Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1914, p. 7

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ST HINGIDENE Ur Gosnely al Account' mi Tn re eT } ; RAL ] is a great country get Wa in where | -- great questions have to % be. discus Curieit accountsd opened for business firms, cor- Bi ie City and decided in the next few years. { t issues are trabscomtinentsl rail- porations and individuals on favorable. tfeerms. Loans | Hd : : ne ine Georgian May canal, a Ca: > v phos sadian naval, the abolition of the bar} > ys 3 do > a 'made to responsible people. Interest allowed on foo rn. bricks, Prouse's Drug | and church waion. No' other country DVERTISIN §.ROSRE wy > 8 nt de sits. One many. Branches and ex fitore. has such tremendous problems to THESE EFFECTIVE ADVIS. 3 Rh i. ES 'nd ho AN AUTOMOBILE CRANK HANDLE, $e: TS tensi an m yr Phone! € isc. 121 Prin- | solve. y tian fos 8 ¢ afternuon on Union Si, ttle. Ono ree mos, ive list. Jof banking Ml range ents provide a cosy rot - groups #7 he - = rie Sunctmatan. ar Bat Ttand. Reva one "irosk. $1.00 prompt and accurate collection service, night. re . for return to 169 Union Bt, cor, Als i thre bert 8 : : umngs | AFL To we a o Derbyshire, of Toronto, spent ; of USE i : = mont) a ert AL. tions an HT Bivie 4 3 week-end in the city visiting bai USE. ® A SMALL PURSE INTAINING friends. : : : number of bills, on Princess St. {WLACK EARTH, ANY Qt Aver William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders 26 " : between King dnd Chatham Sts Apply EE. Wathen, {3 Mack =€¢ a Finder return to Manson Lewers, me ts nt SE rfecsmved st MeAuley's. 'Phone 564. AN AD 23 Chatham St. and receive reward. | DOUBLE SETT OF HARNE Tr No contagious disense cases were Sa AT for one HH - ADULY ME. J. Dolan, 319. Princass x CARTING. >, aera omtmepme------ = véported to 'the medical héalth oer A QUANTITY OF SAWDUST FOR SAL Inst week. AN A ub COOK. APPLY ALBEIT SAUNDERS, ALL KINDS OF clean. Apply Sawmill Stephe: Sunday was a fine day, but quite carting done. Satisfaction gusran- Phose Hai, ! EN cool." Quite a number of boats were Eo A A CU HGESEN GD W ANPED. Jerry. 0 Wd. 8b: Princess Street. EN out in the harbor. J 7 Miss Dwyer, i Barrie. St. esi : o [$2000 FOR SEVEN ROOM PRAMR eT aT I . . ------] ent itn oaind + siblings 70 Tr house, B and C., and three lots we Two mission player pianos to rent WOMAX FOR SCRUHBING ASD LE Montreal Street, y i ¢, Limi g in- APUlY Frontesac at C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 204 Prin notes | pisint. ¥ Frontenac | Sly ONE OF THESE SMALL ANVES. [A CHEST OF € AHPENTERS TOOLS cot street, B i Once, 26c; three times, bbc. and ~ eter M mec hi ne, . 10 a PE ton Bros. w erect a he ol Apply 2 ace de Armes t lugs IMMEDIATELY, 4 CAPARLE HOUVSE- | TT = mr-- . 8 r 3: brick "dwelling on Alwington avenue keeper at Y.W.CLA. Apply between | UNFURNISHED FLAT, SUrranLe oe ame for Willy ¥ish - : --- i wad § pm. for (wo, - 498 Aitred St. SECONDHAND ORGAN, GUUD SHAY or William Fisher. 