Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 May 1914, p. 3

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Evans, 1b; the government intention to introduce tl The bankers of the city clearly dem- anmrated last evening at the cricket field that they could "produce a bat | ter baseball team than the club when they defeated the team by a score of 16 to 13. "Jog" Daley, who umpired, bad hiss hands full as the players made no secret ! of disputing his decisions. , Edgar : took Hanamajord's place in the third, Steacy, for the yacht club, took Bur- ton's place im the third. The line-up was : Bankers--Duncan, p.; Bongard, ¢.; a Wilkinson, i Briden, 8.8; nnalord, 3b: - odgins, h -G; Copley, r.I.; Flynn, Li. K.¥.C~Campion, ¢.; S. Driver, p.; 2 wi © 'ondon, ~in Ca i bill = in Nore aing b unable date of such introduc- Lord Robert Cecil asked why the amending bill should be introduced in the lords, but the premier declined to ro Neither would he satisfy cur- ing the bill's terms. aber pressed to state the josity G. D. minister on the point. house know somethi before they par wi home rule bill 7 he asked. Bonar Law also pursued the mat- ter, saying the. prime mimster had suggested that something would be revealed of the amending bill in the debate on home, rule. Did: he, then, propose to open the debate? "No, Ido not propose to do so," was the prime minister's curt ans- v A NEW PETITION IS ADDED FOR x a Changes Are Not Drastic--Litany; to Be Shortened and Many New Prayers ire Added. The first statement on the propos- als for the revision of the prayer book, which the bishop of Kingstgn was requested to prepare by the spec- ial revision committee, shows that the "eminent'y conservative" revis- ion which was forecasted leaves very few marks 'oon the old forms of morning and evening prayer. In addition to the present rubric another been added sanctioning the shortgning of the service by the omiseion 'of the venite (in morning prayer), of one or more psalms, of One lesson, of one canticle as ap pointed, of the lesser litany and the Lord's prayer after the creed, and of the prayers following the third col chapge of even a single word{ 'was made by the revision committee without a two-thirds guajority, ang they acted with wu on matters. Sead : The present prayer book, as used now in England and Canada, and the colonies, was last revised in 1652, in the reign of Charles II., the first prayer book being compiled about one hundred years previously. For the Irish ehurch and in the American church, the prayer book was revised fo meet conditions in these, but Canada has hitherto fol- lowed the English use, and attempted no revision. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. ~ Cement Floor to be Imid in New Armouries Gananoque, May 22._The cement floor in the new armoury which was badly warped by the frost during the. past winter is to be taken out and a suitable floor laid. ' Tenders re Local thunder storms. Satur- day, 3 westerly wi . and cooler fair ; | Good To-morrow G. Driver, 1b. Robertson, 2b.; Mun- dell, 8.5; Minges, 3b; McGowan, Li; Birkett, e.f.; Burton, r.f. Score by innings : Vn - 3624 1-16 «3323 2-13 Sunday, School Baseball The Sunday School Amateur Ath-' letic association baseball series will open on Friday evening, May 29th; when Cooke's and St. George's will be matched. At the meeting of the! representatives held on Thursday evening in the Y M. C. A. building entries were received from four junior teams namely: St: George's, Cooke's, St. Paul's and Sydenham. | It was decided to play the games on Tuesday and Friday of each week. The games are called ~ for 6.20 o'clock. Any-téams which fail to mike an appearance by 6.30 o'clock must forfeit the game. This rule was decided upon so the gam will be completed before the ars. ness comes. A number of umpires 'Were appointed to handle the gam- es. wer. : | HRI OW OF RIFLES Fermanagh Volunteers Mobilize and Fool the Police Belfast, May 22.--The Fermanagh volunteers successfully run hun- dreds of rifles in various cefitres in the early hours of Thursday morn- ing. a The volunteers held various points till 'fifty motors distributed the rifi- lect, except the prayer of St. Chrysos tom and the grace. The following combinations of ser vices are permitted: (1) Morning prayer and holy communion. '¢2) Morning or evening prayer and lit any. (3) Litany and holy commun ion. (4) morning prayer, litan: and holy cominunion. : Many new opening sentences have been added to the order of morning prayer, and now special anthems ar suggested for use on holy days. The following rubrie is inserted after the apostles creed} : Note that the words in the creed "He descended into hell" are eonsid ered as words of the same mearins as 'He went into the place of de parted spirits." Two new prayers are added alte: have been made for the ry