5 < FY n 3, y he 5 3 -------- $ ¥§ WHEN TOMMY QarKixs IS AT His [MILITANTS SHACKLED TO sYLVIA hs hs PANKHURST, FIGHT POLICE i Cs LE f tll oo He 1» 8 Dune Re Bit He Is Nelp,ung (0 Leader With Chains and Salle a Te Yoraging Mul {yy denfly and Guarded by Women A i. Comfortable Than Year With Staves, Suffragetics Cause 80. Great Excitement, : London, 'ay 24. The suffragiits eave the police another busy Sanday. while they themeelves in some cases received rough treéatiient from the . .|CrOWas, Who showed (hielr resentment tr at any rite he has this conso- | ("0S C00 Interference with the y -- h mor' ation his » aging is fon gorRg wig king aud the damage done to pictur- ara who erossed the seas in his | °® Discussed by London Papers -- Pros } . hibition 1s Favored ! Londen, May 26.--The Hindu situ- ation in Bish Columdid is fully re- porte, but ihe delicacy of the im- perial isste riised encourages' edi: torial silence. It is noteworthy, however, that hoth the ministerial Daily News and the Unionist Stan- dard incline towards the prohibition of Indiin emigration to Canada. The Daily News says: "In South Africa the claim to immigrate freely has) been abandoned. The recent strug- gle there nas been over the treat- ment of those Indians' already set- tied in South Afriea. Under these circumstances, it is dificult to see wi the clara should he pressed, PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST i POSSIBLE FORM: : | The Whig's Th tio the News of the World From 7 8raph Service and Newspaper Ex- changes, Sa Charles D. Massey, of Toronto, will opens the new $220,000 Wesleyan Col © at Montreal. t Santa Kulalie, Mexico, she "big smelting plant of the American Smelt ing & Mefini company, the 'Juggs. Aer trust, Was looted. k ne man was killed and i¥¢ were wounded in a street fight st Lan Mr. Atkins is as brave a soldier as :ever carried a rifie, but he is no "sail OF bold": and even the lure of for- S€rv¥ics capnot rob the high seas /0f all their terrors and discomforts. where : Right Hon. James Lowther, the b took an early opportunity "to the sores left nt | ts of Thurs frankly admitted thai i fe used t Ve ' des Ye ars Nonar Law, lander of the opposition, he approved of the = disor- oh * demonstrations by the unjonist The speaker appealed to to give the house somo 5, rding the bill to he the passage of the home rule hill for the amend- t of that measure so as to mest same of the : objections of the people jf Ulster. 3 'Pesponse to the speaker's plea Premier Aluiuith anounced that ithe dthending would give effect 1, agreement which the = gover was still hopeful might he He said that if at the thne introduction of the Irish home bill: to 'the House would embody the sub- the proposals outlined by on Marek Oth in the hope that i ion am agrevment might March 9th Premier Asquith told House of Commons that before he bill became operative a poll taken of the parliamentary p of each eointy of Ulster, to detide whether these cotnties should excluded from the provisions of Irish Home Rule bill for a period ix years from the first meeting new Trish parliament. Tf the y of the voters were in favor the county would au- y Be excluded for the pres -------------- caster, N.Y., near Depew, has b a long drawn out strikes unboat" Smith, the heavyweight, matched to light Geor- gave President Bordas. of Santo Do mingo, final warning that astillery fire into the town of fo held by rebels, niust cease. torches and lanterns il luminated Tokio on Sunday night ager Haruko was borne thro in a beautiful funders white oxen. h the oar frawn by , will be appointed to the su- or court judgeship in the dis- trict of Mont death of Judge larue, a brother-in- law of Hon, IL. P. Pelletier, ip Arthur Wallace, gn employes of the Trenton Cooperage company, fll on a circular saw, sustaining injur: ies resulting in the loss of one arm and the thuml) and two fingers of the ather hand. Me ia etpected tg retover. The fifty-fifth King's Plate run on Saturday ted in a win for. ihe favorite, Harry Giddings' Beehive, bit not in the &ne-sided manner that was expected. J, BE. Seagram's Rus: aleen made an exceptionally good showing. General Clinton" Dugdld MaeDou- gall, aged seventysdour.' who com. manded the 111th New York regi- ment through the principal battles of the Civil War. died at the Hotel An- sonia, Paris, on Sunday. He was from Awbura, N.