roars ons thn with yowg toor, dit Gath , ee DYING IS LIVING, | © ae tems ; ne hatsand and Sve thousand test your: cep oh : i a : -- 3 2 Lok Lucy shook Ner-liead. >1 Fouldn't] - g Ci ET To Cease to Die is to Coase to ODDS AND of the republic. tsb a cheat," she insisted reproachfuily. 4 : : : | Live. oa ; te tions, has been "This is not a thing to make & jest Ath Liviug is a continuous process of ENDS va ted by u great variety of of." ge -. dying. When we cease to die we . ay satinn One of ren cage 10 live. ue can readily .un- : takings of this Kind was carried out derstand this by means 'of a vefy ; at the Hawaiian agricultural experi- : * |eoncrete example. Suppose youl Singapore now has a poulation of went station, , in co-operation with aps. . ? iL. : : arise some cold morning and Aud] 303,322. the Philippine bureau of science. "Are you willing to answer me? | J \ ¥ that the fire in "your furnace has British South Africa has 8,501 Using a solution of oxalic acid in the 1 was one | de Paul, and three raps made | § 1S SE a "Bone out. . It will do no good 101, 1iax 'of railway in operation. "| presence of uranium acetate, it was was when the dramatic an affirmative. : . Fat utter malicious invectives against the] canada exported 20,941,000 lbs, found that the actinic effect of the y put on "Hamlet'," ; . "May I ask some persenal ques- ; Toe . [poor furnace. Just philosophize ase cheese during October. sun was greater at the spring and "Now you are frivolous," reproved [!0057" Again the three raps. ) follows: "My furnace has ceased 10} Tne Chinese divide the day into fall equinoxes, and lowest at the 0 i8 a very serious matter. I want to know it Lucy and "1 2 die. In other words, it has ceased twelve parts, each two hours jong. summer and winter solstices. s says that we each | ® 0 be married?" explained Paul. - Sl [to consuhme that very expensive ar-1 5 well-constructed brick house x 'seek to test: our mediumistic| 209 Lucy gasped at his Impertinence s : 1 ticle 'called coal. The continuallwill outlast one built of granite. "Fresh" Dried Fruits " toward the spirits. consumption of coal is fire or Ife in Vaccination is an essential quali- A new process of fruit preserva. ton to be tried out on a consider able Seale in the State ot Washing. a little ery, Lucy her feet : ] to make the furnace "die" . some v hree-mile | fon this summer. company in and turned ou the gas, A { : pe. 10a 2. Lfumace mn heen known to coustruet a. thr the 'famous- Wenatchee Valley, the Yor OU dre cheating!" she eried. i What Is true of the furnace istrue| 'mirst Parish church, Billerica, | TUIt-ETOWing centre of Eastern "You were kicking the table leg!" , of ourselves," All organic life exists 50 » Id." Its first| Washington, is about to open a "See for yourself," le retorted in 1 stiite Of Contine ie decom posi- Hans, Js 250 yours old. plant with a capacity of 2,000,000 ining the light table so that she , a to on and rebuilding or a_continuous The German village of Remborn| Pounds of Joaches, Sosides treating v: § go oars «ware: Say] J oe <5 Mate of dying and living.' Ax 5000 [nag a linden tree which is said to be Steat Sand bor es, Pears, & "You. must. join our circle." invit- scratches on the polished legs. "I aCe ' as decomposition ceases, reconstruc. more than 1,200 years old. Antica Ble ol Ter a Jol h a more mystified than you are. : 4 tion ceases, or in common terms, as Shanghai fecently saw the opening pid bg & process, ae HE tanks oatod Paul thal nt" must be something in it after : y Ce fal a8 We cease dying, wo cease liv-1of the firsh street car system fin- cording to : PiOmoters: ors CT mith on on 10'try 'me out bétore| here must be" gh tod ing. Certain poisthns, it swallowed anced, co cted and operated sole- SO Shere > at rcs 2 3 , she assen p 3 : by a human being, destroy life by an- 1 Chinése. ; = from 1 seek to display my powers in pub-| softly, gs nihilating the decomposing or dying . first apartment house in