Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1914, p. 3

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Ftp ft tt 10 OF Short Meus Hug in To- meme HE - Fresh winds, a few BROKE OVER KINGSTON ON jiiion's store for the latest pon. [LABOR AND (ABE 31540 | The Stéambicge Jeska was here Gh = der storms but mostly | TUESDAY MORNING. ~ |igc.muse. 209 Primoess street. - GUARANTEE DEAL. 'Fag wiy from Midean casial® poris to / . warm to-day and Wednesday, Lae are 2 "Hamel, (the British aviator, is still ! g Uswego: : : 1 The Lightning Was Vey Vivid -- '0issidg; torpedo destroyers gre |Alphonse. Verville, M.P.,. Former| The steambarge John Randall, coal- > he . Pipe Knocked Qut of Mouth of pastchiog day and night. President of the Dominion Trades latlen, from Uswego, Jose on . her PB miss the 1 F - ' 4 Ridea ver. Dr. Albertson, Rideau Sfrect.' lonn jowbllory -- Bans at todgy,| nd Labor Somgrens Ricis. 10 the The Schooner Bettie Calkins arrived The electric storm of Tuesday 209 Prindess street. '1 Propesed Aid to enzte and|irom Oswego with coal for Hoberi morning caused many anxious min- In London, kng., angry militagts § Mann Crawford. = . utes, and there were many who at a meeting shouted "shoot tne "I want to go on record as being The schooner Kitchen, coal-laden, : Sreathed more ireely after the storm : king." The magistratechas issued u against this 1 roposition, declared Al- ftom Oswego; is discharging for Booth ad abated. About 7.50 4. m. the'stern warning. : 1 he member for ' ; storm wa. ai its worst, and ft was| <ien. Felix Diaz may be chosen as. on Me Wr last week | The schooner George Marsh cleared othing but fash after flash of light- i rumor .at Niagara Falls says that in the commons of Premier Borden's [of Uswego. 3 ) Bing with incessant rumbling. of ' Huerta is willing te turn over the proposal to give to Mackenzie ana) [The steamer Sowards and the thundes. 'I'wo or three hea ; i idency to Mann a further bond guarantee of schooners St. Louis and Andrews were particularly noticeable, i] 5, $1. Dutton's. $45,000,000. For a term of years|©°D their way from Fort William to Lightning struck the flag Stall on | Bargains | = Black sateen waists, | Mr. verville Meld offt®E as president | "'o8red for Oswego to-day. I Henderson's grocery store, Brock from 75¢.; black serge skirts, $1.39; | or the Dominion Trades and Labor| 1he steamefs Westmount, Fair- and | street, Sitintering it from top 2 bot- black moire underskirts, . $1. Dut- Congress. To-day he sits-in parlia- oust ani Prince Naupart passed down tom, and cavrying away one half of 'tons ao ember, " : i it. A strange thing about this flash | Hindus on the Pacifi¢ coast: have ment. us a lavas mem Verville wat The schooner Marshall arrived from was that after it struck, the. ball of held a aneeting in their temple and |clear-cut and emphatic on two points Oswego with coal for Patrick Walsh. fire continued on its course and fin-| raised $8,000 to contest the case of | He strongly opposed: the plan tc]. M. T. Co.'s slavator: Steamer ally ended: in clese proximity to the | those of the party who are excluded [pledge the country's credit further |Glenmount. from Fort William, is city buildings near the island depart-| at Vantouver, for the benefit of Mackenzie anc |diSchargihg = 137,000 bushels of oats, a ment, where KE. Green, one of the! Mrs. George Miller 'died at Augusta Mann and he was strongly in favor will clear i Port Tolbore to load clty street clezuets, in company with lon May 15th, in her seventy-eighth [of public ownership of Canadian rail | 8rein for Montreal; tug Emerson ar- OUR OWN RELI- another man, were sitting until the {year. She had' béen a sufferer for ways rived with the barge Hiawatha, from