The Newest Novelties From New York City Fit boys from 4 to 10 years Priced From $1.50 to $3.75 Per Suit See our showing of wash blouses, plain and faney We, T oe . 31. 00) No Wash Goods Sent On Approval LIVINGSTON"S BROCK STREET | {a olols S. 1 A Little Out of the way But It. Will Pay You to lk SPECIAL S To-night At Waldron Ss ALE. New Spring and ummer Wool Dress Materials 60c, 75¢, 90c and $1.00 For 49¢ a Yard. Serges in black, navy and eream. Cashineres in all the new shades. Poplins, Avmures, San Toys, Cords. Panamas, Venetians, Broad Cloths, Tweeds. Black and White Checks, Fanev Mix- tures, and many other popular makes in all the new colors; prices up to $1.00 a yard. On Sale To-night 49¢ Yard Sale 7.30 EE -- This store will be open all day Monday, May 25th, and closed all das June 3rd. 1 talion work the -- OF THE 14TH H REGIMENT ON - FRIDAY EVENING. ! i Yow Wolseley Helmets Issued--The Regiment Will Parade to St. i , George's Cathedral on Sunday Morning. On Friday evening the 14th regi- omen: held its first "review order" parade of the season. All the ranks paraded in the dark uniform and were inspected by Major H. J. i Dawson, In preparation for church parade on Sunday. The more com- fortable Wolesley helmet has been issued to replace the old higher and warmer head-dress. It will not be : possible for the regiment to secure the decorations for these this sea- son. After a little marching and bat- companies were drilled individually on the artillery parade ground in front of the arm- ! ouries. The regiment will parade at 10.15 { o'clock on Sunday morning, and will march to St. George's Cathed- ! ral for divine service. In the ab- sence of Major (the Rev. Dean) Starr, the chaplain of the 14th, Rev, W. C. Bourne, the curate will preach the sermon. Both regimen- tal bands will attend. , The usual weekly battalion par- adedhas 'been called for Monday night but this may be changed un- i til Tuesday on account of the city observing the 205th as a holiday. EMPIRE DAY IN SCHOOLS | Portsmouth Public Schools. | Empire Day was observed in the Portamouth 'public school in 'the us- ual patriotic manner. In the after noon a Colwert was given by the pu- pils. Interesting addresses were de- livered by Rev. Mr. Smart, Rev. Mr. Faichurn and Rev. Mr. Dawson. F. Nicholson; chairman of the board, occupied the chair in his usual efi cient mamner. The following» pro- gramme was given : Song. "The Children's Song'; re- citation. Ena Crass: recitation, "'Lon- don Town." Kathleen Alexander; reading "Empire Day," Cecil West lake: reditation, "The Recessional,"' Nadie Nicholson; recitation, "Two Lit- tle Girls," Marjorie Nicholson and Stella Ingledew; recitation, '"The Ma- jesty of Britain," Florence For: svthe; drill, by four small boys; recitation, Nora Baiden; song, "The Maphe Leal"; reading, George Marks: recitation, Clifford Wallet; "Our Flag," four girls; "Scots Wha Hae." y Edith Mclver; "Britons Beyond the Seas," nine girls; recitations, Andrew- ena Nicholson, Offwia Baiden and Vera Powell: "Canadian Over All" Sara Gallon; "This Canada of Mine," sewen little girls; recitation, i Ford Nicholson; "Colors ef Our i¥ ia four boys. Fi Above the School House bn W. LamY; song, "0, Canada'; * drill, six little boys; recitation, Nelson Morrissey. The schoolroom was beautifully de corated with flags and flowers. The Union Jack crossed with the flag of Canada drawn. with colored crayons on the blackboard by George Marks, was much admired. A vote of thanks was moved by Rev. Mr. Fairburn to , the teachers, Mrs. Gamsby and Mrs Revelle, for the skilful manner in which they had trained the pupils for the entertainment. Mrs. Revelle acted as accompanist. | Orvhans Home Programme This Empire Day programme j carried out the Orphans' Home on Priday : Chairman's address; doxology; scripture reading. by Richie Campbell' song. "0 Canada"; recita- tion, "The Recessional," Esther Northmore; song, ""The Sea is Bri- tain's Glory," Esther Northmore, Myrtle Turner, Clara Northmore and the school; recitation, "The Flag Above the School House Door' ¢l Orser; piano solo, Laura Thomp- son; address bv Prof. A. Laird; re- citation. "The Majesty of Great Bri- tain." Myrtle Turner; solo and chor- us, "There Is a Land," Ray Smith, and ! the school: reading, "Canadian Over All" Fred Purdy; the march, "Hearts of Oak," by the school: re citation, "The Maple," Helen Wash burn; address, Rev. Mr. Robinson: } fan drill by twelve girls; "Flag of Britain," Nora Wright and the , school. 