and - Story Concerning the Glork ous British Empire - Empire Day was observed in the city schools on Friday with much jenthusiasm. - There were flag-raising [ceremonies and interestipg pro- (grammes. The following reports tell, bow the school children occupied the. . | r---------- 4 At Macdonald School. . The halls and class room in which | le programme was held were decor- ated with flags and bunting. In the usual work was made and attention called to the greatness of the Briti- ish empire. In the afternoon the whole school cssembled in the kin- dergarten r where the following programme Was carried out: Presentation of prizes to pupils who wrote essays for the contest pro- vided by the Humane society; 'The Maple Leal Forevef;" chairman's Britannia," the school; recitation, by Clementine LeFeuvre; recitation, "Empire First," by Robert Gaskins: an essay on patriotism, written and read by Ethel Sutherland, a pupil in the entrance class; ehorus, by. eight boys; chorus, "Our Flag," by the first class; chorus, 'Canada," the school; recitation, "Children of the Empire," by Gerald Robey: recita- tion, by E. Paver; chorus, "Soldiers of the Flag; duet, Victor and Amy Tidman; reading, Sidney Montgom- ery; recitation, "The Majesty of the Empire," Elizabeth Ufford; "God TSave the King." fiaved onk and RUOR SUITES in Silk or Tap. ' $25.00 up to $50. Some tables, At Rideau Schook"™ The Rideau school pupils assemb- led on the lawn, saluted the and sang "The Red, White Blue." In the afternoon the lowing interesting programme given by the pupils: Chorus, "Canada: First and Fover- er."; reading by Sadie Richardson: recitation, Marguerite Blakey; "Our Dominion," by Wiliam Hoffman; chorus, "Mapleland"; recitation by Rupert Davis; "Our Flag," by Doro- thy Bajus, Dorothy Jones and Lois Baker; "The British Flag," by Ber- nard Clark, Willie MeCullaugh, Theodore Alexander; ehorus, 5 "0 Canada;" recitation, Wilma Hay- ward; Canada, by Lilliam = Dumble- tom, Hazel Van Winckel, Reta Amey, 'Beatrice Conduit; recitation, Annie Condit; chorus, "The Maple Leaf;" recitation, Res . Graham; "Our Country," Gladys Ferris, Elsie Dia- mond, George Ayling; "Our. Em- blem," Nellie Wright; chorus, "The Red White and Blue." Miss A. M. Machar and friends de- lighted the children by speaking to them. for a short time. Then "God Save the King," was sung. Frontenac School. The Bmpire Day exercises in Frontenac school were of a very in- was Looking St. LANL PRGA for an eveglons clip that won't slp, pinch or tht, that will held easly and comfortably, and. in- sure your glasses agsinst Break. Ing, then buy a FIRM.ON mount, ¥ 1. §. Asseltin, 0.0.5. B43 King St. Phone 1019 'Kingston's Exclusive Optician. LEAST - Out of thirty men who lost their lives in a recent fire | S RAPPER EXPECTED = ©" |i in a western city, five or one-sixth of the total nuinber earried accident insurance in The Trav. elers, under which the Company will pay the beneficiaries forty eight thousand dollars. The * cost of these five policies was $95.00. 2 A suranee for over fifty vears and has dent benefits to over 632,000 policyholders. f You are not carrying for one to-day in the largest accident insurance "roo "TATE WHEN THE NEED licies "are famous for their | Bar spirit of adjustment and ravellers' accident "broad coverage, prompt payment. protection is furnished at an ~ per thousand of less than a company which has been writing 'aecident in- ! » Agt, 82 antual expense two cents per day by paid acci- | an accident policy, apply ! { | Hit I ! i j | | | it i i i {was devoted to forenoon a slight departure from the] son, Keith Sherriff; song, address (Rev. Mr, Melntosh); reci- | tation by Jean Lowes; chorus, "Rule ---- If You Are work does not mean treating others citations were carried out. " Rev. Mr. Compton was present and save a very interestin and profitable talk to che er At Sydenham School. The exercises' of the "riforning con sisted of geugr wal aud bistorieal ig on the fish Spite as a whole, also the. draw: intin of the Union Jack: he rn patrjotié songs, reci- tations and