2 re N.S a : y p-- - Shean B,J Dawson, pianos. wi An apiary demonstration will he | 145 -AUCEIO ALE. . V GENERAL SERVANT NO WANK FROM INT MAY, NO, 372 ALFRED ST. lever Viciral Princess Kio held at" A. Detlor's, Kennehec ing. Apply arrie St, after 7 Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence St. osha se mn ta naltip, on June 5th, at 1.30 o Household Faruiture. ete, : o¢lock In the evening, GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERA 3. | Ih 'RLLINGS $20 . ¢ ors at reasonable prices, whil iH ofoek . Lat the Be orl: = hs Dawsan CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT W ven PWRL) ne SAF Suz, ao, boy AND they last. At Turk's. Phone The i] The City Council is to meet this | 144 Barrie St. at 10 a.m. kKubwiedge of Bal | cooking, Teg BRICK HOUSE ON JOUNSON *T. Try 0 W ar Fo ger i, everiing but there is very little busi- No WM MUBKAY, A cer wishing or Irofilng, Apply Mrs | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. ETC. rooms, hot water heating, gas: good, it! nosy scheduled, Ald. Nickle may dis- Se ~ is Rareld Tuvis 114 Stuart Ht - pd iE Hgbuus, 12 BOYS { 3 ay i y . § INVESTMENT a | : : ae cuss police conditions. A t S } a ee ka oh 50 iy : Fire and Life Insuranc \ White Rose flour pure and 'whole | UCTION DAIE [oF Mie Mune » a tery or [339 BARE Vr. BETACHED mic, a z re rance - 3 7 INDIAN MOTOR CYCLE IN QO soma. x spianing room, Apply t6 Supt rooms, hot alr furnace, 8. R Hy Be" The sple did ram on Monday, ever . Eanpire Cotton Mills, Welland, Oni McCann, 3% Brock St : Fi ion. an Ry Arovey High Grade Bonds and Stocks : Real Estate Mn Mh i il q hofid onday, » A double rongheast - house with | - i Garage, Kingsley. District M £ T1 > a ar grat Serene one Crops |arns and large gardens a Nos, 21 [AN INEEBLIGENT PERSON MAY [FURNISHED MOUSE TO RENT FioM |e ET : i 0 , ' ' crens 2 crops 2 A FIRE INSURANCE ~ istrie anager o 1e i throughout this district. Conditions ade Anows ut ade Sot for ouspapers: ho cahvassins ningham & Mudie. policy on anyihing voit Have: ta EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY | dohn A. Grappotte, Cape Vincent; |= nian eke end for particulars. Press Syndi- = Itiah eq and 23 Blgin St, eity. Terms and earn $100 monthly corresponding lst May, No. ns Bagot Bt. Cun- {7 CAN SELL Yor insure in a firg on urday, May 30th, 1914, k cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. orrIcEs IN CLARENCE ST. JHAM pany. RCP i ( 13. Y7, has been sued for 55,000 dam: |g °° t 13 o'clock bers. ply to Cunpingham & Mau 4 ie hie 44 Clatgfcegirget { «Phone 995 ages by May Chambers for alleged Sauare-9: 13 w! cloek noon. W. 3 \ FIRST CLASS MEAT CEVPER. OF die. 73 Clarence Bt. ANYONE HAVING SHCONDHA AY assault and false imprisonment. Mr, who can furnish references. G stoves or fueniture for sdle, caik et -------------- wa to the right pariy | ES BLE ELE-LOCATED OF- me for first of, : PRA 'irappolte sets up a general denial. ages to ght pariy, 4 * |DESIRABLE WE ATEN I ne for fir ass nrices, 1 Tho ey 21 ¥ 3 voy, 110 Frankin t re, table for a dentisi. Apply son. 23% Princess St. Phone 1606 IL* Lyoninghum, plauy wuner, t1 le Sate 3 : J. ©, Hutton, 18 Market Square King #treet. Leave orders at Mc uc on Ja e p--a-- - - S mere - ! $2100 BRICK VENEER, FURNACE, y Adley's Book store. WANY MBN REME ! st uE x MONTHS AT ectricity, iC 5 < do and C, $400 h § FC » Sn 2 5 & . ry tkemen on nearby all p i 3 4 te 1s Trad App 0 sol a CR its a e $30 Builders & Contractors Attention ff 2 