Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 May 1914, p. 8

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To Mothers ! We plac on sale Sturday Morning, Mey rs 250 Children's Wash Suits Fit boys from 4 to 10 years Priced From $1.50 to $3.75 Per Suit | | See omr showing of wash blouses, plain and fane colors, 50e, 75¢; $1.00 'No Wash Goods Sent On Approval LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A Little Out of the Way But It Will Pay You to Walk i | . The Newest Novelties From New York City | i | v . ) SALE - SATURDAY Suits, Coats, Dresses Raincoats The old ery, make room for sponsible for this offering. being less than the pri per feet and absolute and manner. summer goods, is re- Every offering besides 'e of production, is seasonae ly reliable in every way, shape 27 Ladies' Spring Suits, silk and selling regular $18.00 to £37 satin lined goods, D0), Saturday $7.98 rt Coats and Long Tweed Coats. Regular $16 18, #20. Saturday $4.98 . 19 Silk and Serge Dresses fur afternoon and street wear. Regular $18.00 to £35.00. : Saturday $7.98 17 Long Black Silk Coats, Taffeta. Surly iid Satin Coats, sold regular £18.00 to $27.00. Saturday $6.98 best quality of ar price £15.00 Saturday $6.98 y regular selling £4.00 and Saturday $2.19 ammouncement, this verything here men- 21 34 Gaberdine Raincoats; this is the Ladies' Raincoats made. Regul and $18.00, : 18 Children's Raincoats £5.98, . Remember, all who read this | Store stands at the back pf o tioned. . See them in the wine ina minute than s 3 tow--it will tell you more a newspaper would in an hour. OF THE LATE PROF. ALEXAN. DER K. KIRKPATRICH SService In St. George's Cathedral dev. W, C. Bourne and Rev. T. W, Savary, Oficiated -- The Floral Tributes, All that was mortal of the late "Prof. Alexandar K. Kirkpatrick was {laid to rest in Cataraqui cemetery on " Friday morning. The body was con- veyed at 10.30 o'clock to St. George's cathedral whee the burial service + was held. Rev. C.W. Bourne,and Rev. [a W. Savary, of St. James church, officiated. The Bishop of Kings- ton also in the chancel. i There was a large con- gregation present for the service, and a large cortege of citizens fol- lowed the remains. The pallbear- "ers were Lieut.-Col. H. A. Panet, yCapt. J. B. Cochrane, Prof. Alexan- was --der Macphail, Hugh C. Nickle, C. R. "Coutlee, Ottawa, and A. T. MacKie, Sackville, N. B. ; . t In the cortege were: members of the science, medical arts and theo- logical stalfs of Queen's; the staff adjutant and members of the staff 'of the Royal Military college; the "mayor and members of the Ciiy Council and city officials, - The floral tributes were numerous fand included the following: Spray, Reading club; wreath, School of "Mining; spray, Arthur Craig: wreath, W. F. and Hugh Nickle; spray, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Panet; anchor, K. F. snd C. Electric railway company; wreath, commandant, staff and cadets of the Royal Military col lege; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Newman; { Cross, family; spray, Mrs. Norton- Taylor, and Miss Norton Taylor; j wreath; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Calvin: spray, Miss Rogers: wreath, trustees and stall of Queen's and governors and staff of School of Mining: 'wreath, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. E. F. Wurtel, Quebec; spray, Stewart M. | Robertson; cross, Dr. and Mrs. Jack 'son; broken celumn, Mr. and Mrs 'J. W. Power. { Emblem, ancient St. John lodge; 'wreath, "Mr. ond Mrs. Campbell Strange, and John Strange; sprays, Mrs. Hubbell and Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Tothill, Capt. and Mrs. Constantine: V. Meickle, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Car- ruthers, Mr, and Mrs. 8. F. Kirkpat- rick, My's. R. W: Garrett, Miss Phyl lis Shoftt. ! Cross,. the Misses Macpherson: wreath, Misses Charlie Shortt, Mar- Jjorie Brownfield and Doonie Carruth- ers; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm, Dr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Mr and Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, W. K. and Miss Kirkpatrick, Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Calvin, Miss Duprey, Dr. and Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. O'Hara and Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Whyte. Wreaths, St. Thomas graduates and undergraduates of the-School of Mining, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mac- phail, O'Brien, Doherty & Co., Cape Tormentine, N. B. Spray, Francie Strange: Miss Mac- aulay; cross, Mr. und Mrs. McPar- land; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens, Principal Gordon and Mise W. Gordon, Kingston branch of the Royal Military College club of Can ada; Mrs. Jean Paddon, Dr. and Mrs R. W. Dupuis. * Wreaths, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Car ruthers, engineering staff of Cape Tormentine can ferry terminals: anchor, sub-contractors, Cape Tor- mentine, N. B. Wreath, Mr. and Mrs, H. B. R. Craig; spray, Miss Whitehead, 'spray, Col. and Mrs. MacDougall; spray, Mrs. Hanson. Telagrams of sympathy were receiv ed from F. B. Fripp, Moncton, N.B.; Lindsay Malcolm, Oakville; F. B. Brady, Moncton, M.P., Ottawa; FE. B. R. Craig, Wind. | sor! Mrs. Coutlee, Ottawa; Serator "and Mrs. Frost, Smith's Falls; Proi pW. L. Goodwin, Mines Centre, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. _T. Weller, St. Cathar nes. -- © STOCK MARKETS P, B®, McCurdy & Co., 86 and ® Brock St.--I1. WW, Nellis. Manage: 2.45 p.m., May 22nd, X Montreal, Canners RE adeiiaet Seearrinar Rok OO ...... Toronto Railway Brazilian ... Textile ....... ..... Shawinigan ...... Beteoit i, i tmn-- New York 44) Coppers ....... Smelters SPR. United. States © Soo 77 New Haven Railway Southern Pacific ....... v Qotson May ...... ee "Kodak films. Fifty men 'were laid off by the pav- ing ' contractors because 'the excava- tions on ' Princess street, above » Ba- got are not ready. Frederick Heakes, formerly To ronto, a charter member of the Queen's Own Rifles, died at Mobile, Ala. "MeConkey's sweets." Gibson's. - Princess Ludwig flew across the Eng lish. ca + i6 a biplane to keep her sovial engagement in Paris. The Good Roads of Mrs. N.B; W. F. Nickle." WILL ARRIVE IN KINGSTON At ' 8 P.M. ON JUNE 28ND. Arrangements for the wisit hers on June 9nd of his royal highness the Duke of Con- naught, the Duchess of Connaught, and Princess Patricia will be ma o at a meeting of the civic Finance Com. mittee to-night. . Word has been recaived TAT the Vice-regal party will arrive in King- ston via the Grand Trunk railway, at 3 p.m, on Tuesday, June 2nd, and will leave at 5 pm. for the Roy- al Military C , Where the party will be "entertained, Their royal hignnesses will be accompanied by the following: - Miss Yorke, lady-in-waiting to her royal highness the duchess; Hon. K. Villiers, lady-in-waiting to her royal highness the Princess Patricia; Lieut. Col. F. Farquhar, D.S.08, governor- general's secretary; Capt. Hon. (3. Boscawen, A.D.C.; Capt. A. Graham, A.D.C.; Najor Sir Edward Worthing- ton, M.V.0.;, and Arthur F. Sladen, private secretary to his royal high- ness. . This visit will mark the fifth of the Duke of Conbaught to Kingston since he took 'over his office. The last time hg was here he was wender- ed an official welcome by the City Council and was given an honorary degree at Queen's university. He has visited the Roytal Military College twice. The other occasion, when he was here was when he and the prin- cesy made 'the trip from here down among the islands. The party will go from Kingston to Brockville, where they 'will spend the king's birthday. ACCIDENT AT PERTH ROAD Joseph Orr, of Sydenham, In a Criti. "eal Condition. A bad accident happened on Thurs- day morning to a resident of Syden- ham, Joseph Orr, who had driven ro Perth Road station, by his horse running away and throwing him heavily against a fence, cutting his head severely and also fracturing his "skull. The party in quéstion is a man of about sixty years of age He was in the act of giving his horse | a drink. 