a -- eo cmma abl May 23. On the eve of at "be ited, the Eternal City is ny over the event and is lavishly 3 0 d-for . consistory 'a dozen' cardinals are led in honor of the occasion. centuries has a consistory at- $0 much outside interest as one, owing to the large of cardinals to be created, ceremonies, which will begin through the promise to the most imposing in the nd and continue part of the week, ry of the church. '¢ity is overrun with visitors all over the continent, and hun-| of American tourists have ar-|. Those United Bit pod to wit- éeremonies, or that portion 'to the publie, in which three of ; Gios ged thats gig Ty 80. as the countrymen--Cardinals - Farley and O'Cennell---wi.l rh Among i attracted to the econsistory by 'fact that Among those to be cre- id privces of t re Begin, archbishop of Quebec. distinct ceremonies will be ied when the eardinals re- fo their insignia of office. The will be at the censistory, to be Monday, when the cardinals are he formally created and receive Td 'hat from the hands of the p. At this ceremony the pope will ] athe lopinion of the saered college p'ig the newly famed and will solSmnly proclaim them eardin- in the name of the Holy Catholic h. The second ceremony at St. cathedral will equal if not|°® the first in pomp und splen- It will consist of the imposi- of the red biretta and zuchetto. # the bestowal, however, there be a grand procession of pre; and priests and an imposing in the presence of the pope. h création of so many cardinals 'one time, though made necessary 'the deaths in the sacred college, xtarordinary; and has been dup- ted or surpassed only once in plern times. A still more remark- feature of the consistory is the ASSOCIATED AD- VERTISING CLUBS OR TEN YEARS or for clean, honest ad- vertising, and more ef- ficient and profitable "¥ethods of distribution salesmunitship, tend ' Edward Mott Woolley's "little book, "Phe Stary of Toronto," will tell you Write for a copy; nu it thi enkengd by ts on it. W. Gibson. 4 } ans V. Marion. is 'the visitors - are hy Canadians, mostly clergy, who fe chureh Is one of |: ¥ number-----the most Rev. Louis that of the twelve candidates acid is dissolved in the Rens the blood almost to ly; this Is what causes the heart pr and seem to stop because the strain uric acid. Anti-Urie Kidney Pills out an urie acid poisons from a fare Suick: And 'safe No English-speaking cardinals are included in the list of those to be Slayated at this consistory. . The honor bestowed on the Archbishop of Quebec is considered as bg lof the French-speaking Ct Canada. Some di 1 : ha ored, Cardinal Borge « of 'Byduey, having died last year COLUMBIA'S BOAT REACHES RES- CUERS With four starving, abpard--all - who wepe left of fifteen embarked from the burning Leyland liner Columbias--a little lifeboat which had tossed about the Atlantic for four- teen days, was pi 4 up by the U_ 8 revenue cutter enfeebled men NUTS MADE INTO BUTTONS Fenador © Exports Something 20,000 Tons. Out of the 1,000 well-dressed men taken from an average crowd, how many could tell if asked, whee the buttons that so artistically embellish the faney grays, browns or Blues 'of their fashionable attire have . their origin? Yet in each is an uncon- scious: walking advertisement of one of the unique products of several Latin American countries. It has been something like fifty years since some rubber gatherers in the forests of Northern Ecuador told of a peculiar species of 'palm which 'they found in great numbers reseimb- ling in form and color the miniture head of a Negro. These nuts were called "negritos," and it was found that the kernels, when tharoushly | dried, had the appearance and téx- ture of dentine ivory. Samples were shipped to Europe, and it was soon found that they furnished an ideal material for buttons. The dried kernel 'can be sawed, carved and turned into all sizes and shapes of buttons, while the texture is such that it readily absorbes dyes and will take on a high and permanent polish. Henceforth the ivory mut became an important product and now adds considerably to Ecuador's export trade. Something like 20,000 tons are shipped from that country each year, worth about $1,700,000, while | Colombia and Panama are both in- Ig Like - creasing théir output. FAVE FORTU} NE; WON ON ANOTHER German Wha Was