1 The children looked well and a great ! dea! of credit is due Superintendent Marton. * was at STOCK MARKETS F. B. McCurdy & Co,, 86 and 88 Brock St.--H. W. Nelles, Manager. 12 m., May 23rd. New York. 73} 64} 194% 1661 157% 63} 204 v 1243 Coppers . ! Smelters CPR. Reading Union Pacific United States Steel frie © DOO iin Atchison ....... . Northera Pacifo ... . sa Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. Rubber ........ . American Can. New Haven Railway . Southern Pacific ...... Cotton. July aE Montreal Market closed to-day. " Good Feed. Namaged grain, 50c per two bush. bag. Jas. ardson & Sems, Ltd, foot of Princess street. for a fot in any part of the city see us before buving elsewhere, | Me- ', Eth-] INCIDENTS OF OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Ny Our Busy Reporters Penslar cold cream." Gibson's. Miss Vera leslie has left for Brock- ville, to take a good position. T." F. Harrison leit for Toronto this morning on a business trip. Miss Isabel Hackett, Kingston, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. D. bv. Cole. Two mission Dave: pianos to rent at €. W. Lindsay, Limited, 294 Prin- cess slreet. The Army Service Corps is turn- ing out for church parade with the 14th to-morrow. The City Council will not meet un- till Tuesday evening, as Monday is a statutory heli national conference on city planning in Toronto next week. rl Mrs. H. Martin has returned from Ottawa, where she has been nursing ior the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murray and family, Henirew, have left for Kings ton, where they will reside. G. L..Gailett and C. C. Ryan, of Montreal motored to the city on Friday afternoon on motor-cycles. A meeting of the council of the Board of Trade was called for Fri- day afternoon but there was no quor- um. It was a sister-in-law, not a sister, of Mrs, E. Mitchell, Brock street, whose funeral occurred here on Friday. The Murray Hill hotel among the Thousand Islands will be managed this season by Frank M. Rogers of New York. All the horses of "B" battery are enjoying the open air of the park, ag workmen are laying a concrete floor in the stables. { Mr. and Mrs, Charles Willough-! ry, of Regina, were the guests of | Rev and Mrs. Samuel Shibley, Al- bert street. R. C. Hinds, King street, is erec- ting a motor truck for McKelvey & Birch, It is to be fitted up with all} the latest devices. Want to buy a home? A lot huild on? A piece of property hold for an investment ? See Cann about any these. | M. H. Bower, ot York 'Pa, who! stipervised the-fnstallation of a new | cold storage plant a short while ago, was in the city on Saturday. On Saturday morning the utilities | stafl of laborers om Princess street was angmentéd by thirty foreigners who were loaned by the foreman of and Gleason, paving contract: to to Me- Foley ors Pastor R. J. Bryant, formerly this city, now of New York, is of vis- day. Mayor Shaw will attend the inter- | Should -prove attractive as we have ready a mgmber of 'very special things just secured below their value or these we will turn into cash to- night at prices that mean:a saving. gw \% 2» 108 Paris Ladies' White Kid Gloves .. A genuine French kid, soft and even skin and perfect fitting. These are™worth $1.00 or more a pair. Only 9 dozen in the lot--all we could get. Yours To-night 75¢ Pair 1000 Boxes White Tourist Neck : Frilling 9 Different styles, put up 2 vards to thing for summer wear. 1-4 vards, in a box. Just the