stories, the 'Programme being as follows: Jo Recitation, 'Little Eskimos," Mary Clark, Bertha Holland, Muriel Merch- ant, Mary Fitagerald: recitation, "England's Dead," + Mary = Gordon: chorus, "The Maple Leaf": oral story, "Robert Cline,". Jack Walker: recita- tion, "'Englabd, My Country," Hilda Cattermole; story, 'Laura Secord," Francis Harrigan: chorus, "0, Cun ada'; recitation, Joseph Boutellier; re- citation, Florence Purdy; story of Nel- "Hearts of Stephen; recitation, of the Empire," Gertrude Mchelvey, Lila Kring, Margaret Stai- ford, Eva Fitzgerald, Sybil Purvis; story, "James Wolfe," Howard Christ mas; chorus, "Men of the North'; re citation, Grafton Wilkinson; recitn tion, "Hyma of Enipire," Helen Mc Léan and Miriam Osborne; story, Har old Packer; ehorus, "Rule Britannia': recitation, Willie Kirkpatrick, Georgh Ada; recitation, Kipling's *'Recession al," Evelyn Nickle: chorus, *"Lhe Mea ple"; recitation, '"The Maple," Doris Mchay; chorus, 'Where the Sugar Ma ple: Grows," the primary class; readl- ing, "Canadian Born," Ida R. Hugh son; song, Eleanor Greer; "God. Save ithe King." 10ak," Helen "Children At Vietoria School. i The Victoria '#ehool programme iwas as follows: Chorus, "O Canada," chairman's address, James plano duet, E. Healy, recitation, "Children of the Empire, * F. Buck; chorus, "Heart of Oak." school; recitation, "The Flag Above the' Schoolhouse: Door," 1. Sothall; song, "The Three Little Sisters," 'junior class; address, Mayor Shaw; chorus, "The Sea is Britain's Glory," | senool; dialogue, "Mother and the ( Sens," P. Spencer, H. Griffon, C. Mc- i Pherson, G. Minnes; mouth-organ solo, A. Gogo; recitation, "Wha. the Flag Affords Us," K. Elliott; song, | "God Bless the Prince of Wales,' senior iv. class; essay, "The British 'Empire," A. Lewis; chorus, "Can- ada Forever," school; "God Save the King." school; Craig; B. Stafford; St. Vincent Academy The sisters in charge of the ferent classes of St. Vincent's Aca- demy deserve credit for the able manver in which they executed their Programme in observance of Lmpire Day. The school was decorated in fine style and the different grades as- sembled in the large room of form II. Here a quite lengthy programme was given, including patriotic chor (uses and songs hy the pupils. Reci- tations and essays were rendered and read "by the 'senior scholars, all of which were heartily, received. Flag drills and dialogues upon the British empire were participated in and creat- a pleasing effect. The songs en- titled "My Old Canadian Home," "Maple Leaf Forever," besides seve- ral others, were sung andithe happy event came to a olose by . singing the National Anthem. St. John's' Separate School The pupils of St. John's separate school were not behind in their ob- servance of Empire Day, for on Fri day morning they artistically decora ted the class rooms in a most suit- able manner under the careful direc tion of Sister Berohman. An appro priate programme was also arranged and earried out with great success. Choruses of a patriotic nature were sung by the pupils, consisting of the Part 1, II second reader and third reader grades, who had paper hats made which they wore while they went through' various marches, in eluding the saluting of the flag. Re- citations were ably rendered by the young pupils of St. John's. At St. Mary's School The following exercises were follow dif fed out in St. Mary's school : Primary department--Marchjng, pa- triotie so flag drill, Form Tet horus by pupils, "0, Can ada"; marching with flags, patriotic songs, recitations. : Form 11--Chorus, "Hail, Hail, King George," by class; patriotic songs, | choruses, recitations. | Form Il, junior--Chorus' by class, { "Hail to Land _ that Gave Us | Birt ; readings by pupils, patriotie {d4ongs, "God Save the King." : { Form 111, senigr-- horus, "0, Can- ada,"' by the pupils; - recitations and readings, essays hy pupils on '"Eng- {land's Greatest Men," flag salute, | "God Save the King." : | Porm: IV---Address, "Liberty- Under the Bri Flag'; the purpose of Em- !pire day; history of the flag; patriotic