Renowned for His Philanthrophy A true, though unconventional, plillanthropist has passed away at Inmsbruck, Austria, in the person of Herr Hans Lieberer. Herr Lieberer, who from a poor mah became extremely wealthy in consequence of successful insurance operations, gave away in all about' £240,000 to hospitals, asylums, and other charitable institutions. His first donation was £40,000, sent to an Inusbruck hospital. After deciding to make the gift; he found that if he 'did so his whole remaining fortune would be £8, and that in the event of illness or bad luck, he him- self might have to accept public char- ity. For two days he left: ihe letter to the hospital' authorities lying on his desk and then forwardéd It with the money. #1 fought a great pathie' with my- self," he once sald, "but finally my self-confidence was victorious dnd I poited that letter aud remained with £8 in my pocket." He declined a high decoration of- fered by the imperial court, but re- ¢ently, the emperor, without consult- fag him and probably against his wishes, made him a baron. A Damaged Goods Mr. Cooke had occasion to-stop in a small town at the luncheon hour, and went into a restalirant to eat. He ordered' steak and valiantly tried to partake of it with the im ments at his command, bit er knife nor fork 'had any apparent ef- fect on it. Finally he called the waiter to his side. © "You'll have to take this steax back and bring me another piece," sald Mr. Cooke. "The waiter eyed the steak:marrow- | ty, and shook his head. *1 can't"do that, sir," he replied, °E tan't take 'it back, tor you've beat it} "The population of Carleton: Plate, Soe to the assessor's peturns, is ~ Bracers all 'Yesomimiond White "Rose flour. Tin the indictment," SECOND JURY BRING IN PICT OF MURDER. Against the Former New York' Po- lice Lieutenant -- Only Forty Minutes Taken to Review the Evidence. ; New York, May 20.-For the se cond time, Uharles Becker, former po- lice lieutenant of the New York [Torce, wad convietpd of the murder oi Herman Rosenthal: 'I'he jurors were is absolute agreement on their ballot, after omly forty minutes actual deliberation. Justice Seabury had. told them that they "could choose among three de grees 'of murder, and two of these degrees would have meant imprison ment., But, like the twenty-four men who had gone before them, the first Becker jury and the gunmen's jury, they believed that "Jack" Rose told the teuth when he said that Bee hor ordered, arranged and paid for the assassination of the gambler who wad about to rain him. The swiftness of the jury's was the thing that intensified conviction. The men who had ker's fate in their humds Were out of the court room for four hours and five minutes--irom 12.51 to 4.56 onm~--but forty minutes was all they needed for reviewing the evidence. Yor the rest of the time they dis- cussed their business aflairs and so- cial engagements. When the jury filed in again Becker was placed at the bar. One glance was all that was needed to see that he had himself under magnificent con- trol. There was confidence 'and hope shining ~in his eyes. Coolly and without haste he studied the face of every mii 'in the box. Not one of them met his eye. "Guilty as charged Foreman Blag- den brénthed more than spoke. Justice Seabury, after a briel ton- sideration, announced that Becker was remanded to the Tombs until May 29th 'when he would be sehtenced to death. The jurors 'Were in agreement that the evidence justified conviction for murder in the first degree. iil ol action the Bec: Sd dS PPS ddd bb ddd bb id dbp bd THEY CANNOT LAND. Ottawa, May 23.---Special instructions have been issued to immigration officials at Vancouver that under no cir- cumstances are they to allow «the four hundred Hindu im- migrants on the steamer Ko- magate Maru to land in Can- ada. The vessel, whose ar- rival was chronicled yester- day, is now off the quara: tine station at Vancouver. FIT THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE Toner. Gananoque, May 23.