velopments ull over the northwest E are more promising and satisfactory |ff r y > than they have been for twenty years. A N Make Your Home Safe Against 108s by fire by covering it with insur- ance. It is the one protection that will not dail, the one source of ready ' A ! NCO ; Hence, the money RHahey Jas HAS BURST IN vA VER WITH an immense boon tp the Ameri- can and Canadian northwest, The [lll GOOD EFFECT. energies and savings of the whole Pome hee , ---- a TA a monéy when it is so badly wanted to ------ population have been turned into the |= =~ i ae ees ea WH webu]. Phone us _to come and de- Many, Are Now Land Poor and 'Will (most necessary of all channels- : gril termine hae sis policy Jou should Tum Farming, Putting Vacant ' food production. ; = carry. nit to-day. 0 morrow Land » Use, Property owners in the west, who may be too late. The full fects of the id-wid can carry their fand and real estate e full effects of world-wide | holdings, look to the future develop- . : : ; clal Jringeney and business de-|ments with the utmost confidence. . 3 : o IJ. K. CARROLL AGENCY pression have been felt in. Vancouver. | Men like J. J. Hjll and Sir Thomas > - In no city in the west was the real Shaughnessy, who found the great : a 5 Brock St. Phone 68 estate specialist so active, and In no|valleys of the Red River, the Mis- : J. Driver, Representative. city of the world did he so discount |souri, the Saskatchewan and the Col- , ¢ aay : the future. = The whole population |umbia part of the American desert wt Was engaged in traditg in town lots, [or wilderness and have helped to ; : » / 3nd Halian-ang Slax workuien vere|transtorm them into the richest and eA vilders' Se ust as eager to get rich buying Van-|most prosperous countries ever given s by oY " . Souvet hr estate as French or Brit-|to sons of men, cannot lose faith or . ¥ . y : * uilders Supplies " sh capl ts. confidence in the possibilities and : a eae " A : Trin: owas , , a Some got in on bed-rock, others |golden promise or the Loales and . : Bsr he Doors and Trim; guaranteed free from knots 'on the Histacle of the boom, some They know that west .of the Rocky : a. . and all defeets, : At who t on margin, unable to|mountains is a vast empire of bound- : JEN, >: : . ' od Brick-- ace brick Je i carry oul their contracts, have lost, |less wealth and resources, peopled by \ " Meaford Bi Joke A face b te k at stock price. but the vast majority are holding on, fa race of abounding energy, courage : -Z Meta a Salar trips 1g Sane in fuel. rrowing, stinting, economizing, to|and enlightenment. In wealth or : 4 " rdraulic acuum Cleaners--Dirt carrie meet their obligations and save ther soil, climate and mine California, y > bY : ydra acuy n ried to Jronenty. {he whole yorulation of |Orégon Washington, Idaho, Montana ' 2 > s sewer Fon ancouver-ls, consequently, property |and British Columbia excel all other . Wh LA - op poor, | y per cent. of the labor- [countries of the world. The stand- : s W RTE. J.R. Cc. DOBBS & co. ers yoiking for the city are property | ing timber in their forests is worth a-- he : | 41 Clarence Stree : Phone 819 own ; h owns a building lot {more than all the gold in coin or bars i oad or L#o, or even more, with a shack existing in all the world. # ora modest house. . ' Merchants, 'mechanics, lawyers, Problem for Statesmen . doctors, accountants, and even The two greac problems of the idan : 7 clergymen were in real estate and | statesmen of to-day lies in the pro- ; : : " Charles Leeder, are now pinching themselves to meet | viding of money enough and food . Architect and Builder taxes and interest and fhstalments. | enough for the abounding activities , - - In boom {imes there was plenty of 41a the teeming populations. The Estimates Promptly Furnished BUILDERS 1 iuoney for. theatres, candy, = cigars, richer the. world grows the bigger i suppers and trips to fashionable re-| tq appetites. Sixty years ago one Office Cor. Montreal and Princess Sts, Sorts, and new gowns and aulomo-| million tons of sugar. supplied the ; Ante. PORCH] . Over King Edward Theatre. Have You Tried biles were as plentiful as roses in whole world, now it is a necessity of " - May; but extravagance and high liv- ire Sixt re: ; mn ing. are out-of-date, economy is the J ITare ago all the peoples of the earth did not d a hun- ; M . YPSUM ALL PLASTE of