rs, tables, and cup- | boards, wondrous clean-- a joy to look on. It shines 'the magic cleanser Panshine absorbs dirt and grease snd grime 'as nothing cise dees. Jt makesthe disagrec- able part of kitchen work and cleaning, scourink and scrubbing simple ani easy. Poii- tively will not aria the hands, Be 10c. os A: Al Grocers " CEL ENC Ee Er 4 | gPamme 'How About Your '.. Lawn -Mower Does It Cut Right We have an expert on mowers. {| Sreadgold Cycle and Sporting Goods Co. - 88 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 529, KINGSTON, ONT. I Ia the flour means quality in the bread and the pastry you bake. Without quality behind your efforts, knowledge or shill can bring 'good. results. Better be without the skill than without the quality. "BEAVER" FLOUR Is the highest dévelopment of blended wheats, embracing the : rich héthth giving a of Manitoba Spring wheat snd °° "the ex bohvdrates of Ontario Fall ; 1 'wheat, which make delicate, Remember, it is for bread «and pistry, both, With BEAVER FLOUR in the house, you only need one kind 10 attain the best results in 'every fofm of baking. BEAVER FLOUR means tronory as well as efRciency. 'Ask your grocer for it to-day. DEALERS -- Write for prices on off Fenda, Coarse Grains and Cereals. . LE TAYLOR 06. Lid, Chatham, Ont. 4 109 . t JAP-A.LAC-- HEN you start on your campaign of | ifying this Spring, den't just ask for 'varnish -- ask for JAP-A.LAC; and don't be content with anything but: JAP-A-LAC. Always put DEN up in Green Tins, bearing the name "GLID- 5 "Made in iful colors, providing for evry pestble requiem of the housewife, JAP- ALA is indeed a wonder-working aid in keeping +. furniture, floors and woodwork "spic and span," No matter how scratched pi a cad Se et ardwseg oe fo ie JAP ALAC nl ... Jap-alac is sold by H. W. Marshall and may be cont ot 'Irouted Pal Special to The Whig : Toronto, May 22.--One of the most significant features up to date {in the provincial election campaign is the announcement of a non-par- Udin progressive commitiee to ar rafige for the organization of the rid. {Ing of 'northeast "Toronto in the in' terests of the social reform pro submitted by Mr. Rowell nd his colleagues in the legislature The committee list is quite un' usnzl for several reasons. It con a 'ftaing the names of well-known con servitives, ' such as ex-Aldermar \tames Hales, law partner of the Hon EB. Lucas; A, R. Williams, a pro ninent 'wholesale machinist; T, W Nell, a contractor and influentia Orafdgeman; and Harry Goodman vice-president of the Langmuir com pany. Thers are also the nanies o several" Independents. J The list is notable, too, for the gumber of prominent business, finan '| Gil wd professional then, many o whorl, up to the present, have no faken an active interest in practica politics, but who are frankly at tracted now by the programme o social reform presented by Mi owell. Contained in the list are the {Bames of liberals' Who, on the reei Brocity issue, are said to have vote dgainst their party, 'Another significant featpre is th inclusion in the list of a number o young men, which is another indica tion of that movement of young me: fo the side of the progressive an social reform party, which is report ed to be general throughout the pro vince, Several speakers at the recent con gervative meeting in North Toront warned their collgagues that the were face/to face with the "fight o their lives." The announcement o this committee explains at least par of the conservatives' nervousness. It is expected that similar commit teas will be announced within a fev days for some of the other Toront« @Gonstituencies.. SELF DEFENCE SAYS KONG Tells Horrible Story of Mrs. Mil. lard's Slaying. Vancouver, May 22. Jack Kong told on the witness stand how he had come to kill Mrs. Charles Mil lard. He was called immediatély af ter the luncheon adjournment, -- ane his story was_listened to with greai attention by an over-crowded room, April 1st Mes. Millard complained He Haid that on the morning f to him that) the porridge had badly cooked. He had replied did not have time to make more. "L'wil be obeved !"" she declared. | According to Kong, and added : "Ij vou don't 1 shall cut off your ear: with this knife." jt Kong