'sire wir Siw | Sete Wor wm ER Ee he OR SEVER TER I E ons ca or the curltew ila anc re 33 re. ---- - - J oe 08 Livingsione Ave. rience ve ry er nan w oe Thisnd, Ont § marks : he resounding whack of a B. W. parlor\suits, B W Hatno positions, - ; Ed Tr. rr / centre (ables, rs, gue ; postage. Ratlws care British GOOD GARDEN FARM oF KR Mors Br LONG. AB ' f sale in any quantity | j Shingle a nore effective than the teat 5d Pt E bt a i Sided Sir Pr Ww hig. J res near Ports i, with Bou n Jront and 1.8 in nigh * | ty ak] x it -- wonse and orchard Apply Peter ack wee drawers and onw Li nl N 1 1 1 * pia p \! - el heater, hanging lamps, garden 2 0 yy ) e ¥ CEMENT BRICK F OR SALE i en seam. bricke, Prouse's Drug aay, a gi ne t RS xdnen Hol, TH } DOMINION TEXTILE Co. AN McCoy; Whitney Hotel 5 x jon sh i* ai Bhtly used. Apply tore. ephone. ¢ glassware ete, hall rack, bedroom full time wand ix Bow pre . pe --- -------- : 'Cheapest Brick on the Market H Miss Chown, Kingston, is S 3 , is the guest | suites, springs, n ttresnes, feather beds receive pplication for "a " ROOMED HO WITH MOD. of Mrs. 1, | Thom. Regina Yan bureaus, 1 urtaing, bl'nds, et ¢ I weavers, spinners n orn Ess aris aD) A BARGE NUMBER - Bren i} « J. wm, Regina. ast 3 T Op a Up wanvers ers a wh and uebee streets. 3D 0 op es, 1 2.00, THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, | Wednesday Mes. Thom pf Al PH AUC ne ER 8 ders. ete. Apply I) , A te LIMITE entertained a | phone rh $ joyd, 108 Plre St, orders promptly aitended to fo a € aqui St, Kingston. carpet 1 ants 3 4 laving. G ! Bumber of young people at tea in hon | : en Fe : - - re pet cleaning and inying. Geor : fk or of her visitor - -- TT RNITURE, CLEAN, Muller, 373 King St. os . . . v ) ¥ roo o BLL De - 168 Princess Street. "Phone 30. "wr or Mer. Fralosick Goudon and PEELEIIIILIIIL LIP SE LES 3 sing tama; uli gyn Iie | at Sporage, 2 \BoET 2 yo (FANCY OFFICE PAR E 8 i xv > titior a won r Yards, Sowards' Dock Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, Toron : i HELP WAYTED . __ Quen SE" Fond 5 a real for " Er | to, spent the holidays with their pa- ; sldnicy ak 5 | FROM MAY 1ST, 7 ROOMED. HOUSY, rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gordon, { " } Good smart oy n, fling on Livin n Ave, B. and C., fur- | Alfred street | root. cl # tor ads J Tien, eet pe light, 00d garden. |= . - Abo t T h t Nex v He 9 Children's boots: just arrived, Must Kip ston Manon = oS ppif 2 dvingstihg Ave y modern pian dhl ow ou a ew ouse ! clear. Dutton's Removal Sale. | ) "FOR EHR SUMMER, FURNISHED | ag Da art : iain 3 . house, a convenlences, electric is er De. J. AL Laframboi e, of Ottawa, 1 Hght,' gas and telephone: centrally . F, Harrison Cy, ---------- and Dr. €. St. Pierre, of Montreal, 3 __ Iocated: Address Box L, Whig office, - Ey were visiting in Kingston on Mon | scm rter---- LE GROCERY STORK AND BW Bhat va . ys . | . " : oh ; i POSKETION WANTED. 