the day, for every working dred millions a Sha fig a: Dining Room § KiTCHew : T homas Copley 6 W R? man and every merchant in Vancou- [yo the people of the United States 12% 14% ox2 ver needs all he can save or borrow : Telephone 987 It Baves Time. to meet -taxes and interest and in- pay a thousand millions a Jear for : . moke. Th - ' CH Co B 13 Pi treet wh Stalmeuts. Every now and then the ted States i VIL of the ot ! SE te iy done 1a the cATODe P Ww burden becomes too great and.equity : : . , 1) tery line. Estimates given on all kinds has to be realized on. but the: bar- is two thousand millions a Year ---- A yr of repairs and new work; also hard- even in lean years. The people of [ ale op oa J of all kinds. 'All orders 58-87 Barrack Wtrogy Bain hunters are at hand and the un- the United States in other words A will receive prompt attention, Shop, v3 successful real estate trader has to Ron ' R 60 Queen Street. begin all over. But very few have spend Hore oney oh Niguor a NOOK falled, or are likely to fail, and, as | ¢'5%'8 than all the peoples of Bur- 8x9 a consequence, there has been no ape spent oN their gigantic arma- : ments on land and sea. 3 Rains can' bocusionally be had, 'mui | The SUUDIY of milk, butter, beet, r fone Contractors; Attemion! not very tempting ones. There hag | WU0D, Wool and leather is rum- J1mN) H 9. wis, PHONE 1473 been no 'such Slump in land or in| MBE dangerously short--that is, the FLOOR, er z real estate values as in railroad se.| Production is running short of the ------ ee ---- curities, pr as in railroad earnings, | 9mand. The production of gold- - v Get Prices From M in Good Of building trades, or manufacturing | MUItiplied a hundredfold fn. a cen- : David Marshall oney mn or merchandise." The slump in| tUry--is running short. The activi- "> 4 . ; . . ' . avi business and railway traf through. tes and progress of the world have | I'he design here given is of an attractive type of suburban cottage with exterior {ff Plumbing, Gesfitor and . Real Estate 1s out the West is dus, above all things Ane te old RY. wo of stucco. The interior is admirably laid out and the living room with bay window con TU Wark fon and ra + economy, an - n si > « . . . x ou most rigorous penuriousness of the | WAS equally, with gold. a basis cr taming seat and fireplace is very homelike and artistically arranged. Dining room, [J] bie sates sunrnateed." = : Safe and St we whole property-owning population of | Currency as a fixed ratio. But the pantry and kitchen complete the first floor. the west, who have cut out all waste, | Wise ones degraded silver and put a : 101 Street : I agney nd Juparfuities to Souble iron - Solg. Jud vay : On the second floor are four bedrooms and bath. Both front bedrooms have bay Queen Street. Solid brick house on Sydenham es. hd : R------------ prove ---- short and the whole world has their | Windows and all rooms contiin closets. Cellar under whole house. A naan == 8 ht room a rate 4 banking and currency to help out a r h y . . % . . mA wind up estate $3400.00 . Some Into Farming short gold supply. The following items give the estimated cost of constructing: : Solid rick wungslow, seven Land and real estate speculation| These vast discoveries will lead to : : . as Tamer ny Sood collapsed more than two years ago, | the building of smelters, mills, pow- | Excavation $100 {Carpenter work ...... 425 Stairs 0|{ BEST OPPORTUNITY To Piao beet Meity, Clnss and those engak: n it have gone|er plants, towns and cities, but, it Po 5 # ; air heatine . E In on Al wt Into' farming and mining with the| above all they will give the additi. | Millwork 525 | Plumbing, ete... v .. 25 | Hot air heating TT wre neh a me un "water. furnace, ines ta amazing result that in the last two| onal gold supply for which it fa Painting and Glazing. 