went on to say that she cathe toward him with the knife and that he picked up a chair to defend himself.: They struggled ' and = Mrs Millard dropped the knife and a lit- tle later she slipped and caught the cormer of the chair against her temple. Kong said she then fell. He dashed water in her face to revive her, hui could do nothing. . We also felt her pulék, but could detect no signs of life. Kong went on to give the horrible details of the cutting up and burn ng of the body. He said that on March 21st he had stolen the jewel ry and. hidden it, simply 'to géf aven with Mrs. Millard, who had heen anory with him that day, though Je hind heen overworked. Kong was quite self-possessed, hut #ather nervous at moments. He vaus- ad occasionally to take a drink water. He avoke perfect English. court of been he any of of THE SPORT REVIEW Duffy to Race at Lowell, Mass, or May 30th Ottawa still *in front in the : i Canadian league. is The Federals say they will raid the International if Montreal is allowed to use Frank Smith. Only eight starters are expected tc go to the post for the King's Plate on Saturday at the 'Toronto Wood- bine. Giddings' Beehive is an even money favourite. At Boston, sliding to the plate in an attempt to score from second on 3 single by Sam Crawford, "Ty" Cobb received injuries that, necessi- tated his removal from the game. The Detroit Tigers ara out in front, and, jndging by the manner in which their pitchers and batters are performing, are apt to stay there for some time. The Athletics are foing to have a tough fight to re- gain their actustomed place at the top of the Johnsonian heap this sen: son. . 3 "Jimmy' Duffy, the winner of the recent Bogton marathon race, is to] be a contestant in a mwiodified mara- thon race in. conjunction with the fleld day and sports of the United States .ericket club, which will be held in Lowell, Mass., on Memorial day, May 30th. He will be in King- ston on June 3rd. . General Coxey and his "army™ of six have arrived in Washington and will remain over until Monday, when each of the faithful six will be given a Puliman ficket to Coxey's quarries in Ohio, They were escorted through the streets by the police and a band. Mrs. Delch made her pet cat mad by removing thrée kittens. The feline flew at her.. Mrs. Delch sought ald of New York trolman ' Prime Minister of this country, a suf- ficient onerous position at the best of ~ and probably less enviable than any position that you are des- tined to oceupy. Lord Liverpool, as I say, was Prime Minister for fifteen years. He was harrassed and he was torn by Cannings and Eldons and all sorts of colleagues, as many Prime Ministers are apt to be, and he had a very ardu- ous time of it, But what he said was this -- that the only secret by which he was en- abled to go on through his arduous pilgrimage 'of fifteen years was his practice, regularly renewed and never omitted, of reading for half an hour or an hour before he went to bed in Some sbranches of literafure wholly unconnected with his political admin- istrative pursuits. Now that was the experience of a hard-working man-- there was no harder-worked man probably of bis time--and I venture to recommexd it to you. - My words may not come home to you at this moment when recreation may more probably. take the form, and a very 'wise' form'\too, of athletic pursuits, But even in.these days of youth and bud and hope, when life Js so large and easy comparatively 'hefore you, it would not be a bad plan to try the germ of a little liter- ature, to begin the practice even to a limited, extent, because, believe me, the time will come when you will become a little short of wind---when your legs won't carry you uphill quite swiftly as they do uow, when they will even e¢ease to feel very vigorous ox the flat, When that unfortunate comes--depend upon it, it will come ~you will find the want of some re- source in the place of that football which knews you no more. Ister came into my mind, the famous Sir 'Robert Walpole, who was Prime Minister for two and twenty years, longer than Lord Liverpool. Well, he was compelled to retire by a hostile vote of the House of Commons, and retired as an elderly man of past six- ly to his country