¥. Within 4 little over an hour after her seventy-five passengers were land- ed safely on Vietoria pler, Montreal, on Sunday night, the ship Berthier, of the Canada Steamship Lined, sank to the bottom of the harbor, after fire had burned through her hold. Men's and women's boots just ar rived; 'Will sell at cost price to" clear. Also few tan and chdeolate 'Hoots. Dutton's' Removal Sale, Anthony, Henry, aged dixty-three vears, mown in oil - refining circles in London, is dead. 'Fe wan born at White' Robe four for all purposes. B 'When Tea and Coffee / : / The experience will be | have ignored the fact that they contain a habit- forming drug, caffeine--from 11-2 to 3 grains to the i ordinary cup. 'Bome seem able to get ¢ Merrickville. Get You--- ike that of thousands who on with tea or coffee for a California Ci or, of Framce, in Londou, be sailed for England. He was in 3 condition : The United States navy commander Puerfo" Platy, whe the body of the Empress Dow- Hon. E. ¥. Flyau, former -prewier of ¥, vacant by the Jaienys troopships a generatio: | 480. As they will tell you they wer treated like dogs by autocratic naval To-day Thomas Atkins journeys ir a hired (ramsport with civilian om cers. He is assured of civil treatmen* and he has less unpleasan rk, sucl as Ww } ks to do. merall; he is made comfortable as possible. A troopship has been deséribed a 4 "prison with a chance of bein: drowned"; and certainly the disci pline enforced on board is rigid en out tor any gaol-bird. Tommy is the last to grumbl at discipline so long as he is treater 28 a man; and st any rate, the moe ern troopships, rough places as the are, are luxurious compared with th accommodation provided in Crimea: and Mutiny days. Naturally when a vessel had t carry two thousand or mote passen gers, men, women, and éhildren, wit! the entire equisment of a small town there is no room to spare. : No ship that sails the seas is wonderfully equipped for all emer gencles and requirements. She ca ries everything from "a needle to a anchor." Théré dfe shops for carper tering and blacksmiths' work, can teens, bakeries, and but>hers' shops stables for horses, pens for shee; rabbits, and poultry. There are ss Igons. and cabins for the officers an: their ladies, with nurseries for thei children. In fact, a troopship is, ir niore senses than one, a town afloar As for Tommy, his quarters ar very restricted. To éach mess is al lotted a smdll space where he eats bi meals during the day and slings hi hammock at night, unlésef as hé us ual does, he prefers to stretch him self on deck, one in a clgse-packe: row of sleepers. His food, which is good and plent; ful although he often has little appe tite for ft, ranges from salt pork anc duff to boiled beef and soup, or ar equivalent in tea, sugar and tobacco At 5 a.m, he slings his hammoc! to the call of the bugle, has a wash and helps to clear up his section o deck. Breakfast 18 followed at 1° o'clock by a muster parade for medi cal inspection; and then the day' Work--program of watches, geards and sentry duties begins. At 12.3¢ and 4 p.m. come interludes for din ner and tea; roll<call at eight; and a hour later it is "lights out" and res for another night. There are, too, spedial drills to pre paré for possible disasler--fire dril) "prepare to abandon ship" and "mas overboard'---a round of duties whicl gives Tommy little time to think o hig disordered interior, But it is by no means all work an: no play. There dre times when Tom my lights his pipe to the bugle call "Commence firing," and reluctantl: draws his last fragment whiff tc "Cease firing." . In the daytime he can amuse him 86lf with aéck quolts,' cricket, ane other games, and he has his "little bit on' the day's rin of the ship, wit! its attendact excitement. He car take his jovial part fd a sing-song or a hand in a game of cards. Twice daily the cheerful strains of the résimental band set his feet itch. ig fof & dafice. Then there ace en tertaintiénts---concerts, privats the- atrieald, and so on, which he enjoys and may take part fn, in company with his officers and their wives. Thus the time passes, not unpleas- antly, with snough work to keep him Ot and suficiént fatervals for play. A Orickéter's Joke, The curdfe who startled Wd con- STaeition bY remarking "Here end- eth the f innings" would have found a kindred spirit (A the ofganist officlating at Sariparony fH, England, whén Mr. A. G. ey was at school there. "Not the least pleasing of the stories df Marlborough," writes Mr. Boddley, 'are those which relate to the section of hymns by the schovrl organist