250 | Range 0 3 ht a rooms and bath, furnished In mis sity years the output of eggs, hogs and { hun, ering. ' Lumber 200 136 nbn rt on nlon, on first floor, iu mah Solid briek house on John street, poultry has trebled in Alberta and The immense agricultural, min- ' Brickwork 15 m he 5 Tencen, electric Habe mae. bot ar bby - Saskatchewan, as well as in the|ing and railway development now 200 | Hardware 90 I'otal Beating system, beautiful plans states of Montana, Idaho, Washing-| taking place in the Pacific Coast In ont nr od roa ton and Srefion. All uve the north-| States, as well as British Columbia lee le Panes House her be boven ao Fino ost a remendous mpulse as " on § other arrangements or given to fruit farming, Ra id ask: Ain ray uglied Chili, the Argentine and New Zea-| tern condition is, therefore, highly] of their mines and farms, and to-day SARY terma. Sardening and live stock production. | enables the floodtide of immigra- | 1and were nearer to the immigrants) (ptimistic. The collapse of the real| the whole of the northwestern sta. CHARLES LEEDER, Teal Hstate and Insrance, Lawyers, merchants, brokers, bank-| tion to reach these shores. The | of central Europe than British ¢state boom and the world-wide | tes and territories are 500 per cent. AROCHITEOT. ance. : ors and mechanics are talking about | growth of the Pacific coast countri- | Columbia, and the Panama Canal} :lortages of gold and currency turn- | better off than they were during | | 5 ner Montreal and Princess Sts. 177 WELLINGTON ST faney poultry, hogs, and alfalfa: and, | ss has been sadly hindered through | Will reverse all this. ed the energies of these northwes-| the boom days preceding the panic Over King Edward Theatre. ' 2 $ @s a consequence, agricultural de- the excessive cost of reaching them. Any just summary of northwes-! tern people to doubling the output' ef 1907, --- z EE ¥ -- - " ------ Just three intent looks meant that he [not opened. At noon it drizsled. The WOE or 99 Anything wat gape ides SWEARING WOMEN 4 nt--Elen vi -tdrizzle Increased to a cold, grim [mouthed, like a perfectly senseless --a-- : pv pie Elen ep - hatselt Hash downpour---not the spasmodic, fierce { porson, the man who had an office | Man's Excuse for Stopping Train on & reliable: t wating STOP SKIDDIN care that he had blushed. Of |and then slackening rain that gives across the corriddr, hustled her back English Railway freee, . course, he didn't care. It was pre- {promise of woaring itself out before [through the crowd, downstairs, and The Potteries stipendiary had o. ; Hadid bon It's Dangerous | posterous of her to think that he|the next day, hut that slow, Steady, |into a taxicab. something to say on the uses of rail- ic on tceaipt of price. t might have even been thinking of [solemn, drip-drip-drip that is good And there he explained that while hi communication chalus. duriie.- \ pamphlet. Address: © her when he eyed her with frowning {for seventy-two hours at the very|he was standing at the window to vas Nearing of 3 a THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TIRE CHAINS intontness. It was foolish of her to]least. But about four o'clock she | buy a ticket back to the farm he had which Apis Lunt a Hy ey JZ AT TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Winder.) -At the Elena looked disconsolately at her [care because he had grown discour-|forgot it was raining. He breezed |a perfectly clear vision of her in that Burslem, was summoned for making tes lar : . Dedraggled gown. In the morning it [aged after six months' keeping 8 |fn. "Well, I'm off, Bixley. Maybe frilly, Dluky, siinsy dress tying 1a) Sursion, was nmunication cord in a KINGSTON AUTO- bad heen a dainty, fresh pink affair. | law office open to hold law books and | Ell be back in a gear or so for an- get through thé rain-swept streets. North. Staffordshire train wiiont ' Now it was a rain-soused rag. Well, not much else. It didn't concern her jother try. "Maybe'---he laughed How did you know what elevat- reasonable cause. It appeared from MOBILE 00. She had no one to blame but herself. |at all because he stalked in gloomily | shortly--"I'll. grow to the. farm. ed station?" she began breathlessly. the évidence that the train on which Quen and Ba t Sts. Even though the man who has an |one night to tell his friend that he | Guess I'm not much: but a squash, knew & foug time ago." he suid, defendant was travelling was one of : office across the corridor is going to {guessed he'd have to throw it up and |anyway." thoughtfully. "Only when a chap |! amber of Special ES Yvon: the Phone 1170 leavé town that very night, not to|go back to the farm. "And it-isn't; - "Good-by," yawned Bixley. Elena can't make any headway, it's foolish 3 nam Be a a and upon en A 0 gome back, and you would like to|what you'd call 4 peach of a farm, { would not believe that a friend could { to suppose that he can support two iim -- Ne he found defendant ET id have him see you just once in the|either." he had grimly grinned. 