readings by pupils; "God Save the Ki "»- | (Contintied on page 9.) Straw Hat Time. On page two, to-day, George Mills & Co. announce a complete showing of the new straw hats. They have re- "ceived this season so far over 6,000 straw hats for their wholesale and re- eail trade. ie Butter, Butter, Butter "Ome reason for you buying Dairy i Schaol butter, because it is the finest that can be made. i i "Menuens' taleum." Gibson's. The chap who keeps everlastingly at it accompli alot of things that are not necessarily worth the effort. "Bromo seltzer' at Gikson's. Fighting yous way thre | | i 1 the . the unfairly. "Film packs." Gibson's. + JE people follow your advice 1 always have some one to blame their failure on, | It" Should be FJrepairing feel that it is not good policy to pay: MANNER 0a i Used for Repairing Roads, instead of for Filling In Military Ground, 4 TO bor Council, held Thiftsday evening, a resolution, was passed objecting to the being taken off Urincess street, is be ing disposed/of:-- 'The labor men feol that instead of giving the gravel to the militia department to fill in the ground at the repr of the new stables whieh were recently erected near Ca- taraqui bridge, it should be used for the city roads, 'The men out from seven to' nine dollars a toise for stome to repair roads, when material which is Leing removed from Princess street cquld used. If the gravel were screened, it would make good material for road repairs. : city to see that the contractors, who are laying the new pavement, live up to the nine-hour clanse in the con tract. The. eity regulations that the company must pay overtime for any extra time the men work, William Baxter and W. J. Driscoll were appointed as the Labor Council members on the Kingston Board of Conciliation. It had been expected that Mayor Shaw would 'have addressed the coun- cil; but on account of another engage- ment he was unable to be present. TROUBLE IN STORE, For People Trespassing on G. T. R. Property There is trouble in store for peo- ple who trespass on' Grand Trunk property. In the police court morning, James iller, on Friday with perty at the junction. found guilty, ind the He one month. Time for a Straw Hat See Campbell Bros'. nobby styles, "MeConkey's sweets." Gibson's. At a meeting of the Trades and La, manner in which the gravel, which is. A resolution was passed asking the ! state | no special address, was charged _ with | trespassing on the company's pre-, was magistrate imposed a fine of $10 and costs or OF 'DISPOSING OF ost, TE THE "HARVESTER, by Gene Limber} --Mrs. Porter has lavished upon this unique stony | | JTHE\HARVESTER, By Gene Stratton-Porter, of patient; enthusiastic study. Stratton Porter, Author of The Freckles, Etc. Formerly $1.50, FOR Only Girl of the: THIS WEEK ONLY Author of "Freckles," "A Girl of the Limberlost," ete. all the wealth of nature love from her years "The Harvester," David Langston, is a man of the woods and fields who draws his living from the prodigal hand of Mother Nature herself--selling the med- icinal roots and herbs ing. notable. healthy, large ~-there begins tion of the picture problem. College Book Store The 160 Princess St. 300 vards of extra Sheeting, 2 The Hat Store ae » " BERS an Straw Hats First Complete Showing To- morrow To-morrow will see the first complete showing of the New Straw Hats. In all our exper- ience we have never had a big- ger or better variety 'of all the newest shapes and styles. We buy our Straws and Panaiias like we buy our felts, direct from the manufacturers, and for cr wholesale and retail trade we have put in stock this spring over 6000 STRAW HATS. We have long been the recognized leaders in hat sell- ing. All sizes and styles are here. We invite you to look them over, rE Hats + $4.00 to $10.00 Men's Sailor Hats . 