"leould ever guite take its place. SATISFIES, Packedin one bhtwe tins only. CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL. 145 Thom as Copley Telephone 987 Drop a cas I ie 13. Fine o Nirsst whey 3 ajyt carpen= ory Hina. 3 rion ae Ay on aki kinds ve repairh ann Tew Wor Wood, foots Of All Kinds. AIF draers ill receive prompt attention, SHOP, 80 Queen Street. 10 bread and. butter," : | easily. prmphlet. Ad : TE COOK MEDICINE co. 'TOROKTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) We hate a very nice pressed brick house with eight rooms and bath, furnished in min- ston, om fret four, in mahogany : on py 1 modern conven lences, electric fight, | Ee --, hot 'air en iy sie beautiful pissa rane. rivecvid oni AB: can plan and in pe - Fo House can be bought for $2600 other arrangements for enny terms, CHARLES LEEDER, . AROHITECT. Cdrner:Montreal and Princess Sts. Over King Edward Theatre. 1 Studebaker 1 McLaughlin (food condition. Phones: Garage 201; Res, 917 Can Increase Weight Thin men and women who wo vid like to Increase their welght WAR or 15 pounds of healthy "stay ne % fat should try eating a little 'Sar with their meals far a while and #/¢ Fesults. Here js a good tést wor. i trying. Firat ya yourself "ar measure yourself 'hen take Sarg --one tablet With every meal--for twa Weeks Then . weigh and measure again, It isn't a question of how ¥on look or feel or what your friends say and think, The 'scales and the tape mjeasure will tell their awn Stary ahd most any thin man or woman can easily add from five to eight pounds in the fipst fourteen days by following this simple direttion. And best of all. the new flesh stays put. Sargol does not of itself make fat, but mixing with your food, it turns the fats, sugars and starches of what you have eaten, into rich, ripe fat produc- ing nourishment for the tissues -and blood--prepares it in an easily pA lated form Which the bload can readily accept - All'this nourishment now 88 es from your body as waste, But™s gol stops the waste and does it Rick. iy and makes the fat producing ¢on- tents of the yery sme meals you are eating now develop pounds and pounds of healthy flesh between your skin and bones. Sargol is safe, pleasant, effic- jent and inexpensive. Druggists sell it in large ha¥es- forty tablets to & PACKBgY--0n a antee of woight Increase back > It was a tiny -garden, a Mm square, with just room for oi Resor JDuttons, na: Sasa ! Coors it _-- shat from or a by. stope wall almost 'concealed by 3 nat held the old nil {she spent a part of each day in arden was a strip [tied * teen Wd a and n, claimed tide land, beginghug 'At t 'edge of town and skirting the beac till it crept out ght around jutting shoulder. What lay be ng that no other At thimes her longing for.it was so great) that she felt she must surely die}: Jha she went on living. "Just livé ng'. dhe thought 'occasion as foo ed spot ; Oi There'll nev- er be anything more." The strain seemed too much and she turned her bench to face the "Imountains again, 'Just as a pair of blue eyes in a boy's face looked over the wall and intorher dwn. "Your baehelor"s buttons attract ed pe," he Sald with a wan smile, "and I' came for a closer view. It's a long time since I saw any. My mother used to grow Hem, but they were not so fing 48 yours." In the three yéars of the garden's existence the boy was the first caller. The old lady, pleased'swith the com- pliment to her Howers, and lonely, smiled a welcome to him. If yoy would like to see them ploser there's a gate on the other side," she Bald. For aupwer. he swung lightly to the top 'of the wall'snd then into the garden, but instedd of Igo at the flowers, lis eyes were 'hangeily on the figs. "L.wonder: if I might taste one?" | he asked. = "I'm Just from the east, and figs are pew to me." The old lady smiled. She 'was not deceived. From- many: another she hid Bedrd Just such a tale. "Figs go well with sugar