1It|be s0 callous! "Drop me a card. people." att in a con artment with eleven other kind of clothes that you ought to|wis, of course. Elena's fancy that! Look me up if you happen to come| "I don't mind," said 'Elena quick- Rl pal Bis encuse for pale Wear, you have no business to take |his eyes flickered the least angle to«|back. Rotten weather, isn't it? 1 : I mean--how 1 am supported. poop a at thar ee acu. ns ; y - - the money that you have spent five | ward the typewriter at which .shej "Good-by," said the man to Elena, |I could be happy on very little. You swearing at cach other. Mr. Mar a h% about » fence this spring. We months saving for a sensible worka- | was elieking. 3 very carelessly. There was no reason |~ I suppose to-morrow you will go SW a EX he ar war ive» rea' variety and cheapest day dress and invest it in-a far from | A week later he had called across | of course, for saying it carefully. [back to the farm? , : o al, jo vitor for t © Sy Pp any, i King et. Went. Phones 350 & 1105 J Zba j sensible partyfied Bown that the rain {the corridor to her employer that he "Good-by," smiled Elena. She The w Jpn grinned foolishly. ey Sua Tas an abeul Teas0 orous PARTRIDGE & SONS. r will turn to tissue paper. was leaving Thursday evening. Might [was glad she had spent the morey | Can't." he said biithely. "After 1{he contende ag 4 8! 3 x dow yy for the dress--she didn't care if she [Day this taxicab's pilot's charge 1|thing to stop a train at holiday time, |= a ent ay or of he fadut the th is had to skimp six months moré to get won't have enough left for my ticket. ¥hen SO many apetials were rURBinE ¢ * New Ico Cream Parlor. Drop "dressed UP." The man who had the | didn't sey cach other again. It was|the sensible one she needed. I don't mind, though. And he put |The stipendiary laid it down + a he in and take some of our ice. office across. the corridor never had | that day that Elena took her money He swung out, tall erect shoulder-| his arm around Elena. It was the [communication cord was at nEonly cream home with you. We use Riven any indication that it concern- saved for 'a strietly utilitarian and ed, not once looking back. After- pink: dress, Be explained steruly. lio be resorted do ~ a £ bin od nothing Pr Re -- ©d him whether the slim, pale cheek- | needed dress and flung it away on a |ward the rain came down harder and | "If you had Yeen wearing a sensible | emergency and not wi en er : : ° PY ® oie ruits and Candies of © od little stenographer in his friend's | frilly thing. And this being Thurs. |graver and older. She shivered in Sloth affalr--which I will 'see that|a squabble go ry ET LN alt kinds. office wore gunny sicking or one of |day, she wore it--defying weather |the entrance of the:big office build-|You do wear in the future--1 would camel. A fine of forty : Salome's veils, Unless you thought | signs. ing a long minute before plunging |not have felt obliged to hurry back |€Osts was imposed. : 0 that three--or was it four?--but ao, The morning was gray. And the ate He flood. She hag an od 10 50u. glad 1 wore it." said Elota or alla, course, bu wa - ' % a * CRIMEA NUN . that fourth Was too flitting-- | office door across the corridor was urelia, "" a skirt. Anyway, It didn't | foolishly. * "And I'm glad ft rained LAST OF CRIMEA NUNS ~for 15 years-- difference (hen. whether! 'So &m 1" said the man from |.. W. N Iv Co nf make any were spoiled pi not. She Across the corridor. "If I can't make Lote At, Geutye in; The Standard Skin Remedy € ous, n on : bent her heal and pushed her way |! 80 here after another sally--only : ASK MAALBALLLAAALLASALLLLAAMS 280 Princess Street :-|1 will--would you mind the farm?" Mother St. George, the last of the ' . Zl After Baby's Birth qi; in rent retin = © {Band of uae who ait" such uobl| Gen. W. Mahood, Drugist, Kingwin. | § Now is the Time to : . ing work wit ss Nightinga : y rained upon and cross 'and tired in nursin ines. Ra To at} ; : E + y interred r rer a ai -- Boor om 2pm | HE ONLY. MEDICINE i the krounis of the convent of the Get. Your Spring Foot. Tried Tonics and Doctor's Medicine in Vain, and Found The ink crispness of 'the morn-] 'FOR TEETHING BABIES Faithtl Virgin at Upper Norwood, YOU CAN HAVE A WEALTH