for evening services in the chapel attérded as a rule by méifibers of visiting teams. Sylvia Pankhurst, who was again (and with not obscure thredts, to im- arrésted under the "caf and mouse" | act and her cast end followers pro- Raed fhe biggest excitement of the ay. migrate fresly into Canada, particu- larly as Canada did not import Hin- du coolies to develop her resources under a system of quasi-slavery, as A great procession formed at Can- [South Africa did. aing town and marched to Victoria Park. On (he way the women pick- «dup Sylvia Pankhurst, who was chained and handcuffed to fifteen wo. nef and Surrounded by other sup- a porters armed with staves. million dollar loss in lumber yards, Sale! Cotton or' flatmclette night- gowns, 50¢c.; woven drawers, 2 paieg 45¢. Dutton's store, At Cleveland, Ohio, a fire i | THE CAILLE PORTABLE ROW BOAT _ Call and see it A: E. KNAPP, AGENT MOTOR | Boat Builder Boat Livery The police allowed ihe procession and part of a big viaduct was burn- to proceed, Lut when (he park was |ed > eached they got the militant leade~ wd those chained to her into the ark by an adroit move and then thut the gates against the rest of the women. Taken at a disadvantage, the wo- Look !" Few 35¢.; odd sizes Dutton's sale. At Brockville, on Thursday even. ing, Miss Margaret Elizabeth Dowd and Samuel M. Graham tere united Prunella gaiters left carpet slippers, Ide. bas a guarantee good quality. -FLECUR Our Robin Hood Hrand of flour in every bag for R. & W. J. BOYD Hacks and Automobiles PHONE 536 ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontarid Street. nen in chains put up a stiff fight, hut the police finally broke the hains and arrested Sylvia, They lowed the others to 80 Outside the gate a furious struggle 'ent onbetween male suffragists aud inti-suffragists, which the police had he greatest difficulty in breaking up. At Hempstead Heath, suffragists § \ad to call on the police for protec- pm ion against & mob which rushed heir platform with cries of "Duck hem! We will teach them to im: sult the king!" The police surrounded the suffra- jists, most of whom were women, and finally got them away in safety rom the threatening crowd. Matty of the women chosé West- ningter AWbey and Newcastle athedral to-day to make chureh de- nonstrations. Ac the Abbey prayers vere chanted for Mes. Pankhurst, rotests were uttered against the R pathy of the church in the matter [EAN f the foreible feeding of women LToR ONE FS am and an appeal was made to the i in marriage. Long corsets, 50, 33¢. Dutton's. Few short ones lishop of Dow, who was preaching, 'io prevent the torturing of wo- nen." A protest was also made 1gainst women being turned out of he House of God," as there were! oud cries of 'shame on the SPECIALITIES - church!" FIT RVE, SKIN The women fought against their ! 3 NE KID N EY removal and it was a considerable BL D, ' ime before the disturbance was 3ENITO - URINARY, quelled. | Similar scenes were enacted at A Chronic and Newcasile cathedral, where some of somplicated Diseases the women had' to be carried down from the edifice and then were com- pelled to seek the protection of the|'0nSsiation Personally or by Letter police from the hostile crowds that FREE had assembled" outside. y Suffragetes raided numerous; streets in the Wes. end 6f London in the early hours of the morning, HOURS: 10 to 8.3¢ Phone Male 2084 ns 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont Insurance and Real Estate HUTTON'S LIMITED. AUTOMOBILES * HACKS Phone 1177 Agent, GEORGE W. BOYD Kelly Springfield rubber tires for carriages and automobiles. Telephone 703 Player Pianos If you contemplate getting a player-piano, come and try our "Meister-touch" New Seale Williams piano. See how easy they are operated. We will take your piano in exchange and give you fair price and give you terms to suit your requirements. We carry a large variety of pianos and it will pay you to see our stdck before buying, 1 7 Columbia Grafonelas Largest variety of talking ma- chines in the city to select from. Then you can arrange to get a com- plete outfit at once at the 'cash pric- es, and pay on' monthly or weekly terms to suit you Store open from 9 a.m., till 5 p.m. 7 pm. till 9 p.m. ane aaa smashing windows. Several of the women were arrested. i The populace rushed a suffragetto, ¢ YOU PAY L ESS HERE | meeting in Hyde Park this after { noon and tore down the platform from which speeches were being de-| livered. The police went to