work. The repairs to the town park building are beginning to show up quite favorably. Outside of the outside and inside painting and a few other minor repairs they have just about gompleted. Cinder paths have been made throughout, and their new shrubbery and ornamen- tal trees and vines have been set out. Cambria Lodge, No. 127, 8.0.E.B. S., will attend divine worship in St. Andrew's church on Sunday moin- ing. Canton Gananoque, No. 12 Patri- archs Militant will be hosts to their friends at an "At-Home in Turner's assembly hall on Tuesday évening next, The Thousand Island Motor lea- gue is holding a meeting this after- noon to arrange for a club run to Jones! Falls on Monday next, Vic- toria day. '4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawson, Hali- fax, are visiting relatives in town. F. R. Tomkins, Vanderbilt, Mich., has returned to locate in Gauanoque Mr. Tomkins was for a number of years on 'che staff of the Gananoque tered into the "Giver of all spiritual | Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Henry = A. gifts," and "'clérgy"" is substituted | Smith are spending some time in} commanding the troops because he for "curates." : Fieton uid Other Joiis 1 Prints "unlawfully" published a verdict and | The changes made in the order vy ard county. BE Peteh, depositions with regard to a certain | fOr morning prayer were adopted Main strael; returned Jrom a short man who had been decapitated. {also for evening prayer in the.place: | Visit with relatives in Montreal. He was threatened with the most [in Which the two orders are identi Miss Abernethy, of St. Johnsbury, severe penalities unless he disclosed {cal Vi, is the guest of her sister, Miss series at the cricket field. Com- the name of the reporter who "supplied | Alice Abernethy. Mrs. D. J. Reid mencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp, Sa- the details, and on, refusing stubborn ! : and daughter, Miss Florence Reid, polios and Regiopolis will meet for i+ on the yround that professional | Retain Creed: have loft for Paris, for a viglt with the first time. etiquette demanded that he should pro- | The Athanasian creed to be retain the formers daughter, Mrs. H. A. The senior game between tect his subordinates, he was ordered | -12€ b BRISA t : te elain- | Crooks. Mrs. (Dr.) White, of New as and Ponies at 3 o'clock beaten with bamboos. {ed in the prayer DOOR In Its present) york City, summoned here by the to be "some Alter frightful suffering, still refus- {Place exactly as it stands Without | jegth of her brother, the late Wil- ing to speak, the editor died under |21¥ alteration in text or rubrie;-but | iam 'C. McLellan, First street, is torture. {that a liturgical version omitting spending a short time with ker par- jverses 1, 2, 28 and the last verse, ents. . a {be printed immediately after the Sparrow Pest in England : % pa & creed as it now stands. This means In certain country places, especial- fy). ¢ permission is given to use the ly pear towns, a new source of food | 1; rgical version where preferred in-|.. is being explointed. At one Stock | stead of the creed as it now stands yard after another you may see vil- This recommendation amounts to lage laborers stretching foldnets for little since the creed has largely fall- sparrows, and the birds are being] en into disuse en account of its ar- caught simply for food. They keeD | cnajc nature. In many places it is down the butcher's bill. already to all intents and purposes The number of sparrows is NOW | obsalete. Many of the clergy have immense, probably greater than itl... conscientious objections' to ever has been. The regular winterlyi.i are known as the "damnatory population - of one small stockyard clauses" in the creed. : near London is estimated by the far- A new rubric is placed before the mer at over 2,000. These 2,000 ji... directing that when the litany mouths he fills largely with his|i hot used as a separate service, the grain. The sparrows have complete- minister may, at his discretion, omit ly driven away almost all other all that followeth the Lord's prayer, varieties of bird except a few finches. except the prayer of St. Chrysostom he sparrow is said by the trap- and the grace. pers to make an excellent stew, or The words "from pie, of soup. It is a clean feeder, are inserted after subsisting all the year, except for a!,ng tempest." = { month in the spring, on grain, and it The following is substituted for takes from the farmer an enormous the petition for the lords of the coun- toll. Considering the enormous cil, ete.: "That it may please Thee population of sparrows, it is not sup-| to endue the governar-general of this prising that this source of food 1s|qominions and the lieutenant-gover- being tapped.