ABLE REMEDIES |raln was over. Mr. Green said that! four years. Her whole life was'spent "I have heard, as has every mem. | 95Wwego, with, coal for Montreal; tug > he thought the flash was £0Ing to en jn Augusta township. ber of the Louse," he said, 'that | Bartlett, from Charlotte, arrived More satisfactory remedies |}|!er the doorway. However, it ap-| Sgle! Colored print blouses, 50c.; | Mackenzie and Manh are worth mis. | With barges Uucbec and vom cannot be made than those peared to end a few feet out and dis- all-ovér aprons, ;; striped under lions of dollars. If there 'is no ree | coal-laden, the former for k ontreal manufactured in our laboratory appeared us quickly as it had made' gkirts, 49c. Dutton's. son more than another why I objec | and the latter for the C.P.R. here; We can always recommend its appearance, | Wreckers are suspected to = have | to' Mackenzie and Mann coming tc | Partlett cleared with two Larges 10 them because we know their At the "one of Dr. T. A. Albert- loosened © the rails om the C.P.1. |ihis house it is because they arc load, coal at Oswego and Char olte; composition and medical son, Ridean street, the lightning Tan | track nineteen miles west of ' Fort | members of this get-rich-quick so. | tu Bronson cleared: for Montreal with value. along the electric light wires and en- The engineer of ithe lirst {ciety. Thay are responsible for the | tWo coal barges' steamer Rosemount tered the rooin where Dr. Alber the serious wreck | muneh taiked of coal strike on Van-| arrived from Montreal light and son lay on a couch smoking. h soi 14 aa _ | cleared® for Port Colborne to load WE GUARANTEE flash knocked the pipe out of nis to, a second scetion. couver Island. It has not beén men grain for Montreal. ne pe EL i st the jewellery sal t | tioned in this house before but every | 878 : hand and gave him a pretty severe 4 the jewellery sale. @ HE knows that this tatoo The steamer Brockville, due here Shock. : Soma raw minutes Siapsed The death took place' on Friday, at [strike was started in the mines of daily at id Stuselied her Kingston The: season is at hand when the replenishment They are efficient in all cases. Ore Le recovered from the effects, Mountain View, of Mrs. Mary A. |Mackenzie and Mann. If they are so | {rip Monday and ran a si The rapid increase in sales Al the Prince George hotel on On Tait, widow of the late Cornelius |rich, why could they not grant the |cursion fromi Picton te Napanee for of the linen closet is made necessary by the frequent proves their value. We gladly Ha per tas Hebinis shrme th ! Taft. Deconsed was aged seventy-six reasonable demand of the men?|d Jorge sowd 10 ve sie hows a heavy demands upon it. Every housekeeper will refund the money when they [ ol : 8 MB the yor and had resided most of her life | Why have taney not shown seme jus- J JF iin . a $C] 5] oe fF Hitleng-- re ; fall to give full satisfaction. ohont section of the dining-room out 3 "hiinee Fdward county. tice in (hat mz tier? vesterday at 2 a.m. The following soon be in need of linens--so we would suggest i = Try a bottle of Dr. Hickey's of commission. to be free from injurious drugs hy i a ET Every ii tok i, teamers cleared : Glenellagh, at 7 +} se from our extensive as sortment f Ee | Note this! Special sale of iadies Every (ime Mackenzie and Mann |¥® Belleville: Dunel 3 cnoose from our extens ass . Speedy Cure to-day for that The cars were also stalled, and Car, * ties 11 colors, poplin, silk, etc., [come before this house it seems to |P-m., for Belleville; uneim, at 3 p. . : . TTe-- spring cough, 25c, corner of Bagot ara ARdstill at the, Xe" for one week only: Dutton's. |me that they have mre friends than |. i0f Port Dalia: Suskatoum, at