wear at the Right Place. in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food the Means of Resto © {ing was dripping when she crowded = 0 ) | : 4 x 3s The procession from the church to. wearily up the "L" steps, stood in - Health and Vigor. the graveside was composed of the aa TT ------ a weary line to give her nickel, bass- | . Mrs. Alcide Charland. Ste. Sophie & convent girls, nuns, priests, a n- ; $4 wearily (through the turnstile. and | de Levrard, Que., writes : "I am well eral oi sy The little pe st fi The womanly system calls for an jonto, 'Ont.. writes:--'T was in a|then out to a wet crowded platform satisfied with - Baby's Own Tablets [girls dressed in dark blue with white ty INE equuls an Buresle of easily Try our store for your abundant. supply of rich, red blood. | Weak, nervous condition ever since [to walt for a train that was too fill- | which [used for my little one during | hats, led the way through the charm- | Without a background of nice hair a | § wants of Boots and As related | etter, many a [the birth of my baby. After irring ed when it reached the station tole teething period. 1 kvow of - no ing avenue of trees to an orchard. |Toally pretty face/frequently becomes Sh £ ing. Y, woman fin the birth of a all kinds of tonics and doctor's -jadmit a tenth of the waiters who| ther niediciie to equal them." Mrs. |Then the procession, which included plain and. with N Autuaive fea- oes for spring. : Lou child, that her is entirely run icine, 1 got a box of Dr. Chase's rushed at it. She didn't even try to| (harland's testimony is that of thou a cross-bearer and acolytes, passed ery, Woman can increase her natu- will find y down, and for lack of red blood she {Nerve Food, which did me so mueb get on. What was the use? She |eundg of ; smothers. .:0nce the |heneath the rich , apple-blossom, erpiiae akong Newbros Herpicide with us that vou wi > pable to n strength and to|S00d that I continued the treatment. | shivered from the cold. She could Tablets are used a mothe? will give children, nuns and priests walking |dandra germ maps the Vitality of the J Uhahe yekal rishment to her |It did wonders for me. Now when I |bave laughed in very mockery of her-| no other medicine to ber little ones. slowly and chanting, now mournful- | hair. Herpicide applied intelligently get better va.ue for proper jcommence to feel tired and irritable, | self and the sorry spectacle she made. The Tablets are: teed 10 be ab- |1y, now joyously. and regularly checks the destr tion 00 y 1 again resort to Nerve Food, which [All tor nothing. For a man who solutely safe and are uot only good | Th Jair life and prevents the hair from | ¢* your ney works like a charm." ? oo else ri {fal y ing i d . : dido't even remember that so in-| during the teething period but cure "Mother Mary of Bt. Beorge TE soy ky Su mness while can be we: where in the city. Give The sales of Dr. Chase's .lerve | Significant a person was om earth, constipation, ecplie, colds and simple ces Jane Pursell), thirty-four years bro's Hermmndy ok: 50¢ and $1.00 us a trial and be con- Food are increasing enormously as|and who likely would have smiled feverg--in fact' they cure all the minor Superior of our House at . | #lzen is gusramted "to do all that is ? people are learning of 'its peculiar {no grinved--in great amusement had | iily of litle ones. They ara sold by {Died April 14, 1914, aged eighyty- | Smimed. If vou are not saushed your | 4 vineced. [effectiveness as a means of forming |any oue told uim she was 50 idiotic | medicine dealry or by mail at 5. | seven years. A Nleaoms. ae ied. buted at: the ing Inew. rich blood and building og the [iy toolish M tons dissunioit a box from . the Dr. Williams' Medi + barber shops and hair dressing nervous system. Working as it does| * ew it." some one USLedLY | cine Cg.. Brockville. Ont. s ; B. hand Jn hand with nature, the cures|said inher ear. "You look justae J| °° O° ville, A woman says that the nj 1% B iMeleod, Special Agent. it makes are both thorough and last- [thought you'd look. Didn't you \ ] man studies the curbes of ee fers know that it would to-day}; 2 ; the closer.hé is apt to imitate them Schoolboys say there are too many y Lim} To Te 's get out of this--"_ And| Yost of the vd Jou ently a ald Cra or Bn aa, in Aa : Fr in homered fu. the ently Taw . Mlowy She oud 'to Jug ¥.