Am-| and vegetables subjected to it, so He. It wilt og four bitors Your "And you will-accept their de. pod | ; Nocess Which Is necessary for life. {orice was built shortly before the] that when its products are dropped Sotier gots rom the : rad- Sree? he asked. "You will marry 4 a " : When they enter the system a chemi. Civil war in East Eighteenth street, | into ater ney will 0 oT Mthed « oh : : cal compound is formed which 're-|in New York city, and is_still-stand-| Quickly and may then trea th, Dever hoard ot A sitting en) Suppose Jn I must, since it is! | THE WOMAN WHO WENT UP ON THE PLANKS. slats decomposition, Upon examina-|ing in good condition. and satgn Jos like rest rat. : 3 o ucy. "Even | the of t 'over there'," ' i me i y -}. "Look at an apple under a mi- with the 16 or 20 of our cirele we [sented the girl. "I meant 4 ue Mrs. Wells, wife of the manager of the Bridge Company, tion of the dead body. it will be found In one of the Spanish cities a co Pht gon oi ora Tc do not believe that the two of us|time, anyhow," she added Ralf de. ~ rulding the Royal Bank Building. in Joronto, which when com- With there Doren re ta fake tore re Cay oe iri armed prietors of the new process, "and t oo" fiantly, : . pleted will be the highest building in the British Empire. She went in 4 a 1 ¥s Which is to have a central market, . i Sut any Hr rite "We |arms, ANE (hes ory her In i the derrick car with the last load of steel to be hoisted to the twentieth i Ho Nee of dying; hence there hes al Sorts of o£ tus ang a te it posed -- cannot do more than fail." gotten in the joy of the life right floor: The crowd on t Street actually gasped as they watched the The s : truth holds in r a fuels may be procured. E Our process destroys not a single "Yes, we cad try it" assented | here & henving bundle of planks being drawn up the side of the building, but BIS ral existent 43 Geologists have sstimated that the he! 1k tai th Luc, bright lad ic : P 1' Late that even Mrs. Wells, betwen her husband an the foreman of the ir y i oo ohontal xd moral Shistence. 1f great Gorman deposits: of potash] osll, and these cells contain . = Ys Ro ee au » ju oe 4 ral eran ng Paul smoked his EE: Kuow vo reo. .comstruction | we cease to struggle or think and are (salts, practically the only important] flavor and the nourishment. Our doa . ¢ 5 be aga ned RT & olsar in the comfort of * Cp : 4 tontent to live a purely animal life, | one in the world, will last at the] method of treating prunes ellmina- ad oaks Tom a lig able an & armchair, At his feet lay ; : : Ar tan the activity of our brain POWErS | present rate of exploitation 600,000) tes entirely the dipping in iye pro- 8 nto the centre of the - Bunch, the English bulldog that was Outspoken Judgo quickly ceases and we are mentally | years. cess. Potatoes, carrots, corn, beans, a sided. Dlaced Shaits on oppo ATTENTION MOTHERS Paul's constant companion. Bunch | of the famous English judges, [1°44 Strugsle, action, aspiration | French Guinea is regarded as one| beets and all sorts of berries, apples ne i a ben, urning down wag fast asleep on a rug, but he .. hearing a civil action, in which (1* 9YIng, but it means living. In-lof the richest of the French West peaches, and every form of fruit ight, she took her place in one : roused when his master stirred. tiiefe had been some remarkably | *00uce the poison of vice, and there African colonies. Konakry, the cap-| imaginable will revive and freshen Stns, na called to him to take the | If You. Have or Know of a Delicate | "Bunch," cried the jubilant = Or-| 1% swearing on Doth sides, thus |", %, Se*Ation of 'mental Tite as fatal |iia1, 1y the pest through which al.] until the household has fresh, gresn other, x Child Read This Letter. ford, "there was someihing in it af- addressed the fury: "Oeitlonen as that caused to the body by arsenic. | most the whole of 'the export and proflucts the year around--from the His hands closed over