'The bridle being on th. horse, it refused to take water, anc Mr. Orr thinking that he would ac: kind to the animal. 'removed the bridle so it eould«drink freely, For his kindness the horse repaid him by starting to run away. Of course Mr. Orr tried to hol on 'to the ani- mal which threw him against the fence where a sharp rock penetrated his skull. H~ was knocked uncon- scious, and laid there for some little time before his predicament was no- ticed. Dr. Freeman was soon sum- moned, and dressed the wounds of the injured man, who was later tak- en to . ¢ at Bydenham in an automobile. On Friday Mr. Orr was in a eritical condition, KINGSTON REAL ESTATE i. A. Bateman reports the sale of the Milligan estate, on Division street, to T. F. Harrison; the sale of twentyv- six lots on Smith street to various buyers; Capt. LaRush's house and lot on BeWerly street to Prof. Fallis, of Queen's; the purchase df a house on Batrick street from James Howes. H. S. Crumley reports that the num- ber of lots in the city are scarcer. Some people are boarding. rather than pay he higher rents. 'There is a scarcity of houses that rent below $20 a month, but a great number of the higher-priced houses are vacant. AMPLE WARNING GIVEN That Canada Does Not Want Hind Settlers. London, May 22.--Apropos of the trouble threatened over the landing of the Hindu immigrants from the Pacific coast to-night, the Pall Mall 'iazette remarks : "The yellow races are not wanted and cannot, he introduced without endangering the white settler's liveli- hood. If Canada has taken forcible measures to defend her shores it must be remembered she has given ample warning." : Send Them Outside. The Board of Trade has been put to considerable expense in printing maps on envelopes for business men to be nt out of the city as an advertise ment. It is noticed ' that the enve- lopes have been used for correspon- dence in the city. This means a loss to the hoard, and the request is afade tht the envelopes only be used for outside correspondence, Is Doing Well. - Mr. McDonald, of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., who was driving the automobile which tidied turtle with a party of Kingstonians, Fuesday afternoon, is doing fine. Word was received in the "HY from him on Friday morning. He has left the hospital'. Tt was at first feared that his atm had been broken, but luckily this was oot the case. "Kodak films." Gibson's. Brantiord schools are to have a dental clinie; Dr. T. W, Landymote, Mount Forest, being appointed to take 'harge on September Ist. "Koduk films." Gibson's. An carly eleetion was announced by Hon. Dr. 1, 0. Reaume at the organ- zation meeting' of the new Windsor 'ouservative Association. Oro Creamery Butter in everybody's mouth. Capt. Hugh MoCullough has been ap- ointed registrar for West Northum- herland, to succeed F. W. Field, ro 4 f i "Peaslar shampeo." Gibson's. 8. W. Gilroy téeeived word that ha as been" appointed postmaster of Smith's Falls. I Mennéi" talewn™ at Gibson's. Seventeen, employment is were i iff 'the 'foronto polit® court for violations of the law, vey Re for the programme 1 Happenings in City and Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to "McConkey's sweets." Gibson's, : h limes at Ca 's, o¥iaston Planos tor rent. 4. Come to the great jewellery sale at Dutton's. : H. C. Campbeil, of 'Rochester, NX, was in Kingston on Friday. Strength to resist' time in Pound of Dairy School butter. wa s saith. Gibson's. am Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McApjoy's. "Phone 564. Allan Vipond, of Morrisnury, came to Kingston, on Thursday evening, te spend a few days, "Bromo seltzer" at Gibson's. The members of the fire depart- ment are very grateful to the Davis Tannery company for a donation of cigars. Why so many eat School butter, Quality. first. '. The schooner Abbie 1. Antrews arrived at Crawford's wharf with coal on Friday. H. Cunningnam, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me- Auley's book store. 