5 § J THIRD poo | (62 Ontario street, or will pel} On Upper York Street, built of Kingston brick. The a Lier #3 graduate of |S! orm iol -- -- ! Tay Ae ate side: Hor rk aud Bxtures ving 3 ig, A s i ANT PONTMA 3 CAN 8 pd ne An. ' A owner says he hae the best Hopise ih Kingston. Well, The. shugregation of St. Andrew's] § ake [il "charge of Lice "| Phone 1984 Bess. (308 radon. on sehing. Mi it is jus as goo anyway e have plenty more chtitch will, on Friday evening next. | X 522A, gE 0 % Ea ply F. X. Beane on the remiss ender Pept i 'Rev HO EREAIASrER. an 1 | IMMEDEAPRLY such brick, Why not build your new house of them tender g Zeception to "Rev. Dr. and COOK HOUSEKEEPER oR 3 a . 8 HM & Mrs. Mackie, who are to arrive here f good plain cook, in small, uie Nang ons Zs, hot w ator and boost home industries. this 'week to spund the summer. family. Address by latter Mr Recently dono oven " Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking | : ---- : on, address" Phone 1440 i is " : ie: ol Ry | a -_ tvs -------------------- -------- Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, 33 $ { AT EASTVIEW PARK, ON THE ST. Colborna. street. : ? WANTED---GENERAYL Layre f : miles from King- : » } Md, n h 1396 Division St. Alb t Nea], aus. rope who mw the loading of | cl Ena tm nd seven, saomed"Quris [RL gra, fushacink Agent, Cmiian one er e the R.C.H.A. horses to go to Petawa A mecting of the Liberals of CUSTOMENS a 6 UR .-002 WHEN Boyd, 106 Pine St. fy to A ' = a wit camp called the work as cruel and Kingston and Port wth | wviag half or cotton mattresses . : to be renovated or recovered. King- Jumbumane. Some better plan sbould will he held im the ston Mattress Compuny, 366 Pru- ay Rr TL Hight hone be Seavijed. Several horses turned rooms of the Kingston Reforin St Katrin, ns for cooking and somersauits vom ie runway, Association, Golden Lien Blaek CR by i Apply Pioneer Apartments, Mission Pianos for = rent. Phone ? : GLE. RASS 1544. S80e SF : dee Wellington Street, at 8 pm., or driving 2.304 Division St. head of QUOD wiTH OR WITHOUT BOARD, WONK- . on Thursday, May 28th, 1944, | : i oale BE Ag TRIS! | emesis acai et tans iia Ing Men Preferred, : Price: reasune The R.C.H.A. officers who went to for the purpose of selecting a | ! 5 Whig office 2 NEW BRICK, 6 ROOMS, B, & C, - r-------- : Pang = > Whig office. Ben S 2 00 We have u 'dwelling, modem in every volpoct, renting for $35 Petawawa on Saturday night had to | candidate for the Ontario Leg- = > Dhen St, $12 00, - a month, yearly lease, that we will sell for $3100. How about it" pay for the Pullman car they took the | @ islature. Fon Bonca For Cnetmiiick, St. ROOMS AND BOARD. «+ trib i Mave: ti Hitia depart THE NEW LIVERY AND SALE STA- Aut AB Dan ment, 4 Sc R | A brick dwelling, on a corner, 8 rooms, veramlah, good stable ny + owill Na; ht BS = or il dq bles will be open May 1st. Clergs ina: RnDE payment, eb cn i Vv and drive honse, front door in centre of house allowing fur rovis ment will mee ie expense jor th # E. KENT, St. between j Fines and Queen | eB Lol ol FIRST crass BOARD A Rog i bath sides of main hall. 83,200, . | ditional comiort on a long journey. ah Sis. All new a at all hours FURNISHED HOUSE, UNIVERSITY also table board. Apply 198 Wee on be all, ; Si Provost, Brock" street. Bas rewsived President. Phone 637, Fade & Lemmon, Aven Hagton St, opposite poat 'office. | See us about your Fire Insurance. We reprosent Both Tariff fF hi » i : Roo reerved , Props. $5.000-SOLID BRICK HOUSE, and Non-Tarlll Lompanies all his spring ang er. goods lor 2 . ss I