--Fish and Game Overseer (seorge Toner, on his last trip over the western part of his beat in Thowpson's Bay, two near Ship- man's and two near Sugar Island. Norman Rattray, of the stali of the logal 'branch of the Merchants' bank, bat the last of the series of matches at the traps of the Thousand Islands Gun Club, on Wednesday afternoon, suc- ceeded in making a good win of the handsome watch fob donated for com- petition by the Dupont Powder com- pany, by a score of eighty-sevén per cent. Under the auspices men's Bible class of church, a May Queen entertainment was held last evening. St. Andrew's orchestra gave valuable. assistance. Refreshments were served at the close. The schooner Horace Taber cleared light for Oswego, vesterday, for, anoth- er cargo of coal. Mrs. Robert Louch, Sydenham street, has heen summoned to St. Mary's by the "serious illness of her mother, Mis. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Acton, of De- troit, Mich., are spending a short time in town with relatives. Walsingham Moore, Brock street, spent a short time in Kingston, this week, in con- sultation with Dr. Third. Miss Cora Brown, who has been "spending the past few months in town, guest of her Aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Thompson, Garden sfreet hae leit for her "oie in Stoufiville. Miss Margaret McKenzie, First street, is spending a few holidays with Triehds in Guelph, of the young St. Andrew's Picton © heese Board. Picton, May 22.--Eleven hundred and sixty-five eolored cheese were boarded antl sold at the weekly meeting of the Piston checse boartl yesterday. Price, 12 1-160. The buyers were: Carter, 390: Sexsmith, 675, and Pr. Publow. 0a, C. J. Speagle, Westport, and staf completed the contract for the Wright Camping Clab 'at Devil Lake. 'Phere is 4 handsome bungalow and a small gakage. first" BEB PPR beh des Bde dil PB dded dod ddd dedib lod doded More 'Net Seizures by Fish Overseer seized six large forty-rod gill nets, tvo Cotton oe i be. ons. Be b Rr fon is Pio Sheton 'Planos for | rent. Phong A hospital © fer Pieton is being mooted. % Ta eéream, ri Provse's Drag Store. Telephotie Jom Frood, Resi, is dead, aged eventytweo Fors. Why so many eat Batter. lity first. Weese photo Studio &loses. or old Aagratives A conservative held in panes on William Dine seeived Rg Grace on a 62.55 last Year. It has hy. irs. James H. Porte, Picton, left for a trip to Chicago, 'Winipeg thd other western cities. Ice Dairy School | Send G3 , bricks. Store. Ti one 82, Howard Bowerman has purchased the new house recently erected bY Albert Bull in Bloomfield. "Buy Mennens' talcum." Arnprior's population about the same as last year. assessment totals $1,275,556. H. Cunningham, pieno tuner, 2] King street, Leave orders at Mc Auley's book store. Many in a will regrét to learn of the death of Mrs. Thomas Crosbie, of Regina, formerly of Perth. "McUonkey's sweets." Gibson's. On Tuesday, a bouncing baby hoy arrived at the home of P. D. Shorey, Waterdown, formerly of Newburgh. Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, 33 Lolborne street. . C. E. Hadden has purchased from His 'sister, Mrs, (Dr.) Philip, the Hogg and Lyttle seed house pro- perty in Picton. § Doiible cured process which admits of minute and multiplied inspection. Dairy School butter. E. C. Garbutt, Picton, has pur- 'hased the residence of Mrs. 0. B. Fralick, at the corner of King and Centre streets, "Bromo seltzer" at Gikson's.. Dr. Ronald Scott, son of Rev, A. 1, and Mrs. Scott, Perth, has been ippointed superinténdent 'of the western hospital in Montreal. "Mennens' {alcum."" Gibson's. Rev. G. M. Robp and his family xpect to leave Almonte in a couple sf weeks for Kansue, where he will have the oversight of a congregation. Penslar cold cream." 'Gibson's. The trustee board of the Bethany Methodist church, Bay Cireuit, has painted and put other repairs on their church to the extent of over $200. Postmaster A. A. Wright, Renfrew, leaves, on June 5th, for a month's holiday. He will' go to Okanagan Lake, in British Columbia, where his son-has a fine fruit farm, Strength to resist time in | pound of Dairy School butter. Mrs. J. L. P. Gordanier, Morven, intends going to Monteral this week to stay with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Montgomery, who has undergone a very eritical operation. Great sacrifice sale of jewellery, bracelets, rings, tie pints, euff buts toms, ete., absolutely half price. Dut ton's removal sale. The ladies of the Napanee Hes- pital aid will give an "At Home," May 28th, at the home of Mrs. F. F. Miller. Dr. Boyce, superintehdent of of the Kingston general