4 A solid brick residence is being constructed on the north side of Princess street at the corner of Al- bert for James Boyd. Great sacrifice sale: of jewellery, bracelets, rings, tie pins, cuff but- tons, etc., absolutely half price. Dut- ten's removal sale. ; The Perfh Road lead mines have again resumed work and on Thurs- day the employees of the, North aluerican Smelting company were put to work pumping out the mine. Penglar cold cream." Gibson's. The Ci 0. C. F. Council, No. 121, which a short time ago: held a eon- cert, and with the proceeds provided a child's cot for the General Hospital, expect to have the same delivered in the course of a few days. : Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. Terms moderate. Misg A. Keys, 33 Colborne street. And still the - abuse goes on, th | Carleton Place Canadian saying "W, 1 F. Nickle, M.P., fopKingston, has { made himself out a small sized man on" his recent gallery play in the dominion houses." Cotton nightgowns, 50¢. Datton's. {« "Penslar toilet preparations. Gib {son's. 3 At the opening of a new lodge at Carleton Place, the pal speaker was Thomas Bérney, of Kingston, P.G.M. of Ontario East, who gave an interesting and instruc sive talk on Orangeism. Great sale, print blouses; §0c. Dut- ton's. ~ Frederick W. Shibley, of New York city, was in the city Friday on his way to Sharbot Lake, where he has a summer cottage. Mr. Shib- ly is a banker in New Yark, and is one of the liquidators of Rumley and Co. "McConkey's sweets." = Gibson's. Foley and Gleeson, contractors, who are laying the new pavement on King and Princess street commenceq {the work of laying the concrete foun- dation for the street railroad track \on King street on Friday morning. Double cured process which admits Phone overy Dai ry 3 Orange prinei- Dairy School butter. James P. Delph called at the Whig office on Friday afternoon to enter a vigorous protest over. ihe engaging of foreign labor by the Ottawa paving contractors. He calls upon the City Council to See that taxpayers are given the preferanee, "Buy Mennens' " talcum at Gib: son 8s. James Oliver Curwood, whose new novel, "God's Country--and the Wo- man," began in the June Red Book magazine is real authority on the north. He Das made several trips ment, and in addition has lead sever- al exploring expeditions into the un- known country of British Columbia, and the Hudson's Bay Territory. "McConkey's sweets." Gibson's. Edwin Baler, who became fam- ous as a result of his story "Via Wireless," contributes to the June Red Book magazine a short story 'With one of the most powerful thoughts behind it which has been put into fietion. It deals with a young attorney who gets free a mur- derer he knows to he guilty. Through a series of circumstances, the liber- ated murderer gains employment as chauffeur for the girl to whom the attorney is encaged. A tense situ- ation results. of {. Messrs. Ryan and Guylette, 3 city Montreal, passed through the Friday on their motorcycles. { Northern Spy* apples, Carnoviky's. i ' of minute and multiplied inspection. | of research for the Canadian govern- || SRR LL | 600 Pairs Ladies' Black Lisl | One of the Best Hosiery, Bargains of the year will be offered to-morrow, com- mencing at 9 a.m., and lasting all day. | Thread Stockings A most comfértithle summet stocking, dou- ble thread sole 'and properly shaped leg, a make usually sold at 3 pairs for $1.00. Yours To-morrow 25c, 360 Pairs Sample Silk _ Stockings: In Black, White, Pink, Blue, Grey, Tan, Helio, and other shades. All the $1.50 makes for | All the $1.25 makes for | All the $1.00 makes for { +All the 75¢ makes for 400 Pairs Men's Fine Black Cashmere Sox Seamless feet, good quality pure wool cash- mere, right weight for summer. These are excellent value for 25¢ pair. Yours To-morrow 18¢ Pair or | 2 Pairs for 35¢. i ' Stockings For All the Family AT PRICES T Men's Calf Ocfords $4.00 & $500 ~~ Hartt, Slater and Other and 64, Tan, Makes, All Sizes 5% 6 Gun Metal and Patent ~~ aturday $2.00

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