rooms, all Improvements, large or [FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, his, order clothing department, also in . B. MUME, IR a Alfr: | also table board, Mrs. Buchman, J ¢ K ' rendy-made elothing and gents' furn | Secretary. hi. ENTLEMEN nS xt RING an se.20d Cindi HOUSE, NEW, Aub 199 Brock Street. ishin, artment. They are all well to-date sults. Price and merkman- 28 OUGHT + X f . . Carroll Agenc 9 jAling Sener re ! | ship guaran eed to o. Jira, Press | Toa uAGES Jt F1 AND. SOLD, 46 BROCK ST. 5 PHONE 68; os . 5 Money to loan. : lng and répsirin on the 2) SR, PHON FINANCIAL ; Fw A. woman complains that in some short ice, Galloway, BATEMAN & GARDINY R FUONE | 396, JOHN DRIVER, Representative, : 3 Broek street, near Bibby's Gar- ---- te -------- FRONT BN AC.0. \s AND id 3 nent Society; Incorporate > 5 SLBBPEPRPLIL I $rrsraerertne president. Caton) Henry It. Smith. loney issued oh city "and farm For rent for summer months, parties. naa} and chaseds "The 3 * Syder g » n ® 8 re he aoe i deposits received and interest als for summer hausekeeping, lowed Bas MeGil, Manager, 87 cluding Tuel and' fot The « erence Street. tages are located on the s . TTT of Sydenham Lake, have extén- i grounds, with shade d ten- MYVERPaOL, LONDON AND GLOW court exceller drir King wrance Company, Avarianis Hghting 1,187.215. In addition te w Nich the policyhelders have f. security the unlimited Mability A GENTLEMAN wiry SMALL grown-up family, a completely fur- g) he. Gent to ish: Remedy, , ilished residence in the neighbor. 'ones ai orate ET ---- : hoad of Kingston, with a frontage vous tem, makes pew Blood 3 . on the wa least two bathe s are \ , a Nervo WN rooms and r efquipped in re- Fras 4 Lo th P gard to kitehens and-all other con- 1 Ao Baipitacan of the ; " N Yeniences, It would be an advan 8 Hea: Mem » tage If the servants now employed Prime ho One wi please, be aril pire. Cty uit : a { would remain on; 3 garage and hd is plain phe. on & Woon x = ry h \ mator hunch would be an addi ps Don mphlet mai ra THE aa 18S tional attraction. An exceptionally 59), 1080810, 0} Formerly Windsor.) ® fh 3 large rental will he paid If a suit- ity ecessity able place can be obtuined. Apply city property, insured. at lowe S. R. McCann, 82 Wrock Street possible rates Before renewing . ' : EN ZA\ ---- | $4614 404 0004000000 00008 | old or' givig new Tisidess we ; Sywnate Jonking fos Auc jon bs | \ : y SQ EY J (VE ET SE . At ange | & Strange, results, why not sow \ : BUSINESS CHANCES - : eg p---- PERSONAL seeds that will grow. p re now Poking aur Wig nate no " y ANVONE ANYWHERE €©AN START | oe ARCHITECT Come enrly and secure che Jase: ? eT i wiail order business at home; no | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. You can procure the nn We are also handli Reael Estate 3 # 3 fF be your own hoss marks und all growths and skin | ou" NEWLANDS _ & SON, ARCMI. on & commission basis¥ Our reputation : < V/ AW Ser r booklet: tells how bleinishes removed permanen*ly, tects, ete. Ome 268 Paget B for the last fifteen yeara assures you 3 i N A & J ' Ho for 2.968 Loco kpo; rt. N.Y y séar; years experieuce Phone 698. oh, got St of the utmost satisfaction, prompt re- 3 h 3. Tepe ce ons 5 i er I. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose Wiha, honest and 'efficient service. ; , \ " / b Throat Bkin Specialist, '25§ We will hoy the contents of amy 3 3 house for e } J MUBIC ] Bagot Street. POWER & 80 3 MER. : \ J chants' Bank Building, hg Fo / >> \ x : f TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE | CALF MASSAGE FOR FALLING Brock and Wellington streets. Drop _ Alle n Ss g . fu Bajuw, 47 Rideau St. hair, dandruff, ete. treated by -eb defer Pb RPh Nee 5 N ectricity (new method) latest us ! NE Hi ' ; MUSIC AND DRAM ATIC INSTRU C- treatment in shampooing, face LEBaT EE Brock St. \ h i ton, 18 Frontenac St. Miss Norma massage. manfouring, chiropody. UPHOLSTERER = ! flav oN 3 " Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, BI. Sheds, styles ln hair work. nd eds ween & " > Sata O. T. Telgmann, teach of elo rs. Herod, graduate seuse, oo " ¢ 4 |! 4 ae) tion, piano, violin and afl stringed 169 We'iington St. Phone 18 LW. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- | NN : } A instruments. Hours 10 to 12 am, and 2 to § p. pairing dnd carpet work, an vy : , mattress renovatin Dr a car 0 ent " = - 4 . m. and by appointinent or e cult 216 Bagot aireet, =» a I R J | SY ~~ & CATERING = Brick houie, Joderi, seven x hy STS / 4 ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP BUSINESS NOTICHS LEGAL r.oms,' 118 Victoria . St, be : > : py re Ae REEMA EECA | remember een temas onesies wa 5, J parties, TH tween Farl and Johnson Sts. ste.' Silverware ul catlery to KINGSTON SHORTHAND, re YrE NNIN NM & MUDIE, BARRIS. I} mie dz: EF feul 1 R + Writing an ying 3 rs and solic eltors, Law office, 70 Possession June lst. I oy ah SUSAR 0 X | Gueetol gl Rar atiet® eon | fides sired Rinesion ALSO : 1 H. ' ential es Frame house, modern, seven a ) jog CATER TO PARTIES, WAI LS, SSE . NU ' A > . . OSEPH BUSI, 6 CHESTNUT ST. HAS Pines Sa iH Ra &r/ Sting voanibet haus, ei; | 4° penal Bu EY on Sept 3 wns Victoria St. ent s per 8 _ $85 : erware. Refd ang: Hamar 4 nt, bulldjng aod Tou one are 8 ; I - o d 0K upplied praomiily at reasonable | ONE OF THE BES THE ALBION month, Immediate possession. Sites 30 Union Sireet, F. C » 5 I k ; Hambrogk * 176 Altrad Street prices. 2% Totel. Klugsio ne We are showing-a most i g brilliant line of Cut Glass grout the ve Sot le 1 HOBOS itl : 4 -- Qubls Backward A. BE. K? Arr. As LDS, DDS, Our Cut Glass Room, $48 ry mov Princess Str \ ¥ 3 4 Fak fitted in mahogany and muvee te a8 Price iiott ; ; KS AXD SPARKS, we w g th mirrors, is well worth Ee Se P RIS 1 E seal 13 EL- Ww . your inspection. : f : Po Ph nr Tov Qartiovaky's) | 4 €a er : The Targest stock in (} [4 0 ¢ Le T ALL GROGEFS | ; [nant pEYmeL; uh 8 JARI , ngston to select 6 ; ; 4 ; Street. Phone 7 hs cid For farm of 40 acres good 10 P Ti W._SINPSON, LDS. DDS. Dwr s Use Kentucky Cannel €oal dn' * ro and land; seven §| A C er m Snsie ig ji Haga sem | © STA on the open grates. Quarter ton $2. » id " Teolapion . Used extensively for picnics, luncheons, at homes, " : TR wi Al § Son ete. A tasty and handy treat for the workman's: lunch. RXCAVATIONS hate thy ih WY Tin Wolk FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. woes on TAY, TY {Distributors), : va

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