Lucy's, rest- "My little davghter Louise aged 9 |1oF. al! I thought that spirit thing | (0 jury, if you believe the evidence SRLATR a import trade passes, and improve-! cellar." --Exchange. ing on the table and softly Luey sang : {was largely a matter of imagination, It Sounded Awful ments are being made to facilitate years, has always been delicat 4 : . tendered by the witnesses called on - \ One of the songs approved. by her : y ! ® 82 Ihyt I'm certain' that Lucy did not do : : h- | the constantly increasing trade. P Most oi circle. ody aemie, had no appetite and seemed ling rapping. and I know that 1] Pehalf of the plaintiff you will find | -\ temperance lecturer once preach c y 4 roduces Most Mien, \ - iy» | listless, and we could not seem 1 tor. the plaintiff. If you' believe |ing said: "Now, boys, when I. ask Native children in the Alaska d 'po. many years North Carolina has Now you Jpust keep very still" {gng anything that would hel 2 Eaies + ie defendant's witnesses you ill} You a question, you must not be -a- [Schools under the United Statés Bu- been the largest producer of mica in She whispered, "Just concentrate]. ng help her wu {4pirigs oases Jou will; you a q 3 i Tp procuo on the desire to obtain a com punt ctl we were advised to give her Vin- | "gon blinked an intelligent eye | Ind for the defendant. If, like my- | iraid to ' speak up and answer. me. {Fea of Education become so enthu-| hs United States. Prior to 1805 the tion It hn n munica- | 1 Sha Started taking it six weeks |. a w d hi. tui on ail as. | eI, you believe none of them, heav. | When you look around, and see all |siastic over the personal hygiene output came chiefly from the la 7 we feel an May be some time before ago and inside of two weuks she |" t Hassel re ion, familiar | €7 knows what your verdiet will| those fmo houses, farms and cattle, [CAMDAign that they frequently bring minew and consisted of big. sheets of ewe Ay response. showed a marked improvement ryan, 30. Started. as LAL he Still 'more succinet was the | do you ever think who owns them all | their fathers and: brothers to school fine quality.. At that time lange quab- "That's all right," was the ready ite. Wi : Tapping came again. Bunch's tau i i fo Ah 7 Your f ; to have them put through the clip-|ijties of Il sheet mica that Ld reply "I'd be. willi t 5 mn appetite, Vim and looks. Being so was pounding against the hardwooa | "MMuINg up in the trial of a man | Pow? Your fathers own them, do tities of small sheet mica woul hours to absolutely Rh corte, AN well pl with the results, I con. PATRer Or. : * charged with stealing some ducks, | they mot 7" "Yes, sir," shouted a bing and eanjiy Process ut the| out plates less thai three inches Sqliare . c tinued gwing (it to her,and words "Re cobut a » , The evidence against him was over. | hundred voices. "Where will your (hands of © teacher. . were thrown on tl umps as: waste. You don't have to hold my hands fail to express my gratitude 5 28a You ety the jFhost? ay whelming, but a long Profeicy a fathers be in twenty vears ?" "Dead." { Masons - have finished setting in AHF "the small sheet and serap mics #0 tight," suggested Lucy. "Just | faith in Vinol both as a blood maker Wasged your tel ; whey NS kee witnesses came to testify (o rhis | shouted the boys. "That's right. gnd [the ashington monument Color- | became valuable, - the dumps at-the Test your fingers tips on mine # com- and body builder. = As my child wos auestiohe cise Jou 'thought we blameless life "Gontlen os of tha who will "own this property then?" [#do's contribution to the shaft in large mines were worked over and the plete the cirenit.", an anaemic for so 1 makes" the Xepe ih DE 10. You ? ox ndage | Jury." said the judge, "I think you | "Us boys," shouted the urchins. | Memory of the first president. It is| quantity of mica produced was there- "Don't talk," 'cdutionéd Lucy, unet s stump eandal appendage Jury,' s » i) I Now ta diddy or |2 beautiful