We import direct from the ¢Old Bleach" faec- : corner of Bagot and Princess streets, It is announced that hereafter the |any other company. On two oeca-|? p.m. for Part Colborne; Dundee : : b where It Temaingd unt] the Stern py fin A Tt [sions T ave heard sontliien of neler 4.30 p.m., Jor Montreal; the Ne | tory at Randalstown, Ireland, the world's greatest t st S a Tre amo Of rain that fell was "omen without tickets = unless they [house state that they have been in-|Pavah at 7 a.m.,'und the Wacondah | 8 nianufacturer of reputablé sun-hleached linens, as . ireetly ' a t 8 am., both for Montreal; the . TY . " 2 . Hemendous. Many * grates wore Sr Voushed for Ly some persuns [directly threatened by Mackenate and [ZC ny [eb TE HOOMEeS mane | $F thereby saving all mide. "u's profits and giving v 2 vials wv ruar- | x ' £ : x ; . . > f : A : The Satisfactory Drug. Store. Blocked, and at some corners the kitWn to | Nee i be threats? Is it the mighty power, of | and Haddington are expected going vou the opportunity of securing the highest standar! unday Sours, 7.80 to 5; yater was a foot deep. i : . |their money, or something else?" cast. 3 x Swon 3 2 ice or less of inferior > 2 L ey, = = . h or - * rv S » Si a » ce 0 OSs ) 1 T1OT 6.30 to 9, eee jbavions ts for "Standard" pat:| Mr. Verville pointed out further| As soon as the M. T. company's in quality linens, at the same price or less of infe : IN SPORTING CTRCLES Sole agents for IF ¢ ol at stnoe Canada: ww e liable ror | barge Nadine is out of the Ship: akes terns. Special offer "Designer," 30c. | that since Canada would be liable for ree maxes, No Baseball Games W. Pla fo one ay Dutton's store the $45,000,000 represented by the building N ora 1 5 dr dock the ' : James erp yed om Rakes 3 Lo if rotia- | PTOPOsed guarantee the passage of | steamer Nong Ning will go in or i " the Holiday bey and Jal Ted nopotia the government's proposal was equi- | minor repairs. ~~ ' All sorts of good linens are here marked at prie- : The baseball game, that was. to Moslem prince upon. the throne of | valent to placing a Liability oF me Lr yee big Ene Thuis Nery ue es you can-easily afford. have taken place at the cricket fi aki: « stage c: villi gage upon every citizen of the do- night wa i. , between, the! Louise od . Vicia Albania fo succeed RiDE Wie, minion. In return for this what ar he rh The Moutreal trade is » " $ " school teams on Monday, was can- ever, the Balkan slates are opposed the people to receive? aay are tc | very*brisk now. Sole Agents Old Bleach Linens. celled owing to the rain. ake Chui nn ler the | P€COme minority shareholders in . -_k Ra i O IL Circulars were distributed © around io any dn a Bristian puler in * [company controlled by Mackenzl dings Surued n Nurmors p, the aity yesterday that the Ponies new. smgdain ande Mann. Labor's representative larmora, nt., May 26.---Marmora f bin y i did not mince words in dealing witt | village sufiered another big fire, Sup- . > and ihletics would play at the MERCHANTS' BANK REPORT TE ona lay. It started at the barns of Wil- 9 ; cricket field but owing to the sudden ailay *S Dhase nid liam Flynn, destroyi II his ¢babye 'in th } b 3 * "It has been said," Hansard re |" yhn, cestroyving all lis barns, rifilte in the wedther the game was sonnal Report Shows a Most Satis-| oo pi oo saying, "that we as | Sheds, dwelling and liquor store, also chlled off. The game is scheduled factory Condition of Affairs. soing: into. Daf ership with Macken. | he dwellings of Mrs. Charles MeWil- . to be played next Saturday, + 30ing Pi ; he liams, Mrs, V. Pringle, Mr. McCracken, e------ ' In keeping -with the other banks, | zie and Mana. I, for one, do no Walter Donnelly's - harbor shop and : The