hospital, will give a tal Mrs. J. Johnston announces the engagenient of her second eldest daughter, Ruth, to R. E. Milligan, only son of A. W. Milligan, Cehtre- ville. The wedding will, take place in the early autumn, "MeConkey's sweonts."" CH Mr. and Mrs. William ¥. Soper, Perth, Ontario, annotinces the en- gagement of their second daughter, Lillie May, to James Edward Moore, Toronto, the marriage to take place quietly the latter purt of June. "Sturdy long life Dairy School butter. Mrs. Henry Hutchinson, Welling- ton, died on May 14th, after a pro- longed 'illness. She wis a daughter of the late Daniel McFaul, dnd 'be: side her husband she leaves one son, Daniel Hutchinson, of is Prevost, Brock street, all his kpring and su Prouse's Drug Gibson's. is "4,052, The every Gibson's people eat »| his order clothing ready-made clothing} ishing department. g Rago with new Sela The Ontario Tat. has in- structed E. J. Zavitz;rprevineial for- ester, to make a thorough investiga- tion during the present summer as to the feasibility, cost, 'ete. of carry- ing out the project of reforesting the Bandbanks. "Kodak films." Gibson's. W. 8. Blakely has purchased the house owned by the late Thomas Waring, on the Bloomfield Road, and intends taking up his residence there., Mr, Blakely is an old Prince Edward boy, who has been a resident of Toronto for the past year or twoi Cin sini di St Wer press was due, and silk, { pr eet RKABLE SINKING OF TATAVAY Sr Edom <# on the C. P. R., near Baxter Sta- buckled # $hort "tihie before iin =| SA 1 Sleuth EARS Sul ak, wi ON _| Spectator. fon driving fh 'Edmonton, after Echo Tone Toke Echoes : : Echo Lake, May 31M. L. Gowdy was here on Sunday. Lorenzo Swit! gor tnade a trip to Colebrook this weel--~ Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs, James Emmery, William Veley, at J. Switzer's; Mrs. S. Vandewater at D. McCleod's; Miss Lily Hamilton at D. MeCleod's; Victor Kirkham at A. ders | WasRL'S; Mr. and Mis. W. A. Wagar at "Ashley Wagar's, Wagarville. L. is very badly needed here. Lyndhurst Locals Lytithurst, May 21 --<Farmers are all pretty Well Born fo Mr. dnd Mrs. Cliff Shefield, a sof.' Mrs. Toppin, of Delta, is the nurse. Mrs. R. G. Harvey cont nues very poorly. The Sunday school teachers gave a dinner on Thursday, 21st," to /the pupils.: There was a very good turnout. S. Rathewell is patching up the Latimer bridge, whith has 'cauSed so much trouble: Garfield Barman has'a new motor car, and sothas -Herbért Kirkland. Willfam Tate has accepted a position in the Torofito Bank at Lyndhurst. News From Selby. Selby, May 22.---Rev. Mr. Doun's attended the district meeting of the Methodist church at Yarker on Wed- nesday. The cheese factory Here is getting a good supply of milk, Miss Lucy Arnold is spending a few days with her sister at Newburgh. The ladies of St. JoHin's church held their guild meeting at the rectory on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. F. L. Amey Pteturned home on Sunday, af- ter spending a few days with her aunt, who was IIL R. U. Paul is improving his residefices. with a coat of paint. Master George Robinson returned home on Saturday from the tieneral hospital, Kingston, where he underwent an operation for appéndi- eitis. He is doing nicely. Miss Alina Wood is spending a few days at Switzerville. Miss Wilde is very low. Mr. and Mrs. F. Knapp, Napa- nee, were at E. T, Anderson's on Sunday. 7 Beech Corners Budget Beech Corners, May 21.----A bad fire has broken out near the settle- ment, but by the hard labour of the settlers, it is fairly under control. W. E. Mosher purchased a valuable horse recently. C. Killingbeck secur- ed a fine bdar on Wednesday. Edith Killingbeck has been ill for a few days, but is improved. Miss B. Stew- art and brother, Lewis, spent the week-end at their home at Folger. Rev. W. Hall conducted service on Wednesday night and had a fair at tendance., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stalk- er visited J. Lempkie Sunday last. A. Killingbeck and L. Kring at W. Killingbeck's; Henry York at J. W. Stalker's. Mrs. Edward Hawes vis- ited with Mrs. W. Killingbeck, Sehool is progressing with a goed at- tendance. Mr. Vannéss is at J. W. Stalker's. Rain is badly needed in this vicinity. A baby girl has come to brighten the heme of J. Thomp- son, ei. Portland Notes Portland, May 22.