place, and there he found himself utterly wretched. He had lost entirely the habit of long twenty-two years of office, and he found himself, so to rmeak, on his beam ends without occupation, abso- lutely disconsolate, only able to look back repiningly to his past grandeur and power, and so lost all the com- forts that his wiser successor had provided for himself. I do not know that itewill he an additional stimulus to impress my two examples upon you to remind you that Lord Liverpool, who read for an hour or half an hour every night before he went to bed, died in office, while Sir Robert Walpole, who had not acquired that habit, died out of office. I do urge you, now that you are members of the University of Glasgow and have to. look beyond technical pursuits; from that.point of view to begin the habit of reading, small it may be, reading for its own sake, however small a time you can give to it now. Qt. . A King's Criticism. Perhaps the most candid criticism of a King'c Speech" was one uttered by a King himself. There is that sto*y of George IIL. wha, leaving the Lords after opening Parliament, turned to his Lord Chancellor, with the remark, "Lord Chancellor, did 1 deliver the Speech well?" "Very well, indeed, sir," was the reply. "I am glad of that," said the King, 'for there was nothing in it." George II., too, did not always feel himself bound to praise his Ministers' efforts. In 1756, for instance, when a spurious speech was circulated, he pleaded for mercy for the printérs of it because, he said, 'he had compared the spurious with the real, and so far as he could un- derstand either, he "infinitely prefer- red the former to his own." Gruesome Relic of Ashanti. Lt.-Gen. Sir R. 8. S. Baden-Powell has give to the museum of the Royal United Service Institution in White- hall a very interésting, if rather grue- some, relic of the Ashafiti expedition of 1896. It is the brass bowl used to receive the heads of the unforun- ate victims of King Prémpeh. The bowl, which resembles an ordinary bathtub in appearance aad size, is about five feet in diameter, On the rim are four small lions, rather clov- erly modelled, and a number of knobs, evidently intended as an orna- mentation. Therr is a gap in the cons tinuity of the series of knobs t> allow a space to the victim to insert his neck preparatory to the execution. An. Unconscious Toast. Lord Clyde ome day aftér dinner asked a chaplain to one of the regi- ments in India for a toast, who, after considering some time, at length ex- claimed with great simplicity: "Alas and alack a'day! What can give?" % "Nothing better," replied hig lord- ship. "Come, gentlemen; we'll givo a bumper to the parson's toast, 'A lass and a lac a day'.". I $25,000, wiich is certainly an in- come to make one happy.~--Lendon Chronicle. lore more money. period a An instance of anothef Prime Min-} reading for its cwn sake during his at ; A lac means 100,000 rupees, or 7 00d ponds mean g rites, better profi hers A nation is the wealth of its popula- tion. The population of the coun- try of France is knowid to be the most thrifty, the least poverty Strick. en and the best provided for of any country in the world. And France. has a better system and more 2osd roads preportion to its area thun"any other country of the' sgine or greater sige. Has France rural wealth because of its good roads or has it good roads because of ite thrifiy peasantre? . it is, "therefore, country to look upon France mot only &s a good example, but as the exaniple of the fulfillment bf dreams. We ednnot solve our problem in any other way than as France has solved hers with any surety of success. She builds her national highways first owns them, controls them, repairs them. She has her departments-- her divisons, corresponding to out States--build their own roads a: feeders of this system, connecting it joining national road to nationa road. Finally her parthe or com: nunes--simiiar political aivisions tc our counties--build their'own roads interlacing, connecting and binding together the whole into one vast net work of hard surfaced roads. for us in this At Home Andrew Carnegie tells how, until a comparatively recent date, the old time Scotch prejudices were retain- ed by the