and cream she . remar "Strangers to them: have to learn their peculiarities." "Oh!" the boy exclaimed: and 'his look brought the old lady to her feet and started 'her to the house. Presently she returned with a tray, looking perturbed. "The cook was not in," she explained, "so I helped myself." . Wien the boy had satisfied himself he looked at her curiously. "Maybe it will 'get 'you into trouble?" he asked. "Jane, my 'datighter, would not care, but--" The halting voice came to. a standstill, the.troubled. old. face turned Trom him, and for a long time there was silence. "You live with your daughter?" "And son-in-law. This is your howe. Fine, isn't it?" Into the boy's eyes there suddenly crept a shrewd look. "Is 'ste good to you?" ' "Jane? Oh, yes. She had this garden made forme. Whats yous name?" " 'Boy' is 48 s: good as anything, t the Jad finally sald. "You--you mentioned your--Mo- ther." "She died," presently added, 'her." A long sigh quivered from the ol lady's lips. "It's so with So Daan children," she murmuréd, "but 1 think you can't have béen very 'badg Maybe just a little thoughtless, "Hoy. A mother wouldn't that. i The boy flushed. "What nigkes you say that? What do yOu tlink T'was not' bad?" he de iE ike ta She smiled brightly. think it. And then, I fancy, I read boys. 1 love og § boy," she ended in a half 'Whisper. There were voices close tp. the gar- den, and the boy rose. "'Good-by. thank you," he said, and with a bound was over the wall. A"small kage lay on the seat, and pres- ently the old lady, proffered. it. "No tne ean objget," she 'smiled' at Wim. "It is what otherwise I would have eaten. So it is'mine, my very own." "Crullers!" he cried joyfully. "My weakness! And you saved them the boy said, "and "I wasn't good to self?" After that.We came' earlier and al ways'almost on the stroke of 1. A little package always was waiting for him, and each day he seemed hung- rier and his clothes shabbier. "Some days, now, 1 shall wot be able to come at this time," she told him, "but PII" try to' tive' 'the pack- age for you. Will you miss me?" The wistful, longing old eyes were onhis face, but the boy seemed un- [AWare of them. His gaze roved over her costly ¢lothing, and finally jfestéd on her hands. Reaching over, he took one of them ad lifted it, It was soft' and as pink palmed as a bahy's. "Don't you ever work?" he asked. He had touched a sore spot, and she winced, 'drooping hopelessly "Not-now,' she said. "My daught- er doesn't wish-me to, "Time. was when-~ Te r thoughts 'went bagk 'Airough © years of 7 wi 'when Bik ly, 'on the 18 toward the}jforn be 'grieved "by ¢ for me instead of egting them your get one #0 you want't be | i be @ner any day Tan hese oo Oh, won't yours at the gld-pitoe do?" OSTRICH RAISING IN AMERIC A Ai : as made. in Alri into Cali- her yimpaortations followed and it hy A tHefe later importa ons: that brought into. this "North African or-Nubian bird, captured , in' the province of Nbia, North Africa. The majority of birds in this country. to-day are the result of these few importations of birds into Cali- fornia, and Consist almost wholly 'of the South African breed. Fite ostriches are no longer con-J fihed to one locality, but are rapidly spreading through the south, and gre betng successfully kept as far north at Pennsylvania. Ostrich farms are in California, Arizona, Texas, "Ar kansas, Florida and Pennsylvania. There are about tem farms that haye more than 100 birds each, five farms that have 'more than 400 bhirds each, and ome fafm 'that has faiore Sian 2,000" birds. In all there A about twenty- five farms in the feb States tat dre waking a busi ness 'of oftrich farming. The tatal aggregateyof birds on these twenty. evfaras amgunts tosabont 7,100, ot "Which 5,685 are ln Arizona. gine Opportunity Lots of fellows have overlooked an opportunity simply bécavse they Wére tho close to it. 