--Londgn Globe. nor of this provnce, with grace, wis dom and understanding." Then follows a new petition: "That it may please Thee to bless the par liaments of the empire, and to direc: their consultations to the honor o! Thy name anil the welfare of Thy people." . After the petition for the magis trates The following new petition is inserted: "That it may please Thee to bless<and protect all who serve 10 doz. fine house dresses, regular $1.50/t0 $1.75, To-morrow 98c. 5 doz. only New York waists, especially good values at $1.50, Mare satisfactory cannot be made man ured in our laboratory We 'can always recommend them. because we know their composition and medicinal value, no rn a ~ WE GUARANTEE THEM to be free from injurious drugs The, Je éflicient in alf cases, pid remedies than- those 1 es. The police were too late. They attempted to enter a private place where rifles had been, and the vol- unteers- ordered them off the premi- ses, and chey had to go, : The police spenti-the remainder of to-day holding up all kinds of mot-| ors. | the prayer for the royal family, onc The Enniskillen police seized a being for the governor-general of thi heavy-ladest Wotor, confident it wag dominion of Canada, and the lieuten carrying rifles, but found only meat. ant-governors of the provinces, an {the other incorporating petitions fe | the royal family from' the king down wards, the governor-generals, lien tenant-governors and the legisla tures. In the prayer for the clerg: and the peonle, the phrase, "Whe alone workest great marvels," is al To-morrow 98c. 9 smart New York suits, regular $22.50 to $60.00. To-morrow Half Price 10 doz. fine cotton lisle vests, a regular 20¢ quality.- To-morrow 13c Or 2 for 25e. CHOOSE TO-MORROW : for yourself one of our hovelty sun-shades." A large assortment of the very latest dictates of fashion to be had at remarkably low prices. The © increase In sales proves their value. We gladly Tenia the money when they fail to give full satisfaction. Try a bottle of Dr. Hickey's Speedy Gure to-day for that spring cough, 25¢. At Best's The Satistactory Drug Store. a, EDITOR DIED A HERO | Refused to Disclose Name -- Beaten | With Bamboos May 22. ~The Daily Tele- Pekin ' correspondent reports editor of a Kanchow news- arrested' by the general \ ' On account of no senior represen- tatives being present atthe meeting, nothing was done about forming. a senior series. If the senior players want a league it is up to them to" get bsuy and bring the matter be- fore the executive. London, graph's that the paper was AAMAALS City Baseball League. . On Saturday afternoon two games will 'be played in the city baseball = Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town -- Queen's Bowling Club Queen's Lawn Bowling club pet last evening at W. H. Wormwith's res sidence and selected the following teams to contest in the season s championship games : R. J. McKelvey (skip), W. C. Cro- zier, R. LUglow, Prof. Coleman, J. E: "Mortimer. > W. M. Campbell (skip), L. .A. Zu felt, H. Breathwaite, F. Crozier, H. F. Price. R. S. Graham (skip), W. G. son. M. Maunahan, E, LeRoy W. M. Baillie. H. W. Newman (skip), H. D. by, J.W. Kelly, Dr. A. E. M*Xsselstine. Dr. H. A. Boyce (skip), A."B. Wil- lianis, Prof. Matheson,)W. i. Givens, T. W. Rowland. * h J. M. Flliott (skip), W. B. McKay; Dr. R. E. Sparks, Ed.'Walsh, R. H. Crooker. All. Tureott (skip), Andrew Intosh,. J. Jamieson, H. C. Thomas King. W. H. Wormwith® (skip), Dr. Buch: anan, J. P. Fleming, N. Munsie, J. H. Birkett. W. R. Sills (skip), Dr. John Wat son, William Moore, Prof. M. .J. Symons, Thomas Lambert. William Jackson (skip), J. F. Me: Millan, W. F. Inman, J. E. Singleton, Ed. Williamson. J. W. Corbett (skip), James Lee kie. G. 8S. Bale, R. E. Culbert, R. H. Stevenson. W. H. Montgomery (skip), Charles Smith, L. Sleeth, Dr. Waugh, Hugh | Macpherson. ] Fggers Principal Gordon, A. Strac- ban:™J. Laidlaw, C. A. Macpherson, J. Seott. J. D'Esterre, Prof. W. T. MacClement, David Murray. Baseball Record. A Brief State Paper. wey TYE www to Telegram The late Lord Minto's policy of making the relations with protected states easier and less rigid was con- ceived from the moment of his ar- rival in India. The very first "file" placed before him related, it is said; to the case of a Maharajah, now dead, who had been putting a Tudor ¢rown on his servants' liveries, his carriages, his china, and most of his belongings. -. Indian Maharajahs are not sup- posed to use the emblems of British foyalty, and the correspondence on the subject had grown niountainous. Lord Minto dealt with the matter in the shortest vice-regal note on record. He wrote on the top sheet: "Drop it." Fergu- Rice, Bib- Knapp, T. Famous Royal Doulton Plates - Special This Week Only | | ft "tr huste--enough. te vomplets 25¢ Each. = are by far the biggest dealers in this 3 district George Mills & Co,, hat dpecialists. ---------- ik a fire and flood" "from lightning Big Importations. We have received this spring over Mec- Welch, ~~ ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Fine China Rich Cut Glass. Bush Fires Around Ompah Ompah; May 20.