Busiest Store in Town - Get Out to Practice. the Merchants' bank of Canada has {Want to go into partnership witi pool room, Dr. Jones' drug store, the A local baseball fan writes to the Just funtivded a very satisfactory Hose Sontlemsn Decduas if Iey yet Pearl printing plant, Gladney's dry Whig as follows : Believing that the Year w ith net profits amounting to Bosal SY hoe a. Deli en goods store, the Bell telephone office, old saying "Practice makes perfect," 1,218,694. I'his is equivalent to | 02 pul the y "land several othér places had harrow I would like to smy that if all the 17-80 per cent. on the average paid- [into this _snterprise. We are tola escapes, and suffered much loss by wa- Athletics turned his to ees te up capital which, in view of the'some- [also that we are going to have foriy ter. Delora fire brigade came to the gethe! (as "baseball t > h id what uncertain business conditions [Per cent. of the common stock of this|own's assistance, and did good work gether. (as baseba eames ould) dill during the year, must be |COMPany. I have read enough offi, keeping the fire fr ding they would find themselves in better Pre ng ig the year, must be ping X om spreading. shape to win the championship regarded as satisfactory. Comparisons | trusts and mergers and over-capitall- | j{ad the wind been from the north,the 3 : with previous years: are Wade some- |Zation to know what shig is ' worth | whole village would have gone up in Victoria Baseball Club. what difficult owing to the fact that |-::. I would favor even a greater|smoke. fina as «itt 1912 the fiscal year was changed |Buarantée than this $45,000,000 pro- iam Melederidge, mannger 2 from November 30th to April 30th | viding we got control of the Lom Bargains : Sun bonnets, 15c.; ¢ the lisorls Baseh " ub, has called and last year's report covered a per- |Pany. If necessary let us elimin-| children's dresses, - 40c.; summer : : 8 Sioating of the oli} for. Wedmes. iod of only five months. Comparing |2te altogether Mackenzie and Mann. | vests, 2 for 5c.; Rose, black or jt KEELEY Ir ometri t day evening in the Y.M.C.A. par the figures of the year which has just |I want to £o on record as being or- pian, 2 pairs 23¢.; corset covers, : IS lots, when some Smmortan: matters closed with those of April 10th, |Posed to this proposition. I do not{95e. Dutton's sale. We Gried he Lenses. will come up for discussion, 1913. there have. been intronten in a De charged by De beople Jnmts Gowdy, aged Sighiy yoass,! 8 Deere Ahovy the Opers Houm ufly a G . capital stock, in the rest account, in |© Hp yw FR n wa rom Moira to sville, thir- 4 Duffy a Great Runner the savings deposits, in the hank'y [into partnership with Mackenzie and | (y.four miles, the round trip in elev- coin and bullion, call. loans abroad, Mann. 1 would rather go into part-| .n hours. eurront loans in Canada and in total |Pership with anybody else than these | ge "Newcombe" piano is unequal gt: Ee 2 so assets. The latter now stands at |8entlemen. led for purity of tone and durability. SAL En . : 4 bre. of Montreal, on the rd of June, $83,120,741, as. compared with 80,- Mr. Vervitle, a labor representa- | iluy now and save at least $100. : - i ge TR ER || writes from Hamilton that Fabre will 573,899 a year ago. A further ex- [tive, a man whose life has been one | Dutton's. ; certainly "have to step to beat him amination goi the bank's statement |of service to the cause of labor, op- Frederick Milo, of Welland, who has erc an S an « 1 ns five miles as on Saturday he did - divide: irements for | poses the zovernment's plan to give | been seviously ill at his -héme there, is . ; ge : in OR : shows that dividend requirement I 1 Yu that distance in 25 minutes and 50 the year absorbed $686,000, bank pre- | $45,000,000 to two men who have | improving. 