'Don't be Hike 'the sick man who heard of the curative propérties of the 'waters at Karlsbad = &nd went there to take them. After he ar- rivéd he consulted a physician who carefully diagnosed his case and then told him that his particular ailment would respond better to 'the waters of a certain spring in Ameriea. "Whidh spring?" fiskéd the patient "One of the springs in Saratoga," re- plied the doctor. | "That's certainly tough!" said the sufferer, "I live in Albany. if 'you're made of the right stuff you'll find blenty of room to create [something "for yourself in the job yow've got; you can grow just as big there as you can in something of your own building. They say that opportunity kndcks onee at every man's door. 1 don't don't. know the-name of the scientist who managed to get such a fine line on the habits of opportunity; but if opportunity does announce itself, the ghandes are that. it misses many a door, and, in some cases, when it {does knock, I presume, "there's no- body at home." My impression is that opportunity las "a rule "doesn't knock at all--or very rarely. Opportunity consists of thinking, deing, having plenty of {Patience and perseverance] possess- e ability to size up a situa- iE rates ins th and Ba¥ing the nerve and will- direc! acne to dake advantage of it. 'e Switzer in Leslie's, i "Leeds Avan a "Makes £90,000. May '20-4 net surplus 0.004 hich will 80 to relieve has og made "by the Leeds Anjeingl eetric Tramways during the past fnancial year, The al Tecelpts were £427, 455, and the gross profits £201,072, Made Big Co Con New York, May 20 -5Jf is suid that the Standard, Oil Company has con- tractéd with the United States Steel corporation for 250,000 boxes of tin plate for second half delivery. ract. Bank Year Good One. Moytregh, 'May 20. ~The annual stutengnt of the Merchants Bank of Canada, 'which will be presented at the forthcoming meeting of the in- stitution's shareholders, will show net profits, after provision is made for all charges, rebates, interest on deposits, and bad and doubtful debts, of $1,218,604. This repre sents 'earnings of 17.4 per cent. on the '$7,000,000 vpaid-up capital. May Make Issue. Néw York, May 20.--Baltimore and Ohio directors may make an is- sue of $30,000,000 to meet the §$20,- 000,000 notes due July 1. The bal- ance to be used In the completion of improvements. .' Exports Fell Of. New ht 'Migy 20.~The princi al domestle exports from the United tates "ddring Yhe month of 'April Show. a felling 'off of $17,000,000 | from those of last year. "Toronto Papér Company. To¥bnto, May .20.--The profit and loss account of the Toronto Paper Manufacturing conipany for the year was $75,692, and dividends $50,625, the syrplus being $27,534, which Is carried forward, 'The éarnings on the capital stock represented about 6. per cent., as against. 141% per cent. for last year. Commenréial Notes. The probabilities ave for a bumper crop 'of applies in Nova Scotia. The Tucket Tobacco company, lim- ited, is calling for temders for {he construction of a new factory in Mon- treal. James Wood, elected to the board of Goodwins limited, Montréal, was former manager of the Robert Simp- §0n company, Toronto. Windsor hotel has resumed -divi- dénds 'on' the tock of the company, with a dutlgriftion of 215 per cent. for the half-yéa Standard" on of Kansas declares regular quarterly 'dividend of' $3, but omits eXtra. . The ike Superior Corporation and subsidiary companies report net earnings Tor the nine months ended March 31 at'$1,633,934, an inarease of7$20,800 over fle same, period last 'year. Stockholders of the Granby Con- solidated Mining company, at the an- nial meeting, approved a 'plan of the rectors to borrow. $3,000,000 on ghort-term motes. Thé ~ Northern Trusts company, g director, yn 7 to t . eS RE been i stock 'Rik Horticageman rug Stores, Limited min: Fporated, with-$10, The oF and L Fil do business in Toronto. ¥ RAILROADS IN SOUDAN Over 1,500 Milés Complete edit Nity