50¢ to $4.00 Men's Palm Hats $1.00 te $2.50 CL Men's Snap Brim: Hats : 25¢ to $1.50 Boys' Sailor Hats 25¢ to $1.00 Boys' Snap Brim Hats a. 25¢ to TSc. Children's Straw Hats 20c to $1.50 mA i mi ce, GEORGE MILLS & CO. By : A Saturday snap. Per vard signs. urday for inches. Saturday priced NEWMAN The Nicagara Had Trouble at Point Vivian. The sieamer Nicagara, of « the Hall Coal company, Ogdensburg, N.Y. ran raground near Point Vivian, between |Clayton and = Alexandria Bay, on Thursday. The vessel was loaded with coal. ! | The steamer Cornwall and barge | Harriet D., Ji the Dangpelly Wrecking company, left for the scene on Friday | morning. Her Cargo .w ill: be lightered {and it is expected that the vessel will be released by Saturday, as she is not in a very dangerous position. The Late Mrs. John Steele A mucltrespected 'and honored person passed away on Thursday morning at her home at 29. James istreet in the passing of Margaret Crumley; wife of John Steel. © The cause of her death was a complica- {tion of diseases.- The deceased was [ah active member of Calvary Congre- {&ational church, and was secretary of the Ladies' aid. The. survivors are her husband, her daughter, Miss Florence; her sisters, Mrs. Avis and Mrs. J. Hay, of Alpena, Mich., and Mrs. Marrison, of this city, and two brothers, Hugh and Charlie, both of Detroit, Mich. The funeral will be on Saturday at 2 p. -m., and the ser- vice will be conducted by. Rev. E. Le- Roy Rice. if Weather Notes. The area of low pressure now ex- | tends from 'the gredt lakes to {le init of St. Lawrence and Is 'more pronouficed than it was yesterday. Heavy showers have oceurred in north westerd Ontario and are like- ly to be general in eastern Ontario and the St. Lawrence valley. Butter, Butter. What more i§ there to be said. It's the finest, Dairy School butter. Double cured process which admits of minute and multiplied inspection. PIE all Fhe to pony fox the th t's right. to pray for the' thi you want, but it is advisable to daa little hustling for the things you must wir cerciniases ® have, $e I: "Vensla¥ hair tomie." Gibson's. 100 vards of Navy Dress wool; Indigo dye, 50 inches wi and barks, the wild mushrooms and so on, If the book had nething in it but the splendid figure of life, his superb optimism, and his RY SRR a -------------- ER nA RA Se te Good Buys for Shrewd Buyers TRA TRE Wl quality Enbleached yards wide, very durable, J0e quality, on sale Saturday, per vard 500 pairs of Lace Curtains, dainty designs, specially priced f Saturday buvers, at or ..35¢ up Serge, all pure \ The balance of our stock of colored suits in misses' and ladies' On sale S sizes, newest de- Half Price at- ol dozen Ladies' Cotton Hose, fast black, seamless; good wearing quality, all siz- \ és from 8 1-2 to 10 2 for 25¢ Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Vests, with or with- out sleeves. Popular § "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORR." ete BUILDERS SUPE IK eee Satisfaction A stock of fresh' cement al- ways on hand. ' Owing to our large trade, we can always supply 'Cement in good condition. : make." Tnsiat. gn gotiog . on quality, sold only at i which are his for the gather- this man, with his sure grip on aimost miraculous knowledge of nature secrets, it would be But when the Girl comes to his 'Medicine Woods," and the Harvester's whole sound, . olitdoor being realizes that this is the highest a romance, troubled and interrupted, yet of t LATEST POPULAR MUSICS and popular hits of the day. } +25% DISCOUNT ON ALL FRAMED AND a splendid line of Framed Pictures, sho jects. The final touch in a point of life which has come to him _ he rarest idyllic quality. pecial for this week, 2 for 25c. All the latest SHEET PICTURES We have wing a 'pleasing variety of sub- perfectly furnished house is the 'correct solu- a For Late Spr mimer Wear Something worth the F having and yet far from expensive, - The patterns are not extreme, are" desirable - And dainty, 3 roa Fle Silciana Jewelers and Tssuers of Licenses | { | [ or gilt-edge in- vestment, seé Mullin. Complete list at office, Money to loan, houses to rent, fire insurance. ; A Special Offer A double and single dwelling, with, | a frontage of 240 feet. Rentals, $252 per year, for $2,200 E. W. MULLIN Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Phones 539 and 1456. os