specimen of the Colorado |by greatly increased. : Now that most Th : oo] reason all the stromger for me to re- made answer again, and Paul's face| Vill agree with ihe that the plaintiff Right. Now tell me, did you "ever | i the du hi been worked ove are ita wou come while we commend it to others in similar con. was wreathed in smiles Mah ose the ducks, and that he is the |in going along the street notice ths os ble. he ted fe 'the 32. rl --ly tare pre are in op - dition." Geo, BE. . . Or ep CT tro + Mos 4 o¥ drunkards 1 sing around the b- |W as n selected for the ~ only. 5 A aah Paul subsided into silence. 1fy yy °° Musto, #iropklyn, donree er ei] Auey. Ne eau- 1 TESL popular sian In the county. Nichowe door, wating Ir tome (000000 Tie memorial to be plac-| eration, the output is barely mantels: P ¥ $ astee $ ™ n Eas He : . oe ety Diogsant Sitting. there in} Vinol restores health and strength | made an inetinetive So Tawis Do not underrate. yourself, unless|1o treat them ¥' "Yes, sir: lots of ed an he bank of the Potomac just Sy a lage asl]. mines his alt light with Lucy's hands in in conditions like this because 'in a Feebly the 'tail wavered and only | "Ou want others to accept your de-| them." "Well, where will they be m aot Ihe Monument, 100 pros . % ; own : natural manner it increases the AP- | once did it strike against the flaor. | eision.. twenty years from now ?"' "Dead," b Ko i as, prhich jorm the Many of these are worked by the For twenty minutes no sign came, petite, tones up the digestive organs, "That's 'ne', and that goes," as Take some men at their best and| exclaimed the boys. "And who will ha rs oo 00 tin Fr ® Zorthetn and mountaineer. farmer and miner at And then there was heard a succes. | envichis the blood and strengthens {sented Pani... Luly Jolinson in the Ov. will not have a very prime speci-| the drunkards then". "Us boys. Souther Pacis Behits, Are Selatively times when crops are laid by, and oc- . 8lon of sharp raps that caused Lucy | every organ of the body. : Cohoes Evening Despatch. BoM: Everybody was "thunderstruck. It {R rd the Pacific ocean in Guatemalia, casionally one of the prospects devel. 10 Sluteh Panl's hands in tighter! Every bottle of Vinol is Frarantead - nm \ nan may be regular in his habits, | rounded awful ! 1 was awful, but jan tu divide the country fate Wo ops into a large deposit.--Geological 4 aad Somewhat shook his own| to give satisiaction or money refund- § AY ag even if they ate bad. + lit was true.--The Vanguard. Atle age Aas. 50 which the Survey. : Placid z A od. a It is safe emough to say that the Many a man's plegsures are a puis. rr mr . -------------- Dia you do that? tahe whispered. Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, King- Lord placed your mission in. easy | ance to others. ' ' A woman gives her heart to but one; Face De ough Fomparatively the White Rose flour: to gob best re. 10n my word, no!" 'he repliea. | ston, Out. reach of you. ' Insist on White Rose flour a man is more liberal. } ) Pp y el sult : y - . J . # man is J jand fertile between the altitudes of | sults. = Te BE ---- a " 8 one thing 1 like abont ay Yont or iat Se in ah : the furnace. When thy consump. fication for marriage in Norway and ts," said Paul. : ee H } J EY ton or dying ceases, the fire or life|Sweden. _ "What's that?" asked Lucy quick-| P® came loud and clear, and, with ' " i feased." . Accordingly, you proceed |" The ants of South America have 1y as he paused. i "There answers generally are yes ," explained Paul meaning] didn't. It was a clear case of tan Te ------ J ------------ Ee ----EAEAAN AA § Fn te NE A A EAA AA a er ng | | ! ee Bi BIRTHDAY ET x ER es EAST ee E ate WEDNESDAY, IONE. 3%, 1914 TION The Biggest One Day's Attraction Hydro-Aeroplanes i w, 8. Lucky: Aviator, in one of the mach ines he will use at Kingston. on nh | Somtbog Duiog Ee Mie xcsion Rs Ou AN Bus and Tos May Shaw, Gan. WAL. Sans, Sex Tos, 1 ALE Russ PP. Mager | dh / ne i .