is Modern Thére are figw 1,500 miles of rails road in the "Soudan. Through the completion of the line from Wadi Halla, in the north through thedes- ert of Khartum, a ce of 580 foftes, ard the establ ent of com- Yortable express. Nile between Shellil, oh. the southern boitndary: of pt, Ae Wadi Haifa, e to make the jour- t is now, &y from gin to hiartym | in a 0 apd a haif to tén with a population of 2 000, is centre of both fhe official and om mercial life of the Soudan, containing the palace 'of the governor-general, the vesiddnces 'of many high officials and {He central administration build- mgs. The city 1s laid ont on 'modern lines, with 'broad avenues and streets and has 'electric Hghis and a good whter 'Sy#téem. 'The Soudan is the éhief source of the world's supply of two important products, gum arabic add 'fvory, says the San Francisco Argonaut. Formerly the ivory Bath- ered In the far south was shipped through British East Afriéa, but the development of the Soudan has tarn- ad fhe tride to the north. An Ohgervant Child The 'tram-car was crowded, and he occupants: were listening with delighted Interest to the "high- toped'" conversation of two stylish- Iy-dressed ladies, one of whom was actonipapied by a very small boy. So0n' everyone around Knew, with- out asking that ope of the ladies had recently moved inta a "larger louse, farther 'wekt.' "Do you know, dear," she was saying; "we had such a dine time getting Into' order on the last ocea- sion we removed that this time 'we just Handed the house over fo (naming -a first-class firm of house fernishers), "and they did every- thing. * 'My husband and "went tour- mg on 'the continent until things were in order." : Here cotifidences were interrupted by "sonny'" shouting: "Oh, mummy, look!" "He is such an What is it?" she continued. "See," 'he Cried, pointing to a smart-looking individual on the pavement, "theré's. the man who comes every week for the firmitire money." +Leadon TitBits, Judge With a' Grouch There is a" judge in. a certain enstern city noted for his grouch. The 'most comical incident has no more &ffect upon his frown than upon a wooden Indian, But one day a lawyer,. who had tried in vain te make the judge laugh, walked intg court' and found the jurist doubled up 'with mirth. The lawyer 'hurried fo the colleagues to find the reason. "Dinner to the man responsible for that," he Said. "Who told the story?" Another lawyer drew a sheet of paper toward him and wrote the words: 'The judge." --Exchange, observant child. Unless you trespass yon will not know how much and the kitid of rub- bish there Is pr ehy other man's bck yard. . It is 'well to remember that in the limelight "vour virthes and vices show 'up with the same brightness. Fasite's 1 Furnitiire company, | ers on the AL BANK OF CA INCORPORATED 1809 $11,560,000 asunge0 Dy Having 370 Branches West Indies, this Bank ctions with conOy aad re oY NEW YORK AGENCY. ; a he » 298 80 rst 10 Yi 604 PC. Paticulars on Application. : The e sie cr ¢ y the reciriy we . 4 * Guuciteed: Investment" plan is a 48 ---- which als' 10 the Conservative mvestor, assures a most 8 ilactory interest ret, every six tisa pleasare'to fullest particulams to all enquiries ering 4 "hiiwinost désishble form of investivent, We accept sums of $300 and upwards, Write for sur Booklet, THE TORONTO GE convo TRUSTS CAPITAL $1.500,000,00 RESERVE $7,500,000.00 UNDER ADMINISTRATION $63,055,803.87 : KING GEORGE NAVY ve 45 honor RAYE Fu ISIN A CLASS BY ITSELF ! qh oe others m quality and favour ~whiely'st is miade differs from oto: 3 She Sweetand nonsiritating. '80LD 'EVERYWHERE: foc A PLUG Rock 'CITY 108ACCO Co., Wanifacticers, QUEBEC g. cols RA on Acts Tike 5 Charm in DIARRHOEA . and is (he only cites GHOLERA 0 DYSENTERY. Checks and armesis those too often fatal disenses-- mn FEVER. CROUP, AGUE. : ; Mert ins So RN SROmCRT cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. ¥ is RHEUMA