--The salmon fishitig is now on, and the Haldean tage of it. The Misses Donovan im- proved their house with a coat of paint. A great many people are tak+ ing advantage of the electric car on places, Mr. Hammond, station agent, is away on his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gallagher and son, of Kingston, have returned to their cot- tage for the summer. W. Haw has taken the contract of plastering Frederick Alford's house at Chaffey Locks. ' Mrs. Paymag went to Ches- terville on Friday to attend the fun- eral of her sister, Mrs. Merkley. H. Henderson {s improving his place by building a cement walk and plat- forin. Mrs. W. H. Bolton is spending a couple of weeks with Her daughter, Mrs. J. Lyons, of Rossland. Mr. and Mrs. W.'H. Murphy atténded the fun- terville. A Dog at the Telephone mile or se from the rectory, taking with her our little' brown cocker spaniel. When she left, she quite forgot the dog; and, as soon as our friends 'discovered him, they did all they could to make him leave, but with no avail. Some hours passed, and he was still thefe. So they tele- phoned to tet us know of his where- aboits, "Bring him to the tele- phone," said my sister. One of the boys held him, while another put the trumpet to the dog's ear. Then my sister witlatled, and called: 'Come home at ofc, Paddy." Immediately he wriggled out of tHe boy's arms, rushed to the 8bor, barking. to get out, and Ehortly afterward, arrived, panting at the rectory. Z1ondon 22 Yeéurs in Wilds Bronzed and "bearded like a pard" was the Rev. Fathér , Superior of St. I'nfore mifssion at" ort 'Shith a volutitary 'eXile 'of "twenty-two years among the Cree Indians living north of the sixtieth parallél of latitude. He is on the way to Nantes, France, where he will visit his parents, jour- neying thence to Rome for an audi- ence with Pope Piux X and return- ing to the Mackenzie river district early the coming September. -------------------- She Understood Knicker--Now do you understand why the man on second base couldn't get hone? Mrs. Knicker--Yes, I suppose he was detained at the office, "'Penslar foilet preparations." Gib- son's. Y : through the house when dry. Just thi 'packet of ILSON'S FLY PADS has i. HUTTON'S LIMITED, 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont Insurance and Real Estate Telephotie 703 ATE IR Mashing flies {s unsanitary and dangerous Because it siways leaves ihe disease germs to be distributed WILSONS FLY PADS kill both flies and qigense germs, and they kill al of ft! One ten-cent actually skilled a bushel of flies No other fly killer gives results at i y this. . 3 Notice PALACE Livery '84 te 38 Princess St. all app , All dp gilts and'grocers sell WIL, soa BES grocers sel Switzer lost a fine yearling colt. Rain thfough seeding. § Te a. Has re-opendd as a first-class livery, hack and boarding sta- R. & W. J. BOYD ble. Vehicles of all descrip- tions. Hacks and Automobiles "PHONE 535 Th Li j THE GAILLE PORTABLE ROW BOAT MOTOR Call and see it A. E. KNAPP, AGENT Boat Builder Boat Livery MH. F. PRIGE party were the first to take advan-{ the C.N.R. to visit Ottawa and other | eral of the late Mrs. Merkley, Ches, 3 One morning not long ago my sis- J ter went to see a friend who lived a | All Orders Filled For Milk, Cream, Butter and Ice Cream Price's Dairy, Office 277 Princess-St. Phone 845 Player Pianos If you contemplate getting a player-piano,-come and try our "Meister-touch'" New Scale Williams piano. S¢e how easy they are operated. We will take your piano in exchange and give you fair price and give you terms to suit your requirements. We carry a large variety of pianos and it will pay you to see our stock before buying. Columbia Grafonolas Largest variety of talking ma- chines in the city to select from. Then vou ean arrange to get a com- plete outfit at once at the cash pric- es, and pay on monthly or weekly terms to suit you Store open from 9 a.m. 7 pm. till 9 p.m, till 5 p.m. THE NEW SCALE WILLIAMS PIANO AGENCY 3. R. Cote, Manager, « + « ='« = « « 85 Montreal Street. Weddings Black or grey Llama coat, white or pearl gréy vest, stripe worsted trousers; up-to-date selection. Prices right. Fit guaranteed. A call solicited. TAILORS CR Princess and Bagot Sts. . Kingston, Ont. Ladies' Tailoring in connection. : nd "N