These are usually sold at 10¢, 121-2¢, 15¢ box. Yours [o-night 5c a Box Or 4 boxes for 15c¢. New Things Worth Coming For iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Jrvant, 63 George street. Mr. Bry- ant left Kingston about eighteen years ago. Since that time he has | travelled all over the United States. It is likely that after Jne 15th,! a straight passenger train will be on the Kingston Tweed line of the (!. N. R., instead of the present mix- od train on the track between Har- rowsmith and Sydenham is being improved by a heavy lft of ballast. On Friday evening, on account of | the absence of R. H. Barber, who was to have delivered an address at | the old Collegiate building on Clergy | 'root. Joseph Frappy, of Stirling, | took his place and delivered a talk] a "Paradise Lost, from the Time of testitution." 5 } LATE SOCIAL NEWS. (See aldo Pages 3 and 9.) Mrs. George 0. Wagner, Darrie street, was hostess at an enjovable bridge-luncheon on Thursday afternoon im honor of her visitor, Mrs. Charles Wagner, of Buffalo, N.Y. Hridge was played at four tables, and the guests included Mrs. Iva Martin, Mrs. 1. D R. Hemming, Mrs. Constantine, Mrs. ti. HM. Ogilvie, Mys. F. Strange, Mrs I, Campbell Strange, Mrs. E. Dawson, Mrs. Henri Panet, Mrs. A. J. Wolff, Mrs. tC. N. Perreau, Mrs. H. T tlughes, Mrs. Maurice V. Plummer, Miss Norton-Taylor and Miss Mabel | Brownfield. . The goli tournament at the Coun- try Club opened on Thursday . after | noon and some very interesting | games werg played. The Hall for the lay's contest was won by Mrs. Jas 15. Nills and the other players tak: ing part were Mrs. P. C. Stevenson, | Mrs. Murray Kirk Green, Mrs. Hill, | Mise Cartwright, Miss Marie Car- ! ruthers, Miss Phyllis Short, Miss Ma hel Brownfiekl, Miss Bessie Smythe, Wiss Marion Lesslie, Miss Jean Duff, | Miss Hilda Hague, Miss Minnie Gor ton, Miss Kathleen Cygrruthers god Miss Rose Rogers. FANCY RIBBONS for Sashes FANCY RIBBONS for Belts PLAIN RIBBONS for Sashes and Belts 200 Very Pretty Irish Lace Collars Quite a new design and very dainty. These are worth easily 50¢ each . Yours Tonight 25c¢ Each. : New Waists A fine collection of stylish waists for summer wear just These will be shown to-night. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50:- Some of these are novelties vou will not with any here. marked off. see other store Tonight For the woman who has not ve though her summer suit we will have ready 25 Stylish Srnmet Suits All different and all new and sty lish, made by the best maker women's suits in the Dominion. These are worth $15.00,.£18.00, $20.00. Your Pick To-night $12.50 y & of An informal Duich luncheon was! given dt the Country Club, on Fri- lay, when those present included Mrs. Hansard Hora, Mrs. "Hal-j loway Waddell, "Miss Hilda Kent,| Miss Bessie Smythe and Miss Flor-| ie Cunningham. - . . - Mrs. Varum Dgvoutrt and her twe shildren arrived from the west this week with Miss Tettice Tandy, who went as far as Chicago to meet them. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson and Wiss Rosalind Corbett went to Mor: risburg to-day to spend the week-end with Mrs. Warren Henderson. Mrs. Henry P. Smith and son, Ger- ald, left on the Cape Vincent boat for New York. Philadelphia and oth- or points south. "The Curse of rrance'----Absinthe. The drink. absinthe. to France bears the same relation as opium does to the Chinese pation." The evils at- tending this dreadiyl habit are fully described in that well-known book, "Wormwood," by Marie Corelle. fo those who have read. and heard ibout this wonderful drink, "absin- he," the four-reel feature with King Baggot and Leah Haird in leading oles, which will be 'shown at Ideal rheatte Monday and Tuesday should wove of unusual interest. The scenes u this productiom, were taken along Champa ace; the river Seine John Laidlaw & Son. a SATURDAY FOR A | Men's Ca Oxfords $4.00 & $5.00 'Hartt, Slater and Other Makes, All Sizes 51 b and 6%, Tan, Gun Metal and Patent <p