2, : seconds. mises account $100,000, depreciation [already grown enormously wealthy Was Given n Bat in investments $135,000, and officers' |out of the coastruction of a railway HAVE G00D HEALTH We are prepared with the stock necessary to as Gj n J. R. Thomson, who is trainer and manager for "Jimmy" Duly, who is to run five miles, here, against Fa- THEE LNG TR ON TL TT NS TD RE ae ; 7 pension fund. $50,000. ' The capital (into which they have put nome of change your main service wires on Princess St. and Thomas MoKayv, who knocked" the and reserve are now each $7,000,000, | their own r.oney. He is opposed, first home run in the junior baseball king 'the Merchants' Bank rank [and rightly opposed, to making this | y : adjoining streets, - . 5 saries bn Saturday affernioon, wa both in the miatter of paid-up capi. | country the junior partner in the | Take ie ezaparilia, ile OM Those who have already entrusted us with their awarded a baseball hat§ by the Tread- 1, rest and total assets as one of [firm of Mackenzine, Mann and Can- a ine C. : a : : * gold motor and cycle dompany. Ne Snamial Teatitationy ada---to having the dominion put up Don't let the idea that you may work will be looked after so that no interruption m tn --e more monwy to add further to the [feel batter in a aay of Iwo Vrevent power and light will occur. Baseball Record | wealth 'of men who have become [You from getting a bottle o ood's " 243 ' Tok . 1 3 National League--Philadelphia, 6; Notes From Fernleigh muiti-millionaires through their Sarsaparilla to-day from any drug We respectfully solicit your onlers whieh will Cincinnati, 4. Pittsburgh, 5; Brook: ' FKeruleigh, May 22.-Most of The far- | handling of Canadian affairs. Other |store and starting at once on the have prompt and careful attention. lyn, 4. Chicago, 5; New York, 1. Bos: ers have their crops in. We gre very |labor leaders. and, several labor or- [road to health and strength. PA ton, 3; St. Loui&~2, sorry to hear of Mr, Davy being 50 [ganizations have protested against When 'your blood is impure and LS 3 2 | American League--Washington,10; Ve- iii of henrt trouble. Mrs, Charles |this $45,000,600 deal. Resolutions |impoverished it lacks vitality, your . td er troit, 1. Philadelphia, 6: St. Louis, 2. Wood, of Mountain Grove, is Visiting Fop protest have been passed ';* labor (tigestion is poor. ang all the func- * éwman J ectric Ae Chicago, 1; New York, 0. nd, \ Cleveland, | .¢ her home, while her . mother, Mrs. bodies in different cities. tions of yo ir body are impaired. Noa J; Boston, 0. R. Bauder, is at her daughter's, Mrs. But these protests from the work- Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest Phone 441, Home 1876. : ™ Princess Stree Federal League--Indianapolis, % pal I hompson, Frankford. Ezra{ ingmen give Mackenzie and Mann no | known blood tonic.! It will build you : : Pittsburgh, 3. Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, Jlovd and Miss Myrtle Gregg, of Plev- | concern. They know that the Bor |up quicker than any other medicine. + ETE FEE EE ® I. Balthnore, 6; St. Louis, 3. Kansas na; Mrs. G. Salmond and children and den government will pay little heed lt _gives strength to do and power to City, 8; Buftalo, 4. ' Miss Tena Decue, of Ardgeh, spent |, the views cf labor. It is ed dite. It is the old standard tried International League--Rochester, 9-0 Sunday at R. Bauder's, Guy Cousinss| zie and Mann and the corporation fn. And true allthe-year-round blood Montreal, 5-1. Bufialo, 9; Toronto, 0. 