the aid! of the suffragettes and escorted | them to safety amid the jocks of the | qi The Suit House MENDELS| The Dress House mols. Ladies' ties, silk or 20c., for one week. Dutton's. | sales : Gouverneur, N.Y. |! Watertown, 123e. to 12%c; | .Y., 13¢; St. Hyacinthe, | , fo 12jc.; MSpecial sale ! poplin, Cheese 1e.; Canton, N.Y (Jy 7 PERFECTION | COCOA New York New York Wash Suits Dresses For Ladies, Misses, Girls and <_ Children . For boys, all ages, 2 years to 12 years. Every stock complete and ready for the hot weather trade. Come in and see the finest range of summer wearing | time. But there are few persons who can use tea or ; eoffee as a routine daily beverage and not sometimes feel sits offects--headache, nervousness, indigestion, W. G. Grade Mayed fo & match at Martborough in Plénitudé of his glory and Was bowled bY a Sehdol- boy's fivst ball. Wherenpon the clidir biliousness, sleeplessness, other discomfort. . | ds have wheat and a small per cent. of contai but ja Pusitively Sree ther harmful substance. pstum now eomes in two forms: R Postum--must be well boiled--15¢ an it Postum--a' sol and 50¢, tins, "The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. mighty army of POSTUM users There's a Chants Polis Yer where sell POSTU, A delicious table beyerage made only from whole iS. the nourishment of the ntial mineral salts heart trouble, or some found relief by' doing sat sey UM molasses, POSTUM ain, including hate of potash, drug, caffeine, or (phos from the uble form--requires no was inspired to sing a song of praise confaining the besstfully significant Hne, 'The scanty triumphs Grace Las won'"," Origin - Stow, relerfing to the "bonefiers" whitch the citizens of Loddon were wont to maKE oft the streets on "the viglles of festival! dayec and on fhe same uall dayeés in the edenin-- after the sunfie settitig every man bestowing 'wood or Isbor towards them" and whith were an oveasion of feasting and merriment, says that 'these were called boneflers as well of good amitie amongst neighbors, that, being - before at rontrouersie. Were there by the labors of others, reconciled, and 'made of bitter ene- Dies; Jouning friendes, as also for the ertue that a great fire hath to purge infection of ihe ayre." -- London Globe. Actors and Long Hair. A theory concerning the reason rich, ripe and bi Inercase jd Weight Ten Pounds .or y More A Physician's Advice. "T'd certainly givé most anything to be able to fat up a few pounds and stay that way," declares every excessively thin man or woman. Such result is pot lmpossible, despite past failures, Thin people are victims of mial-nutri- ion, a condition which prevents the atty elements of food from being tak- en. up by the blood as they are when she powers of natrition dre 'normal. instead of Foire int , the fat and flash producing elements tay in the intestines until they pass rom the body as waste. o To correct this condition and to pro- duce a healthy, normal ainount of fat the nutritive processes must be artifi- cially supplied with: the power whieh . nature has denled them. This can best be accomplished by eating a Sargol tdb- let with every mail, Sa gol in a seiens tific Sombingtion, of Aix or the Dest irength-giving, fat-produc ng elements Known to the Eetioas profession. Pak~ an with meals, it mixes with the food | and turns the Sugars and starches into] nourishment for the tissues sod, and its rapid éffeet Is re . Reported guing of from ten to twenty-five pounds In a single month are by no means infrequent. Yet its action is perfectly natural and abso- utaly harmless. Sargol is sold by good tS everywhere and avery pack- Age contains a guarantee of weight ins to Intieuse their weight ten pounds or Bore . : crease or money back. "04 White Sargol has produced markable results in the treatment cf % Ll § $ t, ing 8 owin, able flesh producing oct, ¥ thosy whi are wed willing % i ---------------------- ar anananasaal apparel ever imported to Kingston. Every garment hung. No trouble to make selections. "All geods marked in plain figures. Our prices the lowest. Visit Our Millinery "Parlors If you wish to see the latest models in New York and Paris Hats, ~Always something new to show you and always pleased to see you, whether buying or Just looking--You are always welcome at this store. @i% MENDELS | fuss Kingston's Only Exclusive Ladie's Ready+o-wear Store Caray Ae For Ladies. Girls and Children : vk «32-134 Princess Strest - T. J. OComor, Manager, - Phone 352 ' £