hull of the steamer Berthier, which sunk after it had heen destroyed by fire, on May 24th. This boat was a ferry steamer and plied between Montreal and neigh- horing ports. While at its wharf fire broke out, and hetween this and the vast amount of water which was pour- ed upon it"the hull went to the hot- tom. 'The prospects are that it can be raised. The Late G. M. Macdonald. George Malcolm Macdonald, seventy-three years, formerly of aity. and a resident of Rochester. N.¥Y.. passed away at his home, 16 Fpworth street, Friday morning, Jine Sth. Deceased was a resident of this city for over forty vears and was a veteran of the Fenian raid and a staunch conservative, While in this city he was a member of Sydenham street Methodist church. He is sur- Ive by his wife, Grace Ferguson acdonald, six daughters, Mrs. R. Parr, Oklahoma: Mrs. Fred Shultz, Byrom, N.Y; Vrs. J. D. Anderson, Mrs. Jossbh Klinzing, tho Misses Jessie and Lila and one son, Char- lie Stuart. all of Rochester, N.Y. A Cabinet of Silver. . Judge and Mrs. Lavell were given a great send-off in the Methodis church, Smith's Falls, on the eve o their departure for their new home in Kingston. The congregation pré- isented them with a beautiful cabinét of silver, and Rev. Mr. Might gave to Mrs, Lavell a large bouquet of lily of valley. Judge Lavell responded in his well known modest and unas' suming a Ietersing. briefly to years spent in thanking pror done Bifis. aged this ley, Clarendon; x We honestly think we show the largest variety of Children's Shoes in Kingston, We have Patent Shoes and Oxfords, Tan Oxfords, Gun Metal Oxfords for Little Boys. For Little Girls we are show- ing Strap Pumps, in Patents, Kids and Gun Metals. Also Panamas Felts Your partisulhr style is included in our im- mense stock. Men's Straws from 50c up. Genuine South Amer- : ican Panamas, special {§ values, $4, $5. Soft Felts, in the new shades of Mahogany and Blue, $2, $2.50. CAMPBELL BROS The Name That Guar- antees GAS STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS We have a large stock of Refriger- ators and Gas Stoves;-also all kinds of new and second-hand' furniture; all to be sold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains. fH. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580. Opposite Craig's Wholesale Your Face Can Be Kept Free From Ugly Hairs (Aids to Beauty) Try this simple, inexpensive home treatment for banishing hairy growths if you want a clear, hairless skin. With some water and pow- dered delatone, mix into a stiff paste enough to cover the hairy surface. Apply and in two or three minutes rub off and with it will come every bit of hair or fuzz. Then wash the skin to remove the remaining dela- tone. You will find -this a quick, painless method, but be careful to get real delatone. NEW DOG LAKE BRIDGE. Inspected om Tuesday by County Council Committee. On Tuesddy the county council com- mittee in charge of good roads and bridges went to Dog Lake to in- spect the pew bridge recently com- pleted. This bridge which is some 300 feet lomg was built by the county and Palmerston township each pavimg fifty per cemt. of the cost which amounted to about 85. 000. At first the work was ten- dered upon, but the figure was too high and the corporations decided to do the work with S. Jamieson as superintendent. ~ The bridge is an excellent piece of work. Tt is filled in with stone he low -the water and above this is toncrete, In the centre of it is an iron span 28 feet wide. Those who composed the commit- tee who went to make the inspection were : William J. Donaldson, of Pal- merston; R. McVeigh, Oso; D. Park, Kennebec; A. Thompson, Olden; W. J. Pranklin, Pittshurgh; P. Wens- J. Kennedy, Bed- ford. To Have Perfect Skin Throughout the Summer These days the face needs special care and attention. Flying dust and dirt, he eating Sun, are severe on any skin. despoiling effects are best overcome by the application of pure mercolized wax. is keeps skin and pores in a cleanly condition, the com- lexion beautifully white and spotless Discolored, rocked a Fonghened cuticie are actually absorbed by One ounce of mmereclized Wax, obtain: able at any drug store, Suficient 10 completely removate a ahi ex - fon. It is used like cold cream, allow. ed to reprain on over night, and wash. led off in the morning, As the skin tends to expand in warm weather, causing wrinkles to form, prod stringent Bevis dissolve 3 va White Canvas Shoes, Barefoot Sandals, and Rubber-soled .Out- ing Shoes. When you want Children's shoes look our lines gues first--to look means you'll uy Government Test of Ice Cream 'Government Bulletin No. 276 8hows Our Ice Cream To Be The BEST and PUR- EST In Kingston SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House | 4 That Beautifies It is essential to wear a shoe that is prettily shaped to obtain attrac- tive effects, so much de- sired by well dressed Hammock Couches, Lawn Settees, Verandah Rockers and Chairs womer. : As great care is nec- essary in selection of footwear as in gown or hat, Our shoes have grace of line and el ce of finish that make them Deutifiers of women's eet. Skiff and Canoe Seats; Saunch Cush. ions made to order; Launch Chairs, Ete. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKES, Phone 147. - The Sawyer Shoe Store HUTTON'S LIMITED. 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont PALACE Livery First-class livery, hack and boarding stable, Special turndut for weddings and funerals. All new rigs. L. LAWLESS, Prop, 34 to 38 Princess St. Phone 77 Weddings Black or grey Llama coat, white or pearl grey vest, stripe worsted trousers; up-to-date pi Prices right. Fit guaranteed. A all solicited. TAILORS

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