hard-headed professors ui the University of Aberdeen, . There was a certain Professor Cameron, who Lad a weakness for re- finenient and minor graces of life; 80, just after "at home" cards he- came fashionable, one of the driest of the old professional regime was the recipient of a missive Irom Cameroa, which read fol: lows "Professor and Mrs. Cam®ron pre ent ther compliments to Professo 'irie, and hove that he is well. Pro Mrs, Cameron will be at lay evening, the 12th 7.30 o'clock." © old chap. refeérrec zo Toltows: ; : pecimen as r instand, hele replied 3 returned tne com- C or and Mrs. Cam- reron, and begs to inform them that I is very well. Professor Pirie is glad to learn that Professor and Mrs Cameron will be at home on Thurs: day ev ng, the 12th instant; at 7.30 o'clock. Professor Pirie will also be $ London Telegraph. ni | ociety weddings J head of fashionable ties. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bonght Bears the ? 7. 2: Signature of > { i cot under the et i f § . Rose H Grand old holiday! Suggestive of fireworks, outings and lunch baskets. to fll em with. Of course, you'll want some delicious sandwiches. when you're shopping. there's going to be quite Increase for Workmen. ! All married workmen 01: the Duke | of Devonshire's Chatsworth estate Who are in receipt of less wages than ! twenty-three shillings a week are to | have an advance of ome shilling a | week. tunity to Jecome a second Solomon , when an dver-friendly dog, claimed police and the cat.both gave him, in Brennan. - court, by two phrties answered to names a New York Magistrate McQuade lost an oppor- | te--thera-| The wealth of | $1 And speaking of lunch baskets brings to mind the perennial question of what ~--Rose Ham, preferred. = Sandwiches form by far the most important part of a picnic basket, and Rose Ham makes the most AND BACON "Mild Ham? - Yes, Ma'am." Your grocer or buicher sells and recommends Rose Ham. Order by phone, or get it A Young Men--College Men--Most Men facing the world--know they've got to buck down and save. Their course in Social Economics naturally forces them to Semi-ready clothes as the logical conclusion of efficiency methods; ! Ban The possibilites of saving and the specialized skill in quality tailoring /is coupled 'up with the smart fit. "~~ Summer Clothes and Business Suits here at $15 to $30, the like of which cost 26 per' cent. more in any good shop. » Semi-ready Clothes make the winning call on the four points of merit : Quality, Value, Fit and Fashion. Bissys - LIMITED, Kingston, Ontario. ~-- A A A ANS, i 5 2 Cook's Cotton: Root Compound. A safe, reliable regulating medicine, - Sold in three des grees of strength----No. 1, §1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per bor, all druggists, or sent. on receipt of price, p pamphlet. Address: THE COOX MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONY. (Formerly Windsor.) Frm em me If You Are Thinking of Building this year it will pay you to get our prices for cement, blocks, bricks, eto, as you will save $260.00 between wmolid briek and cement blocks. We also have all sizes in sills, lintels, pler blocks, "capa and vases at reasonable prices. Kingston Cement Products Factery Wactory Cor. of Patrick and Charles Sts, Office: 177 Wellingtor Ba. GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAY fry a sample order and be KINGSTON = . BUSINESS COLLEGE (Limited) Head of Queen Street Courses In bookkeeping, short. hand, typewriting, civil ae ice: and al ° general improvement, Rates moderate. Information free. commercial subjects. HX. Metcalf, Principal , 5 RR TE OM AY 104 am for the 24th Sliced thin and placed between dainty layers of fresh, buttered bread with crisp, tender leaves of lettuce and seasoned with mustard or mayonnaise dressing, and you have a "bite" most appetizing and substantial for hungry mouths when meal time comes. ham sandwiches Take less cake, pastry and sweet stuff and more Rose Ham sandwiches and appetites will be better appeased and you'll feel all the better for it. 5 . You had beiter order early, though, for unless all signs fail, - a run on this mild, lender, delicious Old-English cgred ham. "MATTHEWS - BLACKWELL LIMITED Branches allover Canada