-- Fires are raging in the surrounding vicinity and rain is much needed. Mr. and Mrs. John Massey have taken possession of their new home. Master William Mc- Culloch passed peacefully away on Monday morning, May 18th, after a lingéring illness. The remains were taken to MacDonald's Corners for in- terment. Mr. Bartlett, who has been spending a few weeks at H. Banks', J has returned to Montreal. Miss = Elsie Banks was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C. Davis, Canonto, on Sunday last. Mrs. William McDoug- all's' little son, Kenneth, was the guest of Mrs. 'R. Bady Monday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Kring, Plevna, have taken up residence on the "Bawden farm," near Ompah. Miss Pearl Eeady was the guest of Mrs. F, Cledgett on Saturday, after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunham spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at ArdocH. George Nibiock, Dundas, Ont., was instantly killed in a dynamite explo ston in a stone quarry. Often we express our sympathy in words when © it should have been coin, Oro Creamery Butter in everybody's mouth. EE ws 4 a "Two P's in the same | Pod." - Particularly Pana- | mas! + Most Panamas do look as like a8 "two National league--Pittsburgh, 6: | peas in ) ) Philadelphia, 2. Boston, 3; Chicago, D : > Wrouis, 8; New York, 4. ference in the Poise and American leaguo--Chicago, 5 Bos: Perfecti f the hits ll] td#- 2. New York, 5; Cleveland, 2. erection Of Lhe Detroit, 6; Thiladelphia, 4, Washs | we're showing this sum- : ington, 5; St. Louis, 4. mer. : particular . Federal; league--Kansas City, §; i Brooklyn, 2. Pittsburgh, 10; St. . These Ar 2 "blocks'! are conceded . Louis, 5. Baltimore, 3;, Chicago, | Buffalo, 6; Indianapolis, 5. to "be of an uncommon excellence of quality ng ~ hE Bd | Merchants and Citizens i We are prepared with the stock necessary. to change your main service wires on Princess St. and adjoining streets, : Ed Those who have already entrusted us with thi iA : . work will be looked after so that no interrupfign ii ee 4 Men's Blue Serge Suits, regular $18 and $20. Satur- § power and light will occur. ; ; vat en ge] you day special $1345 .. We respectfully solicit your orders which will Men's Tweed Suits, the latest styles. Regular $15 ~have prompt and careful attention. Ji Something serious?" ventured the FOUsE husband. and $18. Saturday special 12.45 -- Regular $10 and #12, Saturday special ...$6.45 RX 2 'W. Newman ne 441. Home 1376. Holiday Specials on Saturday 3 3 Fo nt inal Buffalo, 2 ultimate, 5 "Yes; don't keep anything from 2 Nomark, 7: Montreal, 1. Taronta, | os woes Hot mean Boys' D. B. and Norfolk Suits, suits to fit voutl | shaped info ; an uncom- [H10: Jersey 8. {that my love for you is growing uy ee 7 vor a Riise op 5 ds nl as mon individuality of aged 6 to 17 years, in all wool tieeds an mix mon SE tures, will wear liké Teather. Reg. $7.00 and $7.50 Style. 7 fo Saturday special : $4.35 at- terns at .... . . $2.98 Y COMET SIGHTED. oss." : NEW COMET Sig : ? "Don't break my heart. What iis Without Tail, and = Travelling at Complete range of Men's Furnishings, all the vary latest, at holiday special prices. ie". "Well, my dear, I'm getting tired Great of angel food every day for dinner. Would it be too much to ask you fo he ax have liver and onions?" --Toronto BOOTS AND SHOES Men's low shoes, patent. gun metal and tan. Worth $4.50 and $5.00. Saturday special .. .. $2.00 Ladies' low shoes in patent, gun metal and tan, worth $3.00 and $4.00, Saturday special $2.00 1 Mail and Express. tg $ VISIT OUR STORE ON SATURDAY ~~ Men who want the 'best of everything are I really = prejud in if | their favor. . bos wo 8 {the great Yerkes telescope at Williams Bay, Wis. It i moving the orth wards: the star Capella in. Y Lwalking in. his sltep, Ir pint im part of ht Bese] | naling in bison, trom ui : ave eae ---- Lost Life in Saving Husband Hooversville, Pa. May 22.--While trying 'to stop her husband, who was | Better come in to-day and get a pair lay aside those uncomfortable high aa. Oxfo are more comfortable and frosey. We ave a assortment for men in gun metal, paten x and tan, both button aud-lace. Prices from $4 to $5. ap Sb | their home. here, early vesterdayv, Mrs. Aor V he also fell, and it is though sustained fatal injuries. ~ Turn Time's Flight Backward Kenora, May 22.--Kenora's experi- ment with daylight saving ° through moving the § forward has mot Been a sucoess and the retail mer chants recommend a return to the old system op Jupe lst, Bo Ed SRT TEE ) , the king's phys- fo is déad, in London. v "Oro Creamery Butter in evervhody's

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