4 Plevna, is quite a frequent visitor terests generally which have the ear [purifier and enricher, tonic and ap- EET EI at R. Bauder's. Mrs. Andrew Meeks] or tne premisr and his colleagues. |petizer. Nothing else abts like it, See our suit case, $1.50; great val ig very ill ith ump, at hey wioth- ne a for nothing else has the same form- . 9 4 ue, Dution's, er's, Mre. A. Lyons. Everton Flake is § Ny 3 , lula or ingredients. Be sure to ask : x ¥ The police had a very quiet weeks. working at Manson Davy's. Quite a aay isi Somnsught_je to he [tor Hood's, get it to-day, and begin A veritable dotynpour end. Two drunks were the only offen- number of the neighbors aftended Gi. |!" ts I =. ™ {taking it at once. y 3 hands: of theih al Vv bo Wednesday, | (r¥sletjs farm in Dundas county. } of rain swept our eoun- ders to fall into the hands of t aw. Salmond's stone "bee on mesday. 3 5 A resident Sharged with non-support Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Martin made A | -------------------- ry tosday, equalled on- by his wifp also occupied a cell all flying trip to Plevna on Thursday. N. i : v by he sweeping pop- day Sunday. : , i Davy and G. Salmond made a trip to re : i i ® s Yeiod === ( Flinton on Sunday. ularity, of our straw and pan | » t v 8 . i " w « ® : . ool | | . : Bo bg Towne we) . ~ : Ko a | I § CE A a OY BARS A BDO 2x ETFS All Orders Filled | Wedding S : of how the militants proposed to in- traws reveals a narrow JJ] Tendency of Modern Business is 10, vade Buckingham - Palace. An une. heise i Ww | Favor the Young Man. named society woman secured a short : i gy brim, high Grown, Hap . | font of a large house on Grosvenor For | row band, straw in Sen- This is the young man's age.. Ev- pia overlooking the palace gardens. ett and split, velvet JIerirbere You Bi find the big jobs {he undertook to make the necemary ® ~ : wa MRE Black or grey Llama coat, white or pearl grey 4 4 in the hands of young men. The &p= | "iepairs," and i r to do this a B Hl ac § u b . ta Y oti and plain bands. Price flipesrance of age discredits your. abil Sgumbver. oi. ladders wore. hFolghy' into ream y utter | yout; Steine pe Srausers; up-to-date selection. \ re JI[ity: Youth wid eMciency are first |g, Is and placed against the ! 8 right, Fi ! . : $2 to $3. Some have {HIN CoH rf Snesiaas mee, dus grounds and_ plod 2g st, he : rices rig guaranteed. rough edges and rou h Don't let a few gray hairs spoil {had their suspicions aroused by fre- ? ( ty 4% tr gh i at aE, your chances when it's 80 easy to [quent visits of women to the place at 1 A call solicited. J straw. > pits prevent or cure them. night and told the police. The offi- an ce : ream ] 1 : % | ab) € prices. the cials went to work at once and nipped y © HIN ars Li a" ats for bo at 25e ( i Bo {a plan of the militants to raid the : Ro ra" 2 F TF. boys : ; ge it. © ¢ Ipalace gardens by clambering over Le 4 ® & | ft « me Sey SAT : w a | and He; ban deanil tis : the walis by means ow the ladders : . | A fk : : : Ji that re-invigoratés the hair roofs | which were already in place. rice S | C wh d d p | hew nourish: Ae : JI lf CLYawior an ent, a mew of life for your Joe Martin Will Resign. - SE / o . J} hair, thus bringing back its natural | fondon, May 26.--An interest = - | ; Jiu thas brinsing buck ko apeura | tomion, May 30Animeresting Office 277 Princess-St. || TAILORS i 1 early next month. Joe Martin, mem- y THN aE We guarantee it to ¢o this. Your {ber for East St. Pancras, called a. 5 oriey -be retinded If it falls meeting of his assodation on Friday, ( Jair ba i when it was decided that he would re- ; } ) , 'get ft dE but $fore. | sign his seat and offer himself for re- |f-B0e- § a § - ; POR RATE AND R elecjion as an independent liberal and BD BY J; B, McLEOD, DRUGGIST, taba candidate, . LL .

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